#femmes nomades
jamesbukkakebarnes · 1 year
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nyc-looks · 3 months
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Eiligh, 23 Gemma, 20
Eiligh, 23: “The bulk of my wardrobe is either thrifted or made by me. The sweater is from Nomadic Traders, I lifted the hem bc I am very short, the sequined top is thrifted, the skirt is from Autography, my shoes are Obeo, and the blue top is a piece I made inspired by Regency Spencers. I made my necklace, and the earrings were made by a friend who does traditional Meti beading. I am consistently inspired by historical dress, clowns, handcraft, and love to dress eclectically.”
Gemma, 20: “I’m wearing a wool sweater and pleated skirt I made, and a vintage varsity cardigan with a Bettie Page pin. I’m also wearing black bows, a hankie from my best friend and Memery heels. I’m inspired most by butch/femme lesbian contemporary & historical styles, and my constant love of 1920s collegiate style and 1920s-1950s fashion overall.”
Mar 4, 2024 ∙ Garment District
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capriccio-ffxiv · 3 months
... Suddenly thinking about Viera concepts of gender again, in the most traditional hidden elf village Viera communities
Women build communities and villages. Men are nomadic wanderers who seldom stay in place for more than a fortnight. Both are hunter-gatherer types, though curiously it's probably the men who do... I forget the term for it, but it's a kind of agriculture done by nomads, where they cultivate areas based on seasons / flooding, and move between them (See: stuff that the Xaela do). The women I think are more likely to set up shop in resource rich forests where they can get everything they need without resorting to agriculture, which gives them more time for making buildings & stuff.
A woman who wanders, would she be considered butch? If she leaves the village for weeks, months at a time?
Is a man who settles down somewhere to become a shopkeep, or really anything sedentary, is he femme? ... Oh my gosh Anden would come off as *so girly*. "That guy lived in the same house for YEARS!"
Deep forest Viera who automatically refer to a Warrior of Light in masculine terms no matter how feminine the WoL is in their own culture, because they're a wanderer & that's a Man Thing.
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witchofthesouls · 10 months
What would be the equivalent of breast feeding for a newborn sparklings?
Their carriers don’t have breast to feed them, but I imagine newborns can’t take pure energy on liquid since they’re still so small.
I answered an ask about Cybertronian boobs or an equivalent to nursing in different frame-types here: https://witchofthesouls.tumblr.com/post/666034703498870784/question-can-cybertronians-make-something
So I'll do an expansion:
Sparkling-grade Energon is a nutritionally-dense and creamy, pale-pink Energon that's produced by a carrier's refinery systems. It's absolutely packed with minerals, nanites, and critical metals. Non-carriers (like sires, donors, or off-the-street mecha) can produce a supplemental-frame kick, which looks very similar, but lack all thirteen kinds of nanites that newsparks need. Usually one or two. At most three. It varies from each mecha. However, such fuel is still a great help to a carrier's systems that's depleted or gearing up for the next round, especially since newsparks have poor fuel regulation and go under a lot of development, so they need frequent, heavy feedings.
Some carriers can overproduce sparkling-grade, so it can be stored in containers and donated to many designated drop-offs: hospitals and clinics, Enforcer stations, schools, public housing, creches and orphanages, and charity events, to name a few places.
That's because there's a huge demand for this resource. Not only for bitlets, but it's also a wonderful resource for mecha that are medically compromised or severely restricted on what they can consume.
Frame-derived fuel from a carrier is naturally very shelf-stable. Fit for consumption for a lifetime with proper storage. There have been many attempts to replicate this trait with synthetic fuel, but not much success. The onsite production loses potency and nutrition within orns, and the powdered form, while it can be kept in a pantry, will become a ridiculously expensive flavoring after a single vorn.
Seekerkin city-states have a very large nursing culture since their frames tend to have multiple newsparks in each gestation, their societies are far more collectivist, and Functionist's standardization efforts mess with their unique frame-quirks. If a carrier is struggling to feed her bits, then other femmes from the flock will step in. Families also have access to wet nurses in local community centers, services from hospitals and family clinics volunteers, and even their jobs would cover it since it's a benefit that's enforced by cultural and social practices. (Praxus and Polyhex have made multiple attempts to codify it into their legal systems with the rise of outsider corporations requesting to place offices in their perimeter, but Functionist-Iacon and their supporting city-states put a lot of economic pressure to defeat those measures. They found other ways to quietly or loudly flip them off.)
Unlike other frames, a Seeker femme is able to produce sparkling-grade with all thirteen nanites after the first carriage with voluntary control and no need to be in a carriage. There have been multiple proposals on why:
Since their smaller mech-counterparts don't have personal refinery systems, it falls on the hardier femme frame to produce enough to feed many mouths.
It can be extrapolated by Vos' ancient cultural expression of "Mechs trine, femmes flock." It's a long-held social bonding activity that connects multiple generations within a single flock and strengthens the social networks within the community.
Before the formation of Vos, many Seekerkin were nomadic or semi-nomadic in the harsh environments of the Wastelands and the Rust Sea, so it may be an evolutionary coding-related quirk to help extend the scant resources on their immense travels.
There's been other proposals but a very negative slant that relates the Seeker frame to barely a step up from non-sentient mechanimals. (It's outsiders from non-Seekerkin city-states that do this.)
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proffesionalalpaca · 23 days
Things I’d love to see in Avatar 3
1. Varang is a cleopatra like figure; I don’t mean a captivating beauty but a deadly strategist, intelligent negotiator, innovative thinker (cleopatra was a chemist among other many things) & formidable threat beyond the femme fatal archetype.
2. Quaritch & Lyle’s growing understanding of the Na’vi language shown with broken sentences in the subtitles, only showing what they can understand - enough but not quite.
3. Jake & Neytiri (plus the kids) still grieving for their eldest and adjusting to life with that missing piece
4. Lo’ak finding his stride as a Metkayina and making efforts to prove his worthiness of Tsireya to her parents
5. Spider carving out a place for himself among the Na’vi despite Neytiri’s hostility
6. Tuk beginning to grow from a child and into the warrior she’ll one day become - giving Jake 2 or 3 heart attacks daily
7. The Wind trader tribe being chill nomadic traders who just roll with the insane nonsense that happens around the main characters: Archenemy resurrected? - bummer, Teenage girl controls the environment like a Demi-god? - very cool, Sky person boy just walking around acting genuinely Na’vi? - I like your stripes brother!
8. The Ash people being more than just aggressive warriors but who are rather a calculating and intelligent culture - one that, compared to other Na’vi clans, is uniquely multi-cultured from the many generations of outcasts from other tribes who brought their own skills, knowledge and aspects of their culture into the collective. - complete with Na’vi subspecies we have yet to see (Tundra/snow Na’vi? Taiga?) , hybridised offspring and descendants of them just intergrated into the cultural identity of the ash people.
HC - Varang is like 1/4 wind-trader/dessert na’vi and has a tundra Na’vi somewhere in her ancestral family tree.
9. Showcasing that a good portion of new humans arriving to Pandora come as refugees who genuinely mean no harm to Pandora and RDA staff who are opposed to the measures being taken by the leadership against the natives.
10. Exploration of Na’vi history and why the ash people appear to be outcasts themselves among other Na’vi. -my theory is that they were once an advanced civilisation like the Aztecs but were destroyed like them by all the Na’vi they ticked off under the first Toruk Makto (who supposedly rallied the clans to defeat a volcano- oral history passed by hundreds of generations and metaphor diluting the real history - instead defeating the tribe of the volcano?)-
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kdval · 8 months
AU: Dream team
Wanna see Cyberpunk noir with femme fatale? 'Cause I have one. Lemme introduce you this wonderful story: nomad V dressing like a corporate, starting from Pacifica, making friends with Hands... And then Evelyn finally shows up, steel from Arasaka and throw Dex overboard. But – but – you know the rules: don't fuck with Aria fixers. So... what's next?
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Well, I accidentally shipped these two during "filming". I'm sorry.
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No, actually I'm not! Bye!
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 2 months
The Hell's Belles, at least as a functioning group of vampires has existed from 1963 onwards, though it's been a brain child and a frequent fantasy of the Founder, Chrissy since at least 1958
The name Hell's Belles comes as a counter offensive from the era of peace and love as a solid 'fuck you' to the 'sugar, spice and everything nice' perception around girls!
The Hell's Belles initially represented a form of feminine support Chrissy CRAVED, given her relationship with her mother has never been the healthiest. It was this idea that there was a kind of sisterhood out there that someday, somehow she'll find. Well, Chrissy was right, she hadn't anticipated then that she'd be making this sisterhood herself from girls and women as broken and cast away as her. But does the future ever really work out the way you expect it.
The initial Hell's Belles were made up of a group of fellow runaways, though these founding members are no longer a part of the group. They're not dead! They just parted ways on friendly terms!
You see, the Belles didn't exactly have a home base for the first several years. They were just as transient and nomadic as their head and that lifestyle is rough, even for a vampire. Chrissy made and lost many, many friends during these years and it was the complex feelings from that which lead to her and the third iteration of the members focusing more of an effort on finding a distinctive and definitive base of operations
The Belles found their home out of a University Campus located a ways from the picturesque coast of Santa Carla in a sleepier, but, fortunately for them, no less lively student town. Now, I hear you, how the hell are a group of vampires living undetected in a university? Well, they're not exactly in the University, they're underneath it.
The University campus didn't always live it's life teaching students, in a previous time, it was a sanitarium, used to treat victims of disease with fresh air and beautiful sights and to reflect this purpose, it was outfitted with the full ensemble. Numerous buildings, a beautiful vantage point for views and, the veins of any hospital operation: tunnels. 800 yards of tunnels and small alcoves. When the buildings were converted into a University, rather than footing the cost of filling in all of the tunnels, the school opted to brick off all the entrances, hiding doors behind false walls and plastering the creases while leaving them to quietly rot in disuse. Except.... they didn't seal ALL the entrances, the body chute, a secret exit for funeral homes to pick up bodies out of view of the patients and staff. That's how the girls got in and they've infested them ever since.
The girls do come and go through the secret entrances and exits left over from the past lives, secretly unbricking the doorways and hiding that they've rendered the doors usable once more. ALTHOUGH, this being said, they prefer not to source all of their food from students on the university. That would alert to them too much, five or six students missing a term? It's understandable! People get cold feet for university and in a party town near the woods, people can get lost! But more than that and it's suspicious, they prefer to snatch prey from Santa Carla to take heat off them (unless you're Doe who feeds from dying patients in hospitals)
There's a total of 13 Hell's Belles members, not counting Gareth who INSISTS he's not a member and Mapplethorpe who comes around to spend time with Doe. All of the members are femme-adjacent and they are a little picky when it comes to keeping vampires in their ranks! Vampires can come and go, they're happy to be a spot in the storm, but not just everyone is a part of the pack!
The girls of Hell's Belles go by the cover story that they're a part of a single sorority and that they're out of town, college girls. Often with an innocent or a naive edge to them, just because the girls are kind of dicks and they aren't afraid to exploit the few privileges they get from their sex!
One of the many rituals that comes in line with being a part of the pack is constructing bead curtain room dividers. It's a craft to show discipline, patience and devotion and once you've completed your curtain and it withstands the tests, you get to hand it in a room or hall and make that section your room! Welcome aboard! And no, they don't give you the beads, you gotta source your own!
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ofmymuses · 2 years
i was going through my masterlist tag and saw that i have quite a few for labels so i thought it’d be a good idea to compile a lot of those labels into one big, long list  (as much as i’d like to include all of them, it would be way too long). i’ve also decided not to include any sort of description for the labels so that they can be left up to interpretation~ under the cut, you’ll find a grand total of #111 ideas for labels. if you find this post useful, please consider giving it a like / reblog so that i know ♡♡
the all-bark-no-bite
the accident
the aesthete
the airhead
the blank canvas
the blabber mouth
the black hole
the bully
the black sheep
the bookworm
the crimson
the calming presence
the church owl
the class clown
the conspiracist 
the coquette
the demure
the defrosting ice queen
the dilettante
the dreamer
the elitist
the ebullient
the escapist
the ecdysiast
the eyes and ears
the fragile butterfly
the foodie
the flightless bird
the fashionista
the fighter
the fool
the family man
the faineant
the femme fatale
the gregarious
the golden girl / boy / child
the good girl / boy / child turned bad
the gentle thief
the grifter
the ghost
the hedonist
the homewrecker
the heir
the hellcat
the hardcore gamer
the helping hand
the hotspur
the humgruffin
the hopeless romantic
the happy disappointment
the isolato
the icarian
the innocent
the illustrious
the jester
the jovial
the know-it-all
the kleptomaniac
the klutz
the loner
the lost soul
the lothario
the middle child
the monster
the mother figure
the mannequin
the mama’s boy / girl / kid
the miscreant
the muse
the mooncalf
the magnet
the nonentity
the night owl
the nerd
the nomad
the outlaw
the opulent
the parasite
the philophobe
the pollyanna
the prom queen
the prince charming
the puppeteer
the pyromaniac
the queen b
the quixotic
the recluse
the rich kid addict
the runaway
the runaway bride / groom
the reveller
the snake in the grass
the slacker
the sidekick
the sleepyhead
the sweetheart
the songbird
the stargazer
the saccharine
the trust fund baby
the trickster
the thespian
the unkind queen
the underdog
the virago
the vainglorious
the vixen
the wallflower
the wannabe
the wrath
the young at heart
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rizemayu for the ask game you reblogged bc i have to spread my Agenda™️
Oh hell yeah propaganda time with The Ultimate Lesbians™️
When I started shipping it:when you proposed it!
My thoughts:I really like them! I quite like how they are similar in the sense that they are both femme fatales who are entirely set on their goals. I do like the contrast between them as though. Whilst Mayu is driven by money and more worldly desires. Rize is more detached from those and lives a more nomadic lifestyle. I feel like their similar backgrounds yet different personalities could create quite an interesting dynamic. Almost like a dying and tan scenario.
What makes me happy about them: The amount of really sweet hcs I could wrote about them!!! I probably will do that at some point as well. I like how they seem to complete each other. Mayu feels dumb a lot of the time and Rize is willing to teach her. Rize can be power hungry and cold and Mayu is emotionally intelligent and understanding. God there's so much potential here.
What makes me sad about them: The fact that they can only over exist in fanfiction :((((((((( Istg Ishida knew they would be too powerful together and was a coward.
Things done in fanfic that annoy me: The lack of it. I'm going insane there isn't anything please god
Things I look for in fanfic: A fanfic would be nice please and thank you 🙏🙏
Who I'd be comfortable with them ending up with if not each other: I have been partial to RizeKane occasionally in the past but other than that I've never really had any Rize ships. This is probably the only Mayu ship I've been proposed so I really am not sure. Maybe it's all a sign they're meant to be together 🤷‍♀️
My happily ever after: being able to continue with Rize's nomadic lifestyle whilst also being able to find room for Mayu's search for money. Rize spoils her essentially lol.
Who is the big spoon/little spoon: I'd say they probably switch it up depending on who feels they need the most comfort that day. But more often than not Rize's the big spoon.
What is their favourite non-sexual activity: probably just hanging around together. Whether it be at a local cafe or a simple walk in the park, you can usually find them together. Rize also enjoys explaining the book she's currently reading to Mayu and patiently going over any details she feels insecure about not understanding.
I really enjoyed doing this one. I love being able to revisit characters when I do these and my God do I wish we got something. Definition of wrong place wrong time, huh? Please feel free to send me asks I love doing these
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shadeslayer · 7 months
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I read Brazen Femme again-tie one arm to my own bed and scream out the word, femme, taste it at the back of my throat, roll it around. It doesn’t taste like diva draped in diamonds, but remnants of carbon. Rips up my mouth with rocks from deep-origin volcanic eruptions.
I’m examining my resistance to see femme as more power than pretense.
I’m digging these notions-Femme as femininity gone wrong, Femme as the knife buried in a pile of glitter …
But then so many of the Femmes I meet seem to be very much about femininity. They tell me their Femme is radical and transgressive because they prescribe to the model of girl they were told to, except for the big catch-they fuck other girls, trans men, and queers. They talk about the power in being just what the world thinks it wants, only to follow up with the haha-tricked you! You can’t have it!
If the dagger under the glitter, the femme, is about performance or trickery-the big reveal-then I am daggerless and definitely not femme. Because that leaves femme dependant on the pretense of femininity that preempts the upset, and in my life the message has been sent loud and clear that fat and ugly is not feminine, mixed up jew gypsy nomad is not feminine, bottle of whiskey a night is not feminine, sex that bares teeth and doesn’t know how to stop is not...
I have felt like a leftover-a survived burden looking always for the pockets of flawless in my bones. So it is too familiar when femme is seen only as the absence of masculinities-a default identity. Negative space rather than something of its own substance. 
I am screaming and yelling and needing to reach in deep enough to feel with my own hands that on my very inside there is matter, not just the absence of something better. And after all that reaching I can’t get down with “my communities,” turning Femme into something that looks more like what’s not there than what is. 
This is what it is. This is where I found it. This is what lives. And for all that I can’t explain yet, I know Femme translates to revival. 
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anon-e-miss · 1 year
Shaping You - 7 Weaving Threads
“It’s okay!” Jazz caught Prowl in his arms before his humiliated consort could flee. “Ya didn’t forget yerself, Prowl. Ya fuelled, that’s all.”
“I made a porcineacon of myself,” Prowl counter. It broke Jazz’s spark to hear the self-hatred in his consort’s voice.
“Hardly,” he argued and stroked Prowl’s chevron. “Ya ate yer fill. No shame in that. The way yer armour’s cut, it don’t see like was meant to fuel at all.”
“Since I cannot help myself, it was designed to stop me from over indulging,” Prowl replied.
“Is takin’ more than three sip o’ energon o’er indulging?” Jazz asked.
“If it makes me grotesque?” Prowl asked as means of answer. “Yes.”
“Y’re not grotesque,” Jazz replied. “Yer gorgeous. Voluptuous. Every one o’ yer curves is perfection.”
“My curves are just brands of my excesses,” Prowl said, flicking his servo over his thigh with disgust. Jazz smoothed his servo up Prowl’s thigh. “What are your subjects going to think of me?”
“Remember, I told ya, we like our curves in Polyhex,” Jazz replied. He held Prowl’s servos and smiled at him. “They’re gonna be happy to see the Prince Consort is healthy ‘n fertile.”
“Fertile?” Prowl frowned.
“This,” Jazz said, cupping the curve low on Prowl’s belly, the evidence of their lovemaking. Prowl blushed a deep scarlet and Jazz kissed his cheekplate. “Is the sign o’ a fertile frame ‘n a productive bond. ‘M thinkin’ its playin’ a part in yer armour not closing.”
“Oh,” Prowl looked down at himself. “I do not believe I have seen this on any Praxian.”
“Probably ‘cause Praxian armour compacts it,” Jazz replied. “Don’t sound like a pleasant thing to me.”
“I cannot see your Aunt like this,” Prowl sighed. “I am indecent.”
“‘M gonna grab ya a sheet from the berth,” Jazz said. “‘N cover ya up. Won’t bother her, Prowl. Not even a little.”
It bothered Prowl. Jazz could see it and feel it. He went to the berthroom and stripped the top sheet off. When he returned, Jazz wrapped the sheet around Prowl, tying two corners below Prowl’s doorwings. The results were what Jazz would have imagined a witness of the nomadic tribe creating from memory, see receptive mates among the tribesmecha. The traditional wrappers his kinsmecha wore were made from fabrics with bright and intricate patterns. This sheet was more material than a wrapper was meant to have but more would probably make Prowl more comfortable anyways. In calor, Jazz would bring Prowl a proper wrapper and see if it suited him better than conventional armour in the hottest quartexes of the desert.
“What if it falls?” Prowl asked, arms crossed over his chassis.
“It won’t,” Jazz promised. “Y’re gonna find different types o’ wrappers ‘n kilts are common garb here, especially in calor. I learned to tie a wrapper from my ori, seen ‘m fight in one. The knots’ll hold.”
“You... go without armour?” Prowl asked, shocked.
“When it’s proper,” Jazz replied. There was a clear knock at the door. He rose from the couch. “Here she is. Don’t worry Prowl. She’s gonna like ya.”
“I hope so,” Prowl murmured.
“Auntie!” Jazz exclaimed as he opened the door. “Ya outdid yerself.”
“I tried my servo at some more recipes from Praxus,” Dipole explained. “‘N I got pressed energon for everyone. The cantine’s got yer consort’s brew. He likes it dark.”
“Ya ne’er waste yer time figurin’ how mecha like their press,” Jazz smiled. “Lemme take that tray from ya. Must weigh as much as ya.”
“I know you’ll insist,” Dipole replied. “Don’t go and drop it. I won’t ever let you forget.”
“Oh I know,” Jazz laughed. He turned back into the room and saw Prowl watching. “Come inside, Auntie. I wanna introduce ya to Prowl proper.”
“My pleasure,” the femme replied. “Dearspark, are you overheated again? I can get some ice energon for you.”
“Please don’t trouble yourself,” Prowl said, blushing sweetly. “My armour won’t close. I fuelled too much.”
“Ya did not,” Jazz gently corrected as he set the loaded tray on the low table in front of the couch Prowl was sitting on. “That torture device ain’t cut to fit ya. It’s the problem, not ya. Auntie Dipole, this is Prowl, my beautiful consort.”
“I know from my kitchen you like your pressed energon like the enforcers take it,” Dipole declared, pouring a mug for Prowl as Jazz sat down. “You never ordered anything else.”
“I should not have even had that,” Prowl said, taking the cup and smiling a little at the ominously dark fuel. “But my helmaches if I don’t have it. As it was, with just this, that armour barely fit.”
“That’s just cruel,” Dipole said. “Armour isn’t meant to be a punishment. I don’t know what your favourite fuels are yet so I brought a little of this and that to make sure you liked something. I haven’t made steamed lotus buns before. You let me know how what you think of them and I can play around with the recipe.”
“You did not need to trouble yourself for me,” Prowl said. Jazz placed one of the amber custard filled talc buns on a plate for Prowl and gave it to him. “Thank you. These are one of my favourites.”
“What else, Dearspark?” Dipole asked. “Everyone needs their favourites from time to time and they don’t always think to ask for them so I like to know, so I can make sure everyone is taken care of.”
“I like dumplings,” Prowl said. “From any culture. If you take dough and fill it with something, I like it. I have a weakness for rust sticks.”
“There’s a femme in town who makes the best sweets,” Dipole replied.
“Mirror is amazin’,” Jazz agreed. “There’s a line ‘round the block for her shop on Prima-tur.”
“What specifically about Prima-tur?”  Prowl asked.
“She sets out trays of treats to sample,” Jazz explained. “Treats mecha on the roughside o’ life can’t afford. She makes sure everyone can have a treat.”
“That is very kind of her,” Prowl said.
At first, Prowl only nibbled at the fuel but Jazz could see Dipole was taking no offence. Prowl was embarrassed he could not fit his armour and nothing Jazz or Dipole or anyone could say would make that go away. But as they spoke, he relaxed a little and Dipole took advantage. She asked him his opinion on different flavours of different fuels and with this be of underhanded guidance, Prowl ate a proper meal. Jazz was relieved. It was more easily done by Dipole then him. He never wanted to see Prowl starve and deny himself again. His consort needed his energy and his vibrancy to help Jazz bring Polyhex back to prosperity. How could Prowl carry a bitlet for him if he was starved? No, they needed to get Prowl comfortable taking his fill of fuel. Ori would have no use for a consort who fainted whenever he was called to work and that was a battle Jazz did not want to fight.
“I’m thinking you have Hotwire coming by for an armour fitting?” Dipole asked.
“Yeah,” Jazz confirmed. He was on his second steamed lotus bun. The silky bun and sweet filling was one of his new favourite fuels. “Even if Prowl’s armour wasn’t out to crush’m, it’s ununtrium. Too heavy ‘n too hot for Polyhex. Don’t know how they didn’t know. They trade out here.”
“They knew,” Prowl replied. “I have no doubt. My originator insisted on ununtrium due to its value. They wished to showcase their wealth using me as their billboard.”
“‘M sorry, Prowl,” Jazz squeezed his servo. Prowl hardly even dipped his doorwings.
“It is an ostentatious waste,” Prowl sighed. “I never wore ununtrium at home. It would have been seen as tacky to wear such armour to the Hall of Justice.”
“What had ya at there?” Jazz asked.
“I was an attache to the Lord of Law,” Prowl explained. “It would have been unsightly of me to serve something as menial as the enforcers.”
“Did ya like it?” Jazz asked.
“Aspects,” Prowl replied. “I would not have dared where ununtrium there. Question of my professionalism due to how I was armoured came up often enough as it was.”
“What didn’t they like?” Jazz asked.
“Me,” Prowl replied. “My originator would come to me raving about some complaint. It did not matter what shape or style of armour I tried. Something about it was always indecent.”
“I think your originator had some frame image issues that he put onto you,” Dipole declared. “You could have be covered from knees to neck and he would found a reason to complain.”
“He did complain,” Prowl murmured. “When he inspected my bonding armour. He wanted it cut lower down my legs but the designer set it was not possible if I was to walk.”
“I don’t think I like that mech,” Dipole grumbled.
Auntie stayed for moral support as Hotwire arrived. They nibbled on the snacks she had brought with her as the detailer had Prowl try on a dozen or more different cuts of girdle and chestplate. It suited the shape of his legs to have the girdle cut high on his hips and would let him move freely and quickly. Jazz did not think Prowl appreciated the newfound mobility yet. The curve of his hips was traced to perfection with none of that ugly, extra padding to make Prowl look straight and shapeless. After much back and forth, they settled on an adjustable waist, set higher at the moment, to make Prowl more comfortable. It too hugged the voluptuous Praxian’s soft belly, rather than squishy it and Jazz liked the subtle display it did of his contributions to his consort. Prowl’s chestplate was entirely revamped. Gone was the flat, crushing plate and in its place was a bumper that hugged his wells and showed off his broad, strong shoulders and wide, proud doorwings. Together, they showed off Prowl’s beautifully lush hourglass shape.
“Are you sure this is acceptable?” Prowl asked after he and Jazz were finally left alone. Jazz nodded his helm.
“It’s armour fit for a prince’s consort,” he replied. Prowl was only wearing the mock up for now. Hotwire would use fine crystals for his headlights and accents. He would not look like a pauper’s consort but neither would he look like a greedy bride.
“There is no season where ununtrium armour is appropriate here?” Prowl asked.
“No,” Jazz replied. “It... ain’t just the weather it’s.... just ain’t somethin’ done here. Ununtrium is for medical use, for construction. It’s too valuable to waste on armour.”
“I am amazed I did not have oil thrown on me,” Prowl sighed.
“Hey,” Jazz held him at the shoulders and reassured his consort. “It ain’t like that.”
“I am sure it was for ones suffering from fuel insecurity,” Prowl replied. “To see a foreign title hunter garbed in precious metal bonding to their war hero prince.”
“Prowl,” Jazz sighed.
“It can be melted down,” Prowl said. “Can it not be? Would it be improper for me to donate the armour for the rebuilding efforts?”
“They’d be in awe o’ it,” Jazz replied. He hugged Prowl to him. “How about ya ‘n me take a tour ‘n we can see were the need is greatest. We can see where yer armour ‘n dowry can do the most good.”
“I would like that,” Prowl replied, relaxing into the embrace. “I want to help Polyhex. In every way I can. It is my home now. They are my mechanisms now.”
“Remember how ya said I wasn’t yer dream mech ‘cause yer dream mech was a humourless brute?” Jazz asked.
“Darlin’, I can’t call ya my dream mech either,” Jazz replied. “I might o’ imagined a beauty, ‘n ya are. I might o’ imagined a savant, ‘n ya are. But I could not o’ imagined that Praxus would give me such a generous ‘n devoted angel for my consort.”
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punkeropercyjackson · 21 days
in celebration of me getting my first anon hate comment that just so happens to be transphobic I want to hear more about your headcanons abt the gaang and the characters u think are trans :3
SO Zuko is Link level trans to me.I want to get my transmasc version out first,he was an early egg cracker and Ozai is a sexist ass so he was happy to have a son instead of a daughter and Ursa was happy to have a son because Zuko was happy to BE her son.Zuko's transition happened no hassle thanks to being a prince giving him easy resources and he has top surgery scars and his voice is like That because of T and voice training to sound 'intimidating' and he identifies as dragongender since he says 'he's a guy in the way a dragon is'.There's a Zunia moment where Zuko is feeling dysphoric and Nia says he's never known him as anything but a guy and Zuko snarks that they met after he realized he is one and Nia points out they actually met when he was still just figuring it out and insisting he was a guy in the way he talked about himself and that he'd just rolled with it while everybody else dismissed it as him being a tomboy.Cue 10+ gender euphoria for Zuko
And TRANSFEM ZUKO MY BEAUTIFUL WIFE <333 She keeps her birth name because 'Princess Zuko' goes hard and just has an in-universe attachment to it because Ursa named her(/hc)and her storyline in the show has major tgirl swag with letting go of toxicity to not force herself to be Ozai's son,what a Team Mom she is to Aang,Maiko and Ty Luko feel so sapphic to me and she's lowkey kinda a misandrist lmao(instantly beefing with guys for talking to Mai because she thought they were creeps just for being guys,her Iroh roasts that're worse than her Azula ones,how realistically she hates men and trust women because of having a bad dad and a good mom,etc).She's femme presenting in a japanese way and the first people she comes to out to would obviously be Nia and Aang and she was being super jittery and even teary but they showered her in love and acceptance and nobody could really say anything about the Fire Lord being transfem because hello,FIRE LORD.Her transition went as smoothly as her transmasc variant's and she's him but cooler cause she's a girl /lh
KATARA HAS TGIRL SWAG!!!She tries to emulate motherhood despite being 14 so she can be 'a real girl' but still fights against other gender stereotypes like that feminine women can't be strong or else they aren't feminine or even female and her getting so excited to finally have another girl in the Gaang :'))) Her reinforcements of her gender identity are her being transfem and proud of it and rightfully demanding she be aknowledged as female being a core part of who she is and wanting to experience the good parts of girlhood including being thought of desirable FOR being a girl(Thank you gender validation king Aang)and she's mermaidgender.Also 'I was a Teenage Anarchist' by Against Me! is Katara core and so is Punk Tactics by Joey Valence & Brae,I'm just a girl by Cassidy Mackenzie and Bang Bang Bang Bang by Sohodolls.Normie Katara truthers wild asf,that is a punk native trans girl,end.of.discussion!
Aang is transmasc genderfluid and i once described his gender as 'tboy swag in the sense that's so feminine she's a girl but in a guy way'.Any pronouns and obviously the Air Nomads had their own transgender parts of their culture so that's why he's so openly gnc and is only embarrased about it when mocked for it and Nia also practices into Air Nomad transgenderism because Aang teaches him about since it's his heritage like being half Fire Nation(the black subgroup)is!!He physically transitions but Nia dosen't,solidarity🤝🏾🤝🏼
Sokka is a trans man and the token binary of the Gaang.Nothing much to say on this one,it's just vibes and he overmasculinized himself out of trans male insecurity and he transitions physically as well!!Him and Yue were t4t obvs i mean she's literally the moon in addition to her personality????
I consider transmasc girl Toph quasi-canon since she expresses wanting to be seen as a girl but also uses male titles for herself and the Ember Island Player scene deadass had her getting overjoyed to sound like a huge burly guy so testosterone could've saved her.Any pronouns like Aang and hrt but no surgeries for extra gender fuckery
Jet is a trans Team Dad to the Freedom Fighters and diy'd his own hrt with stolen resources from the goverment,KING!!!He was working on doing the same for Smellerbee who is transfem but we didn't get to see it because the 2000s😔She gets her full transition in my verse though and finally is seen as the beautiful girl she's always been♡Also Jet's rizz comes from his brownskin tboy swag /hj
Nia to expand a bit is afab and bigender so he's transmasc and happily uses the trans man label but also he's a black femme so his experiences with gender are really similar to that of trans women's and he relates the most to them when it comes to girlhood next to other black women so he's transmascfem too!He's naturally androgynous so that's why he never wants physically transition and it took him a hot sec to find his style due to his complex gender but Otome Kei was the perfect fit and he's also dragonkin and pinkgender!Zunia is extremely goth4pastel t4t childhood best friends to lovers and The Peace Trio is literally trans parents and their adoptive trans sondaughter
Ty Lee is such a typical femme trans girl(complimentary).She's a girlypop who's super peppy and goofy but she's also mentally hardend due to trauma and dosen't actually know how to approach guys but DOES girls-A lot of Atla lesbians say this is a lesbian thing and i'm like that one 'Why not both?' meme,transbian Ty Lee supremacy.Anybody who slutshames her for her body type is automatically transmisogynistic and hates to see a trans queen winning(and is also probs a conservative who'd rather pin the blame on her than the writers🙄)
Mai is giving tradgoth transfemme.If i'd seen her design as an adult instead of growing up with the series i would've thought she's canonically trans and especially Maiko pics because they're your average alt4alt transmasc4transfem couple.Like Zuko her transition was easy breezy but fitting in with other girls not so much because she was never taught how to,thanks a lot Ukano and Michi /s.Her dysphoria was crazy bad until her and Ty Lee reunited and got to be trans girl best friends again.I think she'd be batkin also!!
And finally,Azula!!She's a nonbinary trans girl and Ozai choose her as his perfect child soldier subject so she'd 'prove' herself as truly worthy to 'fail' by being useful to him.He gave her all the hrt but none of the needed love every child does💀Azula considered herself 'the perfect trans girl' out of a mix of genuine pride and being taught to be traditionalist with her girlhood but learns to let herself stop being a perfect illusion and just a tgirl after her Nia induced redemption arc that was also a healing arc and dating and eventually marrying Ty Lee let her see that there's no one way to be perfectly trans and that she dosen't have to fit herself into a box.She added nonbinary to it because she likes being masc sometimes!
And not related but they're also all autistic.Ty
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poesiecritique · 3 months
Les nomades du fer, Eleanor Arnason, Argyll, 2023 (1991), trad. Patrick Dechesne
C'est une longue fresque, une longue épopée, 568p. ou 586p, traduit de l'anglais et du temps, première publication en 1991, première traduction en français par Patrick Dechesne publiée en 2023, par ou pour ou depuis les éditions Argyll, qui bossent, on peut pas dire, depuis trois ans, ça bosse.
Au dos, une petite phrase de Jo Walton, connaissez-vous Jo Walton ?, c'est une autre autrice de science-fiction, je n'ai pas tout lu, mais j'aime beaucoup, j'ai commencé par Mes vrais enfants, un trouble de la cognition, elle dit "confuse", un trouble venant à un âge certain, la question de l'âge est si peu traitée dans les récits de science-fiction, ça n'est pas tout à fait vrai, mais c'est plus généralement pour dépasser le temps, le dompter, en sortir vainqueureuse. Bref, Jo Walton adoube Arnason, qui est aussi comparée à Ursula Le Guin.
Ursula Le Guin, je l'ai déjà écrit ailleurs, est un vieux compagnonnage. Ca date depuis plus de 20 ans, ce n'est pas dans l'effervescence actuelle que Le Guin, tout à côté de Mead, sont proches et fantomatiques. Je l'ai déjà dit aussi, ce qui m'intéresse tant chez Le Guin c'est la visée anthropologique de son œuvre. Elle invente des mondes aux règles sociales, aux philosophies, aux langages, aux religions différentes. Il n'est pas question de transposer les problèmes actuels dans un autre décor. C'est autre chose.
C'est aussi ce que fait Eleanor Arnason. Dans Les nomades du Fer, il y a plusieurs personnages principaux : Nia, une habitante d'une planète dont le nom est omis, et qui appartient au clan du Fer, duquel elle a été chassé ; il y a Li-sa, une ethnographe qui se place résolument du côté de l'ethnographie : elle arrive d'un autre monde ; comme Derek, un autre ethnographe (il y a en beaucoup d'autres, mais seul.e ces deux là parviennent à rester) ; il y a l'esprit de la cascade, un homme qui un oracle. Les chemins de ces quatre là vont se nouer, se tresser, d'abord les deux femmes, puis Derek, puis l'oracle. Une tresse à quatre brins pour aller vers le nord, vers le clan de Nia, un clan qui l'a chassée parce qu'elle était trop étrange.
Nia a vécu une histoire, une histoire d'amour, une histoire d'amour avec un homme et a eu deux enfants. C'est le fait étranger pour lequel Nia est chassée. Sur cette terre, les clans sont des clans de femmes, où sont aussi les enfants et les vieillard.es. Mais les hommes valides vivent seuls, dans les montagnes, ailleurs, peu importe, loin. L'amour n'est pas l'amour romantique, et ce sentiment, dans ce monde, dans ce livre n'est jamais le ressort dramatique qui permet que l'intrigue avance. Plus, il n'est jamais là. Cet amour qui chez nous toujours noue quelque chose n'existe pas. Ni plus, ni moins. Sauf pour Nia, et Eunshi. Je ne raconterai pas la suite de leur aventure, ce n'est pas la peine ici. C'est une histoire dans l'histoire, mais une petite histoire, finalement dans la grande épopée que ces deux extra-terrestres ethnographes, nous, et les deux habitant.es de la planète vivent.
Cette épopée, c'est le récit de l'arrivée de ces ethnographes, qui essaient de s'intégrer. Li-sa rencontre Nia, qui tête de mule, décide de partir du clan dans lequel elle habite, où elle a trouvé refuge, le clan du cuivre. Li-sa la suit. Puis Nia l'accompagne pour que Li-sa puisse rejoindre le lieu d'atterrissage de la fusée du Kollontaï (au passage, on apprécie le choix de ce nom de baptême bien féministe et bien marxiste). Puis Derek, puis l'oracle. Et plein de rencontres et d'aventures, qui permettent de saisir les enjeux civilisationnels, depuis un point de vue relativement ethnographique (mais plus que moins). Je ne veux pas non plus raconter cela, qui fait le sel du livre.
Dans cette approche ethnographique, l'attention ethnoliguistique m'a particulièrement touchée et, plus que la multiplicité des langues articulée à une langue commune, dite langue des cadeaux, partagée par tous les clans (qui jamais, ces clans, ne se font la guerre, elles ne connaissent pas, tout en connaissant les armes, et donner la mort), m'a particulièrement touchée l'attention aux gestes. Et encore, ce sont moins des gestes qui sont décrits que l'intention des gestes, des réponses. A tel point que, retrouvant les siens, Li-sa continue à employer ces gestes, qui font partie intégrante des langages de cette terre. Ces gestes permettent de dire les états d'âme, les affects. Vers la fin du livre, un geste humain du même genre est fait. Peut-être un couçi-couça de la main. Quelque chose de dérisoire, mais qui montre la potentialité de ce que pourrait être que de parler avec les mains. Cette approche me fait penser à quelque chose que Eleanor Arnason connaissait peut-être, Les rites d'interaction de Goffman. Eleanor a fait des études d'art vers Philadephie, Goffman c'est plutôt Chicago et la sociologie, quel passage de lui vers elle ?, je ne sais pas. Néanmoins pour Goffman, "le rite ne traduit pas la représentation religieuse de la société sous forme pratique, mais la représentation apparaît dans le cours d’une activité rituelle qui ne vise d’abord d’autre fin qu’elle-même." (Keck, 2004, https://philolarge.hypotheses.org/files/2017/09/01-12-2004_keck_Goffman.pdf) Et je considère, sans démontrer pourquoi, que le langage peut être considéré comme un rite, sans cesse renouvelé surtout s'il s'agit comme ici de dire l'affect, et plus précisément l'affect comme réaction à l'action que l'altérité a proposé. D'autant que ces gestes qui ponctuent s'accordent avec des phrases d'une grande simplicité qui permettent au présent, alors que tout est au passé - Eleanor Arnason écrit en 1991 ou avant, le présent direct, dans la sf, ça n'existe pas, je crois.
Une dernière dimension que je trouve intéressante, et peut être parce que je n'en suis pas spécialiste, c'est la réflexion très critique de l'approche marxiste de l'économie qui en dit tout en même temps ses potentialités. Le post-colonialisme est au cœur de cette réflexion. Cette dimension retend la dernière partie du voyage en laissant dans les mains de la lectrice une situation insatisfaisante, qui m'a plongée dans une suite de spéculations, et m'oblige à ne pas ferme le livre comme ça, juste comme ça, après un voyage civilisationnel dans un monde singulie décrit densément, au sens de Geertz (https://journals-openedition-org.ezproxy.campus-condorcet.fr/enquete/1443) dans un monde singulier.
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mmepastel · 1 year
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J’ai fini cette merveille hier soir. J’avais lu les deux premiers volets de son autobiographie il y a un an ou deux je ne sais plus, et j’avais adoré, puis j’avais attendu que le troisième sorte, puis j’avais oublié.
Donc j’ai rattrapé mon oubli, et je ne regrette pas, c’est peut-être mon préféré. Sans doute parce qu’il parle du désir de maison. Elle approche la soixantaine, et voudrait poser ses valises, fantasme sur une cheminée ovale, achète un bananier, recense ses possessions.
Mais elle ne peut changer ce qu’elle a toujours été, une nomade, voguant soit à Paris, soit à Berlin, soit en Angleterre, soit en Grèce. Elle essaie de comprendre qui elle est, qui sont les femmes d’un certain âge (comme dirait Neil Hannon), pourquoi leurs vies semblent toujours secondaires, pourquoi elles essaient toujours d’avoir l’air aimables et elles sont toujours empêchées de monter sur « leurs grands chevaux ».
J’ai particulièrement apprécié les passages où elle parle de celle qui loue le deuxième cabanon d’écriture, une vieille femme qui est pleinement elle-même avant tout, qui lui lit Le Cornet acoustique de Leonora Carrington dont j’ai ainsi fait la découverte. Pas étonnant que cette artiste peintre, sculptrice, écrivaine anticonformiste, née en Angleterre en 1917 lui ait plu… les passages cités dans le livre de Levy sont désopilants et intrigants. Alors, le livre fermé, j’ai plongé dans internet et j’ai surfé, en admirant ses tableaux surréalistes (pour dire vite, car ils sont aussi composés comme des scènes du Quattrocento) et ses personnages à têtes de fleurs ou ses chevaux blancs (sur lesquels elle n’a pas dû refuser de monter tant sa vie a été une épopée à travers le XXe siècle et ses crises), et j’ai eu envie de la lire. J’ai donc fait l’acquisition d’un très beau recueil qui réunit 4 de ses romans quasi introuvables à l’unité et tout juste réédités.
Bref, j’ai encore une fois adoré le ton de Deborah Levy, son humour, son intelligence, sa lucidité, et je viens de voir dans le Télérama reçu aujourd’hui qu’elle va sûrement sortir un quatrième tome de son autobiographie (chouette !), et en attendant, un nouveau livre sort mi-mai, La position de la cuillère, et je vais me jeter dessus.
Je la « range » dans les autrices qui font ce qu’elles veulent de leur fil narratif, fonctionnent par associations d’idées, comme Sigrid Nunes, Jakuta Alikavazovic et Zadie Smith. Elles sont précieuses, ces quatre là.
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selfiesforalgernon · 1 year
Cdpr you're fucked up for this one... how the fuck are you gonna bury one of the better questlines behind a ton of waiting when I was already at the end of the game? You had my ass skipping most of Kerry's questline, including MEETING US CRACKS R U KIDDING ME??? Plus you get to see 2 of their videos! I would have zero clue if not for the trophy list on steam filling me in.. wtf. I love the organic way quests come in through time-based calls don't get me wrong, but it's impossible to find out about one when you have nothing else left in the game. Anyway all this to say I deleted the streetkid male playthrough so I can redo it and have a Panam romance, and cleaned up some stuff on my old Nomad femme playthrough including basically Kerry's whole line, the dev room, and a few texts from Judy who I had a romance with (that is another feature that is amazing btw the texts you get that aren't 100% essential but are very world-building). It was nice, and I love Us Cracks
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raimeiha · 22 days
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Muramatsu Yua
22 ans || 13 février Mesure 1 mètre 60
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En dépit de son sexe et des discriminations possibles, Yua est une samouraï qui vit à la même période que le Shinsengumi. Nomade, elle passe son temps à voyager et ne reste que très peu de temps au même endroit, à moins que les conditions météorologiques ou qu'un travail soudain ne l'y oblige.
Dès sa plus tendre enfance, la demoiselle a démontré un intérêt pour les armes blanches, plutôt que pour les tâches ménagères et les métiers supposés seoir à la gente féminine de l'époque. Rejetée par ses parents qui ne voulaient pas d'une enfant "ratée" car elle avait déjà établi qu'elle ne deviendrait jamais mère, elle quitta son foyer familial très tôt et dut se débrouiller. Heureusement pour elle, elle fut recueillie par un maître de dojo qui accepta de tout lui apprendre.
Yua est très réservée et taciturne. Elle n'est pas très sociable et préfère faire route seule. Elle est aussi très polie et respectueuse, même avec ses adversaires. Elle a un sens de la justice propre à elle et est ouverte à toute proposition pour rejoindre une organisation, surtout si cela peut lui permettre d'atteindre son but.
La jeune femme a de longs cheveux ébènes qu'elle a l'habitude d'attacher en queue-de-cheval haute, avec une frange séparé en deux qui s'arrête en-dessous des lobes de ses oreilles. Ses yeux sont couleur noisette.
Elle a pour habitude de revêtir un kimono bleu nuit adapté avec des tabis et un grand chapeau de paille qui couvre le haut de son visage. Elle porte aussi deux boucles d'oreilles, cadeaux de son père adoptif.
En raison de son statut de samouraï, elle a toujours deux katanas accrochés à sa hanche. Son maître et père adoptif lui a déjà raconté les prouesses de Tomoe Gozen, faisant de cette femme mythique son modèle. Elle est d'ailleurs à la recherche d'une lance pour parfaire son style de combat avec cette arme. De temps en temps, elle opte pour le combat à double katanas.
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• Comme explicité dans sa présentation, Yua ne peut être jouée qu'à l'époque du Shinsengumi, soit dans le Japon des années 1860. • Les RP avec elle présenteront toujours de la violence et aborderont aussi le thème de la guerre. • Je ne suis pas historienne, mais je tente de rester fidèle à l'histoire de cette période en faisant quelques recherches pour faire intervenir des événements importants. • De petites adaptations peuvent être apportées après discussion.
• Recherches :
- Un membre d’une organisation reconnue par le shogun (Shinsengumi ou autre) → Une première rencontre lors d'une course poursuite. Yua est une rônin qu'il faut capturer à tout prix. Une impasse qui la stoppe dans sa fuite, un soupir, des bras levés, une capitulation. Une capture de la demoiselle recherchée, un premier dialogue tenté sur la route, un second lors de l'interrogatoire qui scellerait son sort. → Une arrivée dans les quartiers généraux de l'organisation très remarquée. Une femme qui se prosterne devant les supérieurs et demande à être acceptée, à être reconnue. Un souhait de se présenter, plus tard, comme une membre de ladite organisation face à ses détracteurs. Un échange de regards, un soupir. Une décision qui retombe sur vos épaules et celles de vos collègues présents.
- un partenaire de route qui pourra la suivre dans ses décisions → Une première rencontre surprenante et marquant les esprits. Une mort échappée de peu par le sauvetage de Yua ou une aide apportée lors d'un combat contre des rônins. Un voyage entamé à deux qui fait naître une complicité. → Une première rencontre très gênante dans une auberge. Une erreur du gérant qui mène à se retrouver dans la chambre de Yua alors qu'elle est en train de se changer pour dormir. Une colère et une honte incontrôlées, une menace, un fou rire. C'est une belle relation qui promet de naître.
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