fictionkinfessions · 1 year
@ Mari’s question about re-making things from source
Hey sis! Sunny here! Hope you’re doing well ^^
Some of us here in the system have made a couple things. Moon (pre-corruption Nightmare Sans fictive) made his crown/circlet a while back; he loves wearing it and does it whenever hes fronting and we’re home. He also has his full outfit (some parts bought, some we made), but he does t get many chances to wear it.
Omori and I made a Lego version of… uh… our knife. We didn’t wanna risk a real one but it’s a big comfort object for us, so we made a safe Lego one to fill the gap somewhat until we can buy a better fake around Halloween.
Night, who’s kin with Gaster Blaster Sans, made a paper mask of their snout, and some paper claws to help them out with their dysphoria when it hits. They also made a tail out of some old belts and some rocks (for weight).
Uni (fictive from the Sparklecare Hospital comic) is planning on taking some old costume wings from elementary school and painting them to match his! They’re already the right shade of blue, so he just needs to paint one pink and they’re good to go! We also bought a tail that matches our fursona that he wears sometimes since it’s about the right length. Weight is a little off but he doesn’t mind that much.
So yeah, we’re wanting to buy or make more stuff at some point in the future!
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
Dear Twilight
Regarding your recent question about how long it took to realize we were ‘kin, for us it took a few years.
We got into Undertale and the AUs back around 2018/2019 if we remember correctly, and we had always had a strong connection to a certain few AU characters: Nightmare Sans, Gaster Blaster Sans, and kinda Lust Sans. We didn’t think anything of it at the time since we were young , and just thought it was us really liking the characters.
Constantly imagining ourself with Nightmare and GB’s abilities, being part of Nightmare’s gang, and our somewhat strong attraction to Dust Sans despite us never experiencing any sort of attraction before, if we were older then, probably would have clued us in on something else going on.
These connections lingered for years, even as our hyperfixation on Undertale came and went. It wasn’t until June 12, 2021 that we realized we were ‘kin, and we kinfirmed Nightmare that October at a volleyball game of all places (we were a benchwarmer and had plenty of time to think lol). GB was later that year, and Lust was last month.
-Nightmare Sans/Gaster Blaster Sans/Lust Sans (Undertale Multiverse, #🌲⚠️💫)
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
@ Twilight’s question about what we’re proud of
There’s a lot of parts of us being Nightmare Sans, Gaster Blaster Sans, and Underlust Sans that we accept with pride. Our species identity as a skeleton monster being the most major part. Us not being human is something we are extremely comfortable in, and we are proud of not being “normal.”
Also the contradictory nature of us being kin with Lust Sans, while it is something we recently discovered, is something we take some pride in. Yes we are aroace-spec and a character literally named Lust, and no we don’t care how contradictory that is.
Being fictionkin has caused us some hardships with online harassment and the looming threat of loosing our only close irl friends if they find out, but looking back at our life before discovering who we are, we wouldn’t have it any other way.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
Rarepair canons, hm? This is quite interesting for our system.
Mare (Nightmare Sans) was with Dust and Blue in his canon; the three of them were very happy together. Of course, finding anything of him with even one of them is difficult, and there’s nothing of him with them both.
I (Omori) am currently in a qpr with Sunny in-system (not sure if we were together back in source or not, but we are now so whatever). We can’t find anything of us with peace of mind though, since anything of us in a relationship would, of course, be romantic, and that’s gross since I’m 12 and Sunny is 16 in canon.
And the host, who’s kin with Gaster Blaster Sans, is in a more romantically-coded qpr with Lust (Underlust Sans) in-system, and there’s almost nothing of GB in general, so anything ship-related is out of the question. And Lust doesn’t get much ship content in general either.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
For Twilight’s species question
We are quite a few different species, but none of them are human lol.
-2/3 humanoid skeletons (Nightmare Sans and Lust Sans; two timelines as Nightmare, hence the /)
-A canine/draconic skeleton shapeshifter (Gaster Blaster Sans)
-Anthro unicorn dog (Uni Cornelius from Sparklecare Hospital)
-Ice wyvern (Our OC Zephyr)
-Trauma-formed catboy (Omori; I’m a catboy because Sunny was a cat therian in my canon lol)
We are very much not human; we have pretty much no connection to humanity and very much embrace who and what we are, as varied as the species are. From the phantom limbs and other body parts, to the instincts and urges, to the dysphoria and not being able to look in a mirror most of the time, we embrace it all, enjoyable and less enjoyable.
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
Wooooo new kin memory!! And it’s from a canon I don’t have much from either!
I had no idea if I had any connection to Gaster in my GB (Gaster blaster) Sans canon, but now I’m almost 100% positive that he was mine and Pap’s dad.
So, uh, huge thanks to the Gaster on here talking about missing his Sans and Papyrus. Reading your posts are what mainly triggered this memory. (And they’re also very comforting considering my not-great relationship with my parents rn)
Love you too, dad, even though I’m probably not your Sans.
-Gaster Blaster Sans (Undertale Multiverse/UTMV, #🌲⚠️💫)
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
Please post on April 4, please!
Happy birthday Error! I hope today and every other day goes great for you, my glitchy friend! Here’s some chocolate:🍫
-Nightmare Sans/Ink Sans/Gaster Blaster Sans (Undertale AUs, #🌲⚠️💫)
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
For the ‘Kin Numbers thing, I have 4 kintypes (Dipper Pines, Nightmare Sans, Gaster Blaster Sans, and Metal Sonic, who I just kinfirmed a few days ago), Ink Sans is a fictionflicker, and dragons are a hearttype. I’m quite comfortable with my small number of Kintypes, knowing of a lot of them seems like it could be quite confusing.
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
Ooh, this ‘kin fight game seems fun!
My first discovered kintype was Dipper from Gravity Falls and my most recent one is Gaster Blaster Sans from some random Undertale AU. I think the winner here is kinda obvious, since it’s human vs skeleton dragon/beast. Even if Sans wasn’t transformed into the Blaster Beast he could easily beat Dipper, unless Dip had some sort of crazy magic object with him. Then it might be a bit more fair.
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