#fozzie is sam winchester
you-me-we-04 · 5 months
Next Muppets remake should be an episode of Supernatural where everyone is a muppet but Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester and it also lowkey like a fix it fic.
The twist at the end if the Muppets actually just kidnap the actor Jensen to fix the ending of the show, he just went along with it because as we all know he is the number 1 dean girl and number 1 hater of that ending.
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galvanized-art · 3 years
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the muppet movie and supernatural are basically the same thing... two guys... driving around america in a vintage car... meeting colorful characters... think about it...
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@wrestlezaynia - Zowens is canon
@coloursflyaway - See above.
@mithen - Yep, same for you, although for you, I would also change the past and make Steenerico canon as well.
@thebestintheworld - a secret rendezvous with MJF and a career as a WWE Writer
@alyssaowens915 - Coffee shop conversation with Shane
@lilaviolet - Sami and Kevin win the AEW tag titles
@merryadampage - Hangy under the tree wearing only a bow
@colesterstrudel - Michael Cole under the tree wearing only a pink tie
@smashthegiantkiller - Shirtless Shane photoshoot, followed by a private photoshoot wearing [redacted]
@aquilalorelei - revelation of and an entire movie about a canonical MCU universe where Steve and Bucky ended up together.
@dawnandpiplup - Supernatural gets a sequel series run by Jensen Ackles that features ZERO John Winchester and is exclusively about Dean and Cas in heaven before Sam gets there.
@peppermintquartz - A brand new brutalist mansion
@retro-rezz-the-est - a billion dollars, tax free, to do with as you wish.
@writinglionqueen - your soulmate
@jazzy-tzw - Roman Reigns. That's it. That's your entire present.
@wizardgame100 (and the rest of my Wizzy followers) - KI actually starts listening to the players and implements our ideas. This includes making all crowns items available for gold, free-to-play through Krokotopia, better POC hairstyles, the return of PROPER double gardening rewards, and most importantly, 'Elixir of Trans Your Gender.'
@the--blackdahlia - A TARDIS and a money tree so you can go zooming through history to see all the classic wrestling your heart can imagine.
@girl4music - a universe where neither Xena nor Tara were killed off and where Joss isn't an abusive asshole and actually cares about his creations
@cylonalyna - All your ships are canon. ALL OF THEM
@classicwhostuff - A universe where the BBC never wiped any Doctor Who stories. None of them. Every one is still extant and fully available in DVD and Blu-ray format (individually and by seasons).
@randomnessoffiction - a giant house with a home theater and 4K Ultra Blu-ray sets of every single show you love including ALL of Doctor Who. (Yes, this includes the ones mentioned above.)
@timelord-of-the-moon Same as above but with the inclusion of a trip back in time for front row seats to the Original Broadway Cast of TSBM
@thatnerdwriter - Coronation as the Demon Queen
@unknownwhalesworld - a universe where Janeway/Chakotay was both canon and endgame
@mistress-omega-majesty - All Expense Paid Ringside tickets to AEW for life (or to wherever The Elite might someday end up)
@alliedbiscuit - A universe where the X-Files still ran for 11 seasons, but they were contiguous, never dropped off in quality, and the last four seasons, Mulder and Scully are a canonical couple. Also, the Lone Gunmen never died. (That one's for me.)
and finally
@bakurapika and @octoberspirit (My first two followers) and @fozzy-ozzccur (My newest follower) - The infinite patience to put up with my dumbass blog for 10 more years.
I want to thank all my wonderful mutuals and followers for putting up with me for another year. Special shout out to Zaynee and Lexie aka - the earth beneath my feet and my shining star. I have no idea where I would be if it weren't for you two glorious ladies. If I could give you both the whole universe, I would. I love you so much. But really, I love all my mutuals and followers, whether you've been here 10 years or 10 days. All of you, I love you. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for yinz.
Thank you so much for putting up with me and being my friend.
Happy Holidays and Happier New Year.
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brainsforbabyjesus · 3 years
Muppet casting for a sarcastic rock opera Supernatural reboot
Dean: Rowlf, because who doesn’t want to see a talking dog play piano and sing while driving the impala, also so many deadpan jokes
Sam: Gonzo, because he just wants to know what he is and where he fits in
Castiel: a revolving door of several fraggles in a trench coat who just really do not understand any of what’s going on but they like the songs Rowlf sings and generally think the end of the world would be a bad idea.
Various Demons: the chicken flock
Various Angels: the penguin flock
John and Mary Winchester/Narrators: Kermit and Miss Piggy, they’re annoyed they have so few scenes as their characters and as narrators they are high key critical of dumb plot points and routinely give “suggestions” on how to make it better. Sometimes Miss Piggy just hurls people off stage and takes over their parts when the plot turns dumb in order to correct the story
Azazel: Tim Curry, but doing the whole Long John Silver thing from Muppet’s treasure island. No one questions this. Also, he’s quick to point out how inaccessible most people’s houses are for wheelchair users so it’s probably a good thing he has demon powers because this story would go nowhere fast if he couldn’t get up to Sam’s second story nursery.
Ellen Harvelle, Jo Harvelle, Ash: Dr. Teeth and The Electric Mayhem, mostly they share the roles Ellen, Jo, and Ash provide but Animal predominately does the Ash parts. 
Alastair: Bobo the bear, but like, he’s kind of not too sure about all this torture stuff and repeatedly makes some calls to his union.
Chuck: Fozzie Bear, if endings are hard, being a comedian is harder.
Bobby Singer and Rufus Turner: Statler and Waldorf because they have to be
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