#fezco and lexi fanfiction
scaponigifs · 6 months
going through my bookmarks I really just took in how many amazing writers the fexi fandom lost 😭
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thesweetescapism · 5 months
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Meet Me In The Middle (Under The Mistletoe)
A Fexi fanfic / Alternate Universe / Rated T.
Lexi and Bobbi throw a Christmas Party in their new apartment where Lexi has decided to finally shoot her shot with Fezco by finding the perfect moment to get him under the mistletoe.
Until now, Lexi had been content keeping her feelings to herself. She figured she would take her infatuation to the grave for the sake of the friendship. But as the years went by, she would only fall in love more and more – to the point where it was suffocating her now. Bobbi seemed to think that Fezco reciprocated her feelings but Lexi had no evidence that supported that theory. Fezco was an honest to god (that she didn’t believe in) good guy. A salt of the earth type that wouldn’t hurt a fly. As long as you didn’t mess with his friends. His family. His money. He was considerate in a way that had you questioning if the rest of humanity was just a simulation. He was sweet and charming but never used it to his advantage. And that was only with strangers. When it came to the people in his life, you could triple that tenfold. He was as loving as he was loyal.
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infernalodie · 2 years
𝐅𝐞𝐳 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐋𝐞𝐱𝐢’𝐬 𝐏𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 || 𝐋𝐞𝐱𝐢 𝐇𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐳𝐜𝐨
“𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘐'𝘮 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘮𝘺𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧 𝘔𝘢𝘺𝘣𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘰, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵'𝘴 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘮𝘢𝘺𝘣𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦, 𝘮𝘢𝘺𝘣𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘐'𝘭𝘭 𝘥𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘮𝘦“
Inspo: Rex Orange County - Pluto Projector
Pairing: Fezco x Daughter!reader x Lexi Howard
Summary: They’d always love you...
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Warnings: Talk’s of verbal abuse, some fluff strewn about, but devolves into a angsty fluff ending.
Words: 4268
Lexi never thought she would fall in love with Fezco. At first glance, no one would suspect them to be able to get along as much as they had when they first met. He was a drug dealer and she was a kind and smart girl. The perfect girl next door, to be exact. She never thought in a million years that not only would she get together or have a kid with him would’ve happened in her life.
But it seemed like it was a match made from heaven. They related in movies and were very supportive of one another. Lexi just felt happy and on her toes whenever Fezco was around. He was unpredictably brilliant. So, it made the idea of him falling for her be masked in a 50/50 chance. But he did. He fell for her and ended up together throughout high school.
Before anything had ever happened between them romantically, they had talked about kids. What they wanted for a family and how many kids they wanted. Their own little perfect future that they never knew would involve one another. In no way would Lexi have guessed that she would have a positive pregnancy test weeks after a one-night stand.
It scared her, truthfully. Cassie had an abortion after she told McKay and seeing her sister terrified reminded Lexi of the brutal reality that she was stuck in. Fez had simply  told her, “I won’t control your decision, but know I will be by your side and support you either way.” So, she was faced with two options. Continue with school and achieve her dreams before bringing a child into the world. Or have a child and be looked down upon by the rest of her peers in East Highland.
Now, for someone like Maddy, Lexi would take the former. But she wasn’t much like her friends or sister. She had dreams- Ones that she would like to come to fruition. And she had people behind her willing to support her, including the father of the baby growing slowly inside her stomach. But to save herself from the possible stress and foulness that East Highland offered to everyone that went, she stayed home for the remaining time before the child was born. Having her mother come by and grab her assignments and notes that the teachers wrote for her. Since she was at the top of all her classes, this leniency was expected.
So, she waited for her time at home and continued with her studying and schoolwork. Friends came by to visit and gawk over who would be the best at babysitting the baby whenever Lexi was busy. And Fez came by and Lexi had never seen him any calmer than the times he just laid beside her with his eyes focused on her baby bump. The tiniest of smiles were evident on his lips as he would often lay his head against her stomach. Listening and waiting for something to happen.
At that time, Fezco didn’t have much to offer. Ash passed away before he even got to hear the news of being an uncle and Fez stopped dealing drugs. Or at least, that’s what most people suspected. He was far more careful about it and only sold to people he knew wouldn’t snitch or bought from people that wouldn’t snitch. But what he offered was his time and company to help Lexi through the experience.
“Fez, fucking hurry, man!” Rue exclaimed, running down the hall of the hospital toward where the front desk had given them the information about Lexi’s room. Fez hadn’t done many sports in school or ever, so he was panting and beginning to believe he was going to have a heart attack before he got to hold the baby or see the love of his life.
“I’m fuckin’ trying, Rue!” He spat, jogging after the girl.
When they made it to the room, Rue practically kicked open the door and stopped at the doorway. Fez panted, coming to a slow stop beside her and stopping at the doorway. His eyes nearly bulged out of his head upon seeing Lexi holding you. A baby girl. A lively and rather quiet baby, who slept soundly in your mother’s arms.
Lexi lifted her head and Fezco swears he saw her eyes brighten upon seeing him. “Do you want to hold your baby girl?” It was a question that didn’t need to be asked because he rushed over to the side of the bed. Ecstatic with energy, but it contrasted with how soft and careful he was with taking you. He was supporting your head comfortably and he just stared down at you in astonishment.
But that was so long ago, it was often hard to remember what it was like then and leading up to the present. The three of you now living in New York with Lexi pursuing her dreams in plays whilst Fezco continued to sell drugs. And you were going to school. Outside of that, nothing much seemed to bother the small and loving family.
It stayed like that for years, even when Lexi finally started writing plays and getting herself out there. You were more interested in making music from Uncle Elliot, who always wanted to hear more that you had been making. Fezco and Lexi encouraged you to explore and experiment with sports or activities you were interested in. Just turns out music had been the thing that grabbed your attention from the ripe age of 6.
You were beaming smiles as bright as the sun. A curiosity that knew no bounds. A personality so unique and abstract for someone your age that it threw your parents off occasionally. You were intelligent and Lexi often said that you got it from your father, but you weren’t convinced most of the time- primarily because the guy could stand up and, look around, and then sit back down doing whatever he was doing. But they knew you were special in your own right and a gift to them that they never took for granted.
But sometime when you were 10, things changed. Something shifted after Fezco and Lexi had to go on a trip for her work. Sadly, you had been left with Nate Jacobs and Cassie. They hadn’t been Lexi’s first choice, but everyone else was busy and Cassie had been dying to meet you. So, they dropped you off at Nate’s mansion. Giving you longing hugs and kisses before they drove away. Leaving you with two people that Lexi and Fezco hated with their hearts.
There had practically been no communication from Nate or Cassie throughout the week that Lexi and Fezco were on their trip. It worried both of them, but they had faith that nothing was going on. But when they came back, they saw you and it felt like a void had taken their daughter’s body. There was no smile, there was no hugs, no kisses, not even a word spoken. Just your silence and your seemingly uneasy body that hurried to their car.
They couldn’t figure out what was going on and no doctor could do the same. The Doctor had told the two parents that it might be some form of trauma or you had suddenly gone mute. But from what Lexi could tell, you were still one of the few at the top of your classes. Teachers have said that you also don’t talk in class, but said your silence just adds to your focus in class, and it showed. Which angered Lexi a bit as your asshole teachers made it sound like they preferred your silence over free speech.
And whenever they reached out to Nate or Cassie, all they got was an automated message. They were left with no answers or inkling as to what happened at that time from when they left and when they arrived.
Your silence killed both of them as you never said anything to them, your aunts, or uncles. Your room was always silent and wherever you went, your closed-off self followed rapidly. But the very few times they heard you were at night. When you thought everyone was asleep and when your muffled sobs could be heard faintly.
That had been 7 years ago, and nothing has changed. You were still quiet and closed off. Every time Fez tried to talk to you, all you have him was a hum, shrug, nod, or shake of your head. And every time Lexi tried to ask how school was going or ask to hear your music, you never said anything.
Tonight though, both Lexi and Fezco were in a rush with tidying the 3 bedroom apartment. Cleaning up dishes, tables, chairs, rooms, everything. Because tonight, you were bringing over your girlfriend whom they had only gotten a warning from an hour ago in a text. So, here they were, nearly tripping over their feet with Lexi preparing a meal whilst Fezco was trying to smoke a joint while sweeping the living room.
“Fez, put that out,” Lexi said with a chuckle. “You already smell like weed as it is.”
“My nerves are all over the place, baby,” he grunted, sweeping the dust bunnies into the dustpan. “Y/n is going to give me a heart attack one of these days with how unpredictable she can be.”
He tossed the dust bunnies into the garbage before making his way to the spot beside his wife, who grinned ear to ear from his previous statement. “It sound’s like a mini Ashtray to me.” Hearing that made Fezco’s lips press into a warm smile. Taking one more hit of the blunt before the sound of the apartment door unlocking filled the air. Lexi’s eyes nearly popped out of her head when she slapped Fezco’s shoulder, urging him to put out the blunt. To which he simply leaned over the sink and tossed it out the window with an amused grin. Whoever found that blunt and decided to smoke it would have a fantastic night.
Turning to you, Alice, the girl they knew very little about besides what you wrote on papers to communicate with them, smiled at them. But you still said nothing. A small smile, but nothing more than that. Lexi and Fezco didn’t let that bother them too much as Lexi walked over, giving you a hug and shaking hands with Alice.
“Alice, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” Lexi smiled. “Y/n talks about you all the time.”
That was enough to provoke a reaction from you. Pinching your mother’s arm with a warm blush fanning your cheeks as you dropped your backpack and jacket onto the couch. Alice smiled at you before looking up at both of your parents. “Well, that’s something new I can tease her about. But it’s very nice to meet you two,” she stated warmly.
“Yo, do you like pasta?” Fezco asked from the kitchen in his usual slurred-out tone.
Alice let out a short laugh as she shrugged. “Yeah, I don’t mind a little pasta once in a while.”
“Don’t worry. I’m not the master chef here. So, it’ll taste good,” he paused for a moment as Lexi approached. “I would hope at least.”
Lexi gasped, slapping his shoulder as Alice laughed softly. Still, there was nothing that came from you as you silently took your girlfriend’s hand and pulled her away. There was no hiding the briefest expression of confusion but seemed to remember and understand in an instant. Which made Lexi and Fez pause for a moment.
They waited until they heard your bedroom door close before Lexi inhaled deeply. Her hands braced against the counter as she bent over. Her eyes clamped shut as Fez frowned. “What’s wrong, baby?”
“Something feels different,” Lexi muttered. ”I don’t know what it is, but it feels like Alice knows more than we do.”
Fezco hummed, crossing his arms tightly over his chest as he leaned into the counter. “You mean with Y/n being mute?”
“That’s-!” Lexi nearly yelled, stopping herself as she stood up straight. Covering her face with her hands as she sighed heavily. “She’s not mute. I’m telling you, Fez. Something happened at my sister’s place.”
“And I’m telling you that those two are nowhere to be found,” Fezco reminded softly. “They moved without any word to anyone within our circle of family. Even if we wanted to do something about it, it’d be a manhunt before we get any answers- and what if they didn’t do anything? It’d been a waste of time and resources.”
Lexi could help the incredulous look that formed on her face as she looked at her husband. “Are you seriously defending Cassie and Nate?”
Fez sighed. “That’s not what I’m trying to say-”
“Fez, we both know Nate abused Maddy,” she hissed. “How far of a possibility would it be if he’s done it to our daughter?”
It’d been on their minds for 5 years. At first, neither of them let that chance that Cassie or Nate would have the spine to do. But as time passed on and they quickly started trying to put pieces together, Nate and Cassie seemed to be the only possibility. They had to be at the center of all the destruction they had brought the family to. And although you were impressionable at that age, they knew your personality wasn’t as changeable as you might’ve let on. So, in other words, you were unique and were very hard to think of a separate thing from your own opinion and such.
And when they tried to call or text either suspect, there was nothing. So, they had left this small peaceful family in shambles. The only able thing to do was to pick up the pieces and make some sense of the disaster those two had caused.
But in some sort of case that this could possibly be an act, they weren’t sure how they would react. But they knew you better than that. When you were just a kid, you would rave on and on about the things you did at school or were wanting to do in the future. It was just hard for them to believe that you just decided to become silent after a week. There had to be some sort of malicious reasoning behind it.
“Well, I’ll tell you what,” Fez sighed. “If that fucker did anything to her, I’ll see to it I put him ten feet under.”
Some time ago, if Fezco would’ve said that, Lexi might’ve protested. She wasn’t one for violence and she knew that wasn’t ever going to change. But if Nate had done anything to you, her baby girl, Cassie would’ve been in on it. And that meant Lexi would have to break her unsaid path and hurt her sister. “The same will go for my sister,” Lexi nearly growled. “Bitch would fucking deserve the worst type of torture.”
Fezco couldn’t help the small grin that formed on his lips just as Alice entered the kitchen with a soft smile. “So, how are we looking on the food?” She inquired just as you entered the room in tow.
“It’s all done,” Lexi said. “Y/n, can you set up the table, sweetheart?”
The painful silence was from you glancing at Alice before moving to grab the utensils and napkins, and preparing the table. Alice seemed to sense the tension, forcing a smile and going to help you. Both parents stood in the kitchen, still uncomfortable from the abnormal silence you had continued to give them. Some part of them hoped that bringing your girlfriend here would finally allow you to shed some layer of your protectiveness, but they were sadly mistaken.
After an awkward conversation between Lexi and Alice, the food was prepared and dished out. The four sitting at the table began to eat. Lexi and Fez quickly found out that you and Alice met in band class the year they moved to New York. Sharing many of the same classes together and being in the same year, you guys saw one another frequently. Turns out, Alice had asked you out months ago, but the apparent shock on Lexi’s expression showed that should’ve been a fact kept hidden.
But besides that, the dinner was rather great. Alice seemed to be a beaming of light in your life judging by the faint smiles that tried to force themselves on your lips. Although you didn’t speak, your parents could see that you and Alice had some way of communication. Alice seemed to understand every little look you gave her and everything less.
And slowly, the night wounded with you and Alice falling to your bedroom. The kitchen and living room had grown quiet with Fez and Lexi cleaning. The clattering of wet dishes being washed and placed on the dry rack was the only sound heard. Both were clearly exhausted from the rather stressful evening Alice’s sudden appearance had caused the pair.
Except, when Lexi was about to speak, her words were lost when they heard the faintest wisp of a voice accompanied by the keys of a piano. Your piano was one of the sources, but the voice drew both of their attention. “I don’t want it. And I don’t want to want you.”
The progression of the keys caused Lexi to softly drop the dirty dishes and grab the dry rag from the sink and quietly step in the direction of your room. Fez stared at his wife in confusion before slowly following. “But in my dreams I seem to be more honest,” the voice rang out. Standing just outside your bedroom, Lexi and Fez listened carefully. Hearing the shifting and creak of your bed as the keys carefully continued to play. “And I must admit, you’ve been in quite a few.” Both Fez and Lexi stood silently as the final key played loudly and slowly droned on until you had lifted your finger.
“Did you write that for me?” Alice’s inquiring voice questioned, a hint of a bashful smile in her words.
There was a steady pause before they heard it. Your voice. “Everything that I’ve written has been about you.”
The shock written on both Lexi’s and Fez’s faces was probably the same for Alice. Likely not for the same reasons, but nonetheless; shock. They heard muffled giggles fill the air before they both silently walked back to the kitchen. The two of them continued their tasks before the creaking of your bedroom door opened. A pair of footsteps came down the hall before both you and Alice stood. Alice wore a bright smile as she nodded to Fezco, who nodded as well. “Thank you for dinner, Mrs. Howard. The spaghetti was amazing.”
Although Lexi was in some sort of pain and shock, she managed a smile for the girl. “No problem, and I’m glad you liked it. Y/n didn’t give us much to go off of from her texts.”
Soon enough, Alice bid farewell with you seeing her out. Sharing one short kiss and hushed “goodbye” before you were making your way past the kitchen. A light hop in your step and uncontrollable smile dancing on your face. Butterflies tickled the inside of your chest as you were barely holding on from not texting Alice already.
“Y/n, come here.” Your father’s words made you stop, frowning as you back peddled and looked at the man. He was leaning against the edge of the counter, same with your mother who wore a distressed expression. “We’d like for you to sit down and talk to us.” The statement nearly made you laugh in amusement, shaking your head, trying to hold onto the happiness you felt for tonight.
“Y/n, sit down.” The finality in Fez’s tone shocked Lexi as much as it did you. Staring at your father for a moment, lips parting to protest, almost slipping before you grumbled and sat at the table. Fingers toying with one of the forgotten table clothes that had spilled spaghetti sauce clinging to the edge. But before you had a chance to realize it, it was snatched from your hands with your gaze snapping up to your father’s hard gaze as he pointed at you sternly. “Listen and look at your mother.”
Pushing your tongue to the inside of your cheek, head slightly bowed, your eyes snapped to your mother, who stood with a distraught and rather saddened look in her eyes. You hated seeing her like this. Truly, you wished to never be the reason for her being so stressed, but it wasn’t like you wanted her to feel like this intentionally. None of this was intentional and you doubted they would ever understand why you had turned out the way you did.
“Baby, you have to tell us what it is we did wrong.” Lexi walked towards you, taking your hands in hers and crouching in front of you. Tears threatened to spill as she closed them, inhaling deeply and shaking your hands softly. “I know we haven’t been great for you, but we just need to understand what it is we did wrong for you not to speak to us. We just want you to talk to us, baby.”
You looked between both parents like you were in some sort of dream. What they did wrong? It was hard for your mind to wrap around considering there was nothing they did wrong. None of this had been their fault and you never wanted them to make them feel like it was. They'd been nothing less than nurturing, loving, kind, understanding, sweet, and so much more that wouldn’t do them justice.
“Y/n, we heard you speak with Alice in your room,” Fez spoke up, causing your chest to tighten up as your own eyes began to sparkle with tears. They heard? They heard you speak?
“What?” Your quiet voice asked mused, staring at your father as if he was a ghost from limbo. His eyes widened from your small and quiet inquiry. But before you could even realize your mishap, Lexi’s hands were tightening around your hands. It was firm, yet gentle.
“Why haven’t you spoken to us, sweetheart?” Lexi asked softly, tears having finally broken her resistance and slid down her flushed cheeks. Overwhelmed with so many emotions from hearing your voice.
“I- I can’t-” You stumbled over your own words, chest beginning to tighten as you looked at both parents rapidly. Your nose began to sting as a tear slid down your cheeks. “I can’t t-talk anymore. Aunt Cassie said you’d hate me if I ever spoke again.”
Your words knocked the wind out of Lexi and Fezco as they looked at one another. Finally, the source of their own torture came to light and it came in the form of a prissy bitch that had some serious anger issues. Much like her husband.
“What did you say?” Lexi asked, voice dangerously soft, which only frightened you more. “What did Cassie say to you?”
Each word spilling from your mother's lips and your very own was causing your mind to become jumbled. A muddied mess that was trying to catch up to the fact that you fucked up, terribly. “Let me go. Mom, please, let me go.” Trying to pull free, you only felt Lexi pull you closer with her soft assurance whispered into the air. But the more she kept you there, the more you began to panic. “I don’t want you to hate me. Mom, please!”
“Y/n! Y/n, baby. It’s okay - you’re okay!” Lexi pulled your flailing body into her arms, holding you tightly as you cried and sobbed in her arms. Soon relenting, arms curling around her tightly as she sat cross-legged on the floor with your in lap. Hands clinging onto her shirt tightly as Lexi stroked your head. Glossy eyes flickering to your father, who was more livid than anything else.
You wept, crying, “I don’t want you guys to hate me. Please, don’t hate me.” It broke their hearts knowing that this was just as much torture as it was for them. Not having known your very own battles you faced on your own because of Cassie’s torment.
That week was still burned into your mind. The constant screaming you were submitted to by your aunt, who didn’t care when you sobbed on her couch. Saying cruel things that were transformed into lies that your young mind believed and stuck with you into your teen years. She said you were an infection–A cancer that would destroy your family from the inside and out. In some way, she was correct. But that was because your silence had left your parents confused and broken. Only ever felt safe with Alice or anyone at school. Your home wasn’t home. It was a test to see if a slip-up would cause your family to fall apart with your parents hating you.
“Y/n.” Lexi softly held your face in her palms, making you look up at her. Your nose was snotty, your face splashed with tears, and rough coughs falling from your lips as you cried in her hold. The sight alone made Lexi’s chin quiver as she smiled sadly. “I, nor your father, would ever hate you, baby. We love you. We’ve always loved you. You are our daughter and nothing would change how we feel.”
You nodded frantically, wrapping your arms around her once more as you wept into her shoulder. “Please don’t ever hate me.”
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djgrannyglasses · 10 months
Sneak Peak: When Mountains Crumble, a Fexi Fic
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kastlequill · 1 year
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Rating: T
The one universal aspect of teachers, she had come to learn, was apparently their tendency to pair the overachieving girl with the boy who can’t seem to avoid trouble.
“You’ll be a good influence on him,” teachers reasoned. “He just needs a little push in the right direction.”
What they really meant was, “Here is the origin of that little problem of yours down the line in which you believe you can fix every broken man you stumble upon and that doing so is in fact your job.”
Lexi agreed anyway.
or, a tutoring au
gift for @elisegn
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thedarkestgreys · 1 year
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sharing different heartbeats
💕🧟‍♂️ a zombie love story 🧟‍♂️💕
part one || part two
hbo euphoria // rated e // chapters 2/2 complete // major character death // graphic depictions of violence
He’s yet to tack the i at the end of her name, but the way he says Lex all as one word now sets off butterflies in her stomach.
That in itself is weird - her boyfriend of years was killed by zombies not even a week ago, and here she is contemplating having a crush on one. Cassie would flip the fuck out if she had any idea about this, considering who her father-in-law is and all.
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alyayam · 2 years
I love stories where Fez and Lexi get high together 🥰😍 little stoner babies
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nothing-goldstays · 2 years
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serendipity (1/5)
(For my beloved @crooked-queen on her birthday)
Lexi is looking forward to a week away to charge her batteries and reevaluate her life after getting published and dumping her fiancé. When she meets Fezco on the plane to Key West, neither expects the instant connection. They decide to leave the matter in fate’s hands, and she doesn’t expect to see him again…
Fate definitely has other plans for them.
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newwwwusername · 1 year
Fanfic requests OPEN for Euphoria (HBO)
I am currently taking fanfic requests for Euphoria (the HBO show)
I will write : - Hurt/comfort - Fluff - AUs - Canon divergence - Songfics - Any other trope (so long as it follows my rules) - Any headcanon (so long as it follows my rules) - Whatever ship you want (so long as it follows my rules)
I won’t write : - Smut or fetish fics - Pedophilia/incest (including adopted family, and including step-siblings)/beastiality ships (or anything like that) - OCs - Crossovers - Y/N - Suicide and self-harm (in reference to canon material such as Jules' self harm is fine but I will not write explicit depictions of either) - Drowning (personal trigger of mine) - Werewolf AUs (werewolves are also a trigger of mine)
Other things to note : - I do not guarantee I will write every request I get. Sometimes requests will just not click with me, and sometimes I don’t feel qualified to fulfill it. I will try to write as many as I can, though - You can also submit any requests to this prompt meme on AO3 if that’s more your style : https://archiveofourown.org/collections/newwwwusernamerequests or to this Google form : https://forms.gle/3K7STap3v715Hidu5
The following is a list of ships and headcanons I particularly like. I’ll write anything, but I’m much more likely to write it if it has one or more of the following
Pairings (/ for romantic, & for platonic) : Rue/Jules, Jules/Elliot, Jules/Maddy, Jules & Lexi, Rue & or / Lexi, Fezco/Lexi, Nate/Jules, Maddy/Cassie, Maddy platonically with most of the main crew, Jules platonically with most of the main crew, Lexi platonically with most of the main crew, Fezco & Rue, Elliot & Rue, Ethan & anyone he needs friends
Headcanons : Autistic!Jules, Autistic!Fezco, Autistic!Lexi, FTM!Elliot, FTM or Nonbinary!Rue, Asexual!Rue
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iamnotathornbird · 2 years
idk what's going on but i feel like the last day or two has been nothing but amazing stories and long awaited updates in the fexi tag on ao3 and my heart is just like 😲🥳😍💗
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scaponigifs · 2 months
okay so I’ve been debating deleting my fexi story and starting over with it because it’s just not working in the way I want it to but I also know people like it so im very conflicted
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thesweetescapism · 7 months
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Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic
A Fexi fanfic / Alternate Universe / Chapter 1 / Rated M.
In those brief moments, Lexi could picture what it would be like to walk through a crowd holding his hand or waiting in line with him behind her with his arms wrapped around her waist. At one point, she got a little more than sprinkled on during “It’s a Small World” and he wrapped his jacket around her until her sweater was dry. By the time her head hit the pillow that night, Lexi knew she was done for. If the butterflies in the pit of her stomach were any indication, as far as she knew, this was no longer a crush. Far from it.
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rueandherblues · 2 years
I've an itching to write fanfiction for the first time in years. I am accepting Stranger Things or Euphoria requests! I'm not good at y/n fics but I can write ships and the such! I'll write just about anything within reason! Would love to get some requests!
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rengokuology · 10 months
I just read the Lexi Howard fanfiction and your writing got me back into my euphoria phase and I absolutely adore Lexi Howard! Could you please do a Lexi Howard x fem reader where the reader is really hyperactive in the moment but someone tells her she is being annoying and getting on their last nerve, so she like goes quiet and is holding back tears and biting her nails like a nervous habit, but Lexi obviously notices so Lexi pulls her aside and comforts her?
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WARNINGS, hurt to comfort fanfiction ( i love this type of fanfics— )
DEAR REQUESTER, hellooooo!! as someone who is kinda inexperienced with writing this type of fanfiction, if i did anything wrong or you didn’t like it, let me know so if you want to re-request and such but anyways, i hope you enjoy!!
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today, for her, has been very shitty.
well, like everyday, the beginning was normal! she went to school with the help from maddy, then she met up with her friends and her girlfriend, then went to her next classes, etc, etc.
all of that was interrupted though when an insensitive asshole told her that she needed to shut up because everybody was getting tired and annoyed of her ranting.
so, now here she was, sitting at the lunch table with her friend group and staying silent, something that hasn’t been quite common but they didn’t notice.
she was biting her nails while thinking— no, not thinking, overthinking and glancing at her girlfriend and her friends talking.
‘are they annoyed with me? they do seem annoyed. or maybe it’s just school? it could be school or— or nate! or maybe. . . maybe it’s me.’
she kept trying to reassure herself in her mind and chasing her thoughts to stop but no matter what, those thoughts kept running and basically playing ‘tag, you’re it’ with her in her mind.
she chewed on her nails, looking down at the lunch table and started to breath more and more heavily, more faster. . .
eventually, her thoughts started to corrupt her whole entire body and her body started to feel shaky and rough yet so light and far out of reach while a churning, burning feeling of doubt started to arise in her stomach.
‘what. . . what about lexi? she doesn’t hate me, she isn’t my girlfriend for no reason!’
‘or is she faking? maybe she is faking and i’m just too oblivious?’
‘no, stop thinking that, lexi loves you, you love lexi and your both happy!’
‘but lexi has been spending a lot of time with fezco. . . did she fall out of love?’
‘or maybe she wasn’t in love? is it just a prank or something?’
‘did maddy bribe her to date me? or maybe cassie?’
‘no, they wouldn’t do that, lexi wouldn’t do that’
‘but people can fake being in love and shit so maybe. . .?’
‘no, that can’t be possible. i’m not oblivious.’
‘but it can.’
her breathing grew heavier and faster by the minute, her hand starting to shake a little as tears started to brim her eyes without knowing.
everything felt wrong, not right, she felt too light, like she was in the sky almost, floating but falling at the same time.
she kept biting at her nails, caring for people who saw but she couldn’t stop.
‘are people looking at me? oh god, they’re looking at me.’
‘no, no, they’re just looking at their friends!’
‘or is it me? they look like they hate me.’
she kept overthinking and overthinking, she couldn’t focus on only one person, one thing, and because of that, her nerves of anxiety were spiking and her hand shaking to the point where people can tell by just a glance.
she couldn’t stop, chasing her thoughts and begging them to end their madness but nothing happening.
it felt too wrong, too light, she needed to run. . .
“hey, are you ok?”
suddenly, (reader) was brought back to reality by her girlfriend, (reader) turning her head towards lexi.
“sorry, what did you say?” “i was asking if you were ok?”
lexi told her, a concerned look on her features as lexi had her attention directed onto (reader).
‘she’s lying, she doesn’t care. she’s acting.’
‘or maybe she does? maybe she does care?’
‘no, that can’t be it. . .’
(reader) quickly nodded, a reassuring and small smile gracing her lips as she stared back at lexi, still not knowing that tears were in her eyes.
“yep, i’m fine!”
she wasn’t fine.
and lexi knew she was lying, taking a quick glance at the girls bathroom door before turning her eyes back to (reader).
“you wanna go to the bathroom real quick?”
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(reader) now leaned against the tiled wall, looking down at her hands and picking at her painted fingernails while avoiding lexi’s gaze and calming herself down slowly by being alone with her girlfriend.
"did something happen today or. . .? i just saw you weren't talking like usually do and you were shaking and everything, i just want to make sure your ok."
lexi told her, looking at her as she leaned on the tiled wall opposite of (reader) and waiting to listen to her.
"i'm fine. . ."
(reader) claimed, glancing up at her to see her expression to see lexi's face twisted with concern and want to help her girlfriend. however, her mind was running of thoughts and questions on whether or not she was acting about being concerned, trying to see if there was anything different.
"it's ok if you don't want to talk about it (reader), just know that i'm here for you, ok? i don't want you to suffer alone."
lexi told her girlfriend as (reader)'s eyes glanced back down at her chipped nails again, the nail polish on different sets of fingernails almost being off.
the two stayed in silence for a little before. . .
"do you hate me, lexi?"
(reader) suddenly asked, not wanting to look up and see her reaction, just in case if it was bad.
"no, i don't. . . why?"
"there was this guy in my class and he told me to shut up because my class was getting tired and annoyed of me and i, uh, i kinda started overthinking it. . ."
lexi sighed, still concerned for her girlfriend who was obviously going through a lot at that moment.
"can i hug you?"
(reader) nodded as lexi hugged them, the side of (reader)'s head laying on lexi's shoulder.
"i love you, ok? to the moon and back and nothing's going to change that. no matter what asshole says or what happens, i will always be here no matter what and i’ll always love you for who you are and what you do in life. . .”
lexi told her, pressing a kiss in her hair gently while holding her with her arms wrapped around (reader)‘s waist.
(reader) was smiling at her girlfriend’s words, just staying silent as she silently adored her girlfriend and how sweet she was. her overthinking thoughts died down as lexi comforted her. of course, they didn’t disappear but one thing (reader) knew is that when lexi talked and comforted her, they would go away for so many minutes and give her the calmness she loved and all she knew in those minutes. . .
is that her overthinking was like harsh waves and lexi would calm them.
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AUTHORS NOTE, hello again requester!! if you didn’t like this or anything, please let me know so i can edit this post or do a new request but besides that, thank you so much for reading and requesting!! i hope you have a good day or night, goodbye!!
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blueribbonbaby · 1 year
Why do you think the Euphoria fandom's most popular characters/ship is Lexi Howard & Fezco (Fexi)? They're not one of the main ships featured on the show, like Rue and Jules. And while many fans clearly identify with Lexi, who is intelligent, dedicated, caring and passionate, I wonder why (especially amongst fellow fanfic writers) Kat Hernandez, who writes fanfiction and has a secret double life on the internet, isn't more popular in the Euphoria fandom, or featured more prominently in fanfic.
I think it’s definitely the “good girl/ bad boy trope”. Like we eat that shit up every time. First Fexi then Eddie and Chrissy, we live for that shit even though they both got like 10 minutes of screen time. 😂
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alyayam · 2 years
I have the next chapter of 'I can tell that we are going to be friends' nearly done bit I'm nervous to post it as it's my first smut!! Eeeeeek
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