#frog spawn doesn’t need to be measured yeah?
basiatlu · 7 months
Day 9: Potion - Poison??
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Harry is doing his very best, you guys.
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(The Curious Case Of Shadow Lives: Or How I Learned To Love The Bomb (LOL)
Crowley gets too distracted in my head - I dont know why.
Grey’s thinking that if Crowley wants him to have a spine then he has to deal with Grey being disobedient
“That’s fine, so long as he also stamps down on his pets disobedience”   frioedkrf I thought you left!  Tell Crowley to stop calling Jo ‘Grey’s pet’ to her face to try and upset her and Grey.
Grey’s never going to be outright lording over Jo
He’s really not. Though I think everyone else expects Jo to be doing it to him…
Except for Shada.
And Crowley. And DJ.
Shada’s puzzled why he neither treats her like a pet or food
She still doesnt get it?
…She getting /any/ warmer?
Not really.  Even if she measure his feelings for Jo to her feelings for Gray she’d be confused since she wants to boss Gray around
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Well, maybe she should view Grey as Gray in that situation and what would she expect from Gray in terms of feelings if he were to return hers?
Devotion, loyalty, providing her with babies, probably not a good comparison
….. *gets stuck on the third one* …how… uh… does she think male humanbodied things are like seahorses?
No she’d expect him to ditch the meatsuit
…And then…  …..Jo is now asking how shadows even reproduce, because she knows Grey and Gray’s thing is 'not normal’ - not that she.. well now she’s disturbed at the thought of Gray being Grey’s child so someone needs to explain to her quickly.
LOL they have little litters.  Not having an actual gender means any shadow can get pregnant with the right circumstances as long as there is one more dominant and one more submissive
Jo is now picturing them as seahorses herself. …And wants to know if litters is like the 4-6 of puppies and kittens, or the many more like other animals and is surprisingly interested in this topic.
6-12 because how else would there be so many so fast?  And they dont really take care of the little spawn just let them run around and do whatever
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…… “So like turtles…or spiders… or frogs?”
Intruiging.  Are shadows more on the mate-for-life end of things or the highly polygomous-bordering-on-mass-orgy type of species?
Polygomous although the dominant ones would like their mates to be monogamous without being monogamous themselves.
So pretty much - what Gray wants from a relationship is the general dominant outlook?
It also showed with Grey’s attitude at the beginning
That’s true - cocky little bastard he was. XD
And the submissive ones actually want..?
To be allowed to run around as much as the dominant ones which makes for problems.
…so shadow 'relations’ aren’t exactly the most functional of all of them…
Another exmple of how Grey goes against the shadow-grain, or would he still want to do that if it wouldn’t cause problems at all..?
He wouldnt want to do that anymore he’s sort of… Now that there’s the idea of it being meaningful and love and everything that’s what he wants
So if there wasn’t a chance for whatever relationship he was in being meaningful and having love and everything would he?     And on the flip, does he think that that’s what he’s got now, or is going to get to?
Nope.  Grey doesnt want to be the one stuck with someone that’s not taking it seriously, he’d just call it off.  He does that that that’s what he and Jo have just not quite on the romantic level yet.
*nodnod* Sounds like him. while Gray would like it if he was able to have a monogmous girlfriend but screw about (or be free to), right?    Makes sense, and is true.
Definitely Gray would love that.
It’s sort of amusing how little Gray has ever actually screwed around though..
He didnt really have a lot of options.  I mean Jo wanted nothing to do with him, he didnt want Crowley, and he doesnt want to screw something he’d normally kill
So basically, if Jo didn’t want nothing to do with him that would have been his choice if he could get away with it without having Anna be crazy?
…how do they know whose the dominant one and the submissive one, or are there very like clearcut lines of which would be which in their species?
(Whats funny is most of these are coming from Jo but in more just half words.. she’s honestly curious about the shadows.. >_>)
Never clear cut lines.  Take Shada and Gray for example, she wants to be dominant.  He naturally is dominant.  Problems arise.
In their measure of things, or if he was still oeprating under their views of things, which would Grey be more likely? And does that mean Shada would be less dominant even though she wants to be and could be in different circumstances?
Grey’d be the submissive.  He was with Crowley he kind of is with Jo it’s just his nature.  Yes?  I’m not sure what exactly you mean
*nodnod* Makes sense.   …Im not sure what exactly I mean either.
Did you mean she could dial it back?  Because she really could she just doesnt want to
I think I meant that between her and Gray, she’d be the submissive one, but with other shadows she could possibly be the dominant one?
Oh.  Well yeah.
*nodnod* Makes sense
…Jo thats not a question I’m going to ask…mainly because I’m not sure anyone has a real answer for that nor do they want to think about it.
“How do they even… … …..yeah”  was the exact phrasing of it
Well let’s put it this way, don’t think about it
I’m not but from the twitching I think she’s trying to.
Oh god no.  Jo dont it’ll break your brain
I cant tell if she was asking how they mate or how they birth, and I cant tell which would be worse
She doesnt need to think about it
Like I say, she’s curious. Though why doesnt she need to? *eggs her on seeing if she’ll turn purple*
Because unless she wants to see it she shouldnt worry?
…yep nope, I dont think she wants to see it. At all.    …Again Jo, not asking that…
….she had a sudden influx of questions including: have any of them actually had 'kids’ or whatever the offspring is called (that’s more at Shada and Grey), how weird is the way of human sex in comparrison, and then she’s just still for some unknown reason trying to think about it but as abstractly as possihle and its making everyone laugh at her
I’d go with spawn and Grey and Shada do not have any.  Grey’s saying it’s not that weird once you get used to the aspect that everythingis physical in a human body and then he’s telling her to stop thinking about it and Shada’s inviting her to watch if she wants to know when she “eventually” gets Gray
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30 min til I g2g btw
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The cheerful “Like frogs!” at the word spawn is all kinds of wrong, DJ.  So theirs isn’t just a physical thing? Because they dont really have bodies per say.   ….Jo is declining Shada’s invitation. Completely. Because no.   Thoughnowshe'soverthinkingthewords'notthatweird'and I’m just going to go bury my head in the sand.
Thats cool, I probs need to go then too
Nope they dont have physical bodies how could it be a physical thing.  And Grey’s saying everything is weird at first getting a meatsuit then later it becomes not weird.  Is she happy now?
Too true, too true.   ….yes? A little petulantly, but yes. You were asking Jo, don’t get weird - plus you know its true and completely rational.
Grey’s facepalming and kicking himself because that’s so not what he meant
Yeah she knows that, doesn’t mean she didn’t take it wrong for a split second originally. He doesn’t need to kick himself, Jo’s just an idiot and she fully agrees that she is.
LOL she’s adorable.
She’s a dumbass.    Again Jo Im no- you’re just going to tell me to share anyway so Im going to save us both some time and let Jo ask her stupidly stupid question about which would either the boys say is more enjoyable from what they have heard since they …haven’t(?).. experienced said shadowsex (*trolls and backfires on self* urgh brain I dont want to think about it)
“Physical.” That was Gray for course.  His opinion matches Grey but for different reasons.
Of course that was Gray - guessing his reason is because it gives more control and/or means its easier to control? What’s Grey’s?     *shaking head at Jo that that was a question at all*
Grey’s is that he’d never be able to have the kind of relationship he wants at all with shadows
Did you send Jenna the thing?
*nodnod* Makes sense
And then Jo and Anna+Lilith abstractly discuss the binding or unbinding of Gray:
Esplode in 4… 3… 2…. 1
Anna’s..just not dealing with it right now..
she’s going to go and lay down and she’s going to not think about anything
Jo’s just like “She’ll get over it”
no..I don’t think she is
she’s..pretty much putting Jo on Grey’s level right now
…Fun times. Well, Jo’s not going to let that bother her. Anna wouldn’t bind down Gray to let Grey get back his powers if the positions were flipped, so Jo doesnt think she /has/ to in the name of friendship either. She’s also thinking that maybe Anna needs to remember that Gray’s /dangerous/ to the whole world and that she was making it out like it was unreasonable for a /hunter/ to NOT want a
dangerous monster being able to do stuff.
So Jo’s kind of like “…meh”
(sent to Lexy)
Lilith would like to point out that C rowley never said to break the ones on Grey that Gray woud have to be rebound…
True, but the only ones Jo or Grey would be okay with breaking are the feeding ones, maybe the baby surpresent ones, and that would be all of them
so ..then they are actively willing to let Gray stay  bound
Grey would want all of his other powers intact, and Jo refuses to take away protective means from Grey.
If it means grey gets bound
no Lilith they aren’t listening to you
Hell.. Grey’d be 'okay’ with them if Jo didnt have to carve them into him
Thats what the problem with the feeding one is - that Jo has to hurt Grey to do it and Grey won’t stand for that.
LOL What’s lilith saying?
“Let me explain this in simple little words for the blond ditz…”
“Go for it”
“1. Carve up Grey. 2. Break them on Gray. 3. turn around and break them again on Grey.”
“Got cha. And still. The hurting thing is the problem. Not the actual binding.”
that was anna screaming
not lilith
LOL Jo’s saying that’s not the point.
now Anna’s wanting to go a bit postal
It’s the actively harming the other for the sake of Gray - Grey wouldn’t mind actually having a few of his things surpressed, honestly, it’s that Jo has to carve them that’s the issue.
and Lilith is now rolling laughing at her not being the one in the closet
yes she has
Honestly if Jo didn’t have to carve him up - Jo’d have thought of that and suggested it to Grey, at least the ones he’d be interested in and put forth a case of why she’d want to release a few of the other ones (the shadow trapping, moving about and ability to switch meatsuits (but not healing)) on the condition she came and refreed those on him after.
And Anna’s very black and white about Gray, isnt she?
And things when it comes to him.
it’s fucking Grey..who gives a shit..the fucker ccan heal once they are broken again, it’s like a day of pain for them..stupid ass good for nothing waste of space trash..
If she were in Jo’s position and the situation was flipped - would she be willing to do that for Grey? Bind down Gray for a day.
For Jo..if it meant helping her more than Grey..yes
Even if Gray said 'fuck no’?
And would completely walk out on her for doing it?
it would depend..
and Grey will get over it she says..he’s to co dependant to stay mad for long and Harry’s still straight
LOL But Gray wouldnt get over that sort of breach of trust, and Grey’s barely gotten over Jo just ironing him for a few minutes.
she says she would try harder than Jo to convince Gray to let her help
Jo’s got no way /to/ convince Grey though - he hates Gray, he hates Anna even more, he gets absolutely nothing out of it and gets someone he trusts tearing apart his back for a few hours or more. Jo can’t think of any positives she could give.
“How about because Anna is my friend and you love me?”
“Wouldn’t work. Probably be morre successful not mentioning Anna at all, saying it’d make me happier and less stressed and get me away from Gray quicker, and I’m not going to use that last bit against someone as to why they should do something I ask.”
Gray doesnt actually hate Grey, and he certainly doesnt hate Jo. He’d be more willing to bend than Grey would. Grey hates Anna more than he hates Gray at the moment
“how about then..you do that for them and then you can hold that over their head for the rest of their life..that /you/ saved them.”
“Doubt that would work. But it’s worth a try”      My theory is if Gray could talk to Grey about it he could point out that /Gray/ saved /Jo’s/ life and that either she or Grey owes him.
And she says worth a try, but I doubt she would right now.
“do it for them or Jo goes on Anna’s hit list?”
LOL  "Figured I already was. And it’s not like Grey’s scared of Anna or protecting me"
do it or the starwars collection get it?
….Youre suggesting Jo threatens one of /her/ prized posessions? XD
do it or no more sex?
Again, punishing Jo more probably
Do it or Lilith moves in with you?
…. LMAO Oh lord
Lilith just wants to come and play with them doesnt she? /troll
lol she’s just like *shrug* can’t be worse than living with Anna
Lol probably cant be actually
do it or Anna makes a deal with Ruby for Jo to spend the next 10 years popping out kids..
lmao Again, pretty sure thats punishing Jo more
eventually Jo will say fuck it and do it herself to prevent that
I know
do it or Anna moves in with you
LOL Anna’d be dead by the end of a day.   though seemingly, Grey is wanting Jo to put up anti-angel protections around the house
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