#fuck lisa stone and fuck that ugly ass duardo silva as well
bensonsballerz · 2 years
the interview with lisa essentially blaming and criticizing seer for not doing anything to help his planet reminded me of bloodhounds quest thing with hammond because they both echo something crucial: if you do not have the mental capacity for activism, especially if you have had a lot of trauma inflicted on you due to oppression or in this case, environmental issues out of your control, there is nothing wrong with taking care of yourself
seer has a lot of influence since the apex games put the legends in the limelight AND he was a pretty big performer even before the games. but he did use that influence for good which was to help inspire those who felt outcasted. and i think a lot of people both in the game and in real life dont realize how important that is, too. he could have just said fuck everybody idc, but he didnt. he wanted to help those who felt isolated. that was his form of activism
this is reflective on a lot of people who are like "you should say something about this" or "you should do this" and while its important for influential people to speak out on issues, lisa stone and duardo silva absolutely can speak out about it but they instead want to be bitches and blame somebody else because then they dont have to do anything.
there is a lot that can be said how this relates to real life and the way people treat activism and activists but the main thing is to leave those being affected by an oppressive situation alone and stop expecting them to fix problems they didnt create
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