#fish scene my beloved 💜
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When with a look, we can surmise all your feelings and thoughts.. longing, nostalgia, heartbreak, love. 💜❤️
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rosewaterandivy · 5 months
The injury of finally knowing you and/or notes on a scene for the WIP game! 💜
Ash my babe & beloved, whatever your little heart desires! 😘
*cracks knuckles*
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Notes on a Scene came to me as a vision. initially, i did not have ambitions to continue to TKAA universe but then best friend Eddie had other plans! it’s my first foray with an alt!reader and i’ve had to rely on my spouse’s immense film collection to carve out the basic touchstones— horror, sci-fi, & film noir. additionally, i thought it would be interesting to have a character acclimating to Hawkins and a pre-existing friend group. so, while Trouble embraces reader with open arms, i think there will be some instances of growing pains and a sense that reader doesn’t belong as well as how fuck buddy Eddie would deal with that. (random group chat snippet below the cut)
Injury of Finally Knowing You is my love letter to Practical Magic and the witchy vibes of my youth! carpenter!Steve is so precious to me— there’s a definite fish out of water concept at play, as well as his struggle with ptsd post-Hawkins and the Upside Down. he’s not as hard-boiled and cowboy as the romantic lead from the novel or film, but they do share the same softness in how they treat others. as you know, i’m operating on pure vibes in that series and am working to lay the groundwork for the inevitable payoff. steve definitely fell first, but that just means reader is going to fall harder, eventually. because she’s stubborn and obstinate on the best day. so it’s going to take a collective effort from the aunts and some scheming friends for steve to get the girl.
💫elite meeting💫
princess 👑: g’mornin plebs, anyone have any gum on them?
save ferris 😎: i take offense, if anything i’m a patrician
trouble 👁️👄👁️: honey no, it’s too early for your ancient rome lecture
dingus 👽: i’ve got juicy fruit, would that help?
princess 👑: what would be a bigger help is you poppin across the hall to watch my gremlins for a minute
dingus 👽: say no more, mon amour
trouble 👁️👄👁️ ‘liked’ this message
wild thing 😜: robs, what’s the hot goss? tell me everything
trouble 👁️👄👁️: would spearmint be okay? i can run a kid down with some
[dingus 👽 sent an image - desktop with a can of liquid death and a pack of saltine crackers, crumbs scattered on the desk mat, minecraft pulled up on the computer screen]
dingus 👽: considering she’s got this shit on her desk, i’d say yeah, run a kid down here real quick
trouble 👁️👄👁️: kk, i’m sending will
save ferris 😎: that’s a tallboy, wtf is she doing with that
wild thing 😜: that’s liquid death, you cretins, it’s canned water. flat or seltzer?
dingus 👽: black, so seltzer i think
princess 👑: aaaand i’m back 😓- thanks robs!
wild thing 😜: all good?
trouble 👁️👄👁️: tell will not to linger! we have writing conferences today
princess 👑: 🫡
princess 👑: nothing to worry about, just the ol’ puke and rally
save ferris 😎: not on rex manning day!
trouble 👁️👄👁️, dingus 👽, princess 👑, and wild thing 😜 ‘liked’ this message
princess 👑: no shame in my game, someone has to set an example to these kids
wild thing 😜: sugar, you gotta stop saying shit like that 😤
dingus 👽: ruh-roh 👀👀👀
save ferris 😎: hold up there, scoob
princess 👑: why, TMI?
trouble 👁️👄👁️: never babe, he’ll just fall even more in love with you is all
wild thing 😜: trouble, 🤜 that’s my fist comin’ for your ass
trouble 👁️👄👁️: 🏃‍♀️💨
wild thing 😜: that’s right, you better run! i know where you live 🔪🔪🔪
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yaffles-world · 2 years
I know this was intended as an ask game, but I simply could not help myself and instead spent an hour writing something no one wanted...
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❤💜 My beloved, Spike Spiegel ❤💜
💜Who kills the spiders? Or who spares them by putting them back outside?💜
If Spike had his way, he would just kill them. If the spider is small he probably wouldn't put in the effort, and neither would I. If the spider was medium, ain't no way am I going to touch it but if I annoy him about it enough he'll put it outside. If it's too big, I'll be hiding behind him as he kills it, screaming.
💜If someone tells you two that you make a cute couple, how do you both respond?💜
Spike is and always will be blushing. He's not dismissive of the idea, but he for one doesn't think he's capable of being a part of anything cute. He'll likely redirect it somehow. Eventually he starts to just mumble a "thanks..."
💜Who is more likely to take care of the household chores? Who’s more likely to cook for the other?💜
Good lord, Spike can't cook. Slowly, he learns one recipe at a time, and will just cook that recipe like once a week for months until he's confident and learns something new. It's never really his forte, but he likes to help out. He's more of a chore guy. He always does difficult gardening stuff - namely mowing and any sort of serious hot and sweaty stuff, which is cliche but he doesn't mind the heat and I very much do. Because I do most of the cooking, he does most of the house chores too. He complains a lot but he always gets them done when they're supposed to be done without any sort of nagging from me, which is nice. 
💜When date night rolls around, are you going to a fancy candle-lit dinner, or are you staying home and watching the stars? Or something completely different that’s special to you guys? Who plans said date night? Is the other surprised?💜
The key has always been variety. Anything goes. Deep down, Spike's a classic gentleman, so a candle lit dinner is certainly on the table, although we aren't really a big fan of high class dining. If it's fancy, it's gonna be like the spaghetti scene from Lady and the Tramp. Campfire in the backyard looking at the stars. Cuddling up in blankets watching an appeasing double feature of romcom followed by action movies with take out food. Going to the beach and eating fish and chips in the sand. All sorts… 
I'm very organized. Spike's...not… But he's been getting better at surprising me. Lots of fun adventures.
💜Do you guys cuddle real close when you sleep? Or do you sleep on separate sides and just cuddle in the morning?💜
Depends slightly on temperature but generally cuddling when going to bed and then in the morning. Some quick kisses and hugs in the middle of the night.
💜Do you have a garden? If so, who takes care of it? Do you plant vegetables or flowers?💜
Yes! We both love the garden. We both take care of it, Spike probably takes more care of it… We like the quiet but also like being active in cultivating that nature. Spike said that he didn't want flowers but I think he secretly did because he takes just as good care of them as the vegetables and other plants. Some wildflowers, lavender and roses.
💜Who carefully picks out all the throw pillows, curtains, table settings, furniture, and general decor? Who sits around reading the newspaper while the decoration process is happening, looking up every five minutes to praise their partner?💜
I am the decorator/planner, definitely. Spike jokes that he'd rather be reading the newspaper… He might - but I drag him around all the shops by his tie. I don't think he minds… If he was busy doing something, it's very likely I'd try and put it together, and then have a complete, frustrated, breakdown… when he gets back he gives cuddles and essentially drags me away from the task...
💜Do you have any pets? If so, who named them? Who’s more protective/clingy of them?💜
Yes - we have 2 cats. A black cat named Sunny, an orange cat named Basil. I'm more clingy of them for sure, but he is more protective. He would never say it though.
💜Who steals the other’s clothes, and does it annoy them?💜
I steal his clothes. All the damn time. Not just for gender affirming but since he's taller as well, it all fits quite well. 80% of the time, I'm wearing at least one item of his clothing. It's so soft and smells like him. He comments on it but he's never genuinely annoyed or anything. It's more like "wow, you look great today ;)." He doesn't fit into that many of mine but he steals one of my jackets so much it's basically his.
💜If you’re married, who proposed? What are your rings like, if you wear any? What was the ceremony like?💜
He proposed :)) We went and had a wonderful day at the beach and were eating a picnic dinner in the sand when he proposed under the stars. Rings are plain, matching, silver bands with the proposal date engraved. The ceremony was simple but lovely - we had close family and friends over, rented out a brick walled bar and function space and ate good food, drank good drinks, and danced to good music.
💜If you went on vacation/honeymoon, where did you go? The beach? The mountains? The road in an RV? Paris, the city of love?💜
2 weeks in the French countryside. Going on picnics and little walks, going out into the town center and marketplaces to get produce, just having a very idyllic time. 
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leonpob · 11 months
~ Thai BL Favorites List ~
I was tagged by the bestie 💜 @gunsatthaphan
Favorite Thai BL: This is a very difficult question 🙃 I will tell you my top right now A Tale of A Thousand Stars, Be My Favorite(is coming for my beloved show) and Cutiepie
Favorite Pairing: Earthmix, OffGun, JimmySea, Forcebook, PondPhuwin, Zeenunew
Most underrated actor: I am going to say Gawin Caskey. He finally got his main role and he is crushing it!!
Favorite Character: This is such a difficult question as well 😬 I am going to throw a curveball and say Fah from Sky in Your Heart. I just identified with him so much.
Favorite Side Character: I am going to go with Longtae in 1000 Stars because well Khaotung.
Favorite scene in a BL:
There are two scenes I have watched the most and they are the following: end of Fish Upon the Sky with NeoLouis and PondPhuwin I have never laughed so hard in my life and the end of 1000 Stars where Tian makes Phupha act cute to get on the bed and then the house is shaking as Yod walks by.
If we are going to be cute then I would say Sound and Win talking after Sound plays the song for him on their trip. I just love WinnySatang
Favorite line in a BL: I don’t know if I can find a favorite line hmmm Wait!! I know. You’re so Sodium Radium Potassium 😍
Most Anticipated BL (& why): Only Friends because of the cast and the story. It just looks like it’s going to be so good. Also excited for Dangerous Romance and Cooking Crush because PerthChimon intrigue me. Also OffGun 🤷🏻‍♀️ Omggggg I almost forgot my beloved Last Twilight. Shame on me 😩
Healthiest relationship in a BL: I am going to go with GunCher in A Boss and A Babe. They communicated all the time and it just felt so healthy.
Most toxic relationship in a BL: The ones that comes to mind immediately are TharnType and NoKengla.
Guilty pleasure series: I have to go with Sotus because that was my first BL and it brought me into this world. I loved Kongpob Arthit so much. Also Secret Crush on You because it was such crack 😂😂
This was so difficult. I don’t know if anyone wants to do it. Go ahead. I won’t tag you lol.
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purplehoodiesimon · 2 years
Good morning everyone daily reminder that this:
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is the love of my short little life 💜💜💜
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sitp-recs · 3 years
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Happy happy birthday @dragontamerdame!! No better way to celebrate one of my favorite Drarry artists than gushing about her incredible work and selecting a few pieces that speak for themselves about Ash’s skills, sensitivity and versatility as an artist. Every new masterpiece she publishes blows my mind and becomes my new favorite thing, I’ll spend hours checking every tiny detail and appreciating the amount of story, emotion and character Ash manages to incorporate in each piece.
Here are some of my personal favorites in no particular order, but before that let me scream again about the perfect art she made for @the-starryknight’s scorching Sleight of Hand. I still don’t know how Ash managed to get exactly what I had in my mind when I read the scene, and her luscious art translated the fic’s sexy and tense atmosphere on another level, oof 🔥
Make sure to check and reblog these lovely works to celebrate this talented, kind and supportive friend we’re lucky to have in our fandom!
Drarry faves ❤️
1. Can we start obsessing over her latest break up make up piece?? God, the amount of feels this gave me. I cannot believe how Ash came up with such perfect, detailed facial expressions (!!!), they reflect tenderness, regret, surprise and hope, all at once. A heartbreaking yet hopeful piece, and also a sweet love letter to the ship and to this trope which happens to be one of my personal favorites!
2. Eccentric town fortune teller ftw please and thank! I keep coming back to this art because it’s so damn refreshing - not only made in this gorgeous color palette which was a personal treat - but this is a classic example of how bold, creative and powerful Ash is as a storyteller. I love how she imagined and executed this concept and I’m dying to know the story behind it. Harry’s confident smile and outfit blows my mind and I feel as smitten as blushing Draco watching him use those long, smart hands 😌
3. Now reccing for the 47827258 time my comfort comics, the soft and heartwarming Erised piece following Harry and Draco’s post-war journey where they bond over little Teddy, plus my beloved yoga instructor!Draco (with the cutest chibis by @cibeewastaken as a treat!) that made me smile stupid for the rest of the week. I keep coming back to these little stories that represent so well some of my favorite tropes in fic with the mature, gentle and easy falling in love we all cheer for and appreciate. Ash explores both nsfw and soft atmospheres so well in her art, it makes me wanna join that little world and learn more about those characters, their individual journeys and their life together. What a treat!
Rare pairs 💜
Whenever I see a rare pairs fest going on I get super excited at the idea of Ash joining in with her fabulous take on triads and poly ships! This particular art hits me right in the feels, it’s so so soft and domestic it makes me wanna read that story right away. Give me Ron living his best life with those two kind, gorgeous and smart women anytime - and have you noticed the amount of details in their bedroom?? This is probably one of my favorite backgrounds ever, and it shows how much attention and care Ash puts into each work. A comforting piece for a comforting ship! By the way @caroll-in just posted a lovely Ron/Hermione/Luna art to celebrate Ash’s bday and it’s glorious, go check it out!
1. exCUSE ME, I still remember feeling “dead and buried” and losing my fucking mind over this piece when I first saw it. I spent five minutes gaping like a fish, then proceeded to reblog with some incoherent tagging (“LEGS!!!! CURLS!!!”). As a long-haired Drarry enthusiastic this is hands down one of my all-time favorite nsfw artworks, lush and sexy without losing that domestic tenderness, be still my heart. If you haven’t checked the brilliant and scorching in knots by @bonesliketambourines you’re definitely missing out, go read it now and indulge yourself!!!!
2. I cannot even do words to express how much I adore and lust over this power bottom Harry. The BDE he gives off is beyond the charts and I’m forever arrested by that stare of pure and arrogant confidence and purpose. It’s like Harry’s seeing right through me, daring us all to look away, and I love how Ash incorporated the smoking trope to establish his defiance and give the piece a sexy & mysterious tone. To think an explicit artwork could make me focus solely on those (very green!) eyes... absolutely mindblowing! 🔥
3. Finally a magnificent character study: Draco in lingerie! I’m unashamedly obsessed with how good and real he looks in this, he displays such power sitting like a boss, those luscious thighs all spread, the body hair and belly button and shiny jewelry and have I said the way the soft and detailed red lace hugs his curvy body is sending me?? I freaking love his badass attitude and how comfortable he looks in his own skin. Can you picture Harry’s nosebleed from across the room because I totally can 😏👌🏼
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myladyofmercy · 2 years
👑 Young Royals 👑
Just a hodgepodge of asks to get to know your favorites and gush some more about YR (one day it’ll be enough right?). Share your thoughts dears! 💜
thank you for the tag 😊 @books-books-smolderinglooks
(and yes I will add gifs)
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(yes the horny one is very good too but I love the smiling into the kiss so much)
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(the lucia hug has just so much emotion especially when you know what's coming. and the soundtrack is *chef's kiss* samurai swords my beloved)
Foreheads touching
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(yes definitely the first kiss one. the tension. THE FUCKING TENSION)
Hand holding
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(often overlooked in the hand holding category tbh)
Wille and Simon outfits
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(hot lesbian wille my beloved)
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(purple hoodie my beloved)
OST song
(but also I love SMS it's my new alarm sound)
Share a moment that
Made you cry (happy or sad tears):
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(when everything goes to shit)
Made you smile big:
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(fish scene my beloved)
Made you want to throw your screen against a wall:
august filming wille and simon having sex. obviously.
Fish scene, first time or morning after scene?
I love the fish scene, but the morning after scene has a special place in my heart. the music. the lighting. the pure bliss.
Moment you knew this show was something special:
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(this look right here)
Quote you love:
jag älskar dig
hoppas du får en fin jul
tack simon
Who would you want to be friends with first (or be BFFs) if you went to Hillerska?
would probably vibe the most with simon or maddie
Pick a song you like that you feel could be Wille’s, Simon’s or Wilmon’s anthem:
I have 2 songs I love and that make me think of them so much
Show me a scene that when you see it, makes you want to rewatch the show right then and there:
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(lake scene my beloved)
I couldn't include a gif for everything. damn you tumblr.
this was lovely tho 💕
gonna tag (without pressure as always) @swedishyr @hanna-kin @myworldisfictional @myyoungroyalsblog @cantputitintowords
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chequerootlurks · 2 years
On my breaks, I read at my desk. It’s an open-office set-up, so we don’t have cubicles.
I’m reading a book titled “Without Shame: Learning to be Me” by Connelly Akstens. It’s a signed copy. She’s a friend of my parents.
“Without Shame is about my transgender life, but it’s also about my beloved grandfather, Boston and Cape Cod, my bohemian aunt, a duck in a burlap bag, my eccentric parents, a blowout party for the ages, strange and wonderful restaurants, a worm’s eye view of big-time college basketball, the Cambridge music scene in the ’60s, Woodstock in the ’70s, a lunatic dog and four tuxedo cats, ball lightning, a wedding dress, my years as an Adirondack fly fishing guide, the world’s seediest hotel, my long career in music, treasured friends and students, marriage, beachcombing and mortality.”
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Born in 1947, Connelly was assigned male at birth.
When coworkers ask what I’m reading, I tell them. My field is male-dominated (*waves a hand*) but there majority of staff are also het. To date, I haven’t knowingly encountered another queer coworker.
It’s been interesting to see the reactions of people from my department slowly move from “you’re LGBTQIA, but you’re not like them so it’s cool” —
(I don’t know who “them” are. *shrugs*)
— To “Oh, I never really thought about it like that,” and indirectly grow more open-minded, especially towards transwomen.
I guess I come across as non-threatening, and a safe person for them to ask questions to. One would be surprised how many apparently cishet men come over, pull up a chair, and quietly ask me questions.
Now, I know not every person in the queer rainbow is like this, not interested in talking. But I’ve got pride tags on my key-ring, it’s not a secret. I welcome the approach.
If it helps even one person feel more at ease, and indirectly more supportive, then that’s a good thing.
My family knew Connelly by her birth name for most of my life. To be honest, I didn’t even know she was trans till I got a call:
“Hey, remember ______? Well’s her name’s Connelly now. We were wondering if you’d like a copy of her book?”
Absolutely I did!
I’ve recommended her book to my coworkers who’ve asked, for the same reason that I’ll recommend it here:
Being a woman has always been part of Connelly’s identity, but it’s not the sole summation of her life. This book is a memoir filled with short stories, some humourous, some moving.
In Connelly’s own words:
“I’m nobody’s victim, and this is not a ‘Me and My Miserable Trans-gender Life’ book.’ .. [It’s] easy to fall into [an apologetic mindset] when you’re not like everyone else.”
At the end of the day, my colleagues are realizing just how “normal,” non-threatening, and “like me” the queer community can be.
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My heart is yours It's you that I hold on to.. 💜🧡
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32 days till more Wilmon moments to make us scream.. ❤️❤️
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They don't have names. 💜🧡
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❤️❤️ For Wille only. ❤️❤️
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Not fake (real) 💕
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purplehoodiesimon · 2 years
YR Scenes Ranked
10. You
9. Can't
8. Rank
7. Perfection
6. They
5. Are
4. All
3. So
2. Good
1. Fish scene my beloved 💜
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