#for the love of god somebody tell jeremy zag he has a whole fandom suffering withdrawal
hello tumblr what’s good i woke up with a ton of Adrien Agreste headcanons so LET’S GO
I need to get these out of my system before they spawn into fics I’ll never write. 
Adrien is a morning person. Whether it’s because that’s just him or the sheer power of conditioning thanks to his tight schedule, he’s just an early bird. 
He’s one of those people that will get up at 6 even if they stayed up all night, you know? Like, two shots of espresso and he’s ready to go, the bastard.  
So, with this in mind, I kept imagining some sort of sleepover situation with Mari, Nino, and Alya, where they already know each other’s IDs and Adrien still wakes up at like, 5 am and goes through his whole routine. 
He gets up quietly to not wake up the others. 
It’s high key harder to peel himself from the bed with Mari snuggling so close to him. 
“OMG my lady is cuddling me!!” 
He forces himself bc if he doesn’t get his stuff done and then there’s an Akuma, he falls behind his tasks and it gives his dad a reason to pull the leash on him.
Also I feel like he’d get up earlier anyway because he has A LOT of stuff to squeeze into 24 hours, so he multitasks a lot. 
Like he’ll be doing his skin care routine, studying the music track for an upcoming fashion show,  and reading through yesterday’s Physics notes at the same time. 
He also eats the same thing for breakfast every day because in his mind, it saves time: a bowl of joghurt with half a cup of nuts, seeds, and oatmeal. Also coffee. A LOT of coffee. 
By the time the others zombie out of the bedroom, he’s already done with half the school assignments for next week, worked a bit on his “tracking Hawkmoth” desk research, has a fresh pot of coffee ready for the rest of his friends, and even managed to read a bit of fashion gossip.
“Dude, you’re already up? At what time did you wake up?”
“Uh... five?”
They don’t get it at first. 
“Guys, I got two photoshoots and three interviews this week, a fencing competition, Chinese exam, I told Ivan I’d help him with his Math homework on Thursday, then there’s the fashion show on Saturday, then we have midterms next week and that presentation for History. Statistically speaking, Hawkmoth attacks 7.8 times a week on average. That means at least one Akuma per day. How else am I supposed to stay on track without waking up early? If I don’t wake up early, then I don’t have so much time if an Akuma attacks, and an Akuma always attacks. If I don’t have time, then I miss schoolwork, and if I miss schoolwork, my grades drop, and if my grades drop...”   
Everyone is high key concerned for the local sunbeam, Marinette especially.
Insert fluff conversation between Mari and Adrien here
“You know what, I’m never complaining about you being a total force of chaos as Chat ever again.” 
His friends start the “Let Adrien Agreste Catch A Fucking Break” Initiative. 
“But Chaton, don’t you get tired?”
“A little bit, but I don’t mind. I love being Chat Noir and this is the price, so.”
Marinette is high key turned on by Adrien’s ability to juggle so many things at the same time and making it look easy.
Also if you had a helicopter parent that books your day to the very last minute you know in reality it’s actually quite hard to ditch without getting caught, right? So Adrien’s private tutors and colleagues actually know that he sneaks out. Like, he’ll ditch because of an Akuma, but these people don’t know that. They only know this poor kid who lost his mom a year ago who was actually a pretty nice lady and is now stuck with his obviously unstable dad, and you know what, don’t call Gabriel he doesn’t need to know. The poor kid deserves a break.  
Will you look at that, another bullet point fic. I might write some of this after all. Maybe like a harmless little one-shot. How bad can it be lol
Other assorted headcanons:
Adrien knows the ins and outs of the fashion industry, naturally. So he also knows a lot of other models and stuff. 
I can imagine conversations with Mari fawning over some model or designer and Adrien filling her in on the behind-the-scenes gossip. Some of it is quite harmless, other stuff is like super scandalous and not in the funny way. 
“I keep telling you, Mari. The fashion industry is one of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse. But I know you’ll change it for the better, milady.”
Years into the future, Mari is going to her first networking event and Adrien goes with her because even though he knows Marinette is more than capable of fending for herself, it doesn’t hurt when the literal heir of one of the biggest designer houses in Paris is watching out for you. 
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