#fma 09
caesarinsalata · 4 months
There's just something about the 03 style 👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽
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03 Ed: Babygirl
09 Ed: I'm not cute, I'm a man! 🤭
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gsunny6 · 7 months
Where are all the fma discords at anyway lemme back in on that
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sonjajade · 2 years
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It's been over 10 years since FMA:B concluded and I am still deeeeep in this fandom.
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stupidsexpotflanders · 3 months
Unpopular Opinion:I liked S3 Logan Echolls,but something about movie-and-beyond Logan felt off and "sanded-down"
In Season 3 of the main show,Logan was quieter and sadder,but it made sense to me,since it was a quiet time after a truckload of trauma - aka,he wasn't constantly on edge. Besides,he still had a lot of cool moments and went berserk to defend Veronica time after time. The only complaint I have is Logan being treated as a mindless meathead. That directly contradicts his obscure references to random works of art and dramatic attitude in the previous seasons. But other than that,he felt very much like Logan.
In the movie,he was just okay,IMO. He did have a great chemistry with Veronica and his background with Carrie was very much in-character(on a tangent,the mystery itself was stupid. Like,why frame Logan for the killing of an emotionally unstable drug addict when they could just... Cause an OD,or whatever. Maybe Veronica could return to Neptune to help Keith out,for example. Logan suspects Carrie was murdered and still asks for Veronica's investigation skills. Besides,I never got the sense Cobb was particularly dangerous - just have the shithead killed. It's not hard for a bunch of rich and powerful people like the 09'rs to hire a hitman or something). Plus,Jason Dohring did an amazing job to make Logan seem more of a complicated good guy,but the script didn't flesh him out well,IMO. But Veronica being cool and having a flawless arc made up for all the fuck ups,lol.
In the books,he was less of a character and more of a romantic idea in Veronica's mind and a military brochure. I was so excited to see more of Logan being a good guy who cares to make a difference in the world and he just wasn't there. I was told he was a hero,but this hero wasn't shown. Principled good guy Logan was supposed to be at least twice as colourful and nuanced as his teen self. Not only there's his past as the Obligatory Psychotic Jackass,but how driven,proactive and intelligent he's and the fact that the US military is a moral clusterfuck. True believer lawful good Logan Echolls who fights corruption on the inside through Malicious Compliance and Loophole Abuse. FMA Manga Roy Mustang but make it neo-noir,lol. Plus,it would add to him and Veronica being a Power Couple and to Veronica being constantly worried about Logan's safety.
In the show,Logan is more or less as bland as he was in the books,but Jason's acting was a saving throw. Besides,he had some cool moments. But overall,meh.
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emevergreen · 1 year
it is time for fma rewatch but to start with 03 or 09 hmmm decisions decisions
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themstroll · 3 days
oh nahh thinking abt the fma 2003 homunculi and how they weren’t born “monsters” like the 09 ones. and how instead they were people that were loved too much to the point someone couldn’t bear to live w out them and resurrected them
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rinoks17 · 3 months
Boruto : Naruto Next Jenerations Ep 24
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caesarinsalata · 2 months
Okay hear me out, I've been thinking....
If failed human transmutations end up creating homunculi in the '03 universe.
And Edward digging up the body and finding black hair and a male skeletal structure in the '09 universe.
What kind of homunculous would've the boys made if it worked that way in the '09 world too?
Another one like Greed maybe??
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trifriendheroes · 6 months
It’s time to say goodbye for now, but we discuss our final thoughts across the all the Legend of Zelda games we played, and answer a few listener questions along the way! …with only a few tangents in-between…
Thanks for listening! 💖 See you around!
Timestamps for content
00:00:00 - Greetings & intro
00:07:41 - Favorite stories
00:22:23 - Silliest stories
00:26:12 - Early & out-of-order finds
00:39:11 - The timeline
00:43:23 - Favorite Link
00:46:22 - Favorite Zelda
00:51:15 - Favorite other main characters & sidekicks
00:56:31 - Most/least-like not-bosses
01:03:37 - Favorite bosses
01:16:53 - Favorite Ganon
01:21:01 - Easiest/hardest bosses
01:23:14 - Favorite gameplay
01:31:11 - Favorite gimmicks 
01:44:25 - Most surprising speedrun
01:50:09 - Favorite visual style
01:53:33 - Favorite sounds
02:05:47 - Favorite multiplayer
02:06:49 - Zelda manga & spinoffs
02:10:29 - Ranking
02:15:07 - Most nostalgic game
02:19:04 - Biggest surprises 
02:27:50 - Biggest plot twist
02:35:51 - Final final thoughts
02:45:24 - Farewell
02:47:34 - Bonus content: emotional support beverages
02:51:47 - Bonus content: trash tv/spooky shows
03:00:25 - Bonus content: Nintendo tech
03:04:41 - Bonus content: accordion
03:12:03 - Bonus content: FMA IYKYK
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bumblingbee1 · 7 months
You know I have to return the question: FMA 03 or 09?
Oh, that's a good one.
It's a slight lean towards the 09 version, as it is more faithful to the manga and is generally more lighthearted, though that doesn't say much.
However, I will give credit to FMA 03 where it's due, as the dark tone is executed beautifully, and it displays more psychological turmoil, like you said.
They're very much neck in neck, tough
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kaoarika · 1 year
So, my silly plan about buying manga from now on (until close future) might be something like this:
Each two weeks, as much as my budget allows me.
I will try and give priority series that I had to stop following due to circumstances at the time. Unfortuntely, for the same reason, these series might have "out of print" volumes because they are becoming harder to get by. I would like to say I "could test my luck" online, but, lol. I don't even trust Amazon these days with this weird "false-perceptive inflation" phenomenon they are plagued with. Second hand is my probably 2nd best choice if I don't come with other "official distributor stores".
I am also debating in maybe giving up some other series because I'm not sure if I will be able to complete them at this rate. FMA, for example, is "old" at this point. I could have been able to get copies of it before 2020... and now it seems impossible. I am really betting they are considering in publishing the "Complete" edition from a few years ago, given they recently published the 20th anniversary book, but I guess time will tell.
I will try and follow the few new series that I have just started buying because I couldn't stop tempting myself to get them. Luckily, as of now, I was able to finish three series that I had on "hiatus" since 2018-ish, so, I suppose I could get the chance to start new series (I am also taking into consideration how long they are; completed options are the best).
Was thinking in probably "double dip" stuff like LoveCom or Nana, but I would probably continue them where I left them (since 2008/09!) as priority for obvious budget-ish reasons. LoveCom was recently completed, and I think in September or October? I will attempt to resume Nana, ig...?
There's plenty of stuff I wish I could be able to buy, but their popularity overwhelms me (in the whole "frick, I cannot buy these because they get out of stock pretty quick????" kind of way. So many interesting titles! They get OOS TOO quick if they even get restocked OTL), lol. And some of these are already over my budget (it's not a BAD thing, I think the printing quality SHOWS why they cost what they do... but also D:)... I just wish the publisher was able to restock quicker, OTL.
I have been thinking in those "old good days" where I could simply go to this one official-publishing's distribution store that was in the city where I lived in the late 00s, and I was overjoyed at the time because, it was "easier" to get around stuff that I only could get in places like newspaper stand and (with a strike of luck) in a department store. Sure... I could say "overjoyed" because I don't think there were other animanga-dedicated stores that could sell both manga AND official merch... and now those times seem quite far away now.
Sure, there was a monopoly of sort with manga publishing, they were far deep into debt (? probably licensing debt), and they overstocked their series like there was no tomorrow. Much of their stuff I mostly got them because they were already making discounts (half the price of what used to cost around 45-75 pesos from almost 20 years ago) until they were doing clearance sales to get rid of them.
Times surely have changed, sure. But I wish my circumstances were a little more better than... what? A few years ago... and I seriously wish they did more reprint runs or more frequent restocking (that and I seriously wish other specialized stores were closer to me than they are these days: a trip to downtown, to the closer by mall(s), or, well, right next to the most traffic-busy area of the city.
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2022f · 1 year
remi_mai2:K-mix Wiz. | K-MIX SHIZUOKA | 2023/01/31/火  11:30-14:00 radiko.jp/share/?sid=K-M… #radiko #藤巻亮太 #花びらのメロディー のこと、嬉しかったです。ムネトさん、愛実さん、ありがとうございました! 切ないけどとても良い曲、そして素敵な歌声ですよね (*´-`) [https://twitter.com/remi_mai2/status/1620788433903030272] milk_tre114:藤巻亮太 -「粉雪」Live at  “Mt.FUJIMAKI 2021 ONLINE” youtu.be/4IoAXMiTLJY @YouTubeより やっぱりオリジナルと普通のバージョン歌い方違う そういうアレンジだよ。てか文句言ってる人はライブで生歌聴いてから言って! [https://twitter.com/milk_tre114/status/1620785674524983296] nekosukisuki0:[出演]UA / AA= / くるり / KREVA / GRAPEVINE / 斉藤和義 / THE BACK HORN / シーナ&ロケッツ / スガ シカオ / SPECIAL OTHERS / 竹原ピストル / つじあやの / 藤巻亮太 / 星野源 / 矢野顕子 /  LOVE PSYCHEDELICO twitter.com/nekosukisuki0/… [https://twitter.com/nekosukisuki0/status/1620783094411444224] Ksk_rj3:【曲名】オウエン歌  【歌手名】藤巻亮太   #Uリク [https://twitter.com/Ksk_rj3/status/1620767113064640514] AiXrzu:@Takonkus 藤巻亮太、、? [https://twitter.com/AiXrzu/status/1620762491272990721] try1422:【60TRY部   ラストナンバー!】 (今日のテーマ「10代の自分へ言いたいこと」) ♪ Sunshine / 藤巻亮太 #try1422 #土谷隼人 #玉井杏奈 #藤巻亮太 [https://twitter.com/try1422/status/1620750560290037760] FMAICHI:2/1(水)20:30~【Juri’s Favorite Note】📒  #藤巻亮太 さんが語る 地元山梨県で開催するフェス 「Mt.FUJIMAKI」🗻  加古川観光大使の上野樹里が 地元フェスの秘訣を伺います👂 ニューアルバム「Sunshine」の 歌詞に込めた思いとは…  📱💻で📻が聴けます↓ radiko.jp/share/?sid=FMA… #FMAICHI [https://twitter.com/FMAICHI/status/1620731309692751872] sanse_iu:今月メジャーデビュー 11周年:A.B.C-Z、八王子P、家入レオ、乃木坂46、藤巻亮太、やなぎなぎ 12周年:Ms.OOJA 13周年:WEAVER 14周年:AA= 15周年:木山裕策、清水翔太 17周年:絢香 20周年:テツandトモ、冨田ラボ 21周年:元ちとせ、YUKI、熊木杏里 23周年:鬼束ちひろ 24周年:和田青児 [https://twitter.com/sanse_iu/status/1620725984222916610] zukizucchini:インタビュー&執筆した🎤📝  KKBOXにて、アーティスト #藤巻亮太 さんのインタビュー記事が公開されました。  10周年アルバム『Sunshine』について、ライブ活動について、そして10周年を迎えた先について、お話しいただいています。  kkbox.com/jp/ja/column/i… [https://twitter.com/zukizucchini/status/1620703622765088769] mini_takupu:冬ソングSP【前編】Uru☆INI☆ano☆女王蜂☆藤巻亮太☆鈴木鈴木 | TVer  #INI @official__INI #INI_New_Day #New_Day  tver.jp/episodes/epizh… [https://twitter.com/mini_takupu/status/1620702569009143811] tokyojapan2015:Novel Core INI 超特急 学芸大青春 さなり 原因は自分にある。 OCTPATH Pipping Hot 窪塚洋介×牧賢治 BOP 藤巻亮太 New Era meets 白石聖 B・PASS  (バックステージ・パス) 2023年3月号 [楽天] a.r10.to/huEWWQ  #rbooks pic.twitter.com/4tWokPAIi8 [https://twitter.com/tokyojapan2015/status/1620662452429139968] JAyoishoku:表彰式は3月4日(土)にNHKホールで開催! コンサートもあって、豪華アーティストの方も来るんだって!🕺🏻  応募締切は2/15まで!早く応募しなくちゃ!💨  ▼表彰式はこちらをチェック! nhk-p.co.jp/event/detail.p…  #日本農業賞 #麻倉未稀 #STU48 #藤巻亮太 #三山ひろし #加藤紀子 twitter.com/jayoishoku/sta… [https://twitter.com/JAyoishoku/status/1620653423711649792] papipuu5774:藤巻亮太って人ソロデビュー10周年なんだ……。つまりレミオロメンって10年以上前……??えーーーーいつの間にか時経ちすぎ……。 [https://twitter.com/papipuu5774/status/1620643745032183811] BlueInGreen813:【タイムフリー🎧】 『Jack Wolfskin FINDING CAMP』🏕  1月は、藤巻亮太さんが 地元 山梨県で冬キャンプに挑戦🏕  最終週は、藤巻さんによる生演奏をお届けしました🎶  #radiko:radiko.jp/share/?sid=FMJ…   #jwave #blue813 #キャンプ #ソロキャンプ #山梨 #琴川キャンプ場 @Ryota_Fujimaki pic.twitter.com/PexqEqj84h [https://twitter.com/BlueInGreen813/status/1620627876427997185] hibikorekouniti:あら、藤巻亮太のツアー東京公演一般で買おうと思ったら既に完売してた [https://twitter.com/hibikorekouniti/status/1620614341778370560] Ryota_Fujimaki:【TV出演情報📺】 2月7日(火)放送のCBCテレビ「#道との遭遇」にて  #藤巻亮太 のコメントがオンエア! 放送地域にお住いの方、ぜひご覧ください🛣🤝  <番組情報> 毎週火曜 23:56〜放送 MC:ミキ ※翌日よりTVerで見逃し配信予定です  詳細はコチラ▼ hicbc.com/tv/michi/ @cbc_michi [https://twitter.com/Ryota_Fujimaki/status/1620587793075548160] zipfm_noa:[09:55] 藤巻亮太 - SUNSHINE  [radiko] radiko.jp/share/?t=20230… [https://twitter.com/zipfm_noa/status/1620587309329686528] hiroko_fujimaki:#39ライブ 、誰が当たったの⁉️って思うくらいみんな外れてる💦 でももう行けないこと決定みたいにガッカリしてる方が多いけど、まだ最速先行や劇場先行がある❗️ 公式からは終了したFC先行のページにしか行けないし、特に劇場先行はどこから申し込めるのかが不明だから問い合わせ中だけど··😅 #藤巻亮太 [https://twitter.com/hiroko_fujimaki/status/1620570846334189568] genkiokayama:【Now Playing】藤巻亮太 / この道どんな道 今日のラストナンバーです。今朝もありがとうございました。明日もよろしくお願いします。メッセージテーマは今夜7時以降にツイートします。 #レディオモモ [https://twitter.com/genkiokayama/status/1620568989268344832] INI_fuwa_love:朝からまた見てたんだけどダンスブレイクんとこ洸人くん首でも音取っててビックリ やっぱすげぇこの人… #INI @official__INI #INI_New_Day #New_Day #西洸人 CDTV ライブ! ライブ! 冬ソングSP【前編】Uru☆INI☆ano☆女王蜂☆藤巻亮太☆鈴木鈴木 2023年1月30日放送分 #GYAO gyao.yahoo.co.jp/episode/63d853… [https://twitter.com/INI_fuwa_love/status/1620565786342625280] hiroko_fujimaki:何かと忙しかったからようやくじっくりアルバム全体を通して聴いてる休日。本当に多くの人に聴いて欲しい名盤であることを改めて実感❗️ 今日から2月だからカレンダーもめくって最近の色々も一緒に撮った🎵 2月にはライブが4つ·· 少し間が空くけどその間に資金稼ぎ頑張る‼️😆💦 #藤巻亮太 #Sunshine pic.twitter.com/RDXbRxl66e [https://twitter.com/hiroko_fujimaki/status/1620563862528610304] kotemen_kiroku:レミオロメン大ファンの人には申し訳ないけど藤巻亮太って生演奏の番組絶対に四分音低い。 最初から最後まで低いから音痴って訳じゃないんだけど、違和感。 [https://twitter.com/kotemen_kiroku/status/1620559555435589632] amaama_yksthgin:おはよー🌞 今日から2月〜!😆 あっという間だね!😳  今月はずっと会いたかったフォロワーさんにも会えるし、ずっと行きたかった場所にも行けるから嬉しい🥰 あと、桜井和寿さんのライブもあるし、藤巻亮太くんのライブもある🎶 楽しみがいっぱい🥰 その分、めっちゃ忙しいけど🤣  今月もよろしくね😊 [https://twitter.com/amaama_yksthgin/status/1620549000641540098] eimu_asuma:ソリティアだいぶクリア率が上がってきた~ というか、日晴くんとまた通話しながらだったけど、亮太くんやレミオ曲流しながらやってて、今自分の中でめっちゃ藤巻亮太ブームなんだわってなってる。 いくらでも語れる…。 [https://twitter.com/eimu_asuma/status/1620483304813363200] erinastar:CDTV ライブ! ライブ! 冬ソングSP【後編】DISH//☆LE SSERAFIM☆&TEAM☆藤巻亮太☆ブルーベリーソーダ 2023年1月30日放送分 gyao.yahoo.co.jp/episode/63d859… #GYAO #GYAOで無料配信中 #INI @official__INI ワイプINI [https://twitter.com/erinastar/status/1620453188234252289]
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sunshine72699 · 1 year
Note: I update this frequently as life changes for me :)
Hello! 👋🏻❤️
In case you manage to find my little corner of this god forsaken app thought I'd introduce myself 👋🏻 oh I don't necessarily post anything NSFW or anything but if you're a minor pls DNI, I'm in my mid 20s, I'm a grandma. Go find friends ur own age 🩷🩷🩷
Call me M! 🥰👋🏻 (she/her)
I'm 24 years old & I'm a graphic designer 🎨 (which heavily implies I'm obsessed with art)
I have probably the world's most patient and amazing fiancé ever & I talk about him frequently. Sorry, not sorry 😘💚
^We're high school sweethearts, and we were together almost 6 years before we got engaged! That happened on 5/09/23! 🥰 our wedding date is Nov. 2024 🥳
besides design, I am also heavily obsessed with music 🎶
It's easier for me to link my stats.fm page to explain that mess: https://stats.fm/sunshine72699 << there
Favorite band of all time is Muse, followed closely by bring me the horizon. But I'm also a swiftie. You never really know what you're getting with me.
I love general nerdy things, I'm coming into it more as an adult with an almost fully developed brain than I did as a teen. Although, y'all should be glad I wasn't here when I was 13. Had a serious Doctor Who phase. It was bad. Here's an obligatory list of things I am interested in and love learning about
I'm a huge James Bond nut. Hence M.
I like DC better than marvel. Harley quinn is my queen.
Marvel is cool tho. Don't get me wrong. I find DC more fascinating at the moment. Just how it's going. I love DC villians 🥰
Umbrella Academy is my favorite non animated TV show. I've also been into Doctor Who, lie to me, TURN Washington Spies, broadchurch stuff like that. I don't watch TV often. The animated Harley Quinn series is frickin hilarious. I like family guy and south park on occasions.
I came into anime when I was 18 after my fiancé begged me to watch it. I was very late to the party & I regret being stubborn!!!!
Favorite is Tokyo Ghoul. Its not going anywhere anytime soon. It's frickin amazing. Juzo is my favorite character (hence my header) I love everything about it and if you let me I'll never shut up about it.
Others I've seen are: Demon Slayer, MHA, place to place, FMA: Brotherhood (1st one)
I'm currently attempting to watch Naruto and overcome years of oppressed cringe to it. Be patient with me. Pls.
Not as big of a reader as I used to be, but I am always open to suggestions!! Might be trying to read the Percy Jackson series for the first time soon (bfs fave series) so we'll see! I like design-related books & mental health topics too.
Other interests:
I'm a little bit spicy but you won't see anything like that on here🪶😚🌶 I love psychology & mental health, I love history (Fiancé was a history major), I like Journaling and crafting and anything art 🎨
If I think of anything else interesting or that I forgot, I'll update but yeah :D that's basically meeeee nice ta meet ya 👋🏻
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punknerdmusings · 2 years
I'm feeling the pull of worldbuilding again
Been slowly shaping a (different than the Hyperpop Chronicles) FMA 03/09 fusion AU
I can definitely feel the influences from Metallic Crimson
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they-callme-ami · 3 years
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bi-casca · 5 years
not to be horny on main but olivier mira armstrong has nice abs pass it on
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