#gosh i dont find a smaller food plate
shang-qieckhua · 10 months
Shang... you are doing it wrong....
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deeeelightfuldee · 2 years
Do you tend to eat more on Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Christmas? halloween doesn’t end up being any additional food for me whatsoever. Christmas we seldom actually plan a full meal for the day of (which i know is wild). Thanksgiving we plan to have all sorts of food but I will spend so much time prepping that by the time food comes, i NEVER get to eat a full plate. so I guess maybe Christmas?
Do you think you have a sad life? no. I think i’ve sad some challenging things and I think if I choose to pinpoint the negatives, I’ll find them. But I have a lot to be grateful for and a lot to look forward to and my story is not finished yet.
What’s one award show you have to watch every year? literally none.
How often do you go shopping just for fun? gosh I would love to be able to buy something for fun. I have so many new expenses now that i’m on my own from K.. i seriously need like 2 jobs in order to make this work. lol. I have a gc from christmas for $50 and i’m hyperventilating over all the things I wanna get and trying to figure out which one I want the most.
Who do you like more: the Batman or the Joker? I really didn’t become obsessed with the series. 
What’s your favorite Panic! at the Disco album? idk
Do you like bacon? yes but only if its not burnt.
Do you have an annoying dog? i dont have a dog rn. I seriously am so behind on processing my trauma over the last 2 years that if i even stop to think about miller for more than 30 seconds i will break down into a HORRIBLE sob.
As a kid did you like Barney, Baby Bop, or DJ more? hmm i think barney
What flags do you have in your room, if any? I have a collegiate flag from my alma mater. I was planning on taking it down haha
Do you wash your car by hand or drive through a car wash? drive thru. our water line is bust for the driveway.
What is your favorite party game? psh switch or rummycub or cards or anything really. 
What was the last thing you bought from a vending machine? uhhhhhhh man it has been a while since ive been by a vending machine
Have you ever sent a postcard? Where from? yes. many a time.
What color hair did your first crush have? he had like a sandy blonde hairstyle when I first knew him but as he got older it turned into a brown.
Have you ever visited your nation’s capitol building? no. 
What is your favorite park? one out here that makes me feel at home.
What sports teams do you root for, if any? (Extra points for Boston fans.) bears. cubs. so many college teams.
Do you dunk your cookies in milk? sometimes but there aren’t many GF cookies.
What is something you are confident about? i am confident i have a lot to offer. I have a good personality. I can be funny. I am confident in my academic skills. I’m confident in my cleaning/organizing. I’m confident in my smack talk & sass. 
Do you prefer loose or form-fitting clothing? I tend to wear loose but its crazy I wear form fitting tshirts to bed often and i caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror the other night and was like wow, i actually look a lot smaller with the form fitting.
^ What about on the opposite sex? i like things to be well fit or ever so slightly larger. but i don’t like tight and i dont like huge/oversized.
What do you do when you are really, really mad? I go on a drive. 
Do you put a line through your "7"s? usually yes just to make sure it is distinct from a 1
^ What about your "Z"s? sometimes if i feel spicy
What is one thing that someone could do to you that is unforgivable? forgiveness is a really complex thing. I think something I would not tolerate is being inappropriately touched. like, buh bye.
Do you like broccoli and cheese? absolutely.
What about potatoes and cheese? absolutely.
Toaster or toaster oven? Toaster oven is my preferred but we don’t have one any more. or an oven for that matter.
What are you most known for? depends on who you ask. 
Do you have any reputations? What are they? so like my HS group my reputation was like.. the untouchable. which is funny. I refused dates all the time. I didn’t pay any mind to romance. I was really fixated on studies, church, and safety. At work my reputation was that of an obsessive organizer/cleaner. very neat. very merchandiser-friendly. in my family I’m known as the funny, positive, non-confrontational one. the one the kids hangout with. the one everyone vents to. with my friends I am the support system. the hype squad. the one you vent to. the one down to down anything and nothing.
Do you wear band shirts? i would for some bands but I just dont have the money to buy them.
What was the last thing to leave you speechless? a conversation with K tonight.
Have you been called a bad influence? uhhh jokingly yes.
Have any self-done piercings? yikes no
Ever pierced someone else? I could never do that.
What was the first television show you were obsessed with? recess i think
Do you and your friends normally say you love one another? yes. especially after alix almost died it really amped up our desire to vocalize to one another that we love each other.
Do you have a lot of trees around your house? What about buildings? we have loads of trees here. 
Is there anyone out there who has hurt you so much, you wish they’d die? wowsa no. i dont have that in me. honestly i think even with my assault or the stuff with my dad.. i still dont harbor that sort of anger.
What would you do if the last person you kissed said they hated you? that would be very surprising as he is quite affectionate towards me. I’d probably inquire why.
Whose name might you have tattooed on your body? none
Who might you send a selfie to? Z, uhhhhh maybe Sam or Sawyer or Charlie. but mainly just Z.
What part of your body typically has an ache? this lupus is really raging on my joints. rn its my left shoulder, left knee, both ankles, right wrist. sometimes both elbows. 
Who would you call first after getting engaged to tell them the news? oh man. mom liza karla and em.
Have you ever hung out in a cemetery after dark? yes. we have a cemetary that is supposedly haunted by my house.. like 10 mins away and my sister and her bf when i was way younger, wanted to go there when it was nighttime on halloween so we did. 
Is your mother a Christian? Yes
How often do you use hairspray? maybe like once a week
Ever had a friend online for a long time without seeing a photo of them? uhhhhhhhhhh probably but none that come to mind.
Have you ever been kicked out of a public place? Why? uhhhhhhhhh not that comes to mind
What do you dislike about the house you live in? I would be SO thrilled if i had my own bathroom.
Do you check the weather forecast regularly? yes. its going to snow all day tomorrow.
Do you live on a main road? yes
Do you own a pair of sunglasses? How often do you wear them? yes. never. 
Have you ever made yourself as a Sim? heck yea
What did you last pack a bag for? uhhhhhhhhh hanging out at ems for a while
Do you watch TV while you eat? yes often we do. mom cannot handle listening to grandmas eating (she refuses to use adhesive with her dentures and it is ... very noisy) so we typically put on some show so it can drown out the noise.
Do you know anyone whose gender is non-binary? some people i went to school with. 
What was the last thing in your house that broke and had to be fixed? the fridge situation. it had to be replaced entirely.
Do you prefer candles or incense? candles.
What's something you do even though you know it's bad for you? eat dairy without a dairy pill
Do you pay attention to the news? nooooooooope. i avoid it and i am in bliss because of it. no regrets.
Do you have a vlog? no.
If not, have you ever considered starting a vlog? i mean it’d be cool to have a private one as a diary for me to look back on.
Did you go to AM or PM kindergarten? i was homeschooled. it was all day long lol
Have you ever watched a live birth video? i mean ive seen several live births in the flesh.
Have you ever given birth? No
Is your mom mentally stable? shes been fighting depression this past year. 
What’s your favorite type of crackers? goshhhhhhhhhh i miss triscuits so bad.
What was the name of your first crush? Chris
Do you take medication for anxiety or depression? no
If so, does it work? Does it help you? Or does it make you feel worse? -
Who is your favorite cousin? michelle
What’s your favorite flavor of frosting? literally any. I LOVE frosting.
Do you like toe socks? no it kinda creeps me out.
Who was your best friend in high school? em, nathan, jon, jake. those were my closest peeps at the time. 
Does anyone know who your first crush was besides you? i mean probably. everyone liked him but he was really into me. it was a super sweet story. 
How many teachers have you had crushes on? uhhhhhhhh 2.5 professors that i was like mmmyes.
How old were you when you had your first kiss? 16th birthday
Do you have cellulite? yahhhhhhhh man. who doesnt.
What was the name of the first pet that you loved? millie.
Did you have your own room as a child? gosh no. not until i was like 17?
What color was your nursery? It was whatever color my sister wanted at the time. I think it was pink first.
Did your parents know your gender before you were born? uhhhhhhhh i dont think so because mom was going to name me Casey if i were a boy.
Do you have a healthy BMI? nope. but its also a crap measurement so im not as bothered. 
Do you share a birthday with anyone in your family? nope
What photo editing software do you use? ill use filters for coloring on lightroom
Do you plan to move any time soon? kind of yes. it keeps coming up
Would you rather have pink or green hair? pink i liked when i had pink.
What’s more important to you: books or music? books.
Do you like the name Natasha? Its fine. i wouldn’t name my baby it but i dont mind it
Have you ever been so mad at someone you hurt them? i am sure i have. even tonight, K said what I was saying to him made him feel life had no value --- which is frustrating because i was only stating our situation. but I guess if I could have just not spoken to him, i would not have hurt him -- even if it was unintentionally.
Are any of your relatives pregnant? my sister! growing another nephew. :)
What colour is your favourite bra? soft pink.
What kind of bread did you eat most recently? i havent had bread in over a year.
In the last book you read, what was the main character’s name? i dont recall. rebecca i think
What was the last song you heard, that meant something to you? somewhere with you has been a little hard for me to listen to 
Did you start listening to more Michael Jackson after his death? no, i had a real big obsession in the 90s and early 00s before his death
When was the last time that you played hide and seek? lol this summer with my nephew
Do you worry about money? every day. im so sick of worrying about money.
Have you ever had to beg for a second chance? Yes. its so weird because ive never begged for a second chance from someone because ive hurt them. ive begged for a second chance when theyve decided to move on. which is pretty pathetic. 
What’d you last look up on YouTube? that clip that goes “what’re thoooooooooooose? they’re, um, they’re my sandals.”
Have either of your parents shown affection for you today? i have no earthly idea when my dad has shown me affection. mom did today.
What was the last thing that you bought that someone else benefited from? this like nightstand shelf thing for remotes. i got a 2pk so i could give one to mom
What song reminds you of your best friend? somewhere with you by kenny chesney
Who was the last person to hit on you? Z like 30 seconds ago
What’s on the paper nearest you? its the note from my flowers from K that says “to my forever love” i brought it up here to put in my K box. I also took some flowers out and am drying them out though idk how to gently save those.
Would you ever get a tattoo sleeve? no, i dont think so.
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