#fucked up angel
limbless-art · 4 months
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ranpd · 1 year
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a broken sort of angel
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wacklemons · 2 years
I should not be allowed to be bored I am drawing something I can barely even comprehend.
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looking-for-wisdom · 2 months
There’s something so important about dungeon meshi choosing falin to be their missing party member. She’s their healer. She is, in many ways, the most important member. She’s the one who ensures they all come home in one piece at the end of the day. So from a storytelling perspective, it makes sense that it would be her. It intrinsically raises the stakes by taking away the party’s ability to quickly heal.
But from a thematic standpoint it’s even more significant. Falin is the best of them. She holds them all together. There’s a reason why the party splits up when they lose her, after all. The only reason Laois and Marcille know each other is because of Falin, so by extension she’s the only reason their party exists the way it does.
There’s something almost divine about the way she’s characterized by her friends. They talk about her kindness, think of what she’d do if she were with them. You never hear anyone speak poorly of her. Everyone else has flaws. Laois struggles to connect with others, Chilchuck can’t admit when he cares, Marcille refuses to be wrong, and Senshi is very stuck in his ways. None of these are necessarily a bad thing. It just makes them complex people. But Falin is almost more of an idealized concept than a person.
And then we see Falin on screen, a mess of bones and viscera. We see her put back together with forbidden magic, her new body soaked with blood. We see that there’s something off about her, that alongside her kindness is incredible power. And everything up until that point reframes itself. Falin has always been part monster, from her compassion for the dead to her magic school hideout in a dungeon. She dies and comes back, not just changed but amplified. She’s a healer, a ghost, a monster, all tucked beneath the same skin.
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temporaltourguide · 3 months
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random assorted frames part 2
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fandomestuff · 1 year
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aye-of-newt · 8 months
eventually some poor whickber street shopkeeper is going to draw the short straw and be sent over to the dirty donkey to ply info from the drunk and clearly devastated crowley while his defenses are down and they’ll be utterly shocked and horrified when crowley slurs out the explanation that aziraphale has “gone to heaven”
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0booboozefool0 · 11 months
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interestofthemonth · 4 months
Husk gets hurt/drunk/incoherent one night at the hotel and picks up Fat Nuggets, cradling him gently in his arms, telling the little pig in the most serious voice: "I'm gonna be your daddy one day."
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alena-draws · 7 months
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Point of view: You've royally pissed off the most powerful being on the planet.
(Knives is currently not on the planet but above so it counts)
(please click on the full image! It's DIN A3 and the effect is better in full view, especially Vash's glowing eyes! Little close ups under the cut)
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isbergillustration · 3 months
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I spend a lot of time while drawing or painting watching concert videos and they always have rad lighting and so this is kind of inspired by that
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forbiddenseason · 4 months
More about Loser Baby but about the moment where Angel calls himself a “coked up dick sucking ho”
He calls himself that to demean himself. Many other characters (antagonists usually) use the same kinds of words to demean Angel and imply he isn’t worthwhile.
But Husk says “baby, that’s fine by me.”
And it makes Angel smile, it’s what really cheers him up.
The entire song is about having value as a person despite where you are in life.
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falling-star-cygnus · 4 months
even more miscellaneous Hazbin Headcanons bc the brainrot is keeping me here
"with the punch of a pentagram, a-wap bap boom! Alakazam~"
Alastor and Lucifer's skins have a layer of fuzz over them that only makes them look smooth -> Alastor is coarser then Lucifer though, feeling like deer skin//hair rather then baby bird fuzz {please don't ask why i've thought about this, i don't even know}
On the other side, Niffty has porcelain smooth skin like a nesting doll
Alastor made Vaggie cry when she was having a bad day and he panicked so hard at making a lady sad that he let her touch his ears to calm down before Charlie found out -> they don't talk about it
Speaking of his ears, Angel Dust referred to them as 'handlebars' once and nearly got bludgeoned by the coffee table Alastor threw at him -> all of the hotel goers had to intervene before he tried again
After Pentious' 'death', Alastor leaves a piece of his coat at his memorial but hides it behind his picture so that no one can tell -> In an AU where he does stay a sinner, Al ends up making a deal with Pentious to fix his microphone {the deal being; if you fix my staff with your surprisingly competent machinery knowledge and keep your mouth shut about it, i'll stop pretending that i don't know you}
Lucifer walks in on Alastor reading with the egg bois one day and just shouts "Stop stealing people's kids!" before turning on his heel and walking back out {he comes back in with his own book}
Lucifer and Vaggie have weekly meet-ups where they eat icecream, watch soaps, and gossip about heaven -> Charlie is just happy they get along
and finally, a self indulgent hc where Alastor notices Husk falls asleep at the bar a lot and, after the events of Mimzy, gets him a card suit patterned pillow that he leaves under the shelf -> Husker doesn't acknowledge it directly, but he does make sure Alastor sees him use it
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astrafortune · 4 months
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vypridae · 2 months
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ok so alastor when he first fell and also what if al met angel when ANGEL first fell
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seizethegay420 · 5 months
I think ep 4 is actually my favourite so far. It made me cry, it filled me with the urge to commit murder, it made me happy, it has the best song, the found family is family-ing and the whole Angel and Husk thing. It has it all.
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