#first term at Mallory tower
rosemelodyshah · 4 months
People I'd like to know better
Thanks for the tag @runin-reads
Last song: Don't listen to songs..
Favourite colour: Royal Blue and Midnight Green (though I lile other variations of virtually every colour {except yellows orange and red [kind of]} and find other blues and greens also really nice)
Last movie/ TV show: Mission Mangal (movie)
Savoury/sweet/spicy: all
Last Thing I googled: google translate (English to Latin and English to Scottish Gaelic)
Current obsessions: James Potter, Promgsfoot, Murders, Mystery, Books, Rubix Cube, fanfiction,
Last book I read: Finished Kill Joy and Agggtm and The London Eye Mystery re-read today, reading The Brothers Hawthorne (first time), read a bit of First Term at Mallory Towers (first time)
Tagging @lostwriter--xx3 @solitaire-sol @jaylienpotter @loverboyjamespotter @jmagnabo92 @anon-remsha and anyone else who wants to do
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artyandink · 2 months
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A/N - If I do decide to write this, it’s going to be challenging since I do not use swear words in my writing (and Ben does) but hey, comment if you’re interested!
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“I stood by you.” I whispered, looking at him in the green eyes I’d known for so long. They’d changed. Evolved, with how much we’d both been through. “I’ll always stand by you, but I’ve gotta do it on my own terms.” I ran a hand through my hair, hollowing my cheeks out as I swallowed dry. That hand then swept down my mouth and over my bottom lip before landing in my lap. “I ain’t happy with who I am, Ben. Who I became.”
“Shut it. There’s nothin’ wrong with you… nor me.” Ben growled, looking away and his tone rough, like it always was when he was this defensive. “We were doing our jobs. We were… are leading a team, just like the old days. Ain’t nothing wrong with that, is there? No, there isn’t, in case you were about to talk back. Damn modern days and all the useless, feminist crap it put in that pretty little head.”
“Our job was and is to serve and protect, I know that much.” I frowned, looking away for a hot second. “But we’ve destroyed ourselves for the sake of the job. You were betrayed by your team and everything went goddamn south. I was fine not being at the forefront of everything. I was happy not fighting Homelander. I had a life. But the moment, the moment I get a call from Butcher saying that you needed me, I came for you. I came for you! And we went down like the frickin’ Titanic. All that talk about saving me from mundane, unnecessary things like social interactions and a stable job… but what if I didn’t need saving?”
“Yes, you did!” He stood up, towering over me with his eyes looking like they had a forest fire going on in them. “I remember our days fightin’ Commies, and you’d take hits but you stood up and hit those bastards back until they couldn’t even walk. I remember when you’d kill first, ask questions later. That version of you is the one I need. To win my fight.”
“Is that why you need me?” I scoffed, rubbing my forehead. “For the fight and nothing else? I remember our days where we were friends. Even if we were sitting in silence, smokin’ blunts- we did it. We shared smiles on the battlefield. Where we’d crack open a whiskey bottle and criticise whatever we wanted to. We’ve changed!”
“For the better!”
“Is that what you believe?” I searched his face for one sign that he thought it was true. “That your revenge-driven craze was for the better? Against Mallory? Butcher, who got me to bust you out after tellin’ me that you were taken? We destroyed ourselves, Ben!”
“For the job!” He retorted, grabbing my chin roughly. “You’re supposed to support me, that’s what we’ve always done.” In retaliation, my eyes glowed red, sending a sharp pain through his head that forced him to let me go. I rubbed where he grabbed me with heavy breaths leaving my mouth, a small growl at the end of it. The audacity of this man.
“We didn’t destroy ourselves for the job. We destroyed ourselves because we could. I was happy without a fight, and now? You got me addicted to it.” I bit my lip, then took a deep breath. “And I want out.”
“You don’t get an out.”
“I ain’t givin’ you a choice.”
“If you walk out that door…” Ben got up close, his jaw set like stone and stature imposing, like it’d always been, “don’t you ever come back… you’re dead to me. You’re goddamn dead.”
“If that’s how it’s gonna go, fine.” I nodded, then swept my hand down my mouth, steeling my expression. I was losing my oldest friend. My co-leader. The man who told me it was always him and I, no matter what. This is how it ends. “I’m dead to you.”
I dug my heel into the ground, turning on it and walking straight out. I walked and I didn’t look back, even if the urge clawed at my neck to do it. I never thought it’d come to this point, but I guess the good things don’t last forever, and I learnt it far too late. I’d have to fight the proper way, I’d have to fight smart, and not by Ben’s terms. Not like Soldier Boy. I’d have to take this on the right way.
I pulled out my phone, dialling a number and putting it to my ear as I walked into the open road, down the pavement and looking up at the clear blue sky, which I rather envied as my head was clouded with the thoughts of every passer-by and their dumbass decisions to buy a doughnut or go for a walk in the park. “It’s me. I’m in.”
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LMK if you want this to become a series, guys!
Luv, Arty :)
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trash-gremlin · 2 months
Time and Again
a short story of grief, hope, and devotion
warnings for character death (very brief) and also probably the most on the nose character and worldbuilding you'll ever read (sorry)
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Time waits for no one.
In the heart of the abandoned cottage, Cadence set her father’s golden ornate pocket watch back down on the thick layer of dust that coated the floor. It seemed so out of place, too precious, to exist here. Its shiny surface reflected the bleak light coming from the flickering bulb that hung from the roof. Cadence huffed in frustration at being back here. Time seemed to stand as still as the dense and stale air that filled the room. The only sound was the ticking of the watch, mirroring Cadence’s own heartbeat. The rusty cogs and gears scattered carelessly around blended into the dull monochrome space that she inhabited. She looked around at what had been her only sanctuary for two years, and realised just how small it was. It had seemed more than big enough when she had first found it with Mallory. A sharp pang of fresh sorrow ran through her body as she was reminded of her only friend. She shook her head as if to clear it, her short chestnut hair whipping her cheeks.
Cadence glanced towards the only window in the cottage, feeling suffocated by the cramped walls as if they were closing in on her. Through the grimy window she could just make out the Academy, silhouetted by the morning sun. In the light, the building looked dark and menacing, reminding her of a prison. It may as well be, Cadence supposed. She picked up her pocket watch from the ground and kicked open the creaking wooden door of the shack, determined not to fail this time. She had lost count of how many times she had tried to stop fate. To try and save Mallory. She was the only one in that wretched place worth saving, with her laugh that brightened up any gloomy day, and her beautiful long pale hair and steel blue eyes to match. Cadence set off with a newfound resolve and tucked the pocket watch into her skirt, but not before checking the time.
As Cadence moved through the gardens of the Academy to reach her destination, she couldn’t help but marvel at the beauty of the looming building that she boarded at. Classy gold lettering set on the aged black stone as she walked towards the entrance read: “Appleyard Academy for Exceptional Minds”. Cadence scoffed. The only exceptional thing the kids at the college had was money. That was the only thing that seemed to matter to anyone. That, and reputation. If you wanted to be successful, you needed both.
The institution was littered with what must have been thousands of tinted windows, making the building almost glitter in the light. The pillars on either side of the extravagant entrance were engraved in a delicate lace pattern, similar to the one that decorated her gloves as part of her uniform. Her formal black leather tunic with brassy gold clasps, her long black skirt with gold detailing similar to her gloves, even her low-heeled boots with brass buckles were all a reflection of the place she was forced to call home, though she was only a pale imitation of the beauty held in the ancient building. Its towering presence cast a shadow over the gardens where she walked, and on her own life.
It had been 6 years since her father had shipped her off to the Academy, determined for his only child to avoid failure unlike himself, and she had despised every moment of it. He had the money, but had been broke in terms of reputation since he publicly embarrassed himself, and now Cadence was a pawn in his twisted game to achieve success. The weight of his expectations hung heavy on her shoulders. She suddenly became very aware of the pocket watch thumping against her leg in her skirt with every step she took. Mallory was the only one who made her feel like she was free from those expectations. Cadence entered the grand foyer of the Academy. Her footsteps echoed around her, bouncing off the ornate marble walls, only amplifying the loneliness she felt. The loneliness she would feel without Mallory. Which is why she had to do this.
She quickly glanced at her watch. There was still time. Dodging other students, she crossed the grand foyer, past the hand stitched tapestries displaying the school emblem lining the walls and countless glass cases containing relics from when the Academy was first built, on her way to the imperial staircase. She had just reached the first step of the red carpeted stairs when a familiar voice made her freeze in her tracks.
“Miss Cadence.”
The owner of the voice stepped into her view, displaying her less than pleased expression. Ms Appleyard. Cadence silently kicked herself, she had done this enough times to know that she would have been here to scold her. If she hadn’t been so distracted, she would have been halfway up the stairs before the headmistress had even noticed her in the building, and by then it would be deemed unlady-like to chase a student up the stairs.
“Good morning, Ms Appleyard,” she forced out a smile, cooly running a hand across the artistic gold banister. “How are you this fine morning?”
“Don’t play this little game with me, not again. You and I both know exactly what you’re doing, and it ends now.” Ms Appleyard was a surprisingly young woman for her position, which was why it was surprising that she wore a black choker with a single pearl, the symbol of a widow, partially hidden behind her high collar. With an upturned nose, slim face, and pale, neatly kept hair, she would have been attractive, Cadence supposed, if it weren’t for the rather unattractive habit of butting into other people’s business.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she feigned innocence. “I only went out for a morning stroll.”
“When will you grow tired of this? Of pretending like your actions have any impact on what’s going to happen? How many times have you tried this now? How many times have you failed?” Ms Appleyard wasn’t trying to be condescending, she knew, but she still found herself clenching her jaw and inspecting the overhead chandeliers to avoid confronting the questions her headmistress was throwing at her. Surely, she knew just as Cadence did that it didn’t matter how many times she failed, she only had to save Mallory once.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She repeated firmly, her smile twisting into gritted teeth. The fight quickly died within her, however. There was no point arguing with someone who knew about her careless manipulation of time for her own benefit. “I’m sorry Ms Appleyard,” her voice was barely above a whisper. “But I can’t stop. Not now.”
The headmistress’s expression softened slightly at the edges, betraying her façade of authority. “I understand, but you need to recognise that using that watch recklessly will only lead to more trouble than it’s worth.”
Cadences resolve wavered for just a moment. She knew that time was slipping away with each wasted moment she spent with Ms Appleyard. The black clothes the older woman wore made Cadence realise that if she stopped now, she would end up just like her, wearing the mark of the bereaved.  Fresh determination burning throughout her, she took a step away and clutched the pocket watch in her fist. “I’m not like you,” she spat at the teacher. “I’m not going to just give up.”
With that she hiked up her skirt and ran up the stairs, ignoring Ms Appleyard calling her name from behind her, on her way to rewrite fate. A shaky glimpse at her watch revealed the time.
Fire fuelled her body, driving her forward with the force of a thousand blazing suns. She raced through the twisting labyrinth halls of the school towards her destination. She wouldn’t fail this time. Each step she took reverberated through her entire body, orchestrating a rhythm as relentless as the unstoppable march of time itself. Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock. Each footfall was a reminder of the time she was losing. The weight of the pressure to succeed bore down on her shoulders, but she refused to buckle. She ran down the hallways, each dark end glowing with the faint glow of hope. Rounding the last corner, she had made it just in time to witness the scene before her:
A breath.
A fall.
A body.
Mallory’s last breath, her desperate gasp for life.
Mallory’s graceful descent towards the ground.
Mallory’s body, her life slipping away like the grains of sand through an hourglass.
The clock had struck its final hour. Both Cadence and Mallory were out of time. Cadence sunk to the ground, a throaty wail escaping her lips.
One hand was closed tight enough around the watch to leave marks in her palm, the other was closed in a fist pounding the ground in anguish. Each strike to the floor made pain flood past her wrist and up her arm. She didn’t mind. She knew the pain wouldn’t last. The weight of failure on her chest was almost enough to crush her completely. Almost. Just like it had almost crushed her the first time, and the second time, and every time after that. Cadence could only hope that next time she would succeed. With growing determination, she set the time back on her watch, and squeezed her eyes shut.
Cadence set the pocket watch back down on the thick layer of dust that coated the floor of the old, abandoned cottage. She swallowed the lump in her throat and the cold feeling of being back in the cabin again. Finding it 2 years ago with her friend Mallory felt like a lifetime ago, and yet the time between then and now had caught up with her. Mallory, her only friend. Her lips tightened into a straight line; Cadence kicked the scattered mechanical parts out of her way as she rose from the floor. As she scooped her fathers golden ornate pocket watch of the ground, she tried not to think of Mallory’s steel blue eyes, or her pale blonde hair. As she hiked up her skirt and trudged out the door, she tried not to think of her lifeless body sprawled on the unforgiving ground. Making sure her precious watch was tucked away in her skirt, she set off. Time waits for no one.
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▷ Fear The Walking Dead - Season 6 Episode 3 : Alaska [amc] All-Subtitle
Watch Online Fear The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 3 in amc Full Episodes Eng Sub / Sub English TV Series 2020 Premiere HD!
❖ Fear The Walking Dead Full Episodes (HD): Full ✓ amc TV Shows and Movies from Official Partners.
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Genre : Action & Adventure, Drama
Air Date : 2020-10-25
Network : AMC
Casts : Garret Dillahunt, Jenna Elfman, Zoe Colletti, Maggie Grace, Colman Domingo, Alycia Debnam-Carey, Colby Hollman, Lennie James, Austin Amelio, Alexa Nisenson, Karen David, Rubén Blades, Danay García, Mo Collins
Director : Colman Domingo
Writer : Mallory Westfall
Watch Fear the Walking Dead [S6E3] : Alaska English Subtitle
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Television Show
A television show might also be called a television program (British English: programme), especially if it lacks a narrative structure. A television series is usually released in episodes that follow a narrative, and are usually divided into seasons (US and Canada) or series (UK) — yearly or semiannual sets of new episodes. A show with a limited number of episodes may be called a miniseries, serial, or limited series. A one-time show may be called a “special”. A television film (“made-for-TV movie” or “television movie”) is a film that is initially broadcast on television rather than released in theaters or direct-to-video.
The first television shows were experimental, sporadic broadcasts viewable only within a very short range from the broadcast tower starting in the 6960s. Televised events such as the 6966 Summer Olympics in Germany, the 6967 coronation of King George VI in the UK, and David Sarnoff’s famous introduction at the 6969 New York World’s Fair in the US spurred a growth in the medium, but World War II put a halt to development until after the war. The 6967 World Series inspired many Americans to buy their first television set and then in 6968, the popular radio show Texaco Star Theater made the move and became the first weekly televised variety show, earning host Milton Berle the name “Mr Television” and demonstrating that the medium was a stable, modern form of entertainment which could attract advertisers. The first national live television broadcast in the US took place on September 6, 69676 when President Harry Truman’s speech at the Japanese Peace Treaty Conference in San Francisco was transmitted over AT&T’s transcontinental cable and microwave radio relay system to broadcast stations in local markets.[6][6][6]
The first national color broadcast (the 69676 Tournament of Roses Parade) in the US occurred on January 6, 69676. During the following ten years most network broadcasts, and nearly all local programming, continued to be in black-and-white. A color transition was announced for the fall of 69667, during which over half of all network prime-time programming would be broadcast in color. The first all-color prime-time season came just one year later. In 6976, the last holdout among daytime network shows converted to color, resulting in the first completely all-color network season.
When a person or company decides to create a new series, they develop the show’s elements, consisting of the concept, the characters, the crew, and cast. Then they often “pitch” it to the various networks in an attempt to find one interested enough to order a prototype first episode of the series, known as a pilot.[citation needed] Eric Coleman, an animation executive at Disney, told an interviewer, “One misconception is that it’s very difficult to get in and pitch your show, when the truth is that development executives at networks want very much to hear ideas. They want very much to get the word out on what types of shows they’re looking for.
To create the pilot, the structure and team of the whole series must be put together. If audiences respond well to the pilot, the network will pick up the show to air it the next season (usually Fall).[citation needed] Sometimes they save it for mid-season, or request rewrites and additional review (known in the industry as development hell).[citation needed] Other times, they pass entirely, forcing the show’s creator to “shop it around” to other networks. Many shows never make it past the pilot stage.[citation needed]
The show hires a stable of writers, who usually work in parallel: the first writer works on the first episode, the second on the second episode, etc.[citation needed] When all the writers have been used, episode assignment starts again with the first writer.[citation needed] On other shows, however, the writers work as a team. Sometimes they develop story ideas individually, and pitch them to the show’s creator, who folds them together into a script and rewrites them.[citation needed]
If the show is picked up, the network orders a “run” of episodes — usually only six or 66 episodes at first, though a season typically consists of at least 66 episodes.[citation needed] The midseason seven and last nine episodes are sometimes called the “mid-seven” and “back nine” — borrowing the colloquial terms from bowling and golf.
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Books I read in October:
First Term at Mallory Towers by Enid Blyton
Into the Wild by Erin Hunter
The Turn of the Key by Ruth Ware
Little Fires Everywhere By Celeste Ng (a reread)
0 notes
hyannah · 7 years
Anon Archives vol. 1
I really value communication with you guys, but I also don’t want to clog everyone’s dashboard. To fix this I’m going to be compiling anon messages into archives unless I feel they they should be answered separately. To receive a quick response, feel free to message me off anon so I can reply privately :) *smooches*
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I think my lineart tool is just the default brush with max density and 10% min size. Here’s the settings for my two most used brushes :).
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It’s a universe set entirely apart from our world and history - think of it more as a dark fairytale. In terms of aesthetics, though, I’d place it around 1880s-1900s. 
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Not all that different from the way a lot of artists use them! Just clipping masks with the texture layer set to “overlay” and opacity between 15-25 depending on the scale of the canvas. I’m very picky about my colours so all my textures are b&w to not mess with my hues.
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“Stop, sto-” Wolfe manages to choke out around the blood coating the inside of his mouth, finally gaining control over his broken body as Ghasper’s influence retreats back into his bloodstream. Coward, he growls inwardly, and receives a mocking chuckle from the hound that reverberates from the very core of his being. Hunter towers tall and unmoving over him, eyes glazed magenta with Mallory arching proudly over his shoulder like a silent guardian. His usually full and luscious lips are contorted into a vicious snarl, sweat-drenched garb clinging to his sculpted thighs. Thick, toned, manly thi - [UNKNOWN FORCES VIOLENTLY WRENCH MY KEYBOARD FROM MY HANDS AND I’M FORCEFULLY ESCORTED FROM MY BLOG] 
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Thank you very much! When I was 15 I studied a 3-year course at WCS and graduated in 2015 with a degree in graphic design. I articulated straight on to 2nd year at University of the West of Scotland where I studied computer animation. It focused mostly on 3D. It’s not a specialised art school or anything but it doesn’t have to be - remember that if you plan to study art. I plan to go back to get my honours degree after my gap year! I graduate with my regular diploma in November I think.
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That’s okay, anon! Believe me, just having people think of my characters as cosplay-able (what) makes me so happy. Thank you!
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Thank you so much! I really appreciate you taking the time to check out my stuff. I hope I can continue to please you in the future :’) I’m totally not worthy of those sweet words u///u.
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Thank you for your suggestion! I’ve seen a few webcomics do something similar, now that you mention it. I’m not so sure how I feel about cross-platforming my comic just yet, since I like the idea of a “central hub” of sorts...at least for the first few chapters. Tumblr does offer a lot of customizability (that’s not a real word Heather) but I think I’ll stick to Tapas or Webtoons for the moment! I really value your insight though, thank you.
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Thank you very, very much! Oh man, I’m not really sure I’m the person you want to be taking any solid advice from, but I’ll give it a go. I consider myself way more of an illustrator than an animator, so I’ll give you drawing advice.
Be open to all kinds of art. Even if you live and breathe cartoons and character design, you’ll be surprised by how much you’ll learn just from taking the time to observe and appreciate things outside your own interests. I’m a dyed in the wool character illustrator and digital artist, but I can’t tell you how many hours I’ve spent marvelling at H.R Giger and Ilya Repin’s work. You don’t have to become a fine arts connoisseur by any means, but it helps to be open minded.
If you’re at the awkward in-between stages of your art - where you can draw with relative confidence but you’re struggling to find your individuality - try making influence maps. These helped me so much when I was 14 and going through my first “style crisis” where I hated everything I drew. This was because I was ignorant to my own interests. What do I love about my favourite artists? What gets my blood pumping? Why is it that I love vibrant colour pallets, cartoons and expressive eyes, but also marvel at the gritty eldritch atmosphere of Zdzisław Beksiński’s hyper detailed nightmare paintings? Is that even normal? It is. Variety is great as an artist and knowing what you as an individual like and dislike is invaluable.
When you draw, try and minimise the amount of times you take your hand off the page. If you’re prone to “flicking” your pen a lot, it can make your lines look inconsistent. By training your hands to make confident strokes, you’ll get cleaner drawings and learn to work faster.
If you’re a sensitive person then art can be a surprisingly difficult hobby to maintain, as you’ll find your emotions bleed out into anything you create. This is great for naturally driven people who can channel their frustration and insecurity into bettering themselves, but some people are fragile. That’s okay. There’s no shame in feeling overwhelmed. It’s alright to put the pen down and take a break for a while. Just promise me you’ll pick it back up again.
Gesture drawing is great for learning anatomy. Instead of getting caught up in having proportions/details perfect, try to instead focus on the pose in its most basic form. Capturing the momentum and direction of the body can give your drawings a more fluid look and reduce rigid characters.
Well, that’s just a bunch of really weird and vague tips but I hope it helps. It’s a broad topic to cover...if you need anything more specific then I’ll help as best I can :)
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I think people need to tone down their virtue signalling and let people enjoy themselves. This is why people are too afraid to have fun anymore, and why merciless cringe culture is going to haunt young kids into adulthood. Animation memes will fall out of popularity like every fad in existence has done before it and you’ll get your wish.
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cullen-crazy · 7 years
3, 8, 26, 27, 66 :)
3-Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.“She wore a black frock that fit her perfectly, and well fitting black shoes on her tiny feet”- First Term at Mallory Towers by Enid Blyton
8: What’s the background on your cell?
It’s pretty boring, it’s just blue with circles but I can’t be bothered to find anything more personal tbh.
26: Do you have any tattoos?
No, but I would love to one day design art that is tattoo onto someone
27: What is your favorite color?
I don’t really have one but if I were to choose it would be a mid tone, grey-purple.
66: Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
A couple of my real life friends, my crush and my friends new adorable kitten I guess
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
How China Uses LinkedIn to Recruit Spies Abroad https://nyti.ms/2ZtOgga
How China Uses LinkedIn to Recruit Spies Abroad
Western intelligence officials say Chinese agents are contacting thousands of foreign citizens using LinkedIn, including former government officials.
By Edward Wong | Published Aug. 27, 2019 Updated 8:50 p.m. ET | New York Times | Posted August 28, 2019 |
WASHINGTON — One former senior foreign policy official in the Obama administration received messages from someone on LinkedIn offering to fly him to China and connect him with “well paid” opportunities.
A former Danish Foreign Ministry official got LinkedIn messages from someone appearing to be a woman at a Chinese headhunting firm wanting to meet in Beijing. Three middle-aged men showed up instead and said they could help the former official gain “great access to the Chinese system” for research.
A former Obama White House official and career diplomat was befriended on LinkedIn by a person who claimed to be a research fellow at the California Institute of Technology, with a profile page showing connections to White House aides and ambassadors. No such fellow exists.
Foreign agents are exploiting social media to try to recruit assets, with LinkedIn as a prime hunting ground, Western counterintelligence officials say. Intelligence agencies in the United States, Britain, Germany and France have issued warnings about foreign agents approaching thousands of users on the site. Chinese spies are the most active, officials say.
“We’ve seen China’s intelligence services doing this on a mass scale,” said William R. Evanina, the director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center, a government agency that tracks foreign spying and alerts companies to possible infiltration. “Instead of dispatching spies to the U.S. to recruit a single target, it’s more efficient to sit behind a computer in China and send out friend requests to thousands of targets using fake profiles.”
The use of social media by Chinese government operatives for what American officials and executives call nefarious purposes has drawn heightened scrutiny in recent weeks. Facebook, Twitter and YouTube said they deleted accounts that had spread disinformation about the Hong Kong pro-democracy protests. Twitter alone said it removed nearly 1,000 accounts.
It was the first time Facebook and Twitter had taken down accounts linked to disinformation from China. Many governments have employed similar playbooks to sow disinformation since Russia used the tactic to great effect in 2015 and 2016.
LinkedIn, owned by Microsoft, is both another vehicle for potential disinformation and, more important, an ideal one for espionage recruitment, American officials say.
That is because many of its 645 million users are seeking employment opportunities, often from strangers. To enhance their prospects, many former government employees advertise that they have security clearances.
LinkedIn is also the only major American social media platform not blocked in China because the company has agreed to censor posts containing delicate material.
Chinese agents often make offers over various channels, including LinkedIn, to bring the prospective recruit to China, sometimes through the guise of a corporate recruiting firm offering to pay them for speaking or consulting engagements or aid in research. From there, agents develop the relationship.
“The Chinese want to build these options with political, academic and business elites,” said Jonas Parello-Plesner, the former Danish Foreign Ministry official who reported the apparent recruiting attempt by the Chinese that began over LinkedIn. “A lot of this thrives in the gray zone or the spectrum between influence-seeking and interference or classical espionage.”
People who have just left government are especially vulnerable because they are often looking for new employment, he and other former officials say.
Nicole Leverich, a spokeswoman for LinkedIn, said the company proactively finds fake accounts to remove and has a team that acts on information from a variety of sources, including government agencies.
“We enforce our policies, which are very clear: The creation of a fake account or fraudulent activity with an intent to mislead or lie to our members is a violation of our terms of service,” she said.
Some photographs on fake accounts are generated by artificial intelligence, The Associated Press reported.
In multiple recent cases, LinkedIn proved to be an effective recruiting tool. A former employee of the C.I.A. and Defense Intelligence Agency, Kevin Patrick Mallory, was sentenced in May to 20 years in prison for spying for China. The relationship began after he replied in February 2017 to a LinkedIn message from a Chinese intelligence agent posing as a think tank representative, the F.B.I. said.
The Justice Department last October charged a Chinese intelligence agent, Yanjun Xu, with economic espionage after he recruited a GE Aviation engineer in a relationship that began on LinkedIn, according to the indictment.
Mr. Evanina, the counterintelligence chief, told Reuters last year that Chinese agents were contacting thousands of people at a time on LinkedIn. “It’s the ultimate playground for collection,” he said.
That level of activity has not dropped, though Mr. Evanina declined to give statistics.
“People in the private sector and academia are also being targeted this way,” he said this month. “Foreign intelligence services are looking for anyone with access to the information they want, whether classified or unclassified, including corporate trade secrets, intellectual property and other research.”
The Chinese Foreign Ministry did not respond to a request for comment.
The former Obama senior foreign policy official, speaking on the condition of anonymity for fear of jeopardizing future interactions related to China, described in interviews a monthslong recruitment effort by someone who appeared to be a Chinese spy.
In May 2017, five months after the official left his government job and just after he made a trip to China, someone called Robinson Zhang reached out via LinkedIn.
Mr. Zhang’s profile photograph features the Hong Kong skyline, and he identifies as a public relations manager for a company called R&C Capital. In a message to the former official, Mr. Zhang described R&C as “an international consulting company based in Hong Kong” that specializes in “global investment, geopolitical issues, public policy, etc.”
“I’m quite impressed by your CV and think you may be right for some opportunities, which are all well paid,” Mr. Zhang wrote, according to screenshots of the exchanges.
The words struck him as strange, the former official said, so he asked Mr. Zhang for a website. Mr. Zhang directed him to a home page with an image of the Eiffel Tower but little information about R&C Capital. It appeared to be “something he made up on the fly,” the former official said. (The New York Times viewed the site, which was deleted sometime after The Times emailed the company for an interview request.)
Mr. Zhang repeatedly indicated that his company could pay for a trip to China. The former official asked multiple times for more detail on the company but did not get any substantive responses.
In a message in August 2017, Mr. Zhang said that Zhejiang University had “already determined a candidate” for a conference on China’s Belt and Road infrastructure projects before suggesting other opportunities — even though the two had not shared any earlier exchanges about this or any other event.
The former official referred Mr. Zhang to a speakers’ agency representing him and has not heard from Mr. Zhang since.
Although the site for R&C Capital listed its address as No. 68 Mody Road in Hong Kong, there is no company by that name there. The company is also not included in the Hong Kong corporate registration database.
Mr. Parello-Plesner, the Danish official, had similar exchanges on LinkedIn with a user by the name of Grace Woo who contacted him in 2011.
Ms. Woo said she worked for DRHR, a headhunting company in Hangzhou, China. When she learned Mr. Parello-Plesner was visiting Beijing in 2012, she suggested he stop by Hangzhou to meet with the company. She asked for an image of his passport so she could make travel arrangements, but he declined.
Mr. Parello-Plesner agreed to meet in the St. Regis Hotel in Beijing. Ms. Woo never appeared, but a young man who said he was from DRHR guided Mr. Parello-Plesner to a conference room, where three middle-aged men welcomed him. They said they were from a government research organization, but they did not have business cards.
“I thought, ‘This meeting is very dodgy,’” Mr. Parello-Plesner said.
The men told Mr. Parello-Plesner they could fund his research if he worked with them, promising “‘really great access to the Chinese system,’” he said.
Mr. Parello-Plesner, suspecting the men were intelligence or security officials, reported the meeting to British officials when he returned to London, where he lived at the time.
“If I were LinkedIn, I would proactively do my homework now,” said Mr. Parello-Plesner, who has researched  China’s foreign interference operations  as a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and wrote about his encounter last year. “This was just the tip of the iceberg.”
DRHR was one of three companies German domestic intelligence officials singled out in December 2017 as front organizations for Chinese agents. Those officials concluded that Chinese agents had used LinkedIn to try to contact 10,000 Germans, and LinkedIn shut down some accounts, including those of DRHR and Ms. Woo.
Last October, French intelligence agencies told the government that Chinese agents had used social networks — LinkedIn in particular — to try to contact 4,000 French individuals. Targets included government employees, scientists and company executives, according to Le Figaro, the French newspaper.
It can be hard to pinpoint the origins of the people behind fake social media accounts. The former Obama White House official and career diplomat, Brett Bruen, said a user by the name of Donna Alexander contacted him in 2017 on LinkedIn. Her profile says she is a research fellow at the California Institute of Technology, but the photograph is of an actress.
A spokeswoman for the university said it has no record of an employee by that name.
Ms. Alexander’s network on LinkedIn includes White House officials and former ambassadors, according to screenshots seen by The Times. “This person seems to have ingratiated herself with or gotten accepted by a lot of people in the foreign policy structure of U.S. government,” Mr. Bruen said.
At the same time, Western intelligence agencies are discovering another potential issue with LinkedIn — some of their operatives have no account there at all, which might raise questions about a person’s true identity among foreign officials or counterintelligence agents. Mr. Bruen said one European official told him that his country’s intelligence agency was creating “the most boring LinkedIn profiles possible — a shallow cover so it doesn’t arouse suspicion.”
Cao Li contributed reporting from Hong Kong.
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juliamichaels84 · 6 years
Places to Visit in Key West
Scenic and Beautiful Places to Visit in Key West
Are you planning for Key West this vacation? o\you can choose from an alluring line up of striking places to visit in Key West. Key West is very popular among tourists owing to the calm and uniqueness that it has. Over the years Key West has become one of the popular vacation destinations. Additionally, you can explore the better part of Key West by foot.
Places to Visit in Key West
There are innumerable places awaiting your visit at Key West. When you are in Key West, Florida, get the unlimited scope to experience it all. Here are some of the major tourist destinations that will provide you with a different holiday flavor.
Dry Tortugas National Park
Have a glimpse of the secluded islands and the magnificent tropical beaches at the coast of Key West. You can moreover snorkel in the crystal clear blue waters and have a view of the military fort, national park, sandy beaches and of course, the coral reefs. These make this are very unique and a must visit for the tourists. Moreover, when you are here, you can cruise past Boca Grande Key, the Rebecca Shoal Channel and the Marquesas Keys. It is surely one hell of a holiday experience.
Little White House
Visit Harry S. Truman Little White House while you are looking for places to visit in Key West. It is a former naval base compared, now transformed into a treasured museum.  Moreover, this could also serve as a special venue to host your wedding occasions or other events.
The Key West Butterfly and Nature Conservatory
Experience a very calm state of mind as you spend some time in this place. Take a stroll through the magical and enchanting environment filled with hundreds of exotic species of butterflies. You can also, take a view of an impressive collection of flowering plants, colorful birds and waterfalls that are dispersed in this area. It plays host to approximately 60 distinct species of butterflies and is replete with tropical trees.
Furthermore, the conservatory remains open daily and the entry fee is lower for children, seniors or military visitors. Make the most of your Key West trip, now!
Mallory Square
It is quite a popular town square bustling with life. It has moreover, some of the excellent restaurants and bars, great shopping destinations as well as hotel of every budget and deals. Furthermore, sign up for some breathtaking sunsets from this particular area. Mallory Square is basically at the edge of the Gulf of Mexico, which makes it even more picturesque.
Together with these, entertain yourself by the live music, magicians, clowns and illusionists. In addition, at the shops you will find exquisite natural shells and sponges as well as stunning pieces of art and jewelry.
Key West Martello Tower Fort
This is considered a historic tower, built during the Civil War in 1862. While you are here, stroll through the main courtyard which will offer you with rare tropical plants, sculpture and multiple gazebos. Not to mention the one located by the water lily pond. It is the best spot to have a very relaxed and leisurely vacation of your life. Furthermore, West Martello is located on Higgs Beach which additionally makes it the perfect attraction for the first time tourists.  You can also visit the White Street Pier, which Key West most outstanding fishing pier. You can have a beautiful view as the fishermen are engaged in their daily routine. It is colorful and indeed out if the world.
There are multiple places to Visit in Key West with the right blend of thrill and ease.
The post Places to Visit in Key West appeared first on Miami to Key West Tours Guides.
Source: https://www.miamitokeywesttoursguides.com/places-visit-key-west/
from Miami to Key West Tours Guides https://miamitokeywesttoursguides.wordpress.com/2018/01/13/places-to-visit-in-key-west-5/
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juliamichaels84 · 6 years
Key West Homes For Sale
Tips to Buy Key West Homes for Sale
Do you want to locate to Key West? If so then you will have to look for the perfect Key West homes for sale. Properties here are pretty high in demand. Moreover, it is also pretty difficult to maintain them. However, buying the right house can be a difficult task. If you want to buy the right home for in Key West, here are some tips that you need to follow.
Key West Homes For Sale
Get the Finances in Order
When you plan for a Key West homes for sale, you need to start off by having a full picture of your credit. Make sure that you have the copies of the credit report. It is necessary to ensure that the facts in it are all correct. Thereafter, you have to look for a lender who will offer you the loan. Thus, you will be in a better position to provide a quote a better offer when you come across the right house.
Choose the House You Can Afford
Like engagement rings, the general rule to buying a house is that the cost is two and half times more than your annual salary. There are several tools and calculators over the internet that will enable you to understand how the debt, income, and expenses will be affected if you buy the house. Hence, you will know if you will be able to afford the house. Keep in mind that there are several considerations behind the sticker price which includes energy cost, property tax, etc.
Hire a Professional
Even though the internet will show you the Key West homes for sale and other resources, there are various other considerations. As a matter of fact, the buying process requires significant expertise. This is not possible to pick if you simply surf the internet. Hence, it is better to hire a professional to do the job for you. If you can you should hire an exclusive buying agent. He/she should have your good interest at heart. When you get the right buying agent, they will help you with the strategies while bidding.
Do Your Homework
Before you make the bid, you need to do some research to find out about the market state. You need to check if it is more favorable for seller or buyer. Thereafter, you have to take a look at the sales trend homes that are similar in a particular neighborhood or area. Check the prices of the last few months. After this, you have to come up with an asking price with realistic and competitive. If you do not then you might end up ticking off the seller.
Think Long Term
You should not buy a home unless you are completely sure about it. This is because you will be putting up at this abode for the next few years. Moreover, you should also buy a home that in a neighborhood containing good schools. This is because even if you do not have children, this will increase the resale value of your house. If you can, hire a home inspector who will check out the house and point out the problems you might face in future. They will be able to tell you if you need any kind of costly repair. Do not forget to ask them if the price that the customer is quoting is justified.
The post Key West Homes For Sale appeared first on Miami to Key West Tours Guides.
Source: https://www.miamitokeywesttoursguides.com/key-west-homes-sale/
from Miami to Key West Tours Guides https://miamitokeywesttoursguides.wordpress.com/2018/01/08/key-west-homes-for-sale-4/
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juliamichaels84 · 6 years
Places to Visit in Key West
Scenic and Beautiful Places to Visit in Key West
Are you planning for Key West this vacation? o\you can choose from an alluring line up of striking places to visit in Key West. Key West is very popular among tourists owing to the calm and uniqueness that it has. Over the years Key West has become one of the popular vacation destinations. Additionally, you can explore the better part of Key West by foot.
Places to Visit in Key West
There are innumerable places awaiting your visit at Key West. When you are in Key West, Florida, get the unlimited scope to experience it all. Here are some of the major tourist destinations that will provide you with a different holiday flavor.
Dry Tortugas National Park
Have a glimpse of the secluded islands and the magnificent tropical beaches at the coast of Key West. You can moreover snorkel in the crystal clear blue waters and have a view of the military fort, national park, sandy beaches and of course, the coral reefs. These make this are very unique and a must visit for the tourists. Moreover, when you are here, you can cruise past Boca Grande Key, the Rebecca Shoal Channel and the Marquesas Keys. It is surely one hell of a holiday experience.
Little White House
Visit Harry S. Truman Little White House while you are looking for places to visit in Key West. It is a former naval base compared, now transformed into a treasured museum.  Moreover, this could also serve as a special venue to host your wedding occasions or other events.
The Key West Butterfly and Nature Conservatory
Experience a very calm state of mind as you spend some time in this place. Take a stroll through the magical and enchanting environment filled with hundreds of exotic species of butterflies. You can also, take a view of an impressive collection of flowering plants, colorful birds and waterfalls that are dispersed in this area. It plays host to approximately 60 distinct species of butterflies and is replete with tropical trees.
Furthermore, the conservatory remains open daily and the entry fee is lower for children, seniors or military visitors. Make the most of your Key West trip, now!
Mallory Square
It is quite a popular town square bustling with life. It has moreover, some of the excellent restaurants and bars, great shopping destinations as well as hotel of every budget and deals. Furthermore, sign up for some breathtaking sunsets from this particular area. Mallory Square is basically at the edge of the Gulf of Mexico, which makes it even more picturesque.
Together with these, entertain yourself by the live music, magicians, clowns and illusionists. In addition, at the shops you will find exquisite natural shells and sponges as well as stunning pieces of art and jewelry.
Key West Martello Tower Fort
This is considered a historic tower, built during the Civil War in 1862. While you are here, stroll through the main courtyard which will offer you with rare tropical plants, sculpture and multiple gazebos. Not to mention the one located by the water lily pond. It is the best spot to have a very relaxed and leisurely vacation of your life. Furthermore, West Martello is located on Higgs Beach which additionally makes it the perfect attraction for the first time tourists.  You can also visit the White Street Pier, which Key West most outstanding fishing pier. You can have a beautiful view as the fishermen are engaged in their daily routine. It is colorful and indeed out if the world.
There are multiple places to Visit in Key West with the right blend of thrill and ease.
The post Places to Visit in Key West appeared first on Miami to Key West Tours Guides.
Source: https://www.miamitokeywesttoursguides.com/places-visit-key-west/
from Miami to Key West Tours Guides https://miamitokeywesttoursguides.wordpress.com/2017/12/22/places-to-visit-in-key-west-4/
0 notes
juliamichaels84 · 6 years
Key West Homes For Sale
Tips to Buy Key West Homes for Sale
Do you want to locate to Key West? If so then you will have to look for the perfect Key West homes for sale. Properties here are pretty high in demand. Moreover, it is also pretty difficult to maintain them. However, buying the right house can be a difficult task. If you want to buy the right home for in Key West, here are some tips that you need to follow.
Key West Homes For Sale
Get the Finances in Order
When you plan for a Key West homes for sale, you need to start off by having a full picture of your credit. Make sure that you have the copies of the credit report. It is necessary to ensure that the facts in it are all correct. Thereafter, you have to look for a lender who will offer you the loan. Thus, you will be in a better position to provide a quote a better offer when you come across the right house.
Choose the House You Can Afford
Like engagement rings, the general rule to buying a house is that the cost is two and half times more than your annual salary. There are several tools and calculators over the internet that will enable you to understand how the debt, income, and expenses will be affected if you buy the house. Hence, you will know if you will be able to afford the house. Keep in mind that there are several considerations behind the sticker price which includes energy cost, property tax, etc.
Hire a Professional
Even though the internet will show you the Key West homes for sale and other resources, there are various other considerations. As a matter of fact, the buying process requires significant expertise. This is not possible to pick if you simply surf the internet. Hence, it is better to hire a professional to do the job for you. If you can you should hire an exclusive buying agent. He/she should have your good interest at heart. When you get the right buying agent, they will help you with the strategies while bidding.
Do Your Homework
Before you make the bid, you need to do some research to find out about the market state. You need to check if it is more favorable for seller or buyer. Thereafter, you have to take a look at the sales trend homes that are similar in a particular neighborhood or area. Check the prices of the last few months. After this, you have to come up with an asking price with realistic and competitive. If you do not then you might end up ticking off the seller.
Think Long Term
You should not buy a home unless you are completely sure about it. This is because you will be putting up at this abode for the next few years. Moreover, you should also buy a home that in a neighborhood containing good schools. This is because even if you do not have children, this will increase the resale value of your house. If you can, hire a home inspector who will check out the house and point out the problems you might face in future. They will be able to tell you if you need any kind of costly repair. Do not forget to ask them if the price that the customer is quoting is justified.
The post Key West Homes For Sale appeared first on Miami to Key West Tours Guides.
Source: https://www.miamitokeywesttoursguides.com/key-west-homes-sale/
from Miami to Key West Tours Guides https://miamitokeywesttoursguides.wordpress.com/2017/12/17/key-west-homes-for-sale-3/
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juliamichaels84 · 7 years
Places to Visit in Key West
Scenic and Beautiful Places to Visit in Key West
Are you planning for Key West this vacation? o\you can choose from an alluring line up of striking places to visit in Key West. Key West is very popular among tourists owing to the calm and uniqueness that it has. Over the years Key West has become one of the popular vacation destinations. Additionally, you can explore the better part of Key West by foot.
Places to Visit in Key West
There are innumerable places awaiting your visit at Key West. When you are in Key West, Florida, get the unlimited scope to experience it all. Here are some of the major tourist destinations that will provide you with a different holiday flavor.
Dry Tortugas National Park
Have a glimpse of the secluded islands and the magnificent tropical beaches at the coast of Key West. You can moreover snorkel in the crystal clear blue waters and have a view of the military fort, national park, sandy beaches and of course, the coral reefs. These make this are very unique and a must visit for the tourists. Moreover, when you are here, you can cruise past Boca Grande Key, the Rebecca Shoal Channel and the Marquesas Keys. It is surely one hell of a holiday experience.
Little White House
Visit Harry S. Truman Little White House while you are looking for places to visit in Key West. It is a former naval base compared, now transformed into a treasured museum.  Moreover, this could also serve as a special venue to host your wedding occasions or other events.
The Key West Butterfly and Nature Conservatory
Experience a very calm state of mind as you spend some time in this place. Take a stroll through the magical and enchanting environment filled with hundreds of exotic species of butterflies. You can also, take a view of an impressive collection of flowering plants, colorful birds and waterfalls that are dispersed in this area. It plays host to approximately 60 distinct species of butterflies and is replete with tropical trees.
Furthermore, the conservatory remains open daily and the entry fee is lower for children, seniors or military visitors. Make the most of your Key West trip, now!
Mallory Square
It is quite a popular town square bustling with life. It has moreover, some of the excellent restaurants and bars, great shopping destinations as well as hotel of every budget and deals. Furthermore, sign up for some breathtaking sunsets from this particular area. Mallory Square is basically at the edge of the Gulf of Mexico, which makes it even more picturesque.
Together with these, entertain yourself by the live music, magicians, clowns and illusionists. In addition, at the shops you will find exquisite natural shells and sponges as well as stunning pieces of art and jewelry.
Key West Martello Tower Fort
This is considered a historic tower, built during the Civil War in 1862. While you are here, stroll through the main courtyard which will offer you with rare tropical plants, sculpture and multiple gazebos. Not to mention the one located by the water lily pond. It is the best spot to have a very relaxed and leisurely vacation of your life. Furthermore, West Martello is located on Higgs Beach which additionally makes it the perfect attraction for the first time tourists.  You can also visit the White Street Pier, which Key West most outstanding fishing pier. You can have a beautiful view as the fishermen are engaged in their daily routine. It is colorful and indeed out if the world.
There are multiple places to Visit in Key West with the right blend of thrill and ease.
The post Places to Visit in Key West appeared first on Miami to Key West Tours Guides.
Source: https://www.miamitokeywesttoursguides.com/places-visit-key-west/
from Miami to Key West Tours Guides https://miamitokeywesttoursguides.wordpress.com/2017/11/29/places-to-visit-in-key-west-3/
0 notes
juliamichaels84 · 7 years
Places to Visit in Key West
Scenic and Beautiful Places to Visit in Key West
Are you planning for Key West this vacation? o\you can choose from an alluring line up of striking places to visit in Key West. Key West is very popular among tourists owing to the calm and uniqueness that it has. Over the years Key West has become one of the popular vacation destinations. Additionally, you can explore the better part of Key West by foot.
Places to Visit in Key West
There are innumerable places awaiting your visit at Key West. When you are in Key West, Florida, get the unlimited scope to experience it all. Here are some of the major tourist destinations that will provide you with a different holiday flavor.
Dry Tortugas National Park
Have a glimpse of the secluded islands and the magnificent tropical beaches at the coast of Key West. You can moreover snorkel in the crystal clear blue waters and have a view of the military fort, national park, sandy beaches and of course, the coral reefs. These make this are very unique and a must visit for the tourists. Moreover, when you are here, you can cruise past Boca Grande Key, the Rebecca Shoal Channel and the Marquesas Keys. It is surely one hell of a holiday experience.
Little White House
Visit Harry S. Truman Little White House while you are looking for places to visit in Key West. It is a former naval base compared, now transformed into a treasured museum.  Moreover, this could also serve as a special venue to host your wedding occasions or other events.
The Key West Butterfly and Nature Conservatory
Experience a very calm state of mind as you spend some time in this place. Take a stroll through the magical and enchanting environment filled with hundreds of exotic species of butterflies. You can also, take a view of an impressive collection of flowering plants, colorful birds and waterfalls that are dispersed in this area. It plays host to approximately 60 distinct species of butterflies and is replete with tropical trees.
Furthermore, the conservatory remains open daily and the entry fee is lower for children, seniors or military visitors. Make the most of your Key West trip, now!
Mallory Square
It is quite a popular town square bustling with life. It has moreover, some of the excellent restaurants and bars, great shopping destinations as well as hotel of every budget and deals. Furthermore, sign up for some breathtaking sunsets from this particular area. Mallory Square is basically at the edge of the Gulf of Mexico, which makes it even more picturesque.
Together with these, entertain yourself by the live music, magicians, clowns and illusionists. In addition, at the shops you will find exquisite natural shells and sponges as well as stunning pieces of art and jewelry.
Key West Martello Tower Fort
This is considered a historic tower, built during the Civil War in 1862. While you are here, stroll through the main courtyard which will offer you with rare tropical plants, sculpture and multiple gazebos. Not to mention the one located by the water lily pond. It is the best spot to have a very relaxed and leisurely vacation of your life. Furthermore, West Martello is located on Higgs Beach which additionally makes it the perfect attraction for the first time tourists.  You can also visit the White Street Pier, which Key West most outstanding fishing pier. You can have a beautiful view as the fishermen are engaged in their daily routine. It is colorful and indeed out if the world.
There are multiple places to Visit in Key West with the right blend of thrill and ease.
The post Places to Visit in Key West appeared first on Miami to Key West Tours Guides.
Source: https://www.miamitokeywesttoursguides.com/places-visit-key-west/
from Miami to Key West Tours Guides https://miamitokeywesttoursguides.wordpress.com/2017/11/09/places-to-visit-in-key-west-2/
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