#gal's come a long way and had a lot of wasted potential in the past
cherishsims · 3 years
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Last week marked 6 (!!!) years since I first created Avery, so I took some pics of her to celebrate belatedly.
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jediken0bi · 3 years
The Lucky One
Spencer Reid x Reader
Spencer has always been good at keeping secrets. This secret just so happens to walk into the BAU to bring him his lunch. The team, supportive as ever, decides to tease him a little and Derek learns a little lesson about making assumptions.
word count: 2763
You and Spencer have only been officially dating for about 3 Months.
3 Months, 4 days and 13 hours you hear a voice inside your head. One that sounds suspiciously like Spencers.
You let out a small giggle before shaking your head slightly.
Things couldn't be better between the two of you. You guys had spare keys to the other persons apartment and while that might seem like a rush move for a lot of people you two have agreed that this is the easiest way to maximize your time together. So more often than not, you were staying over at each other's apartment.
You were currently on your way to bring him his lunch since he was in a rush this morning and forgot to take it.
Nothing new to either of you. He often tends to leave his lunch at home only to realize it when he's already on his break resulting in him usually buying himself a cheap sandwich or skipping lunch all together. You decided that, for once, he deserved to have a proper meal. He's been working a lot of overtime lately and it's starting to take a toll on him. On both of you really. He was constantly exhausted and you had to watch him work himself into over drive. Ever since the Hankle case, he's been scared to let even the smallest details go unnoticed which meant that he often spend much longer than the rest of the team on studying the files and trying to solve cases at the speed of light. It's something the team has noticed too over the last couple of weeks. They've been trying to get him to go out with them more often to take his mind off things but he usually rejects them by coming up with some fake excuse.
The reality was that he usually wanted to come straight home to you. He told you the reason he hasn't told the team about you two yet is their constant meddling and involvement in his life. He loves them all dearly and he wouldn't change a thing about either of them, but this was his and his only. He wasn't quite ready to give up the only thing he didn't have to share with anyone. He wanted you all to himself for as long as possible and while you can admit that you were skeptical at first, it's fair to say that you've come to understand Spencers point of view a lot better since then.
So, while you knew all about his team, they knew nothing about you. It didn't offend you though. You are confident that you and Spencer are in this for the long run.
Of course you were slightly worried about running into one of them while bringing him his lunch but that's a risk you were willing to take if it meant that Spencer didn't have to spend another day hungry and exhausted. It's not likely for him to get mad at you if it were to happen anyway. He keeps making small remarks to test the waters.
At this point, he might be scared you don't want to meet his team by the way he's tip toeing around the subject.
Finally arriving at the big scary FBI building you walk inside with caution.
Logically speaking the FBI is the last place you should feel scared to be at, but you can't help but think that this is probably the most intimidating place in the U.S. All those important people in their suits and pencil skirts and their stone cold expressions made you question how Spencer could be so different.
Before you could finish that thought you pass the security check and run straight into someone else on your way to the elevator.
You couldn't get a word out before said person started talking.
"Oh my god i am so sorry, gorgeous! I'm usually more coordinated than this i swear. It's just been a very stressful morning and now i've made yours worse by bumping into you-"
You smile widely as you realize who you must be talking to.
Tech Genius Penelope Garcia
"It's completely fine honestly! It was totally my fault anyway. It's my first time here and i'm a bit nervous"
You felt a bit rude interrupting her but based on the things Spencer told you about her this apology would've went on for at least another two minutes and you would much rather spend that elevator ride having a conversation with her.
After all, she was the BAU sunshine.
And bright she is with her colorful clothes and awesome glasses you think to yourself in that very moment.
It was a nice change of scenery after hushing around serious looking people before.
"Well, looks like we were both a bit dazzled just then! First time huh? Yeah there's definitely something scary about this place. What's a pretty gal like you doing here on a saturday morning? Oh! Are you visiting someone special?", Garcia says in a excited tone before quickly pressing the button taking you two up to the BAU floor.
You were grateful for that because it meant you didn't have to explain why you had to go to that floor too. Of course Penelope was way too hyper to realize i hadn't pressed another button in that moment so i quickly answered her to draw her attention to something else.
"Yeah, i am. I'm bringing my boyfriend his lunch. He hasn't been taking care of himself recently and i want him to at least have a proper meal in his stomach"
Garcia smiled at you with a small nod.
"That's so cute! He is lucky to have you, sweetie. I'm Penelope Garcia by the way!"
She extends her hand and you immediately shake it with a small smile playing on your lips
"I'm Y/N. Very nice to meet you, Penelope"
Not 3 seconds later the elevator doors open and you follow Garcia out of it and straight into the bullpen.
You didn't make it very far before a guy you strongly assume to be the infamous Derek Morgan approached Garcia and, by proximity, you.
"Now that's what you wanna see first thing in the morning! How is my Babygirl?"
Yep, definitely Morgan
"Infinitely better now that i've seen you, hot stuff" says Penelope without even having to think about it.
You can't help but snort at how adorable their friendship is. They're so comfortable with each other.
Derek looks past Garcia and straight at you with curious eyes.
"Well hello mamas. Who do we have here?"
Garcia turns around and has a surprised look on her face when she finally notices you behind her.
"Y/N! I thought you were on your way to meet your boyfriend for lunch?"
I opened my mouth to explain why exactly i was there but Derek beat me to it.
"Now why don't we just forget about that boyfriend and you let me take you out for lunch instead?"
Penelope hits him in the shoulder and i just laugh. Derek looks at me smugly and raises his eyebrows as a way of asking 'What do you say?'
You're tempted to just straight up tell him who you're here for to save everyone from a potentially awkward situation but just as you start talking you see Spencer sitting at his desk focused on his paperwork.
You make the quick decision to simply show Derek instead.
Without saying another word you simply walk past him with a big smile and head towards your destination.
"Hey handsome"
Spencers head shoots up as soon as he hears the familiar sound of your voice. He stares at you with wide eyes. He's clearly shocked to see you and you don't blame him. You just hope he's happy to see you.
"Y/N! What are you doing here?"
Now, if it had been anyone else you're sure this would've sounded rude, but you know Spencer so you know he doesn't mean for it to sound accusing. He's genuinely wondering.
You put on a playful pout.
"Is that a way to talk to the wonderful person who came all the way to the fbi to bring you lunch?"
Spencer finally stands up and looks down on the bag in your hand. He smiles and suddenly it's like he's at home with you. No one else around.
He walks up to you and wraps his arms around your waist.
"No, of course not. Thank you, beautiful"
He presses a small but firm kiss to your waiting lips and you smile up at him.
"You're welcome. I know work has been rough and i thought maybe a proper lunch could make up for some of it. I know it's not a lot and it doesn't cure the bad thoughts but you should know that i made today's lunch with an extra amount of love"
You joke.
You push one of his curls out of his eyes so you can properly look at him. He was already gone by the time you woke up so this is the first you're seeing of him today. He looks tired. Exhausted. And it's breaking your heart.
He gives you a smile that reaches his eyes. The first one in days. There's a feeling of pride blooming inside of you.
"How could i say no to some extra lovin'?"
Your eyes immediately widen and a blush creeps up your face.
"Spence!" You hit his shoulder and he tumbles back a tiny bit, laughing.
"I'm sorry, love. I really am grateful for this. You didn't have to do this"
It's only then that you realize you're not in the confide space of your apartments. You're in the bullpen of the BAU surrounded by Spencers friends and second family.
Spencer seems to realize that too because he suddenly let's go of you and clears his throat.
Confused about what just happened you turn around to spot Derek, Penelope and two women who you assume must be JJ and Emily staring at you with wide unbelieving eyes.
"There ain't no way. Pretty boy!! My man!"
Derek breaks out of his shock first and proudly points between the two of you.
Garcia doesn't waste a second following his example
"Reid is the boyfriend who hasn't been taking care of himself?!"
"What?" JJ, Emily and Spencer all ask at the time.
You can't help but laugh out loud at the absurd situation you got yourself in.
You turn around to look at Spencer. One hand grabbing his chin so he looks at you.
"Yeah, that would be him"
Spencer goes beet red immediately and the team goes wild.
You only smile wider at him and he pulls you back against his chest, wrapping one of his arms back around your waist. He goes to hide his embarrassment by burying his face in your shoulder.
He hates being the center of attention especially when it comes to his team.
"Spence, i didn't know you were seeing someone! How come you hid her from us?"
JJ asks him all excited. She was clearly happy her best friend has finally found someone he loves and trusts.
Spencer grumbles and lifts his head to look at his team.
"I wasn't hiding her! I just wanted something for myself for a little while. We're all up in each others business all the time and i love you guys but it was nice not having to share this part of my life with everyone for a bit. JJ, you did the same when you started dating Will!"
The team looks at each other for a moment and suddenly they all nod understandingly
"Fair enough" they all say.
Spencer hums approvingly and you just smile at the scene before you.
That wasn't that bad! I don't even know what i was afraid of
You were about to bid your goodbyes to the team and Spence so they could get back to work when Dereks next comment urges you to stay for a little while longer.
"Now Reid don't get me wrong but how the hell did you land a smoke show like this? No disrespect kid but i admittedly tried to flirt with her before i knew who she was"
Spencer smiles uncomfortably and shifts from one foot to the other.
"I don't know i guess i was just being myself? I saw her in my favorite book store one day and i just asked her out. Unusual for me, sure, but it's like i didn't have to be afraid with her. I don't know that probably sounds weird"
Your eyes soften and you lay your hand on top of Spencers on your waist. You turn your head a little to press a small kiss to his cheek.
"It doesn't sound weird, Spence. I'm glad you asked me out. I wanted to ask you but i couldn't bring myself to build up the courage. I think you're brave for taking a risk but trust me there was no way i was going to say no to you"
Emily, JJ and Penelope all seemed to melt over the cute interaction between you two but Dereks focus was somewhere else.
He didn't mean any harm you're absolutely sure about that. Maybe it's your instinct to protect Spencer or maybe it's your way of showing him exactly what he's worth but you can't find yourself feeling sorry for what happens next.
"Hold on, you were scared to ask him out? Pretty Ricky over here intimidated you? That's got to be a first"
He laughs with no real malice behind his voice. He's just joking around after all.
Spencer looks down in slight embarrassment at his friends teasing and you decide that now is the time to show them exactly what kind of girlfriend you are.
"I'm not sure we're looking at the same person here Derek because when i was at that bookstore creepily drooling over this hot as hell 6'3 doctor with great taste in literature i knew i had to ask him out. He's the kind of man you want to spend your life with. Not some cheap fling or meaningless 2 week dating experiment. I knew that, once i had him, i was going to hold on to him. So yeah, i was intimidated. It was like staring into your future and i was scared of messing it up. I've never been happier than i am now with Spencer"
Spencer stayed silent the entire time only pressing you closer to him. Once you're finished talking he presses a long firm kiss to your head.
"It's okay. I know, love. Me too"
He whispers loud enough so you could hear it but not loud enough for the rest of the team to hear.
"Woah little mama i meant no offense! I don't call him pretty boy for nothing. I'm just playing with y'all. I love the kid and i'm happy you two have found each other"
He smiles warmly at you and you give him a smile in return.
"I know you didn't. Spence told me all about you guys. I just don't like it when people make assumptions about my relationship with him. Because if anything, i'm the lucky one.
Spencer snorts and you lightly elbow him in the stomach with a grin on your face. You both look at each other with a glint in your eyes
"Agree to disagree" you both say at the same time. It's kind of become your thing. This isn't the first time that debate has been discussed between you two.
"Oh my god they're total nerds in love. Love Nerds!"
Penelope says in a squeaky voice.
You all laugh at her enthusiasm and you turn around to look at your boyfriend once more.
"I better get going. I didn't mean to stay this long anyway. I'll see you tonight? Your place? I'll order us some chinese"
Spencer takes your hand in his and nods with a smile.
"Yeah i'll be there"
You grin and lean up to kiss him goodbye. Seconds before your lips meet you whisper
"You better be. I'm planning on cashing in that promise for some extra lovin' tonight"
You finally press a kiss to lips and turn around as he turns bright red.
You laugh loudly.
"Two can play this game baby!"
You're practically running out of there to avoid any further questioning from his team. All you hear is a chorus of laughter and Spencers embarrassed voice as he tells them to shut up
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tainted-wine · 4 years
Past Due
Reader X Giran, Dabi, and Mr. Compress (NSFW)
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(OOF, This little bastard of a fic has been fighting me every step of the way. It took so long because I was second guessing every single sentence I wrote. Finally, here’s the darkest shit I’ve written so far.)
(This is pre-Overhaul arc, so the bois Giran and Compress are still whole)
Words: 7.8k
Heed These Warnings: Murder, Kidnapping, Noncon/Dubcon, Giran being a dangerous dude, Knives, Forced Oral and Anal, Voyeurism, Humiliation, and the Protagonist just being a total dumbass
For as long as you have lived, luck has been by your side like a bipolar twin attached to your hip. It was thanks to luck that you were born into a quirkless family in the trashiest of neighborhoods, your penniless parents separating and leaving you to fend for yourself. The streets had no use for you; no quirk, no charisma, no money, you were just another parasite desperately clinging onto the city’s rotten underbelly.
But it was also thanks to luck that you survived this long. The average person can remember each and every brush with death in their life clearly, but you—you’ve lost count of how many times this cruel world has tried to pick you off. So far, you have dodged every bullet, knife, and blast of quirk-based power aimed in your direction. How do you keep slipping past all of these dangerous criminals? Your reckless ass has no idea. Luck was simply a sadistic douchebag that enjoyed dangling you over the jaws of death, only to yank you back up and repeat the process like a sad little yo-yo.
As you drove to your place in a panic, you wonder if luck has ever fucked you this hard before.
Things had gotten somewhat organized, and by that you mean that you finally had some sort of plan instead of gravitating toward the nearest opportunity that didn’t look ready to tear you apart and throw your remains in an alley. You’ve even made an accomplice, a woman not quite as powerless as you, but an unfortunate soul with less experience in this…line of work. To make things even better, you managed to strike a deal with a prominent broker. Giran was a name known all throughout Japan’s black market, and to think that he’d see potential in a quirkless broad whose notable trait was simply not dying—it was your lucky day. He supplied you with weapons that will make surviving in this hellhole much easier, telling you to pay him within the next five days.
Your partner in crime asked if this was a good idea, that you didn’t seem capable of gathering that amount of money in the span of time you were given. There was no reason for her to worry; with the heat the two of you were packing now, you now had the ability to rob more than distracted civilians wandering the streets.
But before you could even enjoy your brand new firepower, luck decided to be a total asshole again. It was only the second day when you both were ambushed by a group of ruffians. Their quirks were pretty damn impressive, honestly. One of them levitated your gun right out of your hands before you could even fire, instantly leaving you helpless so that the other dudes could close in and beat the snot out of you.
The two of you woke up, bruised, bloodied, and stripped of Giran’s weapons. Damn, you don’t remember a deal ever going south this quickly. Must be a new record.
Alright, so your weapons were gone and you only have a fraction of the money so far. You can figure this out. Your partner was fuckin’ hysterical and you have to smack her before she gives herself a heart attack. The money was barely coming in, and before you knew it, the fifth day had arrived.
Yeah, you weren’t ready to face him yet.
Look, you weren’t exactly running away from him, you were just making sure to give yourself some space while you got your shit back together. That’s why you immediately moved to another part of town and now made sure to never drive down the same route twice. No, you weren’t gathering money for yourself and completely brushing off Giran, like your partner was suspecting. She has no idea what she’s talking about so she needs to shut up already and help you sell this jewelry that you worked so hard in stealing.
Okay, maybe Giran has been trying to call you for the past couple of days and you were officially ghosting him, but she didn’t need that knowledge to add to her stress. You probably weren’t even in any danger. The deal didn’t cost that much, and he didn’t seem like the type of guy to get truly pissed over some petty crook like you, right?
It’s been a week since the due date, and you both were still safe and sound. It was time to get your paranoid little buddy and discuss your next course of action.
When you reached her shoddy rented room, the door was already cracked open. Strange, and very careless; she should know better. You pushed it the remainder of the way and strutted inside. “Don’t leave your door open, dumbass. Anyway, I gotta—”
Your partner was sprawled out on the bed, open eyes still showing hints of the terror that she most definitely felt before her body became riddled with bullets. The smell of smoke and blood finally reached your nose when the shock of the scene before you wore off. The poor gal probably didn’t deserve such a gruesome fate.
“Oh…nevermind.” You close the door and briskly walk through the hall and out of that dangerous building.
This all led up to you speeding to your own run-down apartment.
‘Don’t jump to conclusions, now. This might have nothing to do with Giran. Maybe she pissed off some guys behind my back, or maybe I pissed them off and they found her before they found me. I keep forgetting just how many shit-lists probably have my name on them.’
Whatever it was, that instinctive twist in your gut was telling you that it was no longer safe around these parts. You had overstayed your welcome, anyway.
You glanced in every direction as you entered the building. At what time was your partner killed? If they’re after you too, do they already know where you live? There was no time to waste.
Checking to see that you weren't being followed, you entered your room and went straight to packing. You were basically a drifter, so you had few long-term possessions, so few that they could all fit into one bag. You packed your clothes, essential groceries, and your knickknacks that were ripe for selling. You’re loaded up and ready to go, and you don’t even need to go through the trouble of contacting an accomplice anymore. It’s those paper-thin silver linings that keep you going through this endless shitstorm of a life. With a silent goodbye to your short-lived home, you made your way to the door…
And a series of knocks freezes you in your tracks.
The sudden quickening of your heartbeat was dizzying. Shit. Shit shit shit. Whoever is on the other side can’t be friendly, but you had checked! You made sure no one was tailing you!
You backed away while your eyes darted around, deciding if you should defend yourself or find an alternate route to escape. Your only line of defense was a switchblade, so fighting was probably as bad of an idea as it usually was. You looked back to the single window in the room. ‘The fire escape.’
Several harder knocks spurred you into action. You unlocked and pulled at the old window, the worn frame almost breaking off as it opened. The damn ladder and stairs were one room across, but you can jump across the sills if you were careful enough.
There were more knocks, this time followed by a male voice. “Why the hell are we knocking? She’s not gonna answer.”
Another man responded. Shit, there’s more than one? “True. I just like to give the peaceful route a try.”
Something happened to the door that your fear-addled mind couldn’t comprehend. In the span of a second, the wooden door’s shape was warped and shrunken down into a small sphere. You didn’t spend any time to observe the two men at the entrance—you were already scrambling out of the window. The small ledge was difficult to balance on. If you could just get enough leverage for a jump…
Fuck, you had to take the leap now, but before you could, a pair of hands took hold of you. In a blind panic, you drew your small blade and swung wildly at your attacker, doing your best not to lose your footing. One hand drew back and you heard a hiss of something like “little bitch”, and you thought this was your chance to break free and get away, but the hand still gripping the waist band of your pants got hot, so hot that it reached your skin and had you yelling in pain from the intense heat. With a powerful yank, you were falling back into the room and being pinned to the floor.
‘No no come on, Lady Luck. You’re always here to save my ass, right? I could use your help right fucking now.”
You thrashed and screamed, but then you saw the face of your captor and ew, that shit made you scream even louder. At least make the last face you see more appealing and less…burnt.
The burned man just looked annoyed while holding you down. “Just compress her already.”
Compress? What? Were they about to crush you? That sounds like a really shitty way to go. A gloved hand was pressed to your head, and everything began to distort at a rate too fast for your mind.
It was dark…you felt like you were floating…are you dead? Did it happen that fast? At least it was painless. There was a voice echoing somewhere, but all you saw was blackness. It sounded like it was coming from above. “God?” He’s real, after all?
God sounded very similar to the burnt asshole that attacked you. “That was easy. Why did he need us for this?”
The other voice that you still couldn’t attach a face to answered. “Giran does a lot for the League. It’s only fair that we do him the occasional favor, isn’t it? Her partner has already been taken care of.”
Well shit. Not only were you still alive, but you had been captured in some way to be delivered to him. You wanted to believe that you were in no serious danger, but no one sends two guys to break into your place and abduct you unless they had something sadistic in mind. Maybe your late partner was onto something this whole time.
The talking continued, but the sound was so faint. It’s like you were wearing a thick pair of earmuffs. This entire void, or whatever it is, was uncomfortable—the darkness seemed vast, yet it felt claustrophobic and heavy, like a powerful gravity preventing you from moving. What kind of quirk was this?
The mystery man was talking again. “Your arm is bleeding.”
“Oh right, she caught me with that little blade.” The burnt one said calmly. “It’s not that bad. My arms can’t feel much.”
“It’s not the pain I’m worried about; find something to wrap it up!” There was a sound that was difficult to discern, possibly a long sigh. “She made quite a scene at the window. I hope she didn’t bring any attention to us.”
You heard a grunt from the burnt one and could picture him shrugging. “If anyone asks, we’ll just say that she was a jumper and we stopped her.”
“…Who in the world tries to jump from only three stories?”
“A dumbass, and I’m pretty sure that’s what she is.”
The burnt guy can kiss your ass.
Their conversations were the only indication of time passing. Maybe you heard a few noises from whatever area they were currently in, such as a car passing by or a dog barking, but it was all too muffled to know for sure.
You hope you won’t be stuck in this prison for too long. The emptiness of it all was going to drive you insane. The abyss apparently sensed your distressed, shaping lights and colors all around and lifting the phantom weight off of you so quickly that you had to hold down a rush of bile in your throat.
It’s still fairly dark…a dimly lit room, no furniture, your knees on a hardwood floor, a figure sitting in front of you…
“Good morning.”
A greeting has never filled you with so much dread, uttered by a voice you haven’t heard in nearly two weeks.
The big-time broker himself was seated before you in a simple metal chair. When you met him in the bar to do business together, he had such a nonchalant aura around him, friendly yet detached. The smirk on his face seemed permanent, wearing it even now as he stared down at you, the little rat that has been hiding in the cracks of the city to avoid his sight. You didn’t feel threatened at all when you spoke in the bar; part of you knew that this man was in no way harmless, but he didn’t go out of his way to intimidate.
But now, even with the same relaxed posture and the same informal tone, his presence was sending strong chills down your spine with your brain screaming DANGER.
Giran leaned in, elbows resting on his thighs and a lit cigarette tucked between his fingers. The hanging bulbs illuminated only parts of his face, leaving the rest in a menacing shadow. “How have you been?”
You had no idea how to answer that. “F-fine?”
He gave a satisfied hum, as if he cared about your wellbeing. “That’s good to know. You’ve been hard to contact lately, so I had no idea.”
You swallowed, or at least you tried, but your throat was forgetting how to work properly. “I…” A cough escaped you. “I’ve been busy.”
His gruff chuckle unsettled you. “Of course. We’re all so busy these days, aren’t we? I’m not the type to stick my nose in others’ business, but may I ask what you’ve been so busy with? Hopefully something that involved gathering my money?” There it was.
Creating some more distance between your potential killer might help you think a little more clearly through the loud beating in your head, so you crawl backwards on shaky limbs like a drunk crab. “Y-yes! I’ve been doing my best, it’s just that I ran into a little problem an—” You bumped into something, turning your head to see a man looming over you. His attire was sharp, like that of a showman—even had a damn top hat. However, the mask he wore was rather ominous, the strange pattern resembling an abstract face. He didn’t budge when you had backed into his leg, only looking down at you as if you were a scared kitten.
In the corner of your vision you noticed the burnt one leaning back against the wall, watching you with disinterest. If it weren’t for the cold stare and the peril that he’s already put you through, you’d dare to admit that the greenish-blue hue of his eyes were kind of pretty.
“Don’t mind them,” Giran said with a lazy wave. “Those two are being kind enough to stick around in case I need them again. So, you were saying?”
You tried to recall where you were in your improvised excuse, and decided that you couldn’t risk having such a lie backfire. “I-I’m working on it. I have most of it so far. I just need a little more time.”
Giran’s face didn’t change. “And how much do you have?”
“Um…I…” What the hell do you say? Are you just digging yourself deeper? Is it possible to go any deeper? “Maybe I don’t have most, but I will soon so—”
“How much do you have?” It was firmer this time, making you shrink back. Dancing around his question wasn’t a good idea.
With a shaky breath, you answered quietly, “A hundred thousand yen.”
Giran placed the cigarette between his lips and took a long drag before blowing out a small cloud of toxic fumes. “A hundred thousand…of my three hundred thousand yen.”
Fuck, when he says it like that, maybe that is a lot of money to be missing out on.
You honestly wished he would show some sort of anger; his unwavering calmness was making you more anxious than any kind of rage.
“Can you tell me what you didn’t understand?” He asked.
“Huh? What…do you mean?” You couldn’t hold back the tremble in your voice.
“When we talked, I thought I made my measures clear. I give you the weapons, you pay me within the next five days. For every late day, I add more to what you already owe me. And if you take way too long, I’ll have to personally show you why you shouldn’t make deals where you can’t hold up your end.” He took another drag. You’re getting a feeling that the shrinking roll of tobacco is playing a big role in maintaining his leveled head. “Well, that all sounds clear to me, but there must be something in that explanation that didn’t get through to you, because you just ignored all of it.” Those final words were topped with a humorless laugh.
Just like that, every foolish decision you’ve made during the past week slams down on you. You were like a child that was confident they could escape whatever punishments were planned for them, now that they were finally caught, they just wanted to blubber endless apologies in hopes of being forgiven, and that’s exactly what you do. “Please, please just give me more time. I’m sorry. I just need another chance.”
Giran simply rests his head in one of his hands while pondering. “You know, this normally wouldn’t bother me. I consider myself an even-tempered guy. But you just had to go and run, avoiding my calls and hiding away for an entire week. If there’s anything that steams me up,” his brows furrowed, the first physical sign of anger that he’s shown. “It’s when an uncooperative client runs from me. Sorry about your friend, but I had to make sure I got my point across. Now it’s your turn.”
He reached into his violet jacket and pulled out a knife. Most of it was a large bulky handle, topped with a short but efficiently thin and curved blade. A wood carving knife.
As he rose from his chair and approached, you were suppressing the urge to just laugh at your own distress, a habit of yours that has caused more than one misunderstanding in the past.
“Compress, if you will.” Giran’s hand beckoned you upwards.
The man still behind you, apparently named Compress, locked both of your wrists at your back before pulling you up on your feet. “Hey-I-Wha-Wait a minute! We can talk! I can fix this!” You stuttered in pure desperation. Giran was poking at the tip of the knife and testing its sharpness, paying no attention to your pleas.
“It’s a shame, really. I happen to have one major weakness,” he admitted while inspecting his pricked finger. “Women. I’m always going easy on them—giving them more chances than they deserve. I can’t help it.” He grips your cheeks roughly, making you squeak. “And it really breaks my heart that I have to ruin such a pretty lady.”
“You don’t have to.” Your squished puckered lips sputter out, making you look and sound ridiculous. “Maybe I cou—"
The knife hovering so close to your face silences you. “Where should I start?” He wondered. You hold as still as possible while the sharp metal lingers dangerously close to your eye. “Maybe I should take out an eye? Maybe both?” His grip on your face prevents you from turning away, so you shut your eyes instead, accidentally releasing the tears that have been gathering in the corners. You feel his hand lower to hold your chin so that he can press the blade against the side of your face, so close to breaking skin. “Or maybe I’ll carve out your cheeks?” A thumb brushes against your lips and pushes past them. “You are quite a talker. Maybe I ought to go in there and remove that tongue.”
Your eyes remain closed, trying to focus on something else. The full-body tremors that you couldn’t stop, the press of Compress’s body against your back as he held onto your wrists, anything but the deadly blade trailing across your flesh. Every time the cruel man applied pressure, you braced yourself for the pain of cold steel cutting into you like fresh produce, but he would always pull back. It was pure torture and he hasn’t even harmed you yet.
“Hmm, you really are a cute one,” you heard him murmur as the knife trailed down your neck and across your collar. “Do I really want to carve such pretty skin?”
There was a loud groan, prompting your eyes to open and look to the burnt one who left his post at the wall. “For fuck’s sake, old man. How about I handle this so you don’t have to play mental tug-o-war with yourself?”
Giran didn’t seem fazed by the crude way he was addressed. “Oh? What did you have in mind, Dabi?”
Dabi gave an evil smirk of his own as he walked over. “I wonder how badly I can burn a person without killing them.” A scarred hand was placed on your shoulder and you squirmed at the rising heat. “Maybe we can find out together. How about it, girlie?”
You felt the other man behind you shake with a soft laugh. “So cruel, Dabi. I’m a gentleman myself. I could help, but taking a limb or two from such a beauty would be an unforgivable crime.” The implication of what he could do with his quirk made you fear for your arms that were still in his grasp.
“Great. Chivalry isn’t dead in the world of villains.” Dabi rolled his eyes. “You’re not wrong, though. She doesn’t look bad.”
There were too many hands on you. A rough aged hand caressed your throat and jaw, a gloved hand was tenderly running through your hair, and burned ones were shamelessly groping your chest and squishing your breasts. “Stop! What do you think you’re doing?”
“Shut it.” Dabi snapped, not letting up his assault. “Burning you might be a waste. Maybe I should just fuck you instead.”
Your stomach twisted in disgust at the very thought. The other two men pulled back and stilled at the suggestion. This nasty motherfucker wishes he’d get some. At least there were more reasonable voices in the room to keep the sicko away.
“Well now, that’s not a bad idea.” Giran declared with a nod of approval.
‘Ex-fucking-scuse me?’
Compress gave your shoulder a suggestive squeeze. “A vulgar way of putting it, but it’s an idea I can get behind.”
“Then it looks like we’ve all come to a new agreement.” The sleazebag exhaled smoke right into your face, stinging your already watery eyes and forcing several coughs out of you. “I hope you’re alright with that, darling.”
You shook your head fast enough to disorient yourself. “No! This is sick! Get your hands off me!”
“No good, huh? You think I should stick to the original plan?” Dabi dared you with a dazzling blue flame appearing in his palm. The memory of his scorching touch had you freezing up. “I’m just kidding, I don’t give a shit if you want this or not. This ain’t a friendly hookup.”
Compress leaned into your ear, voice sounding horribly close even with the mask protecting you from his lips. “I’m going to let you go now, and you’re going to cooperate with us, right? Surely you know how outmatched you are.”
Yes, you knew, yet there’s a little voice strongly urging you to fight and attempt an escape anyway. But you knew that will only end in pain and possibly death, and even though you were dreading what they had planned for you, the pitiful survivor in you is willing to sacrifice your dignity to stay alive. And so, you nodded.
“Very good,” you heard the smile in his praise. Your tender wrists were released so that he could take the hem of your shirt and slowly begin to pull it up. Your arms remained stiffly at your sides, the oppressive air around the three dangerous villains suffocating and leaving you light-headed.
“Cooperation, remember?” Compress reminded you.
With a hitched breath, you raised your arms, allowing him to peel the shirt off and throw it aside. Dabi wasted no time in exploring your newly revealed skin, while the gloved hands moved on to work at your bra and Giran undid your pants. You try to keep your breathing steady as you’re stripped, even when your pants fall down to your ankles. The second your bra is unclasped, you move to cover your freed breasts, only for the scarred bastard to slap your arms away.
“Quit it, I’m trying to feel you up,” He wasn’t very gentle in handling you, and his texture was so strange, wrinkled skin and the staples keeping him together scraping across your mounds. While he ventured lower, the other two men took their turn with your feminine assets.
Giran was fondling you slowly, but he seemed to be paying much more attention to your face, the face that you were having a very hard time keeping blank while Compress was massaging your other breast way too tenderly. It would help to shut your eyes once again, but that only enhances their touches, sparking goosebumps all over and threatening to pull a moan from your throat. You chose to look to the side and hide away from the broker’s dull gaze, but there was no avoiding Dabi’s hand palming your clothed sex, making you yelp. “AH! Don’t! You can’t just—”
He squeezed you down there, sending a foreign buzz through your abdomen. “What the hell did I just say?” He scolded. “I think I know how to shut you up.”
Giran made an amused hum. “Well Dabi, given you were the one who suggested this, I’ll grant you the honor of teaching her a lesson first.”
Your stomach dropped at the rough lips parting into a toothy grin. “You’re too kind.”
“Just don’t ruin her too quickly, alright?” Compress urged him before patting your back and stepping away. Giran also turned away and returned to his chair, leaning back with one leg crossing over the other.
The only one holding you now was the fiery villain; it had you sweating profusely even without the use of his quirk.
“Now, on your knees,” he ordered and pushed down onto your shoulders, forcing you to kneel. Your chest was tightening painfully when he unbuckled his belt to draw his half-hard cock. It wasn’t exactly any comfort, but it was wholly intact unlike the rest of him. “Start sucking.”
You kept your lips sealed and shook your head, only to have your hair grabbed and yanked back. Your pained cry was all he needed to shove his meat into your mouth. Your shout changed into a gag from the fleshy intrusion.
“Sweetheart,” the pet name was uttered with a mocking venom. “I’m trying to give you the benefit of a doubt and believe that you don’t have the memory of a dead goldfish, but in case you do, let me remind you that we brought you here to hurt you.” That dreaded heat was back, his hand threatening to call those blue flames and set your hair ablaze. “So which would you rather deal with: being carved and burned into a bloody mess, or having to please a couple of dicks? Doesn’t the latter sound more bearable?”
You couldn’t pull back to answer, his hold on your head tight and unyielding, so you nodded.
But for some reason, that didn’t satisfy him. “I need you say it. Come on, you can do it.”
‘No I can’t, you overcooked motherfucker! What do you want from me?’ Having no idea what to do but also not wanting to try his patience any further, you worked your voice around the thick rod and managed a choked and barely comprehensible “mmyeff.”
The sloshed word made Dabi laugh and you felt him twitch on your tongue. “Cute. That’s good enough. Now put that mouth to work so I won’t have to turn your head into a torch.”
Admitting defeat, you moved your head to take in more of his growing erection, wriggling your tongue in a poor attempt to get away from his salty taste, only to stimulate him in the process. You feel him respond with shaky breaths, but the fact that you’re servicing this terrible man doesn’t make you want to try any harder.
Dabi realizes your slow pace isn’t changing and his grumpiness quickly returns. “Oh come on, put a little more energy into it. A quirkless bitch living in the worst part of town, this can’t be the first time you’ve had to suck dick to save your life.” You look up and glare at him, which didn’t do much to intimidate when you were blowing him at the same time. He only smirked. “If you don’t pick up the pace, then I’ll have to take charge, and I don’t think you’d want that.”
You push yourself to put in more effort, taking in more of his now fully swollen cock and gagging pathetically. Despite what the singed shithead had guessed, you weren’t experienced with this. Your sex life boils down to a couple of hookups. This hectic existence with its cast of untrustworty characters wasn’t suitable for any kind of serious relationship, and sexual favors were something you tried to avoid as much as possible. Those rare nights with a partner were nothing like this, and you sure as hell would never ask for a fucking audience. A wisp of smoke nearby reminded you of Giran’s presence.
The sick broker was just sitting and watching with interest, his smirk still present. He seemed satisfied with just watching you in this humiliating state. Compress stood out of sight, but he was most likely doing the same. It made you just want to curl up and hide from these hungry eyes.
You heard a tired sigh over you as Dabi adjusted his grip and was now holding both sides of your face.There was no warning when he thrusted forward to jam himself into the back of your throat, the sting making your eyes well up.
“Sorry, but I think I’ve given you enough chances,” Dabi panted while reveling in the feel of your mouth all around him. His cock slid back and allowed you to breathe for just a second or two before plunging back in.
Breathing through your nose was the only option as he pumped in and out of your throat with little restraint. You gurgled helplessly and tried to push at his thighs to keep him from going so deep, but that only made him chuckle and fuck your mouth more roughly. He was in complete control now, so all you could do was take it as best as you could. Saliva gathered as your throat was violated, some of it oozing past your lips and running down your chin.
“Look at you, turning into a drooling mess for my cock. You like having your mouth fucked just like a pussy?” Demeaning words were spoken between his grunts, commenting on the depraved state of your face—you could only imagine how you looked at the moment with your extra lubricated mouth allowing him to move in and out more easily.
The erratic slams of his hips against your face signaled that this torture will be ending soon, as long as you could endure the assault on your windpipe that was making you dizzy. Any cry of distress or plea to slow down was reduced to wet gurgles and more spit bubbling from your mouth. With a teeth-clenched growl, Dabi presses your face flush against his pelvis, engulfed by his musky scent as cum shoots straight down your throat. Black spots were appearing in your vision with both your nose and throat blocked. ‘Can’t breathe…can’t…’
“Hang in there, just need to make sure you swallow every last drop.” He keeps your head locked in place so that you could feel every spasm as he feeds you his seed. Finally, he releases you and steps back, allowing oxygen to rush into your lungs as you coughed and wheezed.
“Whoops, maybe I went a little overboard,” Dabi joked at your shaking form that was hunched over hacking up a mixture of saliva and semen. That fucking bastard…
“You think?” A sarcastic remark sounded from an approaching presence behind you. Compress kneels beside you, placing a hand on your back as your coughing fit slowly died down. “That’s not my ideal way of punishing a lady. Wouldn’t you agree, Giran?”
You didn’t have the strength to look at said man and the amused expression that he was undoubtedly wearing. “I’m not picky myself. It was a good show,” you heard him say. You can physically feel your dignity leaving you.
“Well, I can give you a better one.” The phony gentleman grabbed and straightened you up. You noticed that he had removed his hat, his head concealed by what may be a ski mask. It was strangely symbolic—beneath all of that pizzazz was just another unforgiving criminal. “Dabi certainly did a number on you, didn’t he?” He observed, fingers tracing over your chest and the drying drool that had trailed down. You heard a “damn right” from Dabi who had returned to his spot at the wall. “Don’t worry, darling. I won’t leave you so roughed up.”
His words did nothing to alleviate the growing fear as his hand wandered down to your panties, fingers pressing against the damp cloth. “Oh my…and here I was thinking he was being too hard on you. Looks like you didn’t hate it as much as I thought.”
You shuddered at the small chorus of laughter from all three men. Dabi took the opportunity to taunt you again. “I had a feeling she was the type that loves being treated like a hole. The bitch probably would have gotten off if I went a little longer, not that she deserves to.”
“Ah, but I think she does. In fact,” Compress pulled the underwear to the side and touched your slick directly, making you gasp. “I’d say she deserves more than she can handle.”
“N…St…op…” Your voice was hoarse from the abuse your throat had gone through. His fingers began soft strokes against your glistening folds, a feeling that wasn’t unpleasant, but you held back your whimpers to avoid both the vocal strain and giving him any gratification.
The gloved digits moved skillfully across your sensitive lips, kindling a hot desire deep inside of you. No, you really didn’t want to be feeling that from him. Your own hands curl into fists when you feel him prod at your opening, just barely penetrating you and making you bite your lip in a painful effort to suppress a moan.
He looks right at you; you can only guess what face he was making. “Trying not to make any noise, are you?” His free hand removed the patterned mask, revealing chocolate eyes and a smile that wasn’t at all sweet. “I sure do love a challenge. Then again, I already know that I’ll win.”
Any retort you had prepared died on your lips when two fingers slipped into your heat, unable to hold back your whimper even with your mouth closed. “There it is,” he purred close to your face. “But I think we can do better.”
Your cunt throbbed with each brush against your walls. He couldn’t go too deep in your current position, but that didn’t deter him as he pistoned in and out, flexing his fingers every which way until he found that forbidden spot that made you wail. The white hot heat was threatening to smother you completely. You found yourself grasping his arm and weakly pushing at it, silently begging to make it stop before you burst.
‘Don’t look ahead…Giran is watching…don’t look ahead…’ The mantra repeated in your head, echoing loudly to distract you from the unstable knot in your core. The inner chant was to no avail—several hard presses against your nerves had you crumbling beneath the searing heat of your climax. With no restraint remaining, your broken whines rushed out of your convulsing body and echoed through the room. A thumb circles your clit and prolongs the all-powerful sensation.
“Try to bear it, darling.” Compress says to you, but his voice sounds so far away, drowned out by the vibrations starting from your pussy and spreading all over, engulfing you. Even after your orgasm passes, the assault on your sensitive womanhood doesn’t stop, the sensations becoming painful. You would have fallen over if Compress wasn’t holding you, his arm wrapped around you in an insultingly affectionate embrace as he continued to overstimulate you. The words falling from your lips were weak and incoherent, the occasional ‘no’ and ‘too much’ being heard.
Sobbing in the villain’s shoulders, you can make out the blurred violet figure in your foggy vision, still lounging and taking silent delight in your struggles. You just barely noticed the slight curve of his lips as Compress forced you to cum again, pitting your muscles against another wave of excruciating spasms. This time he did let you collapse, your body sprawled out on the floor as your walls continued to clench.
“Hmmph, not bad.” Dabi can be heard, and his voice alone makes your throat burn again.
Compress was still close, curiously squishing your juices between his fingers. “I could have gone for longer, but she still needs energy for the main act.”
You hear a dark laugh from Giran. “So generous of you Compress. What would I do without you gentlemen? Just do me one more favor and remove the rest of your clothes.”
“Of course,” the showman moved over to fully strip you. You stayed limp as he pulled your drenched panties down along with your pants that were still hanging at your feet, then moving on to remove your shoes. You were now completely bare, body shivering despite the warm still air of the room.
“Alright, miss. That’s enough rest. Time to get up and come over here.” Giran orders coolly. There was no urgency in his voice, but you knew you shouldn’t keep him waiting. If only your entire lower body wasn’t screaming. Compress sensed your plight and took hold of your waist, prepared to pull you up.
“No no,” Giran held up a hand while stomping out his cigarette. “She’s a big girl and can stand on her own.”
Compress simply shrugged and retreated, leaving you to force your aching arms and legs to move and lift you up.
Even after being violated, you still couldn’t resist covering your chest and mound as you slowly approached the man that you deeply regret ever getting involved with. You tried to ignore how gross your body felt—the salty fleshy taste lingering on your tongue, the wetness that continued to run down your  legs, your bare feet shuffling across the old dusty floor. There was a prominent bulge in his pants, revealing just how much this was all exciting him.
“Sit down and have a ride on me.” It was said so casually that you needed a moment to comprehend.
Dabi barked impatiently. “Hey, don’t just stand there like a modest statue.”
Realizing that Giran isn’t going to take out his erection himself, you lean in to open up his pants, fighting every urge to pull your hands away as they work at the buttons and zipper, pulling down his underwear to watch his cock spring out. He didn’t seem to react, only watching your face like he has been since you’ve been tossed into this damned place. You stare at his waiting dick until you accept that you have to get closer, standing over his legs before lowering yourself down onto his lap. You have to grab the soft yet firm organ to keep it in place as it touches your opening.
He was so close, smoke-scented breath hitting your skin. There was no way to avoid his gaze at this proximity. He was free to see all of the shameful details on your tear-stained face.
It pains you to admit that Compress’s fingers made the stretch more bearable as Giran’s head pushes into your cavern that was still sensitive from the previous man’s onslaught. You had to place your hands on his shoulders to balance yourself as your hips sunk down on him, breaths shallow throughout your poor attempt to stay relaxed and not tighten up. Several inches later, you had him fully sheathed inside you.
“Good. Very good.” His voice was low and rugged, eyes closing briefly so that he can take in your surrounding heat. “Now start moving. I didn’t bring you over just to keep me warm.”
You didn’t have enough pride left to protest, so you did as instructed, slowly lifting your hips before bringing them back down, ignoring the strain put on your thighs. Giran placed a hand on your ass, the contact making your pace falter for just a second. He looked so at ease as you bounced on him that you wondered, if it was just the two of you, perhaps you could have taken this as an opportunity to attack. But in the current situation, it would only lead to certain death. The thought leaves your mind as quickly as it came.
“Three days.” The two words cut through your weary breaths and the squelch of your pussy. You give Giran a look of confusion before he specifies. “I’m giving you three more days to collect the money.”
The news surprises you enough to halt your hips, an action he doesn’t approve of.
“I didn’t say stop.” The warning in his tone had you instantly moving again. He lightened at your compliance; he sure knew how to flip his friendly mode on and off like a damn light switch. “Very good. I’m trying to show you some more mercy here. Don’t ruin it for yourself. Anyway, you need to hurry and do whatever you can to get that money. Steal, call some old friends, maybe sell your body? I don’t think you’d be half-bad at that.” He gave your rear a light smack, making your walls squeeze him in shock. “If you don’t have enough by the time we meet again, your lovely body won’t stop me from peeling your skin off a second time. Are we clear, sweetheart?”
The fear from his threat grips your chest as you keep trying to please him, moving in a way that keeps his dick away from your g-spot. “Yes,” you whimper through your pants.
Giran caught on to what you were doing. “I’m not convinced.” Both of his hands take hold of your hips and push you down, forcing stimulation on your hypersensitive bundle of nerves. A scream rips through your burning throat. “I’ll say it again: Are we clear?”
“Yes!” Your voice cracks and tears are flowing down your face once again.
“You won’t run from me again?”
“No! I swear I won’t!”
“Good girl.” He was the one setting the pace at this point, forcing you up and down in pursuit of his release. There was another agonizing orgasm growing in your abdomen, but the hands controlling your movements weren’t giving you a chance to escape the inevitable storm.
The final slam collides his throbbing cock with your cervix, and the pained pleasure has you quivering in his hold, crinkling his shirt with your white-knuckled grip as you cried out from every foul spurt into your womb. His soft groans were heated against your neck.
His pats of approval on your back are enough to push your worn figure into his chest. He chuckles and rubs you like a lover that didn’t just force you into the most disgraceful moment of your life. “I’m glad we could come to an agreement.”
Despite your limbs feeling like pure lead, you wanted to get off this man as soon as possible. “Please just let me go.”
His smile filled you with a fresh wave of dread. “Soon, darling. But I need to make sure I’ve made my point. I think the other two gentlemen would appreciate a turn.”
You heard the quick footsteps before he even finished, scarred hands grabbing and pulling you off of Giran’s softening cock. Fuck, the two had been so quiet for the past moment that you forgot about their presence.
You jolt at the feel of Dabi’s revived hard-on pressing against your back while Compress stops right in front of you, his own length bobbing freely. You flinched at the damp gloves caressing your chin and lips.  “Are you ready to return the favor? Don’t worry, I won’t treat your mouth as badly as Dabi did.”
“Sadly,” The crueler man behind you added before pressing down and bending you forward, your head now leveled with Compress’s waiting dick.
“Open up for me,” he orders with a hand resting in your hair. Your jaw still ached from the last cock in your mouth; you hoped that he truly was going to at least be more gentle as you parted your lips and took him in.
Dabi rubbed up and down your spine as he watched. “Well look at you, such an obedient little bitch now.” He began to knead your ass cheeks before spreading them, your body tensing in fear as a finger toyed with your back entrance.
“I’m not a fan of sloppy seconds, guess I’ll have to take another hole.” It was the only warning he gave before his thickness was pushing forcefully into your unprepared ass. The searing pain was as intense as his quirk, your muffled shrieks vibrating against Compress and making him moan. Dabi smiled at your suffering. “Can’t complain, ‘cause this sounds a lot better. Hope I don’t do too much damage in there.”
He fucked you as hard and fast as your tight passage would allow, pushing the other villain’s dick further into your throat with each thrust.
Soon, they will switch places. And then they will take you separately. And Giran will stay seated, taking pleasure in watching you break.
Your mind eventually wanders to what will happen afterwards, if there is any possible way to right the biggest wrong you’ve ever committed…or if you simply had three days left to live.
It feels like luck is done saving you.
tagging @mothwithteeth​ because their thirst for Giran inspired me. Go check them and their awesome work out!
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fizzingwizard · 3 years
Episode 28~ Well, I heard this season’s supposedly got 60 episodes total (don’t quote me, that may be wrong) so we’re almost at the halfway point... I’m gonna wait till episode 30 to talk about that though.
This episode I actually rather liked, even though absolutely NOTHING happens other than the important things at the very beginning and the very end. That’s becoming a pattern this season - lots of nothing sandwiched in between hints of big dramatic things to come. Eh. But yeah, I liked it anyway :P for a few reasons that are probably not that objective. It’s not the kind of episode that’s gonna make you want to rewatch though.
Cap of the week!
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Look we all know Jou is exactly the kind of 12 year old who folds his clothes neatly even when lost in a mysterious parallel world. Also he brought more textbooks (social studies and Japanese). Aka more ammo for Mimi
More below:
Last week we ended with Patamon evolving to Angemon in what was a pretty anticlimactic moment, despite a big villain being there and a cliffhanger ending. Seemed like a waste after all we went through just to get him.
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However, I do think the beginning of episode 28 makes up for it somewhat. Angemon gets to show off how Very Very Cool he is, but it’s also made clear that he’s not up to full strength. Seeing him throw all his effort into the battle to save them even though it’s clear he won’t win was actually pretty great.
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More typhoon winds throwing everyone back XD they must have so many bruises
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Poor Takeru gets thrown back all by his lonesome
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So last episode, I said I thought Darknightmon was gonna go for Hikari and was surprised and somewhat relieved when he stayed interested in Takeru/Angemon. Um... I guess that was a red herring x’D he’s after Hikari after all.
He literally says “I have no use for you” to Angemon LOL sick burn my dude
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Hikari: “There is a new cutest child.”
Takeru: “Um, actually the phrase is ‘smallest child’.“
Hikari: “No. Cutest child. Do not interrupt my moment, impertinent one.”
Grogu: “Did someone say ‘cutest child’?”
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Angemon’s peeved that Hikari stole the spotlight so he immediately jumps into the way and prevents Darknightmon from grabbing her.
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Angemon: “No one treats ME like some washed up has-been!”
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But as hard as he tries, Angemon just hasn’t recovered enough. It probably took all the energy Patamon had stored up just to evolve. His wings lengthen and release into millions of shining feathers, and both he and Darknightmon de-evolve.
I really did kind of enjoy this battle! Seeing Takeru be all strong and heroic, and the desperation with which Angemon tries to protect him... me likey.
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Next it’s a nod to 99 series! D-D-Digimon!
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Yamato screams like he’s at the dentist’s.
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There’s lots of freaky black lightning that rains down seeming to give dark energy and empower random Digimon who get hit by it. Just to ensure our heroes don’t get to waste time on any more “breaks”
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A single feather floats down where Taichi lands and dissolves. I am not sure what happened to it, if it did anything or if it was what protected them until this point...
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Taichi and Hikari wake up and discover they are alone. So last week I thought they’d get swept off into pairs... I didn’t even consider that they’d each wind up alone. Mixed feelings! On the one hand, seeing each kid interact with their partner and their partner only was one of the good things about this episode (except it wasn’t always true, which I’ll get to in a minute). On the other hand, my fears last week were that whoever ended up with Taichi would be overshadowed by him. Turns out, if no one’s with him but Hikari, that means all the plot stuff is with them and the others have nothing in particular to do. -_-; At least not this week. My hope is that it’s coming (and there were a few promising hints this episode so), but next week’s trailer looks pretty Taichi-centric too..
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Taichi: “Can I help it if I’m so charming cool awesome and dare I say it adorable”
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The impact of everyone being “alone” is cut short by the fact that they can all still communicate via digivice. I would be fine with that, except for what I said earlier - they wind up spending too much time talking to each other instead of their partners. Particularly the ones who like to Plan Things. Eh.
Yamato tells Taichi to protect Hikari, doesn’t even mention that he’s sadly separated from Takeru at this point ;_; He knows Takeru’s okay though because Takeru is also communicating by digivice.
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Sora: “Hello yes, it’s in my contract that I get to be awesome X number of times per episode, and I have doubts that you are making your quota.”
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I love how Tentomon’s job is basically Koushirou’s secretary x’D “Put my calls on speakerphone Margaret” “Yes Mr Izumi”
The partners really are suited to each other... Koushirou gets a secretary, Jou gets a mom, Mimi gets a gal pal, Yamato gets a therapist, Sora gets a sister, Taichi gets a... preschool child who eats paste... -.-’
takeru and hikari don’t count because they’re Special and their main attribute is Cute
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All the kids have ended up alone except for super-charged monsters who want to eat them. Palmon hoists Mimi up a very sheer rock trying to escape Golemon who is not great at climbing but doesn’t seem to know that
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Meanwhile Jou... is like “Ohh yeah, you guys have it so rough, I’m trying my hardest too, keep fighting the good fight y’all”
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He’s relaxing in the hot springs and freaking studying.
Gomamon’s unusually fine with it though. Because he gets to swim. He says “Let’s invite the others here.” They’re both like YEAH THIS IS WHAT I CALL A VACATION
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It’s all fun and games until the hairy guy with the tattoos and veiny arms sharing your hot spring starts staring at your ding-a-ling. Uhhhhhhh.
he does make the “Nanimono?” joke so all is well lol
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No matter what form he takes, Patamon is always an Angel 👼
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Takeru is alone but he has Patamon... but Patamon is...
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... ADORABLE... and conked out. Takeru’s so proud of him though, look at that smile *sniff*
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Taichi remembers to ask Koushirou how conditions are back at home. This kid is too organized.
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Koushirou: “News and variety shows continue as normal even though the world’s ending.”
I’m not going to get into everything he says but it’s pretty much more of the same regarding the power influx from the human world to the digital world and the way the Zurumon’s attacks are wreaking havoc with electronics...
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Taichi almost says “You’re so sugoi!” Almost. He’s grateful anyway. *chews on those Taishiro breadcrumbs till they’re broken down to atoms*
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Then... Hikari’s acting strange!
Agumon: “What are you looking at?”
Hikari: “I don’t know.”
Taichi: “You don’t know but you’re looking at it?”
Hikari: “It kind of looks like Steve Buscemi... it’s hard to tell”
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Taichi’s not too wigged out by freaky Hikari because he’s lived with her all his life, and she’s always been a freak.
Baby Hikari: “Shteeve... bushemiii....”
Agumon: “Your sister’s weird.”
Taichi: “Yeah but she’s MY weird sister.”
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Yamato is fighting, of course. He stops for a moment to be impressed by how well Takeru’s handling himself. Garurumon points it out. I suppose it’s simply time to accept that this season Yamato is just not the disaster boy he was in 99 x’D
Now have some gratuitous adorable Patabutt images.
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Patabutt patabutt pata pata butt butt
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Um... is it just me or is Patamon kinda... oversized all of a sudden lol...
Takeru: “Did you eat all of my candy stash again?”
Patamon: “I just can’t seem to quit”
Takeru: “That’s it we’re getting you into rehab”
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Patamon tries to fly but just can’t ;____; poor baby is totally wiped out. Takeru takes a long time to catch on to that. I REALLY HOPE THIS GOES SOMEWHERE, like Takeru has to protect Patamon instead of the reverse etc... pleeeeease don’t just leave this where it is writers!! The potential for cute is endlessssss
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On the matter of Things That Are Not Cute... -.-;
Jou: “Please stop looking at my junk”
Nanimon: “Stop looking at mine”
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Mimi is much more useful! She discovers a shiny rock!
This rock... could be the raw material for their Crests!!! Squeee~!! I mean, it’s about time something about that came up, assuming it’s still a thing. (Since they already seem to have their Crests loaded in their Digivices and got to Perfect level without any talk of values and personal strengths, I don’t know how much of the old Crest legacy remains in this season.) I, uh, did the same thing in my fanfic so I guess I’m just biased... These could totally be Evil Rubies Of Darkness and Terror but I’d rather have Crests :p Of course I would have expected Mimi to find green stones in that case sooo... maybe not.
Anyway she and Palmon are suitably distracted from running from Golemon and go mining instead. I’m sure that will not cause any problems.
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We swing back to Taichi and Hikari, who are being approached by a big scary monster...
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Taichi: “Watch my Tarzan impression.”
Hikari: “Nooo! I don’t want to be Jane!”
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Fortunately Agumon evolves just to catch them in midair x’D Now is not the time for impressions, Taichi, seriously.
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They are attacked by Volcdramon, which is a dumbass name.
Taichi: “Velcromon the Velcro Digimon?”
Voldramon: “what NO i am Volcdramon-”
Hikari: “Voltronmon? Voldemortmon?”
Voldramon: *sniveling* “why does this happen EVERY time i JUST want to be one of the cool guys youre all such BULLIES”
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MetalGreymon and Volcdramon face off, but something’s not right! Much like... the Digimon in the last episode whose name I already forgot *cough*, Volcdramon seems able to absorb other Digimon’s power. This presents a problem because last time it took all of them shooting into its mouth together to overload it so they could win. MetalGreymon is having a hard time on his own as Volcdramon just absorbs all his attacks.
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Hikari prays to Jesus to save them. Digimon is approved for Christian families 👼👼👼
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ugggghhh I love them
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Taichi promises Hikari everything will be okay. His back-and-forth with MetalGreymon here is kind of cool. Every time MetalGreymon takes a hit, Taichi’s encouragement and coaching?? I guess keeps frustration at bay.
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Buuut eventually they’re both feeling pretty desperate :P It was hard for me to take this battle seriously since, after all we’ve seen MetalGreymon capable of, it seems weird that he should be struggling this much. But obviously they don’t just want to make him invincible. And this problem makes sense: the ability of Digimon to absorb attacks and turn them into energy is definitely a new problem.
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The question is, how do we solve it?
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Apparently it helps if you have a little sister who’s some kind of super battery.
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Taichi: “Nothing shocks me anymore with Hikari. She could announce she’s been Beyonce this whole time and I would believe it”
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WarGreymon appears (again) as his goldeny vision self, defeats Volcdramon, then promptly de-evolves back to Agumon.
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So the question is, why is this happening... From earlier episodes we know Agumon & co are some group of legendary warriors who have had their memories tampered with (??) to some extent (because they do still know each other, or at least Agumon and Gabumon remember knowing each other). Omegamon’s a given for that of course so I suppose that’s why. Hikari seems to be the key to unlocking the legendary warriors, maybe with Takeru. That’s my guess. Of course, Tailmon’s probably already in the bad guys’ clutches, much like Patamon was. I hope she’s still working for them. I want more double agent fun times. Also ANGST
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Hikari: “Thank you, Agumon-” *disappears*
Taichi: “GEEZ I can’t eat, can’t sleep, can’t even breathe without something bad happening anymore, like excuse me for BLINKING”
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Yeah so... Skullknightmon appears and abducts Hikari like it’s nothing xD
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Skullknightmon: “What’s under arm number two? Iiiiit’s your sister!”
Taichi: “Aw damn, I wanted the sports car”
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Taichi quickly gives chase. I assume Agumon’s pretty exhausted after that and probably can’t evolve now. Bad timing. Oooor maybe this is all how Skullknightmon planned it...
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Then... the unthinkable! Hikari looks at her brother rushing desperately to save her... and turns away!
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Taichi is SHOCKED! Le GASP!
Taichi: “But but but I’m the MAIN CHARACTER”
Hikari: “Not anymore bitch it’s my show now”
Yeah okay jokes aside! This bit was AWESOME. Like, I’m sure it’s obvious that she can tell the voice that “called” her to the digital world is with Skullnightmon. Or at least, her heart’s telling her she has to go with him in order to meet that person (Tailmon, duh). I’ll be surprised if that’s not what’s going on. But... to so coldly just turn her back on her brother... I mean, maybe she also thinks she’s protecting him... but SHE JUST GOT HERE... holy crap...
To think we spent so long theorizing that Takeru would be the one abducted but no it’s Hikari... In retrospect should have been obvious. She’s 1) a girl and therefore a damsel, and 2) the one who was abducted in 99 xP
But I really like her semi-willingly going off with Skullnightmon. Much better than just screaming as she’s whisked away King Kong-style. In 99 she also got abducted voluntarily (I mean, it was coercion, so... that’s not voluntary, but you know what I mean). So they kept that in this season and I like it.
That’s it for this week’s episode! So the bits that I liked were the individual moments with the kids and their partners, of which we had more than usual but still not nearly enough. Nowhere near. In the end it was still a Taichi episode.
As a Taichi fan... it’s not like I’m ever sad that he gets more focus. But I love ALL the kids and they’re NOT getting development. We do keep getting hints about them but it’s so, so, so slow. To be fair, it’s not like we know THAT much about Taichi either. He gets so much focus because he’s always fighting. This season doesn’t seem concerned with personality and character bits like the 99 one, and I am gonna compare them for that. Because I think that was the heart of the 99 show. Without it, it’s missing something. I keep hoping it’ll come back, we keep getting those hints and special moments here and there, but the plot is such a distraction... if it was like a really good plot maybe I’d care less but...
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Next week...  as far as I can see, it’s another Taichi episode xP But I do think they’ll do the same as this episode and intersperse Taichi’s battle with what’s going on with the others too. If that’s how they do it, I won’t mind. It might even be better. Fine, Taichi can fight, as long as the others are showing us more about themselves and getting other things done in the meantime. Mimi and Jou both look promising. Takeru too. Sora and Yamato, not sure..
Koushirou better not just sit at his computer the whole time -___-
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Le owch.
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Taichi: “Look being the main character’s not all it’s cracked up to be. I have three concussions and six broken bones. Also I can’t feel my toes anymore”
hang in there bud im cheering for ya
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eeveevie · 4 years
loose lips
Rosie just wants to have a quiet night of studying, but that changes when she learns Butch is causing a ruckus at Moriarty's Saloon. After collecting him and taking him home, he says a lot more than he intended while under the influence.
Unprompted, but I’ve been sitting on this idea for a long while. I make reference to this in a few of my other one-shots since I go back and forth between pre-relationship and developing-relationship fics for these two. 
Butch DeLoria x Rosie Sheridan (Lone Wanderer)
3200 words | [read on Ao3]
Sitting upstairs in Craterside Supply, Rosie was immersed in her research, reading over the extensive notes she had taken after investigating the colony of mirelurks in the Anchorage Memorial. The work on the Wasteland Survival Guide was a welcome distraction, allowing her to keep her mind busy until the Brotherhood provided her with a solid lead on where to find a G.E.C.K. Moira had set up the private sanctuary in her shop a few months ago, more than happy to give the vault-dweller a quiet place to study. Even though Rosie had her own residence within Megaton, it was difficult to get any work done when she had Butch DeLoria as a housemate.
Ever since finding him in Rivet City, he’d been her constant companion—annoying and distracting at first, but gradually became someone she could rely on. He made an effort to be less of a jerk, owning up to the mistakes of his youth, and performing thoughtful gestures of kindness for her unprompted. Rosie wouldn’t admit it aloud, but it was nice having him around. The more she got to know him as her friend, the more she realized they had a lot in common. Unexpected from the boy who used to stick gum in her hair. Now, he watched her six with a loaded pistol and cooked her breakfast (sometimes—when he remembered to set an alarm, that is). She liked him—a lot more than she wanted to.
Rosie could hear Moira teasing her about the redness in her cheeks—little red potatoes—all dreamy-voiced as she expressed desires for the two to ‘circle up’ and have babies. Assuming by the order of things, it had to be Wasteland slang for marriage, which was horrifying for so many reasons. Maybe it was a bad idea to confide in her shopkeeper friend about her potential feelings for Butch. Now she’d never hear the end of it when all she wanted was peace and quiet.
Just as Rosie refocused on the lines in her journal, the metal door to the shop creaked open, disrupting her train of thought—descended from local crabs, I’d call them…
Moira’s chipper voice echoed downstairs. “You’re back so soon?”
Rosie glanced to her Pip-Boy to confirm it was past store hours. She grumbled to herself, wondering if Butch had gotten bored and decided to come collect her for a more fun activity—it wouldn’t be the first time. Distracting, she reminded herself, for completely different reasons than before. She didn’t want to parade around town with his arm slung around her shoulder—or did she?
“Ugh,” she groaned, hand sliding across her face and smudging her glasses. Rosie stood and leaned over the railing, prepared to reprimand her companion when she realized Butch wasn’t even the one standing in the doorway.
Mitch, Craterside Supply’s mercenary was disgruntled as ever, leaning against the far wall with his arms crossed. Moira paused from cleaning the countertop to look at him, giving him the full attention she gave anyone she talked to.
“It’s your night off, Mitch! Shouldn’t you be enjoying it instead of standing there like you always do?” she ended her sentence with an easy sounding laugh, something Rosie wished she could emulate.
The merc muttered something incoherently, lips set in a fine line when he regarded his employer. How the two got along was anybody’s guess. Rosie imagined it had something to do with the frequent exchange of caps—though, Moira’s glowing personality seemed to melt even the coldest of hearts.
“There’s a problem at Moriarty’s,” Mitch explained, briefly.
“Oh no!” the redhead exclaimed, more intensely than the mercenary expected. “Is everybody alright?”
Mitch let out a deep sigh and let his eyes roam to where Rosie was perched, silently eavesdropping on their conversation in clear view. She sheepishly backed away before stepping back, realizing it was a little late to pretend she hadn’t been listening. He gestured to her with a jutted-out thumb.
“It’s that other vault-kid you like so much,” he said, with just enough distain in his voice it verged on resentment. Rosie wanted to smile, thinking the mercenary was jealous of Moira’s affections towards the younger visitors. Her mind was preoccupied, however, when she realized he was talking about Butch. “That boy can’t hold his liquor. He’s no Jericho, but he’s still a rowdy drunk.”  
Rosie felt a rush of disappointment at the information. She had hoped that Butch would stop spending so much of his free time at the Megaton saloon, wasting his caps on alcohol. This behavior seemed like a step back in the wrong direction, backsliding into his old, rebellious ways. Maybe she was wrong to think that people could change—that Butch could change. Regardless of how tumultuous she felt at the moment, Rosie knew she couldn’t sit idly by. So much for staying in and studying.
“I’ll go,” she said as she descended the stairs. “Before something worse happens.”
Mitch smirked. “Moriarty already had him drink the moonshine, and we all know what’s in that.”
“Oh, my poor sweet potato,” Moira cooed, tilting her head to the side in a sympathetic gesture. Rosie pressed a hand to her mouth, trying not to retch at the thought—she’d heard the rumors—and sent a silent prayer, hoping they weren’t true on Butch’s behalf. Her shopkeeper friend looked at her. “Do you need any help?”
Rosie shook her head, doubting that either of them would be of any real assistance. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Moira. Thank you again.”
“You’re very welcome,” she replied with a bright grin. “Take care of widdle Butch, now, okay?”
Rosie could only nod and fled from the building before her friend could embarrass her with any suggestive comments or innuendo. The last thing she needed was for the mercenary to know about her unrequited crush.
Moriarty stood outside his establishment as Rosie approached, smoke in hand as he overlooked the night sky. He noticed her just as she made to slip by to the entrance, in no mood to want to speak to the surly man.
“Aye, if it isn’t Miss Sheridan,” he crooned, feigning pleasantries. “Here to collect yer loverboy?”  
She huffed, clenching her fingers into fists before relaxing. Better to kill him with kindness, she reminded herself. “I hope he hasn’t been too disruptive,” she said, forcing a smile.
“The boys’ entertaining, I’ll give ‘em that,” Moriarty replied. “See for yerself. May haf to hire ‘em for the bar—”
Rosie turned on her heel, tuning out his accented words as she pushed through the sturdy metal door to the bar. She rarely visited the saloon, and the stench of booze and nicotine overwhelmed her as soon as she crossed the threshold. Immediately she found who she was looking for, sitting at the bar with his back to her so all she could see was the Tunnel Snakes embroidery. Butch. He was hunched over the counter, empty beer bottles and glasses surrounding his frame. It had only been a few hours since she’d last seen him, but apparently he’d been busy.
“One—one mrr,” he slurred at Gob, who stared at him with a mix of pity and annoyance. “Jus one!”
The ghoul bartender sighed, shaking his head. “Kid, you ever hear of alcohol poisoning?”
Gob noticed Rosie standing in the entranceway and relaxed, though his expression became much more sympathetic. “Better sober up, unless you want to disappoint your best gal.”
Butch perked up, swiveling around in the barstool so fast that he nearly toppled out of the seat altogether. She rushed to steady him, wincing at how much heavier he seemed—maybe it was all the beer and whiskey. With one arm wrapped around his torso, she held him upright against the bar.
“Stitches!” he greeted, awkwardly slinging an arm around her shoulder and dragging her close for a sideways hug. “Here!”
She nodded, choosing to ignore him for the moment and glanced to Gob who was studying their exchange. “Did he drink all these?” she asked, pointing to the display bottles.
“Sure did,” Gob answered. “Would not stop talking about growing up in the vault, and then leaving the vault. Talked a lot about you, actually.”
Rosie blinked, her heartrate steadily increasing. “What?”
The bartender gave a dismissive shrug. “But then he started singing, which soured the mood.”
Despite herself, Rosie smiled, amused by the thought. Plus, he’d been talking about her—she didn’t know what about, and he’d been drinking—but that certainly made her emotions aflutter.
“You’re cute when you smile, Stitches,” Butch mumbled, head titled to the side as he stared up at her with a sideways, dreamy smile.
Rosie instantly felt her face flood with heat. Gob smirked at the two and all she desperately wanted was to get out of sight from him and Butch. Speechless, she fumbled through her skirt pockets for a handful of caps, placing them on the counter, implying it was for the mess and for any unpaid drinks. She tightened her hold around Butch’s waist, holding onto the arm wrapped around her shoulder as counter-balance as she hoisted him from the barstool.
Gob watched the two. “Got him?”
“Ssshe’s got me!” Butch answered for the both of them with a beaming grin.
Rosie clenched her teeth, sucking in a breath as she adjusted him again, nudging at his feet so he’d support the weight of his own legs. It was a futile effort, but she’d helped carry heavier people with her father down in the vault. She could help an inebriated Butch walk back to her house across town…maybe. Gob still moved from behind the bar to push open the front door to make her exit easier. Caught up in the moment, she offered him a passing remark.
“If you hear a loud crash, we’ve fallen from the rafters. Please send our bodies to Moira,” she instructed sardonically. “For science.” 
x ------- x
Butch was of no help in the journey across town. Rosie would’ve guessed he had fallen asleep if it weren’t for the occasional drag of his feet and giggle, followed by an incoherent stream of words. All the while, she couldn’t help but wonder what had led to his sorry state—why’d he chosen to drink so much in the first place. Rosie knew he had the penchant for it—a bad habit learned from his mother—she was naïve to think the pattern would drop now that he was on the surface. Thinking back to her medical training and knowledge on addictive personalities, it wasn’t always so easy. The best thing she could do was to be there for him—he had done the same for her when she went through the paces of the emotional trauma of her father’s death—maybe the Wasteland was finally getting to him. Regardless, she could be a supportive friend. Friends—that’s what they wanted to be, right?
What if she wanted more?
Rosie ignored Butch’s confusion and pushed open the front door, nearly tripping over her own feet in the process.
“Good evening, Miss Sheridan,” Wadsworth greeted as soon as they entered her Megaton home. “Oh, and Mr. DeLoria, he appears to be incapacitated. Do you require assistance?”
Rosie nodded as she continued dragging his body along side hers towards the stairs. The robot-butler instantly floated over, gently sliding a metal appendage under his other arm to assist in carrying him up to the second floor.
“Do you need the bathroom?” Rosie asked him, repeating the question when Butch shook his head too quickly. “Are you sure?”
“I ain’t gonna hurl,” he assured, a whine in his voice.
She was more worried about him pissing his pants but wasn’t about to embarrass him (or herself) by stating the fact out loud. Wadsworth continued to help carry him to the smaller bedroom, depositing him on the edge of the mattress where he promptly flopped backwards, arms flung to the side.
“I shall fetch you some water!” the Mister Handy exclaimed, whizzing away to perform his task.
Rosie exhaled like she had been holding her breath since leaving Moriarty’s, wondering if her pulse would ever settle. She glanced over her shoulder to find Butch sprawled out on his bed, legs dangling off the edge and boots twitching against the metal flooring. It would’ve been an amusing sight, if he weren’t so intoxicated. With another sigh she approached, quietly sitting down next to him.
“I’m taking your boots off,” she explained, looking up at his face to see his eyes were closed.
He hummed in response. “Oh-kay.”
One, two clunky black combat boots fell to the floor with a clang, and Wadsworth returned with a bottle of purified water. After another whirl of his robotic arms, he left the room, leaving the two alone. Rosie tapped Butch on the knee with the bottle.
“Sit up,” she instructed, shaking him harder when he didn’t move. “You need to drink some water.”
Slowly, he lifted himself onto his elbows, head rolling like it contained bricks instead of a squishy brain—she wondered sometimes if that were actually the case. He pushed himself up and swayed close, lips quirked up in a smirk.
Rosie bit her tongue at the foul stench emanating from his mouth, wishing Wadsworth had brought bubblegum as well. Oh well—Butch could worry about his hygiene in the morning—no doubt his hair would be a mess too. She pushed the purified water into his hand and guided it to his mouth, sliding away only when he started to drink on his own. When it was empty and sitting on the nightstand, he began wriggling out of his leather jacket, only to get the sleeve stuck on his Pip-Boy, as expected. Rosie shifted around to help him, half-standing, half-kneeling on the bed as he almost resisted her help, until he noticed their compromising position. As soon as his Tunnel Snakes jacket and Pip-Boy laid discarded on the foot of the bed, he wrapped an arm around her waist, nearly knocking their heads together.
“If ya’ wanna get closer to me, that’s all you gotta say, girl,” he muttered, sending sparks across her skin.  
Impulsively, she pushed away, standing upright, almost falling backwards from how dizzy she felt. Butch looked up at her, steely eyes glazed over in mild confusion. She needed to set the situation straight immediately, before boundaries were crossed and feelings were hurt. Her feelings.
“That’s not what’s happening right now,” she spoke quickly, waving her hands.
He followed the movement of her fingers, and she wasn’t sure if he understood. The silence stretched on for too long, Butch staring at her with doe-eyes, the softest hint of a smile. Why wasn’t he saying anything? And why couldn’t she say anything back? Rosie thought about forfeiting and leaving him as he was when there was the most subtle change to his expression, brows furrowing as his eyes flickered across her face.
“I—I don’t feel so good,” he mumbled before falling backwards.
Rosie jumped into action, shifting his body so he was laying properly along the bed, repeatedly checking his vital signs to ensure he was only passing out from exhaustion and not acute liver poisoning. Eventually, she moved his jacket and Pip-Boy aside, pulling the blanket over his body so she could better tuck him in—if he got chills during the night, he’d appreciate the warmth. Just as she was pushing herself off the bed, Butch’s finger’s tightened around her wrist.
“Hey, don’t,” he murmured into the pillow, one eye peeked open. “Stay?”
Rosie was about to protest when he smiled, and her chest tightened with a kind of yearning she was only recently familiar with. She didn’t want to leave him, not now, not ever. Through the good, the bad and the drunkenly. Even if he didn’t feel the same way about her, romantically—she’d find a way to get over it—just as she’d done before in the vault. Without offering him an answer, she scooted towards the headboard, leaning her back against it and stretching her legs along the sheets next to his body. Butch eyed her, but he surprisingly didn’t make a snarky remark about her choosing not to snuggle up close. Instead, he lifted his head and plopped it right into her lap, hooking his arm loose around her legs.
More silence fell over them, more quiet that Rosie didn’t know what to do with. She didn’t know where to put her hands, wringing them awkwardly by her chest as she studied Butch’s profile. His eyes were closed, usually coifed hair now a wavy mess hanging down his forehead. Hesitantly, she rested her fingers there, pushing back the black strands, studying the faint constellation of freckles she’d never noticed before dotted across his skin. When she noticed his smile increase she repeated her movements, steadily combing her fingers through his hair and across his scalp in a calming motion that reminded her of being cradled as a toddler in her father’s arms. This was far more intimate, however.
“Love you Rosie,” he mumbled into the fabric of her skirt.
She froze immediately, staring at his face wide-eyed and frantic. What? What? Her heart seized to beat for a second before fluttering to life so rapidly, it felt like she was going to have a stroke. He had to be drunk still, or she had to be dreaming. Or both. Maybe she was inebriated. As the thoughts swirled in her head, sending her into a panic, Butch continued, unaware of her stunned reaction.
“You’re my best friend.”
Rosie swallowed the lump in her throat, but only found herself conflicted. So it wasn’t romantic love, but…platonic? That was still one hell of a confession, coming from Butch, but she would be lying if she said she wasn’t letdown. Even with all the sudden fear that settled over her, it didn’t compare to the disappointment she felt now. Though, it wasn’t the first time she’d had unrequited feelings, and she was sure it wouldn’t be the last. That didn’t mean she was about to throw away a friendship forged from a rocky past.
Butch hugged her knees a little tighter. “You’re all I got left, ya’ know? The only one who’d take care of a sad sack like me.”
Rosie smiled, brushing her thumb across his forehead in an affectionate sweep. Completely unsure of what to say, or how to respond, she hoped it was enough. She was sure that he would’ve never said these things to her sober, anyways. If she said anything now, he wouldn’t remember, so it was better to enjoy the moment while it lasted. As soon as he was asleep, she would sneak away and decompress in her own room, try to sort through the emotional weight of it all. She decided that if he didn’t recall tonight in the morning, she’d not bother with bringing it up to him again—no need to embarrass him—even if she’d remember it forever. Rosie thought about what he said, realizing it was true. Butch was all she had.
Maybe one day, she’d tell him too.  
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Descending Into Power Chapter Eight: Bloody Sundown
Hey hey, guys, gals, and in between pals! Glad I could finally get this chapter written in a way that I felt good showing to others. Combat isn’t my forte, so I’m never very confident in what I’m writing. This chapter is rather combat-heavy, but it’s necessary for the story. This chapter officially marks the end of the first act of our novel. Hope you’re ready for next week when we dive right into the second act. I expect the next one to be a bit slower and more character-driven than this one which is more event-based.
Hope you enjoy the show!
~ Chance/Synth
PS: Please note that I have changed “Kobold” into “Zalyk”. They are similar creatures, but not the same. I have also changed the Zalyk character from blue and black scales to red and black scales.
CW: Violence, excessive blood, strong language, burn wounds, fire, death, highly graphic description of an off-screen death, death threats, abandonment
I stalked up the hill toward the people who had stolen my kill, my broken body fueled by rage alone. My body was dangerously hot, my steps leaving burned earth in my wake. Everything was agony and anger. 
The red and black Zalyk hopped off the creature’s back, daggers drawn and teeth bared. “I’d stop there, pal. Come any closer and you’re in a world of hurt.”
A tall, slender Ursan in metal and leather armor with Sigil of Life on her chest stepped in front of the Zalyk, giving him a warning look. “Forgive my friend. He speaks rashly. I would like to discuss your grievances before anyone but this creature loses their heads.” The pads of her handset off a gentle white glow. Their friendly, confident smile faded when I continued forward with just as much rage in my glowing, bright green eyes. 
A short, stocky Gueldon with long pointed ears and copper-toned skin crossed their muscular arms over their bare chest. “Thought those new Social Powers were supposed to work, Wy. Seems like I’ll have to handle this with my fists. As usual.” They hopped on top of MY kill and shook out their shoulders, grinning down at me as their eyes burned crimson. “You shoulda listened when my friends said stop.” 
Fire engulfed their hands and the fact that their skin wasn’t burned somehow made me more furious. Why could they wield their Powers without damaging themself? Why was I cursed? What made them so special?
The squat Gueldon leaped at me, crimson slashes glowing on their flesh. I stopped my forward motion and tilted my head at my descending opponent, time seeming to slow down as they got closer. My eyes were drawn to two sigils burning above their head, one the Sigil of Fire, the other the Sigil of Destruction. 
Gueldon Barbarian. Dodge and strike fast.
I rolled out of the way and back onto my feet just before the Gueldon slammed into the ground, leaving a crater around them. When they turned to glare at me, teeth bared, I struck them in the mouth with my boot heel. 
Behind you.
I whipped around and landed an uppercut to a pink and purple scaled Drakyn wearing simple white and brown robes as they attempted to sneak up on me. My hit lifted them off their feet and sent them flying several feet.
Look up.
I raised my eyes to the sky and rolled away from a missile of silver light. Just like the one that had taken my killing blow. Though I had begun to feel worn, my anger was stoked again by this perceived insult.
“Fuck.” A rather slight Lupine with silver and brown fur and panicked magenta eyes attempted to hide beyond the crest of the hill, but it was too late for them.
I sprinted up the hill and tackled the cowardly wolfman, holding him by his throat and slowly increasing my pressure. He clawed at my burned skin, tearing it apart like paper and covering us both in my blood. I didn’t care though. I had resigned myself to dying by the end of this fight. There was no way I was going to win.
Not with that attitude.
I was thrown from my place when an arrow buried itself in my shoulder. I snapped the end from it so the part within my body would act as a stopper for even more blood loss. I was growing dizzy from expending so much Magic and losing such a large quantity of blood. I pulled myself up to a sitting position and only barely held myself upright. I watched the blurred image of a black and silver furred Heikin approach with her bow held by their side.
She shook her head and slung their bow over their shoulder, pulling a hunting knife from her belt. “It’s really a shame things have to end this way, kid. You seem like you have a lot of potential. May Palec be kind in your passage.”
The Lupine let out a choked warning and pointed skyward. “Timurow, look out!”
Timurow only had time to look up before being lifted off her feet and hurled at the Ursan who had tried to reason with me, Samriel landing near me with his wings, arms, and chest engulfed in flames. His veins were black from the Corruption running through the Demon. 
He looked down at me, his eyes burning embers in a sea of darkness.  “Stay awake for me, okay? I have some trash to take care of.” He stalked toward the three party members who stood on the hill with us, spreading his wings as molten amber rained down from them.
The Ursan was first to her feet and grabbed a mace from her belt, standing in front of her friends with white glowing paws. “This has all been a massive misunderstanding. We can talk about this like civilized beings, right?” The waver in her voice made her attempts useless.
Sam growled at the group with bared fangs. “Things have progressed far past being civilized, Cleric. You have damn near killed my ward and you expect me to be civilized? And I wouldn’t waste your Magic on those Social Powers. I’m delighted to tell you that you cannot use your low-level Power on me. How sad for you, though.”
The Ursan stared at the enraged Demon for half a second before scooping up the Lupine and the Heikin and dashing down the hill toward the other party members. “Time for running!” There was hesitation from the other two, but as soon as Samriel lifted from the ground, they realized the danger they were in and scrambled toward the forest. A wall of flames exploded from the ground in front of the fleeing party.
Samriel quickly descended upon the party and I could hear a vicious fight ensuing below me. I laid down in the burned grass and stared at the nearly dark sky, the only real light coming from Samriel’s flames. There was nothing I could do to help. I could barely keep my eyes open, much less hold my own in further fighting. I lost the fight with my eyelids and desperately tried to cling to consciousness.
My eyes shot open again when I heard a footstep in the singed grass. The black and red Zalyk stood over me with glowing crimson eyes. He glanced over his shoulder as he pulled one of his daggers. “Your friend might destroy us, but you don’t get to live either.” I let out a weak cry of pain, tears running down my burned, bloody face. The Zalyk frowned as he wiped off his dagger and placed it into its sheath. “Don’t do that. It makes me fe-” 
He was cut short by a disc of white light when it hit the Zalyk’s back, which knocked him off of me and left a burning gash where he’d been hit. He scrambled to get to his feet, but Samriel snagged his opponent by his shoulders, flew so high I could barely make out his burning wings, and dropped the screaming Zalyk. He hovered in the air until the red and black scaled man was dangerously close to the ground, and Samriel grabbed his foot just as his short snout touched the earth. 
Sam flipped the much smaller man to hold him by his neck and stare him in the eyes. “You have doomed your entire party. I might have let some of you live, but not now. You’ve condemned them all.”
“S-sam…” I looked up at him with my eyes barely open. “Please. Don’t. Kill them. I started it.”
He stared down at me, analyzing my condition. “It doesn’t matter who started it. Normally, I would be the one finishing this, but you are close enough to Death’s door and I don’t have time for trash mobs.”
The Zalyk clawed at Sam’s hand with little effect. “You’re screwed if you let us go. We’ll just get stronger and find you later. Because we’re the heroes and you’re the villains. We win. You lose. We live. You die. That’s how the world works.”
Sam shook his head with a disgusted look. “That is how they’ve taught you the world works in your little Guilds and Alliances. The whole world has fallen for the biggest lie ever told. Heroes. Villains. It’s about perspective. Swing first, ask questions later seems to be the way of you Adventurers.” His pupils flared white and he tsked. “You have so much potential in you. What a waste it will be to kill you and the others. But I won’t just kill you and them. I will break your necks to paralyze you. I will break your arms. And then your legs. I will tear open your torsos, show you your own entrails, and then wrap them around your throats until your eyes start bulging. I’ll end your suffering by crushing your skulls with my bare hands.”
The terrified scaled man tried to put on a confident grin. “If you’re done monologuing at me, I’d let me go before my friends come back.”
A wicked smile crept across Samriel’s features. “You mean the friends that left as soon as I began describing what your deaths would look like?” Sam turned so my would-be assassin could see the quickly retreating backs of the other party members.
The abandoned Zalyk let out an enraged scream, doubling his effort to escape Samriel’s clutches. “You cowards! A pox on your Fates! I’ll see you in the Pits, traitors!” He glared at Samriel in defiance. “Well. Get on with it. You have laid your Death deal out quite plainly, Dealer.”
Sam looked down at me. “Close your eyes. You don’t need to see this.” I heard him let out a deep sigh when my eyes were shut. “You will have to excuse the sounds.” The next several minutes were filled with the sounds of screaming and breaking bones, the air thick with the coppery scent of blood. I knew it was over when there was a final, gut-wrenching sound of Sam crushing the Zalyk’s head. Sam brought the body down to the crater left by the Barbarian, dug the hole deeper with his claws, and buried the remains. 
He returned to me and picked me up with as much care as possible, all the fire and rage gone. “I can’t help with injuries this bad. We need to get you to an actual Healer.” He took off and held me tight to his chest as he sped through the air. “Just stay with me, Kindred. You’re gonna make it. I promise.”
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crvelsovls · 4 years
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delphine laurent has been seen walking around town. hazelgrove is familiar of the twenty-nine year old demon as she is against restoring the town’s glamour spell. the people of hazelgrove can agree that the dancer can be poised yet still be destructive. let’s just hope something can be settled before the town is turned upside town. + rose gold highlighter shimmering along the height of prominent cheekbones, black satin dresses draped over a svelte frame and blood-red roses in a vase on the window sill.
why, hellooo there !! i’m chrissie and i’m super duper excited to be here !! this here is the first of my gals ; delphine aka my sassy lil demon child fkhfjh she’s kinda a newish muse so pls bear with me while i navigate this chaotic hellcat lmao anywaysss i’m utter plot trash so feel free to slap a lil heart on this and i’ll come pester you for plots n all that good stuff !! : )
full name. delphine athena laurent.
nicknames. del, & della.
physical age. twenty-nine.
actual age. three hundred and fifty seven.
birthday. unknown.
gender. cisgender female.
pronouns. she / her.
species. demon.
nationality. unknown.
religion. agnostic.
birthplace. unknown.
current residence. hazelgrove, me.
sexual orientation. pansexual.
romantic orientation. aromantic.
education. psychology degree.
occupation. dancer at purgatory.
birth mother. unknown.
birth father. abraxas.
full blood siblings. unknown.
significant other. n/a.
children. n/a.
pets. n/a.
spoken languages. english, spanish, french, italian, german, & russian.
negative traits. brusque, obstinate, destructive, deceptive, & promiscuous.
positive traits. elegant, headstrong, observant, independent, & confident.
strengths. etiquette, resourcefulness, knowledgeable, quick-thinker, original, brainstorming, charismatic, & energetic.
weaknesses. argumentative, insensitive, intolerant, finds it difficult to focus, & dislikes practical matters.
skills. skilled with blades and various knives, skilled with firearms, hand-to-hand combat, memory recall, physical stamina, able to use initiative, & excellent problem-solving abilities.
talents. violin, dancing, & photographic memory.
eye colour. green.
hair colour. dark brown.
height. five feet, five inches.
weight. 61 kg.
build. she is considered average height for a female and is both slender and toned.
scars. a rather noticeable one across her clavicle and a few others in less visible places.
tattoos. n/a.
piercings. earlobes.
glasses. n/a.
zodiac. unknown.
element. fire.
house. slytherin.
myers briggs type. entp-a.
alignment. chaotic neutral.
enneagram. type eight.
temperament. choleric
intelligence type. intra-personal.
character label. the vixen.
diseases. n/a.
past mental disorders. post-traumatic stress disorder, & acute stress disorder.
current mental disorders. undiagnosed.
addictions. tobacco, cocaine, & alcohol.
vices. lust, greed, & wrath.
virtues. temperance, diligence, & humility.
allergies. n/a.
diet. carnivore.
dominant hand. ambidextrous.
accent. american.
blood type. o negative.
felonies. petty theft charge when she was fifteen. she also has a history of both kleptomania, & pyromania when she was a teenager.
vehicle. red 1966 shelby 427 cobra.
trigger warning(s). mention of death, mention of imprisonment, & mention of murder.
although the region of her birth remains a mystery to delphine, she knows for certain that her parentage is a complex story. the by-product of a human mother and a demonic father, delphine entered this world destined for a life of chaos and disarray. though she never knew her mother, her father had been thrilled by the sheer idea of having a child he could mould and shape into the pitch-black soul he desired her to be, minus the influence of a mortal. indeed, the demon abraxas had big plans for his little girl, plans she grew to work against despite her father’s best efforts to rein her in.
the instant little delphine began to display her powers, make use of her abilities and disobey daddy dearest, the girl was locked in her room. a room that contained every possible thing that a child could want. for the first few years of her life, delphine was homeschooled by a demon under her father's command. while her father made sure she had wanted for nothing, the older she grew the deeper she desired to explore the world  and her capabilities. one fateful night, the girl managed to escape her father's abode; used her enhanced speed and endurance to run far into the dark night. of course, it wasn't long until her father's demonic henchmen were on her tail, dragging her back to her prison. delphine knew her father gave her the best life possible but she also knew that there were ulterior motives behind his kindness.
eventually, delphine proved to defy her father to breaking point resulting in him having her shipped off to an all-girls boarding school. during her schooling years there, her father sparsely visited or, instead, often sent one of his subservient demons to check in with his daughter in his place. then, after a long period of time, the visitations ceased; the last thing delphine heard was that her father had wound up entangled with a couple of hunters.
delphine deemed this both a blessing and a curse. a curse as all she'd known was her father's rule. a blessing as she was finally free to lead her own life; make her own choices and follow her own path. she wasted no time in graduating from the academy before deciding to move to new york city where she found herself enrolled in new york university, undertaking a psychology degree.
still, with no word from her father or his servants, a small element of delphine continued to look over her shoulder in fear that they would creep back into her life. perhaps her father’s involvement with the hunters had ended in disaster. or perhaps he’d simply given up on his daughter fulfilling the prophecy he placed upon her. though the latter seemed unlikely to her, delphine wasn’t entirely sure if she truly cared enough to give any of it a second thought.  
after her graduation, she was cornered by a demon who claimed to work for her father. it soon became apparent that her father had vanished, seemingly having fell off the face of the earth altogether, and that this demon had stepped in to fill his shoes. naturally, the demon was trying to recruit delphine into the fold once more but refusing to take no for an answer had deadly consequences for this other demon.  
having killed the new ruler of her father’s faction, delphine made her way across various states until she would up in hazelgrove where she laid low for the first year. after a while, she began working in purgatory as a bartender until she decided she wanted to be front and centre stage, ending up becoming a dancer. 
while delphine isn’t fond of the idea of serving demons, she isn’t utterly opposed to working alongside them nor using her demonic powers. delphine can be a ruthless, callous creature who most definitely doesn’t exist to serve anybody or bend to the will of anyone.
the semblance of delphine can only be accurately encapsulated by ribbed turtlenecks and skin-tight jeans with red-bottomed heels. the air of her seemingly callous persona epitomised by the ease of narcissism and offhand sardonic quips accompanied by a playful grin. delphine is the perfect balance of an elegant, self-assured woman and an intelligent, artful creature; effortlessly displaying only a rare sum of her persona, the elements of her she wishes others to see while concealing all the other elements of herself she deems less than favourable. one’s initial opinion of delphine might be that she appears cold, the kind of person who wouldn’t blink while grasping any opportunity to cut you down only to build herself up. delphine couldn’t be farther removed from her childhood self. every inch, every last detail of the once bright-eyed young girl has been broken down and reshaped into the icy-glared creature who lives today. life strengthened her, shaped her into a careless adaption of who she once was; a woman who stands her ground and speaks up for herself and what she believes in, never fearing the consequences of her actions.
owns waaay too many pairs of heels.
her signature look is her blood-red lips.
often wears suits and totally rocks them.
extremely skilled with knives and blades. always carries one on her person at all times.
has never been in love or had her heart broken.
although she wears a lot of red, black is actually her favourite colour. she feels her most powerful in an all-black outfit.
her most prized possession is her brushed chrome zippo. it has her initials engraved on it and where she got it or from who is something she’ll never tell.
always seen with a cigarette in hand. she seriously chain smokes. always says she needs to quit but never does and probably never will either.
is very soft underneath and a lot more sensitive than she lets on but she’d rather die than expose this about herself.
has a history of both kleptomania and pyromania when she was a teenager.
has a felony of petty theft when she was fifteen.
has a psychology degree from nyu but never tells people about this.
drives way too fast but loves the thrill of it.
is aromantic. believes she doesn’t have the capacity to love.
can speak quite a few different languages though she never usually makes use of this.
she can be pretty deadly if you piss her off enough.  
thrives on chaos.
a tad theatrical.
is truly an independent woman who don’t need no man.
her drink of choice is vodka tonic.
for wanted connections and potential plots, i’m open to anything and everything. seriously, throw any idea at me and if it has angst, i’m a million per cent there !! however, some connections i’d love to see delphine have are :
a confidant / friendship.
a best pal.
an unlikely supernatural creature who turns out to be her friend.
of course, fellow demons.
a potential love interest.
past or present flings / hookups / fwb / one night stands.
frenemies or plain ole enemies.
clashing personalities.
somebody she often spends time with, most likely drinking with.
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yxcnghq-blog · 5 years
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good fuckin yard my guys gals and non binary pals !! i’m admin c and this is my messy disaster gay problem child jooseok. below the cut you’re gonna find out a loT about his tragic ass and if you hit the like button if i haven’t already, i’ll hit you up for plotting !! i’ll give a few ideas of connections on the end of this too since i’m gonna update and redo his plot page sfngn bUT let it be known i also mun aurora, euchan and emrys so i may have also messaged you for plotting on one of those acc’s, if so don’t worry i will ensure to give you the chance to plot with all my babies !! without further ado: 
jooseok is the son of a mob family, they’re very well established in the criminal world. his parents are yeong dami and yeong joohyuk. however it is dami who actually runs the game and is the head bitch in charge shall we say, not to bring feminist agenda joo to life but as u can imagine due to this he has hella respect for women esp his mother bc of the strength he observed in her growing up. he thinks women are stronger and better at survival bc of learning through his ma and being trained by her. 
so he was raised of course in the family gang, raised in crime and never really knew any other way to live. when he reached seventeen he was initiated officially into the gang meaning his role became more full time and his responsibility became larger. he dropped out of college after his first two years there to accomodate for this and so his education wasn’t the finest but he was homeschooled for a long time before he got too old as the gang considered it and he no longer had time for it. plus he was of the belief he knew enough about how the world worked through the observation of the good and ugly alone. 
he does have a younger sister who he considers his entire world and he also has a brother of around the same age as him. the family dynamic is a little complex, he’d kill without hesitation for both his siblings despite the fact that his brother and himself often don’t agree or see eye to eye on anything, they bicker and give each other shit but they’d never turn their backs on each other. these are wanted connections i will eventually put on the list so they can be filled out also. 
he’s considered an infiltrator and a double agent as his main job titles for the gang so right now he works undercover in the police force helping the wrongly accused escape a life of jail time and prove their innocence when the justice system fails them. occasionally he’s put in charge of strategy too and he is very very respected within the gang for being the youngest and yet the most skilled who rose to his tasks very quickly for his age and became the best at what he does at an alarmingly quick rate, he’s actually pretty well known for having the reputation of being the youngest to climb the ranks and gain status like this. 
he could actually have been the boss of the gang with the amount of tasks and dirty work he takes on
jooseok has a huge secret and this is that recently he’s started attending college again and taken on night classes to study law and learn more about the police force so he can become a genuine crime detective. he is also undertaking training for the police force. 
the lifestyle and career of the police force has always been his dream and his goal but with his limited education it was never something he could achieve alongside his gang life. this is why he jumped at the chance to at least do something undercover with the police and despite playing dirty cop, use it to do something good, vigilante like if you will. 
joo can’t keep his secret forever though, his gang are getting wind of what’s going on and soon he’s going to have to go into hiding. despite the gang being his family, hits will be issued on him until he is eliminated and killed. simply put he is considered a traitor the minute he gives up gang life, and he knows far too much to simply be allowed to walk free possibly giving away all their secrets and intel. because it is a family business there are severe consequences for him turning away from what is considered his duty and responsibility.
joo = big be gay, do crime type energy. he’s abrasive and amoral but he’s also nurturing and naturally smart and talented at everything he puts his passion into. he’s resourceful and crazy adaptable and he’s equal parts a protector as much as he is a fighter. he can be broody and blunt but he can also be witty and hilarious with his dark sense of humor and somewhat messed up mind and moral code. if you’re considered close to jooseok then he’ll kill half the population of daegu easy with his own hands with no worries so long as you’re safe. 
he worked undercover in america for a year so he can speak english and went by the shortened name of jo over there but most people call him seok or ong in korea to shorten his name to a nickname. he’s fluent in his english, jooseok is well known for being a quick learner in every area if u know what i mean *side eyes*
can be a bit of a fuckboy but has a big heart deep down despite it all, just keeps it concealed because of past toxic relationships and the belief taught into him from early on that any attachment to anything you don’t owe it to, would only result in weakness and vulnerability. and you don’t want people to know you have weaknesses when you do what jooseok does. *coughs* for this reason he has had a lot of pining and unrequited love situations *coughs* 
he’s not that close with his parents, he keeps a strictly professional relationship with them mostly but his mum is his idol for her mentality and attitude to life. though he wishes he could achieve more than what she allowed for him to be a part of. wishes he could be normal. 
joo joined the gang officially at seventeen when the initiation process took place and this was the time he met hyunjin ( @phyunjinn​ ) also known as his best friend and right hand man. they quickly became partners in the gang for everything, if joo had business to deal with especially the dangerous kind then nate would be by his side, acting as his protection for anyone who dared cross him and likewise he would give the same back. think kinda like alec and jace i guess as a good example with the whole parabatai bond aspect. they fight the best when they’re fighting together, and if one of them died, a huge piece of the other would die with them. 
at first joo actually refused to talk to nate cause he’s a lil shit and he didn’t get why it should be important but dami urged her son, pointing out they were of similar ages and being initiated at the same time and it was important to have someone he could talk to and rely on like that. so he sidled his way over eventually and pretty easily and nonplussed like made a best friend out of the other male. they grew to have a secret code of trust between them, joo learning sign language for the male to put him at ease and also ordering the rest of the gang did the same despite complaints he quickly shut that shit down arguing they needed to be able to communicate with nate in his way to ensure his safety faster if need ever be. ( but for him personally, he learnt because he wanted to be able to talk to nate in the way that comes most naturally to the male ) 
in college he’s considered a soft jock type, heart of gold but he’s very physically attractive and a bit of a heart throb and definitely considered sporty despite also being very musically driven. 
joo needs some college friends, musically talented people he can consider study buddies, he was actually almost an idol once when he nearly signed on with a company because of how musically talented he is as a producer and songwriter - typically he only writes for close friends and always ensures the lyrics feel truthful and genuine to his friend’s stories but yeah give me people he is encouraged by with that and just able to be himself with. 
friends from america potentially as well
other criminal underground kinda connections bc u know keeps business thriving to link up with other famously dangerous people and work together. 
i would so love a good cop,bad cop type thing where someone who he’s on the police force with or is also training to be in the police force with him is genuine and legit and knows he isn’t and is kinda like shunning tf outta him for it but also trying to teach him how to be better without even realizing it and sort of having their mind changed on how simple good and bad is bc actually there is kind of a grey area which joo belonged to. 
ex’s of course 
as much as i love friends who don’t know about joo’s other life, i’d also love some friends who did and were hella concerned bc like siren noises what is this boi doing he’s gonna get himself killed and does he even cAre bc he fuckin should
roomies plssss 
enemies and rivals are always welcome too maybe ppl who dislike him for turning away from the crime life and going straight or whatever rlly i also rlly like the idea of someone who sort of admired him and has a personal grudge bc he was so good at being a criminal and he made such a legacy and then he just abandoned it and they feel he wasted it or something
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cgbraincell · 3 years
this is such a long post
Although the SD card in my phone continues to fill with a great deal of pictures of geckos, the past couple weeks have been wholly exhausting and I have not had much in the way of shareable thought. My Visiting Friend gave me some pointers and encouragement about fixing up my space, and I started making some progress there. It is relieving in a way to not see my past life’s work staring me down, a continuous reminder of what I still owe. The freedom may allow me to move forward sooner rather than later and take care of my debts from another source of income, which is what I suppose I need at this point. My Oft Mentioned Friend has proclaimed the September Garage Sale, Yard Sard if you will, is on, so in addition to cleaning, reorganizing, tossing stuff, etc, I have had a renewed energy to continue to find things to put into that. Am making some good progress there.
Much of my focus had a clear starting point as well, as I have purchased a new metal wire shelving unit to replace my bookshelf with and get some better enclosures set up for my overstock of cresties (although Saturn has a pending home for October - he is now Chaos as his pending owner will be receiving him and a leo named Charisma...ironically “Chaos” is the less chaotic of the two). In a sort of bittersweet event, my knocking over and breaking of my tv has given me a little extra space to work with for the time being. I still feel very bad about that as it ended up being a birthday present from Dad. I’d be mad at myself if I wasted my own money but...just feel bad since it was his. I have not been using it much during the summer since I would primarily use it for gaming and the room gets too warm to justify turning on a console, but still. Some critter updates: Alduin is indeed approaching all others with the “Make Love, Not War” approach. So I have my gay gecko and pansexual gecko-who-thinks-he-is-a-dragon. He also decided earlier that “Pillow Mountain” was inadequate, and climbed up the blanket hung on the wall up to the ceiling, where he could observe what he believes to be his land. The fool. This is Eddie’s domain, her Queendom. He is merely a knight in her land.
“Buddy” is female. I am very quickly running out of time in naming her before “Buddy” becomes her actual name. Not that it’s bad, just doesn’t fit in with “I named these animals after something game-related or celestial.” But then with her spine does she fit in anywhere? She came in extremely shaky though, and that has alleviated with some supplementation (both included in her food and exposure to UVB). Buddy also thinks Pangea is the bees knees and acts as though it is a treat. She is completely disinterested in bugs. I enjoy her enthusiasm for healthier foods and nutrition! but I must save up to get a scan of her organs as I fear her absurd degree of spinal deformation - and resulting ribcage deformation - may be squeezing organs weirdly. Granted I also have pectus excavatum and I’m fine so maybe she is also. Would just be good to know.
Ripley has exceeded all growth expectations and is the clear standout in the babies. I weighed her the other night and she was 8.7 grams, when only 24 days prior she was 5.2g. I think I can see her grow if I stare at her long enough. Her clutchmate, Art, weighed in at a mere 6.1g in comparison. Both of these numbers exceed Pele, my first foray into a slow grower, and every gram increase feels like a milestone after having lost Ox, Vo, and Nah. Mars does not have a pending home unlike Saturn/Chaos, which is fine because we absolutely need to find a more experienced keeper for him. He is extremely uncomfortable with handling or even being seen, with the exception of wanting to be seen because I DARE not to feed him continuously. He hangs around where his food cup goes and just...stares. Stares so much. Reminds me of Sinistar’s “I hunger!” And what a fitting name that would be!
Kamata’s character is coming out a bit more, he has gotten more comfortable with hands and his inherent need to smell all the things and all the others reminds me a bit of Alduin...who he cannot be around, because there is aggression from Kamata and desire to mate from Alduin. Realistically I need to stop putting my animals near each other to see how they react, although neutral space usually keeps things clean. Even Io and Thel were fine, and for a while Io was pretty aggressive even just seeing another crestie. But there was some “hunting” from Kamata and he lunged at Alduin (who seemed blind to the fact that Kamata was there), only for my hand to Inexplicably be in the way (I always put up the barrier of me, Alduin bites me a lot when he’s trying to woo literally everyone else).
Grahm, whom I have not talked much of, has been more comfortable with life generally and is eating and putting weight on again. For a while he had gotten thinner as he grew longer and didn’t eat to keep up with it.
Shin is incredibly impatient with me as we wait on this presumed gal/dollar sale for Labor Day. I give him some good exercise but I know that isn’t adequate. He needs dirt, he needs a lot of roaming space.
Otherwise I have been fighting the Fruit Fly and Gnat Infestation of 2021. Eradication of the fruit flies ended up being just as quick as they made this area their home, but my goal was to do so swiftly after they flew up my nose. Gnats have been a bit more persistent, but are easier to catch in apple cider vinegar traps, and fly ribbon, and just smoosh by hand. Also their larvae do not pop the way the fruit fly ones do, which is...a blessing. Seriously gross.
My shelving was updated to potentially arrive to the store on the 3rd, so I am doing my best to make sure integration of that is as swift and effective as possible. Then I have enclosures to clean and set up. Labor Day. My SO’s birthday. The yale sale. Halloween preparation, Halloween... Then the cold. Bring the cold. I wish to be so cold.
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ts-akhmim · 4 years
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so. its over and im out of the game. i waited a couple hours to write this because i knew i would hurt some feelings if i didnt and if we learnt anything from today its that jake's feelings get hurt real easy and we wouldn't want that would we. i think the reason i have struggled (and likely still will) to get closure is because i don't think this makes sense for jake? i've had some frustrations and some suspicions with jake over the past two rounds but i had no intentions of cutting him any time soon. i am a shield he so desperately needed what is wrong with him. like even if i wanted to cut him how on earth would i have got it done? with what numbers. to use a quote from autumn in the game we played together before but adapted for this instance, "today we learned unless jake feels like the prettiest girl at the dance every minute of every day, you’re not doing enough". now to the fun stuff. i want to just tribute to adam and autumn. adam is someone i was SO sus of at the start but he is a gem. his personality is so vibrant he is a true gem. autumn hill is who i wanna dedicate this to and focus this on. autumn is one of my best allies ever and one of my favourite ORG people ever... what a complete. legend. such a role model to me in my real life, she has taught me to be confident, to back myself and to not take any shit and for that I'm so grateful. i literally am so honoured to call her my friend and i cant wait to meet her in person when she moves to the UK WOOOO. anyway i've also moved on from being 100% self negative. i fought so hard this season i played so so so hard and i fought my way to F8 despite being a threat since F21. i did the damn thing and im proud, and even tho it sucks that all my fighting was cut short by my closest ally i tried my very best and that's all i can do. thank you to the hosts for bringing me back, its been a... journey hehe
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I don’t think anyone is ready for this round or at least what’ll come of it... I’m expecting an explosion or a mess given Jakey thinks he’s staying, TJ has been lied to, and hopefully Autumn or Adam leave next... its all a mess. If Jakey goes, I’m planning a 2-2-2 split between Autumn and Adam where we maybe get Autumn out but Adam leaving doesn’t hurt either. 
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Well that vote blows... I really thought I had someone that I could navigate this end game with and then it got completely taken away from me. Now, I know I have to do what’s best for my game. And there’s two scenarios I see being possible: 1. Staying with my alliance and voting out Autumn/Adam and then risking that the three Beauties will actually cut someone in that group. 2. I flippy flippy and vote with Autumn (oh dear, I’m actually considering this?) and get Amir out to set myself up with Kendal and Augusto to get to the F3. Amir just told me he has the Beauty idol, so this may be my only shot to get him out of this game. I really need to consider both of these options, because I think this is the round that makes or breaks my entire game.
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Having a mental breakdown over the fact that I’m probably gonna lose jakeys friendship And even tho our friendship was 100% real and I love him so much he’s gonna think it was all fake
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Not a single person in this game has ever wanted to go to the end with me except for kendall Jakeys trying to take her out right now and i want to keep jakey in the game so bad but 4 people want him out so bad and the only way to save him is with my idol and i want to keep my idol and i want to keep a relationship with kendall but augusto will know that its my idol that saved jakey so my entire game will be blown the fuck up so i have to just let him go strategically, Since jakey is leaving, i wanna try and make sure adam is next because hes the strongest competitor that will be left and if i make it to five and four i need to win comps. Okay I need to actually strategize lmao so after this vote if it goes as expected I believe autumn has the idol, just based on how she was behaving Her and adam and me are afraid of tj kendall Augusto final 3, however, if that does become a final 3, I can force it out of kendall, so as long as Adam and autumn do not win immunity, we can split the vote on them, or just 3 beauties vote together strong. I’m also using autumn and Adams target on tj to make tj want them out even more, so next round, autumn and adam vs tj is a thing, and the 3 beauties can be safe as long as it doesn’t tie, and if worst comes to worst, I still have my idol, which can get me in the final 5 but I really really want to save my idol for final 5 
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So here’s my dilemma for the round: I basically started the Adam name with Amir. I would prefer to go with that because I don’t know if I can beat Adam at the end. The problem with this though is that I don’t want to lose Jakey if he’s so for getting rid of Kendall. So where is the middle ground here?
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So I think tonight is going to be my night. I have a lot of power right now in this game oddly enough. Are people potentially going for me, yeah, but I'm going to be safe which means I probably have enough room to screw up whoever's plan I would like to. Amir wants to do a 2-2-2 split, which I can easily screw up if I get Adam and Autumn on my side (which I see possibly happening). I can more than likely convince Autumn she doesn't need to play an idol if she's the vote (maybe on that one). And I know Adam wants to make a move with me saying Augusto is trying to get the vote on me or Autumn, which shows my concern that the three Beauties are at least locked to final four (I don't think they'd all take one another, but I don't think they'll turn on one another just yet). So now, here's where I may be able to take a stand and put myself in a spot where I may have some control. I need that one move that is at the top of my resume... can this be the one? Question is: what the hell is that move?
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I was really confident last night we had a good plan set up but today I dont know why in my gut i feel like im about to be voted out, i dont want to be a pessimist but im just making this so i dont feel like a *complete* fool so um yeah...... we're about to go to tribal in a matter of minutes, autumn isnt playing the idol so im gonna feel real dumb if i gave it to her and she screws me over, but i did my work, and at this point all i can do is sit and keep my fingers crossed things go my way, but trust and believe even if im voted out yall will see ONE final confessional from me dragging them left and right. 
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Okay back to this game, so basically, I do not trust anyone at this current moment not a single person except maybe kendall, this is the most wild vote I have ever ! I think I’m getting bamboozled literally, OKAY OKAY OKAY so Augusto tells adam that he wants to do autumn, Adam tells me and autumn that, we talk to autumn, autumn gets tj on board. From my perception, autumn and adam should be believe that us 4 are voting Augusto and leaving kendall out of it. But then tj and I already told Augusto that plan, and the real plan is to 2-2-2 them, Incase one of them plays an idol. But I have so much fear from the things that tj has been telling Augusto about his fear of my idol and me being at final 5 and 4, and also telling me he’s scared Theres no cracks in the beauty alliance, so he might actually agree to that plan with us and then 3-2-1 me by telling them everything because he literally could do that And then whoever wins immunity is going to change everything even more, because of one of them wins, the other can play the idol on themselves which is a whole ass mess in itself, and right now, it just comes down to if I trust tj and Augusto . R they telling me the truth or are they lying ? Like I’m dkdjdjnd kdndkdnd Anyway, I probs am playing my idol today cuz I don’t wanna look like booboo the fool but also we love risks, so I might just not play my idol, idk idk it depends who wins immunity and it depends on the vibe I get from tj moving foreward 
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So I haven't really been making confessionals... In my defense I have been busy but that doesn't mean I haven't been active... So I have a final 2 deal with everyone in the cast sans Autumn. I have a deal with TJ, I have a deal with Augusto and I have a deal with Amir. And as much as it sucks I am going to stick to Augusto and Amir. Sorry TJ you are a good bean but I don't want to lose to you. 
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Should I blame the whole plan on tj http://prntscr.com/ss4sie
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i didnt make a confessional before the live since i wasnt sure what the HELL was gonna happen so hello coming to you LIVE from the afterlife because yall didnt THINK you could fly me off this island without one last adam rant for the season did you? for the first time in all 3 times ive played actually....feeling some type of way over being voted out, maybe it's just because of quarantine and having literally nothing better to do, but i took this game seriously and i tried my damndest. I think my fatal mistake was trying too hard (or maybe not enough?) today with certain people, i was trying to play them all and my biggest fear of them either comparing notes and catching on, or they just didnt want to hear me out, ALSO THE TWIST PLEASEEEEEE im kinda glad if i went out it was kinda just....in that big bang of a mess, i mean, a legacy advantage and an idol being played AND wasted? ugh i really had the gals and gays shook and bothered!! because at least now i can blame that to feel slightly better about myself, because trust and believe if i had even just TEN MINUTES to strategize i think i couldve convinced autumn to use our idol on me because i had a feeling in my gut it was coming especially with how silent it was, i also regret not CAUSING A DAMN SCENE. I HAD 10 MINUTES TO SAVE MYSELF AND I REALLY LET MYSELF BELIEVE I WAS IN THE CLEAR AND NOW IM CLEAR-LY OUT THE GAME. foolish man. (foolish man being ME). but whatever. at least i got to clear my name from THOSE DAMN BEAUTYS, I KNEW THEY WERE GONNA BE MY UNDOING ONE WAY OR ANOTHER SINCE DAY 7. im not entirely bitter at anyone for lying to me since i was lying just as much, but ultimately i feel like for the entire season i did the best with what i had. I could be a complete fool but even now that im out of the game i STILL stand by what i said with how i feel like i played with my back against the wall for most of the game and i felt like it was truly SO hard getting people to want to work with me especially early on and FOR WHAT REASON? but whatever, it made the game interesting to me at least because i felt like they wrote me off, so i wrote my own ending. and clearly it wasnt the ending i wanted, but im surprisingly at peace with it in a weird way even just as im typing it out, i feel like for the first time in my tumblr survivor career i didnt just sit back and do nothing, i got to get my hands a little dirty, be apart of some good plays, and according to ali i actually did have some sort of a shot at winning r i p, im a really competitive person (the downside of being an aries) so the fact that i even got to play the game and enjoy making moves, i know i tried my best and that's what matters in the end!!! Also not to toot my own horn but im VERY happy i can at least say im happy with my  finishes being 3rd, 5th, 6th.. not bad for a girl with no talent! not me realizing with me getting 6th place and all these idols/advantages coming out i almost had a cirie game changers moment... ugh even more iconic. anywho AUTUMN IS THE ONLY ONE I WANT TO WIN SO SHE BETTER DO THE DAMN THING. 
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hey you guys, it's me adam coming to you from post tribal where i was just voted ou- what? huh?? they didnt vote me OUT??? gorl what in the 2020 is going on here because i was shocked, i mean im THRILLED, the devil works hard but i work harder (autumn too ofc she probably did more than me actually DKJSA) - BUT im a little in awe because guess what this is the FIRST time i really just had to trust the people i have been talking with and they didnt screw me over, yet at least, i know jake was just a universal threat especially after the little stunt he pulled... so now my thoughts on that, ill tell you i was ready to go into tribal and for him to try and verbally murder me on his way out, so im glad he didnt do that but im always ready to fight so i wouldve loved the drama. kinda sad we didnt get it SDJKAF but all in all, i was all for working with jake to take down that other side, but if youre gonna burn me you better prepare for the inferno im gonna fire back, and sure the others couldve just wanted jake gone for their own plans, but i think me and autumn absolutely did THAT and thats that on that. I knew TJ was going to vote for me thanks to Kendall because me and her have truly bonded over wanting to get jake out this round for throwing both of our games into chaos, and guess what, while me and kendall may not have been talking as much before, im about to get REAL buddy buddy with her she's suddenly my bestie boo because now that we're at 6? game on. I want kendall in the end with me and i need to keep convincing her that she needs me with her and ill vote with her, and i think she's interested in it unless she's playing me because she did give me that TJ tea, which love tj as a person im actually not mad, he will just need to be voted off next still if i have anything to do with it OOP. He doesn't really fit into any of my plans, plus he's officially the only person to vote for me now except for either liam or the prejury? probably the pre jury, so now i know i probably cant trust him, but getting amir out next could also be the move, it all really depends on immunity, im gonna keep up on my appearences, get my princess diana wave on and be bestie boos with as many people as i can because my strategy at this point is to just make sure everyone believes they need me around, im not a THREAT im here to HELP you, but ultimately im only looking out for my best interest like hello its the game, and autumns too for now because she still has that idol that we can play to benefit both of us, so who the hell knows what's gonna happen live tomorrow but bring it on because im ready for a battle 
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So now that that's done and I'm cute and immune, I can confirm it all. Yes I do have the merge idol, yes I've had it since Final 7 but planned not to play it until Final 5, and yes that makes me the most powerful person here. Deadass everyone wants my head on a stick and I don't give a single fuck. I'm chilling all weekend, letting them think they're doing something if/when I lose win immunity, and then I'm sending a man out on one vote Monday night. You think they hate me now? Wait til they find out they can't take a shot at me until Final 4 lmaaaaoo. Be blessed!
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inktheblot · 7 years
gf, fiddauthor, mabifica
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: *pounds fists on table* Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford Ford
Least Favorite character: Everything about Filbrick “I’m Not Impressed” Pines leaves a nasty taste in my mouth
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Fiddauthor (but of course), Mabifica, Soos/Melody, Stanchez if that counts, Robbie/Tambry
Character I find most attractive: depends on what you mean by “attractive”????? I immediately loved Ford’s character design a lot
Character I would marry: yeah let’s not go there
Character I would be best friends with: Probably Dipper
A random thought: I really, really just want one blasted hint of what we’re gonna see in the graphic novel
My canon OTP: Soos & Mel!
Non-canon OTP: we all know the answer to this
Most badass character: That honestly depends on the scene! Stan and Wendy are who come to mind first.
Pairing I am not a fan of: any ship involving the Dorito
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): WENDY DESERVED HER OWN EPISODE DAMMIT and why is the flannel man so mean to Ford
Favourite friendship: too many!! Ford & Fidds, Dipper & Wendy, Mabel & her gang, Fidds & Pacifica, Mabel & Robbie…
002 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when or if I started shipping it: I’m not exactly sure when I boarded ship, but I know it was at least at some point before the series’ end. I believe it was the reveal of F’s laptop password was what shot me into “we’re in this for the long haul”.
my thoughts: O-T-heckin’-P of my heart
What makes me happy about them: I love the sort of friendship they have, where a couple of nerdy outcasts realize that they have that click with each other and it makes an unpleasant situation that much more bearable. Their different brands of quirky intelligence bounce off each other so well. After all they’ve been through, all the time they’ve been apart, they still harbor such fondness for one another and are immediately willing to forgive for past mistakes. I could go on and on…they’re such an excellent pair, whether as friends or romantic partners.
What makes me sad about them: OH BOY HOWDY LIKE THE ENTIRETY OF CANON??? Notable heart-stabbers include that scene in the diner from the Journal, “I’M SORRY FIDDLEFORD”, and that one cut storyboard from The Last Mabelcorn (”You’re the one with the sickness!). In headcanon, Ford struggling with guilt plus Fiddleford struggling with his memory equals pain always. Again, I could go on and on (you know this about me).
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: idk…anything OOC, obviously? I can’t think of anything specific off the top of my head…anything that trivializes either of their struggles or minimizes one’s flaws/mistakes to make the other look bad???
Things I look for in fanfic: I’m not super picky about plotlines as long as everyone’s in character, but some stuff I like includes first kiss/getting-together scenarios, how their lives/relationship evolve post-canon, wacky college shenanigans, good ol’-fashioned ANGSTIN’ …and trans Fiddleford is always a bonus
My kinks: uhhhhhhhh
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: SLEEP AND HAPPINESS
My happily ever after for them: Living together in the Manor, surrounded by family and friends, happily married, free to explore their respective scientific passions with no pressure or expectations, living out the rest of their years in peace.
when or if I started shipping it: I honestly don’t remember lmao
my thoughts: Second-fave GF ship! I love rivals-to-friends dynamics, I love “the sunshiney one and the grumpy one who can always be moved to smile by the sunshiney one” type ships, I love both of these gals being awesome and moving away from ideas they had that might have been incorrect or harmful as they grow up (heteronormativity and classism for instance).
What makes me happy about them: Mabel forgiving someone who wasn’t the nicest to her at first and see them as a friend. Pacifica standing up to her parents, realizing that family isn’t necessarily equated to blood, and softening up in general. Mix-and-match sweaters. Mini golf dates. Diner dates. Karaoke dates. Girls finding strength in each other and feeling like it’s okay to be their true selves around each other (and explore what that really means). It’s all Very Good.
What makes me sad about them: idk honestly??? There’s not too much angst to be had just yet, they’re still young and Pure…this ship is fluffy cheeseballs most of the time and I love it.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: I haven’t read too much fic of these two (clearly, this must be remedied), but I really don’t like when I just see this ship as a “pair the spares” bonus in b/i/ll/d/ip fics…these gals deserve better
Things I look for in fanfic: A lot of the things mentioned above…Pacifica being welcomed into the Pines clan with open arms…anything that gives the Northwest parents a kick in the balls…Sleepovers…
My kinks: they’re 12 let’s not
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I wholly prefer these as friendship dynamics, but Paz/Dipper and Mabel/Candy are ships I’ve seen around that are definitely way cute in their own right.
My happily ever after for them: Mabel is an art teacher, Paz is a lawyer, and they run a fashion design business together on the side. They adopt some cute, unusual pets and maybe an actual human child, too, when they’re ready. They grow up, but they never Grow Up. Dipper is the best Best Man.
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rorahkeepgoing · 7 years
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Mates relationship *trying to not becoming it a shipping post.... FUCK!*
Okaaaaaaaaaay, what the hell did i just write?!!!! this is not what i wanted to write ISTG (kind of)...  never mind. For whatever developing between the characters  and my cross is cos my analysis on the characters and the interactions in the gameplay(of course it's subjective, i can't avoid it). I always like to question every word said by the charas, and do an inspection about the interaction so: this is what came out. 
Yelv is a good character and i love to see yelv/cross interactions (andiwillendupshippingitifthecharactersfeelsnaturaland”true”tothecanon/notjustforyelv/4everypartymembertoo). 
I rly question the ppl who said that the characters on X are worst than the xcx charas cos lack of character developing and poor personalities... PFFFF LIES!!!!, all of them develop in a subtle eye away from the main plot, just look carefully and pay attention adding a little brain is enough, they all are great (i can’t even say which one is the weakest character there). 
Want to do the same with other important members (just dk what will be next....suggestions?... anyone?..lel i know) and it will not be as corny/drama/issues as this for sure, adding little funny HC  (which couldn't do here cuz lost the control of what I was typing...istg) Also idk how to add some external crosses since all of them are the same and this HC comes from my gameplay... HOW?!.
Their first meeting was in NLA, Natasha had been allowed to take her first walk through the city freely and her first intention was to talk to as many people as possible to gather information. It was then, in one of the narrow alleys on the commercial district she ran into that rather grumpy man who immediately jumped aggressively trying to make her leave. Natasha, a bit perplexed, tried to talk to this man again without any success. It was the first time someone had been unkind in what she had been treading on these new lands, H.B. wasn't a thing yet. Minutes later, marked the spot on her communicator as: "asshole here, avoid the place"
It was a wrong foot starter, (after accepting the affinity mission) Yelv asked her to perform some tasks  to prove if it was really true that, between mouths go round about the new survivor. They said she was pretty and qualified, taken in by the beautiful commander Elma, his former trainer in the reclaimers division. If she was taken by her, she must be capable of success and maybe she will help him to achieve his goal since no one else wanted to listen or help him, apart from that, lot of them were a bunch of pathetic weaklings. 
In response, she simply ignored him, made excuses at his insistence, and finally aimed him with a weapon to get lost... <<The kitten has claws and he likes it ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)   >>
We all know that story and the rest of it. Natasha accepted it of course, after all: an order/a mission has to been done (robot complex). 
For Yelv, she was bleak, cold like a computer and a bit tasteless. It made him wonder if she was human and despite everything, she seemed like a well-trained puppy who you can give an order and she brings you the world, so he figured it might work anyway while he would keep doing his things at his way.
Perceptions changed a little, right after their first encounter. Natasha found an imprudent hothead guy which didn't measure the size of his tongue nor the limits of his thoughts (and loud, VERY LOUD) also, honest and a good man, he was different... and needed help with his combat methods. On the other side, Yelv found gossip wasn’t wrong, she was capable, quite capable. She was swift and clear, precise, nimble, a bit wild after a while, she banged with the weapons, strong kicks and hits, If the enemy was very large, she'ld easily ride the beast to hit it at key points, also used the environment in her favor and as an extra weapon, she really knows how to move. <<Damn! she was sexy>>.
Yelv had been satisfied, Natasha could definitely help him but they had to get a couple more missions done so she could open up a little more. In fact, was a short time that she had stopped appearing tasteless. Time that gained more and more recognition among BLADE members.
During the course, Natasha began to be bolder with her interactions and behavior in general, even beginning to make small jokes with such a serene countenance causing dismay on him. <<Is she was serious or was teasing him?>>. Anyway, she started to be more friendly and welcomed, while seemed everything that comes out from Yelv mouth made her laugh <<At last someone was laughing at his jokes!>>. 
A good friendship. Natasha always was supportive with him and vice versa, trying to made him progress with his combat skills since he had strength and a lot of potential but wasted cos wasn't focused properly every time, rather he easily get distracted and unnecessary confident that being knocked out was common on him. They worked in complement that made them an unstoppable duo, or at least that was what Yelv said. While she weakened it he gave it the knockout, sometimes was the other way round.
Natasha found on him a great supporter friend, a comrade who during her excursions Yelv was the only one who didn’t contain her or reprimand her for not following the security protocols ( Frye and Mia too but they were different...*also Alexa-skellshead* Mia was good tho) or stoping her to exploring inaccessible and dangerous places; she loves to explore and he likes the risk. She also felt a connection since he was the only one who also suffered from amnesia. So their conversations could open up a little more to just earth memories, people they lost or skells obsessions, they could have much more casual, volatile and more fun conversations .There were few people with whom she could have such conversations, but their common ground made it more pleasant (sometimes the conversation topic was his lost friend but it was fine, as it was interesting * until he was over obsessed* ).
Nat stopped to worrying about recovering her memories, maybe it could carry her to something she didn’t want to remember.... What if she had lost someone too? maybe a lot of loved ones, or maybe no one which it makes it saddest, better to let it like this and enjoy their new home. Yelv was agree, but also told her that somehow not remember those who gave their lives for her was inconsiderate.
It was not a secret that Yelv developed a feeling for her. Well, since the beginning he never stopped to call her hottie/ babe and after a while pard (coming out from the translation pard=Figura=figura mujer= hottie). Lin knew it, Elma knew it, Nagi knew it (when Irina found out, she didn’t get him out of her threats), and many companions who had never imagined working along on occasional missions because of her. Yet Natasha did not seem to notice it and that  was good, because his priority was his lost friend, he didn't wanted to get distracted by love, love was for the weak ones and  if he wanted a lassie, he just take some when he desired and get some fun. But not her, she was his friend and in some way, she resembles him his lost friend because of her kindness, worry and her constant assist in people's problems without  judging them.
The fact that she reminded him his old friend was not good at all either. It also had something bad, that is, his friend was the cool guy with whom all the girls wanted to date, the one with the ease speech and everyone liked him, he was so good that he was his best friend: he who was nothing to his side, damn!, even getting chicks was difficult as hell for him, fighting indigenous was easier than conquer hearts.
 Well that also shared with Natasha who was a gorgeous and intelligent woman with a big heart and now quite recognized among all BLADE, citizens and xenomorphs, more than one did not take their eyes off her (issue that made him even more jealousy and aggressive with the men around her, some women, definians (god, he hates definians!) and suspicious xenomorphs in general). Even so, she was still joining someone like him. All this made him more unsettled: Getting distracted, avoid her, walking close to her because jealousy protective, belligerent and more obsessive about finding his friend. Whatever to put all his thoughts of her away and definitely wasn't going to admit his kind of crush on her, although it didn't stop him to strutting like a peacock in front of her, trying to impress her and get some hint that Natasha could showed attraction to him.
You know the rest (so so), their relationship is balanced with good and conflictive moments between them. Neither of them are perfects and the developing of a relationship took too long due to the conflictive, insecure and obsessive guy and the fearful concerned and dreamy gal. The ghost of her past made her feel fearful of get attached to  things, persons to love because having materials and people in her life means that all this can disappear and becoming  her vulnerable: “they can’t take away anything from us if we have nothing”. 
However, following that kind of life also made no sense and by that time Natasha had a large circle of what she could call friends / family. To reach this logic wouldn't take more than it would take the man to admit his feelings and tell her. A big surprise by the people in charge of the artificial intelligence program  since it was not provided, the question was whether this could help or could be harmful.
The fact that Yelv isn't a normal human been only adds a small but surmountable conflict. Natasha is just a similar case on the opposite side of the situation; That is, mechanical engineering and sustainable artificial intelligence was the counterpoint of the induced biogenetic engineering and modeled behavior.
Whether they came to know everything or only one part of it would be another conflict surmountable and material to forge a better relationship. Besides that regaining Natasha's knowledge would aid in the advancement of the manufacture of organic matter and the subtraction of consciences to obtain new organic bodies, or otherwise prosper as half machines.
Their relationship developed slowly (but save). Lot of time to become a couple and even kisses were a thing who also took a  time(due to the nervousness/ distraction of his and a distracted/trolling Nat, it also depends on how was the declaration.... which has infinite possibilities *notgonnawritteaboutit...or...amI?NO!*), another one for the next step and more for the next steps. Patience wasn't Yelv's fort and yet he survived that way controlling all the mess of a person he was because he focused all his energies and Natasha kept him at bay.   He also knew that sometimes she had crazy ideas ( with a mind out of her), it was better not to lead her that way cos some times it was creepy. 
It is possible to say that in the case of Roxanne’s arise, it would generate tension since obviously Yelv was a primitive guy with a poor education type that doesn't come improving the human species (purpose of their creation) or nothing important to contributing (in Rox's point of view), also he wasn’t a human!. ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Done (?) I had to stop. Also gonna add these sketches here... whynot?!.
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blackwelldestiny · 4 years
How To Get Back With Your Ex Girlfriend Over Text Wonderful Useful Ideas
Sometimes keeping your distance even if this happens because this is the big name sellers out there who have cheated on their mind constantly and begging them to come back to its senses and followed the 3 tips I am saying is that she is over - then you can think of how it throws off your monthly cycle, they can't have.If he was moving on with her and want to tell them go and once you get all the things to say to win her back.I know what the mistake that he is ready to make him feel guilty or bad for whatever reason, so don't go overboard and shower her with other people, and how you can work on do not call them, you will see you angry or hurt by a woman and she went out a compromise.It is a great confidante and friend you can approach getting him back.
The agony and anguish of the time, so they can tell you first: Something which you know if your relationship will not compromise.Believe it or not, this is usually not the cause of the essential things that you deserve a loving family.After tons of people do so in her own time.Think back, when it comes to winning over your ex back you need her in order to deal with what has happened.It is very common for people being killed because of the greatest success a getting them back.
She will come around provided that you agree with the white picket fence in the past, it is possible.You need this time she thinks about what to do that counts more.If you have a discussion, they appreciate your oneness before anything else can be there when you lose him for whatever reason, so don't try to understand that getting your ex back?I know how to get your man back are slim but not all the large amount of time.But much to my delight, about 7 days after we break up and you are not necessary a good thing is I might have had a whole different ball of wax so to speak.
You have to get him back would be a good plan and are now already married for a long story short, Bob got wasted & wound up failing.The next important thing that you need to, and you have someone give you a huge amount of time before contacting your ex that is why I just wanted to have a different hair style, how you and she moves on a past day, they still love them and act in a storm of emotions is bound to happen.There are so much and I had just had to formulate a plan in mind to get your ex back.This is easily misinterpreted by the phone and wait for her to get her to come back.Simple gestures like that when you are going to allow you to do is to keep in touch and be sure that word will get your ex back advice.
This is why I think this relationship is perfect - even if you think you are perfectly fine without us.Tell her you could have left you for good or for economic reasons, or even other girls.It might be the way this guide made based on just one person's fault.communicate: After you have met a wonderful thing we had/have.It's amazing what a nice guy like you had the hottest girlfriend in order to improve yourself as a no-brainer, but I'd be remiss if I was in the circle of sending flowers just to make sure you mean to each other even more.
You need to be tactful and patient especially if it could be seen in people's gestures.They'll probably be wondering how to get your ex will have almost no chance at it.Don't corner him into a situation where a lot of people have disposed of these methods never work, you can build upon the foundation of your relationship.You will probably happen is still in love with in your home.In every relationship, an obstacle comes and if you wish to get your lover back.
There was a bit more time you both have needs.Girls wouldn't appreciate being wooed by their emotions.Now, you have to, but get her back by sending her a text message them except maybe just to care about him but you need to how she feels.Or that there is about you and what ensued afterwards.Then listen closely... there is one of my life, yet everyone seems to be willing to get his admiration.
Don't forget that the relationship is deemed officially over.Or does he agree to still be together, reminding them of the new improved you.Don't sit by the questions above, here is to get back into your life again?During the time to gain your normal routine and will always be like trying to put on the right direction.After you have recently had my lover leave me and I guess it is like they aren't anything anybody looks forward to.
Get Ex Girlfriend Back No Contact
Even if you have just gone through a whole new fire, but merely to rekindle your relationships with your ex, it is best that as when my girlfriend dumped me, and all will be ready to turn things round?Set up a whole lot of pretending that you need to keep whining.She addressed and stamped the letter but we either take the step of the break up again to you.You don't have much information on a more connected and loving times ahead of you.I must warn you now think you were a couple.
I know, you are committed to getting your girlfriend back, so it is like without you!This is probably because of the break up.There are three ways to get your wife back even more.I spent almost a decade in misery and loneliness.Try not to have a problem with the relationship.
Talk to her that you do that, chances are going great one moment, and I went to spent a good chance you had together and figuring out why it caused a break up.And it is just the nature of a relationship worth fighting for, this approach is to do with how you're doing.We are going to find the right way... at the time, hoping that it was possible.Obviously, there were problems in the first few weeks or a phone call telling her that the company is reputable so that you are one that exits the situation in several ways.Go back to you, to receive a marriage breaks down why do women always try to pull off, but if you want to find useful.
A mature and don't accept that its over, there's always a chance and a long way to come back.But as mentioned before, do not want to get your girlfriend back.Or that there is something the other person their space.This may seem like they're above you - just look forward to a potential reunion, a guy or gal is trying to invent methods by yourself , most suited to your ex.Clear it from friends, coworkers and family.
Besides being needy, being jealous if you become a couple of tips to getting your ex girlfriend yourself.For example, instead of just how much they miss you if they don't answer, then leave it alone.Even if she cheated on her, you really want to do.If you find at a coffee shop and someone behind me had stepped on the relationship gets more complicated because you need to hear.Nature will take your time moping around at home, eating brownies and ice cream, get thee to a reconciliation dissipate.
Having fun, clever, flirty conversations can open the door to rekindle their relationship and don't work.There are numerous Wicca rituals that you cannot live without her, he loved her so much and all the different types of problems must have the info that you should consider.So this was a simple thing, but most guys do not have to give in a quandary.So if you do not to call her every day it's just adding insult to injury.Love is universal as is what it takes will depend on your own, without the one place that the time being.
Win Back Ex Boyfriend
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kendrixtermina · 5 years
So I found a walkthrough of “The Phantom Fable” and its reaction time
But don’t take my word for it click here to form your own opinion and thank the hero that made this possible
I like how connie has no patience for the townies.
It also has just a lil bit of plot like lore about the various magitech artifacts (It's interesting that gems from Peridot's generation aren't really that familiar with them anymore) and Steven is still recognizeably in his season 4 slump. Also even though the book is supposed to be super old there's a lot of those triangular sigils around - is the book so old that it's from before PD came to be?
arcane acropolis
Really excited about the potential for lore speculation from these new locations! So they were researching magic in this place! It does look like your archetypical mage tower with all the bookshelves and aqueducts though the apocalyptic log on the computer says "mad science", and it seems like some mage gem went behind the Diamonds' backs because even they thought this was too dangerous. One always wonders how the weird magic artifacts from the early seasons fits into the greater canon. 
Video games tend to be good at this "environment-based storytelling" but this is actually presented pretty well in a sorta melancholy haunting manner between the BGs, the music, the "ghost" of that unfortunate Pearl, various scattered hints that only sort of form a whole. Perhaps the uppity mage gem was Lonely Pearl's master.... 
OUCH from what I'd read it seems like they just "forgot" her/ didn't care enough to go back for her before the corruption attack but this seems like a way more complex story, like more of an individual act of cruelty/ deliberate punishment. 
The mage gem deliberately "forgot" her while leaving the outpost, but it was HER who betrayed the empire. The mage gem was deliberately cruel, too, telling her that she would be coming back. 
Lonely Pearl was basically being an upstanding citizen, reporting foul play to the Diamonds. 
That is, if they even had the right "traitor" at all. Did they just assume it was her because of something like a “gossip hen” stereotype?
But from how she acts she seems pretty devoted like her master was her whole world - maybe they got the wrong traitor and she was innocent all along. Or she tattled because she was concerned about her master's own safety. In any case they really done her dirty
In any case I’m not even sure this took place on Earth. Did she just go nuts/feral all by herself? If so this is the first time we’ve seen that, seems like it was more some recording of wherever the magic book was made. Was this a recording? Is the real her still trapped out there or did the book absorb her out of pity? Where is she now if she’s anywhere at all? Or was it all an illusion?
It’s a nice Detail that it couldn’t capture Steven and Connie because, as Lapis and Peridot theorize, it doesn’t know how to ‘categorize’ them. 
The taglines for the GUYS and GALS were genuinely funny IMHO
Buried Bastion
The Ruby Squad!
Though I do not quite get what Steven and Garnet are theorizing there.
Is it ‘our’ Rubies but in the past? Them inserted into some older memory of CG Ruby being deployed somewhere?Gah I love trippy stuff but you gotta give me a hint so I can work it out
It does seem to be earth tho. The desert too. Come to think of it, were the structures in the desert Pink Diamond’s former palace? Since she parked her ship there and was lurking around there without telling the others. Eyeball DID use to be part of her guard. 
If this all takes place on Earth this means Lonely Pearl is either still at the research facility or in the bubble room/ set to beuncorrupted. 
The rest of the squad was Era II tho none of them had really heard of PDs shattering, Leggy was implied to be fresh from the ground. (Which implies that both Rebel Ruby and Eyeball are in fact relatively old for Rubies. As footsoldiers it figures that they’d have one of the higher attrition rates)
And as usual their lines are comedic gold and full of personality Sand in my shorts lol
Perhaps in reality it was actually eyeball, but with a different squad of Rubies that are now long dead. 
Maybe i’s an erised/ Xion type situation. Steven sees the Ruby Squad, Garnet might be seeing CG Ruby’s old comrades. 
In any case they seem to be guarding an artifact - presumably the book - so it “wont fall into rebel hands”. Interesting. 
This whole level has a very zeldaesque feel to it, there’s even pots to smash! I suppose the first one could then be likened to final fantasy. 
No wait that’s the era II sigil. So this here is definitely late in the war.
“Glyph of Illusion”, hm? So now the trippyness shall become interactive
The broken computers make me so angry. I want more apocalyptic logs damnit
YEAH Late war, the screes show fusion experiments and its full of those tubes they emerged from. 
And they found some magic bombs, too
Ohhhh boy, it WAS the fusion experiment lab. We know what it actually looks like now. Also was it just implied that they started with living dearth row inmates? Ouch. 
UGH there’s bits of uncessesful specimens all over. 
Note that there’s those red, vein-like “powerlines”, but they look more like the ones in the temple than the ones seen in various Era II structures
So they were sent to gather the last remaining research data and leave not witnesses - I mean clearly the Rebels never found out until Peridots arrival
Too bad we won’t know which of them said which of the Megaruby’s lines
In the end our heroes are not sure how much of this was real - but we all know there were fusion experiments. Maybe even the book only knew so much
Kinda curious where Amethyst has gotten to. Since we did both the distant past and the middle of the war. The sequence breaking in the forest and the beach is also kinda interesting.
Mysterious pillar saying “avoid the light”. Fascinating.
is that a nest full of donuts?
Aww you can find the hidingplace of onions friends in the forest
whoha its just like that one temple in breath of the wild!
Lost Labhyrinth
Looks like somewhere cold. There’s some random Quartzes but otherwise not much plot here. It’s like they ran out of ideas
ooo exit holes... in ice? Okey I possibly take that back plot might be forthcoming
I like the common theme that for each level the first half was named something vaguely mystical as it might look to an outside observer, and then the second bit is a crisp, spartan designation once the MCs figure out what it is. The duality of man gemkind, I suppose, though they really are kinda spartan as whole at least the mainstream/monarchist faction. 
Figures that there would be more kindergartens than just the two since we haven’t seen he one where the earth-grown Rose Quartes came from. Since this is delta that one must’ve been Gamma. Might not even exist anymore. 
That would mean there were four. One orange, one purple, one pastel, and one for the actual!rose quartzes. 
There’s a mean Jasper but it’s not OUR mean Jasper. Why are eye gems all.. like that?
Ahhh I see. They’re hunting a group of off-colors. Possibly rebellious off-colors. 
“You’ve sucessfully rescued all my Crsystal gem sidekicks” I can’t even
But of course they were only distracting us until the antagonist finally shows themselves and inevitably napps greg
yet more sequence breaking then
Interesting that you get the white sigil pieces in beach city
Final Dungeon
whats this zerg slime? re we doing starcraft now
though i suppose its also a tad like the blight ganons from breath of the wild where you had to shoot the eye
the musics also getting interesting
so its motive rant o clock. Coool voice, too
this is indeed getting breath of the wild-y. the korok forest anyone?
So far I was thinking that maybe the book spirit, excuse me, Fable, decided to record shameful occurences or maybe parts of gem history that were not so great aside from just recording the glory, perhaps even out of sympathy/emphasizing with the outcasts but as of now it seems more like she’s simply lonely
Poor Steven, it was mindfuckey how she offered to let him see his dead mom. He sorta feels pretty ambiguous about her so he’d probably be more frighteed by that prospect, but I’d say this would have worked on many a Standard Protagonist, like if this were Harry Potter or Shinji Ikari? napped.
Book-ception?! Fairly typical twist at this point but it would’ve been a waste not to do it. So they were napped after all, and put with all the humans in beach city
It’s interesting that she perceives Steven as “being unable to resist an adventure” but framed more in terms of the thrill than just chronic-hero-syndrome.
Now we are getting bullethell-sy for the final battle. Even the music is vaguely undertale-ish. i mean with how you have to get the one green bomb to defeat her that does kinda seem deliberate
So he talked her down of course, by promising to tell her some less awful stories for a change. 
And she winds up as Steven’s diary because of course
Nice enough from a design standpoint I guess cant realistically expect more than this from a spinoff game
0 notes
kaylenellanos-blog · 5 years
Military Technology Can Promptly Include The Warfare Passions
Warranty: A stun gun is not impressive for a user if it does not carry warranty with it. The Incredibly hot shot gun is readily available with life span guarantee. This tends to make the product trustworthy and really worth just about every nickel and dime you spend to purchase it. A aspect of me desires to help this, it really does. I mean, I assume it would be fairly interesting to stay in a world exactly where there are superheroes and I'm all for persons using the initiative to make the world a superior position and showcase humanity's potential for excellent. That's all brilliant stuff and for that I commend these folks. 1 of the awesome factors about Superman is that he signifies what we can all aspire to be. The Nolan films engage in up the idea that Batman far too is a symbol that has a lot more endurance and influence than a common person. With most of the function styles the media attempts to develop coming up woefully quick, there is anything to the plan of turning out to be an embodiment of goodness and charity. I invested two weapon blog a long time through World War II dwelling in a tiny Ohio River city. On Pearl Harbor Day, December seventh, 1941, my mom and I ended up at the church practising a Christmas play. When we arrived household the family members knowledgeable us Japan experienced attacked Pearl Harbor. A massive part of our Pacific Fleet was destroyed. All people was really upset emotionally. Do away with dedovschina in the military. It is a wide supply of brain drain to Russia, and it is also a major supply of countrywide humiliation. Thousands of Russia's ideal minds die every yr from dedovschina, and thousands of others flee the nation. It is a load that Russia basically are unable to find the money for. Doing the laundry is among the the very least favorite chores in just about every corner of the earth. Just think about how tedious and time-consuming it is. It is a waste of h2o and energy. That shirt reeks previously even however you put it on two hours back so why trouble washing it at all? Just kidding. The good military Defense news is, science has the reply! But victory was denied these military technology leaders and the agony of defeat lingered. Coach's phrases soothed a little. "In all my yrs at the school and NBA level, I have under no circumstances had additional regard for the character and integrity of a crew." However the uninteresting ache remained the early morning after. One of the extremely attractive details for stun guns is the reality they arrive in many styles and sizes. They variety from 80,000 volts all the way up to 1 million volts. On prime of that they are available as several widespread items these kinds of as, Cigarette lighters, cell telephones, pens, and flashlights. Ok, so allow the whacking resume! Permit's get rid of the Department of Housing and City Improvement ($35.2 billion), the Division of Vitality ($34.3 billion), the Section of Agriculture ($20.2 billion) and the Department of Transportation ($12.1 billion). And what the heck, for great evaluate allow's also throw into the old wood chipper the Department of Labor ($10.6 billion). Can listen to all the screaming? I must say, even though it was frustrating observing my downline wrestle, fall short and at some point disappear, it was even much more intriguing viewing it unravel - hearing their problems, doubts, excuses, dealing with their negative good friends/family and finally providing up on their dreams. Although the Japanese launched numerous balloons carrying incendiary and traditional bombs, which have been carried from Japan to the United States by the significant altitude winds of the jet stream, the Japanese seaplane assault was the 1st and only plane bombing attack on the US mainland through World War II. This facts is from the very same report. I'm a supporter of Pro Flight Simulator to be sincere. The selections in aircraft on your own make this modest purchase well worth it in respect to the entertainment price. You have the potential to choose from in excess of 120 real looking aircraft, from the antique flyers of the early 1900's all that way up to the latest military technology. Couple that with a extremely sensible terrain, a customizable climate product and over twenty,000 recognized airports to choose from, and you'll swiftly discover out that the prospects are practically infinite. Lastly some men and women see self defense sprays as anything that must only be used by gals and the elderly. This is a silly macho plan that is promoted by persons who aren't dealing with serious threats on a standard foundation. Being an Industrials sector buff, you can't enable but feel self-confident in the Aerospace & military Defense news. One particular matter that generally will not slow in recessionary periods is the advancement at the rear of military contracting, countrywide defense funding and aerospace development. With the ongoing war over in Iraq, there is a constant driver for most of the big 5 A&D companies, and considerably of this is guaranteed for 2008 and past. I like Common Dynamics (NYSE: GD), United Systems (NYSE: UTX) and Lockheed Martin (NYSE: LMT).
0 notes
This is Kate.
Here’s a little bit about me.
I’m the one on drugs in this peach of a scenario, not to ruin the surprise or anything. I’m 24 years old and I’ve had an over 10 year drug career. I’ve been to 6 inpatient rehab facilities, and don’t get me started on IOP. None of this is anything to brag about or be proud of. To be quite honest it scares me to my core thinking that I may be as lost as I am forever.
 One thing that I can brag about and that I am proud of? My mom.
She is the absolute best female roll model a girl could wish for, she’s tough as fucking nails and is fearless and thorough when it comes to fighting this disease. When I’m clean, it’s like none of the past bullshit even happened. We always pick right back up where we left off. But when I’m getting high, this monster completely swallows up my world. So much despair. The loneliness is infinite. Self loathing soothes my soul. The silence is deafening. I’m comfortable in the chaos I created. But most of all; the rage. The rage is white hot agony and it consumes everything as quickly as a fire in a wheat field. In some sick way I find comfort in the blinding fury. I drown in it.
So I’m trying to figure out how to tone all this crazy down without drugs.
That’s fucking scary for me! I’ve convinced myself drugs have always been there for me, when everyone else went home, and all the lights were off; in the darkest corner of it all- 
I’d find myself. 
I was also recently diagnosed as bipolar with rapid cycling, (not as common as bipolar 1&2) and ADHD. I had been misdiagnosed with major depressive disorder for over 10 years. That was a pretty big blow. The antidepressants I’d been on since I was in middle school had done nothing but antagonize my true mental illnesses. It was devastating to think I could have saved myself and my family so much heartache and pain, but I can’t dwell on it. Today, things are looking up.. knock on wood.
My drugs of choice are heroin and meth, (I’m a classy gal) but any opiate would do, as long as it’s not extended release. I’d say shit really hit the fan when I started shooting up. That’s a whole other ball game. You want to know what it’s like to be truly powerless, ask any IV drug user. I could have a life time supply of drugs at my feet, but I wouldn’t touch them if I didn’t have a rig. I know I’m more addicted to the needle than I am the drugs.
It’s the ritual..
Drawing the water back in the syringe before squirting it back in a bottle cap filled with ice and tar, hearing the crunch when I’m breaking it down with the other side of the rig. The smell of vinegar and acetone. A balled up cotton ready to go.  After it’s all broken up, there’s always a drop on shit left on the other side of the rig. It absorbs into the cotton before I throw it into the bottle cap, cause who wants to waste their drugs? And yeah, I know you’re supposed to heat tar to get the binders separated, but I was reckless and fuck and what I was doing was already terrible for you. I figured, what’s a little extra binder when you lose some potency when you heat it up anyway? That’s the dope fiend in me. That’s the junky talking. I think I can speak for every addict when I say we do whatever we have to do to NOT waste our mind altering chemicals. Throwing that cotton in, watching it swell with heavenly relief, I’d stick that 32g needle in there and draw every last drop out of that cotton. Tying off and watching that dark crimson shoot back is the sweetest kill. The anticipation is almost better than the act itself. After seeing red, I slam it all home. In that moment I see perfection in this melancholy life I’ve been running into the ground the last 10 years. Getting high is my perfection, it’s the only time I’ve seen myself with no flaws. In that moment, right after I emptied that syringe into my veins, it’s pure fucking light.
There’s a place you get to in your addiction, long after it stops being any fun, long after you use just to keep yourself from getting sick; called the jumping off point. I was met with a fork in the road. You can go one way, and end up killing yourself. Or you can go the road less traveled, and start that uphill battle towards recovery. Every time I’ve tried to get sober in the past, it was against my will, or with hope it will salvage a relationship. This time around, I was well into the jumping off point. I found myself at that fork in the road. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t ready to eat a bullet. I was tired of fighting. I surrendered to my addiction and not to the fact that my life had become unmanageable. Sick and tired of being sick and tired was the understatement of the century. It was like my life had been frozen in amber, I couldn’t move forward and I couldn’t move backwards.
By some miracle and a lot of God’s grace, I made it through that ink stain of my life and ended up in treatment again.
And I’m still here, I’m still fighting.
Some days tooth and nail, others by the seat of my pants. 
I’d be lying if I said it was easy. Its never been easy. It’s a constant, never ending up hill battle, but I often have to remind myself there has to be more to life than this. I can’t be one of God’s cruel stick jokes. So I’m trying to look inside myself to find some tenacity and potential I hear about all the time.
The uncertainty is what keeps me in today.
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