#for a fully fledged story
kingkatsuki · 9 months
It honestly blows my mind how cheap writing fanfiction commissions are compared to art. Writers undersell themselves so much, and yet they still struggle to convince people to pay for a bespoke piece.
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ofbreathandflame · 9 months
feyre 'stans' (*cough* feysand stans) have such an interesting relationship with feyre - where, they can't decide whether to view feyre as a full-fledged adult or little more than a child. bc its like - if you always view feyre as a victim of her circumstances, then she's not an active, morally ambiguous character. or - they don't actually view her as an actual character, rather, an easy extension of rhys that can be projected into. im inspired by this video again, and specifically the discussions about rhysand's ability to see feyre as an equal - or even just an individual person.
like in the case of silver flames, feyre 'stans' often try to validate rhysand's actions, by affirming that he's 'just standing up for feyre..'
and you could argue that - but feyre has already established on multiple occasions that she feels uncomfortable with the way rhys decides to 'stand-up' for her in regards to her sisters. and when confronted with this - rhysand immediately assumes that feyre will (1) forgive him and (2) have sex with him. its a moment of complete insanity - where rhysand doesn't even believe that his constant lack of boundary actually entails serious consequences. thats not a man whose actually concerned abt feyre's opinions, or actually hurting feyre. he'd rather openly trigger feyre at that dinner table, then actually respect and take a step back. but to argue that rhysand's behavior is okay even when feyre doesn't believe means that you guys don't actually view her decisions to be confidently her own. bc the emphasis is always geared towards validating the actions rhysand takes, and not feyre's opinions on the matter. there's a difference between giving feyre this 'power' and giving feyre the tools and information needed to actually wield that power. there's a difference between rhys disliking nesta or elain treating them as he sees fit v. rhys disliking nesta, but giving feyre the space she needs to deal with them, and respecting the boundary she has clearly reiterated in regards to how he should treat and interact with them.
and its like these are the moments where we see parallels with what the story argues about tamlin - where his way of 'protecting' was uncomfortable towards feyre, and she establishes that she doesn't want to be protected in that way. and we get something similar in maf where feyre literally gets into an argument with rhys bc she established that his behavior with keir was unacceptable. but even when feyre stans see that - they still rush to validate rhysand's behavior. and its like we get multiple instances where rhys will often just take measures within his own hands, and the argument is never about how wrong it is that he does - but that his intentions trump feyre's opinion; specifically when rhysand goes behind feyre's back to make a diplomatic decision with keir and eris and does not tell feyre (and mor) bc he knows they will disagree. that is not the decision of a man who actually values the existence of a co-ruler. or even the decision to tell another high lord the complications of feyre's pregnancy but NOT THE WOMEN GIVING BIRTH to said child. even when faced with the absolute certainty of her death (feyre is almost guaranteed to die) he still doesn't even loop her in. and its important bc feyre is going to die. there's no argument, so the idea of 'stress' makes no sense bc she's going to die. the story is very blunt about it.
but AGAIN feyre established 'no more secrets.' she also established that she wants to always be kept in the loop (even if someone deems xyz dangerous; that was literally the entire point of feyre's mental breakdown. she didn't care that going with tamlin could cause her harm, she wants to make the decision). you see how even though tamlin believes its unsafe (and ig it is) its not his decision, and the emphasis is put on feyre's opinion and not tamlin's intentions? why aren't we keeping this same energy, like ever.
and that's the ick part - even if rhys hates nesta. even if we argue that nesta 'was abusive' - feyre has established that she (1) doesn't want rhysand to speak about them or to them disrespectfully (2) that she does not approve of his behavior. (3) that she always wants to be informed on everything. she also laments that her worst fear being deemed 'not enough' or 'not useful' which one of the leading reason she decides to go with tamlin at the end of maf - she didn't believe she was useful. that rhysand can consistently prove that he doesn't believe feyre to be unworthy of information regarding her own body, court and family should be a slap in the face to be people who claim to 'love only her.'
and yet - when confronted with rhysand's behavior (both in previous books and the last) the race is to validate his behavior and not feyre's opinions. so everytime time 'feyre stans' present an argument thats geared toward validating rhysand's actions and not the boundaries that feyre established. side eye.
either feyre is an adult, who is old enough to rule a nation, have a child, and have her own opnions. or she's little more than a child who needs certain decisions made for her bc y'all disagree with them. or she's person capable of making mistakes, having flaws, and actually making conscious (morally ambiguous) decisions that we the audience can agree or disagree with. we can't argue that she an eternal victim of every circumstance, while denying her agency in moments where she's actually the victim. or argue that she morally grey and complex and then justify the behavior and combat when people might have differing opinions. as is the point of being a morally grey character.
i think we need to do away with 'morally-grey' as a descriptor. or it needs to be expounded on in a meaningful way. being morally ambiguous means we should look closer into the actions of the character, because often how they chose to solve their problems says something about them. im just tired of 'morally-grey' used as the justification of an action, instead of a conversation starter.
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eir-parade · 8 months
Polar|Star (P|S)
Leo/Need Adjacent Band
A group of music enthusiasts finding comfort in one another through their own music. Made with and for each other.
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Hoshino Ichika - Vocalist, Guitarist, Partial Lyricist. Losing her passion for music, she wants to relearn what it means to enjoy music.
Asahina Mafuyu - Keyboardist, Partial Lyricist. Wants to find herself and feels as if music is the correct direction.
Shiraishi An - Drummer. After learning the truth of RAD WEEKEND, An lost her aspiration of trying to surpass it but also out of respect for Nagi. Ever since though, she has been having difficulty trying to understand her music.
Kiritani Haruka - Bassist, Composer. After quitting being an idol, Haruka found her way with a new instrument, showing her feelings in a new way.
SEKAI: Empty Assembly SEKAI
Similar to the Empty SEKAI where it’s just a huge white area, except in the design of a School Assembly Hall.
Despite there being a stage, the Hall itself seems to expand on forever.
School desks and chairs haphazardly dotted about in the Hall, blank sheets or paper with garbled writing strewn out on the desks and the floor.
First Virtual Singer
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Hatsune Miku - Is basically like Niigo Miku. Acts like a calming presence to the others.
Virtual Singers
Order of Appearance (StC)
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All act fairly similar to their Nightcord selves (blame Mafuyu /lh)
Megurine Luka - Tends to specifically criticise Ichika. Will read over Ichika’s lyrics or hears how she plays and will ask “is that it?” Though never actually giving the answer, Luka will nudge and hint Ichika in the correct direction. Ichika used to dislike how Luka would ‘pick on her’ but now trusts Luka’s opinion whole-heartedly.
Kagamine Rin - The group's biggest critic. Even if they think they’re doing something correctly, or playing right, Rin would immediately criticise them, telling them they’re wrong and that they should be doing it like this. Her criticism helps bring Haruka back down to Earth but causes Mafuyu immense stress and panic. Rin also acts similar to a prefect so will tell them off for running or shouting (namely An).
MEIKO - Represents distance… again. And hesitancy. Specifically An and Ichika’s hesitancy to get close to people again due to their own abandonment issues. When the group were deciding on actually becoming a full band, MEIKO directly questions An and Ichika’s dedication.
Kagamine Len - Childish. Like Niigo Len, P|S Len represents Mafuyu’s inner child, a childhood she lost. He also represents being a good student and would stress when he doesn’t get something right but also has moments where ‘slacking off’ seems to make him happy. He can also represent the other’s childhood as he can be very starry eyed.
KAITO - Anger. Pure, unadulterated rage towards Mafumom, broken promises, liars, fakes, and the world.
Subject to Change as I go on figuring out this AU more.
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messenger-of-stupidity · 10 months
Redacted Masterlist
Bright could remember the first time they dragged Frederick on one of their nighttime urban explorations. They had been sixteen, freshly licensed. They drove up to his house and sent him a text. It had woken the sleeping Fred, but he had snuck out of his second story bedroom window still wearing the sweatpants and Tshirt he had fallen asleep in.
He handled the music as Bright drove them to a twenty four hour diner. He shared pancakes with them as they drank a cup of coffee. They split the bill before packing back up into Bright's mom's car.
The exploration destination was a mall that had been abandoned eleven years ago after a shooting killed twenty three people. Fred had been unsure and nervous but Bright goaded and taunted him until he sighed and clasped his hand in their own. Bright had pulled him carefully through the shattered glass front door.
It was so quiet within the cracked linoleum walkways, leaves and garbage gathered in the corners as moonlight spilled through the skylights above. Fred's grip had tightened on their hand, but Bright had just felt a thrill of excitement even as a wonderful chill ran down their spine. It had felt like a playground and haunted at the same time. A forbidden fruit.
They spent hours exploring within that mall, seeking every hidden hallway, empty storefront, and nook and cranny. Fred had to remind them that school started in two hours so they would leave the abandoned treasure behind.
That was what had started the habit.
They brought Fred along, thinking the risks were only light injury and maybe a fine for trespassing if they were caught.
They never guessed they would be lying on the ground of an amusement park that was widely thought to be haunted and occupied by unnatural creatures. Not while their body grew cold from blood loss and their best friend somewhere out of view facing the same plight, just as alone. It was supposed to be a fun night.
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jacqcrisis · 11 months
I wonder if people are posting AI generated fanfic... that would be fucking shitty if that became The Norm.
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wereh0gz · 5 months
Thinking abt maria again and making myself sad
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vampykween · 6 months
somehow it did not occur to me that i would struggle with writing this teacher au simply because i just have a bunch of scenes but nothing to actually tie them together very linearly 🙃
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TFW you develop a small bit character for a scene and then go overboard and oops you have another full character now in a growing cast of WAY TOO MANY CHARACTERS oh gods how did this happen how did I get here someone help me
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a-dotrivenitupontop · 2 years
why am i so good at coming up with fanfic ideas that are just that bit too ambitious for me :(
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expatesque · 10 months
Chris Pine is the superior Chris.
Inheritance is a weird concept and if I were in a position to leave my kids money, I don't think I would.
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duinoelegies · 11 months
okay now that it's finally over. can we all admit that the way they wrote women and women experiencing misogyny was real bad
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thornhands · 1 year
So, I started swtor again.
Bought a sub and all (and regretted it a bit because I have been eating tomato rice and noodles with ketchup since the 20th but anyway, it was only a little bit regret.
Now that I have wasted time noodling around and looking at all the changes I could see (I empathically do not like the new mini map and the way it pops out. The distances on the pop out map feel all wrong) I’m going to organise this new run.
I have a spreadsheet and all of swtoristas guides and the will to make my life more difficult ^___^
... although now I’m wondering if anyone has made spreadsheets with the story mission decisions. Something like Story Mission | vague description of what was said | thoughts about why this was chosen .....
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i’ve been thinking about where exactly I wanna take this account, and I’ve decided I want this to be a casual thing with no big “plan” in mind, like a fic or comic or anything. For now at least.
…Basically, I’m just gonna keep doing things the way I have been. An assortment of posts whenever the mood strikes. From lore bits, to character designs, character interaction scenes, dialogue snippets… stuff like that. Just without the promise of something “substantial” coming from it.
So, nothing’s changing! I’m not deleting, I havent dropped all interest off a cliff, nothing like that. I just have a lot of other priorities, to where I doubt I could really cobble anything uniform together here. So yanno, un-cobbled bits it is.
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first-only · 2 years
my favourite brand of Person Who Has Me Blocked are the type to do it because i insist that racism against real people is infinitely worse than “racism” against fictional characters
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relevant-url-incoming · 2 months
sentences from what i'm working on writing right now that make me feel totally normal and not at all like a guy with big Sibling Issues:
“Caibos is seventeen,” the Sith hissed. “Eighteen, actually,” Caibos said. He knew what Callie would want. She’d want to hear that Vyme had come back for them. Caibos knew better than to believe it. “Do you remember begging me not to go?" “Thirteen years and you’ve hated me all this time?” “Jedi don’t hate,” Caibos said automatically. “Ah,” Vyme said. “Then it must be the Sith blood in you.” Come with me, he wasn’t brave enough to say.
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isalabells · 3 months
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yo I think I'm gonna c r y
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