#fastest missile in the world
buindia · 1 year
Nuclear-Capable Agni 5 Missile Successfully Tested in India
India has successfully tested Agni 5 missile. The missile is nuclear-capable and is designed to carry nuclear weapons.
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usafphantom2 · 5 months
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These are the Blackbirds. They were all invented by Kelly Johnson of the Skunk Works. All four of these aircraft were capable of going Mach Three, that’s three times the speed of sound. They can all reach altitudes of 90,000 feet. The A-12 is the only Blackbird that has one cockpit; all other versions have two cockpits. The YF-12 held to air-to-air 47 Falcon (GAR-9) missiles. A-12 only held cameras and was owned by the CIA. The MD-21 was built to launch drones. The Blackbird that flew the longest was the SR-71 it had a variety of cameras and sensors. It was constantly updated with the latest electronic countermeasures. The SR-71 flew from 1966 to 1990. She is still the fastest-manned aircraft in the world ~ written by Linda Sheffield Do you have any questions?
@Habubrats71 via X
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boxfullaturtles · 1 year
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tbh been sitting on this for months and was intending to post the characters together, but no one else is finished yet so here, take him
Kingdom Hearts Rise AU
Leonardo Hamato The self-designated Face Man of the group, he’s all smiles, charm, and wit. His charisma might be lacking in certain areas, but he knows how to please a crowd and he’s more clever than he gives himself credit for. He tends to get reckless during battle, either to show off or because his ego got the better of him. This has gotten him into trouble several times and it’s only the good graces of his brothers that have saved him. His battle style relies on speed and exploiting his opponent’s blind spots, keeping out of range until he rapidly closes the distance with his foe, delivers a devastating strike, and pulls back again.
Keyblade: Arc Hope A highly unusual Keyblade with its own special effect. It provides a balanced boost in Strength and Magic. Strength: +5 Magic: +5 Length: Medium Ability: Portal Chopped: A unique ability that allows the Keyblade to split into two separate blades.
[extra details under cut]
Team Attacks: + Michelangelo: Primetime Team up with Mikey, trap enemies in a cage of chains and portals, finishing them off with an explosion of fire and lightning.
+ Raphael: Odachi Bomb Team up with Raph and wield a gigantic sword made of energy from atop his shoulders, end by getting launched into the air and crashing into stunned foes.
+ Donatello: Disaster Duo Team up with Donnie, auto-lock onto nearby enemies and bury them under barrages of missiles, ending by dropping a huge bomb on them.
+ April: Thrill Seeker Team up with April and rapidly attack nearby enemies with a flurry of blows, finish them off with a blast of combined magic.
+ Casey: Hope Team up with Casey to summon pillars of light that shoot out of the ground around the battlefield, stunning any enemy that isn’t instantly destroyed.
More stuff about KH Rise Leo:
- He is the fastest of his teammates, moving so quickly he often appears to teleport in a streak of blue light. Moves significantly slower in water.
- Arc Hope sounds like silver bells when it strikes enemies and its particle effects are blue stars and lightning bolts. The runes on it pulse with a soft, blue light. Before the Fall sounds like swords clashing when it strikes, and its particle effects are red starbursts. After the Rise sounds like chimes when it strikes enemies and its particle effects are little baubles that flicker with the brothers’ colors. The pieces representing each of Leo’s brothers will occasionally glow softly and that light with travel up the blue lightning until it fades at the spikes.
- Leo is capable of making portals in this AU. Eventually, he becomes strong enough and gets good enough with them that he can use his portals to travel between worlds without the aid of a Gummi Ship.
- Raph made him wear the Power Band.
- Actually the worst about maintaining “world order” and regularly screws things up.
- Not allowed to drive the Turtle Tank Gummi Ship. He did once. Donnie almost skinned him alive afterwards.
- Still the team medic in the sense that he’s always got a surplus of Potions and Elixirs on hand. Also bandaids and neosporin for scrapes and cuts. He’s not great at Cure magic, but he knows how to cast it if he needs to.
- Doesn’t actually used the Portal Chopped ability a whole lot. He’s not overly fond of Before the Fall and is still struggling a lot with the concept that where there is Light, there must also be Darkness. He’s really got it in his head that Darkness equals Bad, and having a representation of Darkness (the Krang) as part of his Keyblades hurts and confuses him.
- Besides, he can’t abuse the hell out of his Portal Fever Command Style when Portal Chopped is active. And he does like to show off.
[ask me about him and the au I will talk about it all day]
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floridaboiler · 1 year
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The first flight of the SR 71 was on December 22, 1964. Robert J. "Bob" Gilliland - Bob flew  the first flight of the SR-71 taking the aircraft to Mach 1.5 and 50,000 feet altitude. He was the principal test pilot for the SR-71's development program. Bob Gilliland was the brave test pilot. 
This marvelous miracle of modern aircraft was first formulated in 1959,  The CIA Central intelligent agency, which was sure that eventually, the U-2 would be shot down.  It was on May 1, 1960. The SR 71 was invented from scratch to be so fast and to climb so high in altitude that the Russian missiles would not be able to hit it. It was also the first stealth airplane. The shape is not random the paint in the early days had tiny iron balls in it to deflect radar.
Further deflection was the composite plastic materials in certain areas of the airplane to reduce the cross-section. The SR 71 was canceled in 1990. It was reinstated in 1996 the last flight of the SR 71 was in 1999. The SR 71 remains the fastest air breathing airplane in the world.
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zvaigzdelasas · 2 years
Bloomberg - The US-China War Over Taiwan May Already Be Lost
When you see a chart like this, it’s easy to assume the US would have no problem trouncing China or anybody else in a war:
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But as anybody who has ever ridden in a US Army Ground Combat Vehicle can tell you, not all defense money is spent wisely. (Fun fact: Nobody has ever ridden in a US Army Ground Combat Vehicle.) And in an actual war, military power becomes subject to stock versus flow issues. Yes, the US military has spent bajillions on expensive weapons systems. But when the shooting starts, all of those pricey blow-’em-ups tend to blow up at an alarming rate. There’s no better example right now than the Ukraine war, Hal Brands notes. Artillery shells, missiles, tanks and other materiel are dematerializing almost too quickly for Russia and the West to keep up. Now imagine a much more evenly matched war — say, one between the US and China over Taiwan. The difference in such a conflict may come down to who can replace their equipment the fastest, Hal writes. [...]
Once upon a time, in World War II, the US had a wide lead over the rest of the world in this skill. But its economy was heavily industrialized then, and it still took years to fully militarize.
Today the US economy is based mostly on [services], while China is still the world’s factory.
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goldmanguyperson · 11 days
You can request updated satellite imagery on Google Earth, anywhere on the globe.
It may not be heeded, but you can do it. If you want to request Google Earth to update imagery over Gaza, you can center your map on the Gaza strip or anywhere inside, go to “Help”, and go to “Send Feedback”. (info from https://support.google.com/earth/community-guide/259934888/google-earth-imagery-updates?hl=en.) It’s not like we have no satellite information for Gaza. Maxar Technologies, a satellite imagery company, already has images of Gaza post destruction from 2023. They can be seen in this CNN article.
The Earth is big, and Google likely isn’t going to update areas with little interest, but if you show your interest, we might be able to get them to update it. Of course Israel also has the power to request them not to, which is likely also happening. Some satellite imagery companies already have restricted imagery from Gaza because it could show where Israeli forces are hiding, at least according to this Times of Israel article. But nothing small you can do is ever not worth a try.
Why would we want satellite imagery of Gaza?
It makes it incredibly easy to show what Israel has done. If you’ve taken a look at Mariupol on Google Maps recently, you would be able to see decimated schools, destroyed homes, blackened parks, and a ground littered with clear impacts from missiles. A destroyed hospital, a destroyed school, a waterpark missing its clear blue water, mere miles from the border with Israel, could say a lot with no words at all.
I’m someone who goes and looks through devastated areas on Google Maps occasionally. I think i’m probably one of very few who do this, because it’s weird, but it’s a very easy way to see what war and human-borne devastation does and looks like from your seat at home. And Google Maps and Earth in particular are very interesting and harrowing, because you can see what those places were before they were destroyed. You can know that that was a school, a hospital, a restaurant, a marriage venue. It’s marked on the map. You can see people having a good time in the images they posted in those little image carousels. You can see a group of restaurant workers giving a thumbs up to a camera. You can go into a photosphere and see of one of those backyard seat swings outside, covered in outdoor pillows and bundled up knitted blankets. You can see a man in a wheelchair outside a lit up restaurant at night. These are all things I have found while looking around Gaza right now. You can be there from a world away. You could see what was done to their homes from a world away. Online map services with satellite imagery aren’t just for finding the fastest route, or righting yourself when you get a little lost on a walk. It’s a massive collection of images showing you what the world has looked like in the past few years. It’s a way to feel connection from across the world. it’s a way to know even just a little bit of what’s happening, without anyone ever needing to tell you.
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thumbs up guys, i love you and i hope you are safe
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hollideon · 8 months
diving headfirst into oblivion, ravenous predator pilots (longer story under the cut)
accel weapons have long since been outlawed, but that doesn't stop one or two from being kept in back pockets. this particular one — you don't know how it was kept under wraps. an affected area this size? inspection teams should've been able to sniff it out. hell, a satellite scan could've picked up the temporal haze.
no matter. the cloudy gray orb hangs there now where most of a moon used to be, already aged to cosmic dust. the crumbling remains spared the blast now plummet towards the world below. a regional extinction event at the least.
heavy-handed. the enemy defense fleet still remains though, too spared the blast and with little left to lose. "hellion 5, do you read? there's a warsuit on your tail, looks like one of the praetors," came the voice of someone in operations over the radio. then, your handler's voice: "hound, divert course. bait that praetor away from the rest of the squad and put it down." you acknowledge and veer off course towards where this praetor is supposedly hiding — blindspots in your radar drawn by beams of temporal haze. whoever this pilot is, they're clever.
"hellion 5, looks like the bogey's taking the bait. id reads praetor I, fable." "praetor I. you've got your work cut out for you, hound. don't disappoint." you won't disappoint. not now. you put all else out of your mind — here, away from the larger battle, it's just you and your target. praetor 1 fable is quick. the fastest warsuit lunar regime money can buy. you've been waiting for this.
time loses meaning in a fight like this. each life-and-death moment its own self-contained war. you and praetor I trade missiles and energy blades. railguns. and support drones. hails of lasers and oversized conventional rounds. toe-to-toe, until — a railround tears through your warsuit's shoulder, taking the arm with it. fable, silent until now, hails your warsuit, taunting and sadistic. hungry. "don't tell me that's all you've got, mutt. you were just getting fun."
in your feral, violence-addled brain, an idea emerges. one-armed and nearly out of munitions, speed is the only way to win. you need more. you snarl back across the radio and break away, pushing your thrusters to their limits. straight towards the hanging orb — the accel weapon's lingering blast. fable follows suit, couldn't resist if it wanted to.
grey haze begins to cloud your exterior vision. temporal haze. time distortion. dispersed at this range from the epicenter, they're fairly weak. hazardous, but not the edge you need. deeper. fable pursues and... appears slower. "into the blast? bold move, hound. be careful, or you might not come back." your handler's voice, but distorted. slowed down. the plan is working, but you need to go deeper. sensors scrambled by the haze, you turn them off. all you need are your eyes and an opening. your warsuit rattles and groans under the bombardment of the haze. before long it'll start to disintegrate — aged to dust by the accel weapon's blast just like the moon. not much longer now. the trick, at least in theory, is turning away while your brain can still process the flow of time. no one's willingly dived into an accel weapon's boundaries before. there's a reason they're outlawed.
your radio crackles to life again, displaying praetor I fable once more, but all that comes through is a deep rumbling. paint and exterior plating flakes off your warsuit into nothingness. fable's is an ant in your rearview, and just as slow. it's time. you burn hard, priming your energy blade and urging your thrusters to share your hunger. you hurdle towards fable's warsuit, and its voice over the radio becomes clearer and clearer, mad and frothing and ravenous. "–never cared for them or their 'ideals.' you're just like me, hound. i can smell it right through your warsuit. yes, a real predator! come, give me a–"
and then, naught but static. warsuit still cloaked and sticky with temporal haze, you accelerate faster than any warsuit likely ever has, cleaving praetor I fable in two at a respectable percentage of the speed of light and leaving your own an inert and twisted mass of fused metal floating through space. true to your promise, you don't disappoint.
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yourelessfast · 8 months
Sonic OC Showdown Q&A! Rocket the Lab Rat Edition!
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I can finally sit down and actually do some of these! Yippee!!!
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?/🍀- What originally inspired the OC? Rocket and the rest of her friends are all very recent! I got the idea to make some 'knock-off' sonic cast members from the RTVS sonic sub marathon, which was only a couple weeks ago! Everything about Rocket and her friends are still very in development and subject to change, but everything as follows is as best I got so far!
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name? How do any of us do anything? I thought it sounded cool!
🌼- How old are they? (Or approximate age range) General young adult age range? Old enough to join the military, not old enough to rent a car. May change as I develop the world more, but I tend to prefer having adult characters when developing them.
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)? Rocket has a few crushes, mainly on Frost the Chinchilla, but nothing she's ever acted on anything. The real scoop is that her rivalry with Powder the Rabbit tends to be very flirtatious at Rocket without really being reciprocated. She gets really flustered about it and then fires her lasers haphazardly, which makes her easy to dodge to beat in a fight, which was always Powder's plan. Syrup the Fox, the only member of the team that is younger than Rocket, might also have a small crush on the rat and tries to get her attention from time to time.
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🍕 - What is their favorite food? Mint chocolate chip ice cream.
💼- What do they do for a living? Professional sidekick. She makes anything Zip needs to save the world, and also whatever is fun to have around. She builds obstacle courses into Peacelily so he has something to speed-bust and bounce off of without damaging the environment.
🎹- Do they have any hobbies? She finds any excuse she can to get into her mk2 battle mech and stomp around a little bit. Zip busted up the first one when they first met, but the 2nd one is made for hero purposes instead of villainy, so it's totally fine to have death lasers and missiles and stuff built into this one haha.
🎯 -What do they do best? Most of the time she helps with adventures, she's flying around with her rocket jetpack. She can help Zip over large pits by carrying him across, or reach the cookies on the very top shelf.
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do? She's way more in her element when helping Zip than when she, you know, crosses over with the main cast at all. Zip and Sonic are always butting heads over who's the fastest, Posie and Amy are gossiping, Boomer and Knuckles can go head to head in a yelling match, but as far as the parallels go, Zip and Tails are the most obviously different of the counterparts, and any time she needs to work together with him to solve some sort of problem (because they're both the smartest ones in any room), she always feels out of her element. He's a baby, why is he so smart? This is horseshit.
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❤️- What is one of your OC’s best memories? After her very first fight with Zip, she really thought he'd have just finished her off and been off on his day, but he let her go and promised to be friends if she ever stopped being evil and junk. She really assumed she'd never amount to much more than a henchman, but Zip showed her she was capable of so much more than that.
���️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories? Being a henchman. Feeling like a cog in the bio-machine that is the Deville empire. She's glad she got out of that.
🧊- Is their current design the first one? For now! Maybe she'll get fuzzier. Still working everything out with that!
🌂- What genre do they belong in? 3D Platformer with speedrunning and collectathon elements, with light forays into arena fighting games and analog horror. Don't ask about that last one, long story.
💚- What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality? For now, Rocket goes by She/Her and is a fem-leaning bisexual. It might change as she develops more! No idea if trans or cis, impossible to tell at this stage.
🙌- How many sibling does your OC have? Two! Rumble and Riot the Lab Rats, two more of Dr. Egg Head's experiments. Rumble fought Zip in Stage 2 and Riot fought Zip in Stage 3, both of them in special vehicles that did a poor job of stopping him in his tracks. The three of them also fused in Stage 5, Freaky Franken Labs, where Zip had to fight them as the Ratmalgam King. After Zip's first adventure, when Rocket became his sidekick, those two kind of faded into side character obscurity, but they were seen in the audience of the Grey Airzone stage of Zip the Fighters, cheering with a few Devil Eggs and Impiz.
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🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like? Biological parents? No idea. Dr. Egg Head is kind of an adoptive mom, though, and Rocket hates her! They fight all the time and try to shoot each other with lasers.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC? She's very funny XD. Sometimes she acts as the straight man (ironic) to Zip's antics, but other times she can break down into a little neurotic mess over her own self image. I like imagining her in scenarios and seeing if she's the cool head who solves the problem or the only one in the room screaming her head off.
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC? She started off as a one-off joke doodle and I have not shut up about her and her setting since. So.
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC? No, this group of OCs is supposed to be fun and silly and I don't see any of them dying for real. Zap might die for one panel of a comic and then come back on the next page as a send-up of SA2 -> Sonic Heroes, but other than that no one dies.
💀- Does your OC have any phobias? Thunder.
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival? Her enemy is Dr. Egg Head and her various goons and schemes. She's also sometimes enemies with characters like Zap and the Spooky Squad and the Retro Bandits, but her Rival is Miles Tails Prower. She is constantly compared to him, by both the framing device of the story and herself, and he's not even fully grown yet, so he could only ever get smarter from here. She is determined to outpace and overcome his influence, even if it involves some… underhanded methods.
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I hope everyone enjoys her and her little funny guy routine! I also hope she makes some friends that are a little more normal than Zip and Boomer. Please. She needs them so badly. @sonic-oc-showdown
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pwlanier · 7 months
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Pyatkin Dmitry Ivanovich (1921-1999). Moscow is under construction. 1960s.
Cardboard, tempera. 37 x 50 cm.
On the back: "Moscow is being built in the 1960s // k.tem.sm.tech// Pyatkin."
Decorated in a frame.
Painter, graphic artist, illustrator, poster artist. Member of the Union of Artists and the Union of Journalists of the USSR. Author of landscapes, portraits, graphic and painting cycles, a series of social posters. He graduated from four courses of the Moscow Regional Art School in Memory of 1905. In the 1950s and 1960s, Dmitry Pyatkin visited Armenia, Georgia, Khakassia and Romania on working trips. On the basis of the collected artistic material, he created thematic graphic cycles, which are called: "Armenia", "Georgia", "Hakassia". The artist also has cycles dedicated to the capital - "Moscow and Muscovites", "My Moscow Region", "Moscow Metro". Collaborated with the publishing houses "Art", "Plakat", "Planet", "Pravda", author of illustrations for more than 50 books of the publishing house "Fiction". He worked in "Agitplaat" - a creative and production association of the USSR Union of Artists. Author of posters: "We are a winged people!" (1949; together with V. City Kalyabiny), "Glory to our free homeland, the friendship of peoples is a reliable stronghold!" (1950), "Long live the Soviet artillery!" (1952), "For mass character, for sportsmanship in alpine skiing!" (1952), "Train all year round," "Fly above all, far away, fastest," "Train all year round!" (All –1954), "Our working day will be the shortest in the world. In 1960, the transfer of all workers and employees to a six-seven-hour working day will be completed" (1960), "We will hand over the chemistry of schedule" (1963), "Twentiefth century missiles rush to the stars in the land of feats trains leave" (1964), "For you, friends!" (1971; together with M. H. Ishmametov), "Our people are getting better, the state is getting good, glory to the new citizen!" (1974), "Father Sergius" (1978), "Process" (1979), "People and Party Are One" (1980; together with Koretsky V. B.), "Coast" (1984), "Combat Vehicle Crew" (1984). The author's works are in private collections and museums in Russia, as well as in private collections abroad.
Artistic Auctions
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Elemental Hunter Characters Introduction
Elemental Hunter are new villain team replaced Rival Wings in S6 in my AU. They're group of villains with 1 boss are Solomon and 8 other core members are Jacob, Cyan, Sylvan, Estelle, Fuchsia, Velvet, Copper and Labrador. Their mission are travel around the world and the universe, finding Elemental Jewels, seal, take power from them to using for their own plan rule the universe. And this is them:
1. Solomon:
Gender: Male
Age: 45/ more 1000 year old
Sexuality: None (he doesn't care about that)
Affiliation: Leader of Elemental Hunter
Race: Demon half-human
Ability: Control element power (specially dark power), teleportation, transform into vehicle or dragon form depend to his enemy, lazer firing...
Color: Black and Purple
Personality: Evil, intrigue, insidious
- Solomon is demon live in the deepest part of universe, who has lived for thousand years in space until he revived to get his target rule the universe. He willing do anything to get his target, even sacrificing his subordinates. He came to Earth with determination ruling the world start from Earth but he has to crash with his biggest enemy that made his conspiracy rule the universe started from Earth are the biggest mistake - Super Wings and got defeated by them in the final battle.
2. Jacob:
Gender: Male
Age: 39
Sexuality: Straight
Affiliation: Hunter/Hunter Team leader
Race: Alien
Type of vehicle: Military Jeep
Ability: Super strength, flexibility, control element powers, summon weapon by energy, martial art, transform into vehicle or robot form.
Color: Dark brown
Personality: Evil, greedy, aggressive, insidious
Weapon: Sword, baseball bat, missiles
- Jacob - the strongest hunter in Elemental Hunter, also leader of hunter team. Come from Universe 35, who has spent all his childhood for training into a mighty warrior but no one considered his carrier, he has left his hometown and followed Solomon, become his subordinate and a core member of Elemental Hunter with his professional fighting skills, he has become Super Wings's and Elemental Guardians biggest trouble. He's got defeated by Jett and his team.
3. Cyan:
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Sexuality: Bisexual
Affiliation: Hunter and Mechanic
Race: Alien
Type of vehicle: Jet plane (look like Chase)
Ability: Control element power, transform into vehicle or robot form, using gun, rifle and crossbow, repairing machine and technology device with Labrador and Fuchsia (although he doesn't like her and Fuchsia too)
Color: Cyan blue
Personality: Intelligent, overthinking, serious (in repairing machine and technology stuff)
Weapon: Sniper, shotgun, crossbow
- Genius mechanic from Universe 18, a world full of machine and technology, Cyan has been exposed to machine and technology since childhood and he repairing or creating new devices for team. Cyan also a talented sniper who good in long length combat. He's Astra's biggest enemy cuz Astra's fighting style are all long length combat and she good at technology like Cyan. She considered Cyan as fusion of Lumin and Holly - two mechanic of Rival Wings. After many times he got tortured by Solomon, with Estelle, he decided to betray the hunters and with Super Wings and Golden Boy but later got killed by Fuchsia because her wish become only mechanic working for Solomon.
4. Sylvan:
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Sexuality: Pansexual
Affiliation: Hunter
Race: Alien
Type of vehicle: Military Plane
Ability: Control element power, super speed, flexibility, transform into vehicle or robot form.
Color: Silver
Personality: Eager to win, cunning
Weapon: Spear
- A speed hunter from Universe 22, Sylvan aka Silver Hunter are the fastest member of Elemental Hunter, who has responsibility causing trouble for Super Wings by his speed. He's Jett's biggest enemy and later got defeated by him.
5. Estelle:
Gender: Female
Age: 32
Sexuality: Straight
Affiliation: Huntress
Race: Alien
Type of vehicle: Shift car
Ability: Control element power, super strength, controling star and meteor, teleportation, turn herself into stars, cooking, transform into vehicle or robot form.
Color: Violet and light yellow
Personality: Calm, consciously, like joking everyone (like Golden Boy)
Weapon: Broadsword, rapier
- A star and astrology lover girl huntress from Universe 10, Estelle likes to become a shining star on the sky and the best chef but everything changed when a terrorist group on her planet attacked her hometown and took her parents life away and extinguished her hope, she has no reason to live until Solomon invited her into Elemental Hunter, opened the way for Element Huntress of Star - Estelle. She's Lime's biggest enemy in Elemental Hunter cuz she and Lime has same fighting skills but she no longer hate Lime and Lime know she didn't wrong. After stayed on the Earth for a long time, she start understand more about Earth people when she was saved by a Earth little girl after got kicked out by Solomon for failed the mission and decided to help Super Wings defeat Solomon with Cyan because she know he don't want to live with torture again. Unfortunately, she has been killed by Solomon for betrayed him.
6. Fuchsia:
Gender: Female
Age: 37
Sexuality: Lesbian
Affiliation: Mechanic and Huntress
Race: Alien
Type of vehicle: Freight Plane
Ability: Control element power, repairing machine and technology stuff, teleportation, transform into vehicle or robot form, super speed.
Color: Fuchsia pink
Personality: Intelligent, crazy, loyal to Solomon, hot headed
Weapon: Lazer gun, shield, dagger, baseball bat
- Fuchsia was an orphan girl live in Universe 4. Since she was young, she has a interested with technology and machine with her wish become a mechanic. In her childhood, with other orphan, she created a small machine can helped them stole everyone money. But when she met Solomon, her life has changed into new chapter when he invited her to Elemental Hunter as a mechanic. She's really grateful for Solomon for helping her life and loyal to him, even though she know he is a demon. She really hate Cyan for his overthinking but Solomon forced her have to work with him and Labrador so she had to do because her loyalty to her master. But her carrier for destroy the world with her inventory has been off after been defeated by Donnie - her biggest enemy in Super Wings.
7. Velvet:
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Sexuality: Lesbian
Affiliation: Spy and Huntress
Race: Alien
Type of vehicle: Spy Helicopter
Ability: Control element power, super speed, invisibility, ability to turn herself into flower petals, control flower, transform into vehicle or robot form.
Color: Vermilion red
Personality: Intelligent, mysterious, cool
Weapon: Rose cloak, shotgun, lazer gun
- A mysterious spy from Universe 21, Velvet are the most elite spy ever in universe and she's Scarlet from Rival Wings best friend. With her spy skills (like Chase from SW and Blair from RW), she many times causing trouble for Super Wings and Elemental Guardians. Also, she join Elemental Hunter just for fun cuz she find this interesting. Velvet doesn't care about life and would like to destroy it (except flower), opposite with Dizzy - her enemy. Velvet likes rose so she always has a rose on her hat. She is one of survivors of the hunters after Solomon got defeated by Super Wings. She left Earth and started her journey finding her interested in universe.
8. Copper:
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Sexuality: Gay
Affiliation: Hunter
Race: Alien
Type of vehicle: Adventure jeep
Ability: Control element power, super strength, hunting skills, transform into vehicle or robot form, swing on vines.
Color: Copper and brown
Personality: Cool, mysterious, eager
Weapon: Sling shot, crossbow
- A young hunter from Universe 10, Copper has been trained to be hunter since he was young that's why he can swing on vines, far jumping from long distance... Like Velvet, he joins Elements Hunter just for fun and at the end of S6, he with Velvet and Labrador left Earth but Copper back to his hometown. With his hunting skills, he's caused many trouble to Super Wings.
9. Labrador:
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Sexuality: Gay
Affiliation: Mechanic and Hunter
Race: Alien
Type of vehicle: Small space ship
Ability: Control element power, invisibility, disguise, repairing machine and technology device, transform into vehicle or robot form, control gravity
Color: Chocolate brown
Personality: Intelligent, shy, hard-working
Weapon: Lazer gun
- Labrador is a genius inventor of Universe 10 and he's Copper's best friend. They're grown up together in a world that of technology and people carelessness. He's join Elemental Hunter with his friend cuz he want to helping his friend (also his bf) do something useful. With his intelligence and his inventing talent, he created many useful device for his teammates. He also a hunter but not joining fight usually, except being forced. After the final battle, he with Copper and Velvet leave Earth and back to their hometown.
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usafphantom2 · 7 months
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The only foreign jet ever to lock onto the Blackbird (came to its rescue)
As capable as the SR-71 was, no aircraft is invincible. Over time, a specially trained Swedish JA-37 Viggen unit developed a successful process for intercepting SR-71s as they flew along the same repeated flight path over the Baltic Sea, commonly known as the “Baltic Express.”
Topping out at around Mach 2.1, the JA-37 didn’t have the sheer power of the MiG-25, and with a max altitude of just 59,000 feet, it couldn’t reach the world’s ceiling like the Blackbird. But thanks to the routine nature of the SR-71 flights, Sweden’s early advances with sophisticated data links, excellent mission planning, and – importantly – the technical skill of the Swedish aviators, the Viggen’s performance shortcomings were all overcome over time.
In fact, after early intercepts that would have been successful were neutralized by the SR-71’s electronic countermeasures, the Swedes even honed their counter-countermeasure systems to compensate, allowing them to genuinely score missile locks on the fastest jet in history on more than one occasion.
These intercepts give the Viggen the noteworthy distinction of being the only foreign fighter ever to succeed in locking onto a Blackbird.
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Swedish Viggen (Wikimedia Commons)
“In total I have five hot intercepts against the SR-71 to my credit,” recalled Per-Olof Eldh, Swedish Air Force JA-37 Viggen pilot. “All can be described as successful. I was visual three times; on a couple of occasions the SR-71 was contrailing, which was very useful because you could do a visual check to ensure you ended up in the right spot!”
Of course, the counterargument contends that the United States didn’t see formally neutral Sweden as a threat, and as such, there was little mission planning oriented toward mitigating these intercepts. Just as the Swedish pilots overcame technical hurdles through practice and planning, it stands to reason that SR-71 crews could have complicated matters significantly through their own mission planning if they’d felt the pressing need to do so. After all, the SR-71’s success against enemy defenses was as much a product of operational planning as it was of cutting-edge technology.
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SR-71 in flight. (U.S. Air Force photo)
This debate, however, may really be emblematic of how internet culture tends to rob the nuance from reality – as no Habu pilot (as the Blackbird was colloquially known) had any illusions about his aircraft’s vulnerability in a tough situation, and the Viggen pilots demonstrated a great deal of technical skill and proficiency in their intercepts. In the mental tug-of-war between the competitive spirit that drives most military aviators and the deep-seated respect professionals at the highest level tend to have for one another, mutual respect seemed to win out between Habu pilots and their intercepting Swedish colleagues.
This was perhaps best demonstrated during a 1987 intercept that was immediately made classified at the time, only to be revealed three decades later.
The time Swedish fighters came to the rescue of a damaged SR-71
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(U.S. Air Force image)
On June 29, 1987, Lt. Cols. Duane Noll and Tom Veltri were flying in their SR-71 over the Baltic Sea at Mach 3.0 and at 75,000 feet when their Blackbird’s right engine suddenly exploded. Noll immediately went into action, veering the stricken Habu away from their proximity to Soviet airspace and directly into Swedish territory, approaching Gotland Island. This airspace violation prompted the Swedish Air Force to redirect nearby Viggens to intercept.
“We were performing an ordinary peacetime operation exercise,” recalled retired Maj. Roger Moller, Swedish Air Force Viggen pilot. “Our fighter controller then asked me ‘are you able to make an interception and identification of a certain interest?’ I thought immediately it must be an SR-71, otherwise he would have mentioned it. But at that time I didn’t know it was the Blackbird.”
As the Viggens approached, the damaged Blackbird descended all the way down to 25,000 feet, creating a dangerous situation. The Swedish pilots had been directed to conduct a visual identification of the aircraft spotted on radar, but seeing the SR-71 operating on one engine, excitement about the intercept turned to concern. Soviet violations of Swedish airspace were not uncommon, and it was all but certain that any Soviet pilot would be eager for a chance to shoot down America’s “invincible” spy plane. That fact was not lost on the SR-71 crew.
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Fictional image of a Blackbird engine failure. (U.S. Air Force photo)
“We did not know who would find us first,” Veltri recalled. “Seeing the Swedish plane escorting us was a pure liberation. I’m absolutely sure that the Swedish presence on meant that other interceptors were at distance and could not therefore come to intercept us.”
The crippled Blackbird continued to lose both speed and altitude, to the point where the Swedish pilots worried that the crew might have to eject – but they stuck by the American jet’s side until their fuel reserves ran low and they were relieved by another pair of Viggens that continued to escort, and defend, the Habu. Eventually, the recon plane made a safe landing in Nordholz, former West Germany.
From left to right, Col. Lars-Erik Blad, Maj. Roger Moller, Maj. Krister Sjober, and Retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Tom Veltri stand beside the official photo which depicts the event that earned the Swedish pilots their U.S. Air Medals in Stockholm, Sweden, Nov. 28, 2018. The Swedish Airmen risked their lives to save an SR-71 and the aircrew, Tom Veltri and Duane Noll, on June 29, 1987. (U.S. Air Force Photo by Senior Airman Kelly O’Connor)
The four Swedish pilots who participated in the intercept and subsequent escort were honored in Stockholm for their actions in November of 2018; each was awarded the U.S. Air Force’s Air Medal.
@AlexHollings52 via X
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mariacallous · 1 year
Last autumn, I started to learn Ukrainian. After a reporting trip to the country, I felt that on my return, I really should try to be less than totally linguistically helpless. The Ukrainian Institute in London offers group and individual lessons remotely with highly qualified teachers but, perversely perhaps, I decide I would like to learn from an instructor based in the country itself. I am recommended a friend of a friend, an internal refugee from the capital now living in Ivano-Frankivsk, western Ukraine.
Olya Makar, who manages to make her Zoom lessons fun and exacting, is carrying on her work despite many setbacks. Owing to Russian missile strikes on the country’s energy infrastructure, she has electricity only for three two-hour blocks a day – supposedly according to a schedule, but one that can shift unexpectedly – and a patchy internet connection. We reluctantly have to cancel a couple of sessions.
Like most Ukrainians I have met, she greets such problems with bracing realism; things could easily get more difficult, she says. “After each attack it’s getting worse and worse,” she says. “But we will find new ways to adapt.” I also tune into the Ukrainian Lessons podcast, in which a cheerful and charming voice belonging to teacher Anna Ohoiko guides me through the early steps of learning a language: saying hello, describing family, and eating out. The first seasons of the podcast were made in 2016, and there’s a bittersweet feeling in them of time-travelling to a different Ukraine, with Ohoiko describing carefree trips to the market and her favourite park in Kyiv – which was hit by Russian cruise missile attacks when I was in the city this October.
Then there is the language app, Duolingo, which, to my surprise, has a Ukrainian course. I imagined Duolingo Ukrainian may be something of a minority sport – but last month, the app’s data crunchers reported that it was Duolingo’s fastest-growing language of the year in the UK, with users rising by 1,254% – and that it had grown by a remarkable 2,229% in the Republic of Ireland. In the UK, there was a spike for Ukrainian learning in February and March, and then another in May, when the system finally spluttered into gear and Ukrainians began to arrive in substantial numbers, the curve in the graph a reflection of the inefficiency of Britain’s refugee scheme.
The overall trend is similar in other countries receiving refugees – Poland, Germany, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic all saw spikes in Ukrainian learning this year. But there have been sharp rises in Japan, Vietnam and Latin America too, and “in just about every country on Earth” that uses the app, according to Cindy Blanco, one of Duolingo’s learning scientists, many of them receiving few or no refugees. Around the world, 1.3 million people started learning the language on Duolingo in 2022, she says.
In short: people across the globe have been learning Ukrainian to express their solidarity with the victims of Vladimir Putin’s aggression. At the same time, the growth of Russian has slowed, which, in relation to the rate of uplift in app users overall, amounts to a decline. In a delicious irony, Vladimir Putin himself is behind this extraordinary own goal in soft diplomacy terms, since he is indirectly responsible for the very presence of the Ukrainian language on the app: in 2014, in the wake of Russia’s occupation of Crimea, the US’s Peace Corps withdrew its volunteers from the country, freeing up some of the staff to pursue individual projects. It was one of them, Iryna Krupska, who worked with Duolingo to develop a Ukrainian course, as well as an English course for Ukrainian speakers.
There are many reasons to learn a language: school, university, work, relationships, ancestry, the prospect of holidays and travel. Sometimes, though, the reason is political, since language and politics walk in lock step. Ukrainian was audible in TV footage of the invasion; it was heard when President Volodymyr Zelenskiy’s daily addresses were broadcast round the world. It became swiftly clear for those following the war that the language itself was at stake in the conflict. Putin’s obsession with Ukraine hangs on his false conviction that the country exists only as an appendage of Russia and has no identity of its own; many Ukrainians have been dropping Russian in favour of speaking Ukrainian as a symbol of resistance.
Ohoiko tells me she’s seen numbers for her podcast surge – by 600% on Spotify, for instance, while her Ukrainian Lessons’ Facebook group has grown from having a couple of thousand active users before February’s invasion to 10,000 now. When I confess to her that a small part of me feels Russian would be a more “useful” language to learn, more adaptable to many countries in the former Soviet Union, she tells me that one of the main reasons she set up her podcast was her certainty that Russian would enter a long-term decline, in her country and others.
“I’ve always felt that it has been a generational question,” she says. “I always hoped that when I was old and retired, and Ukraine was developing towards democratic values and European integration, that Russian wouldn’t be as strong as it used to be in Ukraine. Since independence there has been a slow move towards Ukrainian, but now it’s become much faster.”
Ukrainian is not straightforward for those who do not already speak a Slavic tongue. I myself am under no illusions: if I can say a few words and order my dinner in Ukrainian, I’ll be doing just fine. But in my case too, studying the language goes way beyond the practical. It makes me feel a connection with friends in Ukraine, and draws me towards a cultural landscape I’ve been reporting on. I feel closer to the country when I practise the language, whether it’s because of my teacher’s struggles to keep going with her work, or Ukrainian Lessons’ social media posts highlighting vocabulary that, says Anna Ohoiko, “we are hearing every day on the news and matter a lot to us now – words for air raids and missiles, different types of weapon, ways of describing the energy crisis”.
I feel small shots of triumph, too – when, for instance, I read my first poem in Ukrainian, Vasyl Symonenko’s glorious You know that you are human? (and I feel a chill when I learn he died in 1963 aged 28, after being beaten up by police). One day, though, I want to be one of those who learn in order to increase their pleasure in holidaying in a perfectly normal country – when I can raise a glass of Ukrainian red wine, червоне вино, on the peaceful shores of the Black Sea.
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aircraftmodels · 5 days
MiG-21: The Iconic Supersonic Jet Fighter
The MiG-21, developed by the Mikoyan-Gurevich Design Bureau in the Soviet Union, is one of the most recognizable and influential jet fighters in aviation history. Known for its speed, agility, and versatility, the MiG-21 has been a staple in many air forces around the world for over six decades. This article explores the design, development, performance and the enduring legacy of this remarkable aircraft.
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Design and Development
The MiG-21's origins date back to the early 1950s, during the Cold War, when the Soviet Union sought to develop a high-speed interceptor to counter NATO threats. The aircraft first flew in 1955 and entered service in 1959. Its design was revolutionary for its time, featuring a sleek, delta-wing configuration that allowed for excellent high-speed performance and maneuverability.
Key to the MiG-21's design was its simplicity and effectiveness. It was built to be lightweight and highly maneuverable, with a focus on achieving high speeds. The delta wing, combined with a powerful Tumansky R-25 turbojet engine, enabled the MiG-21 to reach speeds of up to Mach 2, making it one of the fastest fighters of its era.
Performance and Capabilities
The MiG-21 is renowned for its impressive performance characteristics. It has a maximum speed of approximately 2,175 km/h (1,350 mph) and a combat range of around 1,200 kilometers (745 miles). The aircraft's service ceiling is about 19,000 meters (62,000 feet), allowing the aircraft model to operate effectively at high altitudes.
One of the MiG-21's most notable features is its versatility. It can perform a variety of roles, including air superiority, ground attack, and reconnaissance missions. The aircraft is equipped with a 23mm or 30mm cannon and can carry a wide range of ordnance, including air-to-air missiles, rockets, and bombs. This flexibility made it a valuable asset to many air forces around the world.
Variants and Upgrades
Over its long service life, the MiG-21 has seen numerous variants and upgrades. Each new version introduced improvements in avionics, weapon systems, and overall performance. Some of the MiG-21 model include:
MiG-21F: The first production model, featuring basic avionics and weaponry.
MiG-21PF: An improved version with enhanced radar and missile capabilities.
MiG-21MF: A multi-role variant with upgraded avionics and engine performance.
MiG-21bis: The final and most advanced version, with further improvements in avionics, weapon systems, and reliability.
Many countries have also undertaken their own upgrade programs to extend the operational life of their MiG-21 fleets. These upgrades often include modern avionics, new weapon systems, and improved engines.
Global Impact and Legacy
The MiG-21's impact on global aviation is profound. Over 11,000 units were produced, and the aircraft was exported to more than 60 countries, making it one of the most widely produced supersonic jets in history. It played a significant role in many conflicts, including the Vietnam War, the Six-Day War, the Indo-Pakistani Wars, and numerous others.
The MiG-21's reputation for reliability and ease of maintenance has ensured its continued use in various air forces, even as newer aircraft have been introduced. Its ability to perform effectively in diverse roles and its adaptability to modernization programs have cemented its status as a timeless classic in military aviation.
The MiG-21 stands as a testament to the ingenuity and engineering prowess of the Mikoyan-Gurevich Design Bureau. Its combination of speed, agility, and versatility made it a formidable adversary in the skies and a valuable asset to countless air forces. Even after more than six decades, the MiG-21 continues to fly, a symbol of enduring excellence in the field of military aviation. The creation of custom airplane models and aircraft replicas further immortalizes this legendary aircraft, ensuring its legacy endures for future generations.
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flora-bigs · 3 months
What's up with Missile Man?
he's the world's fastest flyer! his power lets him both fly and enter a breaker state as he goes faster, making him invincible at high enough speeds. the issue is aiming, rly....
he's a shoe-in for the all-stars seeing as he can destroy missiles with his body
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jcmarchi · 3 months
Russians Lost Three T-90M Proryv Tanks in One Day: Anti-Drone Measures Not Effective Against Drones? - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/russians-lost-three-t-90m-proryv-tanks-in-one-day-anti-drone-measures-not-effective-against-drones-technology-org/
Russians Lost Three T-90M Proryv Tanks in One Day: Anti-Drone Measures Not Effective Against Drones? - Technology Org
Russian forces in Ukraine lost at least three T-90M Proryv tanks in one day. Putin calls these tanks “the best in the world”, but in the Donetsk region, they are dropping like flies. And, the Proryv is actually the most advanced tank in the Russian forces, so these losses have to be very painful for them.
T-90M Proryv entered service in 2016 and is technically the most modern tank Russia has. Image credit: Ramin Həmidov via Wikimedia
In terms of practical combat machines, the T-14 Armata is not a real tank. It does not exist and will certainly not appear in Ukraine, as was confirmed by the head of the manufacturer. Therefore, the T-90M Proryv is the most modern tank, which the Russians use in large numbers in Ukraine. And the defenders of Ukraine are destroying them in large numbers too.
Open-source intelligence site WarSpotting noted that the Russians lost as many as three T-90M Proryv tanks on Monday, March 4. Who knows, maybe more, but others may not have been photographed or their images may not have been published online.
Photos that appeared on the Internet show that all the destroyed T-90M Proryv tanks had anti-drone grilles, but at least two of them were destroyed with such weapons. It is not known how the third one was destroyed, but it was probably destroyed by drones too, because all these tanks were attacked on the same day of March 4 in the same village of Yapolivka in the Donetsk region.
The estimated value of one Proryv tank is 4.5 million dollars. With that in mind, Russia lost 13.5 million dollars worth of main battle tanks in one day in the small village of Yapolivka alone.
60th Brigade of Ukraine repels Russian attack on the Kreminna front. A column of Russian AFVs, including T-90M, took part in the attack. As well as a column of Chinese Desertcross 1000-3, which were apparently used to transport Russian infantry closer to the front line.… pic.twitter.com/y90mJb5KDD
— Special Kherson Cat 🐈🇺🇦 (@bayraktar_1love) March 4, 2024
Putin said already during this war that “T-90 Proryv is without any exaggeration the best tank in the world.” The Russian president hinted that more versions of the T-90 should appear in the future. It was a strange statement, since Russia had previously tied the future of its armoured forces to the T-14 Armata.
What happened? Why is the development of various versions of the T-72B3 and T-90 going on and the production of the T-80 is also being renewed? Nothing happened – the Armata tank does not exist.
The T-90 Proryv no longer extracts any emotion from the defenders of Ukraine. These tanks, despite having thicker armour with dynamic protection tiles,  are being destroyed by FPV drones and anti-tank missiles. They are not that special in terms of engaging them.
The T-90M Proryv entered service in 2016. This tank has a smoothbore 125mm gun with modern (at least on paper) sights. There are also 7.62 mm and 12.7 mm machine guns there. Compared to other tanks used by the Russian forces, the safety of the T-90M Proryv crew is ensured by stronger, thicker armour. It is also worth noting that the T-90M has a diesel 831 kW engine, which allows the tank to accelerate to 65 km/h. It is not the fastest, but that is a normal speed for a tank.
Written by Povilas M.
Sources: Tech.wp.pl, Wikipedia
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lokesh-infinium · 5 months
Global Rockets and Missiles Market Surges to $81.34 Billion, Reflecting Robust Growth in 2030
The global rockets and missiles market encompasses the complete lifecycle of development, production, and sales of these advanced weaponry systems. Its growth is steered by various factors, including the continuous rise in defense expenditure, technological advancements, and the persistent demand for cutting-edge weapons systems. Rockets and missiles play pivotal roles in diverse sectors such as military operations, aerospace ventures, scientific research, and space exploration. Leveraging these systems provides several advantages, including unparalleled long-range precision, allowing precise payload delivery over substantial distances. This precision facilitates targeted strikes, ensuring effective engagement with specific objectives. Another notable benefit is the remarkable speed of rockets and missiles, enabling swift responses and rapid target engagement, providing a crucial tactical advantage in military operations. Additionally, their adaptability, thanks to the ability to equip them with various warheads, enhances versatility in different scenarios, tailoring approaches to specific mission requirements.
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The rockets and missiles market is driven by multiple factors, with geopolitical conflicts among nations contributing significantly as countries seek to bolster their defense capabilities and invest in missile systems for countering potential threats. Strengthened defense systems fuel the demand for advanced rockets and missiles. Furthermore, the burgeoning space industry plays a pivotal role in propelling market demand. The increased deployment of satellites and ambitious space missions by both space agencies and private companies necessitates reliable and efficient rocket systems. However, certain challenges impede market growth, such as stringent global regulations governing missile usage, limiting opportunities for market expansion. Compliance with international regulations and restrictions on missile technology poses constraints for manufacturers. Additionally, the substantial costs associated with the development, production, and maintenance of rockets and missiles present hindrances to market growth. Despite these challenges, the market offers opportunities spurred by ongoing technological advancements. Continuous progress in rocket and missile technology creates new prospects for innovation and growth, encompassing improvements in propulsion systems, guidance and control systems, and materials used in rocket construction, among other aspects.
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The rockets and missiles market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the World (ROW). North America is projected to capture a significant share of the global market. The region's market dominance can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, there is a rise in launch vehicles, and research and development activities aimed at developing cost-effective propulsion technologies, which are expected to drive the demand for advanced rocket and missile propulsion systems in North America. Furthermore, the United States defense budget allocation for missile and ballistic missile programs is growing, leading to an increased demand for propulsion systems. The country's strong emphasis on defense and its commitment to enhancing military capabilities contribute to the market growth in North America. In the Asia Pacific region, significant growth is expected, making it the fastest-growing region in the rockets and missiles market. Countries like China, India, and Russia are making substantial investments in modernizing their military forces, including the development and acquisition of advanced rocket and missile systems. Additionally, countries in the Asia Pacific region have actively engaged in space exploration, satellite launch activities, and scientific research. The increased demand for rocket launches, particularly for satellite deployments and space missions, further fuels the growth of the rockets and missiles market in this region.
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The report provides deep insights into demand forecasts, market trends, and micro and macro indicators. In addition, this report provides insights into the factors that are driving and restraining the growth in this market. Moreover, The IGR-Growth Matrix analysis given in the report brings an insight into the investment areas that existing or new market players can consider. The report provides insights into the market using analytical tools such as Porter's five forces analysis and DRO analysis of the rockets and missiles market. Moreover, the study highlights current market trends and provides forecasts from 2023-2030. We also have highlighted future trends in the market that will affect the demand during the forecast period. Moreover, the competitive analysis given in each regional market brings an insight into the market share of the leading players.
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