#get well soon girl 🌸🩷
chloeworships · 5 months
Health Messages:
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With my x-ray vision I was able to see a woman with short hair and she had a blackened area of her skull indicating she had trauma to the head.
I’m not sure what the exact cause could be but she may have been abused and hit in the head. I did see an older man that looked like an older version of Nicholas Cage hitting her over the head with a matte pink wine bottle. He had wild eyes and was so angry and hateful towards her. But this could also be an indication of emotional abuse or both.
Whatever this was it caused her to become addicted to substances.
I cried when the LORD showed me the PINK FLOWER 🌸 because whoever this woman is she is a GENIUS and not by societies standards. She has a beautiful mind and heart 🩷 He showed me this to say she will heal and that he loves her.
When I saw through her, where the flower was, there was darkness 🥺 and the area was a little further back and at the top than indicated in this beautiful artwork.
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This could be a daughter too 🥺 and maybe it’s a brain injury/tumour caused by some other means. Praying for her FULL RECOVERY ❤️‍🩹 She will recover.
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simpforchuchu · 11 months
Hi !
Oml I love your writings sm and when I saw your requests are kinda(?) open again I got excited^^
Okay so how about like hcs with oya! Todoroki faction!reader x shoji sameoka cus like I think it would be interesting like how would shoji ask her out after he literally beat up her friends😭😭😭 and also I would like to see the Todoroki faction's reaction when gets asked out by shoji
Also love your your writing sm keep doing what u love bae !😘
How would Todoroki Faction react if Shoji Sameoka wanted to date with their friend ? /Shoji Sameoka x Oya!TodorokiFaction!reader | Hcs
a/n: Hi, it is not like hcs but i wanted to write smth like this. I hope you like it ☺️🩷 Btw i really love Shoji too 😭 Love u too, thank youu 🌸🩷
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: not much just usual hnl things
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* Todoroki never wanted a girl in the group. He never actually wanted anyone by his side. The friendship adventure that started with Tsuji and Shibaman got more excited when a girl joined the high school.
* Although he found her annoying at first, her strong and sweet personality made him love her. Y/n was one of Todoroki's friends now and was quite important to him.
* Tsuji and Shibaman loved y/n from the very beginning. Y/n was neither as crazy as them nor as calm as Todoroki. But she soon became like their sister.
* Although Y/n looked short next to three tall boys, she wasn't a weak or skinny girl. She knew how to fight and always found a way to save herself.
* She was the one who always kept Tsuji and Shibaman away from ridiculous ideas. And Todoroki was the one who always kept her away from trouble.
* She loved to read with Todoroki. She thought the silence and his presence was comforting. She was enjoying having a piggy back on Shiba's back and teasing Tsuji. Todoroki, on the other hand, watched them with a smile, though he didn't want to show it.
* Todoroki and Tsukasa knew from the very beginning that there was a problem. They both predicted that it would end badly as students in red uniforms began to wander around the school. But no one knew how it would end.
* Shoji Sameoka was dissatisfied with the alliance formed. He knew what kind of person Amagai was. And he wanted his friends to leave this alliance.
* He knew that these events would not end well. He didn't want anyone to get hurt for nothing. That's why he never wanted to go there that day. But he did.
* Y/n and the duo were unaware of anything. On the bus to school together, y/n was asleep leaning on Tsuji's shoulder. Shibaman and Tsuji were playing with their phones.
* As usual, it was a ridiculous conversation. When the bus suddenly braked, Tsuji put his arm in front of y/n and protected her, trying to protect himself with the other arm. All three of them didn't know how much worse things would get after this second.
* When Fujin and Raijin stopped the bus, Shibaman looked out the window and tried to understand what was going on. Tsuji wanted to hide y/n, moved away and wanted them not to know that she was one of them.
* But it was too late, they had to get out of the bus together. No matter how much they both said, y/n did not hide. The end of the small verbal argument was clear. When Shibaman punched one of the oncoming punks and knocked him down, he pushed the young girl and shouted for her to run.
* When Fujin saw the girl running away, he wanted to send his men, but Shoji wanted to go himself. Ever since he saw her, he had thought that a girl shouldn't be in this fight.
* It was not just his friends who were in the alliance. He didnt trust neither Amagai nor Kamasaka leaders. That's why he wanted the young girl to run away.
* When they were out of sight, he stopped and y/n turned to him. She didn't want to run away, she didn't like to act cowardly. Shoji asked the young girl to hit him and run away. Y/n was stunned. Thinking he was making fun of her, she punched him hard. She got even more angry when she saw that he wasn't responding.
* They fought a little, Shoji tried not to respond. Y/n got even more angry and jumped on top of the young boy as he fell to the ground. Shoji was determined not to respond. But something happened that they did not expect.
* When the young girl suddenly fell to the ground, Shoji looked angrily at the person who had hit her on the head. Reiji was here and he could no longer hide her.
* "I really hope you're not that weak. Or I'll think you let her win"
* He argued with Reiji for a while, but couldn't help it. When he dragged the young girl back to the square, Y/n saw Tsuji and Shiba lying on the ground with injuries.
* “Tsuji! Shiba! Let me go you son of a bitch!”
* Reiji grabbed the young girl's hair and argued with her for a while. When he tried to hit her again, Shoji grabbed his arm and stopped him. Shoji and Reiji argued for a while this time. Fujin didn't like it either, he said the fight was over and left the three of them there.
* Todoroki was angry. Three of the people he held dearest in his life were injured. Y/n was in better shape but Tsuji and Shiba were seriously injured. It was the first time he had seen Y/n this scared and he was scared too.
* After a certain amount of time passed on the event, everything was back to the way it was. The wounds were healed and everyone was smiling again.
* No one could have predicted what would happen that day. When the black braided boy entered Oya's door, everyone looked at him in surprise for a while, and then Tsuji and Shibaman moved towards the door with stern eyes. Y/n came from behind with Todoroki. She was also surprised, but more curious.
* Everyone got more tense when Shoji said he wanted to talk to y/n alone. They exchanged glances for a while, when Todoroki nodded, Shoji and y/n started talking from a distance.
* Y/n was even more surprised when Shoji openly said that he likes her and wants to date.
* But y/n hadn't forgotten anything. She hadn't forgotten how her friends were lying on the ground with wounds and how her heart was beating fast that day. How scared she was that day. How they treat them…
* But y/n did not forget that Shoji was uncomfortable with this situation. She knew that he was trying to protect her, that it would have been much worse if he wasnt there.
* That's why she didn't say no to him, but she didn't say yes either. She said she hadn't forgotten anything, and she wouldn't forgive him that easily.
* Shoji didn't even expect it to be this positive. He was happy but remained calm. He nodded his head and looked at Tsuji and Shiba, who were glaring at him first. Then he looked at Todoroki who has his frowned face and nodded his head again. He said goodbye and left Oya silently.
* Y/n, on the other hand, entered the school without answering the questions, found the empty classroom and lay down to sleep. Answers could wait, but first she had to find the answers.
HnL taglist : @straysugzhpe @tiddly-winx  @satraninalane @thatpoindexterpixy
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kinnbig · 8 months
✨ people I wanna know better! ✨
tagged by the lovely lovely @prismatic-witch 💖 thank you!
Last Song? Troye Sivan One of Your Girls! I've been listening to it on repeat since it came out I love it
Favourite colour? soft baby pink or sunshine yellow 🥰🩷💛
Currently watching? mostly just Only Friends on Saturdays! also the new season of Sex Education but very slowly (I'm bad at binge-watching). Bee and I just finished the documentary series we were watching (BBC Earth), but Planet Earth III starts on Sunday so we will soon have a new nature documentary to lose our minds about 💪
Last movie? lmao on Saturday I watched High School Musical for the 10000th time with my mum and sister and Bee. it's my ultimate comfort movie, 1000/10, will watch several hundred more times.
Sweet/spicy/savoury? sweet!!
Relationship status? in a very 100% legitimate polycule with @aikinn, @divorcedmalewife, @kimchaybrainrot, and @thewholedamnboulangerie... if only there were no oceans separating us.... fjkdjkjgjfd no I've been engaged to and living with Bee tumblr user aikinn for 5 years, but alas weddings are expensive 🫠 we'll have been together for 7 years next month! she's an angel and the loml and an all round good egg. and also very pretty. 🩷🤍🧡
Current obsessions? at the beginning of September, having previously never drawn anything more complicated than a stick-man, I decided I was going to teach myself to draw. as you do. and now it's been 6 weeks and I'm obsessed and it's taken over my life and replaced all of my other hobbies 🫣 sorry anyone who was waiting for fic updates.... I've been obsessively drawing pictures of Big.
Last thing you googled? lol it was Planet Earth III cause I couldn't remember whether it started on Saturday or Sunday 🫣 before that apparently it was emoji kitchen. I wanted to make fun lil guys 🥺
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these are both a few months old cause I sooo rarely take selfies lol 🫣 but here is a very rare occasion of me wearing makeup (for a Mika concert) and also on holiday channeling Ram in My Engineer the Series episode 10 [part 3/4]… 🥺🌸
Friends I wanna get to know better: omg okay I'm gonna try and tag some lovely mutuals I don't already know super well - but no pressure if you don't want to (and bonus no pressure to do the selfie part if you don't wanna put your face on tumblr) @yeetlegay, @lady-guts, @rainbowcolored7, @cytharat, @wildelydawn, @bisexualbard 💖💖
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my sweet sweet angel!! I feel like (bc it has been) ages since I’ve seen your gorgeous self on my dash and that I’ve gotten the chance to speak to you. So I just wanted to pop in and say hello!! I hope that life has been treating you well and that things have been going good!
ya know I need some life updates and to see that my baby is flourishinggg! Are we still doing the internship? How are the little ones?? Anything else exciting been going on? I’ve been away for a while so I hadn’t had the chance to respond to your msg (I’m so sorry 😭🙏🏾) but I still love you and miss you alll the same, my dear!!! I hope that this week and new month are kind to you and that you’re taking good care of yourself.
I always get the biggest smile on my face when I see you in my inbox! ur messages make me so freakin happy, you have not the slightest idea 🥹🥹🩷🩷anyways, I am rambling bc I missed you sm but I hope that you have a great day in whatever ur doing right now and know that I adore you. mwah 💋🩷🩷🌸
My sweet darling girl, how I’ve missed you. 🥹
I’ve been pretty good, doing well in my classes and such. I am on the last week of my internship, which saddens me — I’ll miss the kids dearly — but I’ve loved the experience overall. The kids are disappointed that I’ll be gone soon (we’re on spring break over here), but I’m gonna make the best of my last days! 💪
I miss you dearly as well, my sweet! I haven’t been as active as I want to be on here as well, but I’ve started a few writing pieces that I’m excited about (a Sukuna on, Nanami one, and a combination of jjk men with a pornstar reader 🤭🤭). I can’t wait to finish those up and dish them out. I also want to start branching out more and interacting with more people, but I’m still much too shy!! One day though! Trust. ☝️😏
This month hasn’t started off very well (I got devastating news about a family member of mine, so my family is struggling right now), but I hope that the rest of the month will be better. I also need to go gift shopping for my younger sibling, which is a problem. I want to get the little booger everything, even if they’re a pain in my behind. 😐 (I’m also a broke hoe.)
I hope your week/month has started off better than mine, however! Tell me about yourself, baby! I’d love to know how you’re doing, I always adore hearing about you. I’m so happy that I’m seeing you more on my dash (I really have missed you, mi amor). I love seeing you thrive on this app again, put them hoes in their place, baby! (You’re actually so fine when you’re letting them stinky bitches have it.)
I’m glad I can make you smile with my silly messages/asks. I love popping in with my randomness, even if you take forever to respond. 🙄 (I’m just pulling on your leg baby, it’s okay! ‘M just glad my silliness brings you joy! ☺️)
Please take care of yourself, mi cariño. I wish you a lovely day, week, month, and year. May you flourish in everything you do and more. The universe is in your favor, mi vida. I can feel it!
Please don’t hesitate to send me a message or ask, I adore seeing you in my inbox. It gives me an excuse to brag about my wife to everyone. 🥰🥰
I love you very, very much, my beloved.
Hugs and millions of kisses, honeybun. 💋
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cheekblush · 1 year
omg don’t even worry! honestly, you don’t need to respond to them, so long as you’ve read them, i’m happy 🥺❤️‍🔥
omg that’s amazing angel! god, we love when life works out like tht! i hope the trip goes well! 🫀🫂
but, i’m so sorry angel :( honestly school is a pain in the ass and it’s so shit tht we are breaking our backs to be intellectuals but ✨🤓 one day soon my love
hopefully, now tht your exams are over you can ‘relax’ and go enjoy yourself! 💕
pls hush, i literally love you sm i could write love letters to you for the rest of my life … you have me a shakespearean level of smitten 🕊️🕊️🕊️
and, i’ve just been busy w/ school too, i’m trying to get into a phd programme and god it’s so nerve racking, i just email ppl all day and beg them to supervise me 🫠🫠🫠 but WE CAN DO THIS! we are strong and intelligent women! 🎓✨🎀 i’ve also been dealing w/ health issues due to stress and have had a gnarly chest infection for like 2 weeks now but i’ll be fine! i’m just trying to get this programme secured 😭 tysm for asking angel, my sweetheart 🍓
pls look after yourself my girl, want you to go and enjoy yourself on this trip! drink lots of water and take some pain killers and start getting more sleep (easier said than done ik but if you wake up early a few times in a row you’ll go to sleep earlier anyway lol) and enjoy yourself! pack soon bc i don’t want you to stress angel! tysm for your care abt my loved ones, it means the world, i hope you and your loved ones are forever safe, healthy and well and spring blesses you with all the happiness in the world my sunshine 💖✨🦋🌈
hello my guardian angel 👼🏻💗🌟
i had an amazing weekend trip!! i truly enjoyed myself, ate delicious food and danced my heart out ❤️‍🔥 the weather wasn't the best unfortunately but still everything worked out, we had lots of fun and returned home safely and that's what matters the most ❣
omg you're not only incredibly kind and beautiful you're also impressively smart!? tbh i shouldn't be surprised but a phd programme!?! wow that's honestly admirable and astonishing! i can only imagine the stress you must be going through my angel. i'm rooting for you and wishing you only the very best! may you get into a great phd programme with a reliable and kind supervisor! 💫 i believe in you and i'm sooo proud of you!! stay strong and patient my dear!! may you receive good news very soon 🥠💖🍀
and oh no i'm sorry to hear you're suffering from a chest infection :( i hope you get well soon and feel much better! please take good care of yourself!!!! dress warmly, drink lots of tea and take your meds if needed 🫂🧣🍵
and my goodness.. you really are a poet... i have you a shakespearean level of smitten???? 😭💘 you got me blushing, twirling my hair and kicking my feet 💓👉🏻👈🏻💓 you are the absolute sweetest!!! 🍭🧁🍬🍯🍦🍡 i will truly never comprehend how you found me, chose me and what you continue to see in me but i am endlessly grateful that our paths crossed and you appeared in my life like a light at the end of a dark tunnel guiding me to protection 🌟🩷🕊✨🌸🌱🌤🧿🪔💞💫🦋🌷 i love and cherish you my dearest, stay safe and get healthy as soon as possible 💕💘💓💖💞💗💕
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