#flamingos in central Florida
whatnext10 · 8 months
Hurricane Idalia Brought Wind, Rain, and Beautiful Flamingos
Hurricane Idalia Brought Wind, Rain, and Beautiful Flamingos shows readers photos taken from very far away of the flamingos that are currently in Cedar Key. It explains how they got there and how unusual it is.
Dabbling on the Mud Flats Hurricanes can do all sorts of unusual things. They can spawn tornadoes and water spouts, they can have an amazingly calm center, and of course, they can wreak havoc on everyone and everything in their way. Sometimes they also bring in new and unusual wildlife. By now, I’m sure many of you have heard that one thing Hurricane Idalia did was blow some flamingos off course…
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pwlanier · 10 months
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Platalea ajaja
Switzerland, 1990–2000
69 × 43 × 19 cm
The Roseate Spoonbill is a gregarious wading bird of the ibis and spoonbill family Threskiornithidae and it is named after its bright pink plumage and oddly unique beak structure.
The flamboyant Roseate Spoonbill looks like it came straight out of a Dr Seuss book with its bright pink feathers, red eyes staring out from a partly bald greenish head, and giant spoon-shaped bill. It is a resident breeder in South and North America, mostly east of the Andes and in the coastal regions of the Caribbean, Central America, Mexico and the Gulf Coast of America as far north as South Carolina’s Myrtle Beach. In winter they leave Florida to stay in Chile or Argentina.
The bird feeds on aquatic insects, crustaceans, frogs, newts and tiny fish. Like the American flamingo their pink color is diet-derived since shrimps, crabs and crayfish are their favourite menu and they fill the spoonbill with the organic pigments called carotenoids.
The Roseate Spoonbill presented here was prepared by a Swiss taxidermist after its natural demise.
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elementoftheeye · 9 months
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Lonely Flamingo in South Central Pennsylvania, same bird as a few days ago. The other bird is missing, it is in a rehab center, as it was attacked by a snapping turtle that also resides in the pond. It is interesting to hear what people say about this... I mentioned that some tend to humanize the creature. A lady at the pond last night said the government should put both on a plane and fly them to Florida... a bit extreme... others want this one caught and put with the other one at the rehab center. The worries are real I guess, this one could migrate with out its mate, or it could not migrate and die from exposure, it will not be able to survive here during the winter. There is concern about the diet they are eating, more predators. There is a funding site for the Flamingo that had to have surgery... If I am being honest... I think there are people that need help, I feel the pull in my soul to help animals over humans. Humans are generally the cause of the animal issues... though sometimes it is a stretch to really see it. This post is just a snip it of my thoughts on this, only my feelings... my blog my shitty feelings and thoughts. They are beautiful creatures... in some way everything is.
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johnsdcp2024 · 3 months
Unveiling the Magic: My First Day at Flamingo Crossings
So today is the big day. After two days of traveling to Orlando, Florida, I have arrived. Physically, mentally, and literally arrived. This stop on my journey is mine alone. I made this happen with no pretense. There is no treatment center to return to, no outpatient, no sober house. I moved here because I made it happen thanks to all I have learned at said places. They were the foundation, and now I am building the scaffolding of my house. The foundation is vast and ever-expanding, just like my dreams and possibilities. There is a lot to build on, and for that, I am grateful.
Now back to my day. It started with an amazing egg sandwich made with love from a family friend. The 45-minute drive to Flamingo Crossing, where I reside, felt like 10 minutes; the excitement kept my mind racing. Upon arriving, the nerves set in. What will they say about my beard, my tattoos? Will they turn me away? Do they even care?
I start to walk up the path following 6 others as they have the same nervous energy exuding from them. As I enter the main outside atrium, the reality of where I am is starting to set in. I have seen this exact place so many times through pictures since I first applied. Whether that be TikToks, YouTube videos, or Reddit posts, I have been here! Digitally! And now it's come to fruition walking by the same life-size chessboard that I have seen hundreds of times it feels. After taking in the atrium, we follow the many signs leading us to the outside lawn that is used for relaxing as well as events.
Once completing a form through a QR code, we are shuffled into 2 boxes lined with cones. They encourage us to start talking to others around us, and this seems to ease a lot of tension. The first interaction I had with another human on my DCP adventure was with Gina. She is from New Jersey (I could hear the accent) and going to be a greeter at Hollywood Studios. The same park I will be working at! We promised to say hello and meet again someday, maybe when going to work or maybe around the corridors of the plaza. I'm now scanning. Tattoos, beards. Where are they?! BAM. I nearly sprint to the nearest person with tattoos. She has more than me, and I am instantly at ease. At the same time, I initiate contact; another person with tattoos is converging on the spot. Phew! We are here for each other. We have some fun banter for a few minutes. As for the beards, well, one of the employees (cast members) had one!
After some time, we are corralled into a room where we watch a 14 minutes and 23 seconds video. Mainly about rules. Then we are again corralled into another room where we receive our key cards to our rooms, room numbers, building numbers. And then we are off! I head back to the car where I find mom and dad, and the moving begins. I was able to acquire a wagon to put all my belongings in, and we quickly found my building. It is right beside the main central buildings and overlooks the pool on the third floor.
 I met my roommate Ian. He is a very cool guy. I was worried about my age being an outcast but he's 34! And says a lot of older people do the program. We talked for a good hour as the room got set up and my mom put 98% of everything away. Thanks, mom! After the room was set up, it was time to head to Target for some essentials.
I got my background check done at 11 and then got some much-needed lunch. Everything was hitting me at 100 miles an hour. All my feelings and emotions just overflowed at that moment. The food was really able to help. Maybe I shouldn’t have drunk that large Dunkin' cold brew… I said goodbye to mom and dad as they went on to do their own thing, and I finished putting a few things away and talked with Ian some more. We are going to be a great fit as roommates, thank you lord, my prayers have been answered.
 Ian went to work at 3, and I had another “meeting” to attend where they answered a lot of common questions and explained a lot to us. I walked out around 5 and went straight to the buses. I wanted to learn how to use them. I got on the first one I saw and just went. I ended up at the Contemporary, the resort with the monorail that goes straight through it. So I hopped on the monorail and did a complete loop. I learned that it takes 20 minutes to loop the whole way. People-watching was crazy and surreal. So so so many people! So many strollers and babies. I wasn’t even in the park. I truly can't grasp how big these parks are and the amount of people that come through the park doors each day and each year.
 After the monorail, I headed back to the village. It was interesting to see the other cast members getting on the bus as their shifts were over and the people headed to their shifts. I love all the different costumes they wear! It makes me so very excited to get my own costume in a few days and feel so a part of everything. The bus ride was a little under 15 minutes, and I took the long way back to get a nice walk in and to call Philip (my brother). We had some lovely conversation and some encouraging words were spoken. I need to call Matthew next (my brother). I got back to an empty apartment and started writing this post! Got my HomePod set up and listening to Ariana Grande's new album. Also watching some people stream Overwatch. I also forgot to mention that my other two roommates excluding Ian are from France and work at the very fancy restaurant at the France pavilion in Epcot. Very cool! Till next time! Bye! Thanks for reading 😊
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clotpolesonly · 2 years
A Nightmare In Fuchsia
for the Stiles Shipping Central discord’s monthly ficlet exchange!! @illbeintheend i tried to go for more humor than fluff 😂 lemme know if i succeeded haha
| Stackson | 1k | Teen | Humor | Crack | Flamingos | Florida Man |
(also on AO3)
Stiles had never anything against flamingos. They were a little garish, sure, and they made any and all merchandise using their likeness positively reek of Florida vibes whether the product actually had anything to do with Florida or not, but Stiles had always had a certain amount of respect for flamingos. They had flair! They had a great gimmick with the whole one-foot-balancing thing! They could survive in weirdly extreme climates and conditions!
All in all, they were pretty cool birds. Stiles had never had any problem with flamingos. But apparently, today, they had a problem with him.
Or, more accurately, the sorcerer—yes, he was Floridian, go figure—had a problem with the whole pack and had decided to express this grievance in the form of a goddamn flock of fucking demon flamingos let loose to chase them through the Preserve. Stiles was no expert, but he was pretty sure normal flamingos didn’t have teeth like that. Crashing through the trees behind him, hot on his trail, they sounded just like the velociraptors from Jurassic Park. Maybe they were a hybrid or something.
Stiles didn’t turn around to look more closely. His only saving grace was that it was, for once, not the middle of the night and he could actually see where he was putting his feet this time. That was probably the only thing that had saved him from tripping and rolling face-first off a cliff by now, to be set upon and likely eaten.
Good god, he was really gonna be taken out by Florida Man’s life-sized snow globe decoration turned attack bird. This is not how he’d planned to die. He’d been hoping for something with a little more dignity to it, and, okay, maybe he spoke too soon about not tripping off a cliff.
He’d just grabbed hold of a tree branch to fling himself to one side—zigzagging was for alligators, but why shouldn’t it work here too?—when his foot found a slippery patch of leaves, and then he was falling. It was a hill he rolled down, not a cliff, but it still hurt like a bitch with every point of impact. His bones rattled and his breath was gone and the pterodactyl shrieks were suddenly a hell of a lot closer and there was nothing he could do but lie there and hope everything stopped spinning in time for him to start running again.
One second, there was a whole lot of pink encroaching on his blurry field of vision. The next, there was familiar green plaid and a roar that shook the ground. Stiles was too busy heaving an enormous sigh of relief to see if Jackson actually fought the damn things or if they just got spooked and booked it back to their master, but the next thing he knew, Jackson was on his knees beside him.
“Hey, dumbass,” Jackson said, worriedly. “You break an bones?”
“Love you too, sweetcheeks. And I don’t think so.”
With Jackson’s help, Stiles managed to force his battered body into an upright position, but there wasn’t much he could do about his dignity. The perfectly smooth, expressionless look on Jackson’s face spoke volumes.
“Go ahead and laugh,” Stiles told him.
Jackson’s mouth twitched. “I’m not laughing. There’s nothing to laugh at. You almost died.”
“I almost got eaten by evil magic flami—”
Stiles didn’t even finish that ludicrous statement before Jackson lost it. And he really lost it. Two years of dating the guy and Stiles had never seen Jackson laugh so hard, including that time Lydia had gotten lightly electrocuted and ended up with her hair a gigantic staticky orange cloud around her head. He even forsook his nice, high-quality clothes in favor of falling back into the dirt and rolling around in it.
“Oh, ha fucking ha,” Stiles yelled. “It’s not that funny!”
“You’ve got—” It took Jackson three tries to actually make words. “—a feather in your—” He reached out to paw at Stiles’ head. “—hair!”
Stiles swatted the offending feather, obnoxiously pink, out of his hand. “I’m never going to a zoo again. Fuck flamingos! Flamingos are canceled, you hear me? I’m gonna be having nightmares about this for years. You’re paying for my therapy bills.”
Jackson didn’t even protest that, too busy wiping at his streaming eyes and trying to figure out how to breathe again. Eventually, he noticed the intensity of Stiles’ pouting. He rolled himself upright again and kissed him.
“I’m glad you’re not bird food,” he said solemnly. “And I’ll make it up to you.”
Stiles pouted harder. “You better. I expect sexual favors. Many, many sexual favors. And pampering! Massages! Literally all of me is sore, and I’m officially making it your problem.”
“Fine by me.”
Jackson got to his feet first and offered Stiles his hand, levering him off the ground with the kind of ease that always made Stiles a tiny bit horny. He was too tired for it now, though. Also his ankle might have been twisted. Stupid fucking birds. With an aggravated huff, he leaned against Jackson and said, “No one can know about this. Ever. You hear me?”
“Oh, absolutely everybody is gonna hear about this,” Jackson said immediately. “Both because it’s important to study the enemy’s tactics and because it’s fucking hilarious and we could all use a laugh or two.”
“Oh my god, I hate you. I hate you so much.”
“Not as much as you hate flamingos.”
Stiles laughed against his will. “I don’t know, man. The flamingos at least have the excuse of being creatures of pure evil! You’re just a dick.”
“Yeah,” Jackson sighed, completely unrepentant. “But I also suck dick, so it all evens out in the end.”
That much was true, and he proved it as soon as they got back to the jeep. Twice. It was almost good enough to make up for the indignity of how hard the rest of the pack laughed when Jackson told them the tale.
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lakelandg · 7 months
Skyline Chili set to open first Central Florida location in November
Restaurant to open at 2231 Western Way in Disney’s Flamingo Crossings Town Center The Ohio-based chain known for putting chili on pasta — Skyline Chili — is set to open its first location in Central Florida later this month. The company announced on Facebook that the location at 2231 Western Way in Disney’s Flamingo Crossings Town Center will open in November. The announcement did not provide…
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brucestambaughsblog · 9 months
American Flamingos in Pennsylvania
One of two American Flamingos near Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. Photo by Bruce Stambaugh. This is how birding works. Just before my wife and I left to visit our 16-month-old grandson and his parents in Rochester, NY, a friend in Florida posted on social media about American Flamingos being spotted in a farm pond in south-central Pennsylvania. I knew we couldn’t stop on the way up, but I hoped…
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Home Watch Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
Enjoy the privateness of your individual home and comfort of rental dwelling on this beautiful three bed room + 2.5 tub lanai. Inside this properly maintained home you could have the feeling of living in a beach house. All rooms have entry to the exterior with impact sliding glass doorways home watch palm beach fl which open onto a non-public oversized lanai with entry to the pool, beach, tennis & health heart. The Halcyon is a well maintained luxury oceanfront building which has undergone intensive beautification and exterior restoration. It has 24/7 Doormen, 1 automotive storage parking and wonderful management.
We will check that each insurance coverage and registration is up to date. We take great care to examine every facet of your house to ensure that all methods are working at their peak efficiency ranges and on the lowest attainable price. It's not a question of if, however a query of when a problem will arise in your absence.
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This is a view of the residing room of Sylvester Stallone's new Palm Beach mansion. This is a view of the kitchen of Sylvester Stallone's new Palm Beach mansion. The patio at Sylvester Stallone's new Palm Beach mansion offers one more palm beach home watch vista of his lakefront property. There's also plenty of green house between the main mansion and guesthouse on Sylvester Stallone's new Palm Beach property.
Our staff of pros can be “on call” to repair any problem that your renter may have. Owners in many Palm Beach County can count on us to be their eyes and ears for their funding property. If wanted when your renter leaves, Old School can provide you with a duplicate of renter's vacate report. This report is effective, particularly if you are holding a safety deposit.
We understand the trade and what it takes for the process to be clean and simple. That’s why we’re always innovating—pushing ahead to attach nice contractors with owners while managing the process from end-to-end. Join the Countywide Community Revitalization Team meeting hosted by the Office of Community Revitalization on Tuesday, May 9, 2023, at 10 a.m. Popular neighborhoods embody Flamingo Park, Central Park, Lake Worth, El Cid, and Downtown West Palm Beach. Homes for sale in Palm Beach have a median listing value of $2.98M. Some of these properties are Hot Homes, which means they're prone to promote rapidly.
And the oversized lot permits room for a gracious auto forecourt, massive pool and ethereal backyard. I needed to thank you SO VERY MUCH for the window cleaning that your group did for us yesterday. The timing was perfect as a end result of our windows and sliders have been filthy! Thank you a lot home watch palm beach for you this and all of your continued wonderful service in caring for and watching... I even have been a Home Watch customer with Gardens Home Management Services for about the last two months. I simply wished to say how satisfied I am with the service supplied.
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viral-photos · 1 year
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Iguanas live in tropical regions of Central and South America and the Caribbean. This one lives in Flamingo Gardens, Davie, Florida.
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Top 3 Beaches near Davie, FL
Florida is the place to be in the summer. The sun, sand and surf are all waiting for you in this tropical paradise. With so many beaches to choose from, it can be hard to decide which one best suits your needs. We’ve done the research and compiled a list of our top 3 favorite beaches near Davie, Florida.
Haulover Beach
Haulover Beach is a popular clothing-optional beach just north of Bal Harbour. It is a great place to go for a walk, sunbathe and swim. It's also a great place to go for a picnic or to watch the sunset (or moonrise).
Fort Lauderdale Beach
Fort Lauderdale Beach is located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. It's located on the Atlantic Ocean and Intracoastal Waterway. It's at the western end of Las Olas Boulevard, between Sunrise Boulevard and A1A.
Hollywood Beach
Hollywood Beach is one of the most popular beaches in South Florida, and for good reason. The beautiful white sands, vibrant nightlife, and surfing make it an ideal place to spend your vacation.
If you're looking for fun in the sun on Hollywood Beach:
Go surfing! You'll find plenty of surfers riding waves at any time of day here--even in winter when other beaches are too cold or windy for them.
Shop 'til you drop at one of many shopping centers along Collins Avenue (the main drag). You'll also find tons of restaurants here too!
Flamingo Gardens
Flamingo Gardens is a public park located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The park was designed by the renowned landscape architect Robert Law Weed and opened in 1924 as part of an effort to develop South Florida's tourism industry.
It features many man-made lakes and waterways that make up the Flamingo Fountain, which is one of the largest fountains in North America with its height reaching 150 feet (46 meters). It also hosts many different species of birds including flamingos!
Broward College - A. Hugh Adams Central Campus
Broward College is a public community college serving the residents of Broward County and is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC). The campus offers a wide range of programs leading to associate degrees, technical certificates, transfer credits for baccalaureate studies at universities, and career advancement training through continuing education courses offered by community members who wish to acquire new skills or enhance their current ones.
So there you have it: the three best beaches near Davie, FL. If you're looking for a fun day out with friends or family, head to any one of these beaches!
We hope this article has helped you decide which beach to visit next. Of course, there are many other great beaches in Florida, but these three are our favorites! If you're looking for something specific (like a place to swim with kids or go hiking), check out our other blog posts about the best beaches near Fort Lauderdale and Miami.
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BlckPanda Creative
BlckPanda Creative is a web design and development company based in Davie, FL. They specialize in creating beautiful, responsive websites that are easy for your visitors to use. We also provide SEO services and social media marketing to help you get found online. BlckPanda Creative is a digital marketing agency that specializes in Web Design, Local SEO, Web App Development, Graphic Design and so much more for small to medium businesses. You may find them online using these keywords Website design company, website designer near me, web design Davie, and Website design Davie.
BlckPanda Creative
4001 SW 47th Ave #202, Davie, FL 33314
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theyoungturks · 2 years
Workers are struggling with the high cost of living near Disney World, so the corporate giant will build 1,300 affordable housing units near the park. Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur discuss on The Young Turks. Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET. http://youtube.com/theyoungturks/live Read more HERE: https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/walt-disney-world-selects-developer-for-80-acre-affordable-and-attainable-housing-initiative-in-central-florida-1031918920 "Walt Disney World has selected The Michaels Organization, a prominent and visionary developer known for creating high-quality homes in communities across the country and here in Central Florida, to build, own and operate a new attainable housing development, offering affordable options for qualifying applicants within certain income levels. Walt Disney World will contribute approximately 80 acres of land in southwest Orange County, Florida, for the development, located west of State Road 429 and just a couple of miles from Flamingo Crossings Town Center. This initiative will help offer a viable solution to one of the nation's greatest challenges. The development is expected to include more than 1,300 units." *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ▶ https://www.youtube.com/TheYoungTurks/join SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ☞ http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks FACEBOOK: ☞ http://www.facebook.com/TheYoungTurks TWITTER: ☞ http://www.twitter.com/TheYoungTurks INSTAGRAM: ☞ http://www.instagram.com/TheYoungTurks TWITCH: ☞ http://www.twitch.com/tyt 👕 Merch: http://shoptyt.com ❤ Donate: http://www.tyt.com/go 🔗 Website: https://www.tyt.com 📱App: http://www.tyt.com/app 📬 Newsletters: https://www.tyt.com/newsletters/ If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Watchlist https://www.youtube.com/watchlisttyt Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey https://www.youtube.com/indisputabletyt Unbossed with Nina Turner https://www.youtube.com/unbossedtyt The Damage Report ▶ https://www.youtube.com/thedamagereport TYT Sports ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytsports The Conversation ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytconversation Rebel HQ ▶ https://www.youtube.com/rebelhq TYT Investigates ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwNJt9PYyN1uyw2XhNIQMMA #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews 221116__TB02_Disney_Takes_On_Housing by The Young Turks
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dreamdealsvacations · 2 years
What are Top Tourist Attractions nearby Dream Deals Vacations Miami?
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Miami is beautiful stretch of soft powdery sand beaches with plentiful of beach side activities including beach volleyball, beach football, horseback rides, and beachcombing. People enjoy the beautiful Atlantic coastline backed by tourist-friendly warm sub-tropical weather complimented with local seafood, delicious fusion dishes, & numerous upscale shopping centers. All these vacation ingredients make Miami one of the most visited tourist vacation destination around the globe.
Florida’s south coast is blessed with some of the most reputed beach vacation destinations including Miami, Fort Lauderdale and Hollywood. Bustling streets and upscale resorts equipped with luxury amenities and services entertain tourist in Miami Beach. All-inclusive vacation rentals provide great alternative for vacationer to stay for blissful vacationing with class and style. Group vacation apartment rentals Miami with Dream Deals Vacations are luxury and all-inclusive home away from home for people looking to stay in centrally nestled vacation rental in Miami Beach. Several fine dining restaurants and popular shopping malls are rooted nearby Miami Beach vacation rentals.
Surfing is among the most popular activity in Miami, the Atlantic currents are best to surf the waves. Surfers come to explore the magnificent surfing waves while recreational centers provide fun and entertainment. Dream Deals fully furnished vacation apartment Miami are equipped with TV, WiFi, Pool, parking, games room, fitness room, balcony, theme rooms and fully functional upscale kitchen.
Miami is Florida’s popular coastal city renowned for nightlife, art galleries, dining, shopping, and pristine beaches. The beautiful soft white sandy beaches in Miami act as the relaxing mattress and idyllic playground for vacationer come to experience true beach vibe with luxury and comfort. The diverse cultures & mix cuisine delight entertain visitor for fruitful vacations. The nightlife is second to none, local seafood and tons of entertainment enhances vacation experience of visitors, tantalizing to come again to explore the picturesque landscape in Miami Beach, Florida.
Downtown Miami metropolitan area is the most popular and largest region in the United States, encompassing Central Business District, Art & Entertainment District, Park West, Brickell, and Historic District. Miami Beach in Miami-Dade County needs no introductions as its popularity precedes its reputation. It is premier tourist destination for all age and group of vacationers and tourists. The Atlantic Ocean provides adequate and engaging water sports activities for thrilling beach vacations in the United States.
Top tourist attractions in Miami include Fontainebleau Miami Beach, Ocean Drive, Aet Seco District, the Bass, South Pointe Park Pier, Lincoln Road, Botanical Garden, Lummus Park, Nikki Beach, Holocaust Memorial, North Beach Oceanside Park, World Erotic Art Museum, Mango’s Tropical Café, Flamingo Park, Boardwalk, Golf Club, South Beach, Children’s Museum, Collins Park, Seaquarium, Allison Park, Crandon Park, Greynods Park, Haulover Park, Oleta River State Park, Key Biscayne Beach, and Newport Fishing Pier.
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barclaybadger · 2 years
Florida's Secret Pearl Located In Central Florida - Gears Up For The Holiday Season
Florida’s Secret Pearl Located In Central Florida – Gears Up For The Holiday Season
As the town starts to deck the halls with holiday decorations in the winter, the shimmering lights on the palm trees bordering New Smyrna Beach’s picturesque streets seem even more enchanting. This vibrant seaside town is an ideal vacation location whether for a weekend escape, a weekday retreat, or an extended vacation because it has plenty of lodging options close to the action. The Flamingo…
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christinepeloquin · 4 years
Preview of My Work at the McRae Art Studios Online Auction: August 28-30
Here’s a preview of my work to be featured at the
McRae Art Studios’s C-Note + / Eight x Ten Inches of Art / A Unique ONLINE AUCTION
August 28, 7pm Friday to August 30, 7pm Sunday
Don’t miss this opportunity to take home affordable 8 x 10 inch works of original art from McRae Art Studios artists. More than 100- 8x10 inch 2D and 3D works of art available for sale. Art works include paintings, drawings, photographs, sculptures, ceramics and jewelry. The lively event at Central Florida’s oldest and largest artist collective gives the community a chance to take home a great work of art! As in the previous two years, the event will offer original art works by present McRae artists for sale at $100 each. Online bidders will have a chance to bid on art works in increments of $10, with a buy now option for $250. Free and safe pick up at McRae Art Studios, 1000 Arlington St Orlando, FL 32805 will be available, as well as free delivery to Flamingo Framing if you wish to get your art framed with them. There will be great discounts for pieces purchased at this event! Shipping options will also be available on the auction site. Previews of art work to come! Schedule: Bidding begins August 28 at 7pm Friday night and ends August 30 at 7pm Sunday night.
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St. Petersburg, FL
I love the Saturday morning in St. Petersburg, FL, from October to May. You will enjoy the fresh and organic vegetables and fruits. You can also have local arts and crafts which you will find very beautiful. You will also enjoy the street performers and live music. If you like to socialize, you will do great things with more than 10, 000 people also watching over. You can also have some good times at the outdoor venue. There are lovely spots that have a capacity of more than 2 000 people. However, I am not sure if the pier is now open after it was closed for improvement.
13-Year-Old St. Pete Boy Charged With Murder Of Grandmother
ST. PETERSBURG, FL — St. Peterburg Police have arrested a 13-year-old boy and charged him with second-degree murder in the stabbing death of his grandmother Monday morning.
St. Petersburg Police responded to call of a woman in need of assistance at 634 60th Ave. S. just after 3:30 a.m. Monday.
When officers arrived, they discovered Gloria Davis, 56, dead from multiple stab wounds. Read more here.
Upon reading the title of the article that a 13- year old boy is charged with murder for killing his grandmother, I felt very sad. This boy stabbed his grandmother that causes her death. The victim is Gloria Davis, who was 56 years old, who was found dead in her home in 60th Avenue Street in St. Petersburg. It is very devastating to note that a grandson can do it to his grandmother. She is taking care of him, but how come would he kill her. From the report, it was not clear what the motive was. So, where does this kid learn to stab a person? It could be from violent games. Kids need guidance from their parents. It is not something to ignore.
Sunken Gardens in St. Petersburg, FL
The Sunken Gardens in St. Petersburg, FL, is a lovely one. It has more than 50 000 tropical plants and flowers to enjoy. You can also see some cactus, royal palms, Japanese garden, fruit trees, water lilies, butterfly garden, and even flock of Flamingos. My favorite spots in Sunken Gardens are wedding lawn, koi ponds, beautiful gardens, and tropical birds. It is very calming and gorgeous to look at. I even enjoy watching the birds in the cage, the snapping turtles, and the tortoises. I love stopping by here every time I pass by because I believe that this place is a fantastic gem.
I like Cindy's Florida LLC because of the excellent service that you can get from them to form your Limited Liability Company (LLC). You know it is worthy of forming LLC when you know that it is formed correctly. Florida companies are advantageous because you can form an Anonymous LLC. There are strategies on how to do it, and Cindy's Florida LCC is the best to go to for help. Another advantage is that everything is done online, there is a fast filing time, and there is no need for you to visit Florida at all nor visit the USA. The LLCs are taxable both as S or C-Corps.
Link to maps
Sunken Gardens 1825 4th St N, St. Petersburg, FL 33704, United States Head west toward 4th St N 43 ft Turn left at the 1st cross street onto 4th St N 1.2 mi Turn right onto 1st Ave N 0.3 mi Turn left onto 7th St N 322 ft Turn left onto Central Ave S Destination will be on the left 69 ft Cindy's Florida LLC Formations 695 Central Ave, St. Petersburg, FL 33701, United States
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imagine-me-here · 5 years
The Gingerbread Man (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
Summary: "Christmas, like everything else in Florida, was going to suck..." Jake is stuck in Coral Palms for Christmas, and he wants nothing more than to buy a one-way to ticket to New York and spend it with Amy. But he's a good police officer and an even better boyfriend, so he will have to make do with a gift. Media: Brooklyn Nine Nine Genre: Angst, little bit of fluff Warnings: Mentions of Figgis and accompanying canon-typical violence Word count: 1055 Notes: So in 405 "Halloween IV" when Amy is showing Rosa her virtual binder, I thought I noticed a little plush gingerbread man on her keychain. I couldn't help but wonder how it got there...
Christmas, like everything else in Florida, was going to suck.
Jake didn’t know what he expected--that all the trailer homes would magically transform into cute little brownstones and people would suddenly decide to trade their cargo shirts and muscle tops for tailored suits and tartan dresses? But there were only gaudy lights, plastic flamingos adorned with reindeer antlers, and a cardboard cutout of Santa-on-an-ATV that Todd had put in the shop window.
He missed all the stupid hokey tourist things in New York that he hated and Amy loved: carriage rides through Central Park, FAO Schwarz, the Rockefeller tree, and most of all the snow. Jake felt like a little kid for saying that, and most of the time the Brooklyn snow was more like slush. He complained about it every year, but now there was nothing more that he wanted than to cuddle up with Amy and watch the snow fall.
Instead, Jake spent Christmas Eve driving aimlessly through Coral Palms. After hours of gas stations and trailer parks, he found himself at Fort Lauderdale Hollywood, physically itching to leave. FLL was perhaps the happiest place in Florida, not because it was a nice place--there were rats in customs and gators in the toilets, presumably--but because everyone there knew how close they were to leaving Florida. One ticket, Jake thought. One ticket and I'd be out of here. His feet carried him into Terminal 2 - Domestic Flights. He walked to the counter like he was having an out-of-body experience and nothing was on his control, because nothing was. A 12:50 a.m. to LaGuardia, and he could hold Amy in his arms and tell her everything was going to be okay. “I love you, Ames. To hell with Figgis. To hell with the NYPD. I need to be with you. Not through letters, not over the phone, not in a few years. Now.” And she’d break down sobbing, and she could barely get out a word, and he'd say “Also, Florida is a hell-hole where even the Twinkies are swamp-flavoured, and a man can’t live with humid Twinkies.” Oh God, and now she’s laugh-crying, and she’s happy and smiling and in some ways it's even worse because he knows how likely it is that Figgis could kick down the door any minute and shoot her in the head.
“Sir? Are you alright? Do you want some help? Sir?” He was standing in front of the heavily-lipsticked ticket lady, comatose, unlistening, tears rolling down his cheeks.
“I'm sorry, what? No, I...”
“Do you still want the ticket? One economy ticket to LaGuardia?”
“No, sorry...I...sorry, I have to go. Sorry.”
On his brisk walk from the counter to the sliding doors--this was torture being here, being so close--Jake stopped at the dimly-lit gift shop. Head pillow, corn nuts, earbuds. Jake picked up a pack of Twinkies and a bottle of blue--he was in Florida now (and likely forever), so he might as well lean into it.
“Just these, please.”
On the counter was a faded Christmas display filled with sad little plushie keychains. Anywhere else, they would’ve been cute. But these little guys had been in this godforsaken airport for too long. Every day they watched people come and go--but mostly go--while they were condemned to this sad little shelf on the sad little counter of a sad little gift shop in the saddest place on earth.
“Actually, I’ll take this as well.”
“Good morning, Sarge.”
“Morning, Amy. Hey, were you expecting a package today?”
“No, why?”
“This was addressed to you,” Sarge said, handing Amy a tiny cardboard box. “No return address, no mailing address. Just showed up on the doorstep this morning. I was almost about to put the precinct in lockdown, but look at this.” On the bottom corner of the package, so small she could barely see it, was a symbol drawn in black Sharpie.
“Nakatomi Plaza,” she said. “It’s Jake.”
Amy grabbed the package out of Sarge’s hands and brought it over to her desk. Slicing the tape with her letter opener, she found a note carefully placed on top:
Dear Ames - I love you and I miss you. I miss New York and I miss Christmas. I miss us buying a tree and decorating the house. I miss baking gingerbread cookies and eating them while insisting Die Hard is the best Christmas movie ever made. This is a pretty small post-it note, so I don’t have much room left, but I just needed you to know.
I love you and I miss you.
-- JP
Underneath, wrapped in tissue paper, was a plush keychain, a little gingerbread man.
“I love you and I miss you.”
A year before.
“Jake, how much cookie dough did you eat? This is only our fifth batch and we’re running out. Five batches, triple yield, six cookies per person, plus extra for Captain Holt...we’re 36 cookies below schedule, Jake. 36 cookies!”
“Oh, no, what? This is a disaster!”
“Thank you! This is a disaster!”
“You just got betrayed, son!”
Amy glanced at the phone in his hand.
“Lemme guess, Die Hard? Again? Stupid of me to think you were actually listening.” Overwhelmed, Amy crumpled to the kitchen floor.
“Whoah, Ames,” Jake said. He sat down beside her and tucked his phone back in his pocket. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know how upset you were.”
“No, I’m sorry,” Amy said, wiping tears from her face. “It’s just some stupid cookies. I overreacted. You can go back to watching your movie now.”
“No way, babe. I’m staying here with you.”
“Thanks. It’s not just cookies, you know. It’s just--with the hostage situation and everything, I was really worried about you. I thought you were dead. I just wanted one perfect, normal Christmas. Tree, lights, gingerbread men...”
“Hey, come here.” Jake pulled Amy into his arms. “It’s okay. Being a cop, dating a cop. We know it’d be stressful from the beginning. And yeah, sometimes I hate it. But you know what? I love you. And we’re gonna get through everything, good and bad, yeah?”
“Yeah. I love you.”
“I love you too. And hey,” Jake said, reaching up onto the counter and handing her a cookie. “No matter what happens, we still have gingerbread, right?”
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