#for the record I do not know Speedwagon’s middle names but since Edward is a commonly accepted one I went with it
tempest-loupnoir · 2 years
I just wrote a mini story for Speedwagon and little George Joestar II. I thought about making the boy Joseph, but I figured he would be more direct with his line of questioning and less sappy. I’m not sure if George would call him Uncle or some other title. I hope you like it! Merry Christmas a little early, and thank you to anyone who bothers to read this!
“Haha! Now I’ve got you.” The scarred blond tackled his young charge and wrestled him into bed amidst giggles and mewling protests from the blue eyed boy. After a minute of playful shoving and tickling, Robert sighed and plopped on the other side of the bed.
“Any more of this, and I’ll be the one who needs to go to bed, and you’ll have to tuck me in!” Robert laughed.
“I wouldn’t mind.” The boy pulled his blanket up to cover his godfather. “Then I could tell you bedtime stories and get you a cup of milk and check under the bed for monsters.”
“I’m sure you’d do a swell job at it, Georgie. And I’d listen to every one of your stories.” Robert smiled fondly, offering his hand for the boy to hold. George took the invitation to snuggle with him. Robert sighed contentedly and hugged him gently.
“I wouldn’t tell as many good ones as you. Uncle?” George brushed his dark bangs back and peered at Robert. “Tell me about Edward again. Edward Orville. Why did he raise his best friend’s son? Why didn’t he go on more adventures and make new discoveries?”
“Who’s to say he didn’t?” Robert chuckled. “Raising a son is an adventure itself, with all the joys of new progress, sorrows of broken toys and skinned knees, frights of bumped heads and tumbles, and the fun of making new discoveries every day. Plus learning to enjoy life one day at a time. Ah, but growing up is not the end of the story. Little boys only stay little for so long. Then they can go on adventures, too! Edward looked forward to those days, just as much as he enjoyed raising the boy he called his son.”
“What about Ms. Lynn? Couldn’t Edward marry her?”
“Oh dear. Now you’re asking about grown up matters, Georgie. But I happen to know the answer to this one. You see, when Ms. Lynn married Edward’s friend, Edward promised he would be there for her no matter what, through thick and thin. When… When the worst happened, and Ms. Lynn ended up all alone with a baby on the way… Edward asked her if he could be a husband to her in all but name and body. He would provide for her, making sure she had plenty of food on the table, clothes that fit, medical care, and anything she and the boy who came along could ever want. In return, he would be able to fulfill his promise to Ms. Lynn and her husband, and he’d have someone to come home to, and never be lonely again… Seems fair enough, doesn’t it? Edward never had to spend another Christmas hungry and alone like he did as a boy.”
“But was he happy?” George pressed.
Robert hesitated. “Well. I’m not Edward.” He smiled sadly, “But I think he is. He grew up thinking he’d die alone in an alley, without anyone caring about him. Now, he knows he’s loved and he has people who will help him feel better when he’s sick or sad, just as he promised to do the same for Lynn and her son. After all, Love is the greatest gift in the world, Georgie. And caring for each other is what love is all about.”
“True. Uncle Speedwagon?”
“I love you.” George nuzzled against his chest.
Robert’s heart melted. “I love you, too, George. More than words can tell.”
George hugged him tightly. “Uncle?”
“Yes, George?”
“Could you tell me another story? A happy one?”
“Alright.” Robert stroked his hair and laid back to begin another story, blinking back a few tears. “Once upon a time…”
As he’d expected, the boy drifted off before he even reached the middle of his story. Robert kissed his head delicately and eased his arm out from under his head.
“Goodnight. Sweet dreams, Love.” He carefully stood and pulled the blanket up around his shoulders. Hearing footsteps, he looked up and saw a familiar silhouette in the door. He joined her with a polite nod of acknowledgment.
“Out like a light.”
“Your voice is very soothing.” Erina smiled. “Speedwagon. Isn’t your initial an E?”
Robert blushed faintly. “Yes.”
“I see. For the record, Lynn is very happy Edward joined her family. She’d be lost without him.”
“She’s stronger than she seems.” Robert ducked his head shyly. “Edward is very lucky Lynn is such a wise and compassionate lady.” He met her eyes fondly.
She squeezed his shoulder. “Would you like to join me for tea, Speedwagon?”
As they headed back to the kitchen, Erina held out her hand. Robert bowed and graciously accepted it, letting her hold his arm as he escorted her to the parlor.
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