blade-liger-4ever · 5 months
Memes for @dragonanne's Jade Torch: The Killing Thought!
(Warning: This post contains spoilers, so beware to those who have not read this wondrous novel.)
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Poor Gabryl, most of these memes are him just trying to survive his circumstances 😆
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loveofbots · 11 months
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The creature @starscreamscorpse
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kanerallels · 6 months
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accidental-spice · 9 months
@dragonanne I have finished The Killing Thought, and I have Many Thoughts
Guys, I HIGHLY recommend this book, it's so good
(Spoilers under the cut)
Lune is SO delightful to me. I love her pouch of throwing knives, and I love her snark, and I love her political skill. I also love how you showed her being upset about killing Zezri, that was a good addition! But stars, was that bit INTENSE!!
Kenneth seems like a darling, and so did Dake. I love them
Gardzrin is an EXCELLENT villain. I loved the epilogue, and how it showed his dynamic woth his siblings some more, y'know? He's very interesting and also I hate his guts
Gabryl, I still love SO much. I adored the part when he escorted Aril into the ball to keep her away from Gardzrin, it was so sweet
Speaking of loving, I ADORE Captain Torin and Lady Vaulus, they're so fun. I loved Lady Vaulus shipping Cam and Korthi, it delighted me. (Speaking of, I also highkey ship those two as well. Korthi and Cam, to clarify. Obviously I do not ship Torin and Lady Vaulus) Through the whole book, I kept having to be like, self, stop getting attached to these two, they could be TRAITORS. This did not go well, because I love them. Luckily, they didn't betray anyone, so we're good!!
Ugh, speaking of traitors, Lord Vazet??? How COULD he??? I KNEW he was suspicious, though, when he was all, I must, uhhhhh, go attend to something.... not traitor stuff I MEAN WHAT (Okay, he was actually a lot more subtle than that, I just noticed cause I was PARANOID, but I think I'm funny. So)
Matsen. I love him. So much. He's snarky, and loyal, and FASCINATING. I cannot WAIT to learn more about him!!
Your illustrations are GORGEOUS. The one of Cam holding Korthi when she was breaking down over Ferthe (FERTHE MY BELOVED HOW COULD YOU KILL HIMMMMMM) hit me RIGHT in the feels. So did the one of Gabryl hugging Lune. You evoke emotions QUITE well through your art! And I loves seeing those illustrations, because while they're not the exact same as my art by any means, they're similar enough that it gave me hope that I could illustrate a book someday!! So, y'know, thanks!!
To wrap it up, I ADORED this book. The characters were SO great, the plot was fascinating, and the world building was EXCELLENT!!!! I was utterly DELIGHTED by it!! 10/10, would and will recommend!!
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doctorleviathan · 6 months
Hey Fuckers
I was planning on putting a random OC/Persona of mine in the middle of a funny fake funeral image but decided "Well, why not actually leave it up to the 3 votes on the Tumblr Poll?" So, here
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abloginnameonly · 8 months
All that was known was that he came, killed, and then left. Oh, plenty was known before that - the great General Brandle with his humble beginnings, his loyal soldiers, his many victories that he won in his golden armor. Eastern Ferth knew of him well. 
And yet, and then… 
The Western troops did their best to disguise it, but after the battle (less a battle than a fight, and less a fight than a slaughter), they made a rather swift retreat from the new opening they’d just made in the East’s defenses. Eastern Ferth kept a distance, suspecting bluffs and traps, and Western Ferth sent pointed and double-veiled correspondences to the Eastern leaders, suspecting kidnappings and lies. Neither side was willing to say how much they didn’t know and how much they were asking for, and so the questions went higher and higher through the command until it reached Mida, leader of the Western military. 
Fresh soldiers were sent across the border with a military release weighing dismally over them. For the charge of desertion of post, duty, and troops in a time of war, General Horace Brandle was charged with exile and should be treated as an enemy of Western Ferth if encountered. 
But what had changed? Where had he gone, this symbol of Western victory?
Not far from where the generals troops had been camped, there was a small crater looking for all the world as if a great hand had reached from the heavens and smashed its great palm downward. Horace was not to be found there. Not much further was a small road between villages, leading to a set of streams that cut through rock. Nor was he found here. But if you crossed the streams without detection into the grove of trees with enough timber for a makeshift shelter, there was a body. Not dead, for whatever mixed blessing it was worth, and not alone. The man, once a general of the military, once a paladin of the crown, but still undeniably Horace, lay in convulsions, tended to by a mostly-forgotten retainer. This uncalled for witness had now observed the actions of both man and god and chose who to set his faith in, even if he could not yet guess the enormity of his actions. Court-martialed by Western Ferth, yes, and prison should they be found. Disownment from his family regardless. Still unwanted in Eastern Ferth. Foreigners on all soil. Horace consecrated the ground beneath his writhing body with sweat and blood and his companion’s watchful vigil.
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cyberscatter · 1 year
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Collection of Bench doodles! Some featuring Blade (a character that belongs to @/loveofbots), and Ferth
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444names · 2 years
animals + american forenames + languages
Agliva Alail Aldrede Alene Alixie Allawna Allie Allina Altois Alvali Amaggy Ambar Amina Aminny Ancecia Ancia Andian Andilve Anianue Aniell Anthon Apreil Apyton Arcucke Ardormi Aridog Arjoe Armat Arricen Ashel Aspane Aurtne Aurtons Backin Badrut Bathar Beanna Beard Beeff Beliany Berri Bettan Bette Birilly Blawna Bluewt Boben Bresie Brister Brolian Calrus Candark Cangon Cankey Carie Caroace Carryl Cartne Casna Cathael Cawnal Chalici Chanth Cherie Chilla Chine Chophid Chove Chrilda Clamsea Clandes Clareth Clarona Cobca Colgark Conie Coodie Corack Coren Coucky Couth Cowla Crant Criandy Crich Cronn Cudreek Czella Dacel Dandy Darlyn Darnet Daver Davey Davive Deago Deerpie Delion Dencer Derfish Derilin Dernia Detnet Dince Ditorim Donie Doray Dorep Dorweah Dowla Drane Duance Duarmic Ducia Dusta Dwaty Dwish Edorace Edort Eettip Ellaula Ellaver Ellia Emmardo Emurey Ennak Erobele Esshele Esuel Eulat Evene Fanie Fanne Feregh Ferise Ferna Ferth Fertna Fisald Flord Fowlank Froke Frubear Galauli Garan Garge Garidie Gazell Gelenny Gelly Gelora Geopam Gerrin Gerthel Glack Glawn Gonne Gorre Gramin Gredi Grele Grete Griet Gristil Groat Groyd Guain Guandam Guttind Gwenig Hadin Haeleon Halody Hecke Herne Hertrie Hidna Hitall Horice Hovam Humarly Hundra Indol Inguth Irgian Ivianie Jacatt Jacel Jacian Jackark Jackri Janthy Jassada Javie Javio Jayton Jeafowl Jeana Jefle Jefowl Jelina Jence Jeren Jerin Jesna Jessh Jessian Jesta Jimark Jodyss Johnne Joray Jorey Jorra Josnat Juailie Juancy Julin Julish Karay Karguy Karlee Karma Karold Karose Katamy Katig Kattah Katte Kelix Kence Kenda Kerack Koaden Koary Komird Komma Krayfis Krian Krild Lacky Laitab Laitah Larubed Laulix Laurene Laurk Leassie Leell Leettia Lence Lenne Lenton Lesill Lianda Liant Licker Llaura Lores Loven Lovene Lucki Luelf Lupine Lyndy Mackoat Mackyl Macon Madaria Manda Manna Mannie Marce Marcin Mariony Marlia Maroma Maron Marook Martab Martlew Massan Materya Mathye Maurt Maxin Maxis Maxisy Megaron Megoo Melain Melia Melsa Micatsy Migue Minter Mitty Moleri Molona Monke Moody Mosey Mouite Mouruis Naker Nalba Neffel Nicany Nienna Nitaiia Nosease Olgaley Ollon Orette Orgibug Orguish Oroos Osaar Oshawn Ossally Ossia Paciss Pamelex Pamsta Panie Paris Parjohn Pather Paudy Peady Peane Peddi Penia Perfla Perhew Pidea Pidger Pindory Polga Porice Poshar Posti Potail Potelaw Prace Prannie Prettie Price Racyn Ranalew Randon Ranzee Redie Relia Riantle Riter Robbie Robby Robcani Robcath Rockyle Rocus Rodne Ronnor Ronyak Rotherk Roucia Rourt Roxan Rusie Ryakel Saler Samel Sammy Saroy Sconie Sealan Seffist Shandy Shard Sharle Sharre Shean Shiton Skiwi Sluelia Sonelie Sonnish Sopon Spalf Spamina Spigue Spira Squanic Squarly Squel Squer Stanne Stelse Sumart Sushon Swalisa Swarley Swingor Talvine Tarti Ternet Tertai Thance Thell Thent Thove Tiely Tinet Tinguan Toina Tonie Troman Turett Turth Turusie Uzaril Velyn Viandys Viant Vicin Vidna Vionack Virand Walber Walie Walvia Warie Washer Wayth Wedus Wifor Wifowl Wigerie Wolie Wolle Worant Worish Yvoly
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libidomechanica · 9 days
Whence climbing on,
’ Whence climbing on, amorous most prove hate, and take—best creeps war no more with strong wide,— not swim throught thus, to mar the was on parish folk to unbonnets the Soul is, pale age that banquet off one evening, hinting floor. From that of sunshine eye, if I cries as spoones of Black bounds enough. Whose wheel ceased from the first-fruit and in that you company oothe ferthe. To human he, al went half so deep sleep for it were used weep it through wine.
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444namesplus · 2 months
Aberv Abudhoshov Ache Achigerd Acho Ada Adhakoma Adhi Adhiyothari Adi Ado Adozighedi Adzenegol Adzipedok Adzips Adzolaz Adzutenerth Afarch Afegwofe Afiquu Afosu Afureh Aga Agharg Agherp Aghi Aghizh Aghuthi Agudhe Agwavazhaturk Agwetuxuz Ajert Ajonu Akaxezhuxask Ako Akodhew Akopi Ala Ali Alifima Alodh Amo Amurp Ana Anaquoyi Anonurerdz Anors Anumiyequarb Apard Apirupida Apizot Apoherdz Aporth Apu Apuquawi Arav Arego Areno Aro Asadzezotho Asahagwa Ashidzots Asikixuxo Asixi Asobushuve Asojabibos Asutsa Asuyoboxart Ata Atafoxilo Ate Ateghok Athigetexizh Atighirsh Atorv Atsayasa Atsigwa Atsurz Atsutige Avipups Avul Avuze Awesidayagh Awixo Awodzomake Awopuxa Aworege Axarn Axe Ayapubihe Aye Ayirk Ayuvarm Aza Azewubikun Azhethuf Azhursh Azhuv Azi Azivu Azoposp Ba Bani Bathimurb Berth Bethazi Betsahodzow Bi Biligusk Bo Bochuga Bofugi Buth Buzh Charv Che Cherts Chezun Chi
Chighibashuh Chimequurf Chirf Chirv Chitha Chiyigu Chod Chogh Chogwudhi Chothanu Chu Chub Chufighu Chusomede Da Dadzi Dajiquewa Dajoxik Darm Dart De Dhadhuvana Dheps Dherg Dhesu Dhetipu Dhevug Dheyi Dhi Dhiloled Dhitsuth Dhomedz Dhotsexiba Dhu Dhufud Dhugwokaki Dhukaxoze Dhurorz Dhurz Dhuts Di Dido Dif Digerp Do Dogwegwoyis Dojebu Doquu Dordh Dors Dosh Dozonadz Du Dzach Dze Dzerch Dzeturi Dzidu Dzig Dziwu Dzizu Dzo Dzoje Dzorsh Dzotidzorth Ebe Ebefiri Ebufu Ebuze Echachukefis Echayird Echib Ede Edern Edeshudhadhi Edha Edhirzh Edhups Ediyulutharts Edoxaghak Edze Efinoredhudh Efir Efo Ega Egart Eghagwiy Eghele Eghevoghili Eghijopips Eghuv Egid Egod Egu Egwiner Egwukijudir Egwush Ehaw Eherz Ehinulu Ehizizhisirp Ehunimosod Eja Ejalofofodz Ejigu Ejir Ejushim Ekagwew Ekah Ekarzh Ekiy Ela Elodze Eneghisk Eno Enudzethadef Enurch Epeth Epi Epo Eporist Epotsimife Epova Epu Equedoshej Equozhujiyorts Era Erechodzayarsh Eru Erukurd Esa Ese Eshe Eshighuy Eshoriref Etha Ethasush Ethom Etsesuchi Etsozete Etsumish Etsusp Evutsazhutuch Evuxurt Ewushadh Exuquerth Eyagisha Eyezhechoto Eyidze Eyinam Eyu Eza Ezejurdz Ezhadh Ezhard Ezheb Ezhern Ezhu Ezirts Ezurts Fa Faniveh Faro Fe Fedagirdh Ferg Ferth Fi Fif Fishosemug Fitosadigh Fo Forsh Fotho Fu Fuba Fujets Futh Fuv
Fuvetsohe Fuvirodh Ga Gag Gaguchotse Garsh Ge Gedzu Gen Geno Ghach Ghatish Ghav Ghenulusard Ghezhe Ghi Ghithegwozerv Ghivedz Gho Ghochezhe Ghogo Ghogwus Ghomizhupurt Ghors Ghu Ghuga Ghuvugwirb Gi Gigwufu Ginatsep Gitsugudha Givug Gorts Gu Guhorf Gus Gwek Gwigwurts Gwiyo Gwoj Gwozhozazazh Gwurz Gwuso Gwuyim Hahi Hererd Heva Hewipirdh Hi Highet Hitse Ho Hu Huthikalas Ibach Ibaghi Ibesh Ibigh Ibirx Ibodo Iborch Ibus Ibuvas Ichagh Ichedzebechisp Ichi Ichoquete Ichorp Ichuhi Idegeghagul Idejodhashit Ideshofi Idha Idhazonerm Idhudarth Idi Idigherx Idodhuji Idub Idzayos Idzi Idzur Igefichert Ighagwe Ighu Igirn Iguwe Igwinobedzip Igwo Igwoghoxeborsh Ihabe Ihedze Ihekirt Iherm Iheshisk Ihex Iji Ijodechirt Ijozirt Iju Ijurt Ikozakardh Ilej Ilochuxapop Iloze Ilu Iluj Ima Ime Imid Imoherk Ina Ine Inerz Inigesudad Inizord Inos Ipo Iquars Ireh Irexazu Isark Isarp Ise Isehefiyisk Isha Ishemum Isow Isurd Ite Itegadzige Ithagwobiw Ithenerm Ithero Ithiyo Ithor Ithu Ito Itsor Ituserg Ituz Ivirikaw Iwashighof Iwe Iwezorg Ixo Ixuferch Iyay Iyegweroxesp Izazhezheli Ize Izhagwu Izhetsashas Izhust Izi Izidzichib Izuro Ja Jagwewe Jebodhodza Jeledz Jezhudorv Ji Jib Jigox Jin Jo Jot Ju Jugag Jutorf Juyu Ka Kaquosh Kaxets Ke Kecholo Kehuthul Kerf Ketiduth Ki Kirx Kodh Kodziju Kordz Kos Kunigwudzu Kurb Kurts Kuso Kutseduha Kututaghen Kuziy La Ladzashutsu Laxomu Le Lesh Lethesp Li Lik Logwerb Lu Lubedz Luf Lurdz Lush Luvogh Maku Mardh Marts Me Medz Mefaba Mefird
Merodhugh Mey Mide Midedzikosp Miroxatsu Miwarz Moz Mu Mughizhosi Mughora Muz Muzo Na Nagapaghu Nahequopi Najich Nakurth Nas Ne Nerf Neshost Nigherb Nirch Nit Nizak No Norn Novodi Nuse Nut Obar Obem Obi Obopochats Obu Oche Ocho Ochoyethoshif Odad Oderm Odhadho Odhedighan Odhepughuva Odhozorsh Odobo Odoshutuzhah Odzo Odzu Odzusp Ofa Ofedzef Ofixughozho Ofolu Ogha Ogho Oghord Ogudzugifu Ogunadh Ogwark Ogwi Ogwiherg Ogwirihishep Ogwirts Ogwiwugwi Ogwuch Ohoguyodi Ojidigiga Ojird Olagherp Olehaw Olidhechabedz Omaje Omi Omu Onash Onaturts Onu Opape Opapushaw Opet Opeyiduts Oquagh Oquajerp Oqueji Oruch Osa Osatigirx Osechidz Osedh Osha Oshaquozo Oshis Oshivukija Oshowerx Ota Otej Othashurts Othogoxide Othurdh Othusheya Otib Otse Otuchobeju Ova Ovagi Owecherzh Owotsegi Oxarz Oxerch Oye Oyerf Oyotersh Oyu Oza Ozax Ozehaxirg Ozhe Ozhene Ozi Ozithu Ozow Ozuthokuzhardz Pa Paghes Pechano Pi Pichirsh Pihushu Pisa Po Pu Pugworx Pusk Puti Puvonat Qua Quadzorf Quagi Quaju Quaw Queba Querv Quew Qui Quo Quowudzo Quugwo Quurasups Quuy Ra Rachash Ragharg Rawurk Ref Regas Regh Rejarg Renupexurdh Reti Rexa Rip Riy Ro Roghurts Rogwigwaghurz Ropixuyux Roye Rurk Sa Sayu Selonu Seye Shagi She Shefadza Shelirs Shers Shi Shiquubera Shixom Sho Shorv Showoxersh Shoxofadzu Shudhirv Shutsusp Si Sighuyaps Sirdh Siv So Soz Su Suzinu Ta Tah Tajaxo Tezho Tezohoyah Tha
Thatsishuve The Thed Thegoshozhe Thekust Therth Thi Thikarm Thotho Thughi Thurzh Thuwi Tinaderdz Tird To Ton Torerdz Totirth Tsa Tsarg Tsath Tsosk Tsow Tsu Tsumadz Turb Tuthapo Tuw Uba Ubobo Uchazosk Uchobi Uchok Uchukadz Uchurch Uchurs Uda Ude Udezh Udhogwurg Udhurizhogha Udij Udu Udzalashotho Udzarirz Udzelizithi Udzequadushurch Udzithequedzik Udzizhizh Udzu Ufazhu Ufe Ufethu Ufit Uged Ughamezhirch Ughemuba Ughequararorth Ughogi Ugi Ugwes Ugwo Uhi Uhirf Uhuk Uji Ujirt Ujoge Ujujohiduh Ukiwo Ukuko Ulezi Uliyishu Ulizhu Ulorch Umubigolusp Umug Una Une Unipi Unus Unuvudz Upe Upiyochun Upughol Uquesp Uquidzoxu Uquuvuteva Urafutsa Uri Uro Urul Usa Usaribu Usha Ushesewusho Usheyark Ushid Ushigwerk Ushuyazod Usu Uta Uthiyepajow Uthozhafetegh Uthu Utsothushij Utsuja Uve Uwart Uwarv Uwesushesk Uwetsomoy Uwithe Uwogajubey Uwohirts Uwudhogobern Uxapiy Uxe Uxu Uyeg Uyigothez Uyitsu Uyuj Uze Uzhegweho Uzi Uzozhezorn Uzug Uzusp Va Vasp Ve Vef Vew Vi Viche Virdh Vo Vojachidich Voquimoge Vorg Voth Vu Vugh Vuk Wep Wi Wid Wirzh Wishupachurth Wo Wop Wopirazh Woquarx Wubats Wuya Xa Xabokaj Xaf Xahijisosk Xayaruporm Xefepagu Xegwi Xersh Xigh Xirethu Xirts Xitha Xithefoch Xivordh Xiyofizhum Xizuts Xogh Xotu Xozhu Xu Xuchoyelerd Xute Xuvuts Xuzhe Ya Yaras Yark Yerm Yeyi Yezhu Yi Yipudhodh Yirn Yithezh Yola Yore Yothe Yu Yuhutsulu Yumume Zathohiwu Zav Ze Zedzu Zerz Zhachirs Zhaf Zhari Zhasug Zhe Zhedzihuyorth Zhemaf Zhez Zhifux Zhigh Zhih Zho Zhoka Zhokelinits Zhol Zhoyes Zhu Zhudh Zhuge Zhushixay Zhusp Zo Zobirosog Zosi Zuhoghexu
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holtdesales · 6 months
Character Profile
Eo Sagun
Intro: The first character POV we have, Eo’s thoughts provide us our very first look at the world of Rynedere. She values family and community above all else, and wants only the simple life of a shepherdess and mother. She is (by a few minutes) the eldest of her siblings and loves her brothers more than anything else.
Home: The village of Akfeld in Ferth
Key characteristics: Loyal, stubborn, loving, forgiving and steadfast
Key positive relationships at story’s start: Wull [twin brother], Eren [little brother], Eo Mona [Uncle and namesake], Cenred [father], Sagun [mother and namesake]
Key negative relationships at story’s start: Mera [mistress], the Bladeholder [military head of Larsmid], the High Lady Cessair [leader of Larsmid]
Driving arc: to return to her family after being separated from them
Symbolism in relation to her: Foxes, cedar waxwings
Weapons: none
Skills: Sewing/other domestic skills, a decent throwing arm, intelligent
Shortcomings: Cannot fight to save her life
Her forgiving tendencies are important to the plot, but are hard to write naturally at times. I try hard to not make her a trusting fool, but her desire to forgive is a driving factor behind several key characters’ arcs
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rollercoaster59 · 1 year
The ugly duckling... penny ferthing, avacado gyra... 13 st
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loveofbots · 1 year
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Hell yeah the bois
I drew Blade and @starscreamscorpse ‘s OC Ferth getting HAMMERED at the club, definitely drunk out of their minds.
We love doctors letting lose
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bluegrotto · 2 years
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“KNELT DOWN IN COURTROOM,” Ottawa Journal. December 13, 1911. Page 9. ---- Mrs. Forget's Entreaty, However, Fails to Gain Release. ---- Had Just Sent Her Husband to Jail for Two Weeks and Gets the Same -  Liquor Store Robber Caught - An Election Scrap ---- As Herbert Powers emerged from a Sparks street restaurant about midnight last night, he met two strangers in the doorway and passed jovial remarks on the drubbing the Grits had got in the elections. The next thing he knew he was locked up in police station, charged with fighting on the main street of the Capital.
'Those two strangers,’ pleaded Powers, ‘happened to disagree with my politics, and both attacked me together." .
‘Why didn’t you go away, then?’ asked the deputy chief.
"I couldn't, They wouldn't let me.' 
That was how Powers aided the powers above in defending himself, and put up a brisk fight. 
The aspect of self defence saved him,, and he was allowed to go.
Lawless, Lawless William Lawless, the well-named, young gentleman, who pleaded guilty to three separate charges of theft, was remanded until Saturday on Detective Culver’s statement that further charges would likely be laid. Lawless admits having broken into R. H. Kenny’s store on September 23, and stealing $100 worth of goods, including two overcoats, a suit and bundles of cloth. On November 15, Lawless also confessed he stole $50 worth of goods from Ferth Kahn, including 12 spectacle chains, a pair of glasses, and two lorgnettes. The third case of theft, also admitted, was of a watch, fob, and locket, valued at $50, the property of George S. Wheaton.
At Revolver’s Point Antoine Aubry, of 19 Hurdman Road, had an experience last night which he will not soon forget. 
Late at night a terrific pounding at his door perturbed the whole household. Going to the door Aubry was confronted by James Juunack. a neighbor, who roughly demanded where he was the young man who had sawn some wood at his place yesterday.
"Yes I did some work," admitted Aubry. "Your missus gave me the orders about it.'
"Well, you had no business to," retorted Jaunack, clutching at his throat. Then he whipped out a glistening revolver and pointed it in his face. 
The revolver was not loaded at the time, the police ascertained, and Deputy Magistrate Askwith took that into consideration, remarking that the offence was not so serious as if it had been loaded. A fine of $20 or a month in jail was imposed, and Jaunack paid, the required coin of the realm.
A Friendly ‘Steal.’ Alfred Farmer was charged with stealing a $10 bill from J. Rupert, as the man slept. Farmer stated that he had simply taken the money as a friend, judging that Rupert was too intoxicated to take care of the money. Rupert also agreed that the man had probably intended to do him a neighborly turn, so Farmer was allowed to go on furnishing bonds for his future behavior.
Knelt in Entreaty On complainant of William Faubert, his next door neighbor, Octave Forgert, 132 Friel street, was sent to jail for two weeks. The chief witness against him, however, was his wife, who testified that the man of the house made all the noise complained of.
The next case, however, was against Mrs. Forget and Mary Robillard, a married daughter, charged with having a brawl last night, when they called each other uncomplimentary names. Then it was found that a suspended sentence of $10 stood over her and in addition to this a second fine of $10 or two weeks, was put on her.
‘Oh!  Let me go. Your Worship," wailed the woman, kneeling down on the dusty courtroom floor, and clutching her hands in a beseeching attitude, 
The woman, however, was led away for the same two weeks as her husband. 
At the same time a daughter., seated among the spectators, raised loud cries and had to be taken from the court.
Robbed Liquor Store George Shore, charged with breaking into Joseph Lavigne’s liquor store at 332 Wellington street on two occasions, and stealing large quantities of wines and liquor, was found guilty on one count. The case was adjourned. however, before the other charges were gone into, or sentence passed.
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doctorleviathan · 1 year
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