#give her a fucking break
erros429 · 1 year
if ruby tells yang that summer lied and chose to leave them……… this poor girl’s abandonment issues 😭😭
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swiftmotions · 1 year
nat scatorccio gotta be the most tragic character to ever exist
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gravyhoney · 7 months
Do not bitch in the reblogs of my Nya post. I will fucking block you with no warning. You’re fucking annoying.
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I'm ready to talk about her and how much she means to me
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edgy-girlboss · 11 months
Aloy: Why do I have to do this?
Sylens: Because you are the Chosen One.
Aloy: Oh, just once I'd like to be the Overlooked One.
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queenwhoneverwasx · 2 years
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(deep breath) Jeht is surrounded by so many traitors and shitty people
Jeht YOU are my sister regardless of what the questline says as the MC
you're coming with me
and we're ditching the jinni bottle
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nakababakla · 1 year
elementary, in the words of the zoomers, is mid. so far. "so far" being midway into season 1.
i like it but i'm not throughly enjoying it. i adore holmes' and watson's characterization, and i'm excited for their take on moriarty. but elementary being a police procedural — with a fair amount of copaganda, but so far not as bad as other shows — has been hurting that characterization.
holmes keeps on playing bad cop in interrogation rooms. in one episode holmes freaks out because he can't work for the cops so he doesn't have cases. which is funny because dude your canon ancestor spent 60 stories not working for the cops. you can survive 3 days.
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*huge shatter me spoilers*
Does Juliette ever get a break? Like this bitch grew up thinking she was a monster, thinking that her biological parents were abusive, thinking that she was a weak worthless murderer only to find out that she can control those murderous powers and that she could’ve broken out of the asylum if she really wanted to then for her world to come crashing down even more when her BOYFRIEND TELLS HER THAT SHE WAS ACTUALLY ADOPTED AND THAT SHE HAD A SISTER WHOS BEEN TORTURED FOR 12 FUCKING YEARS, THEN TO ACCIDENTALLY KILL OVER 500 PEOPLE AND GET KIDNAPPED BY HER BIOLOGICAL PARENTS WHO TURNS OUT ARE THE SUPREME COMMANDERS OF OCIANA WHO WERE THOUGHT TO HAVE NO KIDS. NOT TO MENTION THE FACT THAT HER REAL NAME ISNT EVEN JULIETTE. Like i just want to hug the shit out of her and tell her everything will be ok BUT WILL IT??? DOES SHE EVER GET A BREAK???
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cryz-a-lot · 1 year
Unrelated rant can ppl leave Jaden animations alone? Like I feel like she’s always in some sort of drama and it’s not her fault, like backlash when she talked about her eating disorder, the awful ships with her a real ppl, the disgusting ‘art’ of her, and how she’s ‘grooming her audience’ leave grillypop alone she didn’t do anything to deserve this just let her do her thing without being offended
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stars-and-loops · 1 year
its the truth! here, to make up for the loss of sandwiches in the pass.
*Susie receives a picnic basket full of sandwiches*
This is enough to last me a full week... Thank you.
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chimera-the-golden · 1 year
I desperately need a collage AU of Lady Maria and the hunter. Give me a tall intimidating women who does boxing and fencing and her smaller goofy girlfriend.
I’d write it myself if I could but I’m busy writing other rom coms
Thoughtful Anarchy #4
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just when i thought i couldn’t dislike katie joy from without a crystal ball more, she’s giving gwen a hard time on patreon for not being able to get content out 🙃
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snallavanta · 1 year
these people do the most vile shit and they still wanna blame everything on sonja
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nerdpoe · 2 months
Danny is about to be kidnapped in Gotham This is not a good time.
He's studying for the SAT, he's already been kidnapped by Vlad like, four times that week and it was a fucking Tuesday, he forgot his wallet at his new apartment, locked himself out of said new apartment (he could phase through the door but that wasn't the point), he's just been informed that the grant he applied for was denied so he needs to ask his mom and dad for college funds when he'd already told them he had it covered, and just...it was shit.
It had been shit. The entire week had been awful and annoying and he was ready to either murder everyone on the planet or go find a corner to cry in for the next three days.
So when the band of wild goons working for whatever villain of the week pulled up and tried to kidnap him, he snapped.
He used them to vent.
Shouted about how terrible his day had been, how terrible his week had been, how he'd already been kidnapped by his creepy godfather who was way too into him, how college funding was shit and the grant system was rigged, and how he'd have to call a locksmith or break down the door to his own apartment if he wanted to go to bed-all of it. He unloaded all of his frustration.
The goons actually backed off.
One of them gave him an awkward side hug and told him it'd get better.
Danny wasn't paying attention to his surrounding. He doesn't realize that the whole thing was livestreamed.
So when he gets home to his apartment later that day, his door is opened for him by the vigilante Spoiler before he can even turn intangible.
She brought over BatBurger and kidnapped Bruce Wayne, Gotham's bumbling Prince, to talk about college grants.
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amelia-yap · 2 months
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