#gaaaay aliens
kyber-erso · 2 years
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go read this fic
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latefrequencies · 2 years
speaking of Ford Prefect and David Bowie, you all need to know that whenever I type the tag “gay alien sunday”, I read it to the tune of “drive-in saturday” the David Bowie song
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sweetfirebird · 7 years
final LJ post, and updates!
(this is a repost)
This is the last post I'm going to make on my livejournal. LJ's new policies mean it's time to go. I'm not sure if anyone still follows me there, but I wanted to give you a heads up. In about a week, I'm going to delete this thing. But not to fret, I imported everything to a dreamwidth account so none of the posts or free story bits that are here will disappear. thatrcooper on dreamwidth And as always, you can still find me (and more free story bits) on my tumblr. (And Facebook. And Twitter. Though I don't tweet much.) Also I will still post on Goodreads, just not automatically the way it used to.   omg I feel like I'm everywhere! In Beings news-- for whatever reason, there is a loooong delay between my last Beings book, Treasure for Treasure, and the next one, His Mossy Boy. His Mossy Boy is due out around September or possibly October. (Maaaaartin!) It is... a very long book. Sorry, guys. That seems to be how I roll these days with the Beings. (There's a lot going on. Dragons! A mystery! Toxic parents! Older lesbians! A kinky elf! Knitting!) After that, I'm thinking maaaybe some more fairies, although I know romantic stories about my fairies aren't super popular unless a gruff werewolf is involved. Sigh. But it's important, okay? Clematis has a lesson to learn. And then... after that... who knows? (Oh right. I do. Maybe. Possibly. There are people we need to meet.) In non Beings type news-- I'm in the middle of moving, plus I have a family situation I am dealing with, so everything is chaotic around here. BUT I am going to do my best to get at least one short story/novella up soon and.... um... some time this summer, I'm going to attempt to self pub an actual book. (It's that thing I've been calling Gaaaays in Spaaaaace because I am old and make references like that. Aliens! Linguistics! Wicked space emperors! Dramatic rescues! Gold make up! Mouthy interpretors!) Then I want to get that other beings story done and hopefully a few more things. It's.... gonna be a busy, busy summer. Also, hey, because Amazon is a necessary evil, but still pretty evil, I'm working on getting all my self pubbed/posted stuff up on Smashwords as an alternative for everyone. This is slow going because, well, you see everything else I have going on. But I am getting covers and such and someday... someday.... I might clean up Ideas of Sin. Shocking I know. (Honestly, I am scared to look at it again. It was so important to me at the time, but I am sure it's a mess and I will cringe a lot and want to rewrite it.)  R. Cooper on Smashwords
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