#for my darlin'
Polyamory isn't about sticking it to the people staring. It's not about parents' acceptance. It's not about cheating or sneaking around. It's not even about the sex, not that that's not a bonus.
It's about reminding each other to take our meds. It's about breaking bread with metamours. It's about sharing special interests on long car rides. It's about learning about your lovers' love for their partners.
It's about retying her dress while our gf melts at the sweetness. It's about the way they both helped me stay ambulatory. It's about tag team compliments. It's about the way that little girl excitedly looked between the three of us, her eyes fixing on each of our clasped hands.
It's about support, and love, and living.
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"But what will you do without new shows to watch during the strike?" babygirl I have at least fifteen half-watched shows and at least fifty shows I Meant To Watch But Didn't under my belt. I have Chronic Put Something On My List And Never Watch It Syndrome. any one of my queues on any one of those streaming services is full of forgotten dreams
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rainingcatsandjune · 2 months
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the sleepy bbs :3 sam sleeping with a shifted darlin :3
at this point i feel like i should just tag her SHES BEEN GIVING ME ALL THE IDEAS RAHHFJKSDFHGKJF thank you @nicnebula for indoctrinating introducing me to redactedverse my motivation to draw has gone through the roof AND THANK FOR THIS IDEA ITS SO SWEET AAAAAAAAAAAA
bit messier but i gotta fix my perfectionism somehow so here you go :0
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frenchfry99 · 8 months
📺 Turn on your TV or you'll miss the chance to hear from the neighborhood's cheeriest bug! ☀
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In her part of the show, she'd teach kids all different kinds of facts about the weather, why it is like this and what should they do, like how to tell it's gonna rain, sometimes would do little geography lessons which she sure knows a lot about!
Would most definitely advertise various stuff from Howdy's shop that would be useful for the weather she's telling about, like "a new neat umbrella and rain boots for the gloomy soggy days" or "a refreshing cold drink to help with the summer heat!"
You could call Daria quite the fashionista, she likes to pick her attire matching the weather, both in matters of style and comfort. She always makes sure that her neighbors are dressed according to the temperature and etc too, so for example, she better not catch you without your scarf when it's freezing outside- (would give you a lecture why you should wear one and will put her own on you lol)
(most of her outfits are made by my other oc Sunny, a shy tailor who's not big on very chatty and loud people, but him and Daria somehow get along really well!)
Definitely owns a ton of different sunglasses too, it's nearly impossible to see Daria without them.
Daria got into the neighborhood by a storm. Dragonflies are undeniably great at flying but not even they can always predict what they'll get into on their way! But don't worry, she got into trustworthy hands (or wings?-) of neighborhood's mail-bird Sean Gull, could it be love at first sight-
She's transfem, pan and polyamorous
Being overly energetic, Daria sometimes bumps into other neighbors , just not noticing they're standing in the way while she's deep in thought. Would be pretty apologetic if she makes them fall- It'd take her some time to remember where she was heading to too..
She'd also oftenly appear as a star guest at the regular human weather forecast or some scientific geography TV programs :D
(I'll prolly add up more info later as my burnout passes, have a lil doodle of her human ver instead lol)
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*Milo being cute and domestic with his mate*
Darlin: ew
Milo: oh don’t act like you and Sam aren’t all cute and shit all the time
Darlin: THATS THE THING! I was a feral cat who was domesticated against their will! And it’s not like I could fight it or say no when the man I’m up against is the human personification of pumpkin pie!!
Sam: 😶
Darlin: and I wouldn’t have it any other way obviously🙄
Sam: 🥰
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ashthefrogmonarch · 5 months
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sweetashblog · 2 months
Darlin: If you got tased, would it hurt?
Lovely: … do you have a taser on hand?
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storm--bound · 2 months
Darlin clinging to the first person to show them kindness really screams shelter dog
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sheawritesstuff · 3 months
Sam / Darlin Headcanons
[In no particular order]
✩ Sam has stretch marks on his hips and across his back from growing so fast after leaving Mont Blanc
✩ Darlin has a high pain tolerance so they literally don’t realize when they’re seriously injured sometimes
✩ Sam has a lot of faded scars on his hands
✩ Sam is the oldest brother, Darlin is a middle child - they both had to leave their younger siblings behind and still feel bad about it
✩ The younger pack members think Sam is the absolute coolest even though they don’t get to see him very often
✩ Sam still has David’s name saved as Mr. Shaw in his phone
✩ Since Sam convinced Darlin to start eating actual food they are BUILT - their muscles aren’t super lean and defined anymore, but they’re noticeably stronger
✩ Occasionally when they’re stressed Darlin will shift and lay directly on top of Sam like a wolf-shaped weighted blanket
✩ Sam hates the question “are you a tea or coffee person?” because people rarely accept his answer of “both”
✩ Darlin was very uneasy about any kind of physical touch after Quinn, especially skin-to-skin, so they almost exclusively wore clothes that covered their entire body for about a year - they feel safe enough to wear tank tops and shorts now
✩ Darlin likes holding both sides of Sam’s face when they kiss
✩ Sam pretends to be more oblivious to modern media than he really is 
✩ Before turning, Sam needed glasses - for a while afterwards he would still wear them out of habit
✩When shifted, Darlin is one of the biggest wolves in the pack
✩ When he was younger, Sam used to fight in shady arenas for some quick cash
✩ Darlin knows how to play bass
✩ Sam shaved his head after leaving Mont Blanc and after turning as his way of “starting his new life” - he keeps it fairly long now but makes an effort to keep it trimmed and maintained
✩ Darlin has convinced Sam to paint his nails with them at least once
✩ Sam looks like his dad but he has his mom’s eyes and her smile
✩ Sam dances like a tipsy suburban dad at a backyard barbecue
✩ Darlin has a habit of glaring like they’re about to murder the next person who enters their line of sight when they’re actually just thinking about what they want for dinner
✩ Sam was raised on a ranch so he knows how to ride horses, herd cattle, etc.
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I was just reminded that today is valentine's so:
🌈obligatory fuck amatonormativity 🌈
rb to kiss your friends square on the lips
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venuslove-28 · 10 days
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male tank design !! a bit inspired by this post
comms open on my kofi!
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maxpaulll · 7 months
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Cross posting Tank, post Quinncident (no I am not sorry for hurting people’s feelings/j)
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radiant-cowgirl · 18 days
edited bc omg i can’t believe i forgot to include darlin
puppy play is criminally underutilized in this fandom but SO IS KNOTTING
like these men are WEREWOLVES give them WOLF ANATOMY ITS SO FUN
like imagine angel hanging off of davey’s knot, panting and blissed out, their legs all shaky and them giggling when he fusses over them. he’d maneuver them carefully so they’re both under a blanket while they wait it out. or if he’s especially worked up, he’d growl in their ear about claiming and how much they belong to him. he’d leave sharp, nipping kisses all up and down their neck and it would usually lead to another round as soon as his knot is small enough to move again
baabe would be naughty about it. they would definitely use it as a way to overstimulate asher until he’s crying. they’d be locked together and they would just work themselves around his knot, squeezing until he’s whimpering and gripping the sheets so hard they rip. or they’d make him knot in their hands, ruin his orgasm with it, call him pathetic
milo definitely loves knotting. him and sweetheart always have to schedule playtime carefully because milo’s knot always takes forever to go down. he’s definitely had to carry them to the kitchen for water while they’re still stuck together. he’d take them doggy style, pressing their head into the mattress (carefully ofc) and mutter obsessively in their ear about breeding (regardless of their hardware) and how he’s gonna pump a litter into them
also, have they the hardware to knot sam, darlin would go full one track, almost feral mind just all make him feel good gotta make him cum cumming cumming fuck good hot mate mate love him mate. they’d be drooling and snarling all over his back, grinding their knot further into him until they cum and go limp on him. absolutely dead weight until their knot goes down
like just imagine with me guys pls
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darlin in wolf form would press their nose right up to sam's face and just sniff really aggressively
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stupd000 · 24 days
reminder that Darlin always saw Sam as a healer, not just a vampire
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anexistingexistence · 6 months
Sam: No Darlin' we can't let the street cat in. Last time we did that he peed on the carpet.
Darlin': That was one time! And look at him! He's sitting out there all cold and sad - we can't leave him out there!
Sam: He has his little box with the pillows, he'll be fine.
Darlin': Sam, darling, love of my life, are you seeing the fucking snow outside? I built a snowman two days ago and it's still standing. Do you really think a box and some pillows will keep a kitty warm?
Sam: He'll be fine-
Darlin': He will sleep in the bed with us!
Sam: He'll fuckin' what now?!
[Five minutes later]
Sam, who is being kept from spooning his mate by a stray kitty: I can't believe I let this happen.
Darlin': I love youu...
Sam: Yeah I love you too, you menace.
Darlin': I meant the kitty but thanks. I love you too Sam.
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