#guess what im watching lmao
transvampireboyfriend · 6 months
no no but wait.
Eddie who made it with Corroded Coffin and is this big rockstar that tours the world and he would NEVER let Wayne keep working at the plant.
He sets his uncle up with a ranch all of his own, makes sure his account is padded enough to pay for staff so he only does what he wants to do. the kids LOVE visiting, they love the animals and the vegetable patches and the bees and they all help out. the ranch is all of their summer jobs.
One thing leads to another and it turns out Steve is remarkably good with animals, and Robin gets it in her head for them both to study to be vets. So they do, the years pass they graduate and work and live full time at Wayne's ranch. Technically in Eddie's payroll but they almost never see him. He calls a lot though, and Wayne's over the moon when he does.
Cue one Christmas, when the planets align and Eddie is coming home! to find Steve and Robin have gone full cowboy vets and they're thick as thieves with Wayne. They show him around, Eddie's super jealous of them. Plus he sucks at farm stuff, he's a rockstar! Guess what happens next
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thedogeveryonehates · 6 months
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im so normal about it
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twiyke · 4 months
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just troll with it au. because riptide killed my theythemma okay.
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httpiastri · 2 months
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are we not FREAKING OUT rn??????
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artsycooky13 · 1 year
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rapidhighway · 6 months
hey i might be controversial but im not really feeling the 12th doctor so far
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todayisafridaynight · 9 months
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hear me out on this one
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kaeyachi · 1 year
We have so many Alberich clansmen straightup mentioned in gamefiles, 3/5 have been shown (Clothar, Caribert, and Kaeya as the only playable alberich) while the 2/5 (Antforas and Kaeya's bio father, unsure if 2 diff people yet) are mentioned, and then there's Pierro who might also be an Alberich just based on similarities with Kaeya's design.
that's a lot of notable Alberich clansmen with heavy lore impact right there. What did they feed this clan?
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jacqcrisis · 3 months
So Ronan the dragonborn cleric has his journal and a habit of drawing. Alongside his dry recounts of the day, the more spicy prose written in draconic that frustrates his nosey companions, and simplistic stick figure diagrams of action he can't draw properly, are more detailed sketches. These sketches are generally reserved for animals or plants, especially flowers, he happens across and enjoys, jotted down to the best of memory alongside the words written about the days events.
But between those, every now and then, are drawings of people, most notably people he finds important in some way. These sketches aren't hyper realistic or artful as his capabilities are amateur at best, but they are detailed and good enough you would recognize who they were depicting. He's not trying to become a master of the art, but just good enough that he can have a visual reminder of someone if they should leave him or pass away.
Sometime during Act 2, after the conversation with the mirror about Astarion not remembering what he looks like but before he confesses to feeling something more, Ronan notices his journal is missing. Again. It happens often enough that he's not worried, but he would like it back so he does the rounds around camp to see which sticky-fingered companion took it tonight.
After checking with nearly everyone save Wyll, Ronan finds Astarion a little ways away from everyone, sat near a torch and hunched over conspicuously. Upon silently walking up to him, standing just behind him, Ronan waits just a few moments until his presence is felt. Predictably, Astarion jumps to his feet, hand going for a dagger with the journal clutched to his chest as he whips around to face his would be assailant.
Of course, it's just Ronan and Astarion sighs in a melodramatic relief, commenting that they should perhaps bell the dragonborn when he isn't in his horrendously loud armor. Ronan grunts, holding out a hand expectantly and what follows is a rather typical back and forth as Astarion teasingly mentions all the 'dirty little secrets' he's supposedly gleaned from the journal while Ronan steadfastly asks for the damn thing back as he'd like to make an entry and get to sleep. But something's off, as usually after a minute or two the leather bound book is halfway into Ronan's hand, being pulled away a time or two, yet Astarion is keeping it close to himself, as if reluctant to give it back.
Ronan notices, interrupts Astarion in midst of being complained at over his assessment of the rogue's battle performance to ask if everything is alright. For a moment, Astarion says yes, of course, well as good as he can be starving and exhausted in the middle of this godforsaken place but-
And he stops, chewing on his lip, troubled as he opens the journal again to flip to the page he'd had his thumb wormed into this whole time. He touches his face and Ronan can feel what's coming before Astarion opens his mouth to ask if the person on the page is him. He doesn't even need to see the sketch Astarion shows him; there's a lot of the elf drawn in that journal.
Ronan nods and then immediately mutters something akin to an apology that his artistic talent is lacking, receiving a joke about how Astarion certainly wouldn't hang anything he's drawn by his bedroll that trails off. Then he's silent for a moment, taking the journal back to stare down at the page before he supposes it's the best he'll get. It's a want for a way to help that strikes Ronan as he watches, struggling with what to say and wishing he had some way to alleviate that grief, to show him-
But there is a way to show him, isn't there?
It takes some convincing and a promise to not probe into Astarion's thoughts, but eventually a reluctant vampire is standing illuminated in a holy daylight summoned eagerly for just the occasion. He's instructed to close his eyes as Ronan crouches down to get the best view he can and takes Astarion's hand to press his palm to a scaley temple. The connection is immediate, Astarion's sight filled with a clear picture of himself, of a face he hasn't seen in centuries mirrored perfectly through Ronan's steady and concentrated gaze.
He's given as much time as he needs, Ronan seemingly happy to stare at him as he takes it all in. There's something filtering through the cleric's ironclad concentration, made only more apparent at every observation and joke Astarion makes while refamiliarizing himself with himself. Words and phrases pop into mind, squashed before they complete like the sound of them being thrust underwater to muffle and become incoherent.
Comments about his features, about his voice, about the hand still curled against Ronan's temple, about how close they are. Noachi, that draconic nickname Ronan's given him that he still has no idea the meaning of, thought less like a word and more like a fond prayer floating through as Ronan chuckles at some quip Astarion makes about not remembering his chin being like that. But there's another thing that Ronan can't seem to stop coloring his perception and his thoughts.
It's not a word or a phrase or even a picture. Merely a feeling, a warmth, deep and radiating, growing stronger and stronger the longer Ronan is staring at Astarion. So much so, it colors the picture he's presenting as a glow emanates around Astarion that has nothing to do with the magical daylight or the nearby torch or anything about himself, as if that warmth Ronan is feeling is warping his very sight.
And it's a feeling that Astarion recognizes, has tried not to recognize for a little while now, ignoring and writing it off and burying it at every turn. A feeling that answers back within him and that shakes him. Frightens him enough, he takes his hand away, opens his eyes to break the connection.
Astarion thanks him, kind of, inbetween commenting that he hopes Ronan is happy he's probably satisfied his need to stare at Astarion for the evening before actually saying something that amounts to gratitude. It gets him another chuckle, and Ronan bows his head with a little smile, telling him 'anytime, noachi' before leaving Astarion alone. The daylight fades away to nothing and Astarion is left by the torch, watching Ronan take his journal to the rest of the rest of camp as he touches his face, lost in thought.
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cobaltfluff · 4 months
me, who has not seen aladdin: damn utsumi is cooking so good I can't wait to see whether my predictions for the second half will be right
everyone else and their genie:
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monocrowee · 4 months
so last night i was drawing a certain vtuber and um decided to check twitter to see how the nijisanji situation was doing
anyways scrapped that im drawing cyyu and maybe dokibird instead plus i got some star rail sketches im working on
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elegyofthemoon · 6 months
wait actually this one post makes a good point i wish there was actually tags to separate between hsr and hi3 bronseele and on that note actually any of the overlapping characters alskdjfha but the search engine sucks ass on this website so you'll always have overlap either way i think :I
#LIKE !!!!! OK!!!!!! I DO REALLY LIKE BRONSEELE!!!!! BUT ALSO!!!!!! I LIKE HI3 BRONSEELE AND WISH TO LOOK AT STUFF FOR THEM NOT HSR!!!!!!!!!#whhhh i was running into the same problem with cocolia before too T _ T#and its fINE because i saw some servalia while doing so but whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh T _ T come onnnnnnnnnn i just wanna look at hi3 stuuuuuuffff#ok maybe this is also like. the worlds sign for me to STOP JUMPING INTO THE TAGS INSTEAD OF PLAYING THE GAME AND STOP SPOILING YOURSELF#but T _ T#i could also just go bother my friends as well about hi3 but i also dont wanna be a bother#... so i decide to. bother? everyone???? by posting????#illogical.#IT IS DISTRIBUTED ANNOYANCE#anyways point is: i like bronseele's dynamic a lot in hi3#it actually made me appreciate the bronseele dynamic more in hsr bc i can see where it takes inspiration from#though i feel that the dynamic got switched around for hsr bronseele#but ill spare talking about that LAKSJDFALKSH#snow plays hi3#i /guess/ im starting a tag on that its fine lmao#anyways if anyones interested i have plans to finish ch 11 and 11 ex tonight.#'but snow thats like 3 hours long and its near bed time' listen i am on a mission. the only thing stopping me right now is the fact that#i told myself i should finish reviewing (but am Very distracted)#and the fact that the game Also is like 'girl you need to STOP YOURE OUT OF STAMINA'#watch me down all these energy drinks (idk what they are) THEN TELL ME I NEED TO STOP#besides i had a pretty good day re: studying today and ive been doing good with my questions ^u^#so im bout to beat the holy shit out of this exam. whether the exam likes it or not i Will Eviscerate You.#that and i need to recuperate because I was burned out pretty bad today but when i came back from getting lost (wandering around) for like#hours i did fine so weehee#break day and then we'll be in the long haul till tuesday myeheh
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toytulini · 1 year
act annoying on this post and ill block you ♡
everyone accusing black sails fans of Being Rude In The Notes owes me $10 for making me look in the notes (like. What. WHERE) and $10 more for subsequently making me witness the Stede fans also being unhinged petty assholes but it doesnt count when they do it, i guess?
at this point im saltier about Black Sails fans being repeatedly being called assholes but ofmd fans Not being called out for probably the same behavior or worse? and with what feels like very little. evidence? god damn
#toy txt post#pirate poll#if you reply to this post you are in danger of being blocked and ignored#note: after having looked in the notes at what yall are calling mean and cunty amd asshole behavior from flint stans#i would like to add a disclaimer that none of you literally owe me $10 its a silly fucking thing im saying online that means nothing#lest ppl decide to add exortion to the list of crimes we're accusing flint stans of out of ? little to no basis#ftr im a flint voter but i also like stede and ofmd bc im starved for gay pirate shows. these shows are holding hands. these#shows are having a conversation and all of your being dumb in the notes about either one of them owe me and the#poll runner $10 each. again. not a literal statement unless u like. really want to i guess? lmao#i have issue w all yall. those of u voting flint cos stede took a pardon and irl stede bonnet was a slaveowner#are voting for the correct choice for entirely wrong reasons#its not irl stede on the vote its ofmd stede. flint has said his crew has sold more slaves than theyve freed#and the pardon........ill get into that tomorrow#the ppl hating stede for abandoning mary are hilarious to me sorry. he abandoned her and then she was like. finally thriving#the ppl hating flint for being edgy.....specifically that person admitting they didnt even watch past the first episode...#im glad u are not in the fandom i dont think we'd get along lol#u think flints bad for being edgy........whew#to the person who hasnt seen either show but voted flint bc he seemed more chill: you are the funniest person on this earth and i love you#that man is the least chill a man has ever been#and only finally seems chill by comparison when its Silver's turn to go off the rails and then its like not even for very long#hes the least chill there is and hes valid#anyway. one fear: thousands of salty ofmd fans hatevoting flint into oblivion into the next round#if you do that or are planning to do that. i hate you and you are extremely annoying#god he really is vriska. god forbid gay pirate women do anything 🙄#they h8te to see a 8ad 8itch winning
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wicked-west-cats · 12 days
If you're going to say you're morally reprehensible, could you clarify a little bit? I'm not saying this to be mean or to accuse you of anything, but I'd like to know if I'm following someone that I don't agree with or want to be associated with.
lmao youre all good and its in jest to certain people ive seen here and on twitter over the years - this is a very pro fictional space and i like that its a safe way for people to process, push, or explore scenarios or dynamics (which apparently is something people get angry about hence the joke, im poking fun both at myself and at others hence the 'dead dove do not eat' reference i made in the tags)
for anyone wondering what that means in terms of the characters here: anything "controversial" would be things potentially already found in the books for backstory purposes
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raksh-writes · 27 days
Oh my god, I just got hit with Such a hardcore urge to do a fresh reinstall of Skyrim and rebuild my mod list from the ground up that it's making it Impossible to focus on anything else and I was supposed to be writing a paper for one of my uni classes today, like why, brain??? Why NOW??? 😭😭
Feels like Im not gonna be able to get my hands on anything else until I do it and it might as well take the whole day ahhhhowpghhiulaergnilaengnalg the fuck is this, help 😭😭
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microfeelings · 4 months
I finished reading Dungeon Meshi in a week...
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