#fuck that cleo netflix madness
annachum · 1 year
We've gotten to a point where Asterix, Prince of Egypt, Jodha Akbar, Empress of China series and several other great historical fiction franchises are more ' historically accurate ' than Cleopatra Netflix Docuseries
How sad.
My deep condolences to Egyptians and Greeks all over by the way.
I hope you all are okay.
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achingly-shy · 1 year
i physically cannot keep watching
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cognacdelights · 1 year
i honestly think there will be a season 4 because it is still one of netflix biggest shows, the only way i can see it being cancelled if is netflix looses a majority of their customers after the whole not sharing account fiasco ( that i am so pissed of about )
anyway the only reason why i am excited is because they are finally addressing the pogues mental health and JJ’s childhood abuse and anxiety because of that
eh i don’t really think it’s that popular anymore
i know A LOT of people who have lost interest in the show since they confirmed jiara and will not be watching, including myself
i genuinely think that that will plummet ratings dramatically like so fucking low. people don’t want to see that tbh 🤷🏻‍♀️
it’s such a shame bc i think all of them a good enough actors to pull that off and have some really emotional scenes but the reality is that one shit judgement to green light a shit storyline completely ruins the show
plus we all know that the writers are shit and it’s going to be done in the stupidest way possible. pope is going to get with cleo before any jiara shit happens so he has “no right” to be mad about it (which he should be and it’s unrealistic if he’s not) and then it’s gonna kiara whining at jj for 10 episodes straight and changing everything about him that people actually like and spending the entire season apologising to her for being himself and not what she wants him to be
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