#feral lil meow meows
catsdaddy · 2 years
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starofhisheart · 8 months
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Izzy Hands
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alucarddear · 8 months
I imagine during a fun little game of chase between Alucard and his lover in the forest(flirty consensual inside thing between them, not really him hunting her down lmao), Alucard can be a little feral and vampiric and showing some natural instinct? HOT
Fake feral Lulu has my heart. 🥹 Here, have a lil imagine of a cute human vs. dhampir hide and seek game. This is how it played in my brain. Purely outrunning Lulu is just difficult lol.
I imagine Adrian would give her a lil hiss and let her get a head start, running away from him towards the forest.
It’s fun to let her think she can get away with it and hide, he’d give her that much. Then he would just casually, arrogantly take his time searching, knowing full well where she is the entire time—her barely-there giggles always give her away too. She can hear him moving about, hissing from time to time.
For added anticipation and to make it fun for her, he might even taunt her a little or give her false praises—“I see you’ve hidden yourself well, darling. Best not make a sound. I’m coming for you.”
He’d use his speed to search in the wrong places first, musing out loud for her to hear. “Not here? Hmm.“
“Where have you gone, you cheeky girl?”
“I know where you are, woman. Show yourself. If I catch you first…” (As if she’d dislike the repercussions 🤣)
Eventually, he’d end the charade and silently appear where he knows she has been the entire time, whispering a “Boo!” before he captures his prize in his arms and lifts her off the ground. 😭
“Found you,” he would say, touching their foreheads together.
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berserkerzodd · 23 days
Now when I call Sabretooth, Sabes, I'm saying it in a "oh my lil meow meow" way
Clearly it's the same for Nick Fury (change my mind)
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From X-Men Forever v2 #24
I mean Sabes loses his sight and his arm in this one but Nick Fury calling him Sabes makes up for it, sort of. My poor baby 😭
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bespectacledbun · 8 months
more Obsidian!Yves nonsense that I cooked from the brainworms I've shared with my friends in dms before (⚠️ SPOILERS FOR GIL'S MAIN ROUTE IN JP!! ⚠️):
yves who loses his nanny and is told that he has to leave rhodolite to go back to his mother's family. yves who arrives in obsidian alone, scared, and unable to speak the language because he grew up only speaking in rhodolitian and not his mother tongue obsidianite
yves who meets his grandfather and he seems nice, but he's very strict and has a bunch of rules that he has to follow all the time. yves who quickly learns to stifle his cries until he's alone and makes sure to never show weakness in front of his grandfather
yves who doesn't really trust his cousins, except for gil. the rest of them always try to get him to trust him by talking badly about the rest of the family to him, but gil is nice. gil gives him sweets and takes him into town and even showed him a photo of his mother and aunt when they were young, but he gets sick so yves can't see him often :(
yves who quickly learns his uncle is terrifying and definitely not to be trusted. yves who keeps his head down, keeps his mouth shut, keeps to himself and avoids interacting with the emperor at all costs. if gil doesn't like the emperor, then neither does he, he decides
yves who is barely 10 when one cousin dies of bad food and the other in a "riding accident" and he learns how truly brutal obsidian can be. yves who is told it's a mistake the castle cooks and stablehands made, but late at night he hears his grandfather talking about a poisoning and tampered saddles. yves who sneaks around to hear the maids whisper how all the workers at the royal residence were slaughtered and their bodies put on display outside the gates
yves who notices his grandfather gets increasingly stressed over the years. yves who starts helping with with for the kloss household more and more, until he ends up taking over the duties entirely while his grandfather does.... god knows what. yves who manipulates the household business to suit gil's needs instead of the emperor's after gil confides in him that the emperor was the one who murdered his mother and older brother in cold blood
yves who is there right alongside gilbert when his oldest cousin mocks gil to his face about his mother's death, who says her and their brother were too weak and deserved to die as they did. yves who turns away as gil stabs him through the heart in rage and then helps hide the body later. yves who joins gilbert's plans for a coup d'état cleanse the empire of all its corrupt nobles
yves who is 16 when he learns of his grandfather's plans to eliminate gilbert on the emperor's orders, who skewers lord kloss before he can even try to hurt gil, who watches from behind as gilbert finally kills the emperor and throws the body off a cliff
yves who helps find and eliminate all those who are still loyal to the bloodthirsty politics of the previous emperor so that gil can achieve his goals of cleaning the country faster
yves who finds and brings roderich into the court, so that when if gil dies he can replace him and yves won't have to. yves who refuses to let gil die after everything he's done because he doesn't want to be left all alone again
yves goes to the border on gilbert's orders, who finds an injured little boy unconscious under a collapsed building and brings him back, so that even if he's too far gone to be saved he can at least get a proper burial along with all the other civilians who died in the war
yves who finds out this unconscious little boy could possibly be his half brother, who looks at his scrapes and injuries and wonders what kind of hellish family would have left him to die on the battlefield like that
yves who spends months nursing and training the boy–– luke, as he will later learn–– and teaches him how to fend for himself before gil sends him back to rhodolite
yves who spends years growing the power and influence of house kloss in order to support gil, until one day he is summoned to the palace for no discernible reason. yves who is told by his cousin that his father has died, and that in a month the court of rhodolite will send ambassadors asking for his return for the selection process
yves who spends that month reading up on the history of the belle system and scoffs at the sheer naivety of it, because what would a commoner know about the dangers of the royal court? how much could they possibly learn in a month that would equal the experience of a lifetime in danger?
yves who is told by gil that he is to be prince, liaison, and spy all at once, that luke and another prince in the rhodolite court will help him while he is there. yves who practices his rhodolitian again after years, so that he doesn't need that airheaded translator assigned to the diplomatic party. yves who introduces himself in stilted, but fluent rhodolitian to the group of strangely dressed men that greet him in the throne room, the men that are supposedly his brothers
yves who gauges all of the princes one by one, wondering which might be the prince gilbert mentioned that would help him. yves who's eyes barely flicker when they see luke, because they aren't supposed to know each other at all
yves who is both surprised and suspicious when Leon reaches out first and invites him to dinner, who shows up not expected to be welcomed with a feast in the domestic faction's office. yves who keeps his guard up, not wondering if this is some sort of ploy to get him to spill his secrets, but by the end of the party realizing leon is just that trusting of him (he can't tell if his older brother is stupid or kind-hearted)
yves who is already used to the stares and contempt that townsfolk and nobles give him so it just slides off his back like water. yves who is surprised when jin and licht both step up to defend him from a particularly loose-lipped noble that was barraging him earlier
yves who sees leon and jin and licht and clavis having fun together, who can't help but feel a kernel of resentment sprout when he sees them truly happy with each other. yves who remembers his cousins before they died, who recalls those years of just him and gilbert working alone because it was them against the world
yves who has completely settled in by the time he is allowed into the round table room, where he meets the commoner that will apparently decide the fate of the kingdom. belle. yves who learns her name is emma, and that she's apparently one of the townsfolk and works as a local bookstore's employee.
yves who remembers gil's orders–– 'you must be chosen as the king for our plan to work'–– and meets her bright eyed gaze, innocent gaze. this will be way too easy
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moonchild-in-blue · 3 months
I am once again very late to the party on the account that I 👏 haven't 👏 watched 👏 ii's offering yet 🥺😔
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jonsmissingribs · 1 year
I love how in the album Orpheus is treated as this little baby boy cinnamon roll who definately doesnt belong with the criminals and must be protected at all costs 🥺🥺🥺
And then you read the fiction and he's like an absolutely depressed bastard. Just fuck awful rancid vibes. Highkey pathetic and wettest cat around (according to him)
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ichiro-artosaki · 1 year
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here’s the full page of my witcher! still doesnt have a name tho 🤧 
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frenchiefitzhere · 1 year
Go ahead...
Ask me why I'm feral...
You don't have to ask I'll tell you It's because my good friend Jams (@spicyfluff_ on Instagram) just finished a commish for me Who would I want to be pictured with? I'll give you three guesses (he's powerful, smarmy, and I have an HC you can pry from my cold, dead fingers that he has a single feather tattooed on his chest) [Art below the cut]
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I had a long day at work and I just need some keyboard time 🎹 while Mr. Possessive Air Elemental Meow Meow Moore gives me a shoulder rub
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drearyrie · 1 year
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orbdotexe · 1 year
Timeline wise for Exile, I can kind of see them stalking Crow once they hear about him taking on their old duties and such, which could possibly be blue they hear about Shadowkeep?
BUT I also wouldn’t be surprised if they genuinely had no idea he existed until he started seeking them out.
I was drawn between Wolf actually stalking Crow, and them hearing about him through either Drifter (who acts a lot like an info broker for them), or being tapped into some comms and hearing someone crack a joke about there being a new Young Wolf - which would, obviously, tick Exile off severely. And not just because they're being replaced so easily.
And since Crow doesn't take to trying to find Wolf until Cayde talks to him about them in BL, it gives Wolf time to figure out his place in all this and for them to pin down just who he is.
But I think a combination could work on Wolf's discovery? They hear about Crow first through some fireteam's comms they're eavesdropping on, and ask Drifter about it the next time the two of them meet, and then they start stalking Crow.
I think, when Crow learns about how they knew he was being used as their stand-in, he'd be... a little off-put. I mean, this Guardian's absolutely feral. I think, before he truly gets a grasp of who they are and warms up to them, he'd certainly be quite. nervous. about catching their eye like that, and might feel like he just barely dodged a bullet?
I mean, I wouldn't blame someone if they thought being stalked by someone who was absolutely feral was out of anger at that person. So... maybe Crow'd think he might've been in danger for awhile? Before he realizes they were worried, not angry?
Because I think Wolf would tell him early on, before you could call the two of them friends, probably, so he'd be in that spot where he would know they had been stalking him but where he'd be trying to understand them during their next meetings.
And there was definitely a short period of time between Mara asking him and Cayde to go find them and Crow actually meeting them for the first time, where they'd be dancing around each other. Crow probably caught glimpses of them from a distance, just staring him down, before disappearing again since they didn't want him to follow their steps.
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crossbackpoke-check · 2 years
I'm sorry to tell you the 313 tat is ostensibly because he.... is an Eminem stan...
dear anon can i please return this cursed knowledge! currently dragging my hands down my face thank you so much!
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the 3-1-3 tat in question, in case anyone else wanted to suffer :)))))
#so the 313 IS the detroit area code 😭😭😭 weeping#thomas bordeleau sure has made some choice that *i* have to reckon with & i don’t appreciate it#@thom meet me outside in the parking lot i’m LOSING it over this i can’t tell if i’m mad or laughing my ass off like. it’s your body#if you want to get a 313 detroit area code tattoo-no have you ever BEEN to detroit??? like sorry but that’s the whitest white boy shit ever#YOU LIVED IN ANN ARBOR THE USNTDP IS IN PLYMOUTH IT’S NOT EVEN A DETROIT TATTOO IT’S AN EMINEM TATTOO 😭😭😭#speaking!! as a resident dumb white bitch!!! but i do get incredibly heated when it comes to detroit’s history & trends of gentrification#& segregation within michigan i have such weird emotions bc i’m not like. trying to gatekeep detroit i just think it’s a Choice & it feels#Weird. yeah idk i could just be sensy & hormonal so we’ll see if these tags last by tomorrow morning#forced to recognize the degrees of separation i have from mr. mathers & also from the likelihood of ever running into thom bordeleau#hopefully never but i do still ^%*+•’ remembering the usntdp is xx minutes away & olympic athletes use the rink & train there#and like. uofm. sometimes i forget i have seen this man with my real eyes because i went to a game before i was feral about them#i refuse to admit defeat at the hands of the umich boys#i also have to admit that i would probably get a tattoo for a band i love so i’m having a hard time here#I JUST WANT TO ROAST HIS ASS BUT I KEEP MAKING MYSELF BE NICE TO HIM STOP THAT#thomas bordeleau my worstie my hatred spirit my incorrigible terrible meow meow#thomas bordeleau… eminem stannie? where did my frathouse dj tags go because i was right#THIS ONE ->#me looking @ thom knowing full well i could pick up one of those lil bitches just like him on any college campus but that’s MY frathouse dj🥰#also… do you have a source 🤲#not that i don’t trust you i just like to collect media for Purposes & also because tumblr’s tagging is unreliable but bookmarks are forever#liv in the replies
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lunartrashbin · 1 year
The mere thought of Angeal is about to make me an endangered species
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berserkerzodd · 23 days
"Xavier said it's my turn to give Sabretooth milk"
The real reason Cable told her to stop
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From X-Force v1 #45
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kuroosdarling · 2 years
GRRRrrrRrrrR!!!!! i’m— he’s just so sexc i need him to come home already 🤧
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leisurelylazy · 11 months
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Kfjhjdkfhgh OC
its eye floats cuz it too big for its got damb head
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