#gdi bernie
alisonscotlock · 1 year
tagged by @sarahlancashire 💖
scott & bailey - this is the show that got me into fandom and fanfiction (reading and writing) and basically without it i would never have met any of my internet friends. aside from that, i am not immune to fictional middle-aged female detectives with wine-red nail varnish - gill murray and julie dodson i’m looking at you both. special mention to any and all episodes written by amelia bullmore bc gdi the woman is a comedic genius
home fires - i don’t really go for war stuff usually, but this cast drew me in and thank the gods it did bc this was gorgeous. this is the show that gave me my username bc alison scotlock is the loml. it has it all - great stories, beautiful cinematography, excellent acting, a great soundtrack, plentiful pretty ladies for the milf lovers amongst us...
yonderland - only wanted to choose one show by the six idiots and honestly it could have been any of them, but yonderland won because it’s just so CLEVER while being utterly silly, which is absolutely my kind of thing. negatus is supposed to be the baddie but is just... silly and incompetent, which makes him adorable. lots of wise elder vex’s lines became lil echolalia things for me for months after i watched it
call the midwife - this is the show that has been with me for the longest time. it started when i was 15 and it’s seen me through so much and it’s my annual ‘let’s have a big cry every sunday in january and february’ comfort show with a side order of intense emotions. i have loved and/or appreciated 99% of the storylines, midwives and nuns. phyllis crane and sister julienne are my LOVES
dinnerladies - victoria wood. need i say more? this show is like an old friend to me. i can’t remember the first time i watched it but i must have seen it over 15 times. victoria’s writing is incredible and all of the cast are VERY good at bringing her characters to life. this is a get to know me and also my family kind of show - it’s the one we will all sit and watch and laugh along to and we quote it every day
last tango in halifax - look, i’m not saying some of these shows to get to know me aren’t mildly to extremely traumatising, they’re just the shows that have had the most impact on my life. sally i will never forgive you for THAT and also series 5 was so weird, but this was the first show with wlw in it that i watched after i came out and also caroline elliot is another loml (ok i have a lot...)
mum - sitcoms with added pulling hard on the heartstrings are where it’s AT. this is SO well-written and i’m a sucker for that realism. if you think it’s slow and boring then you’re watching it wrong. cathy walker, i love you. she’s so gentle. you know this show is good bc there’s a het relationship that i cry about. it’s the yearninggggg
holby city (series 14 - series 21) - again, this is not The Best by a LONG shot, but berena was my whole life when i was not great mentally and had very little else. they are my ultimate ship and bernie wolfe has my whole entire heart and basically the ik they’re fictional but if the two of them can go through the most traumatising shit and still be “happier than i ever thought possible” finding the love of their life at over 50 years of age, that gives me boundless hope <3
not tagging anyone, but if you see this and would like to be tagged, consider yourself tagged!
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backjustforberena · 3 years
GUYS IMAGINE THOUGH... Serena is in the UK when Bernie sends her that message saying ‘I love you x’. Serena is waiting at the hotel room she got them, giving Bernie alone time with her son and waiting on tenterhooks because they’ve not been apart like this in months and then she gets that text. And if she’s in the UK, she can blooming well find local TV coverage of the hospital bombing. And... just... ahhhhh...
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jyndor · 3 years
meme with the stuff
i was tagged by ai/@dasakuryo in the answer the questions and tag some folks meme. ty dumpling, i am tagging @timelordthirteen​ @cassleia​ (gdi @neolibkenobi) @leaiorganas​ and anyone lol please tagging stresses me out tbh
first creation and most recent creation of 2020: first / last
one of your favourite creations from 2020: this gifset that i made in conjunction with some meta about how cassian and lyra are parallels
a creation you’re really proud of: this one for rogue one’s 4th birthday, especially bodhi’s gif and jyn’s, i think they came out extra nice idk.
a new style you tried this year and a gifset that uses it: fucking overlaying smdh eat shit
your favourite colouring: hmm. probably this one? i like how vivid the blues are. or this one of beth harmon.
a creation that took you forever: fuckin this bitch. its in the tags. probably took a DAY
your creation from 2020 that received the most notes: LOL IT’S JUST A SHITPOST WITH A GIF FROM ANOTHER GIFSET DUHSIUSH LIKE WHYYY
a creation you think deserved more notes: i mean i guess 268 px gifsets aren’t in~ anymore but especially this one
a creation with a favorite scene/quote: ouch this one with yodito and din or this one with jyn’s parents lol #abandonmentissues
a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it: the witcher / the queen’s gambit
a creation you made that breaks your heart: hahaha / HAHAHAHA
a ‘simple’ creation that you really love: idk man they’re just cute and i want the tapes
a creation that was inspired by another one: im trying to think i know it’s happened but honestly i cannot remember, i was inspired by @skitzofreak​ to use Shakespearean insults in this fic
a favourite creation created by someone else: this one is STUNNING, also the switch by @moonprincess92​ got me through some bullshit this year, and oh my god of course! my rcss gift from @b-else-writes​!!! and her r1/atla mashup is amazing too. so many others, but you know, adhd.
some of your favourite content creators from the year: @moonprincess92​ @mockingjaypin​ @b-else-writes​ @dasakuryo​ and mr. bernie sanders ofc thanks for the memeories *is shot*
a for good measure, another a couple more creations of yours that you love: i was just shot idk man this ficlet prompted by @neolibkenobi (LMFAOOO THAT URL I AM SHRIEKING YOU JUST CHAN-)
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I f you don’t recruit Bernadetta in Verdant Wind, she burns during the battle of Grondar field, where Edelgard lights her platform on Fire.
gdi El’s fucking spiral in the other routes is so fucking fascinating, that’s so hardcore and dark
bernie ;w;
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psychoticwillgraham · 4 years
tomorrow is the missouri primary and both mom and i are voting for bernie but i have a bad feeling that biden is gonna take it gdi
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kommyuniseum · 7 years
i just remember my ap gov teacher saying the political orientation of ur parents will have the most influence on ur political orientation and it’s just so not true when my mom supported trump and my dad supported bernie but im a fcking commie and like it’s so diff with immigrant families cause of the language/cultural barriers and also if u identify as queer then u have like a really high chance of just developing antagonistic political identity to ur straight parents? like the biggest factor is probably your racial identity and sexuality but i guess he was just talking about white cishets ugh gdi
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joestrummen · 7 years
gdi bernie sanders was in the union today
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drmckoolaid · 10 years
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a friend said i looked like an anime protagonist today...
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the-nyota-blog · 10 years
im gettin things ready for the uhura-centric femslash friday - if ur not interested, just block the tag "femslash friday". if you are, tHEN SO AM I ITS GONNA BE GREAT
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spirhura-blog · 10 years
gonna have a temporary hiatus, lovely followers you!!! so don't wait up O~O
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jyndor · 3 years
they're really gonna kill the $15 minimum wage. and bernie might take it out of the reconciliation bill to make sure the conservative dems vote yes because the parliamentarian has advised that it should not be included
he is the budget chair, I cannot fathom why he is surrendering like this, unless it is to save face for kamala and the other dems like being the fucking worst. and I know he's trying to like penalize corporations for not paying 15, i know he is trying but gdi they are going to blame HIM for killing it if he kills it.
the parliamentarian is not elected, they don't have to listen to her. kamala can overrule her but she won't! they want to respect the process.
ymmv with tyt but cenk is right on the money with this one. they're gonna do the shitty mitt romney bill because kyrsten sinema and joe manchin suck ass and the other dems don't care to fight for their base.
god fucking damn the democrats.
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drmckoolaid · 10 years
did i tell u guys that last night i got hilariously angry at spock (no reason for it... i just kinda did) and i thought about the multiverse theory and i was like "aaaAAAYYYY" and then i made 11 star trek ocs - all s'chn t'gai kirk babies spock has 11 kids in some universe because of me check and mate u pointy-eared goober
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drmckoolaid · 10 years
[eagle-like war caw] im going to learn to draw chapel and then uhura and then all the tos (and perhaps aos) ladies and i will make the finest femslash known to man [laughter is heard off-screen] okay well maybe second finest
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drmckoolaid · 10 years
why is there so little star trek femslash my gOD who wants to make star trek femslash ya'll
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drmckoolaid · 10 years
when people tag their fandom hate WITH THE FANDOM TAG like shut up you're not that cute no one thinks its funny when you shit on them
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drmckoolaid · 10 years
au where the aos enterprise accidentally adopts a little romulan boy and they all love him a lot; kirk reads to him and points out constellations to him, spock meditates with him and will tell him fond stories of his family life back on vulcan before it was destroyed, uhura sings to him and shows him to speak clearly and accurately so as to get his message across, bones calls him "little hobgoblin" and always grouches about him taking his vitamins and gives him little bits of fatherly advice and always ruffles his hair affectionately, scotty teaches him all about their beauty the enterprise and tells him old scottish tales he heard from his mother, sulu shows him new plants and old swords and explains to him the delicacy you must practice with either one, and chekov teaches him how to curse in russian and pick up babes... "for when you are being older, like me", he says and then they find out that this little boy, in another universe, in their own universe, had grown up to be nero - the destroyer of world(s). and no one quite knows what to do about that, until jim says, "spock, you wouldn't happen to be ambassador selek would you?" to which spock answers, "no captain. though perhaps i could have been." jim's smile then is as warm as it is mischievous. "guess we'll just have to raise the boy right then."
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