#finallyyyyy back home from my trip
dailydndadsdoodles · 5 months
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nicky doodle!
hope everyones having a nice new years eve ^_^
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winterflash-2019 · 7 years
Barry Allen x Bria-Better 14
*Christmas Day* Joe was hosting a Christmas party at his place and everyone was there except for Bria and Barry. “Where are they"Iris asked as she sits next to Eddie "Babe they’ll be here in 5 minutes Bria just texted me ” Eddie says and kisses the side of her head. Iris scowled she tried to put away her differences with Bria once again but she just couldn’t. Soon a knock on the door was heard and Joe opens it to see Barry and Bria on the other side. “Hey Guys"Joe says while hugging the couple "Hi Dad” “Hey Joe” Bria and Barry said in unison and they looked at each other and laughed and joe shakes his head. “Bria you got to try grandma esters eggnog I’m not gonna let you leave without having some” Joe laughs while holding out a cup of eggnog to her “Oh hell I’ll try” Bria jokes and takes a sip of the eggnog and makes a sound of pleasure “This is so good …a little strong but good” Bria says and licks her lips “Yeah grandma ester was an alcoholic” Barry jokes and Joe slaps his shoulder “Hey guysss life of the party is here” Bria says and everyone laughs Cecil tells joe she has to answer a phone call and steps outside “Ok guys lets hurry and open gifts” Joe says as Bria sits in Barrys lap and wally opens his present first. Wally opens the box to see a red and yellow suit and smiles. “Welcome to the team kid flash” H.R says excitedly he’s been bouncy off the walls ever since his second cup of grandma esters eggnog. “Thanks guys really I love it” Wally says After everyone opens their gifts and Cecil comes back inside Barry decided to make an announcement. “Um can I have everyone’s attention please the best gift is for last ” Barry says and Eddie smirks he knows exactly what Barry’s going to do. Everyone looks at Barry and Bria was confused. “Well we all know how much I love Bria and how depressed I can get without her from previous events” he sighs “Bria I love you with all my heart and I can’t imagine my life without you in it cause well you’re my life and I don’t plan on letting you go there’s no Barry Allen without Bria Jones…you’re my baby girl and I always want you to be so with that being said” Barry gets down on one knee and holds up a the ring “Bria Jones will you marry me” Barry says with a smile and Bria is in tears as she nods her head “Yes” she smiles and they giggle as he slides the ring on her finger and everyone claps and says congratulations while asking to see the ring. “Congratulations Bria you’re marrying the best man I know” Joe says as he hugs Bria “Thanks Dad” she says with a smile “So for the record I am your best man” says Cisco and Barry laughs and nods yes “Congratulations Barry you got a good woman don’t hurt her or I’ll kill you"Eddie says playfully but he meant every word "Congrats Barry” Iris fake smiles and looks at Bria with pure hatred “Thanks Iris ” Barry says as he pulls Bria closer to him and she has a huge smile on her face. “So Bria Jones-Allen huh” Julian says with a genuine smile “that sounds wonderful I’m so happy for both of you” “Thanks Julian” The couple said in unison once again and they smiled at each other. -Time skip- “I’m so exhausted barr” Bria says as she enters their apartment and flops on the couch and Barry laughs and sits on her “Oof Bartholomew Henry Allen get off me you weigh a ton” Bria says while struggling to push Barry off of her and he’s amused at her effort. “Don’t fight it soon to be Bria Jones-Allen"Barry says with a smirk as he feels Bria go completely still. "First of all I’ve always been Bria Jones-Allen” As the words come out Brias mouth Barry can’t help but smile “True True” he says as he finally gets up and Bria breathes in dramatically “Finallyyyyy” she says and giggles when she sees the look on Barry’s face “You’re lucky I love you” Bria giggles and she looks into Barrys eyes “Are you gonna get some sleep tonight barr I noticed that with what’s been going on lately you haven’t been getting any sleep” Bria says quietly and Barry smirks at her. “Well actually that’s entirely up to you"Barry says with a cheeky grin "Ohhh someone’s happy” Bria says referring to little Barry “Can you blame me” Barry says while biting his lip and pushes her down on the couch and kisses her neck. “I love you Baby” Barry says against her neck and she closes her eyes “I love you too Barr” -Time Skip the next day at Star Labs- It was a slow day and everyone was extremely bored. Julian had to go on a business trip , Caitlyn went home since nothing was happening, Cisco was just playing on his computer, wally was with Jessie and joe and Barry are at CCPD so basically the only people that had nothing to do was Bria and Iris since both of them had a day off. Bria cleared her throat “So iris how are you and Eddie” “We’re fine actually” Iris deadpanned she didn’t want to talk to Bria at all. “Um Iris are you okay” “Can you just stop talking to me Bria” This caused Cisco to look up from his computer and look at the two girls. “Oh I’m sorry I just wanted to know if you'r- "That’s the problem Bria you want to know everything and it’s annoying I mean when Eddie slipped out the Savitar incident you couldn’t keep your mouth shut you had to just keep asking questions and found out something you didn’t want to know” Iris says venom clear in her voice and Bria was taken aback “Well I’m sorry I wanted to know why Barry was so upset” “You don’t deserve Barry you caused him so much pain and suffering you don’t deserve that rock on your finger at all before you came along I was gonna confess my feelings to Barry but as soon as I wanted too you come and just steal him away from me” Iris says through gritted teeth “Um Iris I think you should calm down” Cisco says “No Cisco I’m tired of her I can’t just sit back and not express how I feel” Iris says her voice raising slightly “Iris listen to me me and Barry are engaged okay and you are with Edd- "I wish Barry never found a way to save you” Iris says and walks out leaving Bria crying silently as Cisco stands up and hugs her. “Don’t pay attention to her Bria I’m sure she didn’t mean that” “Cisco she’s felt that way for a while like she said she just couldn’t keep not expressing how she felt” “You want me to call Barry” “No no it’s okay” “Okay well I challenge you to a game of pac man” Cisco says trying to distract her from what just happened with iris “Oh you’re on” Bria says and they race to the computer -Time Skip- “No fair you cheated” Cisco says while sipping on his icy “Nooo you just suck” Bria says while smirking “Says the one who sucks Barry” Cisco says and Bria chokes on her own Icy and he laughs “I do not” Bria lies she was so embarrassed “Oh really you wanna go there” She blushes but thank god for her skin tone he couldn’t see it “Fine I do but the noises he make are like music to my ears it lets me know I was doing something right” Bria says proudly “Ok ew that’s wayyy too much information” Cisco says and covers his ears and Bria laughs “Well you brought it up” “Brought what up” Barry says as he walks in the cortex “Your fiancé here is disgusting” Cisco jokes “You started it” Bria says as she walks towards Barry and he pulls her close and they face Cisco “What did she do” “Just know that my ears aren’t pure anymore” Cisco says and walks out “You wanna tell me what you did” Barry says sternly but jokingly at the same time and Bria giggled “I admitted to sucking you off and added a little detail about your moans being music to my ears” Bria says shyly and Barry laughs like it was the funniest thing ever. “Well you’re good at what you do babe” Barry says and kisses her. “And You’re moans are definitely music to my ears its kinda like motivation” Barry whispers in her ear and Bria rubs her thighs together Barry was turning her on at the moment and he knew it. “Bartholomew henry Allen are you trying to seduce me” Barry grins “Is it working” “Actually it really is” Bria says and they burst out laughing but was interrupted by Joe “Hey Bria can I talk to you for a minute” Joe says and Bria instantly becomes nervous not that she doesn’t want to talk to Joe but he seems a little…mad “I’ll be right back Barr” Bria says and Barry nods as Cisco walks back in and challenges Barry to a game of Pac man…he has to defeat somebody. “Hi Dad” Bria says with a smile and Joe smiles back “Hey um I talked to Iris and she doesn’t really like you calling me Dad I totally understand why you do it and you’re like a daughter to me too but you can just call me Joe” “Okay Joe” “And Iris told me about you guys argument earlier and I want to know what’s gotten in to you” as Joe says this Bria was starting to become confused…she didn’t do anything wrong. “Excuse me” “You told Iris that nobody cares about how she felt and that she’s annoying and worthless to the team Bria she was sad too while you were gone” “Joe I never said that honestly” “So Iris is lying” “I’m sorry to say it but yes you know I would never say that let alone think about it” “Look I don’t know what the hell is going on but you too got to get it straightened out” “Joe you’re a damn detective I thought you would’ve known she was lying” “Well Bria Iris is my daughter she’s never done anything bad in her life” “So you really believe I said those things” Bria says quietly and Joe didn’t say anything “Wow Joe I don’t know what to say …okay I’ll apologize for something I didn’t even do” Bria says and walks back into the cortex and Joe follows her. “Bria listen there’s no nee- "No Joe honestly it’s fine I COMPLETELY understand ” Bria sighs and looks at Barry who was now staring at the two. “I’ll see you at home Barr"Bria says while storming out of the cortex at this point she was fed up she tried to get on Irises good side and just give her some space but instead Iris want to use that space to lie on her to Joe and she was not having it. As soon as she got home she calls Iris who obviously didn’t answer so she left her a nice voicemail. "Listen and listen good okay I’ve had it with you. first of all you put me down and basically tell me you wish I died now I have to hear from Joe that You told him I said you’re worthless and annoying…Iris I know damn well I didn’t say that but I’m going to apologize for it anyway that’s called being the bigger person something you’ll never be and you need to move the hell on you have a wonderful husband leave my fiancé alone I’m sick of your shit have a nice night”. Bria says and hangs up the phone she was so mad she hates when people lie with a passion. She had to get her mind off of it somehow. -Back at Star Labs- Joe, Cisco and Barry were all looking at each other. “Joe what the hell was that” Barry asks he’s never seen Bria mad before “We just had a little disagreement it’s nothing” “If it caused her to storm out then it wasn’t just nothing…what did you say to her” “I said it was nothing Barry just drop it"Joe says and walks out but not knowing was irritating Barry needless to say the next day he was going to get answers. -CCPD- Bria and Barry walked in with coffee from Jitters and Eddie and Joe walks up to them Bria looks at Barry and gives a small smile"barr I’m gonna go ahead and go to my office okay” she says as she sees Joe and Barry knows she doesn’t want to be around Joe he just wants to know why but he’s not going to push her about it. “Okay babe I love you” Barry says and kisses her forehead and she walks away and Joe sees this and feels guilty he knows Bria is a sweet girl but iris is his daughter she wouldn’t lie. “Hey Barry what’s up with Bria” Eddie asks and Barry shrugs his shoulders. -Time skip- Bria walks into Barry’s office to see Iris sitting in a chair next to him. “Hey babe” Barry says and Iris looks at Bria and it was like they was having a staring competition. Iris had listened to Bria’s voicemail and she was pissed. “Hi barr I bought you lunch…iris what are you doing here” “I came to see Barry"iris says and rolls her eyes which didn’t go unnoticed by Barry. Bria clenches her fist "why” “Because he’s my best friend” Barry was looking at the two girls carefully he knows something was wrong he just wanted to know what but he had to distract Bria before she knocks irises head off. “Hey babe can I talk to you outside” “Where she belongs” Iris mumbles but Bria heard her “You know what Iris I’m sick of your shit you always had it out for me and I’m done with it I’m sure Eddie won’t appreciate the fact that his wife has feelings for another man you’re nothing but a jealous bitch” “bria calm down” Barry says but Iris wasn’t having it “At least my husband didn’t kill me cause he didn’t love me i mean look at you you’re pathetic you had everyone upset after you died but baby I was having a blast I could’ve used that opportunity to make Barry fall in love with me Bria but once again you snatched it away from me… you’re not perfect bria you could never be me” “Iris please” Barry says but he heard a smack and opened his eyes to see Bria standing over iris as iris was on the ground holding her cheek “You damn right Iris I’ll never be you because I’m not an obnoxious self centered bitch and I plan to keep it that way” Bria says and walks out slamming the door behind her. Barry was shocked he never thought Iris would say such a thing and he never thought Bria would slap the shit out of someone. “Iris are you okay"Barry asks while helping her up "Oh I’m fine Barry your fiancé just slapped me” she says sarcastically “Well apparently you did something to upset her sooo” Iris squints her eyes at Barry and walks out and Barry runs into Joe. “Joe can you please just tell me what you said to Bria …her and Iris just got into an argument and she slapped the hell out of iris” Joe sighs and tells Barry what happened and Barry didn’t believe Iris for one second because of previous events. “Joe you seriously believe Bria said that” “I don’t know anymore barr” Barry rolls his eyes and flashes to Star Labs “Cisco do you by any chance know what happened between iris and Bria they were with you yesterday” Cisco nods his head and tells Barry what happened and everything Iris said and Barry was pissed. “Thanks Cisco” Barry says and flashes to Jitters where he sees Iris typing away on her laptop “Iris” Barry says angrily “What’s wrong Barr” Iris says with a bored tone “You is what’s wrong…why would you say something like that to Bria huh…you basically told her you wishes she would’ve died” “I wasn’t lying” Barry closes his eyes he has to remain calm or things wouldn’t turn out right for the both of them. “Iris you owe my fiancé an apology she did nothing to you and you have to get over me you have Eddie” “Eddie doesn’t love me Barry he wants Bria” “They’re best friends and is he married to Bria no he’s married to you that says something iris trust me if he wanted Bria he would’ve divorced you by now” Iris lets out a frustrated sigh and looks at Barry “You need to tell Joe the truth and apologize to Bria” Barry says and leaves. Bria was at home cooking spaghetti she just got out the shower she had on a pair of shorts and one of Barry’s t shirts she was still a little hurt by what Iris said.She just turned the stove off when she heard a knock at the door and She sees Barry so she quickly tries to wipe the tears off her face. “Babe are you okay” he asks as he closes and locks the door “I-Im fine” she stutters and fake smiles “No you’re not…I found out what Iris did and Bria don’t pay any attention to her okay I love you and only you I’m glad I got you back because If I never found a way to get you back I think I would’ve literally died from the heartache” Barry says and wipes a stray tear from Bria’s face “It’s just the fact that I never did anything to her and she hates me automatically” “Like I said baby girl don’t pay attention to her okay” Barry says and rubs her back as he looks down at her and chuckles "You gave one hell of a slap too" Barry laughs and Bria grins “Well that’s what happens when you lie on me and try to steal my man” Bria says with a smirk “Oh your man huh” “Of course…Bartholomew Henry Allen you’re mine"Bria says genuinely and Barry smiles "And you’re mine” Barry says quietly and pecks her on the lips “I made dinner you ready to eat” “Well yeah but afterwards we have to eat the spaghetti so it won’t go to waste” Barry says cheekily “What are yo- oh Mr.Allen you’re so horny” Bria says with a laugh “Only for you babe only for you” Barry says and picks her up and speeds to the bedroom.
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loveaningenue · 7 years
Kaylor: Online Interactions Timeline
I’m not including their likes, but know that they usually like a lot of their pictures (but not all). Note that Taylor has recently been MIA, but Karlie is still active on Instagram and Snapchat. If I missed any posts/updates/replies, please message me.
I linked their posts on the username (on the left). I also included their friends’ posts if they are both in the picture (not all but most). Anyway, here is Kaylor 2012 - 2016 in the media.
Instagram/Twitter/Snapchat/Tumblr (almost complete, will update soon):
January 17, 2012: karliekloss: Hey @taylorswift13 love the @voguemagazine cover! Your kitchen or mine? :)
November 13, 2013: karliekloss: I knew you were trouble… @TaylorSwift rocking it on the @VictoriasSecret #VSFashionShow Runway!
November 14, 2013: karliekloss: Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the #VSFashionShow Class of 2013! #regram courtesy of @VictoriasSecret ❤️ karliekloss: I had so much fun on the runway with miss @taylorswift last night at the #VSFashionShow❤️ here’s a sneak peek of the @VicoriasSecret show airing on @CBS taylorswift: Class of ‘13 #vsfashionshow
November 15, 2013: kariannkloss: These two could rule the world #whpstrideby
December 3, 2013:   karliekloss: Only ONE WEEK until CBS airs the #VSFashionShow! Tune in next Tuesday at 10/9c to see the gorgeous @TaylorSwift & the @VictoriasSecret Angles take over the runway!
December 10, 2013: kariannkloss: Everyone had better be watching tonight ! #vsfashionshow karliekloss: my girl @taylorswift killed it last night in the #VSFashionShow! karliekloss: “We were both young when I first saw you…” favorite Taylor song xox @tayloswift13
December 12, 2013: taylorswift13: And this—Getting to sing with falloutboy! @LilyAldridge @VictoriasSecret @karliekloss
March 5, 2014: karliekloss:  karlie ❤️ ’s @taylorswift karliekloss: best. road trip. ever. karliekloss: adventure of a lifetime with my girl @taylorswift   karliekloss: delicious pit stop at the @BigSurBakery!…YUM. karliekloss: woah, what a view huh? karliekloss: another epic pit stop…Do you see the size of that elephant seal?! karliekloss: Fact: @taylorswift is a great photographer 📷 👍 karliekloss: ❤️ taylorswift: California here we come, right back where we started from… ROAD TRIP!! @karliekloss taylorswift: This forest situation. @karliekloss taylorswift: Beach, forests, cliffs, Northern California, sand, flower picking. Best road trip ever. @karliekloss taylorswift: On the way home. @karliekloss
March 10, 2014: karliekloss: Case of the Mondays? Shake it off with a hike. (A view of the Golden Gates Bridge doesn’t hurt either!) #latergram from my west coast road trip last week….photo courtesy of my big sis @kmkloss ❤️  📷  👍🏻
May 4, 2014: karliekloss: I had fun with these Lovely Ladies last night at #Harrysparty… thank you @harryjoshhair
May 5, 2014: karliekloss: Pre #MetGala glam party with @taylorswift taylorswift: Hair/make up/Motown dance party @karliekloss
May 7, 2014: karliekloss: “@DerekBlasberg: Me & @taylorswift13 trying to make @karliekloss jealous.“ mission accomplished…I’m jealous!
June 5, 2014: karliekloss: #tbt missing these lovely ladies ❤️
June 29, 2014: taylorswift: Hope you guys had a great weekend! Ours was super coastal. @karliekloss @amandygriffith
July 23, 2014:   kimbykloss: Had a lovely girls night with @karliekloss @taylorswift13 ❤️❤️❤️❤️💋
August 3, 2014:   kmkloss: I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22🎶 #BirthdayBitch 🎉🎈🎂🎁 taylorswift: Happy 22nd birthday to @karliekloss, who is made out of 100% sunshine. karliekloss: “@taylorswift13: Happy 22nd birthday to @karliekloss, who is made out of 100% sunshine. http://Instagram.com/p/rPal5ODvMo/ ” thank you my love!!! ❤️☺️❤️
August 4, 2014: karliekloss: I don’t know about you…but I’m feeling 22 😉 I am so grateful for all of the birthday love and thoughtful messages (Instagrams, tweets, texts and calls) I received yesterday. I am so blessed to be surrounded by such incredible friends, family and Instagram followers ❤️ Thank you for the overwhelming birthday love, I am looking forward to a Wonderful year ahead….#Feeling22
October 10, 2014: karliekloss: @HaileeSteinfeld @taylorswift13 AGREED! I want it nowwwwwwww!!!!
October 21, 2014: taylorswift: Having family that feels like your best friends and best friends who feel like family. #WelcomeToNewYork
October 26, 2014: karliekloss: The wait os OVER!…..#TS1989 IS (almost) FINALLYYYYY HERE!!!!!!……tonight at MIDNIGHT you can download @taylorswift’s full album on iTunes!!!! Woooohoooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ❤️ 🙌🏻 📀 📱 😎 👍🏻 ❤️
October 29, 2014: taylorswift: Karlie and I had the time of our lives at the Knicks game tonight. See you tomorrow bright and early on Good Morning America!
November 15, 2014: taylorswift: This will never get old. taylorswift: All true. We are actually the tallest elves ever documented. That’s why they kicked us out of the North Pole. So now we must conduct our business here.
November 19, 2014: karliekloss: California Dreaming
November 24, 2014: taylorswift13: Ahahaha KARLIE!! http://www.buzzfeed.com/kristinharris/21-signs-your-best-friend-is-actually-your-soulmate?s=mobile @karliekloss karliekloss: Hahaha... this is genius. ❤️👯❤️ @taylorswift13 selenagomez: Not a better way to end my night. Surrounded by SO much love. ❤️
December 2, 2014: karliekloss: Ed is quite popular with the ladies 😉 karliekloss: Backstage with the gorgeous @victoriassecret Angels!  👯 ❤️ 👯 ❤️ 👯 karliekloss: Backstage at the #VSFashionShow with these blonde bombshells! lilyaldridge: That's a wrap London 💥 #VSFashionShow @victoriassecret
December 3, 2014: karliekloss: ❤️  these talented (and GORGEOUS!) ladies rocked the #VSFashionShow karliekloss: The best dates a girl could ask for ❤️ 👯 ❤️ my lil sis kimby karliekloss: Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you…the #VSFashionShow class of 2014 💕 marthahunt: Boom!! #VSfashionshow 🔥🇬🇧❤️
December 4, 2014: karliekloss: Cause we never go out of style, We never go out of style ❤️ 👯 ❤️ taylorswift: When you get to see your best friend KILL IT at her job. @karliekloss karliekloss: @taylorswift13 You Outdid me at my own job!...You were the Belle of the @VictoriasSecret #AngelBall! ❤️😘❤️
December 5, 2014: lilyaldridge: Girls Night!!! ✌️ @haimtheband @karliekloss @marhunt @taylorswift 👯 marthahunt: Bae af💥💥@taylorswift @karliekloss @lilyaldridge @haimtheband
December 9, 2014: lilyaldridge: Kisses 💋 @adrianalima @taylorswift @karliekloss #VsFashionShow taylorswift: So proud of these girls, 3 for killing it at the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (@marhunt @lilyaldridge @karliekloss) and 3 for their Grammy nominations!!!! (@haimtheband)
December 13, 2014: karliekloss: Happy 25th Birthday @taylorswift 🎂 🍰 🎂 🍰 🎂 🍰 🎂 🍰 🎂 🍰 🎂 taylorswift: So this is being 25….. #WHAT #bestbirthdayEVER taylorswift13: I just want to thank anyone who wished me happiness today. You’re my friend. These are my friends. And I’m so lucky.
January 17, 2015: taylorswift: KAR AND MAR. @karliekloss
January 18, 2015:  ashavignone: Spice up your life @taylorswift @karliekloss @marhunt @gigihadid gigihadid: Meredith is my spirit animal... karliekloss: I’m convinced, blondes definitely have more fun. marthahunt: @gigihadid no you didn’t. @ashavignone @karliekloss @taylorswift #meredith🐱 taylorswift: I didn’t get the ‘let’s all wear black’ memo. @gigihadid @karliekloss @marhunt @ashavignone
February 1, 2015: karliekloss: Hello Kitty 💜 karliekloss: Such a Wonderful weekend surrounded by suck Wonderful friends @lilyaldridge @taylorswift ❤️ 💃🏻 💃🏻 💃🏻 ❤️ lilyaldridge:  taylorswift13: Nashville! http://instagram.com/p/yk6_ojkSgo/ 
February 13, 2015: karliekloss: Nothing better than sharing the VogueMagazine March #PowerIssue Cover with your best friend TaylorSwift ❤️ 👯 ❤️ karliekloss: @taylorswift will you be my #Galentine? ❤️ 👯 ❤️ lilyaldrigdge: Yessss!!!!! So gorgeous I can't even handle 😍😍😍😍😍 @karliekloss @taylorswift @voguemagazine 💥 taylorswift13: When I want to go looking for wild desert kittens but Karlie is busy ‘reading’ and 'studying for NYU’. tonnegood: True friends
February 15, 2015: beau.sam: Meta #BFFs @voguemagazine
February 16, 2015: karliekloss: BEST. BEST. GAME. EVER. ❤️ 👯 ❤️ @voguemagazine @taylorswift @relsonmandela @hurricanejoost
February 18, 2015: karliekloss: So proud of my buddy killing it on the #TonightShow with @jimmyfallon karliekloss: Front row selfie with my best buds ❤️  (My best friend and my big brother. So how are they related? Step friends?)
February 19, 2015: karliekloss: (S)He who would travel happily must travel light. - Antoine de St. Exupery Back on the road carrying only my #TravelEssentials. Pack light, be happy. karliekloss: I could not be more proud of what I see on the Newsstand right now…Models on COVERS! What a wonderful and refreshing sight! So proud of my friends on these major accomplishments! ❤️ 😊 👍🏻
February 25, 2015:   karliekloss: With my squad at #BRITs2015 ❤️ karliekloss:....and a BIG thanks to all my friends who came out last night to support nakedheartfoundation ❤️ (thank you for being such wonderful friends and letting me feed you lots of kookies 🍪❤️😜)
February 26, 2015: karliekloss: Two KKs a Tay and Bae ❤️ #regram from @kimkardashian taylorswift: She helped me learn the walk!!! Good call there.  
March 8, 2015: marthahunt: Missing these baes😍
March 16, 2015:   karliekloss: @taylorswift13: 50 days until the 1989 World Tour kicks off, no big deal.” YAYAYAYAYAYAYAAYAYYAAYAY! 🎶🎤🎶
March 20, 2015: taylorswift: When the new Kendrick song comes on: taylorswift: You know what they say- girls wearing feather flocks together! Wait no one says that. @voguemagazine @karliekloss
April 3, 2015: gigihadid: Missing girls night for its Shirley Temples and Britney sing-a-longs, but mostly missing these two 💕  karliekloss: “@GiGiHadid @taylorswift13 💕 ” ❤️❤️❤️ I MISS YOU LADIES! ❤️❤️❤️
April 7, 2015: karliekloss: What a Surreal moment. #GRATEFUL❤️
April 24, 2015:  taylorswift13: The 10 Women Who Changed My Life @GlamourMagUK
April 27, 2015:  karliekloss: #regram from taylorswift ❤️  happy BDay @marhunt! missing these beautiful ladies ❤️ taylorswift: It’s Martha’s birthday and still technically Gigi’s birthday week!Wish I was with them! @GiGiHadid @marhunt
May 8, 2015: karliekloss: Missing my BFF @taylorswift ❤️ #Twinning
May 11, 2015: taylorswift: Meet Knockout. karliekloss #BadBloodMusicVideo
May 12, 2015: karliekloss: Meet my alter ego, Knockout 👊🏻 Honoured to be apart of @taylorswift’s #badbloodmusicvideo
May 17, 2015: karliekloss: So excited for the world premiere of @taylorswift13's epic #BadBloodMusicVideo opening the @officialBBMAs❤️👊
May 21, 2015: taylorswift13: I'll never be able to thank you enough, @JosephKahn @kendricklamar @selenagomez @karliekloss @iammarthahunt @LilyAldridge @Caradelevingne
June 8, 2015: taylorswift13: I took a photo of my favorite people–they were laughing so hard, the lens couldn’t capture it fast enough. https://www.instagram.com/p/3smbjDjCaX/
June 27, 2015: karliekloss: ❤️ karliekloss: Goodnight London 🇬🇧 ❤️
June 28, 2015: karliekloss: somehow, this picture captures te spirit of last night perfectly.👌🏻 #1989TourLondon 🇬🇧 ❤️ taylorswift13: Little known fact: Karlie is secretly an unofficial historian/London tour guide. Kind of.
June 30, 2015:   karliekloss: That moment when you realize you’re the 5th wheel on a romantic double date river cruise…. 😬
July 11, 2015: karliekloss: Best. Sign. Ever. #1989WorldTour
July 12, 2015: taylorswift: I ADORE THESE GIRLS. @angelcandices @lilyaldridge @marhunt @uzoaduba @karliekloss @behatiprinsloo @GiGiHadid taylorswift13: Joyful joyfulness brought to you by @karliekloss and @UzoAduba:
July 29, 2015:   taylorswift: “We just came up with my name: Knockout.” @karliekloss   Don’t forget to vote for VMAs!
August 3, 2015: taylorswift: Some of my best times are with her, laughing in the kitchen. Happy birthday to the ray of light that is @karliekloss! karliekloss: ❤️☺️❤️ @taylorswift SO many good laughs (and delicious cookies!!!) in that kitchen! ❤️🍰❤️
August 31, 2015: karliekloss: So much fun last night at the #VMAs with the #BadBlood babes 😜 taylorswift: Being ourselves at the VMAs
September 1, 2015: karliekloss: Congrats Tay on your #VMAs2015 win for #BadBlood, So proud of you! 🏆 💥 👊🏻
November 10, 2015: karliekloss: Love these Angels 😇 💙
November 20, 2015: karliekloss: a moon man with my name on it?! holy smokes. thank you for sharing your vma with us Tay. #regram @cindycrawford karliekloss: belated birthday celebration for the one & only @lilyaldridge ❤️
December 13, 2015: karliekloss: Happy 26th birthday to my cookie baking, road tripping partner in crime. Looking forward to a lifetime of adventures ahead together. I hope you have the most magical day and can’t wait to celebrate together @taylorswift 💞
December 17, 2015: taylorswift: We're excited.@lordemusic @SelenaGomez @behatiprinsloo @mistercap @marhunt @karliekloss @lilyaldridge @haimtheband @angelcandices @nickjonas #1989WorldTourLIVE Coming to @applemusic December 20th!
December 20, 2015: karliekloss: Hey @TaylorSwift, thanks for having me (and @GigiHadid @SerenaWilliams, @KendallJenner @MarHunt @caradelevingne) on your stage last summer :) #1989WorldTourLive karliekloss: Karlie Kam from @taylorswift13's #1989WorldTourLIVE (out now on @AppleMusic) is up on #Klossy! klossy: Seeing Taylor Swift in Hyde Park!! | Karlie Kloss
December 21, 2016: karliekloss: Flashback to summer nights in Hyde Park with @taylorswift13 https://youtu.be/dVpB4i87i48  #1989WorldTourLIVE
March 11, 2016: taylorswift: Words to live by and my favorite person to dance with!! @karliekloss @bodybysimone
March 29, 2016: karliekloss: Baby we're the #NewMetallics 🎸💥 @Mango #MangoGirls
April 7, 2016: karliekloss: Fancy a spot of tea? ☕️
April 18, 2016: karliekloss: Coachella ✅
June 8, 2016: karliekloss: a true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though she knows that you are slightly cracked 🐣 - Bernard Metltzer #nationalbestfriendday
July 1, 2016: karliekloss: @taylor are you watching this 😍 😂
July 5, 2016: karliekloss: Made in the USA™ karliekloss: 💥 💥 💥 karliekloss: red white and babes 🇺🇸 marthahunt: Just some wet noodles 😛💦💦💦 taylorswift: 🎉 karliekloss: Best. Weekend. Ever.❤️ 😬 🇺🇸 ❤️ taylorswift: 🏖 Karlie!!! 🏖
August 2, 2016: karliekloss: 13 minutes left of 23 😩 😱!
August 3, 2016: taylorswiftt: I LOVE YOU KARLIE! You’re such an exquisite person, always trying to make things better for others. Every day I’m inspired by how giving, loving, and thoughtful you are. Happy 24th Birthday!!! @karliekloss derekblasberg: HBD AW 🎂 @voguemagazine karliekloss: When you’re halfway around the world & your best friend still finds a way to celebrate 24 with you 😘@taylorswift13
August 12, 2016: taylorswift: Happy Birthday Cara!! Thanks for making my life more exciting, spontaneous and imaginative. Everyone who knows you is better for it. Love you!!
August 15, 2016: karliekloss: I will not allow the media to misconstrue my words. Taylor has always had my back and I will always have hers. karliekloss: and I will never be the girl that you can us to pit women against each other. That isn’t me.
October 14, 2016: sukiwaterhouse: Babesplosion ⚡️
October 28, 2016: karliekloss: Happy belated @champagnepapi 🤘 🌴 🎊
November 8, 2016: taylorswift: 💕💕💕 karliekloss: Happy Happy 20th bday Ella 🎂 😘 ❤️ Looking forward to the epic adventures ahead and memories to be made over the next 20!
November 15, 2016:   karliekloss: LOVE YOU LILS ❤️  Happy happy birthday to this incredible friend, mother, and all around beauty with a heart of gold to match!
November 16, 2016: karliekloss: What an honor to present @monica_logothesis tonight at lorealmakeup #WomenofWorth. Her organization dreamwakersflashchats connects students with mentors and leaders around the world. I’m humbled by her work and other extraordinary women recognized tonight, they are touching lives, changing their communities and the definition of being worth it. ❤️ 🙌🏻 ❤️
November 18, 2016: karliekloss: Red lips & rosy cheeks karliekloss: #tbt AMAs- I’m coming back and this time I’m presenting. Tune in this Sunday on ABC @8/7c
December 13, 2016: karliekloss: Happiest of Birthdays to my ride or die @taylorswift ❤️ 🎂 👯 ❤️ I feel blessed to count you as my friend, sister and partner in crime. Can’t wait to celebrate together very soon ❤️ 🍪 🍾
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