#groupe en marche
fitnessmith · 3 days
Les 9 bienfaits inattendus de la marche quotidienne pour votre santé
Les 9 bienfaits inattendus de la marche quotidienne pour votre santé. On en parle aujourd'hui dans mon nouvel article, dispo en bio @fitnessmith ou sur mon site. #marche #santé #bienêtre #fitness #activitephysique
Connaissez-vous les 9 avantages santé de la marche ? La marche quotidienne est à la mode et il faut s’en réjouir. Tout le monde sait aujourd’hui que les 10 000 pas par jour ont été suggérés par un vendeur de podomètres. Il n’y avait rien de scientifique, seulement un bon discourt de vente. Malgré tout, marcher 10 000 pas, c’est mieux que de rester dans son canapé à attendre l’arrivée du diabète…
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timesofocean · 2 years
Macron's alliance may not win majority in 1st round of French general elections
New Post has been published on https://www.timesofocean.com/macrons-alliance-may-not-win-majority-in-1st-round-of-french-general-elections/
Macron's alliance may not win majority in 1st round of French general elections
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Paris (The Times Groupe)- Following the first round of France’s general elections, exit polls indicate that French President Emmanuel Macron’s Ensemble (Together) may not win a majority in the National Assembly.
Exit polls by polling firm Ipsos-Sopra Steria as of 8:00 p.m. local time (1800GMT) showed that the Ensemble alliance could get between 255 and 295 deputies in the 577-seat National Assembly in the first round.
Macron’s La République En Marche! (LREM) party formed an alliance called Ensemble together with the Horizons and MoDem parties.
The left-wing parties – the Socialists, Greens, Communists, and France Unbowed – formed an alliance dubbed Nupes with the aim of winning an absolute majority of 289 seats and appointing Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the leader of France Unbowed, as premier – could have between 150 and 190 lawmakers.
Nupes stands for Nouvelle Union Populaire Écologique et Sociale and challenges Macron’s centrist Ensemble alliance.
The number of deputies representing various right-wing parties in parliament, including the Republican Party (LR) and the Union of Democrats and Independents (UDI), would range from 50 to 80, and the far-right National Rally (RN) party could receive 20 to 45.
According to Ipsos-Sopra Steria, 52.3% of voters did not cast
The ensemble alliance is expected to get 275-310 seats in parliament, while Nupes is predicted to get 180-210 seats, according to an Ifop-Fiducial poll.
According to Ifop-Fiducial, the total number of deputies of right-wing parties, including LR and UDI, is 40-60, while RN is expected to receive 5-25 deputies.
Far-right candidate Marine Le Pen won 53.96% of the vote in Pas-de-Calais’ 11th district on Sunday, putting her in a strong position to win the second round next Sunday, where she faces Nupes candidate Marine Tondelier.
In the first round of the general elections, Eric Zemmour, another far-right candidate, was eliminated.
Macron needs an absolute majority in the general election in order to fulfill his election promises and form the government. french
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
-Runs back into the room from having been wrapped up in the Sub Shitshow- context PLEASE on what’s up with Putin!?
Lol okay buckle up:
Yevgeny Prighozin is (well, as of now) one of Putin's closest allies. He is Putin's former chef and now the CEO of Wagner Group, the Russian private army of mercenaries who have spent a decade plundering Africa and destroying Syria in the employ of various terrible local dictators. Since the invasion of Ukraine, Wagner has become one of the Russian army's mainstays, mostly because they're the only ones who seem able to actually do anything. Of course, it did still take them nine months to take Bakhmut, Ukraine's *checks notes* 53rd largest city with very little strategic value, but given what a shitshow the regular Russian army has been, that's good. Or something.
The Russian army is mostly good at destroying dams and bombing civilians, which are obviously terrible for many reasons, but not that useful in the military scheme of things.
However, Wagner are also -- I hasten to stress -- thoroughly terrible people. Aside from all the shit in Africa and Syria, they've done likewise in Ukraine and will continue to do so. Legally speaking, they technically "don't exist," which has allowed them to get around a lot of the usual rules and regulations that are supposed to "bind" (ha) the Russian army. They are obviously in Ukraine directly at Putin's behest and doing Putin's bidding, but it turns out that giving an ambitious and amoral psychopathic warlord his own private army of criminals, rapists, killers, and whoever else they can dredge out of Russia's prisons to throw at the front line and die en masse may not be a good idea?
Shocking, I know.
Anyway, Prigozhin has spent months ripping into the Russian Minister of Defense, Sergei Shoigu, for what a whole shitshow clusterfuck this whole stupid war patently is. (Not, however, that this has stopped him from continuing to eagerly carry it out, since he's just as much or indeed even more of a zealot as the rest of Putin's government.) This has included blaming Shoigu for equipment losses, underprovisioning of Wagner troops, general strategic numbnuttery, etc. Prigozhin has not, however -- again, until now -- attacked Putin directly, or backed off from getting his losers killed in Bakhmut and/or wherever else. One suspects that Putin has been perfectly happy to let Prigozhin scapegoat Shoigu for the war's failures, since this means Shoigu can always just conveniently fall out a window or something if it gets too necessary to make a public show of displeasure, and not Putin.
HOWEVER, things took a turn VERY FAST today, within about 12 hours. Prigozhin has, as noted, spent months tearing the Russian military leadership a new asshole -- not because he's a good guy (he's a fucking war criminal on like, 10 different levels), but because it is plainly obvious what a shitshow this is and even a war criminal has his limits as to how much totally pointless murderous bullshit he wants to go through, I guess. (That includes telling the truth about why the war started -- i.e. to steal Ukrainian stuff/land for the oligarchs, and not any of Putin's other stupid excuses.)
Today (June 23) Prigozhin accused the Russian Ministry of Defense of orchestrating a rocket attack on Wagner's camp in eastern Ukraine (near the Russian border) and causing massive casualties;
We don't have proof of this yet, or indeed much else of what Prigozhin is talking about, BUT he finally decided to put his Coup Hat On and get serious about "punishing" Russian military leadership, i.e. presumably Shoigu, declaring that "there are 25,000 of us [Wagner soldiers] and we're coming into Russia to sort out this chaos"
So -- again, according to Prigozhin, who is not the world's most reliable source on anything -- he turned his army of yoinks around, left Ukraine, and marched into the southwestern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don, where the Russian military command in charge of the assault on Ukraine is headquartered;
For a while, there was nothing but Prigozhin's various unhinged rants on Telegram to prove any of this, but it's now early tomorrow morning in Russia and there are indeed a lot of videos of what DOES IN FACT LOOK like Wagner mercenaries rolling into Rostov and storming Ministry of Defense buildings;
Firm information on what is going on is almost nonexistent, even for Russia, but Putin is clearly taking this seriously; Moscow is shut down, there are armored vehicles on the streets, Google is down in Russia, and Russian newscasters are interrupting their broadcasts to insist Don't Look, Everything Is Fine Here, Totally Fine, Do You Hear Swan Lake? I Don't Hear Swan Lake!
Nobody can find Putin either, allegedly, but don't worry! He has been "briefed on the situation and everything is under control!"
The Russian FSB (successor to the KGB) has meanwhile issued a warrant for Prigozhin's arrest, said they'll charge/prosecute him for treason and armed rebellion against the state, and ordered him to stand down/his own men to arrest him
This, uh, does not appear to be working
ANYWAY, Putin's basically fucked no matter how this ends. Wagner literally just led an armed mutiny, he can't feel good about sending his ex-bestie Prigozhin back to Ukraine with any confidence that his orders will continue to be obeyed, it's Russian-on-Russian open war in the streets of Rostov and God knows where else, he's totally lost control of the narrative, the war, the domestic political situation, Wagner, probably good chunks of the Russian military command/elite establishment, etc., and we all know what happens to dictators in Russia who can no longer dictate
(And yet the Russian army is still finding time to lob some missiles at civilian buildings in Kyiv tonight, because they suck).
This is obviously a huge lucky break for Ukraine as well, since if the Russians are busy fighting each other, they can continue to push for a big breakthrough on their counteroffensive.
So yeah. Pride Month really wheeling out the big guns here, after Putin was the top option picked for Lady Karma to do her thing on in my poll a few weeks ago.
Stay tuned.
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gothhabiba · 4 months
Every day I do this research, another new facet of how Israel and Zionists use food to whitewash Israeli atrocities and theft comes to light.
In 2018 or 2019, Herb Karlitz* organised a trip to Israel specifically for celebrity chefs (which he called a "Birthright" trip), presumably intending to get as many eyes as possible on food writing that presented Israel in a positive light, free from all the "politics" and "arguments" ("politics" such as, viewing military and settler theft, murder, genocide &c. as bad, or viewing Palestinians as people).
His motivation was explicitly Zionist in nature:
When culinary event marketer Herb Karlitz visited Israel in 2018, he was blown away by the food scene, and how it had changed from his first trip, more than 20 years before. “I had left schnitzled out and underwhelmed by the lack of variety in dishes,” he confessed. “After eating the most amazing food this last time and seeing the difference the country has undergone in terms of ingredients and technique, I was convinced Israel’s food story had to be told.“ [sic] Herb decided he would go back with a group of his friends, who happen to be the country’s most celebrated chefs and culinary influencers. The trip was dubbed “Celebrity Chef Birthright.” [emphasis mine]
During this same time period, Palestinians who were walking along border fences and walls in the Great March of Return were killed and disabled en masse. Per OCHA:
Between 30 March 2018 and 22 March 2019, 195 Palestinians, including 41 children, were killed by Israeli forces in the “Great March of Return” demonstrations, including during the weekly protests near the perimeter fence, protests against the naval blockade at the beach, and the night activities near the perimeter fence. 28,939 Palestinians were injured, including 25 per cent wounded by live ammunition in these GMR demonstrations.
People chide "Arabs" and Palestinians who get angry at hummus bi tahina and falafel being deemed "Israeli" foods as though they are being divisive, silly, or upset over nothing; or as though they are literally contesting the ownership of a specific dish, because they're too stupid to understand how cultural diffusion works (liberal Zionist academics in particular love to take this latter tack).
It couldn't be more obvious that what is actually being responded to is this exact Zionist strategy, where aspects of culture are presented as "Israeli" specifically in order to present Israel in a particular way: as cultured, pluralistic, peaceful, colourful, beautiful, storied / with a history connected to the land, with a particular culture that is its own entity and exists nowhere else.
Food is used in an extremely political way, to "cover up" Israeli atrocities (as Eurovision has been used to do). But this is such a useful strategy because it doesn't seem, to the unpracticed eye, to be political at all! It's just food! Eurovision is just music! So people (especially Arabs and Palestinians) who object are the ones bringing politics and conflict into a situation that, itself, has none. Nevermind the fact that hop-skipping over checkpoints that Palestinians are not allowed to pass, in fact, reeks of politics, divisiveness, and sectarianism.
*U.S.-based entrepreneur who markets "experiences," organises events centred around "celebrity chefs," and has been credited with creating the concept and terminology of a "celebrity chef," though who knows if that's true
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mapileonxputellas · 1 year
Spanish or Dating? (Ona Batlle x Reader)
Sorry for the long break but updates will be a lot more frequent now. In honour of the Leila and Ona photo from this weekend which had everyone freaking out even though Leila had someone else there. Note: translations are at the bottom (google translate before my Spanish wrong) Feel free to send in your requests. 3k words x
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Spanish or dating? That age old question.
Sometimes it can be one or the other, sometimes it can be both. In this case your nationality was known, the both of you were Spanish and there was no hiding that. Your relationship on the other hand was something you’d never felt the need to make a statement about, not to mention how amusing it was to the both of you that no-one had figured it out yet. Family and close friends from back home knew but no-one else.
You weren’t exactly hiding it, you regularly posted photos of each other cuddling or quite close but your nationality stereotype meant no-one ever connected the dots. Not the fans or your teammates.
The both of you moved over to Manchester in 2020, however your alliances spread to different sides of the city. Ona moving to Manchester United from Levante and you making the move to City from Barcelona where you had been an up-and-coming prospect in need of game time after two years with the Spanish giants.
The two of you already knew each other from the national team however your times in Barcelona did not overlap. You started off as roommates, turned friends, turned best friends, turned girlfriends.
It was March 2020 when you both separated to go back and spend the pandemic with your families in Spain it became clear how much you really did mean to each other and when you both moved back to start the new season you made the first move. Nearly three years later you were stronger than ever.
Of course it helped that Deyna, Leila and Laia were also in Manchester now and it was no longer always just the two of you hanging out all the time but still very few rumours circled around you both.
“Where’s Y/N?” It felt like your flat was never empty, both of your teammates were regulars at your flat and this time it was the united players spread around your living room with Ona.
“She’s gone shopping after training.” Ona answered Ella’s question as the two of them along with Alessia and Millie spread out on the sofas after their own session. “She should be back soon.”
“Do you think she’d mind if we ordered pizza?”
“You know she would.” Whereas United had just come from a win at Old Trafford you had a late night training session preparing for your game against Arsenal tomorrow. Any other day you would be up for it but tonight you told the girls you would cook for them when you got back.
Out of the two of you, you were definitely the stricter one and whereas Ona was seen by fans as almost this ball of fluff, you were almost the complete opposite. Slightly intimidating when you needed, always tense on the pitch to be but around your friends you were just like Ona.
“Cariño estoy en casa” You shouted as you opened the door to your flat.
“The girls are already here, we’re in the lounge.” Ona replied.
“Hi Y/N.” Ella also shouted.
“Hi Ella. Hi girls.” You got a replies back from the rest of the group as you stuck your training gear in the corner and quickly nipped into your shared room to change into some sweats, otherwise known as Ona’s sweats.
The empty spare room, which people presumed was your room holding your summer clothes as the wardrobe you shared in your room was a free for all of both your winter clothes.
Before you then joined them in the living room, a smile on your face as you took in Ona in your clothes. “Good game?”
“A great game if you can beat Arsenal tomorrow.” Alessia answered.
“I mean we’ll try but not for you.” You said before moving to stand behind Ona, bending down to press a kiss to her cheek as your hands found cradled her chin. “Gran victoria mi pequeña superestrella”
“Gracias, ¿cómo estuvo tu día, querido?” She said pressing a kiss to your own cheek as she looked up at you.
“Buena, now who’s ready for some chicken pasta?” Even though you would consider yourself a good cook that was your signature dish, a creamy chicken pasta which everyone seemed to love and seemed appropriate both pre and post-match.
“You know Y/N if you don’t find someone soon I’ll marry you.” Alessia commented.
“Very funny,” Ona dry laughed before jumping out of her seat and wrapping her arms around your waist as you hugged her back, her lips again finding your cheek.. “She’s mine.”
“All yours, now come on.”
It was moments like this, moments that happened often, that for anyone else might spark rumours but no-one in the room batted an eyelid.
You were just Spanish.
“I didn’t know Ona was coming today.” Leila asked Y/N as they sat in the changing room the next afternoon at half time, having heard rumours of a certain Spaniard in the crowd.
“Yeah she mentioned she would come. Check out the composition.” You said tying your boots once again. “I think Ella was coming with her.”
“Did you see her before you left this morning?”
“I did.” I mean it would be hard not to when you woke up in her arms every morning. “She made me a coffee.”
“God you two are like a little old married couple.”
“Shut up.”
It wasn’t exactly uncommon either to attend matches other than your own and that’s how Ella and Ona found themselves at the Academy stadium the next morning watching City beating Arsenal  in the second half. With a two goal cushion the game was fairly safe with only ten minutes left and with that Ella’s attention turned to the Spaniard.
“I heard someone in training today say they were going to ask you about Y/N…. see if she’s single.”
“Did you?” She kept a straight face going between the actual game and the game on her phone.
“Would you mind? See if she’s up for going on a date.”
“Ask her yourself.”
“You know I saw something interesting yesterday, I don’t snoop and I wasn’t like looking but Y/N said I could borrow her nail file and I went to go and get it but then I kind of saw the photo.”
“What photo?”
“The photo on your bedside table…. The one of you kissing.”
“Well I guess you did need a little help working it out” Ona knew you wouldn’t be angry about your secret unravelling and she wasn’t either. “Surprise.”
“What the fuck? You’re actually dating, like actually dating.”
“Like actually dating.” Ona imitated the confused English woman.
“For how long.”
“Nearly three years now.”
“Shut up, you’re lying.”
“I’m not.”
“So all that time, you weren’t just being overly friendly with her.”
“You’re so smart Ella, well done.”
“Shut up, I actually can’t believe this.”
One almost wished she had lied and made an excuse about the photo when Ella then wouldn’t stop asking questions about her relationship for the rest of the match. When the final whistle rang the two of them stayed up in the stands until the majority of the crowd had left and the two of them could make their way down to the city girls.
“Hey girls.” You came over all sweaty from playing the full ninety minutes in the midfield giving Ella a quick hug before wrapping your arms around Ona. You would have stayed there much longer had it not been for Laia and Leila coming over to greet their Spanish teammate before moving over to the rest of the lingering crowd. “Starting to worry about us?”
“No way.” Ona answered, wrapping her arms around you once again to whisper in your ear. “Ella knows.”
“Ella knows what?” You questioned the midfielder.
“That you two have been sneaking around, behind our backs.” She pouted. “I can’t believe I missed all the signs, it was so obvious.”
“You’re telling me, I mean the only thing you didn’t do is walk in on us.”
“I’m never walking into your flat unannounced again.”
“Yeah, don’t do that.” The smirk you and Ona shared reminded you of that moment less than a year ago when your secret was nearly unveiled.
“Ona! Y/N! I’ve brought donuts.”
That was the last thing you wanted to hear in that moment, Leila’s voice resounding around the flat. She made the move to Manchester less than a week ago and you were really here only friends in the city.
The problem was that yourself and Ona had been celebrating your second anniversary which fell in the midweek and one thing had led to another causing you both to be left naked in your bed at not even 8 o’clock.
“Where are you both?” That made you realise that not only was Leila in your flat you could hear her footsteps and it wouldn’t be too long before she reached your door.
“Don’t come in.” Ona shouted to her, scrambling out of the bed and tugging the nearest clothes on “We’re in here, I’m just getting changed and Y/N’s in the bathroom.”
“Why did you say that?” You whispered.
“I panicked, what was I meant to say ‘oh sorry we were in bed together’.”
“Why is she not in her own bathroom?” Leila’s voice came again.
“Erm, the shower broke. She had to borrow mine.” Thankfully Ona made that up on the spot but it still wasn’t convincing.
“Okay.” Leila didn’t sound convinced but let it go. “I’ll be in the living room, I’ve got donuts.”
“Thanks Leila.” Ona said, pulling you back into her. “I can’t believe she chose now to turn up.”
“Get some clothes on.” You ordered, pressing a kiss to her pouting lips. “I guess I better dampen my hair a bit.”
@Y/Nfan1: Saw Y/N and Ona at the match cuddling today after the match. We love our Spanish besties.
To Ella’s credit she never said a word about what she knew, well at least to your knowledge.
The first time the fans had even the slightest inkling that something more could be going on and clocked onto your previous moments together was at Leila’s birthday.
You couldn’t arrive with Leila as you promised Ellie and Alex you would get ready with them but that just meant you had the joy of watching her reaction as you arrived. You would be lying if you said you hadn’t clocked her immediately, your white suit that she had obviously borrowed took your breath away as her eyes trailed on your figure in just a black wrap dress.
“Hola.” You greeted Laia, Deyna and Leila who were also at her end of the table, a seat spare between Ona and Laia. “You all look stunning.”
“Not as stunning as you, mi hermosa.” Leila said, wrapping her arms around you as you sat down, Ona’s arm immediately coming to rest on the top of your chair, her fingertips lightly dragging over your exposed collarbone. “Maybe we can find you a girl tonight.”
You didn’t have to look at Ona to say she would be pissed off by that comment, a little scowl forming on her face but the indicator was the hand which came to grip your thigh underneath the silk material of your dress. “No way, tonight is all about you Miss Ouahabi.”
Thankfully someone else distracted you and that left you free to speak to the girl to your left.
“You look incredible tonight mi vida.” You whispered in her ear, noticing the glass of wine already in front of you. “Is this for me?”
“All for you, just like you’re mine later.” She whispered back discreetly, squeezing your thigh. “I can’t believe you’ve got me hanging out with the enemy.”
“We hang out with them all the time and I’m always with your teammates.”
“Yeah but not like the full time, we haven’t done that in a long time.”
“Well we’ll all be together next week.” Next week it was your birthday and you were having a little soiree, you wouldn’t call it a party as you didn’t want your flat to be trashed but teammates from both sides of Manchester were being invited.
One thing you love and hated about Leila was that girl knew how to party. Loved because she knew how to have a good time and therefore you were able to let loose for the night having beat Chelsea earlier in the day. Hated because that left you and Ona very tipsy and therefore boundaries you usually had were smashed into smithereens.
“Let me take a photo.” Leila said just as you were about to suggest maybe it was time to go home and stop drinking before you were at risk of throwing up. “My senoritas.”
You had to make room to all fit in the photo frame and that meant squashing up so you were half on Ona’s chair, almost on her lap as your arm wrapped around her waist. That move left yours and Ona’s lips barely inches away from each other and as you looked her in the eye all you could think about was just tipping your head forward and placing your lips on hers.
“Cheese girls.” Leila broke you out of your spell as you turned to look at Alanna taking the photo.
Alanna took the photo and Laia went to go and sit back down again but before you moved back you turned to Leila. “Can you take one of just Ona and I?”
“Of course.”
You would never have done this stone cold sober and neither would Ona but that would be tomorrow’s problem as you moved so you were sat on Ona’s knee sideways, facing the camera as you rested your head on her shoulder.
“You two are so cute.” Esme commented from further down the table. “Lauren would never take a photo like that with me.”
“Shut up.” You heard Lauren shout back to her former roomie but you focused back on the camera.
It was too good not to post the photo. Even with your blurry eyes you could see the love in both of your eyes in the multiple photos Leila had took, some of you looking at the camera but one really stood out for you. The both of you were looking at one another, your hands clasped together in your lap as you couldn’t help but laugh at whatever someone must have said.
Nothing could stop you posting it, tagging Ona and leaving the caption ‘mi vida’ with a love heart and as you woke up to a few comments the next morning suggesting you were maybe something more than just Spanish you couldn’t help but pull your girlfriend closer to you, prepared to let this unravel together.
Birthdays with Ona were your favourite. You would have been happy with just spending the day with her but thankfully you had both played your games yesterday and so your wish and more could come true. She was the most thoughtful person you knew from breakfast in bed to a spa day together in a fancy hotel, something you had being wanting to do for a while, and then a fancy meal together.
Now you were stood in your kitchen, all your friends around you as you sipped on your favourite cocktail.
“Have you had a nice birthday?” Millie asked coming to wrap her arms around your shoulders. “Has our girl spoiled you?”
“I’ve had the best day. We went out today and she got me some concert tickets.” Not to mention the trainers and clutch bag you had been eyeing for months but that was maybe too much to not be suspicious.
“Ready!” You had no idea who shouted that but all of a sudden the lights went out, Ona appearing from the doorway with a cake full of candles in her hand. “Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to Y/N. Happy birthday to you!”
This felt like the moment as you blew out the candles, everyone cheering and Ona set down the cake next to you to be able to wrap her arms around you. You had your girl, you had all your friends around you and more importantly you just felt content.
“Ready?” You whispered in Ona’s ear, she recognised the look on your face and knew what was coming as you cradled her chin, bringing your lips down onto her own.
“Oh my….” You heard someone shout as you pecked her lips again.
“I’m no expert but I don’t think Spanish people do that with everyone.” Lauren questioned. “Wait are you two dating?”
“We are.” Ona confirmed.
“How long has this been going on?”
“We got together nearly three years ago.” You answered Hayley’s question. “I can’t believe it took you this long to work it out and we basically did the work for you.”
“Did anyone know?” Chloe asked. “I can’t believe this has been right in front of our eyes and we didn’t connect the dots.”
“Who’s their favourite?” Ella stepped forward. “I am, I knew.”
“How did you know and I didn’t?” Laia asked.
“We didn’t exactly tell Ella, she found out.” You told everyone.
“In other words I found a picture of them kissing and they had to spill their little secret.” Ella teased you both. “Don’t get it out by the way, I had to bleach my eyes when I saw it.”
“Very funny.”
“Wait…” Leila’s spoke up. “You weren’t in the shower that time were you?”
You and Ona couldn’t help but burst out in laughter, your reaction a stark difference to everyone’s confused looks and Leila’s disgusted face.
“I’ll let you work that one out for yourself.”
This time you left no room for confusion. Alanna once again had been the perfect camerawoman, ready on call to snap a photo of the kiss. You cake in the background and your arms wrapped around her neck as hers went around your waist.
‘Spanish or dating?”
Estoy en casa – Honey, I’m home
gran victoria mi pequeña superestrella – great win my little superstar
Gracias, ¿Cómo estuvo tu día, querido? – Thank you, how was your day my dear?
Buena – good
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fairuzfan · 7 months
im sure you probably get asked this a lot, but i have no idea what the whole deal with israel and palestine is
the only thing ive heard is from someone i overheard next to me in a lecture that palestine terrorists attacked israel or something but im starting to think im missing a lot of important context with that
Hi, thanks for sending this in. I've had this in my inbox for a while now because I feel like I didn't know where to start. There is this new crash course online that educates about history and information regarding Palestine's colonization and the history leading up to October 7th, 2023. I recommend taking a look at this resource first:
Generally, a quick rundown is that on October 7th, a group of resistance fighters launched a coordinates attack on the state of Israel and took some hostages back to Gaza. They had done this specifically because Gaza was experiencing a critical point on the 20 year seige the Israeli state imposed on them — even before this they were struggling to find clean water and their economy was severely damaged since their imports were calculated by the calorie by Israel. So they were starved and malnourished, many people with medical issues were not granted access to seek help outside of Gaza if they needed specialized care.
In 2018, Gazans had launched the "Great March Of Return" where they marched en masse to the militarized fence separating Gaza and "Israel." This was, by all accounts, a peaceful protest, though the Israeli government responded with brutal force, killing children as small as 2 years old and elderly people as old as about 80 years old.
This had gone on for a while in 2018, after every Friday prayer, and hundreds died. Even if they were not killed, a large number of them were critically wounded. There are many Palestinians disabled from bullet wounds, and the Israeli government purposefully does not allow them to seek treatment if they require it.
This, coupled with the estimation that Gaza would be absolutely unlivable in a couple years, caused an armed resistance to break out, which is what you hear with the "terrorists" attacking Israeli settlements. Now the reports of who killed Israeli civilians is widely argued, with many claiming that Hamas (some of the resistance fighters) did not kill the majority of Israeli casualties, like in this account from a survivor in which they described that the majority of deaths from the kibbutz were because of Israeli indiscriminate firing:
I can't say I totally understand what is going on now with the resistance fighters, but I know that Israel has tried, and failed, a number of times to invade gaza, always getting fended off by the resistance.
Now, gazans are suffering collective punishment where they are bombed indiscriminately in residential areas, hospitals, and schools, all under the excuse that there are "Hamas tunnels" they wish to destroy that lie under Gaza. They provide no evidence of this — they just claim it and drop the bombs. About 10,000 Palestinians have died from the bombing, many of them in pieces, about half of them children. They are also suffering an unprecedented siege where absolutely NO water, fuel, or food is allowed in Gaza (except for like 20 trucks one time) since October 7th. Gazans are reported to have completely run out of clean water. A vast majority of them are showing symptoms from drinking dirty water like vomiting and diarrhea. The water in Gaza does not work, so they are suffering from sanitation issues that will no doubt make the spread of disease proliferate.
I can go on about the issues the Gazans face, but you can scroll through my blog to learn more. Right now Gaza is suffering a humanitarian crisis and genocide. Palestinians in the west Bank are getting arrested en masse, tortured and humiliated by Israeli police and settlers. They are also getting shot randomly. Right now is the collective effort to completely erase Palestinians off the face of the earth, led by Israel and the United States, all for their own selfish interests.
Check out some posts here as well:
Please let me know if you have any questions about anything. Feel free to dm.
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scoobydooisadetective · 11 months
Timeline (So far)
This won't include MER's accusations. You can read a breakdown here.
Any opinion, thought or rumor will be in italics.
March — ?
MER says they started dating by the end of march, when they went on a trip together on her statement.
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Tenoch said in his statement this relationship lasted a few months.
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Elena is part of the podcast El feisbuk de la Malinche Podcast con Prietxs
22: Representative Ana Valenzuela (PAN) presents a law to sanction stealthing (thank you @luzsp9-1981 for the screenshot). It's not approved.
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29: First approach from el Feisbuk de la Malinche to pay MER
27: Second approach from el Fesibuk de la Malinche to pay MER
11: Black Panther Wakanda Forever hits theaters and it's a massive success.
14: Los pájaros en el Alambre say that MER wants a political career in this post
26: Tenoch meets mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO/political party: MORENA) and they watch a soccer game together.
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2: Elena calls out Tenoch for the first time in a podcast. She does it at the end and links it to the AMLO reunion. (around 14:00)
She says, "Of course it is a political act to have the president inviting a football player, for him to invite another politician who's from opposition and of course, when he invites them, things don't change, they are just stances, social status that the president sends as a message. And I don't have anything against the president. Recently, he invited Tenoch Huerta. How is it possible that we, the ones that live in the town, are actually fighting against racism. And he can represent, for his brown skin, whoever he wants to in the movie that came out, but it's not fair that there are brown representations... It's not worth at all if they're sexual offenders. I leave it at that."
(Sorry if it was a messy translation, but she kept getting distracted)
17: Third attempt from El feisbuk de la Malinche to pay MER
Allegedly, Elena starts mentioning Tenoch as a sexual offender in reels and livestreams. Sadly, we don't have proof of this. But @cutelatinagirl can testify this one. She and a friend.
23: Fourth attempt from El feisbuk de la Malinche to pay MER
7: Luz Valdés calls out Hijos del Maíz for taking advantage of Feliciana Bautista for the Rebozo Tenoch wore on Milan's Fashion week. Tenoch had nothing to do with it, but he was thrown into the polemic. (He wore the cape back in september, 2022)
(This is a rumor, but some people think Luz and Elena are friends, as of July, 1st. they follow each other on SM
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She also supported MER's claims against Poder Prieto
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8: Tenoch makes a statement about the situation
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13: Fifth attempt from El feisbuk de la Malinche to pay MER
14: Tenoch makes another statement. This one also alludes to the Rebozo polemic, but adds:
Since his meeting with AMLO, the attacks towards him have risen. They have reached the point of various groups attacking his career, intimacy and even doxxing his family (adresses, workplaces and his daughter's schools).
He calls out the press for the lack of rigurosity when writing the news about the rebozo.
He talks about how now that his fame has grown, the attacks have too.
He says that he doesn't agree with everything AMLO does, like what happened in Ciudad de Juárez, where 40 immigrants died.
He mentions he's receiving legal advice.
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Sixth attempt from El Feisbuk de la Melinche to pay MER
MER calls out Poder Prieto for sharing the podcast, asking them to pay her. She calls Tenoch a predator. She also says in her IG story that Poder Prieto treated her badly because they were defending Tenoch
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"What are the important achievements made by Poder Prieto? What topics have they put on the table? Serious question.
She replies. "That Tenoch huerta pretends to sleep with young women when they arrive at Kapital Films, I mean, Poder Prieto".
Tenoch has the table read for his new project Fiesta en la Madriguera:
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She's asked about context for the accusations. She replies "Slow, dear, there's no rush"
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Talked about the Rebozo polemic and what Maya Zapata did
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"[About maya] the one that mocked an artesan that's younger than her and then uploaded a video like 'your envy feeds my ego'?
MER replies: "The one that in her Festival Poder Prieto asked more artesans to go free at los Pinos (because they aren't famous, they're making them a favor)
(Not related to Tenoch, but I think it's important to show she seems to have something against Maya and Poder Prieto)
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When asked "why is Tenoch a sexual offender and predator?" she replies "because he is, why else?"
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When asked if Tenoch had sexually assaulted her, she replies "yes, and many more".
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She says that Poder Prieto protects the sexual offender and predator Tenoch Huerta. She also states they went to look for her at a concert so there wouldn't be any polemics because of his Marvel movie (and she tags Marvel Latam).
She also tells Maya Zapata directly "I'm not playing".
Tenoch replies to the accusations, denying them:
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Talks about how hard it is to speak up about emotional and power abuse. (Changes the allegations. Mind you, she was saying he sexually assaulted her in the latest tweets).
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Shows screenshots of random people threatening her with acid. Calls Tenoch a "abuser, manipulator and sexual predator".
She issues her own statement
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In it, she doesn't directly adress him when referring to stealthing.
Basically says he ghosted her
She says that Tenoch sleeps around with women in Poder Prieto and a lot of them do it because they want to advance in the movie industry.
She posts the statement in english
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She's confronted about the accusations made by different sources about the way her family lived in Oaxaca (these are supported by legal papers). Says those are "paid campaigns" by Vera Carrizal (her attacker) so they can silence her.
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Makes a thread. In it, she says "They are not unsubstantiated accusations. Rape is not fiction and is substantiated."
Takes her three hours to post the first "proof".
It's an anon
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The anon accuses him of stealthing. There's no proof because the anon deleted everything.
Tenoch exits his movie Fiesta en la Madriguera. He sends a statement to the news. He mentions he will be taking legal action.
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We get a different anon. Now it's a dissorted voicemail. (And a weird emphasis on her age). Again, no proof.
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shows more "proof". now it relates to raciel rivas.
in these screenshots we learn that she might have accused tenoch of stealthing because a woman called raciel rivas out and tenoch dismissed it, saying he does it too. she had this message since june 12th, and if you remember, she issued her statement on june 15th.
Raciel Rivas denies what MER said, therefore, tenoch being there saying those things never happened either.
Raciel Rivas asked his ex partner to speak up. Video is here.
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Her acid attack case has its mid-hearing. She asks not to use proof unrelated to the fact. You can see it here.
She also says she won't refer to the other accusations (aka, Tenoch) for the time being.
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(After she said she wasn't going to talk about it)
Another anon post. Again, no proof. (And mostly shaming a brown man for his kinks)
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Los pájaros en el alambre, an independent news outlet, say her lawyer is connected with the PAN and they made up the story about tenoch to boost the law made by Ana Valenzuela. They also say she wants to be a representative.
(Read it here)
A few comments about it:
So far, she hasn't been able to prove that he has sexually assaulted, or r*ped a woman.
She has blocked most of tenoch's fans and journalists who approached her to talk about the topic.
Statements made by her about her mental health have resurfaced (here).
A lot of people from Oaxaca have spoken up about what happened there and her connection to murat, she blocks them.
MER's connections to transphobic groups have resurfaced (here)
It's election year in Mexico
that's all I can think about for now. I hope this helps anyone who's lost see what's up. If I missed anything, please add it!
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wenella · 3 months
Zhu Yilong: My War
EN translation of Zhu Yilong's GQ Magazine March 2024 Issue Feature Interview by wenella
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The interview took place a day before Lunar New Year’s Eve and the cold snap in Beijing has yet to end. It has been a hectic day for Zhu Yilong and our shoot ended only at 10pm.
Zhu Yilong sat in the dressing room, wearing his casual clothes and a beige velvet cap. It looked like Zhu Yilong is less reserved than before.
And it was indeed so. Now, Zhu Yilong exuded a sense of calmness and ease. He said that he has learnt to be accepting and embracing; he has put down much of his baggage and knows how to take things lightly.
In 2023, Zhu Yilong's works were released one after another. Audiences were surprised by his change; he has transformed from a young actor into a well-acclaimed actor. From Lost in the Stars to Only the River Flows, Zhu Yilong has used his characters to break through the thick wall. The thick wall that consisted two sides - behind the wall is an actor’s responsibility; beyond the wall is his self-expectation.
And now, his story will continue.
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Zhu Yilong went through several stages before this breakthrough.
Before 2015, Zhu Yilong was waiting patiently for his chance and had occasional success in the industry. During this period, he moved very quickly; once he joined the set, he would set his makeup and get into his role once the camera rolled.
2018 was a year to be called his own. He became active on major social media platforms and was surrounded by fans. However, he was still sincere and humble, maintaining the qualities that he had since young. During his interviews, Zhu Yilong admitted that he was afraid that his works did not live up to his fame.
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Besides maintaining his humility, Zhu Yilong continued to work hard. Finally, his acting career reached another new height in 2022.
At the 35th China Golden Rooster Awards, Zhu Yilong won the Best Actor Award for his role as Mo Sanmei in Lighting up the Stars. Since then, he has more time than before and the autonomy to make choices.
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Slow work makes perfect work; this is a truth that most people in the acting industry are aware of. Zhu Yilong has chosen to slow down. He said that the production period of making a film is now longer than before. From pre-production preparation, scriptwriting, and communication with the director, he would try to establish a cooperative working environment by involving himself in the creative process as much as possible.
Actors not only have to focus before the camera but also create their roles by immersing themselves in unfamiliar terrains and seeking new perspectives from literature and history. This is how Zhu Yilong fights his war; he has learnt to do desk research before the start of each production.
Recently, he read German philosopher Byung-Chul Han’s Die Austreibung des Anderen (The Expulsion of the Other) that discusses how people should break out of their information cocoons. Zhu Yilong's thoughts echo the author’s viewpoint. An actor should slow down and experience different ways of directing, narrative styles, and visual languages.
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He should also head out – chatting with young domestic directors and actors, or interacting with foreign actors, directors, and producers. A movie is the result of a group effort and not an individual’s spontaneous creation. Heading out has brought Zhu Yilong pleasant surprises. He has received not only goodwill for expressing himself but also feedback that have served as inspiration. Zhu Yilong is extremely satisfied with his current state and hence feels at ease with himself.
Now, Zhu Yilong has more time and choices. Yet he still treats acting seriously and holds the “rein” for his roles tightly. He wants to keep his desire for creating new roles, which has been his original intention since he embarked on this career path.
The tensity of the “rein” is like the career anxiety everyone has experienced before, and it does trigger Zhu Yilong occasionally. In order to alleviate his anxiety, he chooses to compete with himself.
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Everyone has important moments in their life. For Zhu Yilong, attending Beijing Film Academy is one of them.
Zhu Yilong was a clueless high school student who has never learnt acting or attended art schools. He was just like any other regular high school student, who decided to take the acting entrance exam simply because of his mother’s love for acting. He said he was lucky; he secured a position in BFA after taking only 3 months of preparation classes.
However, Zhu Yilong had a tough time when he first entered BFA as he was unconfident and clueless. He was clueless as he wasn’t sure if he could excel; he didn’t dare to express himself as he wasn’t confident at all.
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Zhu Yilong can never forget his first day at school. The teacher asked them to make fools of themselves on stage. Many of his classmates, who were trained in acting, knew exactly what to do, but Zhu Yilong didn’t. He felt embarrassed, stood frozen on stage, and was at a loss.
The moment that changed Zhu Yilong was an objectless performance at the end of the semester, titled "Waiting." He pretended to hold two ice creams in his hands and sat by himself waiting for his date. Time ticked by; he looked occasionally at his watch while the ice cream melted and dripped on his clothes and hands.
When his performance ended, his teacher Cui Xinqin gave him high praise. Up till today, Zhu Yilong still doesn't understand why, but this event gave him a boost of confidence – it laid the first foundation in him to become an actor.
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Thereafter, Zhu Yilong suddenly realized that acting didn't seem as challenging as he thought. He seemed to have found an entry point – and the right one – for his acting career.
Zhu Yilong became confident gradually as he started exploring the more superficial aspects and then the deeper side of acting. He devoted himself to acting, adapting, and performing on stage, and started to enjoy the stage.
But everything became different once he graduated from BFA. It took a long time for Zhu Yilong since his debut to fully relax and transform into the Zhu Yilong we see on screen today.
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He said that audiences can only see the actor in front of the camera. But while on the set, there might be more than a dozen crew members surrounding the actor. The sound engineer might even be lying underneath the actor to record the sound. In such a situation, it would be difficult for an actor to be completely relaxed.
He knew that this was something every actor had to go through. He just needed time.
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Zhu Yilong cherishes every theatrical release of his works. Whenever the credits rolled and the lights came on, Zhu Yilong would always be filled with emotions as he stood before his audiences.
He cannot forget a conversation during one of the post-screening events.
A girl, who was going through a rough patch, hoped that Zhu Yilong could offer words of comfort. It was a quick interaction that left no time for elaboration. Zhu Yilong told her to broaden her perspective, to not limit her gaze to the present, and to focus on the future.
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After a while, their conversation resurfaced on social media. It was only then that Zhu Yilong realized that the problem the girl was facing was not as simple as he thought. When he looked back, he felt bad as he thought that his reply was rather thoughtless and imprudent. Since then, listening attentively has become not only Zhu Yilong’s habit, but also a kind of self-expectation.
"You have to learn to listen in order to understand what is really going on, rather than to simply offer your thoughts immediately."
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The second critical moment is the 35th Golden Rooster Awards.
After receiving the Golden Rooster Award, Zhu Yilong did not do anything to celebrate. He simply enjoyed a meal of Sichuan cuisine with his colleagues and celebrated in his own manner – eating a mouthful of rice.
Zhu Yilong has given up rice for a long time. He said, “It's not because I want to keep myself in shape. I just wanted to set a goal for myself and, in a way, compete with myself. So, I decided not to eat rice."
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Zhu Yilong didn’t expect to win the Best Actor award for his role in Lighting up the Stars.
"I think it’s fate," he said. Many things happen by chance. Even if he produces a work that is better than Lighting up the Stars two decades later, it may not win any awards. There's no such thing as the perfect timing in life and these unknowns are what make life interesting.
After receiving the award, he went back to work immediately the next day, as though the ceremony was just a formality. But the award did help to ease Zhu Yilong’s anxiety.
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He believes that an actor's right to choose his scripts depends on his skills and ability rather than awards and glory. The mutual attraction between actors and directors arises from deep communication, the ability to tap into different states and roles, as well as to create outstanding works together. This was one of the reasons why Zhu Yilong was highly praised by Chinese novelist Yu Hua after the release of Only the River Flows.
Zhu Yilong seldom think about the impact of his roles on him beyond the film. He would consciously change the habits he had developed for his role once the film wraps. Whenever he hears “It’s a wrap,” he will immediately remove himself from the context of the story.
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Zhu Yilong has formed his own insights after acting for so many years. He said, "If you think you have mastered an acting method, it might actually pose a problem. There is no fixed method of performance."
For Zhu Yilong, acting is never straightforward. Acting evolves with time and the lifestyles of its contemporary audiences.
"If acting was just mere repetition, who would want to watch such shows?"
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Regarding other people’s evaluation of Zhu Yilong, the only thing he can do is not to explain himself.
Not explaining does not mean indifference. In reality, when an actor debuts, there is only one path to take. He will join a set after graduating from film school. As a newcomer, the only thing that he can do is to seize all available opportunities. Choices? That’s a later story.
The same was true for Zhu Yilong. He realized very early on that every production is like a college entrance exam for an actor. The main difference is that the real college entrance exam has its rules, norms, and grades. But in terms of the acting profession, there are so many factors that can affect one’s career.
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It is just like the jungle life in the film Tarzan of the Apes. One may mistakenly assume that they are familiar with the danger and the location of the beasts. Yet everything in the forest can shatter one’s confidence instantly. All Zhu Yilong could do as a newcomer was to push on even though he was unsure of what laid in front of him.
People in the jungle may offer him advice, dangle temptations or provide shortcuts. But Zhu Yilong knows that since he has chosen to venture into the jungle, he must persevere, and time would give him an answer; he needs to rely on himself to get out of this muddy terrain.
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Zhu Yilong remembers a quote: the world is a stage for amateurs.
He said, there are people who gain fame and profit every day in his line. But Zhu Yilong, who has been through all of it before, has learnt to focus on nurturing himself and to remain focused about his career.
"Everyone has their niche. There’s no need to compete with others or to self-aggrandize."
Whenever Zhu Yilong is not on the set, he will be in his studio. Sitting in his studio, watching a film, or reading a book – these are his ways of relaxing.
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Zhu Yilong is more attracted to the idea of travelling for work than leisure.
A few months ago, Zhu Yilong visited a wildlife sanctuary in Africa with WWF. He said that the trip has made him more determined to open himself up, to head out more, and to learn more about the world.
"Leaving the concrete city for the vast grasslands of Africa and enjoying the starry night skies. When you return to your everyday life and work after such an experience, you will have a different understanding of the world."
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Zhu Yilong, who is now at ease with himself, remembers up a line from Lao Mo in Lighting up the Stars: There is nothing more important in life than death.
As an actor, Zhu Yilong evaluates his career using a multifaceted approach. He does not think that winning one performance award meant that he has succeeded and adapted well in the industry. On the contrary, he feels flattered by this recognition, as always.
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Outsiders view awards as an actor’s honor. Yet, to Zhu Yilong, an award is a steelyard. He needs to do better in order maintain the balance of the scale.
In addition, he said that it is also an honor for him to be an actor.
By now, Zhu Yilong is no longer reticent or doubtful. By accumulating his acting experiences, he is now able to communicate with his role and script on a deeper level. The sense of immersion, realism, and achievement during the acting process, stimulate Zhu Yilong's dopamine.
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Actors respond to challenges in different ways. Zhu Yilong chooses to remember his original goal, his passion for creating characters, and his thirst for works. Zhu Yilong said that he just wants to compete with himself when he is working hard; this has nothing to do with being “juan” (involution/excessive competition with others). Sometimes, he is living life to his fullest; sometimes, he “wastes” time too. He enjoys playing basketball and visits the court whenever he has time. He plays the piano, sings, and plays computer games during his free time. Zhu Yilong is no different from ordinary people in his everyday life.
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The term “traffic” is an unavoidable issue for actors. It signifies commercial value and the recognition of audiences. He said that the term has been misinterpreted.
"It is only normal for an actor to be recognized by the audience if he had produced a good work."
Actors, who have gone through this process, will have more choices and can produce more works for audiences. In Zhu Yilong's view, this is a natural process.
And that's how actors, past and present, have moved from the sidelines into limelight. The best thing that can happen in the future is for people to define the success of an actor not only by "traffic".
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Up till this point in his career, Zhu Yilong said that his biggest reward is the audience's recognition of his works.
"Zhu Yilong’s films? I want to watch it." - Zhu Yilong hopes that this will be audience’s expectation of him many years later.
As for Zhu Yilong, his expectations of himself have never changed – that is, his original goal of, and his persistence as, an actor.
He said: "There are many actors of my age around the world who have reached where they are, and I still have a long way more to go."
After all, in his mind, acting is no small matter. On this path, he will continue to compete with himself.
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Post-translation note: Translating this article took up my entire Saturday, but I’ve no regrets because this interview really marked a remarkable growth in Zhu Yilong. I highly recommend it.
I’ve been translating his interviews since 2020 and it moves me so much to see him grow so confidently and quickly as an actor over the past few years. As I was searching Weibo for pictures for my thread, I realized that it has been nearly two years since the release of LITS and Golden Rooster Awards. Time flies. This July will mark my 6th year as his fan.
Happy weekend reading! If you’d like to re-translate this, please DM me for permission + credit.
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All Eyes on Rafah
It is the seventh of May, 2024. Israel is attacking Rafah. I know I haven’t been active on this account in a while, and I know this has nothing to do with queer news, but there is a genocide going on right now. If you think that the murder of 1.4 million refugees(https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/5/6/why-is-israel-forcing-the-evacuation-of-part-of-rafah-gazas-last-refuge)  is okay, then you should ask yourself “what if that was my friend, my family member, why is it different if it isn’t?” Because it isn’t different. It isn’t. Every person in that city has friends, family members. Everyone in that city is being targeted. Whether they are a 3 month old baby, an 87 year old grandmother or otherwise. Rafah was supposed to be a refuge (https://www.vox.com/2024/2/16/24074311/israel-hamas-war-rafah-gaza-civilians) and now they are sending in airstrikes and ground troops.
Some of you seeing this are going to say that Palestine attacked first, and that Israel has the right to defend itself. You’re wrong. I’m not going to argue with you about who attacked first, there isn’t any point in it, but I want to ask you. Does self-defense look like the murder of over thirty thousand people? (https://time.com/6909636/gaza-death-toll/) What about more? This article is from March. Right now, they are in Rafah. A place they said they wouldn’t attack. (https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/israel-continues-bombarding-gaza-including-places-it-told-palestinians-to-evacuate-to) It is easy, to blame this on Hamas. It is easy to say the Israelis are protecting themselves. This situation is a whole lot more complicated than that. With every person Israel kills, every man, woman, child, elder, with the excuse that “they were part of Hamas”, it makes you wonder if their definition of “Hamas” is instead, Palestinians. A minimum of 12,000 children have died (https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/israel-continues-bombarding-gaza-including-places-it-told-palestinians-to-evacuate-to) . You don’t kill 12,000 children by accident. You don’t think that children are part of a terrorist organization. You kill 12,000 children because you want them to be scared of you, because you want them to fight back so you can kill more.
You cannot call every person who picks up a gun, a terrorist. If you were forced to watch someone kill your child, your kid sibling, your best friend, your grandmother, and you didn’t try to fight back? People would call you a monster. Yet- they call Palestinians monsters for doing just that. They call people who are in mourning monsters, after they killed their families. If you still side with Israel, you are a monster. If you still side with Israel after all that they have done, you are a monster. This isn’t a matter of religion, this isn’t a matter of stolen land, this is a genocide. This is a country committing war crimes. (https://www.palestine-studies.org/en/node/1654922) (https://www.hrw.org/news/2017/06/04/israel-50-years-occupation-abuses) (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/31/have-war-crimes-been-committed-in-israel-and-gaza-and-what-international-laws-apply)
If your defense of Israel is that is antisemitic to go against them, choose a better one. Judaism is not a country; Judaism is not a government; Judaism is not the murder of thousands. If that is what you think Judaism is, then you are the one being antisemitic. (https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/04/09/israel-gaza-war-crimes-genocide/) (https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/apr/27/london-gaza-protest-openly-jewish-march-holocaust-survivors-palestine-demonstration) (https://www.aa.com.tr/en/europe/israel-using-holocaust-as-a-cover-for-gaza-genocide-holocaust-survivor/3207269)
Neither group in this battle are my people, neither group are mine by genetics nor religion nor culture, but they are all humans. Every single one of them is a human. Every single person out there deserves a chance to live. Please put your eyes, put your attention, or Rafah. On the families that are trying to escape and to live. Please help them before it is too late. For the ones that it is too late. Donate, support, make you voices heard. We cannot let another genocide happen while we just stand back and watch. It shouldn’t be our responsibility to tell them to stop, it shouldn’t be our jobs to stop humans from killing humans. But we have to. Because they aren’t doing it themselves.
It is hard to watch these things when you know you can look away. It is hard to help when you know that it is easier not to. But do you want to tell your friends and family, your children and grandchildren, the people in Rafah, that you decided to stand back? That you had the opportunity to help, like very few have before, and you didn’t? Help these people. Get them to safety. Do your part. Whether that be donating a couple of dollars, sharing a video, going to protests, writing an essay. Do something. You can do something, so do it. I know it is scary, it is depressing, but they can't just look away as they are running and hiding for their lives. Even one small thing, can do a lot.
Please reblog and reply to this post with GFM's and other places to donate to. Additional information and updates are welcome.
Go here to keep updated on the situation in Rafah.
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bluedrcvm · 2 months
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And………..We’re back! #PovertySZNOver. Shout out to the real ones who held me down while I was on the mobile struggle. I’m still here, but a little wiser now, #IykYk ! Anyway, I have only three muses this time. I’m investing everything into EVE GLASPIE, DENALI DELANEY, & SATIVA SAYERS . I love them. They're my complex babies. Underneath the cut, you will find some important information about them. Please like this post if you want to plot. I promise I’ll message you.
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Eve Lyra Glaspie
| 𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐘-𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍 | ● Born March 5, 1997 in Drayton, NC. Pisces 🌞 ● Aquarius 🌙 • Scorpio ⬆️. She spent the first twelve years of her life in the hoods of Drayton, North Carolina. The move to the suburbs of Athena, Georgia happened when she was thirteen years old. She spent all of her adolescent years in Georgia. She transferred from GSU to LSU when she was twenty years old, the beginning of her life in Belle Vie, LA.
| 𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑 / 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐋𝐔𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑 | ● Eve is a self-proclaimed old soul. Her musical influences stem from the way she was brought up. She spent a lot of time with her grandparents. They played a lot of Anita Baker, Barry White, Al Green, Aretha Franklin, and Roberta Flack. Her parents were more into Aaliyah, SWV, En Vogue, Prince, UGK, Erykah Badu, D'Angelo, Mary J. Blige, TLC, Whitney Houston, Outkast, Jill Scott, and Michael Jackson. Eve was a part of an R&B group with former friend Sylvia Vaugine and one of her best friends Princess Whittaker. The group was called Nu Soul. Sylvia was dubbed the best performer, Eve was the soulful aspect, and Princess was the glue that kept it all together. They had two hits that charted on Music Now's R&B Charts. The biggest being a cover of TLC's Baby-Baby-Baby that peaked at number five and the second being a cover of En Vogue's Don't Let Go, which peaked at number ten. Their only original song was called Through Enough and it was in the top 20 R&B charts. The group only released one EP that made a huge impact on black youth. Yet, social media was unfortunately the downfall of the young girl group as well. They disbanded after their short-lived success because of a petty feud. The girls went their own way and garnered solo success through their respective followings on social media. Eve has three million followers on Grampic, a million monthly listeners on Music Now, and 800K subscribers on VidMe. Aside from music, she's known for her unique fashion sense. She cites Aaliyah, Left Eye, and Naomi Campbell as her style icons.
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𝗧𝗪𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗬-𝗦𝗜𝗫 | ● Born October 31, 1997 in Liberty City, FL. Scorpio 🌞 Scorpio 🌙 Cancer ⬆️. She's the daughter of a woman who was known as "Mary Jane" around Florida. People gave her the moniker because she was well-known for selling weed to numerous drug dealers. Alongside Sativa's father, Mary sold narcotics. Cocaine and crack was sort of "average" They were her boyfriend's thing. Mary was the one who introduced weed to their business. What made her marijuana stand out among the rest was the potent THC and impressive structure. Everybody sold weed and coke around Liberty City back in the 90s and 2000s. But only one person was dubbed the queen of marijuana. That was Asani "Mary Jane" Jones.
𝗛𝗔𝗜𝗥𝗗𝗥𝗘𝗦𝗦𝗘𝗥 / 𝗖𝗨𝗥𝗩𝗬 𝗜𝗡𝗙𝗟𝗨𝗘𝗡𝗖𝗘𝗥 | ● Standing at only 5'2 like her mother, Sativa's curves came from the same woman. Mary Jane faced struggles in a male-dominated industry. Certain men didn't take a 5'2 woman seriously. That's what her 6'2 boyfriend was for. He wasn't just a cocaine-addicted drug dealer. The guy had the muscles of a body builder. And the coldest eyes anyone had ever seen. Sativa's father was much more than a dealer. He was also an enforcer until the drugs took him all the way down in his mid 30s. He went from being addicted to coke to battling a heroin addiction in the late 2000s. Ironically, the latter formed while he was incarcerated on drug charges. By this time, her mother left the business. She was smart enough to invest in a barbershop that her younger brother ran for her. Sativa was close to her uncle and his wife. Matter of fact, her first job at the age of ten was sweeping up hair at his barbershop. She learned about unisex salons because of him. His wife worked as a braider who specialized in braids, twists, and locs. She taught Sativa how to braid and her uncle taught her how to cut. When Sativa was around fifteen years old, the aunt even let her do some of her clients' hair. The rave reviews made her want to pursue it professionally. She became sidetracked after high school because of a man. Much like what she grew up around, Sativa was attracted to drug dealers and gang members. Her most infamous boyfriend Draylon "Killa D" Johnson was a part of a gang on the south side of Liberty City. He was a few years older than her. Sativa was eighteen and he was twenty-three at the time. Draylon was in the midst of a gang war between two gangs. Bodies were piling up, blood was splattered on the streets. It got so bad that even cops avoided certain neighborhoods they knew was too dangerous for even them. The rumor was he was responsible for at least fifteen of those bodies. Sativa was blinded by her parents' love story. She wanted one just like it and got it with Draylon. He was flashy and unashamed of what he was doing. Draylon was showing off guns, money, and alluding to the killings all over Grampic. Sativa was in the background of a lot of pictures and videos, making people wonder who the girl with the "big ass" was. They started following her more than him and that's when their relationship got complicated. He became abusive and insecure. He wouldn't let her do anything. Sativa was even pregnant at twenty-one. A physical altercation led to a miscarriage. Still, she wouldn't leave him. They were very well-known on the urban side of Grampic, black youth being their primary audience. Unfortunately, Draylon wasn't allowed to redeem himself. He was killed in his late twenties by a younger member of the rival gang. He caught him "slipping" outside of a corner store. Sativa was only twenty-three years old when he died. The money he had stashed away, she used to relocate to Indiana and start anew. She went to beauty school to get her license and built her own unisex salon called "Cultivated Hair"
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𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗥𝗧𝗬 | ● Born June 30, 1993, on the north side of Villemore, MD. Cancer 🌞 Libra 🌙 Pisces ⬆️ The product of a north side love story. Her parents were teenagers who fell in love in the late 80s. The story begins when they were both fourteen in 1989. They were attending high school during the time when Washington, D.C. was declared "The Murder Capital" Villemore was just thirty minutes away from the Southeast region of Washington, D.C. The high murder rate stemmed from the crack epidemic plaguing the DMV area. Her own father's mother had fallen into temptation, trying crack in 1987. She became addicted to the drug. Her father always said that he was both a "motherless" and "fatherless" child because of the abandonment. Her mother came from a different kind of family. Perhaps because she came from a mixed background. Her father was Jewish and Italian. Her mother was Afro-Latina. She grew up wealthy. Her father owned local laundromats, and her mother worked in the medical field until her retirement at 45. Denali's father was Black and Irish. He didn't know his Irish side well because he was many generations after his great great great grandfather, who was Irish. By the time he was born, his bloodline was mostly Black.
𝗦𝗧𝗬𝗟𝗘 𝗖𝗢𝗡𝗦𝗨𝗟𝗧𝗔𝗡𝗧 | ● When she was growing up, Denali could remember people commending her mother on her looks and fashion sense. Her parents didn't let a teen pregnancy stop them from pursuing their dreams. Denali's father played college football. He was one of the players who received money from drug dealers who wanted them to win games for profit. Gambling on college games was big in his era. A career-shattering injury ruined his chance of going to the pros. He worked a normal 9-5 until the 10's. His alma mater offered him a coaching job. He worked as a defensive coach, eventually working his way up to head coach. That's been his job since 2019. Her mother is a homebody. She does arts and crafts, including blankets and seasonal wreaths. She sells them online. They're the complete opposites of what they were as teens in the late 80s and early 90s. Denali would say she got her style from her mother. Don't confuse the recluse for the stylish diva of the 90s. Her mother is more modest at 48. She doesn't care about keeping up with trends like the 90s babies she gave birth to. She lived in the era, attended Freaknik, wore the big exaggerated hairstyles, the booty shorts, etc. Denali modeled a lot of her image after her mother. She rose to prominence through social media. She was one of the first women to blow up on Grampic. Her college years were all over Blurbs and Grampic. After realizing she could make serious profit from the internet, Denali took it seriously. She has made claims that Grampic paid off her student loans and bought her first foreign whip. Denali started working as a stylist to the women of the WABA at the age of twenty-six. It started with one reaching out then came a viral outfit, and the rest was history. The AFL decided they needed to be more "hip" and "inclusive" Thus, the reason teams started hiring more minorities who were social media savvy. The Commanders, under new management, hired Denali to be a style consultant to a few of their young ballers who had an impact on the youth.
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timesofocean · 2 years
France heads to polls in legislative elections
New Post has been published on https://www.timesofocean.com/france-heads-to-polls-in-legislative-elections/
France heads to polls in legislative elections
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Paris (The Times Groupe)- French voters will elect their legislators on Sunday. Emmanuel Macron became the first French president to be re-elected in two decades. Macron Marine Le Pen
The first round of elections for the lower house of the government, the National Assembly, will take place on Sunday with the second round taking place one week later on June 19.
Macron faces stiff competition from a coalition of four opposition parties known as the New Ecological and Social Popular Union, or NUPES. Macron has a majority in his center-right party.
They are composed of the Socialist, Communist, EELV Greens, and France Unbowed parties.
There are 577 seats in the National Assembly. The four parties of NUPES agreed to support just one candidate for each of the seats: 100 Greens, 70 Socialists, 50 Communists, and 360 members of France Unbowed.
It is the party of Jean-Luc Melanchon, the MP who represents Marseille and who needs to be reelected.
The hope of being appointed prime minister is a part of his drive to victory — not too far-fetched since incumbent Elisabeth Borne must win her seat.
A sitting minister with a larger role in government, like Borne, must step down if he or she loses.
Melenchon’s alliance could become the next prime minister if Macron appoints him to bring the left into his circle if it wins a majority and Borne loses her seat.
Melenchon finished third in the presidential election in April, earning 21.95% of the vote behind far-right candidate Marine Le Pen.
France’s capital and its various regions are rife with issues, whether it is fishing rights in the northwest, immigration issues in Calais in the north and the Mediterranean, or farming issues in the middle.
Consumers in and around larger cities are being affected by elevated gas prices and inflation.
The issue of the environment is very important to voters like Tristan, a technician working in theater production in Paris. He grew up in the suburbs, in the 10th district of Seine-Saint-Denis.
“I will vote this Sunday and next Sunday for Nadege Abomangoli. She used to work as a cleaner in hotels and is supported by NUPES, a party I hope will gain a large number of representatives and deputies because they carry the true, intelligent projects of society, including ecological measures that are absolutely essential,” he said.
People who favor Macron and his way of governing and those who do not, feeling that he has accomplished little and that much of his presidency has been more posing than acting, are genuinely divided.
However, those who stand firmly on the president’s side feel an overwhelming need to pull together. That opposition, that dissent, is a good thing for the country.
“On Sunday, I’m going to vote for the candidate for Les Republicains. I’m not very optimistic about her chances to be elected but still I think it’s important to have an opposition in this country,” said Wali, who works in the life insurance industry in Paris. “I think President Macron will still do well for the future, for Europe.”
“For me, it’s very important to solve the problem of unemployment in this country and security too because there is a lot of insecurity in this country. For me, this is the most important,” he said.​​​​​​​
According to an IPSOS-Sopra-Sterio poll conducted Friday, Together!, which is a coalition of parties that support Macron–La Republique En Marche, MoDem and Horizons, is barely inching out the NUPES, in a 28% versus 27% contest.
Marine Le Pen’s National Rally is seizing 19.5% of the vote. france
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absolutebl · 1 year
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BL Coming in March 2023 
The month of Thailand busting up established pairs, apparently. 
The Promise, (Thai WeTV) 10 eps - friends-to-lovers, follow up to a previously aired miniseries Phupha | Nanfah. Because of this and the WeTV platform I likely won’t bother.  
All the Liquors prev. Liquor (Korea Gaga & Viki) 8 eps - Liquor company rep and party boy Han Ji Yu buts heads (and other stuff? eh, it’s Korea, probably not) with hot chef Park Ki Hoon, who doesn't drink.
Heesu In Class 2 (Korea unknown prob Viki and/or Gaga) - A gay(er) version of Sex Education? Based on a webtoon. Heesu’s world revolves around Chanyoung, his best friend and secret crush. He doesn’t mind cheering Chanyoung from the sidelines or listening to all his girl problems. He doesn’t care if people only know him as “Chanyoung’s friend.” Then one day, Heesu starts hearing his name everywhere. On the bus, in the halls, during lunch… Turns out, there’s a rumor going around school (Got a love problem? Find Heesu in Class 2 and he’ll tell you what to do!) and with that, Heesu suddenly finds himself the center of attention. But how could he give anyone advice? He doesn’t even know what to do about his own crush! 
I want this one to happen SO Bad but am very nervous about all the delays and connected sandals and lack of distribution so late in the game. It started filming in December and seems more of an ensemble cast with lots of mixed in het romance. So... ??? 
A Boss and a Babe (Thai YouTube) 12 eps - ForceBook in an office boss/employee. Chay is a sunshine gamer who wants to get big in the e-sports industry. However, his plans are dramatically altered when is made to intern at a company. There his boss Gun has him do some pretty weird errands, confusing Chay about his true intentions. What do Gun’s actions mean? And will Chay return back to his gaming life?
I’m optimistic, I want ForceBook to get another chance and I like a cheesy office romance. 
03/04 (maybe March 9 international)
Love Syndrome (Thai unknown prob iQIYI or Gaga) 10 eps - trailer, based on a Y-novel, has side characters from Unforgotten Night but no crossover actors or other apparent connections. Day & It have been together for 2 years (looks like a violent off again on again thing). An accident leaves Day seriously injured and It blames himself then Day wakes up with amnesia. (Stars Frank formerly of FrankDrake.) 
Pastsenger AKA Past-senger (Thai Gaga) 12 eps- Stars Marc (My Gear & Your Gown) and Cooper (My Engineer) who were both formerly paired with others, in a time travel paranormal that smacks of HIStory 5. Sunshine 90s kid travels to 2022, goes to university, encounters grumpy nerd. 
Our Dating Sim (Korea unknown prob Viki) - What happens when two men, friends since schoo, meet again at work to create a dating simulation game together. 
03/12 (maybe March 19 international)
Future the series (Thai YouTube & Gaga?) 5 eps - Based on a y-novel by Faddest (En of Love - yeah I didn’t know that was based on a novel, either). About, you guessed it, an engineering student and a dentist. Maybe this will be the FOTS we were all hoping for? Fuse (the engineering student) is played by Boom from the En of Love and is kinda the same character (Field). I think we can expect this one to be soft, it’s from the 21 Day Theory people. 
A Shoulder to Cry On (Korea Viki & Gaga) 7 eps - Adaptation of Dongmul's manwha this is high school set and appears to feature a teasing confident gay and a rich/poor pairing, with themes of hurt/comfort and homophobia/gossip. One boy starts a dating rumor with another, putting the later’s archery scholarship in jeopardy. Stars idols Jaehan & Yechan BOTH from Kpop group OMEGA X. 
THIS IS ONE OF MY MOST ANTICIPATED BLS OF 2023!!! I still can’t quite believe it will actually happen. 
Unintentional Love Story (Korea iQIYI) 6 eps? - Ceramic artist Yoon Tae Joon has withdrawn from society, but Ji Won Young (an employee at a large company) tracks him down. Ji Won Young is intent on winning over the heart of Yoon Tae Joon as he's the company chairman's favorite artist. Stars actor Cha Seo Wo and idol Gongchan (maknae of B1A4). 
Individual Circumstances mark 2? No thank you. But if I must, I must. 
Make a Wish (Thai Viu) - trailer, stars Fluke Natouch (OhmFluke UWMA etc...) & Judo (The Miracle Of Teddy Bear) in a light-hearted medical-fantasy romance with a comedic flair. About a doctor who sees ghosts and a deity who resides in a Bodhi tree that earns merits whenever he fulfills a wish. He is shocked to find the doctor can actually see him and decides to help him find the reason for his ghostly ability. Thus begins a chaotic yet romantic journey. From a y-novel by Sammon (Manner of Death, Triage). 
I’ll watch it if I can get hold of it. We’ve seen Fluke iwth other pairing before, and I like Sammon’s stuff. 
This is not an exhaustive list. Not responsible for updates that come after date of post. Read the comments for more info and changes. 
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valentine1994 · 3 months
Dispute avec mon copain hier, qui a finie par moi faisant mon sac et claquant la porte à 1h du matin. Deux jours avant qu'on soit sensés signer un contrat pour un appartement ensemble. Ça m'a pris 2 minutes, je pouvais pas faire autrement. J'avais dit "J'ai envie de rentrer chez moi", à quoi il avait répondu "Fais-le alors, mais saches que je t'arrêterai pas et que j'appèlerai pas." Alors j'ai bondis hors du lit - il faut protéger sa fierté... Le seul truc qui aurait pu m'arrêter c'est le fait que j'avais déjà pris ma dose de mélatonine. Bref, je me retrouve à sangloter sur la route, avec mon petit sac sur le dos. Je voyais des couples qui sortaient de leurs Ubers et rentraient chez eux main dans la main, tous beaux. Moi je faisais peur, je le sais parce que j'ai vu mon reflet dans le miroir de l'ascenseur. J'étais plus en colère contre moi-même que contre lui. C'est ça le plus douloureux dans l'histoire. Des disputes on en a eues, mais cette fois-ci le coupable est à l'intérieur de moi, c'est mon anxiété sociale et la façon dont elle me paralyse, me gâche la vie. C'est elle qui est responsable du petit drame d'hier.
Ça a commencé par une soirée Monopoly avec ses soeurs. Ça rend la dispute presque drôle. À chaque fois que je rencontre sa famille je suis paralysée par l'angoisse, et le fait de parler suédois avec eux arrange pas les choses. Les mots sortent pas, je suis silencieuse et m'en veux d'être silencieuse. Je me force à parler et tout ce que je dis est maladroit, les larmes me montent aux yeux, je veux rentrer chez moi, respirer à nouveau. Bref, hier ça avait malgré tout bien commencé, même si j'étais fatiguée après une journée de boulot. Ça a mal tourné quand elles ont mis de la techno, monté le son et se sont mises à danser autour du Monopoly. Là mon corps tout entier s'est paralysé et j'ai fixé le plateau de jeu pendant ce qui m'a semblé être une éternité. Dans la voiture sur la route du retour mon copain m'a à peine adressé la parole et la paranoia a commencé à faire son petit bonhomme de chemin dans ma tête. Je pouvais rien dire parce que sa soeur était dans la voiture avec nous. Mais je savais qu'il trouvait que j'avais été désagréable avec ses soeurs. C'est super important pour lui que ça se passe bien avec ses amis et sa famille, que je sois intégrée.
"L'intégration", le concept autour duquel ma vie tourne depuis que je suis arrivée en Suède. J'ai essayé de m'intégrer dans ma coloc, au boulot, à l'université, avec sa famille et ses amis. J'essaie de parfaire mon suédois à côté des études et du boulot, je m'adapte, je regarde personne au supermarché et je dis pas "bonne journée au revoir" à la caisse du supermarché. Je dis juste "merci" comme tout le monde et je me casse. Je coupe plus la parole, j'attends mon tour pour parler et quand je le fais je regarde tout le monde dans le groupe. J'ai des opinions modérées. Je me place à un mètre de distance des autres quand je fais la queue et je marche jamais sur les pistes cyclables. J'ai perdu mes couleurs, et pour régler ça je suis une thérapie cognitivo-comportementale dans un CMP suédois. Je paie 200€ par mois pour faire du yoga avec des jeunes mamans qui travaillent dans le domaine de la culture et adorent la France, c'est à dire Aix-en-Provence et Paris. Mais hier j'ai fais l'erreur d'être silencieuse à la table du Monopoly, et maintenant mon copain est inquiet, il se demande si je réussirai un jour à m'intégrer.
Hier il m'a demandé de prendre mes responsabilités. Je sais pas si c'est le fait d'avoir fait l'armée, d'être capricorne ou tout simplement suédois qui le fait dire ça. Peut-être un mélange des trois. Selon lui, il faut avoir besoin de personne dans la vie. Il vis pourtant à 10 minutes de chez ses parents et a un papa qui est allé le chercher chez le médecin la semaine dernière, avant de lui faire des courses. Tous ses amis sont des amis d'enfance sur qui il pourra compter toute sa vie. Ce que je veux dire c'est qu'il a un filet de sécurité immense en dessous de lui. Et maintenant je vais comparer sa situation avec la mienne, je sais que je devrais pas comparer mais je vais le faire. Je suis partie à l'étranger toute seule et ai réussi à m'en sortir toute seule et la semaine dernière je devais noter le numéro de téléphone d'une personne de confiance quelque part, et j'avais que lui. Hier quand je faisais ma petite crise d'angoisse silencieuse devant le Monopoly j'attendais juste une main sur mon épaule, parce que je sais qu'il a vu. Mais j'ai eu que du silence en retour, et dans le lit il était presque collé contre le mur pour être trèèèès loin de moi. Il est presque midi et je sais qu'il appèlera pas aujourd'hui, et demain on doit signer le contrat. Ou plutôt, il doit signer le contrat parce qu'ici c'est pas mon pays.
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hyperfixat · 8 months
support and engagement would really motivate me to help post and work on the rest of this stuff!
You stretch your arms up in the air as you yawn, rolling out of your bed on the Astral Express. The memories of last night are hazy, but you don’t linger on it as you head to your ensuite bathroom to freshen up for the day.
When you make to step out into the passenger car, pulling on the door handle, it doesn’t budge.
Maybe March was playing a prank on you or something?
You call out for March, Dan Heng, PomPom, Mr Yang, Himeko, to no avail. You try the handle once again, before trailing back to your bed, picking up your cellphone to message the Astral Express group chat.
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Your phone turns off with a click and you let out a frustrated sigh. Walking back to the door you rest your ear against the panel and listen for any signs they’re out and about.
With not much to do you plop back onto your bed, clicking open your phone to doom scroll until something happens.
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You hadn’t known the express had docked. Though why Pompom would land at a planet hostile to… your kind?, humans?, or perhaps something to do with just discrimination. They claim you’re their favorite passenger, so it had to have been an emergency for them to stop… at whatever this planet is.
Your blinds had been closed for the night, and you think better of opening them, but you peek out from the bottom.
It looks like any other planet’s railway. Nothing looks odd or out of place; no ‘humans dni’ signs or posters. You wonder how they’re getting by, your crew, they’re all human-oid, no?
There’s a long period of waiting, maybe an hour, maybe more. Then there’s footsteps, heavy and en masse. Not just the Astral Express crew. These are the sounds of heavy boots, those of soldiers. You can hear March’s distinct tone, so it’s not a raid or something uncouth, she’s at least somewhat calm.
“—and these are the sleeping quarters! They’re all empty at the moment.” They’re getting closer. When they’re outside your door, strangers, hostile on sight to you specifically, “this room is empty. We can’t let you check his one room, sorry!” March giggles.
“We keep unstable synthesis materials in there.” Dan Heng explains levelly. “It would take too long to safely have you search it, we’ll be gone before you’d be finished suiting up.”
There’s a feminine voice replying in a language foreign to you.
“There’s no need for that, we’re leaving within the hour.” Welt.
Your heart stutters and you hold your breath as a hand jiggles your door handle.
“Let’s move along,” Dan Heng’s voice is firm and the shadows peering in from under your door disappear. His voice commands the enemy soldiers away from your door and you let out a quiet sigh of relief.
The soldiers soon file off the ship and your door unlocks with a click and Dan Heng opens it. His body fills in the door frame, stopping March 7th from running in.
“Dan Heng,” she whines, shoving him inside your room so she can bound over to your bed and jump next to you.
Himeko peeks her head inside, “Pompom says we’re taking off soon. Settle down you three.”
“Yes, Ms. Himeko~!” March giggles.
“Sorry about not warning you, we hadn’t prepared to land here.” Welt says from the hallway, looking at you. “We needed an emergency refuel before we could stop at the Xianzhou Luofu. I apologize for any alarm this extrusion may have caused you.”
“Thank you Mr Yang, I’m fine now. It was a little scary at first.” You laugh a little.
“Excuse me!” Pompom shoves past Himeko and Welt’s legs, waddling their little body into your room. They clamber up your bed and smother you in a hug. “Pompom is so sorry for landing here!”
“Aw, it’s okay Pompom. No harm no foul,” you pat their fluffy ears.
Their large eyes seek yours for a moment before they nod and hop off your bed, heading to the captain’s chamber.
“We’re leaving now. You all,” they deliberately look at all the passengers gathered around your room. “Get seated.”
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taviokapudding · 4 months
In regards to being asked about the black company, Nijisanji, their allegations to having ties to Israeli money, and #SinkTheYacht
I'm disappointed in
seeing folks punish all Niji EN livers by collectively unsubbing when "sinking the yacht" would be more effective by reaching out to AnyColor Inc shareholders and partners about Nijisanji's admission of management & livers bullying and listing all the public facts surrounding why Selen was fired. The summary of facts are that Nijisanji has bullies in their team, has done nothing to remove said bullies, and they chose a sudden termination to hide the fact they let a liver attempt suicide from said bullies and didn't inform the public about it.
So I understand why people are unsubbing as a whole- why many creators, artists, and third parties have made it public they will no longer make, support, or sponsor Nijisanji.
But priority 1 is not mass unsubbing- that's what Nijisanji wants. They are made up of known bullies and they are now manipulating the public into being bullies. Instead of spreading the word to mass unsub- I encourage everyone stop spending money on official merch, do not collab with any AnyColor Inc management, and not buy stocks connected directly to all AnyColor Inc nor their shareholders.
But why am I discussing this?
Why should non-vtuber fans care?
What I'm about to discuss now is an ongoing allegation that makes all the know facts even worse. If you support Palestine, you especially need to know about this ongoing allegation:
On Feb 5, ITOCHU Corp announced they would end their contract with an Israeli Defense Firm that they started March 2023- around the same time Nijisanji EN would annouced the termination without informing Selen (now Doki) that she was terminated. ITOCHU is a known shareholder of AnyColor Inc and does has the power to ask for public distractions. They are a monster firm among Japanese companies.
I cannot endorse #SinkTheYacht knowing Nijisanji livers are some of the worst collectively and consistently paid company VTubers in the industry, but if folks want to boycott AnyColor Inc's ceo, owners, shareholders, and management for their associations and ties to indirectly causing an ongoing genocide- then I support you. Sony Group Corp Japan, Bilibili Inc, & FreakOut Holdings Inc are a few shareholders that you can file public complaints towards about AnyColor's behavior and be wary of when choosing vtubers, streamers, youtubers, etc to support. But again ITOCHU and AnyColor's relationship is an allegation and speculation.
In my opinion
From an outsider perspective I believe an investigation into Nijisanji as a whole should've happened last year when so many people left or appeared to have left from management based pressure.
But as someone who holds many of the remaining livers with respect (and is a Kyomie) if indeed Nijisanji EN is telling the truth about livers and management bullying + doing nothing to stop it, then yes- every person responsible for ongoing bullying of at least 3 years should be terminated and black listed from the vtubing industry.
That all being said (if my gut is right) and none/the majority of the EN livers are not bullies then I also believe all currently contracted EN livers should be allowed to press charges aganist Nijisanji EN & AnyColor Inc for
1. Public defamation on an international scale due to the termination wording
2. Cuts to their already weird pay caused by the company's annoucements on Feb 5 & 6 2024
3. All documented mismanagement and bullying they've reported since being employed that led to emotional, physical, and financial losses
4. Losses to old and new merch sales the same week of Feb 5, 2024
The wording of the termination of Selen Tatsuki should be headed as a warning to an ongoing and well publicly documented management issues with AnyColor Inc and all their branches. If you're a vtuber who has or is planning to join Nijisanji EN- please get an attorney or lawyer if you choose to audition or are currently work for AnyColor Inc who's familiar with your nation's laws and Japan's laws. And remember to everyone, it takes hard work but being indie is possible- you don't need a company.
Thank you for reading this whole post and all fans please make the decisions and adjustments accordingly in regards to not #Sink TheYacht in such a fucking stupid fashion- don't be like the bullies who are managing your favorites. And god speed to all the EN Livers at KuroColor Inc who may end up seeing this on your private accounts- please know your fans will support you no matter what decisions you make but they hate your company and management for treating you like shit behind closed doors and out in the public. And if any of you do listen to my advice and find a legal expert to help you out, don't tell your management nor coworkers/friends/family, doubly if you don't have a copy of your most recent contract renewal/contract. Alright? Snakes can pass for tall grass, you need to be prepared to get bitten by the most unsuspecting blades when navigating your rights as a contracted streamer, entertainer, and employee.
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Contemporary descriptions of the hébertist execution compilation
The joy of the people was universal at seeing the conspirators taken to the scaffold. There were the same demonstrations of joy everywhere; a sansculotte jumped up and said: “I would light up my windows this evening, if candles were not so rare.” In the evening, in all the groups and cafes, people talked about the death of these conspirators; the story of their last moments was the only subject of conversation. It was said in several places that Hébert had denounced around forty deputies. It was time, they added, that this conspiracy was discovered, because it was believed in several departments that Paris was under fire. […] According to the comments made on the Place de la Révolution, during the appearance of the conspirators on the scaffold, one noticed that there were people placed to sow trouble. One woman was beaten by another for having made some comment. While the 19 conspirators were being guillotined, the people remained silent; but when Hébert’s turn came, a swarm of hats appeared, and everyone shouted: “Long live the Republic! This is a great lesson for those who are consumed by ambition; the intriguers have done well; the committees of public safety and general security will manage to discover them, and ça ira!” Tableaux de la Révolution française publiés sur les papiers inédits (1869) by Adolphe Schmidt, volume 2, page 186. ”Situation in Paris 4 Germinal Year 2” (March 24 1794).
The events of yesterday, that is to say the judgment of the conspirators, their journey from the Palace to the Place de la Révolution and their execution, have entirely absorbed the attention and feelings of the people. Everyone wanted to at least see them pass so that they could judge the impression made on their wicked souls by the sight of an immense people, outraged by their crime, and the knowledge of the imminent death they were going to suffer. The crowd of curious people who were on their way or who witnessed their execution was innumerable. [...] Two opposing feelings, indignation against the guilty and joy at seeing the Republic saved by their death, animated all the spectators. One tried to read the faces of the condemned to enjoy, in a way, the internal pain from which they suffered: it was a kind of revenge that they took pleasure in obtaining. The sans-culottes were especially angry with Hébert and insulted him. “He’s damn angry,” said one, “we broke all his stoves (fourneaux).” “No,” said another, “he is very happy to see that the real aristocrats are going to fall under the guillotine.” Others carried stoves? (fourneaux) and pipes and raised them in the air so that they could strike Father Duchesne's eyes. Regardless, this wretch could not pay any attention to what was happening around him; the horror of his situation appalled him; he had reproached Custine for dying as a coward, and he showed no less pusillanimity than him. Momoro put up, as they say, a brave face against bad luck, he pretended to be confident, talked to his neighbors and laughed a wicked laugh. [...] Cloots appeared calm, Vincent lost, Ancart and Ronsin furious and Hébert overwhelmed. The latter was the star of the show, he appeared last [on the scaffold]. Report by the police spy Grisel, March 25 1794, cited in La Liberté ou la Mort: mourir en député (2015) by Michel Biard.
On D-Day, March 24, 1794, an “innumerable crowd” impatiently awaited the execution of Father Duchesne and his accomplices: “Advancing from the place of execution of Paris, one encountered waves of citizens on their way there; everything resounded with the cry of “Father Duchesne to the guillotine!” and in this respect the children acted as peddlers.” Another agent remarks that “in the streets, from the Palace to the Place de la Révolution, the crowds of people were so great that one could barely pass through.” The police estimate (already!) claimed that “perhaps four hundred thousand souls witnesses to this execution.” […] If the legend claiming that Hébert fainted in the tumbril seems false, all reports corroborate on the other hand the moral and physical collapse which this great sermonizer presented: […] “It was noticed that Ronsin seemed the least frightened by his execution, that Anacharsis Cloots had retained great composure, but that Hébert and the others bore on their faces the signs of the greatest consternation;” [Another report states that]: “Of the nineteen culprits dragged to execution, Hébert was the one who presented the saddest and most dismayed face.” Taken from the Palace to the Place de la Révolution amid cries of joy and insults (“Everywhere they passed one shouted “Long live the Republic!,” and threw hats in the air and everyone said some epithet to them, especially to Hébert.”), Father Duchesne was not yet at the end of his troubles. To make the feast complete, a cruel staging allowed him to meditate on his fate: “Upon his arrival on the Place de la Révolution, he and his accomplices were greeted by boos and murmurs of indignation. With each head that fell, the people took revenge again with the cry of “Long live the Republic!” while throwing their hats in the air. Hébert was saved for last, and the executioners, after putting his head through the fatal window, responded to the wish that the people had expressed to condemn this great conspirator to a punishment less gentle than the guillotine, by holding the suspended blade for several seconds on his criminal neck, and throwing, during this time, their victorious hats around him and attacking him with poignant cries of ”Long live this Republic that he had wanted to destroy.” As can be seem, one knew how to have fun in those days. However, as soon as the affair was completed, the agents noted contrasting reactions among the people: “In all public places, the aristocrats and the moderates rejoiced at this execution and affected a lot of patriotism. The patriots also rejoiced, but they observed one another.” [Another report states] “I visited different cabarets near the Gros Caillou, near the Military School. They talked only about Father Duchesne, about whom a thousand stories were made with the intention to bless the Committee of Public Safety for having discovered such a betrayal. I found the little people cheerful”; [Another report states]: “The walks are everywhere full of people and everywhere one stays and asks: “Did you go to see Hébert yesterday?” One answers “yes”. All the faces seem happy.” [Another report states]: “Since Hébert’s death, I have noticed that, in cafés, men who talked a lot no longer say anything.” This is because the execution of Hébert and his supporters, although it purged the Mountain of its extremists, nonetheless shook the people’s confidence in their leaders. Who would believe if even the most ardent patriots could suddenly become traitors? At least one thing is certain, that is that beyond the unconscious dismay which struck the people after the execution, the great cowardice which Father Duchesne demonstrated before the guillotine ended up destroying him in the eyes of everyone: “After the execution, everyone was talking about the conspirators. They said: “They died like suckers”; others said: “We would have thought that Hébert would have shown more courage, but he died as a good-for-nothing.” Series of police reports found in Paris pendant la Terreur (1962) by Pierre Caron, cited in this blog post.
The execution took place in the afternoon around 5 o'clock, at the Place de la Révolution. A prodigious crowd of citizens filled all the streets and squares through which they passed. Repeated cries of long live the Republic and applause were heard everywhere. These testimonies of the indignation of the People against men who had just so eminently compromised the salvation of the Fatherland, were proportionate to the extreme confidence they had in the art of surprising them; and the public satisfaction whose feeling was mixed with this deep indignation was a new proof of the love of the citizens for the Republic saved by the punishment of these great culprits. Thus perishes anyone who dares to attempt the re-establishment of tyranny! Gazette Nationale ou Moniteur Universel, number 185 (March 25 1794)
It was 18 of them who suffered the death penalty due to their crimes... It was Father Duchesne, this scoundrel, who was cursed by all the people. If he had been susceptible to remorse, he would have died of shame before his arrival, in front of Madame Guillotine... He was the last to be guillotined, each of the closest spectators continued to reproach him for his villainy... Letter written by the Convention deputy Ayral Bernard, March 26 1794
Hébert, Ronsin, Vincent, and the other conspiracy defendants whose names and qualities we reported in previous issues, were sentenced to death by the revolutionary tribunal. Only one was acquitted; Laboureau: he was immediately set free; the president of the tribunal embraced him and made him sit next to him: the room resounded with the liveliest applause. The other defendants said nothing when they were sentenced; the Prussian Cloots appealed to the human race, of which we know that he had made himself the speaker. Ronsin wanted to say a few words, he was removed alongside the others. Femme Quetineau declared herself pregnant. Taken back to the Conciergerie, the condemned asked for half a septier of wine and a soup. Around four in the afternoon, they left on three tumbril to go to the execution. Never had an execution attracted such a considerable crowd of spectators; everywhere they passed, one clapped hands, tossed hats in the air, and shouted vive la république ! They seemed quite insensitive to the indignation that was brewing against them: arrived at the foot of the scaffold, they all embraced each other. Hébert, known as Father Duchesne, was the last to be guillotined; his head was shown to the people, and this spectacle provoked clapping of hands and universal cries of vive la république ! Annales Patriotiques et Litteraires de la France, et Affaires Politiques de l’Europe, number 369 (March 26 1794)
The republic has once again been saved: 19 leaders of the conspiracy hatched for its ruin were sentenced to death today, 4 germinal, at half past twelve. The flattering sword of the law struck their guilty heads: these traitors marched towards the scaffold with all the audacity of crime; some laughed, others raised their shoulders: Father Duchène appeared to be neither in great joy nor in great anger; the people applauded and stood in crowds in the places through which the procession was to pass. A lot of cavalry and infantry preceded, accompanied and followed the tumbrils carrying the conspirators: but armed force became useless, because joy was universal. Le Courier Belgique, number 39 (March 31 1794)
Here is an anecdote which can serve to make better known the eighteen conspirators whom the sword of the law has struck down. On the day of their execution, several heads had already fallen when General Laumur's turn had come. Ronsin and Vincent looked at him at the scaffold and said to Hébert: ”without the clumsiness of this j... f... we would have succeeded.” They were alluding to the indiscretion of Laumur, who would tell anyone who would listen that the Convention had to be destroyed. Suite de Journal de Perlet, number 555 (March 31 1794)
My father told me that only once, during the Revolution, he found himself stuck in the crowd, without being able to move forward or backward, as the fatal tumbril passed. It was the one who carried the Hébertists. Cloots, placed at one end, said to the spectators: “My friends, please do not confuse me with these rascals.” Mémoires sur Carnot par son fils (1861) volume 1, page 366.
Previous parts of this totally family friendly series:
Contemporary descriptions of the dantonist execution compilation
Contemporary descriptions of the robespierrist execution compilation
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