#god. shoutout to the snettigrew discord for enabling this
lilyevansgf · 3 years
reasons why argus filch is queercoded
alright. happy pride month bitches here’s a post no one asked for: analyzing filch’s characterization to prove to you all the reasons why he is, in fact, fruity!
1. he’s an outcast in society. we talk so much about how remus being an outcast is part of his queercoding, but it applies to filch too! there is one very big main reason why he is an outcast (and that reason is where almost all of this post stems from) which i talk about in point 4
2. very close with his cat. that’s gay.
3. he’s old and single. why doesn’t he have a wife even though he’s well past jkr’s standard for marital age hmmmm??!!?? it’s because he’s gay
4. okay, now this one is the one that is the most solid. we know that filch is a squib, which is already a highly stigmatized identity to hold in the wizarding world (and that’s why i think all squibs are inherently queercoded, but that’s a post for another time). what’s interesting here is how filch himself reacts to being a squib. we see him own pamphlets for courses and programs to “upgrade” him from a squib into a wizard. he hides the fact that he’s a squib, too, and he’s ashamed of it. obviously the hiding and the shame part are parallels of internalized homophobia, but i think the “squib to wizard programs” are exactly like conversion therapy. they canonically don’t actually work, just like how real conversion therapy doesn’t actually work, too
in conclusion, filch gay
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