#god this show is like my favourite modern cartoon and hunter is one of my favourite characters ever im gonna miss it so bad
aru-art · 1 year
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cried so hard @ the finale i felt dehydrated
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takaraphoenix · 5 years
6, 16, 21, 26 and 35 please! Wishing you a much kinder week! ^^
Thank you for playing. And thanks, I could use it. *sighs*
6. which shows do you think are underrated and need more love?
Honestly, DuckTales, like THIS cartoon deserves a huge following it is sooo good? The writing is so great, what they did with updating the characters is amazing, the voice actors are brilliant?? Like, I know it has a fandom, but when I look at other cartoons *cough* with humans that can be gayed up *cough*, this doesn’t hold a candle to them and that’s crazy to me. It’s so awesome, has such a wonderful focus on family, shows trauma really well and treats many things that TV often just brushes off actually seriously!
Also Pose! There are so many lip-service posts getting reblogged about wanting more diverse TV shows, more black-led TV shows, more trans rep, yet you have to REALLY dig into the Pose fandom part of tumblr to find anything about this abso-fucking-lutely brilliant TV show with a nearly exclusively black trans cast, while every small white gay thing is being blown up on this website. This show is SO well-written it deserves at the very least that much attention, I really do not want to see it cancelled.
And lastly because I gotta stop at one point, The Order, which I just watched this past week but it’s been out for months... and I’ve not heard anything about it, at all? I just. I need a werewolf and witch show in my life. And this is that. And I’d love for the show to get more seasons and more world-building because the first season was actually pretty great, especially the characters are amazing.
16. do you feel like there are any underrated TV show formats?
Relic Hunter. The Librarians. Warehouse 13. Where are the magic artifact treasure hunt shows? Why is there always only one at a time, why can’t I find more than those three shows? Give me a Tomb Raider TV show!
And also the Robin Hood gig. Thieves who do good, or at least who steal from the bad. Hustle. Leverage. Imposters. How is this not a bigger thing? And how is there no actual literal Robin Hood modern day adaptation of it? Like, Robin Hood characters but Leverage modern day style, that’d be so amazing.
21. if you could be a guest star on any show, which one would it be?
Mh, okay, last time I said DuckTales so this time something else. Okay, so, Carmen Sandiego, for when it takes them to Germany because good gods above I am so sick and tired of Americans who speak not a lick of German putting on the fakest German accent ever to pretend to be a German, so this would be like killing two birds with one stone; save the poor ears of me and other German viewers from listening to that cringe-fest and also guest-star in a really cool cartoon!
26. favourite TV show theme song?
One Piece’s 21st theme - Super Powers. That’s currently my favorite theme song, it’s like my song of empowerment? I listen to it to mentally hype myself up and it puts me into a really determined and good mood.
35. who are your top 5 TV characters right now?
JACE HERONDALE, which should not surprise anybody
Felicity Smoak, good gods am I going to miss her
Monkey D. Luffy
Pinkie Pie
Stiles Stilinski, still, even though the show ended a while ago but Stiles was the best damn thing Teen Wolf gave me
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