#fuck it. won't put it on the tag directory but
trickstersaint · 2 months
Tumblr media
we'll have to venture forth together // april 4 2024
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tired of tournaments where the well-known characters always win?
well guess what? in this tournament, NO ONE knows the contestants! not even me, the one running the show! all we've got is these little one-note descriptions that look like someone was trying to brainstorm some ocs, but stopped after a single trait or trope!
...huh? what's that?
well folks! apparently, even our contestants themselves don't have any more information about themselves! so what do you say we give them a hand with that? after every round of eliminations, a form will open for each remaining contestant where people can suggest an additional trait for them! the top ten suggestions for each will be put into an inter-poll (not interpol, FUCK the police) where our followers can vote on what gets added to who! the further a contestant gets in the tournament, the more developed they will become!
as for the grand prize, for the contestant that grows above all the others, what else would we give them but a name? that's right! the victor of our little nobody tournament will no longer be a nobody!
there are a few ground rules to keep in mind, of course!
these are nobodies! that means they don't have any links to any existing media! don't send in "firebender" as a trait, or it'll just get ignored! instead, try something media-agnostic like "controls fire!"
i don't want to see any trait submissions that have to do with pedophilia, incest, -isms, cults, or a contestant being an abuser.
fanart and interpretations of characters during the course of the contest are more than welcome! you can tag them with "#nobody tournament 2023" and i'll be sure to reblog! do keep in mind of course that other people won't necessarily see the characters the same way you do, and it's possible that future traits might contradict your original headcanons.
all characters generated by this tournament are the collective property of tumblr, and are free for anyone to do anything with, though i'd appreciate it if you linked back to the tournament so more people can discover it! and whatever you do, i definitely want to see it!
you can view the results of the elimination thus far and those of the trait selection at the provided links! check the #intros tag or the directory to see all the contestants, and you can keep an eye on the bracket at this link!
right now, we're starting off round 3's eliminations!
look through #creations or #headcanons to see things people have made for the tournament! need help or advice for writing a contestant? check #resources or send a request to be tagged under #open questions!
tumblr user @magistius has also put together a fan doc tracking the tournament! you can find a link to the post about it right here!
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miwtual · 11 months
So where's this tutorial on gif making you went on about. To someone that asked for help. You're that worried about your GIFs put them so they're private and not public. thought of this app was to reblog and share your stuff.. must be mistaken but the way you went on a fucking tangen over fucking GIFs when asked for help. Is discusting. Oh and you were also giving credit.
hi anon! lovely to meet you.
i actually have an entire tutorials tag on my blog, but in terms of my blending tutorial that i mentioned in this post you're referencing, that is actually here (and i also have two general gifmaking tutorials here and here). i also have a resources tag that i update fairly regularly with, you guessed it, resources for giffing and the like. besides what you can find on my blog, there's also other gifmakers out there, such as @benoitblanc, who also have tutorials tags. or there's blogs like @usergif who are dedicated to helping gifmakers and providing tutorials and resources (i personally use their resource directory all the time). i'm also very open to answering questions about gifmaking; you can see it in my tutorials tag, but people do ask me questions about how i do things, and i answer them. but you do have to send me an ask, on or off anon, so i can actually help you.
the point of this site IS to reblog and share stuff. that's why i make gifs in the first place — to share my creative hobby with other people. however, none of that includes saving other people's stuff and then reuploading it pretending like it is your own. that's stealing, and it's pretty generally frowned upon on and off the internet, last time i checked.
also? "given credit" is a really bold statement. saying "credit to owner of gif" doesn't mean shit when you don't link back to me or the set that the gif was stolen from. that's just telling the people who follow you or reblog the post "this gif isn't mine, but i won't tell you who it belongs to or where it came from, either".
hope this helps.
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fortheheavenssake · 6 years
Tumblr community guideline
These guidelines go into effect on September 10th, 2018. Our current Community Guidelines in effect are here.
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Last Modified: 2018-08-27
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