#grandmaster omin dres
soullessbullshit · 1 year
Omin: It’s your word against mine.
Tavi: Let’s do it.
Omin: What?
Tavi: You’ve selected the word "what." Big mistake, bro; I choose "shenanigan!”
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cinnamonzor · 3 years
Speaks-in-Embers: Scientists claim that I am near you.
Tavi, waving: I’m “scientists!”
Omin: Should I be worried about that...?
Tavi, as Ember reaches for her sword: Scientists claim "yes."
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3rd of Hearthfire, Turdas
There is so much to do.
In the wake of... after...
I cannot write now. There is too much to organize. I need need to send more missives. I need to collect my son. I need...
I need another stamina potion. There is no time to sleep now. Not anymore.
There is no more time left to write. Not now. I shall speak of the trials and battle later.
If I do not do it now, I may never put this to parchment.
Tel and I took on the gatekeeper. We won. My uncle was so... so proud! He said there was a chance to uplift our House name once more. And we went through trials to gain the assistance of the three Chimer mages who had imprisoned Sadal, with the help of their vassal mages. I made all the formal gestures, made the apologies, kowtowed, and submitted myself to their trials.
That look that had been on my uncle’s face when we left to meet with the spirits....
I raced through the trials. Nothing would hold me back from my House duty. For seeing that look on my uncle’s face that was always reserved for anyone, save me. Yet, now it was for me. I had finally earned it. Not just through my actions, for I had done that countless times over, but through his seeing me for me. Not as the son of Indoril Mehra Indoril. Not for the nephew who did not live up to his narrow perception of what was acceptable. He was seeing me for the mer I had become, my strengths and skills. He was actually seeing me.
And when I completed another trial for the great Mavos Siloreth, I then had my uncle and three of the great Chimer mage heroes seeing me for who I was. For what I could do.
That is not to say Tel was not with me and that we did not do it together. Only, I seemed to be always ahead of them during the trials. My skills more uniquely suited to avoiding the traps and pitfalls.
All three spirits praised me for possessing what my uncle did not. Patience. Any other time I would have rejoiced in the comparative praise. And yet I know that he and I share more than just blood. I have, many times, acted against him without thought of my action’s consequences, only with anger. Perhaps that is why we did not get on for so many, many years.
Tel and I placed the focusing stones. The spirits then opened up a portal for my uncle, Walks-in-Ash, Holgun, Tel, and I, along with a small group of the Vanguard, to enter. As everyone was going in, my uncle pulled me aside. He said... he said...
[a wet smear of ink is wiped across the page]
My uncle told me that Garyn had always trusted me and spoken for me. That he had only wished he had done the same sooner. That he and those under him would listen to me. That he would follow Tel and me to sealing up Sadal, if it meant going to Oblivion and beyond.
Then... then he said he had a favor, since we might not all survive the battle. He said I must know that he was planning to resign his positions, both as head of the House and as general of the Pact forces as soon as Sadal was resealed. That should he perish, the House would be fine appointing uncle Urnel, but he was worried about the army. He wanted to make sure that the leadership passed to Holgunn. That Holgunn was the only one he trusted to be able to look after the Pact properly. And that he had a parcel and letter that should be passed along as well.
He put a hand on my shoulder and told me that there was no shame in loving a Khajiit. That he had also learned the power of loving other races and that it was the most beautiful and meaningful part of his life after Garyn. 
I tried to speak but he shook his head, told me there was precious little time left, and that we needed to enter the portal.
Then, most shocking of all, he threw his arms around me and gave me a hug.
My uncle has never, in my entire life, embraced me. And he whispered that Garyn was lucky to have had me in his life. And that... that... that he knew one day I would make a good Grandmaster.
I did not know what to say. I wanted to say so many things, but... he dashed into the portal.
The spirits told me to hurry and I went in after the others.
Just as we arrived, a huge surge of power shot out. Those who were in the front or did not dodge were struck down. We lost nearly all of the Vanguard.
We came at last to the vast magma filled chamber of Sadal. My uncle worked  spells and Holgunn had us protect my uncle until he could get the heart to lower Sadal’s shields. Then we rushed forward, attacking him until my uncle’s strength was all but gone. Holgunn called us back as Walks-in-Ash helped provide him with more magicka for his spells and the rest of us protected my uncle from the skeletal creatures Sadal summoned forth.
When my uncle had recovered enough to bring down Sadal’s shields once more, we attack again, dodging the huge gouts of flame and explosions of bone fired all ‘round us.
We went time and time again, but we could never quite manage to defeat the beast.
Then my uncle cast a spell and rushed headlong towards Sadal, yelling that we must finish what we had started. Holgunn shouted after him, telling him no. Telling him to stop. Asking what he was doing.
My uncle collided with Sadal and the both of them fell backwards, Sadal in a pile of bones, Uncle’s body crumpled to the side.
As Holgunn shouted at my uncle, Walks-in-Ash called to the spirits to summon the guardians, and together with their help, replaced the chains upon Sadal.
Walks-in-Ash opened the portal as Holgunn and I stared down at my uncle’s lifeless body. Holgunn told my uncle they would meet again for sure in Sovngarde. He tried to keep on a brave face but, already tears were falling from his good eye. He lifted my uncle’s body in his arms, cradling it as though it was the most precious thing in the world.
I kept hoping that my uncle would stir, breathe, say something.
We sat on the side of the mountain where the portal had brought us, Holgunn gently laying down my uncle.
Walks-in-Ash and Tel were talking, but I could not hear what they said. I was too busy focusing on my uncle, willing him to breathe.
As if by the force of my mind, a glowing ethereal form took shape besides Holgunn and I. We turned to see uncle’s spirit.
My uncle smiled fondly at Holgunn, a hand on his cheek and leaned in to whisper something to him. Holgunn smiled, tears on his cheek and murmured something back. 
Then my uncle turned to me. He told me that he needed to say thank you for restoring our House’s honor. Now that Stonefalls was safe once more, he would go and join Garyn. I told him to give my regards. Uncle nodded.
I told my uncle not to leave yet, that I had so much I still needed to tell him. That I needed to apologize for my own reactive nature, my anger, my recalcitrance. My uncle shook his head and told me that he understood all, we were family, after all. It was a trait we all shared.
My uncle leaned forward and asked the Three to watch over me. I could not even say the same to him. I did not want him to go. It was too soon. I finally had the uncle I had wanted in my life for 185 years. And now he was gone. My dear cousin Garyn along with him.
I shouted at him, uncle Tanval, do not leave. Not yet. Just stay a little longer.
But... too late. He vanished in the blink of an eye.
Holgunn was holding back more tears. He said that my uncle had regained his honor and that we should all drink in his honor back in Kragenmoor where hopefully an explanation to Dres Omin Dres would solidify peace with the Dres once more.
I told Holgunn there was one last thing that my uncle had wanted me to pass along. My uncle had left for him a parcel in my uncle’s home in Davon’s Watch and the command of the Pact forces. Holgunn just about fell over in shock. Then he made a joke about my uncle wanting to make a diplomat out of him yet and that when he met uncle in Sovngarde, that he would give him such a beating for all the meetings he was forced to attend.
I gave a hearty laugh and clapped him on the shoulder as he turned to go and speak with the Vanguard still there.
Inside I feel nothing. Of course I do not. My soul is gone. I can feel only its keen lack. That and the hollowness that the day has left to me.
The Three guide me. Boethiah, I hope that my uncle has proven himself in Your eyes. I trust his fate to You my Prince. And Azura, I trust that You have seen a purpose in all of this that benefits our homeland.
Tel is exhausted. They keep fighting back sleep. I will not rest. Not until my uncle’s body is prepared for travel. Not until I have heard word from the Clanmother about my son attending uncle Tanval’s funeral.
There is so, so, so very much to do. I shall consider rest then.
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soullessbullshit · 2 years
Omin: You have a lot of nerve coming here.
Speaks-in-Embers: You have a lot of nerve being alive.
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1st of Hearthfire, Tirdas
Well, it certainly has been a night.
At one point, between attempts, they dragged me out of my room and into a bare stone chamber with a large cage inside. There was a carved wooden chair with a velvet cushion sat upon it. I was thrown inside and waited.
Tel arrived looking very worried and I greeted them amicably, even with the guards waiting on either side. I told Tel this was not the worst thing that had happened so far this week, but I could be better.
Tel was angry. Called the way the House politics run insane. Apparently they had worked very hard to get a chance to negotiate my release. Something for which I thanked them.
I explained that my escape attempts had earned me more restraints, but after speaking with Mother, I had little choice. I told them of her suggestion to end my life in order to escape imprisonment on account of our pressing time constraint. It would also be a blow to House Dres come the next Grand Council meeting. To lose a hostage who was a prominent member of another House would bode very poorly for them. It is their duty to ensure any hostages of another House are well looked after.
Tel looked even more mortified than they had. They told me they had a plan and that I should just hold on. They were going to rescue the Grandmaster’s son, Dres Sen Dres and make a hostage exchange. They also said they wanted to discuss terms with me before going into the formal negotiations.
I asked that Tel attempt to work towards a truce as best as possible. To try and have some mercy granted to the Vanguard, who were merely following orders. That I feared what retaliatory actions House Dres might take after what had transpired. In lieu of that, however, to at least look to clear me of any possible sentence for Uncle’s actions.
Tel assured me they would do their best, if it took their life. A bit dramatic, perhaps, but I enjoyed the sentiment. I told Tel that all that mattered was reducing the loss of life there. That there was so much bloodshed already, our numbers low enough from the assaults by the Daggers. That should Tel die in the attempt, I must hurry and end my life as well. Stopping Uncle was of primary importance to saving lives.
Once Tel was escorted out and I was put back in my usual room, I continued to try for an escape from captivity. I made sure to vary my attempts at escape throughout the night, resting briefly for different length intervals to ensure that the guards could find no pattern to my attempts.
At one point the Grandmaster himself came to speak with me. He demanded many things of me, including Uncle’s plans.
I merely sighed at his questions and told him that I was not considered valuable enough to be given details, I only followed orders. I was sent by Holgunn to try and reach Uncle and get him to leave Tormented Spire and see to a family matter.
I know that the Grandmaster knows more of Uncle’s plans than that. He knows that I do, too. Yet what would the fun in the truth be? So I simply asked the Grandmaster if I was go be kept here for long and if I might have more cushions for my bed and if I might have some wine or brandy.
Frustrated, he barked that I had been purposefully obtuse and had better stop bothering his guards or he would have me fully bound and gagged. While I have no interest in Dres Omin Dres, I was happy to take up the challenge. I made a few goes at running. I did not get too far, but it was still worth it. In one instance, I was able to seduce one of the two guards at the door who came to see what all the noise was about. I was only offering my Prince prayers. Of course, the other guard was horrified that I had managed to be fully nude. I said it was only because they had stripped all the pins that held my clothing together after my last escape attempt.
She exchanged a glance with her companion and he gave her one back, as though they were trying to negotiate this situation without speaking. So I stepped in and approached her and told her that I was happy to make it worth her while if she wanted to give me a chance to prove it. She looked horrified, so I continued. I told her that while our Houses may not be on good terms, the best way to rectify such a situation was to make a peace through individuals. And I also assured her that my greatest claim to fame was for my countless lovers and that none save those in this room had to retain any knowledge of the encounter.
She huffed, her expression horrified and said she was reporting to her supervising officer as to my conduct. As soon as she left, the other guard, who was forced to remain gave me a look. I told him that if he had to keep an eye on me, he might as well get a show.
There was a sort of hesitancy at first, considering his fellow guard had stormed off. But I assured him that time was of the essence and even managed to get my hand in his trousers. He had to bite my shoulder as I worked him into a near frenzied state, my tongue working its own set of skills along his ear and neck.
As he reached the end of his need, I slipped the key to my room from his belt, then moved around to massage his shoulders as he recovered himself.
Then I crept slowly, careful not to rattle the chain of my restraints, and slipped the key into the lock and turned it. Then I closed the door and locked the fellow inside, making another of my mad sprints through the palace. A couple of guards did try to catch me, but were unsure of how to handle a stark naked hostage from another House without hurting me or touching something they did not wish to. I made it out of the lower floors and almost up to the main level when I got surrounded again. The head warden was so angry. She snatched the chain between my wrists and pulled me to a supply room where she had the other guards dress me in spare clothing and put shackles on my ankles and a contraption around my throat as well. Chains went between all of my bindings, keeping any one part of my body from moving far from the others. Another challenge. And likely another report to the Grandmaster. I had overheard that each attempt I made was reported directly to him. Based on the warden’s attitude, I assume he has not been resting well.
At one point they even gagged me, but I made sure to moan and make myself sound so interested in the gag, they actually removed it. I begged them to put it back in, but they refused.
No one was allowed in to see me after that.
By late morning, however, I was taken from my room, still in the temporary clothing, my makeup cleansed from my face, my hair down, bare footed, to the Grandmaster’s audience chamber.
There was Tel, with Dres Sen Dres.
Tel came rushing over to me as the guards began to disconnect the lengths of chain from me. They asked how I was. I replied that I was not afforded much fun, but I made do as best as I could.
The Grandmaster made a displeased sounds at that and ordered his guards to hurry and bring my possessions.
Tel asked if I was ready to go and I said as soon as I dressed I would be. However none of the servants, nor any of the Grandmaster’s mer offered me anywhere to change, so I decided that there was as good as anywhere.
The Grandmaster bellowed for me to be taken to a room and my things brought there. So I suppose I have found a way to get Dres hospitality after all. I could tell that the Grandmaster did not have a good night’s rest on account of a hostage and his escape attempts. Yet I felt rather refreshed.
As soon as I was dressed and my things returned, we hurried out of the city. I handed Tel a pair of stamina potions for the trip and suggested we make haste as it was almost midday.
We have no time to talk, only to run. We must cut Uncle off at all costs.
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31st of Last Seed, Morndas
Well, not exactly how I would have liked the day to go.
I knew that it would be difficult to reach Kragenmoor before Uncle. I was not wrong about that.
When we arrived I saw his Vanguard among the House Dres troops at the city’s limits.
I did not know what the best course of action was. It was clear that we had been beat to the city. I also knew that if Uncle truly wanted to stop us, our descriptions might be given out. I am far too well known among both Houses to get away with slipping into the city, so I suggested to Tel to go ahead and scout out what they could. At least they might be able to move freely among the Dres guards. We needed to see if we could do anything about the keys to lower the wards which Uncle is after. Though I warned Tel to disclose as little as possible about our House and Uncle’s intent. This is not a House we are on good terms with and they will seek reason to put us at disadvantage. We do not need the Grand Council taking actions against us now.
So I stayed behind and tried to stay out of sight of troop movements and guard patrols. It was difficult, there were so many. I actually had to move closer into the city to avoid the Vanguard troops moving between their encampment and the city.
Of course, I was dodging so often, drawing the shadows to me over and over, that I finally was unable to do so. That was when I was spotted. I tried to walk away at a calm and not suspicious pace, but I soon found myself followed by a greater and greater number. I dodged them whenever I could, but I was running out of strength to do so. They cornered me towards the west side of town. Those Dres fetchers throwing me in slave irons and forcing me into a tunnel somewhere under the Grandmaster’s Palace. They placed me in a room, modestly furnished for what it was and stripped my belongings aside from clothing from me.
I have never been a hostage for another House before. I know well of the practice, but I have not been an important enough pawn for such a situation. I suppose with Garyn gone I was the closest in the family that the Grandmaster might be able to leverage for power in the situation. I assume that Tanval has taken either Grandmaster Omin’s heir or spouse. He would not have given over control of the Dres capital to Uncle unless it was something so serious.
I waited until a meal was brought and then faked severe illness soon after. One of the guards rushed in to check on me as I laid down on the floor, gasping for air, then not moving. I kept my eyes open and still as I held my breath. The mer leaned down to listen for my breath and I used the full power of my birth gift, the Lover’s Kiss, as they call it, to paralyze the mer where was. Then I sprinted down the hallway. I did not get far, however, before I ran headfirst into the medic they had sent for me. I tried to teleport around them, but went running straight into their body, knocking us both down. I sprung to my feet and leapt over the medic as she clambered to her feet. It was shortly after that I came to a split in the passageway, I headed to the right and saw the stream of guards coming down. I tried to head back and to the left passage, but already guards were coming from that direct. I tried to turn back but was surrounded on all side.
After that they posted more guards at my door and made one of them feed me. Even going so far as to have the medic monitor me to ensure I ate and did not get sick from the meal they provided. I was also tied to the chair until the meal was completed.
After a short time, they informed me that Mother was wishing to speak with me.
I knew I was in trouble for Mother being brought into the situation. She told me she had been briefed and asked to contact Uncle but that he was not answering . She had heard of what happened to Garyn. She knew he was not going to allow anything to stop him now, but she had to go through the motions for the sake of the House’s honor.
We spoke in Chimeris to confirm what was truly going on. I explained the whole of the situation. I explained about the hostages.
Mother told me that I should consider using my soulless condition to escape. To let them have another House’s heir die while in their care to weaken their position and then reform where I would be out of their grasp, and work to stop Uncle.
I told her that she did not understand the pain and horror that dying had been when it had happened to me before.
She told me it was my duty as a member of my House and as her son to see to it that our House’s honor was not smirched by Uncle’s grief and foolishness.
I said I understood and that if I could not find a way out by midday tomorrow, I would take my life.
I cannot say how little I desire to go through with such a task. Even though the state is not permanent, I have no inclination to go through with it. I must escape. I am working on a new plan to do so now. I will succeed. I will free myself and stop Uncle. I only hope that Tel has thus far been successful in their own objectives.
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30th of Last Seed, Sundas
I could not bring myself to write yesterday. Not after what came to pass.
Yes, I managed to seamlessly infiltrate the fort. I had not a problem with silently creeping up behind each of the guards and slitting their throats before they could alert their compatriots. And it was little work to clear the guards and unlock the gate for them to enter.
I should have known things would end with dire consequences as soon as we came across the tower. A Nord soldier, Gugnar, who was at the end of his life, told us that General Serien had been experimenting on the Pact soldiers. Gugnar told us that he was experimented on as well with something  to turn him into one of the undead himself.
Tel began trying to heal the man. He told us that it was too late for him, he was already starting to turn. I took out my blades, but Tel insisted on trying to help him.
Gugnar told us that we should let him pass but hurry to burn to journals that General Serien was using for his research before he reanimated. Tel kept trying, I stood by with my dagger.
It soon became obvious that Tel’s efforts were not paying off. I knelt besides Gugnar and told them I would make sure that his death would be remembered. That I would tell Uncle of what had happened to him and the rest of our soldiers. That he had worked hard to make sure we could stop this from happening to anyone else and told him that his ancestors would happily wait for him in Sovngarde. I sang him a song to soothe his pain and fear and then swung my sword until his head was severed from his body. I pulled the research books from the shelves and put them around Gugnar as a pyre and poured out some brandy for him. Then I set the whole of it ablaze.
We then reported to Uncle, per Garyn’s instructions. I explained the situation to Uncle and for once he had nothing to say but that he was going to make Serien pay for what he did to our troops. It was nice to be working towards the same goal once more. Uncle did not chastise me for anything. In fact, he almost seemed to treat me as he did the other soldiers. He said he was going to ensure all the dead were well taken care of so their souls might find peace.
Garyn came to us to say that the Fort had been nearly retaken thanks to our efforts with Walks-in-Ash finishing up the finally assault. All that was left was the general who had holed himself up in the keep with the last few of his troops.
Garyn and Uncle dealt with the wards that protected the keep while Tel, Holgunn, and I cleared the the undead from the front of the keep. There are few things I hate as much as the reanimated dead. Especially those that are in the middle of rotting. Reminds me of all those awful cursed crypts I used to be dragged around through by Nords, or on a couple of occasions, Nabine. Their decomposing bodies make my skin crawl. No, that was a bad mental image
Regardless, as soon as the wards were down we headed for the keep immediately, Tel, Uncle, Garyn, Holgunn, and a few of Uncle’s personal guard.
General Serien was in the middle of some ritual. We quickly dispatched of his last remaining soldiers and attacked him. Then his body transformed into a large flesh atronach. The foul beast attacked with a before unseen ferocity. Yet we all worked in tandem to fight it back.
It all seemed to be going so well.
Yet as the final blow was struck, a strange light emanated from Serien’s body and his spirit ran to where he had been casting his ritual. He exclaimed he would not fail. Then the same strange colored light enveloped Garyn.
Uncle cried out, but it was too late. I ran to Garyn and caught his body as it fell. But it was limp and lifeless in my arms. We tried to find some way to revive him, to bring him back.
A roar of pain escaped Uncle and I could feel that rage and despair within me. Garyn was our House’s future. Our great light and hope for the House continuing to grow in strength and prosperity. He was even more tolerant of other races than Uncle, who has long been criticized for his accepting policies. The Covenant has taken my son, he kept yelling. I just looked down at my Cousin, only two years my senior, body cooling in my arms as his life had escaped him.
I did not have the chance to begin to mourn, for I heard Holgunn yell at Uncle to stop. Holgunn pleaded for Uncle not to try to take the heart, that it was too powerful.
When Holgunn tried to wrestle the heart back out of Uncle’s arms, he was frozen in place by Uncle’s magic. He told us that the Covenant had to pay. That no one took the life of his blood and got away with it.
I ran at Uncle to try and get the heart away from him. Sings-With-Reeds had warned us. And I knew that if Uncle had risked one of the Brothers of Strife in his right mind, his grief clouded mind would not hesitate to make use of the destructive behemoth.
There was little I could do though. I teleported behind Uncle, but as soon as my hand grasped at the heart, I was forced back. I tried teleporting a few times, but Uncle managed to dodge me before finally paralyzing me as well. Then he ran at the door.
Tel tried to stop him, but Uncle knocked Tel out of the way as though they were a fly. Tel got up and ran after Uncle. There was shouting and as the spell that kept Holgunn and I frozen in place wore off, we went outside to find Tel injured and being tended to by one of the medics they had helped before we launched our attack on the fort. Uncle had had Tel seized under orders once he had finished unleashing a full array of spells to slow Tel down.
Walks-in-Ash tried to offer me condolences, but it was hard to take them. Hard to accept what had happened. I performed the initial family rite for the passing of a loved one. Then I asked Walks-in-Ash to contact Mother. We set up the start of plans to have the funeral. The body would need to be tended and returned to Mournhold for the ceremony and a contingent of soldiers who were recovering wounds were asked to help with the process.
I had no time to do more. We had to head back out. Holgunn said he knows where Uncle is going. To fetching Kragenmoor. He will meet with Grandmaster Omin. Apparently there are wards up around the site Uncle needs to reach. We have to beat him there. There is no time to lose. Holgunn told me that he wants me to keep Uncle from getting himself killed, that he had lost too much already that day to lose Uncle as well. I understood. Holgunn had suffered a bad wound from the battle with Serien and then had fallen on top of it while paralyzed. He will need time to be in shape to travel onward. As he said, Uncle releasing Sadal could upset the balance of the Pact. Already the balance of the three factions has been tenuous at best lately, the brazen use of such destructive and unpredictable forces could very well prove the tipping point.
Tel and I have not rested but for a moment as we attempt to make better time. Uncle will no doubt utilize his arcane knowledge to speed his journey. We cannot let him succeed. The Dres have a stake in making sure the Pact fails. They are smart enough to make Uncle believe they sympathize and even to hold a favor over his head in return for letting down the wards of protection around Tormented Spire. I cannot let this happen. I cannot let Garyn’s death have been in vain. Nor Sings-With-Reeds. How many lives must your ambition cost us, Uncle?!
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