#fe lena
navarreposting · 10 months
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gravitonbeamemitter · 10 months
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bi flag color picked from lena on my vhs of the fire emblem OVA :)
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zefirart · 11 months
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Lena and Minerva’s tea time for @/wafflesberry on twitter!
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fefuckability · 2 months
Archanea Qualifer 10
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Feel free to rb/comment with your reasoning!
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sunshades · 25 days
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We are a month into 2023, so here are the blogs that have made my year even though we are still in jan;
1. @bussyslayer333 you..I have no words to describe how much I appreciate you and love you. Thank you for being here and accepting my friendship, I LOVE YOU SMM ❤️❤️
2. @tongue-like-a-razor Lena is an actual gem, you do not understand the amount of talent you hold and the chokehold your fics have on me. It’s just…ILYSM!!*faints affectionately*
3. @harrysfolklore babe, your blurbs and fics give me so much serotonin I can barely stand straight and that is a compliment. It’s dizzying how you show Harry in such a soft light, I love you more and more for that everyday💕💕
4.last but not least @blue-aconite and @alittlereadingcorner Fe, you were one of the first people to note/bookmark/like Antidotes and Poisons. That first chapter was very difficult for me to post as it was my first fic post or any sort of writing, and I just remember thinking that someone would read it if I posted the next part or not. And it was the same when you guys reblog it and leave little messages, it honestly brightens up my day by a tenfold, so thank you very much for that 🫶🏻💕😭
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elderjourney · 5 months
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violasgamingpalace · 9 months
5 Biggest Girl Bosses in Fire Emblem 1-
Artemis- decides to really own the fact she was named after a famous Virgin by getting a curse named after the fact she couldn't get laid.
Nyna- gives away the fire emblem because she wanted this to be the one game where players actually know what the fire emblem is. Sees a guy who vaguely looks like her ex-boyfriend and goes to a different continent to break up his marriage.
Lena- decides she has to fight 3 dozen bandits by herself to get a staff buyable in every shop despite having the only warp staff in the game. A real fe player who constantly asks herself- but what if I REALLY NEED 15 more mend uses.
Caeda- turns marth into her male wife by not only being the Lord who recruits everyone, but also being the best boss killer in the series with the wingspear
Minerva- who else could it be at number 1? The FIRST fe character to go "Oh no I'm at zero health you killed me, psych! I'm too much of a girl boss to die here". Makes a whole squad of female soldiers because she supports other girl bosses. So cool a legendary axe is created out of literally nothing just so she can be more special in the remake.
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natalievoncatte · 11 months
Alex rarely calls her. Alex prefers visits, or texts. She does things like send Lena a random TikTok that they can laugh over at three in the morning, or shows up at her office with lunch to catch up- food being a love language is as much a Danvers trait as it is a Kara trait. Sometimes Kelly joins them, sometimes Esme.
When she calls it makes Lena nervous.
Alex’s voice is tense, hoarse from fatigue, and she’s tired.
“Lena, thank God. Kara’s… okay, first, she’s okay. She’s not physically hurt.”
There’s an almost imperceptible emphasis on physically that makes Lena’s stomach sink.
“Tell me what happened.”
“We were dealing with a villain named Shade. Nothing more than a thief, really, but his gimmick is controlling darkness with this staff he has. We took him down.”
“But,” Lena says.
“He enveloped Kara in shadows and she panicked. She flew home and I’m not sure if anyone else should go in right now.”
Lena feels her stomach twist and the steering wheel creaks beneath her hands. She was already on her way home, but she abruptly cuts into the left lane and pushes in the throttle, glad that she both decided to drive herself to work today, and that she selected the Bugatti from the garage.
“I’ll be there in five.”
She makes it in four.
Lena’s teeth click as the low slung car jolts over the curb; she forgot to hit the switch to raise the front end. She doesn’t much care, as she leaves the driver’s side door hanging open. Taking the side steps two at a time, she rushes through the garage door into the kitchen and blinks.
The house is unbearably bright. Every single curtain is throw open to the afternoon sun and every light is switched on, with every dimmable bulb all the way up. Kara has also lit the fireplace and sits next to a roaring blaze, still in her suit, rocking slightly as she hugs her knees to her chest.
Lena first sheds her blazer and then her heels, approaching Kara with steady, even steps.
“It’s me, darling.”
“Idon’tknowifImsafe,” Kara blurts out, the jumble of words tumbling from her lips.
“Hug your arms around yourself like we practiced.”
She does, wrapping her arms tightly around her body, alleviating the fear that she’ll hurt Lena with an errant movement. Lena sits slowly, curling around Kara from behind as she guides the other woman’s head to her shoulder.
“It was just like being back there,” Kara whimpers, her jaw shaking with every word.
Lena lets Kara feel her nodding and slips her fingers into Kara’s hair, gently working out the tangles she finds. She can tell that Kara has been in a fight; she smells like sweat and oil and soot.
“You’re not there anymore and you never have to go back.”
“What if this has all been a dream. What if I open my eyes and you’re not there anymore.”
“I’ll be here when you open your eyes, my love. Come on, I’m right here.”
“I can’t.”
“Okay,” Lena says, “tell me five things you can feel.”
“My cape. The floor. The heat from the fire. My boots. You.”
“That’s right. Now, five things you can hear.”
“The fire burning. The electrical hum from the lights. The wind in the trees outside. The mantle clock in your office. Your heartbeat.”
“Okay, now, five things you can see.”
Kara’s entire body shakes as she forces her eyes open. When her gaze meets Lena’s, she melts into Lena’s arms.
“Our house. The rug. The fireplace. My painting of Argo City…” and then, breathless, “you.”
Lena cannot help but marvel as they shift their bodies and Kara is suddenly in her lap. Lena cannot help but marvel and the mind-boggling reality of this moment. Kara has been worshipped as a god; she has performed miracles, shattered mountains, can melt steel with a look. Yet here, now, she feels as small and fragile as a baby bird cupped in Lena’s palm.
Kara is not so delicate, though. Her arms still wrapped about herself for safety, she lets Lena squeeze her as hard as she can, until Lena trembles with effort, making sure she can feel.
Kara’s breathing slows. Her body relaxes, and Lena feels secure enough to fetch her phone and call Alex to let her know that Kara is alright, and then order an absolutely absurd number of pizzas and other junk food from their favorite new place.
After Kara has showered and been fed, she goes right back to where she need to be, pillowed on Lena’s chest. They don’t speak; Lena simply understands that tonight she will sleep with the lights on, and strokes her fingers gently through Kara’s hair until her face goes slack and the fear and worry leaves her features as she falls asleep. Kara is even more angelic like this, one arm thrown over Lena’s waist, head turned into her, breathing softly.
Lena doesn’t sleep a wink, but that’s okay, because Kara does, and by the time Kara wakes up, Lena is more than happy to spend the day in bed.
Playing with their hair until they fall asleep.
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waytooinvested · 2 days
Forgotten, Not Forgiven - Chapter 10
Rift era reconciliation/fix-it fic in which Kara's memories of Supergirl are stolen and Lena has to rally round to help her get them back. Starts out kind of on the angsty side but there will be more fluff down the line.
This and previous chapters are also on AO3
Clinical trial for Q-wave brain stimulator.
Trial subject 1. Session 2
Subject now up to a stable therapeutic dose of 15 biohertz, sustained for a period of 45 minutes.
No ill effects noted.
Brain image unchanged since previous session.
Subject favours Big Belly burgers over tacos, and steals my fries.
Lena added the last sentence into her headline report summary in an unplanned and uncharacteristic fit of whimsy, and hit send before she could second guess the impulse. With all the extra hours Alex was putting in to try and keep on top of the Malefic situation (not to mention the media circus surrounding Supergirl’s official cover story), Lena knew she was feeling guilty about not being there for Kara more when she was going through something so huge. She hoped that the touch of levity (and the sheer, undeniable Kara-ness of it) would reassure Alex that her sister was doing okay, and maybe even make her smile.
Lena’s own cheeks were still aching a little with the unaccustomed amount of smiling they had been doing over the past few hours. She had been somewhat apprehensive going into the Q-wave session after the intensity of the first one, but there had been none of that this time. Kara had been in a buoyant mood after finally being allowed to hand fashion over to someone else, and while “The best (AND WORST!) food trucks in National City revealed” could hardly be called hard hitting journalism either, at least she was going to thoroughly enjoy the research process. Her good humour was infectious, and the two of them had chatted easily throughout the 45 minute treatment, stopping only twice, when they had had to abruptly drop a subject and take a few minutes to recover to avoid their laughter developing into the kind of giggle fit that would make it impossible for Kara to keep as still as she needed to.
At the end of the session they had found that neither of them were ready to abandon the conversation and head home just yet (or in Lena’s case back up to her office to put in another couple of hours on her endless to do list), and so Lena had mentioned that while the ice cream part was negotiable, taking ones research participant out for a post-trial treat was a strict requirement of her profession, and she would hate to be reported to the ethics board for neglecting her duties as a scientist.
And after all, they did need to eat.
Actually, going out with Kara was one of the few things that reminded Lena to eat a full meal these days, rather than just taking a few mouthfuls of whatever happened to be to hand when she had been focusing on something for so long that she started feeling faint and foggy (it had happened a few times recently, but now that Lena had asked Jess to stock up on smoothies and granola bars she was at least taking in enough nutrients to stop it affecting her work, and between her day to day CEO duties, the Q-Wave treatments and her latest product launch date on the horizon, she really didn’t have time for more than that).
As an extra incentive Lena had suggested that they could get something from a food truck as early research for the ‘Best of’ article, but despite the fact that she had been waxing lyrical earlier over a new taco truck she was desperate to try, Kara had instead opted for Big Belly Burgers. Lena’s favourite comfort food.
She had been touched enough to allow Kara to ‘accidentally’ steal several of her fries, until after theft-number-four her honour demanded the challenge be answered and Lena swiped a mozzarella stick from Kara’s plate in retaliation. They ended up holding a discrete but intense battle in their quiet corner of the diner that culminated in a brief fork-fencing match, which had been both incredibly undignified and, somewhat to Lena’s surprise, a lot of fun.
It didn’t hurt that she won the fencing match. She might not have brushed off her sabre for a few years now, but before she had moved to National City Lena had been a fencing champion, and had even come close to qualifying for the Olympics. The tiny, greasy battle made her think it might be time to look into taking it up again. Kara would probably enjoy it too.
Maybe Lena could even teach her...
Clinical trial for Q-wave brain stimulator.
Trial subject 1. Session 3
15 biohertz sustained for a period of 60 minutes.
No ill effects noted.
The lab setup was a little different this time.
Lena had remembered Kara’s choice in their ‘where-would-I-rather-be’ game from the first session, and had replaced the printouts stuck above the cot with a night sky projector. Not content with the random pinpoint projection of the kind made for children’s bedrooms, she had tracked down a model designed for planetariums, and the ceiling and walls of her lab had transformed into an accurate, detailed map of the night sky (absent light pollution). The effect was somewhat spoiled by the flat angles of the room rather than the graceful curve of a dome it was designed for, but even so, once the lights were off and her computer monitor brightness was turned to its lowest setting, it was impressive. It was almost startling how different it felt, actually, even to Lena, who spent almost as much time in this room as she did in her own home.
The projection managed to convey a certain amount of relative distance, making the lab seem, if not limitless, then at least far bigger than its true dimensions, while the darkness softened the shapes of furniture and equipment until they blurred into the background, eminently ignorable compared to what else there was to look at. Of course it still smelled incongruously clinical, but the background hum of efficiently running machinery was easily transformed into the quiet sighing of a breeze through trees, the occasional beep or click nothing more than passing insects.
Lena was considering whether or not to have a quick lie down on the cot (just to check the projector was perfectly aligned to give the best view from that vantage point), when she was interrupted by a small ‘oh’ from behind her, and the quiet thump of a bag dropping from slack fingers to hit the floor. She turned to find Kara standing in the doorway, her mouth hanging slightly opened as she stared upwards.
She stayed like that for several long moments, just staring and softly repeating ‘oh, oh, oh’ as she took it all in, until at last she tore her focus from the ceiling and instead turned the full force of her rapture on Lena, gazing at her as though she was a witch who had gone out and captured a real piece of the heavens just for Kara’s amusement.
‘Oh Lena, you’re… this is just…’
Kara shook her head, apparently lost for words, and although Lena knew that the look and the breathless murmur of delight were for the stars and not really for her, they were filled with such unguarded wonder that it made her blink, unprepared for the dazzle of Kara’s admiration. She felt unaccountably warm suddenly, and although she tried to remain business like as she went through the usual set up routine, it took three tries before all the sensors were perfectly aligned to begin.
When at last it was done and Kara was lying back on the cot with the Q-waves running, she gazed up again with a sigh that seemed both contented and a little wistful.
‘There are so many more than you can see from the city. I’d almost forgotten…’
She reached out a hand as if she might be able to touch the scene above her, and the projector painted the back of it with a sprinkling of stars, as if Kara was once again part of the night sky that was now so far out of her reach. She looked almost sad, and Lena wondered whether this might not have been such a good idea after all. Was she just taunting her with the illusion of something she could no longer have?
But then Kara stopped reaching upwards, and instead extended her hand towards where Lena sat with her laptop, in the shadows beyond the soft shine of simulated starlight.
‘Will you come and watch with me?’
‘I shouldn’t. I need to keep an eye on the monitor, just in case something goes wrong…’
‘Nothing will go wrong. Besides, the readouts are on your laptop aren’t they? Can’t you just bring it with you?’
Lena considered. Technically, yes, she could. Her laptop had all the controls she needed apart from the switch to actually turn the Q-waves on and off, but if she was beside Kara she could always just physically remove the cap if there was an emergency. There was no practical reason to stop her joining Kara among the stars…
Well, was it wise?
She and Kara were well beyond any possibility of romance of course, but still, stargazing. It was the classic trope from every romantic novel and movie in existence, and going over to lie beside her now might be tempting fate too far.
...But then again, they weren’t real stars.
The two of them were just in Lena’s lab, the same as they had been twice before now, and Lena was a certified genius, she was hardly likely to allow herself to forget reality, especially if she was also keeping an eye on the Q-wave readouts at the same time. And after all, she had paid an amount that she wouldn’t care to admit to for the projector, and if not now, when was she ever going to find time to make the most of it?
She gave in, and was soon settled beside the bed with her chair tipped back as far as it would go, laptop set up beside her but carefully angled away from Kara so that she couldn’t read more from the screen than she should. She checked the readouts one more time, and then Lena let herself lean back and enjoy the majesty of the universe.
It had been worth spending the extra money to get a quality model, she thought. Every constellation was picked out with breathtaking clarity, the milky way so crisp that she understood the urge to reach out and try to touch it. Of course it still wasn’t really like being outside (not when the shape of the light fixtures was so clearly discernible behind the projection), but as her breathing synced to Kara’s in the darkness, Lena still felt an echo of what she always had when she took the time to really notice the stars.
It made her feel her own smallness and insignificance in a way that she rarely experienced in her day to day life. Down here she might be nigh-infamous, the influential billionaire, high power CEO at the top of her field, respected or despised but always and inescapably known; but up there she was nothing. A tiny, fleeting blip in the vastness of space, barely there before it was gone again. It made her chest ache with the memento mori of it, but at the same time she found it strangely comforting, because on that scale it wasn’t just her that didn’t matter. The Luthor name and all that came with it was equally insignificant. Every rigid expectation, every hurt, every betrayal, every loss she had ever felt was so inconceivably tiny that if you zoomed out even a little bit they were no longer there.
It meant that if she chose to she could rip up the rule book, let her leg hair grow out and just do whatever made her happiest in the moment. The world would keep turning just the same, none the wiser to the fact that Lena Keiran Luthor was eating thick slices of mango on her balcony, dressed in nothing but the rosy glow of a rising dawn while juice ran down to her elbows; or sleeping for twelve gloriously unproductive hours before wandering out to the nearest park with a bag of defrosted peas and rolled oats for the ducks instead of attending her scheduled press conference (because even when nothing had consequences on a cosmic scale, not harming the local wildlife by feeding them bread still mattered).
It made her want to look away.
It made her want to stare forever.
It made her want to hold onto someone, to anchor herself with the undeniable, tangible physicality of life and heat and breath and the shared experience of this.
It made her want…
It made her want.
‘Do you remember the time we did this your first year here?’
Kara’s voice was almost as soft as a starlight surrounding them – an accompaniment rather than an interruption to the peace, and Lena found herself smiling fondly at the reminder, the sharp stab of pain that usually tainted any happy memories of their shared past unexpectedly absent.
‘Oh course I do. You dragged me out in the middle of the night, insisting we go to some special perfect spot to see a meteor shower, and then we got lost hiking up the trail’.
Probably, she now realised, because Kara had only ever flown there before. She could have done so that time as well if it had just been about seeing the shooting stars, but she had wanted to include Lena in the excursion so much that she had been willing to walk a mile and a half in the dark just so they could experience it together, and Lena had agreed as if the suggestion hadn’t been completely insane. Even after knowing her only a few months, she had already been willing to do just about anything if Kara asked it of her.
‘In my defense, the trail marker was missing, and it turns out things look really different in the dark. But that meadow we found was even better, wasn’t it? With all the harebells, and then the owl flying over, it felt almost like magic’.
‘It was beautiful’.
It really had been a lovely place, but despite the scenery, all Lena had really had eyes for that night had been Kara. She had been more beautiful than any meteor shower…
‘It was. I loved sharing the stars with you’.
Lena didn’t trust herself to reply, but she couldn’t help her mind drifting back over all the other times she and Kara had shared the stars.
Warm summer nights spent laughing and sipping wine while the sky slowly darkened above them. Crisp autumn evenings when they had met up after work and decided to take the long way through the park, just for a few more minutes of starlight and conversation before they met up with everyone else for a game night. The New Years Eve when Lena had been under the weather and decided not to go to any of the various events she had had invitations to, and Kara had blown off her own party in order to keep her company. They had spent the hours before midnight sitting out on her balcony, bundled up in layers of coats and blankets, sipping hot tea instead of champagne and watching the fireworks going off across the city…
The memories were so vivid that Lena had to interrupt them before she could forget herself and reach for Kara’s hand as she had then (not that anything had come of it. Kara had simply swung their clasped hands between them and started up a verse of Auld Lang Syne, and Lena had pretended that that’s what she had intended all along).
‘Do you know any constellations?’
‘Yeah, my friend Kenny and I spent about a year in high school obsessed with star gazing, and we learned them all. Do you know them?’
‘Most of them – not all. I had a brief astronomy phase too, but my family didn’t consider it a proper science and pushed me to redirect my focus to areas that would prove more profitable later on. I enjoyed learning about the constellation myths in my free time though’.
Kara hmmm-ed gently – sympathetic without making it into a big thing.
‘Will you tell me one?’
They spent the rest of the 60 minutes swapping stories about the stars. Lena told Kara some of the livelier Greek constellation myths, and in return Kara told her about her nights of stargazing as a teenager, and the stories she had made up for herself about what she could see. Some of the myths Kara described sounded too detailed, and too strange to be all imagination, and Lena wondered whether this was a re-writing of some Kryptonian legend. She made a mental note to ask once Kara had the rest of her memories back, and then pulled up short.
Of course she couldn’t ask.
They would no longer be on speaking terms by that point. Foolish of her to forget that.
But the stars were shining, and the quiet hum of the Q-wave generator was soothing, and she couldn’t bring herself to get worked up about the slip. It didn’t matter. They were in a made up friendship in the midst of a made up universe, and all of it felt real enough for this moment.
All too soon the time was up and Lena turned the lights back on, the intimacies of her star-addled thoughts retreating into the safety of the shadows they had come from as she turned her attention back to the Q-wave programme.
And: there was something there.
Well. Maybe there was. It was hard to be sure even with the image magnified as far as it would go, but she thought there might be a couple of spots where the dark line was now very slightly less crisp. Not quite fuzzy, but getting there…
She stared at it until her eyes ached and she could no longer trust that any blurring was actually on the scan rather than an illusion of her own visual fatigue, and then she closed the file and sent it off to Alex along with a brief write-up of the session’s progress. It might be nothing, and it might not. All she knew for sure right now was that Kara felt fine, and that at that moment she was waiting for Lena to finish her report so that they could begin their evening plans, and the longer she spent worrying over an inconclusive image the less time they would have to enjoy them.
So she abandoned her laptop along with all thoughts of fuzziness that wasn’t the alcohol induced kind, and set off with Kara for their cocktail night.
Clinical trial for Q-wave brain stimulator.
Trial subject 1. Session 4
15 biohertz sustained for a period of 60 minutes.
No ill effects noted.
Subject fell asleep at approximately minute 14 of treatment, and this was maintained for the remainder of the session.
Scan evidenced definite blurring of perimeter at position 4 (noted on scan), measuring approximately 0.54mm in width. This represents a significant development over the previous treatment outcome.
Hypothesis: treatment during REM sleep may have enhanced effects compared to the same waves received while conscious.
They had used the star projector again, but with the possible-almost-blurring on the previous scan Lena had felt it prudent to keep her focus on what was happening on her screen, and had stayed at her desk this time. Without the distraction of sharing stories Kara, apparently exhausted after a broken night and a particularly grueling day at work, had quickly dozed off in the quiet peace of the simulated night sky.
And it was lucky for Supergirl that she did, because this new finding was major. A breakthrough even.
Okay, Kara hadn’t seemed to remember anything new when she woke up, but the questionable fuzzy spot on the previous scan was now a definite blurring, and progress had been much more rapid than Lena had expected.
It was exactly what they had been working towards since she had conceived the idea that first night in Al’s.
It was wonderful.
Just what she had been hoping for.
It had to be.
She waited until Kara was safely in the bathroom, then retreated to the privacy of the back office with her auditory scrambler to call Alex. Even with those precautions in place it was a bigger risk than she should have taken, she knew that, but she couldn’t help it.
She wanted to pass on the good news directly.
She wanted to hear someone else tell her that it was good news, so that she could believe it for herself.
‘Lulu, what’s up?’
Somehow Alex managed to audibly smirk at the use of the code name, and it was just so typically Alex of her that it managed to divert Lena briefly from the reason for her call.
‘Do you really have to call me that every time?’
‘Hey it’s your rule, I’m just abiding by it’.
A little of the panic that had been building behind Lena’s sternum was replaced with the aggravated amusement that was becoming the baseline for their interactions, and she felt her stiff shoulders relax by a few degrees even as she made her voice sound stern.
‘That’s for when there’s a risk of being overheard at your end, as you know perfectly well. Right now I know for a fact that our trial subject is not standing behind you, because she is currently in my bathroom, and I am in my locked, sound proof office’.
‘Still, it’s wise to keep in good habits’.
Lena grimaced at her phone, but she had to fight the slight tugging at the corner of her lips to do so. Alex was enjoying this code name business far too much, and it made her wish she had chosen something less innocuous than ‘Annie’ in return. Ermintrude perhaps. Or Bert. It would have been terrible for the purposes of keeping things under the radar, but it would have been fun.
‘Hey Earth to Lulu, don’t keep me in suspense! What’s happening over there?’
‘Right, sorry. I do need to be quick – I just wanted to tell you myself, I think we have some progress. There is a definite blur on the scan. It’s small, but it’s there’.
‘Wait, seriously? And Kar- uh, Katie is feeling alright? No headache or anything that might indicate a danger sign?’
‘She’s completely fine. No indication of any memories or powers coming back yet, but this is a real start’.
‘Lena this is amazing! We need to go out for a drink to celebrate!’ - she hesitated - ‘unless that would be crossing too far over the business/friendship line?’
She should have refused. Would have refused, if Alex had suggested this even last week. But now, hyped up by the imminence of success and desperate to share it with someone, she didn’t want to. She wanted to go out to a bar with Alex Danvers, have a drink and companionably provoke each other for a couple of hours while they toasted the progress of their project. And if that happened to distract her from what else success would mean for her, well, that was so much the better. Besides, what harm could it do, if all of this was going to be over soon? She might as well make the most of having someone to go out drinking with while she still had the chance.
‘In the circumstances I think a celebratory drink would be entirely appropriate. Kara and I are on our way to catch a movie right now, but I could meet you later this evening if that works for you? 8.30ish?’
‘Sure Lena, I’ll see you tonight. Have a good time with Kara’.
There was a smile in Alex’s voice as she said this, and Lena wondered exactly what she was reading into their movie date.
Not that there was anything to read.
This social time was all part of keeping Kara on board with the ongoing trial, it didn’t mean anything more than that. It couldn’t, especially now they were a step closer to this whole thing being over.
Not even if she was about to sit through a special screening of ‘The Wizard of Oz’ that she might have suggested could be a good nostalgia draw at an independent movie theatre where she had just... happened... to make a recent sizeable donation. They were after all a community institution, and The Wizard of Oz was a beloved classic. It was a worthy cause that had nothing at all to do with the fact that Kara had mentioned in passing that she had never actually had the opportunity to see her favourite movie on the big screen.
No one could prove otherwise.
Kara certainly didn’t question it. She was as excited as a puppy as they made their way to the movie theatre, apparently refreshed by her nap and practically skipping along beside Lena as she gushed about her favourite scenes, and how magical it would be to see the moment when Dorothy stepped out of sepia and into full technicolour rendered huge on the big screen.
They bought a giant bucket of buttery popcorn and settled into front row seats, and Lena found her eyes drawn as often to Kara as to the movie as the story began. She just looked so happy, it made it impossible to dwell on anything outside of this moment with her, experiencing the vicarious delight of her immersion in a well told story.
Lena knew for a fact that Kara had seen this movie dozens, if not hundreds of times, and yet she reacted to everything as if it was the first time. She glared ferociously at the threat to have Toto euthanised. She mouthed along with all the songs, gasped at the transition into Oz, and actually grabbed Lena’s hand at the first appearance of the Wicked Witch of the West, though she let go again a moment later.
She stayed transfixed, eyes shining, until the credits finished rolling and the lights came up.
‘That was uh-MAZING. Thank you so much for doing this with me Lena. I don’t know why I love that movie so much, but there’s something about that always just clicked, you know? Maybe it’s to do with being fostered. It’s not exactly like finding yourself in Oz obviously, but it was a pretty big transition to make at 13. I guess I always felt a bit like Dorothy because of it’.
‘It’s funny, I think my adoption made me relate more to the Wicked Witch of the West’.
Kara laughed disbelievingly and swatted her very gently on the arm, clearly still high on the joy of the movie and too much popcorn.
‘Lena! That’s ridiculous, you’re not a wicked witch, you’re the best!’
‘Debatable. But I suppose I’m not thinking of the original Wizard of Oz witch so much as- have you ever seen Wicked?’
‘No, I’ve wanted to forever, but it’s never come to National City, and I never got round to making the trip’.
Lena grinned.‘Okay, that settles it – I’ll find out where it’s showing next and we can take my jet’.
They would just have to fit it in before the Q-wave trial progressed too far, that was all. She could do that.
‘Fly there? You don’t have to do that for me, that’s way too much trouble! Do you even like musicals?’
‘Some, and I have a special soft spot for Wicked. As I said, I always kind of related to Elphaba. She’s not actually adopted like I was, but she was marked out from the beginning in her family by something she couldn’t help, and was always in the shadow of her golden-child sibling. Then when she finally goes out into the world all anyone can see is her green skin, and they brand her wicked for it no matter how hard she tries to be good. After Lex committed his crimes, the Luthor name felt a bit like that for me. Then there’s this whole bit about how she relates to the Wizard that felt very me and Lex’.
She hadn’t expected to open up like that to Kara about something she wouldn’t usually admit to, but for some reason her defenses didn’t slam up to stop her saying it. Maybe because she had just spent 102 minutes watching Kara unabashedly, purely relate to something without any kind of reservations; it had made her want to offer something in return, even if it was nothing more than a broadway musical.
Or maybe because there was a smudge on Kara’s scan, and it had made Lena realise how not-ready she was for their temporary friendship to end...
‘So Wicked is kind of like your ‘Wizard of Oz’? That’s amazing, I can’t believe I never knew we had Oz in common! But I also hate that you were ever made to feel that way about who you are’.
‘It’s fine Kara, I’m used to it. Besides, you’ll see when we watch it, it makes her strong in the end: she gains her independence and learns to rely on herself in the face of those that doubt her’.
Like Lena had done before, and would do again... After their trip to see Wicked.
Kara frowned a little, not looking entirely appeased.
‘If you say so. It makes me not like how things end for her in The Wizard of Oz though. You deserve so much better than that’.
‘You know, she isn’t really me’.
‘I know… but still’.
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Buck & Eddie: The Ferris Wheel & The Tsunami
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The replica of the Ferris Wheel that was sitting on the shelf in Buck’s loft in 6x11 “In Another Life” was significant for several reasons.
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In 3x1 “Kids Today” through 3x3 “The Searchers”, the Ferris Wheel was included in several scenes before, during and after the Tsunami hit.  It was shown while Buck and Christopher were on the pier before it hit, it was shown when the first wave was approaching the shore and it was shown several times after Eddie and Bobby arrived to rescue those who were trapped on it.
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In 3x1, Buck and Chris walked right in front of the Ferris Wheel and Buck looked up at it.  They weren’t shown riding it but it’s possible they may have been on it since it looks like they were exiting the ride during this scene.
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When the Tsunami approached the shore, Buck and Chris were sitting on a bench and Buck saw the wave over his shoulder before the alarm was activated.  The Ferris Wheel can be seen in every shot before the wave crashes into the shore.
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Buck saved Chris after the wave separated them and he emerged after he was submerged for several seconds.
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In 3x3 “The Searchers”, Eddie, Bobby and the rescue team arrived to get those who were trapped off the Ferris Wheel.  At the time Eddie didn’t know Buck and Chris were on the pier and he called Buck later after they left the scene to tell him he would be late picking Chris up and he hoped they were having fun.
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Eddie met Lena after he and Bobby arrived because she was already on the Ferris Wheel helping victims since her firehouse, the 136, was on the pier when the Tsunami hit.  Lena could tell Eddie was former military just by looking at him and when he asked her how she knew, she replied, “You all carry yourselves the same way.  All that spit and polish”.
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There was a married couple, Stacey and Max, trapped at the top of the Ferris Wheel when Eddie and Lena arrived.  Stacey was waiting on Max to sign their divorce papers but before the Tsunami hit, Max didn’t want to sign them because he wasn’t ready to let go of their marriage.  After he was injured and Eddie and Lena arrived, Stacey said, “We’ll fix it Max. Everything can be fixed” but Max replied, “Not everything!”  After Eddie asked Bobby for a Hail Mary to rescue Max, he heard the remaining part of Stacey and Max’s conversation.  Max asked her for the divorce papers and while he was signing them, he said, “We were always a disaster. What a beautiful disaster we were... baby”.  Their conversation could have been a callback to the conversation Eddie and Shannon had in 2x17 “Careful What You Wish For” when Shannon asked Eddie for a divorce but he didn’t respond.  After Shannon died, Eddie was still holding on to their marriage and he wouldn’t let go of the life he thought he was supposed to have with her or any other woman until 6x7 “Cursed”.  Him finally letting go of the life he thought he was supposed to have could have been foreshadowing for the relationship he’s wanted to have with Buck for years.
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In 6x7 “Cursed” Eddie told Felisa about his deceased wife and then he told her about Chris being caught in the Tsunami but he didn’t mention Buck.  It was the first time he mentioned to anyone that Chris was in the Tsunami since he and Buck talked about it in 3x3 “The Searchers” and that was also when he told Buck, “There’s nobody in this world I trust with my son more than you”.  He told Felisa both he and Chris were scared for a long time after the Tsunami but the day the beach reopened, they went there because the longer they stayed away from the water, the more their fear would grow.  After Felisa left, Eddie called his abuela who was talking to a tarot card reader and before he stooped down to look at Chris, he asked her, “So what does she have to say about my future?”  Reminder Eddie doesn’t believe in Curses but his comment could have been a callback to 3x3 and foreshadowing for 6x11 when Buck would have his coma dream.
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In 6x11, during Buck’s coma dream, he saw two replicas of the Ferris wheel, one small and one large.  It appears they represented him and Chris while they were on the pier.
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In his dream, he looked over his shoulder at both Ferris Wheels and then he asked his mother, “What’s this?”
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To which she replied, “No idea. It doesn’t go with anything else I picked out. If you like it, I love it.”  He had an actual flashback of being submerged and then emerging from the water when he was in the Tsunami while he was looking at the Ferris Wheels.  It appears Margaret may have been giving Buck her blessing regarding the family he wants to have with Eddie and Chris because she said it didn’t go with anything she picked for him but if he liked it, she loved it.  She didn’t say anything else about it but she did rub his shoulder before she walked away to make snacks for her sons and her husband.
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The Ferris Wheel and The Tsunami were linked in Buck’s coma dream and in 3x1 through 3x3 all three of them either walked by it or in Eddie’s case, he climbed it and had to rescue people from it.  Eddie witnessed a couple divorcing and finally letting go of each other because they both finally admitted it wasn’t meant to be.
Will there be more callbacks to the Tsunami, the Ferris Wheel and The Buckley-Diaz Family during the remainder of season 6?  Only the showrunner(s), writers and producers know the answer to that question.
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navarreposting · 9 months
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mikaharuka · 7 months
Melle et Felle - Official Post
Heyo everyone! This was one of two fics I wrote for the AU Exchange, written for @the-midnight-post (who has excellent taste, by the way)!
While I was working on my original assignment, I noticed a request for MM Chrom/Robin! You see, that ship is a bit special to me.
Long story short, I wasn't much of a shipper at first. Sure, I was fine going along with whatever was presented to me, but I never really cared much for shipping. And then, FE Awakening and MM Chrobin crashed into my life and I was caught up in everything! It inspired me to actually look more seriously at fandom and fanworks in general. This ship was one of the first dominoes, leading to where I am today!
[As a side note, the other fic I wrote was Ktêma es Aieí, in my Winter Light Verse, based on Twilight and Life and Death. That post is here!]
Title: Melle et Felle
Fandom: Fire Emblem Awakening
Ship: Chrom/Robin, Chrom/Grima (Robin-Grima is the same person)
Rating: Explicit
Category: M/M
Word Count: 1000 words
Summary: Chrom's light is a honey-sweet venom that transcends fate.
Notes: Although no archive warnings apply, this fic is one of my more ambiguous ones. It was written for the AU Exchange, and features an unreliable narrator, possessive behavior, and a descent into madness.
You may be interested? @mrsmungus, @udaberriwrites, @magma-saarebas19, @aislinnstanaka, @lena-hills, @bees-and-sunshine @bleepbloopbotz, @sliebman10, @axolotlsupremacyowo, @0nelittlebirdtoldme, @kayedium-writes, @hylianjo
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earthling-wolf · 1 year
Ducktales (2017) MBTI
Scrooge McDuck: ENTJ with developed Ni and Se
Hubert "Huey" Duck: agreeable ESTJ with developed Si and Ne
Dewford Dingus "Dewey" Duck: disagreeable ESFP
Llewelyn "Louie" Duck: ESTP with developed Fe
Webbigail "Webby" Vanderquack: ENFP with developed Si
Della Duck: agreeable ENTP
Donald Fauntleroy Duck: disagreeable ISFJ with developed Fe
Mrs. Bentina Beakley "Agent 22": ISTJ with developed Te
Lena Sabrewing: disagreeable ISFP with developed Se
Violet Apollonia Sabrewing: agreeable INTJ with developed Te
Drake Mallard "Darkwing Duck": ESFJ with developed Si
Launchpad McQuack: ENFP
Gosalyn Waddlemeyer: ESTP
Dr. Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera "Gizmoduck": agreeable ENTP with developed Fe
Gandra Dee: disagreeable INFP with developed Ne
Dr. Gyro Gearloose: disagreeable ENFP with developed Te
Flintheart Glomgold (Duke Baloney): disagreeable ESFP with developed Te
Catherine "Ma" Beagle: disagreeable ESFJ
Magica De Spell: disagreeable ISFP with developed Se
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
People have worked for a century to make California’s Tulare Basin into a food grower’s paradise. That pastoral landscape now looks more like the Pacific Ocean in many areas.
Months of atmospheric river storms have pummeled the area and saturated the basin’s soil, which sits about halfway between San Francisco and Los Angeles, not far from Fresno. The rains have led to floods that damaged towns and deluged farms and have begun to refill what was once a sprawling lake.
The floods have pitted neighboring property owners against one another and raised tensions over how to manage the flows, which have damaged hundreds of structures. And more water is on the way.
Experts say a monthslong, slow-burning crisis will play out next: A historic snowpack looms in the mountains above the basin �� as it melts, it is likely to put downstream communities through months of torment. The flooding, which follows several years of extreme drought, showcases the weather whiplash typical of California, which vacillates between too wet and too dry. The influence of climate change can make the state’s extremes more intense.
“This is a slowly unfolding natural disaster,” said Jeffrey Mount, a senior fellow at the Water Policy Center of the Public Policy Institute of California. “There’s no way to handle it with the existing infrastructure.”
The re-forming Tulare Lake — which was drained for farming a century ago — could remain on the landscape for years, disrupting growers in a region that produces a significant proportion of the nation’s supply of almonds, pistachios, milk and fruit. High-stakes decisions over where that water travels could resonate across the country’s grocery store shelves.
In the farming communities that dot the historic lake bed, accusations of sabotaged levees, frantic efforts to patch breached banks and feuds — common occurrences during flood fights in the area — have started already, said Matt Hurley, a former water manager for several water districts in the Tulare Basin.
n the nearby town of Allensworth last month, a dispute over a culvert caused anxiety and friction with the railroad that sends trains through town. Residents worked into the night to plug a culvert — a drain under Highway 43 — with plywood and sandbags in a desperate effort to keep floodwater out of town.
But later that night, workers with the Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroad unblocked the pipe, which left some Allensworth residents fuming as water flowed closer.
The residents had used BNSF materials without permission, said Lena Kent, a railroad spokesperson. Damming the culvert threatened the highway — the only access point to Allensworth at the time — and the rail tracks that run parallel to it.
Stress levels could remain high for months.
“The problem this year is it’s just begun. We may have water running at or near our flood level — in all of our streams, through August or September,” Hurley said. “This impending monster — a 50-foot-plus deep snowpack that we haven’t seen in 75 years —  is sitting up there, and we just don’t know how fast it’s going to turn into water and come out of the mountains.”
The Tulare Basin is at the southern end of California’s San Joaquin Valley — and in essence, it’s a massive bowl. Before irrigators dug canals and rerouted water for farming in the late 1800s, Tulare Lake filled the bowl’s lower reaches. Shallow water stretched across the landscape, and the lake was the largest body of freshwater west of the Mississippi.
Several rivers — Kings, Tule, Kern and Kaweah — historically dead-ended at the lake and replenished its water levels every spring, but farmers have diverted and rerouted so much water that the lake bed is now usually dry. It’s among the most fertile farmland in the country.
Today, the irrigation system is designed to “use every single drop of water” that flows into the basin, Mount said.
In fact, through aggressive groundwater pumping, farmers collectively use more water than what would flow to the lake every year. Pumping has caused the land to sink dramatically — it has subsided in parts of the San Joaquin Valley by as much as 28 feet, according to the U.S. Geological Survey — deepening the bowl.
This season, far more water is flowing than can be used.
For about two weeks, farmers and emergency workers have been scrambling to plug levees and prevent the worst as the ground became saturated and rivers swelled after a seemingly endless series of atmospheric river storms battered California.
The flooding has breached dozens of levees, forced rescues, swamped construction sites at California’s high-speed rail project and seeped into several communities, including Allensworth, a historic community that in 1908 was the first settlement west of the Mississippi to be founded and governed by Black Americans.
“What you’re seeing now more than anything else is traditional flood problems,” Mount said. “All of that water is making its way into the bottom of the bowl and starting to fill the bowl.”
What could come next is more unusual — and worrisome.
The Sierra Nevada mountains, above the Tulare Basin, are storing two to three times as much water as snowpack as is normal. If the snow melts quickly, it will send floodwater churning toward the lake bottom.
Tulare Lake refilled in 1997 and 1983 during very wet seasons. The snowpack is larger this year.
“If we use 1983 as an example: They had more than 80,000 acres of land underwater. If it’s bigger than that, it could be as much as 100,000 acres underwater,” Mount said.
Tulare County ranked second in the country for agricultural market value, according to the 2017 Census of Agriculture. The region produces almonds, oranges, pistachios, wine grapes, milk and cheese.
“This has a ripple effect on the nation’s food supply,” Mount said.
California officials have geared up for a long fight against flooding. Nearly 700 people were assigned to help with the emergency response just in Tulare County, where floodwater has damaged more than 900 structures so far.
But sandbags and helicopter-delivered super sacks — bulk bags filled with rocks and other material — can do only so much.
“At some point, you know, we do realize that there’s too much water, there’s more water in the Sierra than these facilities can handle,” Karla Nemeth, the director of the California Department of Water Resources, said at a recent media briefing. The agency will do the best it could to help mitigate damages, Nemeth said.
Once water makes it to the historic lake bed, there will be few options to remove it, other than to wait for it to evaporate or to try to move it through canals and pump it away.
Pumps are expensive and inefficient over such sprawling terrain. Differing levels of subsidence along the lake bed have changed the geometry of canals, which could complicate efforts to move water away.
In 1983, remnants of Tulare Lake remained on the landscape for about two years, Mount said. Hurley estimated that if it floods again, the expense required to return the landscape to growing crops would be in the billions.
The flooding could also spell disaster for farmworkers and those who live in the rural communities that dot the Tulare Basin.
“This is a low-income community. People are not out here stocking up food. They go paycheck to paycheck in a lot of cases,” said Kayode Kadara, of Allensworth, a community organizer. “All we’ve heard so far is with this unprecedented snowfall, what we’ve seen so far is a baby flood.”
For now, the best everyone can hope for is a cool summer — with a steady, manageable melt — and as much cooperation as they can muster.
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childofaura · 9 months
Ok for the FE artist ask:
What do you think of Kousei Horiguchi? They did Maribelle, Nah, Resplendent Nowi, Lena, Nyx, Flayn and many other girls too.
I saw this one earlier but I wanted to wait until I got to my computer so I could get the photos I wanted with ease.
Ok so I LOVE Kousei Horiguchi's artwork. They are a flat gal's best friend when it comes to their art, granted Lena and Linde aren't but that part doesn't really matter. They draw cute girls and they make the flat girls look cute and that's all that's important.
First thing I want to point out is that I really love their use of color. They use such a vivid palette when they draw, and it really enhances other aspects of the character's design like the eyes or the hair or sometimes the armor/clothes:
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Flayn's hair looks so striking against her dark clothes, Lilith's bright blue is very appealing, and Nah's whole ensemble is very bright but also blends well with her hair.
Posework is also really fun, using a lot of the clothes and hair to create motion in the pieces!
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Everyone's got a nice sense of movement, even Nah when she's actually just standing. Oh and their EXPRESSIONS. THEY EMOTE. AND I LOVE IT (EDIT: I JUST REALIZED YOU CAN SEE FLAYN'S CUTE LITTLE POINTY EARS I LOVE ITTTTT!!!):
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And my favorite of them all (Bear with me, the image file for Lilith didn't want to play nice):
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I love how twisted and enraged Lilith looks, it's not just some "uwu damage" art that we've seen for some characters. But I mean MAN, their Fallen Lilith is probably their best work yet, just look at her:
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Now when it comes to criticisms, the big one is obvious: They don't seem to draw anything else besides cute girls. I'd like to see them experiment a bit more, they could be the next Argon with how good their expressions are. For now, they're just "the Argon for girls". Additionally the little dot noses can be distracting but that's just par for the course with the anime style.
Overall, I'd put Kousei Horiguchi at an 8/10, realistically. PERSONALLY I see them as a 9/10 but all things considered, there's improvement that could be seen with their art. Still a fun artist though, and someone I wouldn't have minded to see them tackle a book.
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