revenant-coining · 1 year
Purplesuperhero / Purplehero
[ pt: Purplesuperhero / Purplehero ]
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[ID: a rectangular flag with 9 horizontal lines and a circle frill line on the top and bottom. the 4th, 5th, 7th, and 8th lines have a circle on them on the left and right of the flag. colors in this order from top to bottom: purple, light purple, bright purple, lightish purple, light purple, white, light purple, lightish purple, bright purple, light purple, purple. in the center of the flag is a dark purple lightning bolt symbol. End ID]
Purplesuperhero / Purplehero: a gendersuperhero / genderhero subterm; a gender connected to purple and heros / superheros, heros / superheros with purple / purple-related powers, etc.
Etymology: purple, superhero / hero
for day 3 of @m00nystars 500 followers coining event; for the prompt: purple
@radiomogai , @imawanokiwaaa , @ut3ro-term-systems
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[ID: a green and blue line divider with a blue infinity sign outlined in green in the middle. End ID]
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muutagenic · 1 year
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* a gender related to speed and [super]heroes or heroes with speed powers !
* under the gendersuperhero / genderhero system by @donniesbf​
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scr-ppup · 1 year
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› Today's special menu item ! ›› Wintersuperhero /-hero
( 🎡 ) Defination › A gendersuperhero / -hero gender related to winters, cold nights, howling winds, wintery scenery like thick forests, snowy mountain tops and snowflakes falling from the sky and being a hero or a superhero even.
( 👾 ) Etymology › Winter + superhero / hero
(( .. Coined by [ The Seeker ] aka primuscapere ))
Mention : @donniesbf | creator of gendersuperhero / -hero ( lemme know if you wish to be untagged)
[ ID start ... Two identical eleven striped flags side by side with dark sky blue, greyish blue, lighter greyish blue, lighter stormy blue, sky blue, white, sky blue, lighter stromy blue, lighter greyish blue, greyish blue, dark sky blue with a white lightning bolt symbol. The stripes are all different sizes; 1st & 11th are the widest with four circle type fringe, 2nd & 10th stripes are small and barely visible, 3th & 9th stripe is wider than the last one, 4th & 8th stripes are thinner than the last one and each end in a bumb, 5th & 7th stripes are the thinnest and end in a bumb, the 6th stripe is as wider than 5th & 7th but thinner than 4th & 8th stripes .. ID end ]
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botbinary · 1 year
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SATURAHERO ; a gender correlating to saturated colors and heroes, or being a hero [of saturation], enjoying bold colors, etc.
︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑ext. a saturahero may feel a strong connection to heroic actions, heroes as a concept, or being a hero/protagonist. this gender also has a personal connection to bold, saturated colours and its variants; either through being a hero associated with saturated colours, or otherwise having them as part of your identity. though the flag is made of a single-hue palette, the saturated color[s] that a saturahero is connected with could be anything!
Pronunciation → sat · yur · ah · hee · ro
Etymology ;; 'SATURA—' prefix from the color term saturation, '—HERO' suffix under the color[role] gender system, from heroic, or just the title of being a hero.
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neopronouns · 11 months
anyone have the gendersuperhero/genderhero flag?
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otomegirls · 10 months
Is there. Gendersystem for like- heroines or hero’s? Or even muses?
The blushing idol is aware of gendermuse , but nawt any genderheroine / genderhero
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camerons-dysphoria · 4 years
How tucutes view me:
“Good morning cisgender heterosexual men! Don’t you worry, I’m jsut as transphobic as you my cis genderhero! 🥰😍😍 No excuse me while I watch kalvin garrah and cry at his beautiful speech and comment “🗡🧊”. Afterwards I gonna dress like I’m going to a Biden rally ultra masc as possible and shit on trans guys who aren’t as mega masc as me 💪💪🥺🥺!!! Then I’m gonna be a meanie and tell people how invalid they are!!!”
How I really am:
“I love my community but some parts of it are out of control and some parts of it are too extreme and makes me want to leave the community since the safe space is being violated. There needs to be requirements to be LGBTQ+ that are enforced to stop this and I have no problem with doing so. I don’t really stand kalvin but rather value him and his arguments hence he was the first person who made me realize I wasn’t along in being trans, dysphoric, or a transmedcalist. I dress masculine to help with my dysphoria and though I don’t care how others trans guys dress but when they show off female traits willingly I’m suspicious of them as that doesn’t seem like they’re very dysphoric aka not trans. Well, have a good day!”
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zeibfps · 5 years
http://bit.ly/2MZJ26S via /r/Games
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revenant-coining · 10 months
[pt: Flowersuperhero/Flowerhero /end pt]
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[ID: a rectangular flag with 9 horizontal lines and a circle frill line on the top and bottom. the 4th, 5th, 7th, and 8th lines have a circle on them on the left and right of the flag. colors in this order from top to bottom: green, light green, dull green, light dull pink, light pink, pink, light pink, light dull pink, dull green, light green, green. in the center of the flag is a black-green lightning bolt symbol. End ID]
Flowersuperhero/Flowerhero: a gendersuperhero/genderhero subterm; a gender connected to flowers and heros/superheros, heros/superheros with flowers/flower-related powers, etc.
Etymology: flower, superhero/hero
for day 5 of our 900 followers coining event; for the prompts: heroes and flowers
@radiomogai , @imawanokiwaaa , @ceduralshinji , @ceduralshinji-term-systems
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[ID: a light blue line divider outline in blue. in the center is the google bubble emoji. End ID]
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revenant-coining · 11 months
[pt: Constelsuperhero/Constelhero]
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[ID: a rectangular flag with 9 horizontal lines and a circle frill line on the top and bottom. the 4th, 5th, 7th, and 8th lines have a circle on them on the left and right of the flag. colors in this order from top to bottom: black, dark blue, purple, pink, yellow, light yellow, yellow, pink, purple, dark blue, black. in the center of the flag is a blue lightning bolt symbol. End ID]
for @adoraboy
Constelsuperhero/Constelhero: a gendersuperhero/genderhero subterm; a gender connected to one’s constels/being constelic and heros/superheros, heros/superheros who are constelic, etc. this gender is also generally connected to superpowers, service, and helping those in need.
Etymology: constel, superhero/hero
@radiomogai , @imawanokiwaaa , @ut3ro-term-systems
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[ID: a light blue line divider outline in blue. in the center is the google bubble emoji. End ID]
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revenant-coining · 1 year
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[ID: a rectangular flag with 9 horizontal lines and a circle frill line on the top and bottom. the 4th, 5th, 7th, and 8th lines have a circle on them on the left and right of the flag. colors in this order from top to bottom: dark grey, darkish grey, grey, lightish grey, light grey, white, light grey, lightish grey, grey, darkish grey, dark grey. in the center of the flag is a black lightning bolt symbol. End ID]
[ID: a rectangular flag with a darkish grey background. on the top and bottom of the flag is 2 large dark grey half-circles with a grey outline. over those is a frill line of 5 black half-circles. between the large half-circles, overlapping them, is 5 horizontal lines. sizes in this order from top to bottom: medium, thin, thick, thin, medium. colors in this order from top to bottom: lightish grey, light grey, white, light grey, lightish grey. End ID]
Gendersupehero / Genderhero (link) PSD, download here (link)
Gendersidecharacter / Genderdeuteragonist (link) PSD, download here (link)
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revenant-coining · 1 year
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[ID: a rectangular flag with 9 horizontal lines and a circle frill line on the top and bottom. the 4th, 5th, 7th, and 8th lines have a circle on them on the left and right of the flag. colors in this order from top to bottom: dull dark red, dull red, reddish grey, light red, pale red, red off-white, pale red, light red, reddish grey, dull red, dull dark red. in the center of the flag is a dark red lightning bolt symbol. End ID]
Deathsuperhero / Deathhero: a gendersuperhero / genderhero (link); a gender connected to death and heros / superheros, heros / superheros with death / death-related powers, etc.
Etymology: death, superhero / hero
Pronounced: death super-hero / herp (death superhero / hero)
for day 13 of @genderprotag 's coining event; for the alternative prompt: hero
tagging @cup-gender-systems , @oneofmanyarchives
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[ID: a blue line divider with a blue spiral in the middle. End ID]
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platypusscomic · 12 years
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036 - Back-Handed
uh, so i guess i decided not to bother with panels this time?  
does anyone else experience extreme misgenderswinging, where someone decides you're a different gender than they originally pegged you and decide to launch into all the ways you MUST be x instead of y?
trying to tell them that you are, in fact, z never even occurs to them, even when told directly.
please tell me i'm not alone.
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