lullaebies · 8 months
Helaegon prompt: once Helaena told Aegon how she would love to visit the city and walk on the streets, try some street foods and cheap wines one day. So on her nameday Aegon took her for a city walk, he made sure she taste all the street foods and wines, after roaming the whole city they went to dragon pit, took their dragons and went for a ride. Then they had their first kiss, it was a full moon night, while kissing they both were on there dragons, before kissing they had some conversation like BRAIME where Aegon said something like "I've never kissed anyone on a dragon before" then Helaena said something like "I've never kissed anyone before" then they kissed
I know it might be kinda corny but the brainrot is so real that i can't help 🙈
did i stay up till five am to write this? yes. do i regret it? no. you asked for corny and i DELIVER! very soft cute helaegon is due. i had to make some concessions to make things make sense, but i stuck to most of the prompt <3 it's over 2k, so def my longest req so far!
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The city is splayed before her in a way like never before.
Helaena follows Aegon through the twisting alleyways and the loud streets. The sun is setting with an unignorable glow down the road, the vivid orange rays warming up even the shadows of the buildings. She would have assumed that most people would start making their way to their homes now, but it seems as if the streets are only growing more crowded.
She doesn’t quite understand how Aegon manages to find his path between the people so easily, evading them and walking between them confidently and swiftly. He skips on nimble feet as if he’s mouse ready to sprint away. Don’t mention that to him, she thinks to herself. He didn’t like that one time she compared him to skipper butterfly, and those she thinks are quite pretty too.
The fact he complied with her wish to see the city on her nameday at all has her surprised; she doesn’t want to quite ruin it.
This is the first time she sees the different vendors that are offered. They ran past the fruit and vegetable markets when they went down Aegon’s High Hill, and her legs still feel giddy at the feeling of running down to the city’s horizon instead of only seeing it from afar, but now her mouth waters at the smell of the street food.
To her side she sees a man and lady together operating a moveable oven, sitting on a carriage. “Hot pies, hot pies!” the man shouts to the street, and she cannot help but laugh. She has never seen such a thing before.
Aegon looks back at her, already a few steps away. “What are you ogling there?” he yells towards her, as if they are both not doing something forbidden, in cloaks that hide who they are. Helaena snaps her head back, and rushes by his side. 
“They are making pies in an oven that moves,” she tells him, the smile not quite overwritten from her face. 
Aegon snorts. “They do,” he says. “But before your cheeks grow too warm at the sight, those do taste rather dusty.”
She pouts at him and his dismissive smirk. She almost thinks him more so lazy to not take her to try; a part of her thinks she should just scurry closer on her own, but then he takes her hand, and starts whirling her towards another stand, where another merchant stands.
“If you want nameday pastries we can go to the Street of Flour,” he says, when the sizzling of ham and sausage reaches her ears before the scent reaches her nose. “But you’d be better off trying something new on your nameday, sweet sister.” 
Aegon tosses the merchant a few silver coins, and with few words the man gives them not only meat but also mead. The meat is on skewers, each piece a different meat with some burnt tomatoes in between, and she looks at it sheepishly while her brother wolfs down his part of the meal easily. She follows his steps, and takes a daring bite.
The herbs used in the seasoning burn at her tongue, mouth falling open. Aegon laughs when he brings his hand to bring her jaw back to its place. “Wash it down,” he tells her, lifting up his cup of mead as a hint. Helaena licks her lips, and brings her cup up to look at it. The orange of the sunset spills into the beverage, in a way reflecting like thick honey in its glass. It doesn’t look bad.
She hums, and decidedly clanks her cup against his, giving a timid smile. Aegon seems receptive to implicit suggestion, grinning. He downs it as easily as he did his skewer, while she’s in for another surprise. There’s a mildness of honey to it, but more than all, the drink makes her throat feel fuzzy upon first sip.
Helaena finds that she doesn’t hate it. She takes another sip, and decides she even likes it. She asks for some more after she finishes.; Aegon ends up buying the cup off of the merchant, letting her walk with it further down the street.
When the sun decides it toiled enough for the day, and the darker night sets in, they stumble closer together. Aegon is surprised when she holds onto his arm, but the many people around them have her slightly unnerved, and there is clamour all around them. She feels slightly fuzzy, though all the same content.
There are celebrations all around them and the bards’ tunes are heard loudly from the taverns scattered around them. Street performers breathe fires and make puppets on a string dance, garnering audiences that erupted in laughter every once in a while.
They all look so happy.
Helaena looks up at Aegon. He shouts in excitement at some of the performers who dance with the fires at hand, his face at ease she finds nostalgic. His voice is gritty in a sense that is almost grating, and a part of her wants to take her revenge from before and bring his mouth to a close too, but ends up only grazing her fingers against his cheek.
His head turns to her in curiosity, and she watches him with her own interest plain on her face. Their impending wedding comes back to mind; her nerves wouldn’t allow her to think of it often, but her mind slips away to it easily now.
“Happy nameday, princess!” Sudden roars from the nearby tavern come along, and Helaena is spooked beyond belief, bending completely into Aegon’s chest. Her hood falls off and she looks around her; how would they know. Aegon keeps her firm from falling, and looks at her with his positively all-knowing grin once more. 
“Don’t frown,” he says, pinching her cheek with slight care. “They are celebrating in your name, you know.”
Helaena blinks at him, the purse of her lips still evident. “In my name?”
“They’ll take any reason to celebrate. For them we’re good enough as any,” he says, and raises playful eyebrows at her. “I thought you’d like that. When did you grow picky? You should celebrate with them.”
You look so happy, she thinks, and she isn’t sure what is this swelling feeling of piercing warmth that surges within her. Like a gap in her heart that only now became evident. She stabilises herself in his hands, too prideful to admit as much, but able to admit the facts. “I’m already celebrating with you.”
That makes him grow quiet, his grip on his arm growing looser, more cautious. Perhaps even alarmed. She feels stuck in time until another intervention outside comes forth.
“...Princess?” A goldcloak calls, slightly far ahead. Ser Luthor Largent, Helaena recalls; he’s the captain of the barracks in the Tower of the Hand. He squints his eyes at her as he draws closer. “Princess Helaena?”
Aegon takes one quick look at him, and grabs her wrist, and starts running. The hood of his cloak falls off too, and suddenly both of their silver locks are out in the air. Helaena grabs the skirts of her dress and starts to match his pace, and the sound of Ser Luthor’s armor clanking behind them as he tries to run after them is suddenly exciting.
He calls them, but Aegon laughs over the man’s yells, and so does she. When they finally lose him between the upwards twisted alleys, they are on Rhaenys’s hill, a long walk away from the beaten path back to the Keep. The chill on the night that is creeping upon them starts to be felt. Mother will surely know they’ve been gone now that a goldcloak recognized them. It would be wise to end the night here, sneak into the keep and feign innocence, but Helaena has her mind set on where she wants to go. 
The dragonpit.
“Where are you dragging me?” Aegon asks panting when she starts going up the hill, hand capturing his and forcing him to come along. He complies almost too easily.
“To celebrate my nameday,” she chuckles into the cold air.
She manages to convince the dragonkeepers to allow her to see Dreamfyre; for her nameday,after all. Dreamfyre also makes a compelling case, when she roars in agreement from the depths of pits. Aegon says hello to Sunfyre briefly, promising the golden dragon he’ll come to him in another morning, when the sun is up.
Aegon watches her prepare to get on Dreamfyre, however, leaning against a stone wall. “To think the first time I take you out of the Keep, you leave me drunk and abandoned,” he says half-heartedly. “Perhaps Mother would be as disappointed in you as she will be with me.”
Helaena shakes her head at him, a gummy smile on her face. “Not likely, I’d think,” she says, and comes to take him by the hand. “I told you, I am celebrating with you.”
“Huh?” he asks, and he doesn’t realize, until Dreamfyre heeds her wishes just as he heeded her too, and cranes her neck so they can both come atop her. It’s her turn to chuckle, when it dawns on him, and he mumbles like a child, unsure.
“Hel, we’re both rather drunk—”
“Dreamfyre’s big, she won’t let us fall,” Helaena answers simply. Aegon might be unsure, but that unsureness is odder than simple reservations. His eyes stuck on her apprehensive, but also waiting. She knows it; so she prompts him further. “Please.”
And he submits as she asks, as if he had never expected it at all.
The moon is round, full, and gleaming when they take off to the air, both strapped and secured to the saddle. Dreamfyre takes to the winds elegantly, with precise beats of her large wingspan lifting them gently. Aegon clings onto her; he was a dragonrider first, but never has he rode a dragon with someone else. He grips onto her firmly, like a lifeline when they take off. 
And underneath them, the city is shining with lanterns and torches alit all around, the hue of the dim moonlight giving washes over it to make it seem peaceful, from so high up. Before long, Dreamfyre settles into a pace, glistening for all to see and letting Helaena lean back against Aegon as she flies gently through the sky.
She turns her head back to Aegon, and meets his gaze that was already on her. “What?” she asks him.
Aegon licks his lips, but wills himself to speak. “I’ve just been thinking,” he starts, and a hint of a grin appears again. “I’ve never kissed someone on dragonback before.”
Helaena feels the weight of her heart sink and soar; for a moment she almost thinks Dreamfyre descended down. Aegon’s hold on her midsection feels tighter, the top of her head nuzzles at the crook of his neck before she lifts herself slightly, and looks back at him. Gently, she offers. “‘I’ve never kissed anyone before.”
Aegon chuckles at that, and she nearby wants to elbow him, but then his face is right by hers, and his nose is tickling against her own. She closes her eyes, and there’s plump pressure against her lips. She nearly laughs into it herself; how his naturally pouty and sullen lips felt prominent even in their kiss. It made her giddy, however.
For how sullen and pouty they could be, she can feel his lips draw a smile on hers. She kisses him back while he deepens the kiss, teaching her all stuff anew as he did when they were down below in the streets. 
I feel so happy.
They only break apart when Dreamfyre roars and breathes out her pale flames.It takes them both by surprise at first, but they both fall into giggles soon enough. Aegon slouches over her shoulder, trying to repress a wheeze.
“Happy nameday, Hel,” Aegon says, settling against her. 
She hopes they’ll get to celebrate as such in years to come, too.
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ceoofhelaegon · 8 months
One or two months ago a leak came out where it was mentioned that larys is at harrenhal with aemond while he is beheading the strongs.
Idk how much true this leak is but if it comes out true then who's gonna help aegon escaping kingslanding?
What if..... Helaena helps him escaping kingslanding??
So helaena is trying to help aegon escaping kingslanding with jaehaera and maelor but aegon doesn’t want to go without her "what about you? I can't leave you here alone and where is mother?"
helaena squeezes his hands and tells him "aegon it's too late, we can't get mother now. Please try to understand you need to go from here or else they'll kill you and our children. I'll stay here with mother and you need to leave right now"
Aegon is almost crying "but hela... "
"Please promise me you'll protect jaehaera and maelor, promise me you'll keep them safe and come back soon. I know you can fix this and i'll wait for you" helaena is crying
Then aegon burst into tears and gives helaena a long pause forehead kiss (idk what does this kiss called lol but i hope you get it what i mean) and he escapes with jaehaera and maelor
I know all these i typed here are really stupid but my brain was braining too much and i needed get this out of my brain:')
I'm just a stupid delulu girl who dgaf if people think she is stupid:#
Helaena helping her children and her husband but staying behind to take care of their mother? Helaena being so brave like we know she is? Being smart and getting her family to safety and that gives her the incentive to stay and face their enemy?
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tikhagurur · 10 months
জি আচ্ছা বইন, এই নেও ফুল
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prodogg · 9 months
🌸💕 for being kind and lovely, have a kiss on the forehead! pass it on to 10 people 💕🌸
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Much appreciated and same goes for you.
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sidraofthewildflowers · 9 months
🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷Send this flower to 10 mutuals to let them know you love them 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷
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Thank you 🤍🤍🤍
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ladystarksneedle · 10 months
🌷 send this to ten bloggers you think are wonderful. keep the game going ! hope you're having a beautiful day darling, sending lots of love your way 🌷♡
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I know most of you can't even remember me anymore but i just want y'all to know that i've changed my username🫣
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Idk how i feel about the new one but i was so done with the first one that here we are😭
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rosesaviolets · 9 months
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Desi Alicent Aesthetic
(Inspired by @fuckedupibie and @boundlessfantasy and their lovely moodboards💚)
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fatherforgivethem · 8 months
Thank you so much for tagging me @starstrucksnowing and @witheredoffherwitch !!!!!!!💓💓💓💓
- I suck at telling people my favorite movies cause I really just like all of them lollll!!!! But here are some movie that I’m thinking about rn!!!!
- Penelope (2006)
- Glass onion
- Baby Driver
- Emma 2020
- Pride and Prejudice 2005
- Enola movies
- Elvis
- Little Women (2019)
- LOTR movies
- POTC movies
- Holes
- Shout to like every other movie expect for Breakfast Club, Rent, Sixteen Candles, and other movie that I watched and thought that bad or didn’t like 🫣
Tagging (no pressure!!)
@lullaebies @zae5 @fuckedupibie @sidraofthewildflowers @arcielee @sylasthegrim @sunnysideaeggs @prodogg @tell-them-the-north-remembers @greenqueenhightower @lynnbeth5172 @zae5
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ceoofhelaegon · 8 months
I want a helaegon scene where aegon says to helaena something like "i promise i will fix everything, i won't let anyone hurt our children, our family anymore" and then he kisses her hands and forehead before he escapes with maelor and jaehaera.
Is that too much to ask???
NOOOOO, because I would die seeing this…and then Aegon goes out with the Gold Cloaks, like we know he will…to find the murderers of their son?!
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ceoofhelaegon · 10 months
This is HELAEGON!!!
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and those nasty anons can go to seven hells
OMG, yesssssss!!!!!!
I love this so much, Aegon does that to admire Helaena’s boobs as well. 🤭🤭🤭
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ceoofhelaegon · 9 months
Tbh it looks like some fanfiction but i'm praying the Helaena saying Aegon would prefer a daughter and Jaehaera is his favourite child part becomes canon, i mean it's so cute😭
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Aegon being a girl dad needs to be confirmed in canon 😭😭
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ceoofhelaegon · 9 months
I'm sorry where did tgc say that his hc is aegon has a lover in fleabottom? Did i miss something??
It was a while back, in a Comic Con I think.
He said a lot of stuff, one of those things is this “lover at flea bottom” and I honestly have no idea why it’s coming back. Miguel was still involved with stuff, that’s how long ago it was.
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ceoofhelaegon · 11 months
Hi, just want to thank you for having this account cause I know how hard it is to be a helaegon shipper and I join tumblr mostly to read your helaegon takes, helaegon is so precious to me and I loved the way you explained that dinner scene💟
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Thank you so much, you have no idea how much that means to me. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I’m just glad to have people seeing the potential of halaegon.
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tikhagurur · 9 months
🌸💕 for being kind and lovely, have a kiss on the forehead! pass it on to 10 people 💕🌸
ধন্যবাদ মেয়ে 💕💟 এই নেও তোমার জন্য ফুল💮
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tikhagurur · 9 months
⭐️- Putting this star in your inbox coz you are one of my favorite blogs 💖🌈💜
Amare eta pathaisos karon ami raage asi tai ami jani 😏 subidhabadi maiya re😏
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