#gale casted puppy dog eyes…. it was a critical hit
from-the-stone-art · 7 months
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There’s something like the anticipation of a kiss, then the pleasure of being cloaked in peace~
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3d10fire-damage · 4 years
red sun summary (10/08/2020)
the party stood a bit awkwardly in the throne room, alone aside from the guard that escorted them through the palace. the guard didn’t appear fazed by the lack of dragon in this throne room; it seemed normal to her. then the water started to move, as if being displaced somehow. there was the sound of a large creature from behind the rock in the center of the room, and then the shimmery scales of the King rose from the water. the dragon climbed onto the rock and looked down on the party, taking a second to take in the sight. she then looked to her general and commanded her to leave. “your majesty--” “leave.” the guard then bowed and left.
the King remarked that she had told the party not to be in her sight. zoroe replied that the King’s general had brought them here, and calypso agreed that “your lady said it was your law.” during a bit of disrespectful banter about being in Misitu to do some sight seeing, the party downed their Potions of Poison Resistance. zoroe contended they were doing so because they’re heavy drinkers. “you are self-righteous morons who seek to remove me from my kingdom. you have made a mistake.” the King stepped forward, rising to her full height and extending her wings. she looked like a creature out of one’s worst nightmares. “it’s time i showed you what happens when mice stand up to the cat.” calypso meowed. roll for initiative
khaela and davke moved first, dashing along the stone path while the paladin activated her Vow of Enmity on the King. calypso launched the Javelin of Lightning at the King for some lightning damage, then uses Step of the Wind to run up next to davke (since the vines off the path were difficult terrain). Hex cast Protection from Poison on herself. calypso noticed some movement of the vines, and a Shambling Mound emerged from the water and attacked calypso. Ku-aya moved up to engage with the creature while zoroe, bracing for impact, used the naga ability Weave Sensitivity to add a bonus to her saving throws. she then hit the King with Sacred Flame. cluk cast Shatter on the King and Mistral produced a glass bottle and uncorked it, unleashing a harrowing gale of smoke, wind, and dust. the dust settled and revealed a living whirlwind, awaiting Mistral’s command. Mistral then joined the fight against the Shambling Mound. further up the path to the King’s rock, another Shambling Mound crawled out of the water.
the King leaped from her rock and landed heavily near zoroe, cluk, and phosphorra. she glared down at zoroe, saying “i didn’t appreciate that, little snake.” and attacking her with claws and teeth, landing the bite. phosphorra turned invisible again and backed up against the far wall. khaela apologized to the Shambling Mound in front of her (and maybe also her allies?) and Misty Stepped to be engage with the King, now that she had landed. with a bit of a feral look in her eyes, khaela started going ham on the King (with advantage on her attacks thanks to her vow). davke said bye to khaela and looked back and forth between calypso and the Shambling Mound before attacking the mound. calypso used Flurry of Blows on the mound, using the benefit of her Drunken Master techique to then disengage from the mound to run up to the King. she greeted the King with a “hey there, bitch” and zoroe answered with “hello, calypso.” Hex cast Toll the Dead on the Shambling Mound and the mound failed to hit davke.
Ku-aya landed a couple hits on the mound and zoroe summoned a Guardian of Faith just behind the King, taking the form of a shimmering naga baring the symbol of Hvare Khshaeta. cluk hit the King with Shatter again before flying over to the King’s rock in the middle of the throne room. Mistral failed to hit the Shambling Mound but her whirlwind, Sirocco, dealt some damage to the King in her stead. the second Shambling Mound continued its slow way down toward its closest opponents. the King began beating her wings as if she were going to fly again, creating a powerful gust of wind bearing down on calypso, zoroe, and khaela. the monk nimbly managed to avoid any damage from the attack, and zoroe held her ground thanks to her sturdy snake tail, but khaela fell prone from the force of the wind. the King then took to the sky and khaela managed to hit with an opportunity attack from the ground (King also took damage from zoroe’s Guardian). the King took a deep breath and exhaled a cloud of poisonous gas on the three party members she had just attacked. calypso didn’t quite make the CON save, but the poison resistant potions everyone had taken helped with the damage. calypso stubbornly remarked she had smelled worse things, and zoroe added that she’s smelled worse from diapers. the King hung in the air, leaving her out of reach from the melee fighters.
phosphorra cast Fire Ball on the King, also catching the two Shambling Mounds in the blast. this left the first mound “bloodied” and phosphorra then backed up even further. khaela got back to her feet and assumed a defensive stance while davke kept exchanging blows with the first Shambling Mound. calypso, complaining that the King kept running away, stood next to khaela and took the dodge action as well. Hex and Ku-aya kept up the damage on the mound as zoroe took shelter beneath her Guardian of Faith. she then threw a Fire Ball of her own to the King and the mounds, very nearly killing the first Shambling Mound. cluk, perched on the King’s rock, cast Shatter once more... bloodying the King. Mistral finished off the first mound with a critical hit and the second mound swiped and missed davke.
the King, infuriated, dropped onto the rock behind cluk, looming over the bard. “would you stop doing that?” everyone save for Mistral, Ku-aya, and khaela succumbed to the King’s frightening aura. then the King proceeded to tear right into cluk, scoring a critical hit with her claws and teeth in spite of zoroe’s Warding Flare, leaving cluk on her last dregs of strength. a very scared phosphorra used the last of her sorcery points to distantly cast Sanctuary on cluk before firing off an inaccurate Fire Bolt and moving even further away. khaela moved to fight the remaining Shambling Mound while davke continued to be very proud of everyone, in spite of their (and her own) fear. calypso, reaching into her honed monk mind her stubbornness and grit, shook off the fear, telling the King “you don’t scare me, you scaly brat.” Hex focused her attack on the remaining mound, unable to shake the frightened effect of the King. zoroe called out to the dragon “you liked this, right?!” as she fired a Sacred Flame at her. the King turned around on the rock, nearly taking cluk out with her tail whip, but luckily the attack missed thanks to Sanctuary.
wounded and bleeding, cluk got the hell off the King’s rock and zoroe called her over to the Guardian of Faith. cluk landed next to her, slapping her hand like they were in a relay race as zoroe overcame her fear and fretted over cluk’s wounds. Mistral engaged the second mound and her whirlwind, frightened, moved south and assumed a defensive pose. the Shambling Mound, apparently thinking that calypso was a bit too happy to be moving, attacked the tiefling. the King flew over toward this miniature combat, striking davke down before going to hover over the water. phosphorra, still invisible, launched another Fire Ball at the dragon and the mound, dealing full damage (finally). khaela kneeled down to use Cure Wounds on davke to bring her back to consciousness. calypso greeted the naga with a “mornin’ kid” as davke stood up to keep fighting the mound, shaking off her own fear.
calypso landed three hits on the Shambling Mound, leaving the creature looking pretty bad. Hex’s Toll the Dead finished off the creature. calypso shouted to the King “just you left, you green shit!” the dragon beat her wings and flew to the far northern end of the room, surveying the room full of enemies. cluk looked to zoroe with puppy dog eyes, asking for healing. zoroe assured her they’d be okay, patting down her feathers and healing some of her wounds. Ku-aya and Mistral headed further down the path and took the dodge action while Sirocco made the save on the King’s frightening aura.
the dragon landed on her rock, looking rough, panting and bleeding. she spat that the party were vermin, and calypso hit her with “i know you are but what am i?” “you think to challenge me... this royal bloodline that forged its strength and ruled while you worms crawled in the dirt?” the party nodded back at her, expectant. the King growled that she would show the party the true power of her bloodline, then gave a deafening roar. the vines choking the floor shifted and turned the air toxic until a poisonous tornado formed and spread throughout the throne room. zoroe, cluk, and calypso fell unconscious to the poisonous fumes, Hex was dropped very low, while Mistral, khaela, phosphorra, and Ku-aya were hanging in there (Ku-aya, being a ghost, didn’t take any damage). 
then phosphorra cast another Fire Ball on the King, the magical flames overtaking the dragon as she was unable to react in time. the King’s massive body slumped to the rock, falling unevenly before sliding into the water below. in her last moments the King no longer appeared nightmarish, instead looking broken and alone. khaela healed davke again, waking her up. Mistral and the others worked to stabilize their fallen allies. phosphorra immediately healed zoroe so the cleric could assist in healing and waking the others as well. zoroe used Cure Wounds on cluk, then began to send a Healing Word to calypso, only to see that Hex was already taking care of her. once back on her feet, calypso went to retrieve her javelin and to begin extracting one of the King’s teeth. phosphorra said that the group should probably leave soon, though she wasn’t sure what the plan was. Hex replied that they weren’t getting out the same way they came in, prompting zoroe looking to both doors leading out of the throne room, wondering where to go. calypso, covered in blood and vines, carried the dragon tooth over to khaela and offered it to her, as she had drunkenly promised back in Melu. “here's ya dragon fang, fangs.”
Hex suggested the group check for where the King swam in from. zoroe seemed a little nervous about the prospect of swimming out of the palace, not having swam before. Hex and phosphorra both turned to calypso, expecting her to do go swimming and look around for an underwater exit, seeing as she appeared the most fit for swimming. calypso wasn’t entirely convinced, since she had done much swimming herself, having grown up in a desert, so Hex cast Water Breathing on her. she then pushed calypso toward the water, not nearly strongly enough to make her fall, but calypso did a dramatic backwards fall anyway. thanks to a shitty roll, calypso wasted a bit of time searching for an opening in the wall, at one point actually swimming into the wall and hitting her head. eventually though, she found a tunnel that appeared to be a straight shot, large enough for the King to have come through. swimming down the tunnel for a couple minutes, the tunnel’s sides soon opened to an exit. meanwhile, zoroe was fretting at the water’s edge. 
even with her darkvision, calypso wasn’t making out many details in this dark underwater space, besides that she appeared to be in a larger body of water now. coming to the surface, she found herself in a small cavern without any torches, water lapping onto a stone beach. stepping onto the beach and taking a look around, calypso spotted a large makeshift bed, presumably for the King, as well as a tunnel leading further in. while the cavern appeared to be natural, the tunnel looked manmade. satisfied with what she had found so far, calypso returned to the party to report what she saw. there was a bit of banter between her and zoroe about healing that ended with zoroe patting her head and healing her a bit more.
out of concern for other options, it was suggested that someone sneaky check the other door to the throne room, to see what was on the other side, so maybe the party could go that way. again calypso was volunteered for this, though she protested a little, wondering what would happen if guards spotted her and came rushing in. zoroe offered some encouragement, suggested calypso would outrun them. this encouragement appeared to work; “I CAN OUTRUN ANYBODY!” calypso quietly approached the door and opened it silently, peering through to see tons of guards waiting, ready to run into the throne room. with that in mind, the plan was to swim out of here. everyone prepared to go swimming, taking off armor and rolling up sleeves. phosphorra asked Hex if she had anymore Water Breathing spells, to which Hex bluntly said no. zoroe was still worried about swimming, even with calypso insisting she’d help her if she was struggling. then zoroe began counting down for everyone to jump in. naturally, calypso jumped in at 2, then everyone else followed.
next time, DRAGON TREASURE. this was also cluk’s player Lily’s last game unfortunately. she was a lot of fun to play dnd with and we will miss our witty beacon bard.
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