ruiduscreated · 6 months
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@funscarie / plotted starter.
imogen barely heard the sound of the door as she closed it behind her and laudna, far too lost in her own thoughts. she was fairly sure that her hands were shaking.
i don't accept this, laudna. it was the stone cold truth. she would rather make a deal with a devil than live without laudna. how was it fair that someone so kind-hearted could have a fate written in such violence? how was it fair that the universe, the fucking gods could allow this to happen? there had to be a way around it, and if not something she could easily find, was there a god who could help her? (did the gods even care about her?) there had to be a solution, had to be a way to stop it --
she let go of her own hand, if only to stop herself from picking at her nails, a habit she'd picked up over the past couple of weeks. instead, she let the thoughts fade into the back of her mind as she looked over at laudna, standing near the door. her irreplaceable, beautiful laudna. cursed to have a demon in her mind. cursed to have that demon listening in on their every thought. (was she here now? she did she know imogen would stop at nothing to kill her?) how far into insanity would imogen go to stop this?
(very far, without end.)
she let her thoughts sit in the back of her mind as she approached the other woman. in the darkness of the excessively large room they were staying in, anyone else maybe would've been terrified to see a dark, dead-looking woman standing in the shadows. to imogen, though, the darkness called to her; home laid in the arms of those shadows. she approached laudna, reaching her arms out and placing them on her forearms. she didn't pull her into a hug just yet, wanting laudna to make the first move; she'd had enough of other people determining her actions for the night.
"you all right?" she asked softly, meeting laudna's eyes. despite the fact that delilah was listening, and she knew it, she couldn't find it in herself to care right now. (she'd deal with that later.) "what are you thinking, darling?"
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exandriian · 5 months
[ CRAFTY ]: the sender and receiver spend an evening together designing and creating winter decorations. - ( Laudna ) @funscarie
Fearne's eyes are sparkling, and have bee since they started this whole thing. Laudna had been the only one truly interested in spending the WHOLE day just doing this, and the excitement about that had outweighed the disappointment of their friends pulling themselves back from it.
"Oh, how about some more GLITTER?" She suggests, glee evident on her face. "Or ribbons? I personally think there can never be enough ribbons, or glitter."
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proelio-procusi · 5 months
closed starter for @funscarie
Imogen held up a small wrapped box in her hands as she looked at Laudna a bit. "I know we didn't say if we were goin' try and get each other gifts or anythin' but I saw this and I thought you'd want to have it." The necklace had been in one of the markets they had passed through, embroidered ribbon with a red gem that hung from it. Different flowers were on the velvet ribbon and Imogen had done her best to find a box and bow that matched the necklace.
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wasntfaira · 6 months
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❛ you smell like death. ❜ it's a scent he's all too familiar with , though the WHY is oh-so hazy. the things he'd seen when the tadpoles connected were nothing short of inticing to the urge within him -- it draws him toward her even when the companions at his side seem hesitant. THE TWO OF THEM SHARED SOMETHING IN COMMON ; something entirely not their own in their mind. ❛ what are you ? ❜ ▐ @funscarie / sc.
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oathwilled · 7 months
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@funscarie inquired: “The piano isn’t evil, it’s just unpleasant to hear when I’m touching it.” / things i've told my puppy
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" I think it counts as evil if you summon somethin’ unholy when you play it, " he teases, dry as dirt but 'round a tiny bite of a grin, blue eyes flashing sidelong in a bare squint. " See, here, let me try. " And he saunters over to the skewed piano — scarred, burned, left long abandoned in this old house they’ve taken some refuge in for the night. It’s been ruined by the elements; if he were more sentimental, the truth that it was probably once a well-loved fixture in a warm hearth would linger, bother —— but he’s been on battlefields and through enough wars to be able to shove such thoughts long from his mind. 
Three calloused fingers press down — then, ancient muscle memory, plays a short start of a basic tune. It’s stuttered, unpracticed, off-beat, simple — but the right notes. That’s all he manages, though, before age and years overwrite old childhood memory, and he clunks down all five fingers in a discordant twang and lets fingers drag off the ivories. " See, nothing evil crawled out. I think you’re safe. Careful, though, once I found one of these with a kobold stowed inside. "
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selunight-archive · 8 months
@funscarie said: ❝ we are not going through the village tonight. too many ears pricking and eyes prying. ❞  
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the debate had raged for only a moment — some of them in favor of continuing, some of them determined to set up camp early — but laudna's voice broke through all of that and celeste found herself staring at the strange woman that had recently joined them. she tuned out the argument rising between lae'zel and shadowheart; an old routine that she barely bothered to involve herself anymore.
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"let's make camp," she spoke up, voice rising above the rest for a moment, eyes still on laudna. "we'll feel more put together in the morning." she didn't wait for anyone to respond, just stepping closer to the woman and lowering her voice to ask, "is this spot too close?"
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vocesincaput-arc · 10 months
@funscarie liked for a starter [x]
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Vex'ahlia had been stood in an archway watching the woman silently. Laudna had been on the half-elves mind since she had been brought back. She couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt over what the other had been through. Knowing that she was made to look like her as a warning to Vex and the others. No one deserved what she had been through.
Well, maybe Delilah deserved worse.
"Laudna...?" Vex began to asked as she finally stepped out of the archway. "How are you doing?"
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ruiduscreated · 7 months
❝ perish the thought. every word i said was nothing less than true. ❞
baldur's gate 3 sentence starters / accepting.
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imogen's eyes closed, allowing the familiar, musical voice to drift into her ears, easing any anxieties that she hadn't even realized was there. she was so so exhausted, her bones aching like nothing else, mind still reeling; when's the last time she slept properly? laudna was close, close enough that she was all imogen saw when she opened her eyes again, those familiar features full of care and concern. laudna, beautiful laudna -- who fought evil incarnate every day, right inside her mind, yet still had the energy to expel to make sure those around her were okay. to reassure imogen, even when she was being an idiot.
"i know," she replied, her tone as exhausted as she felt, squeezing laudna's hands that were held in her own. oh how she wished she could show laudna how much she truly helped her fears; how the mere thought of her was enough to calm her nerves, how the moon could disappear and she wouldn't notice as long as laudna was still around. how, even if she did on occasion need reassurance, she still felt like she could fight ruidus itself if laudna believed in her. she wished she could give her the universe, she wished she wasn't so broken. "i know, laudna, i'm sorry. i just... it's just been a lot. i get anxious sometimes." she bit her lip, glancing down at their hands, feeling her stomach turn. she probably just needed sleep. she definitely just needed sleep. "i believe you, i do. thank you."
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feywanders · 10 months
@funscarie ⸻ " i had it under control. you didn't need to do that. " ( x )
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a loud squeal rips through the air around them, as the fey creature is quickly carried back into the portal realm that opens before them. it's not uncommon for a creature of two to sneak their way out from time to time, and not all of them are all that kind or take well to strangers. certainly not to. . . well. . . someone as different as the woman that stands before her with an aura of dread so tightly wrapped around her.
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❝ no, of course. ❞ the hum that passes ella's lips is one that feigns half of an apology, but she's not quite sure that she fully believes it. one second longer and it very well could have ended poorly for her. ❝ the fey are quite good at disguising themselves, i didn't want you on the wrong side of a tricky one is all. my apologies. ❞
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exaltcd · 10 months
funscarie sent:  if you’d like ,  you can come with me .
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the lilac veins on her fingertips are an outward reflection of the electricity she feels buzzing inside of her. images flash across her mind: a town bully flies through the air, shoved by an invisible force. another one falls to the ground clutching his badly burned hand, and the club he threatened laudna with lays beside him. a third grabs his head and screams as his eyes roll back in his head. the scent of burning electricity still lingers in her nose.
after a few minutes, the buzzing in her mind lessens and her breaths even out. they ran immediately after imogen hit laudna’s attackers with a barrage of magic. everything—flora and all of imogen’s worldly possessions—are back in town, but imogen can’t imagine going back there. not after what just happened. excitement and fear fight for dominance in her chest. she feels like a storm, strong and unpredictable. she’s never done anything like that before. not until laudna, whose offer finally registers in imogen’s mind. she looks up at her newfound friend and searches her eyes.
“are you sure?” she timidly tucks her hair behind her ear. “i mean... i don’t wanna impose.” though something tells her that laudna won’t mind a companion to travel with.
but where will they go? at the moment, they’re far enough outside of the town that imogen’s mind is her own. not even laudna’s thoughts peek through at the moment, even though they inevitably will. for now, she revels in the silence. her gaze finds laudna’s again.
“are you like... freaked out at all about what happened back there?” fear begins overtaking excitement, causing a shiver to run down her spine. “i’ve never done anything like that before.”
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@funscarie​      /      meme
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proelio-procusi · 6 months
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@funscarie asked: Resting their head on the other’s chest and feeling completely relaxed by their heartbeat. ( for imogen ! )
Imogen relaxed with Laudna, fingers gently combed through Laudna's hair as Imogen hummed softly. Having a moment to breathe between everything was something that she was both thankful for and antsy about.
It helped to have Laudna nearby, to keep her grounded. Imogen let her eyes drift close as she relaxed, savoring the moment of peace they had.
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notxf0und · 10 months
@funscarie : how long have you been standing there ?
MORBID CURIOSITY . - accepting !!
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" oh, a fuckin' LONG time . "
there's a half-chuckle from them, a lopsided toothy grin only faltering as they took a seat next to her on the ground . he glances at the implements in her hands, which he'd assumed to be a work-in-progress CRAFTS PROJECT of some kind .
as he stretches, a soft hum of pain escapes him . nothin he couldn't handle, of course . " what's the story, here ? tell me about it . " a vague gesture to her crafts .
" you don't haveta stop on my account . but just don't go expectin' ME to make anything, yeah ? " another small smile, and a gentle elbow to her side . VERY gentle . ( he didn't wanna break her in half . )
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stormllight · 10 months
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( Imogen Temult ft. Laudna || @funscarie )
TW: death, grief.
Imogen couldn't take her eyes off of Laudna. If she looked away, maybe she would turn her head and not find her friend anymore. If she let herself fall asleep, she could wake up to realize that she was still in Bassuras holding Laudna's body, lifeless in the wrong way. She hadn't ruled out the possibility of this trip to Whitestone being a desperate daydream, one last attempt of avoiding the unspeakable truth.
She had to push herself out of that state of disbelief, though, because Laudna was here. If what Imogen and the rest of the Bells' Hells faced was a nightmare, the journey must have been far more devastating for Laudna. She had been killed for the second time, and almost lost herself in the echoes of darkest moments in her past, only to wake up in the town where she and her family were murdered. They had a dinner in the castle, for fuck's sake. There was no time to dwell on how scared Imogen was. Laudna needed her.
They were outside now, near the Sun Tree. It was a magnificent view, but Imogen felt some unease at the thought of what it had once represented. She approached Laudna, taking her hand — to comfort Laudna or herself, she was not sure. "How does it feel to be back?" To life, to Whitestone, to Imogen's side. The question was open to interpretation. "If you want to leave, just say the word. We can find our way back to Jrusar immediately, it's up to you."
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bixbiboom · 2 years
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[ID: A total of two tweets from Liam O’Brien @.VoiceOfOBrien which together read: “Happy Halloweenie! #FunScary Shout out to @Cat_Cosplay for crossing into the dog zone and bringing Sprigg’s Laudna cosplay dreams to un-life!” There are five pictures attached, each showing Liam’s miniature dachshund Sprigg in his Halloween costume. Sprigg has a black coat with cream markings, and he’s dressed as Laudna with a perfectly designed burgundy shirt and black skirt, with a little leather belt equipped with Laudna’s pouch and scissors and a tiny little plush Pâté. Liam is seated at Marisha’s place at the Critical Role table, and Sprigg is standing on top of the table, which has been laid out with dice trays and game mats in preparation for filming. /end ID]
Y’all should follow @cat-cosplay here on Tumblr as well!
Plus a bonus Erika:
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[ID: A tweet from Erika Ishii @.erikaishii which reads: “Oh, when *HE* stands on the table nobody makes a big fuss but when *I* do it suddenly I’m the BAD GUY.” /end ID]
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funscarie · 8 months
i'm gonna just leave my discord here ( @ funscary ) if any of y'all wanna maybe plot stuff or wanna hear me yell about a dead lady or bg3 stuff lmao
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refabled · 8 months
@funscarie liked.
❝ I guess, I can eat if I want to but, ever since I died, I don't really... see the point in it, I suppose? I don't need it, in any case... ❞ fable ponders the spread in front of her: cheeses cut in small cubes, mini sausages and slices of cured meats, rounds of buttered bread set to the side and still freshly steaming. it's a veritable feast for the eyes and nose, but she hesitates to bring any of it to her mouth. instead, she slides the plates over to laudna.
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❝ I'm not hungry. help yourself. ❞
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