#family sims really are just romance sims with baby fever
moocha-muses · 2 months
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"You noticed the heart-shaped egg?"
"I did! I told you they weren't a waste of drawer space. Love is stored in the breakfast, Birch."
"Right on top of the toast."
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guessimate · 2 years
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Welcome to the last rotation of my 1st round. It’s my 10th post concerning the Medieval Charter Challenge. Meet the Imago family, Digory (Romance) and Tiili (Family – you might already know her from the screenshots as she often visited other families). I intended to play this family as the last one, because Tiili is the town’s midwife and I knew there would be a lot of births happening the very 1st round, as all the newlyweds had moved in.
Tiili is not my simself or anything like that, but I usually make a character called Tiili in my saves. Her appearance was randomized, but I chose this sim to be the midwife.
Tiili and Digory started off with neutral chemistry, but Digory really wanted to change that. Although he’s an extremely lazy sim, he tried his best to impress his wife. He got 3 body skill points and enough fitness enthusiasm to go on a jog, which made him “fit”. Tiili decided she liked that a lot more and they got 1 bolt of chemistry.
The Imago family started off with a whopping $405, because 8 families had paid $50 each to Tiili for her services.
At first I wanted Tiili to just play the role of the midwife, and perhaps the town’s healer (hence the sim needed to be a female Family sim), but I thought they couldn’t make a living on this alone. I gave them a lot of wild flowers to collect and later on I decided they could do basket weaving as well, because they wanted to learn Creativity and get a Florist’s Bench. I thought foraging would accompany the role of the town’s healer well, because I could pretend Tiili was using some herbs in her practices. At one point Tiili started talking about mastering witchcraft, which might have been a high witch’s memory that another sim gossiped about. Anyway I took it to mean she was interested in becoming a witch at some point.
As for the ROS, I rolled number 79 – an uninvited guest came over for a visit. That really made sense for this family, as Tiili is the center of attention and already had 10 regular friends and 5 BBFs. I decided it would be the priest that would grace us with his presence. He actually came over on his own...
I had a bad feeling about Tiili’s birth and I was right. Unfortunately, I rolled 4 and 33. While her baby girl, Drifa, survived, her mother had some postpartum infection/fever and would soon die. I don’t kill my sims off instantly, I let them die a bit more naturally. 
It’s tragic. Tiili helped so many mothers in town deliver their firstborn babies, but she herself died. Also the last thing she crafted was a toy box for her kid.
I wanted the priest to come over and and let Tiili have her private confession, but we had to baptize a child and bury the town’s midwife instead...
I have 2 widowed peasants in town now. They might have to get together even if just for practical and financial reasons. Sibyl might be quite compatible with Digory, as she’s also a Romance sim, but she’s such a mean sim. She kicked over the Imagos’ trashcan, even though she was Tiili’s BFF. She’s really not getting good reputation for herself.
The Imagos sold 7 waste baskets, 4 skeps, and 5 baskets of: chamomile, mint, pepper and mustard to the merchants (all for a bit less than the build mode price).
They ended up, earning 1548$ (including the initial 400$ made by Tiili). Digory had to pay:
500$ – rent.
619$ – tax.
= 1119$ to the Royal Steward (rounded down to 1100$). The Royal Steward has 31,900$.
155$ – tithe.
100$ – for the daughter’s christening and booking of the ground for his wife’s grave. Tiili’s grave shall be moved onto the church lot soon.
=  250$ to the priest (rounded town). The Priest has 4900$.
Digory is left with 203$. He still has some flowers in his inventory for the difficult winter season, but no more reeds, so he’s not going to be making any baskets.
He just told me "what a good week it’s been" at the end of the round. I know it depends on the aspiration meter, but seriously, Digory, your wife had just died... Oh, well, Romance sims do move on quickly…
PS They dug up a rock so no tax for that.
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randomrats-sims2 · 5 years
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Justin Black - created by @max-mshade with a extensive makeover by me to fit my game - happens to be the leader of the new household. I had a lot of fun making it. His face style isn’t typical for my game/sims, but I made it work. As far as i’m aware his orientation is set correctly and he’s very gay. Will change if it’s not actually in character? I made him with six children, all girls, because I had baby fever when i was playing. I would have had eight babies but I didn’t have enough room in the family and was having fun messing with genetics and forgot I could random-roll spawn a fourth. He is a knowledge sim, and a possible pleasure or popularity secondary.
I did change his skintone after all.. something about the lips on the one he came with really bothered me. You can hardly tell, though.
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His two eldest daugthers are Marylou and Valentina - Knowledge and Romance sims. Valentina was given a total bitch of a personality, with max grumpiness and also nearly max outgoing. Valentina happens to be holding one of the three toddlers, named Dahaas.
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The middle child is Ruby, who has the cutest child face I have ever seen on a sim. Perfectly round with a slight amount of pout. I actually gave her a severe underbite / crooked mouth, which contributed to her cuteness, and she doesn’t carry Justin’s genetics at all. The eyes are probably super-recessive on account of them being red.
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The other two girls are Hazel and Tanya. I actually had my boyfriend pick which babies should be kept from the pacifier, so they’re more or less chosen to his taste/opinion of which babies were super cute. He also named them. I didn’t change the hairstyles at all. The parents were random sims from random rolls which he also chose. It was a group effort.
It’s up to interpreation whether or not these are his ‘real’ children or adopted or not even if they carry his genetics. I don’t have any lore for it. I just wanted babies.
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tegamisim · 5 years
BACC Huntsville Round 1: Powerhill Family
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This round starts with me not taking face picture of the second founder, Emily Powerhill. Don’t worry, you will see her in the later pics. She is a plantsim, who became infested with mysterious bug when she was going through woods. She built a small house in the center of the town. She is Fortune sim, though she doesn’t really care That much about money in the end, she just loves nature. Maybe she wants to buy some more things to help her obsession?
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As she was feeling very lonely, with her supernatural powers, she decided to make a plantbaby. She got small girl whom she named Mimosa. The girl knew all the skills besides the lullaby, so she didn’t really need any studying. She also had the same main skills as her mom.
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Emily was very happy about her new kid. She played a lot with her but she felt little sad knowing that due to very fast growing span of the plantsims, she won’t be as small for long anymore.
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Emily really didn’t befriend any of the other founders as she was even more shy and quiet than even Erin. She however eventually befriended Annie Margareta, the romance sim of the town who was friends with everyone. So she was like polar opposite of her, but they got along.
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She even took care of small Mimosa!
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Then Emily realized she could just make another plantbaby when she was having baby fever. Thus small Arthyl was born. (also face picture of Emily!)
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At this point, Mimosa had grown up to an adult already. She joined with her mom in her hobby of painting.
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Mimosa really loved to read. She wanted to become a teacher one day and help teach all the future kids in the town.
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She also took care of her sister Arthyl when Emily wanted her own free time.
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Close up pic of Mimosa. 
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Mimosa also took care of her mom’s crops. It was very easy considering she is a plantsim.
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Eventually Arhyl grew up to an adult as well. Now there was no babies in the house anymore, what was Emily going to do? This will be seen during the next round!
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tumblunni · 7 years
Let’s ramble a bit more about Changeling Sim ideas! This time a bit about the awkward lil royal family and their interlocking relationships~!
It our deuteroganist! Hello! The protagonist’s cute little daughter is actually the next heir to the faerie throne, sent to be raised by her as a challenge to prove that the human world has good in it and is worth saving. And also secretly because Xana Mega is pretty awkward and cute under her scary facade, and was worried she was too distant to make a good mother to her child. In the golden ending you can help patch up their relationship, even though Jackie is still the one Kiddo knows as her true mother, and her biological parent becomes more like the family’s aunt. Kiddo is technically half human, but it’s not because Xana Mega married a human or anything. Fairies don’t follow biological genetics, theyre grown from giant flowers after all! Xana created Kiddo entirely by herself, and she acquired her human side solely from being given to Jackie to raise. Baby fae are more metaphysically squishy than their older counterparts, the classic changeling ploy is simply to replace a human child with a fae baby and it’ll naturally shift into the shape of the human. For a time they’ll be just that- a fairy wearing a disguise. But if they don’t know theyre not human, they’ll grow into what they’re taught and completely transform into a real mortal around puberty. Changelings do tend to retain a heightened sense to the supernatural and occasionally a few odd abilities, but generally they’ll never return to what they once were. Traditionally nobody had a choice in this whole matter, it was a very sketchy and horrid practise of ancient fae who didnt even respect humans as real sentient people. But in this case Kiddo wasn’t replacing an existing human, and she’s being raised knowing of her origins. Eventually she’ll face the question of whether she wants to stay or return to being a fairy, but it’ll be 100% her own choice. Similarly, it’s her own choice whether she wants to take the throne or if she finds a different career choice during her adventures in this other world. Many endings for you, the player!
Xana Mega
The current queen of Mag Mell, an ominous towering figure who rules with strict efficiency and commands the current anti-human war. Everyone’s pretty damn scared of her, and she lives a very lonely life disconnected from her own people. Despite her frightening persona and dedication to all things rational, she’s called for this mysterious truce for the next 18 years, and is permitting certain humans to enter our realm?? Truly the queen works in mysterious ways... but is she going soft...? Deep down she’s really a kind person who feels she has to put up this front deliberately in order to retain order. Its half that and half not really knowing how to function well socially, since she’s been groomed to be a ruler from a young age and had to live with a distant father. Because she was scared she’d repeat his mistakes, she gave her child to somebody else... but ultimately has she just become the same absent parent? It doesnt matter, because at least the kid will have a good mother, even if it isn’t her. But the decision does haunt her, and she’s both excited and terrified of the day she’ll see the child again on her 18th birthday and she won’t recognise her. But hopefully (if the player does well) she’ll be able to see that Kiddo has grown up into a wonderful young woman and had a fullfilling life that makes it all worthwhile ^_^ Ultimately if you’d ever get to know the real Xana beneath the royal role, she’s a slightly adorable awkward dork with a weary sadness yet a childish joy for experiencing new things. When you’d given up hope on this stuff, its hard to restrain yourself! Its possible to get a super secret route where Jackie romances Xana and Kiddo acquires DOUBLEMUMS~! And they’re super cute going out together on Real Authentic Human World Dates while Xana flails happily like this small hotdog stand is disneyland. Who’da thought that after the war ended, the old queen would become a human world weeaboo as soon as she set foot in our dimension? ^_^
Xana’s father and previous ruler. Known as the Good King, he was responsible for starting the grand reforms of society that Xana continues nowadays. If peace is ever achieved between humans and fae, he was the one who sewed the first seed even if he didn’t live to see it sprout. Despite his success as a ruler, he was pretty flawed as a father, and passed that on to his daughter. He couldn’t completely escape the trappings of ancient fairy tradition, and his daughter was mostly raised by maids and tutors while he remained just this distant silent figure she could never reach no matter how hard she tried. She never even knew very much about him since he died when she was young. The young queen was just left with a million different opinions everybody else had on him, coalescing into an abstract cluster of an unknowable, empty pillar of ideal regal emotionlessness. .....Of course, the real Alberich was just as far from this as she is! To those who personally knew him, he was a complete softhearted goofball whose overidealistic ramblings would surely doom the whole country. And isn’t that just why he’s so loveable? Ultimately, his failure as a father was just that... a failure. Xana tried to justify it as if he’d made the right decision to be distant, and she should become the same sort of person, and take it further to become distant to even her own citizens. But Alberich never pretended his decision was the right one, he was a good man who despite his best efforts didn’t know how to raise a child. He had no-one to learn from, and his fear of messing up is what caused him to flee from the concept of parenthood entirely. He thought that hiring the best educators and minders would help compensate for the ways he was lacking as a dad, never knowing that all his daughter wanted was the one thing he could give- love. :( In the end he perished sadly to a simple disease that could have been cured if the country’s infrastructure wasn’t so ravaged by the war with the humans. His decision to prioritize the remaining money towards protecting the citizens was what caused him to waste away from a simple fever. While a certain someone raced against the clock to fetch the medicine on foot, arriving just late enough to miss the chance to hold his hand as he passed away...
A simple court jester who was promoted to the king’s butler and eventually promoted/demoted (?) to the finance minister after the new queen took the throne. Why is he even in the royal family section...? He’s always been sort of a stuffy grumpy neat freak, but he used to be a symbol of fun amoungst the court once. Now he’s just become bitter and hateful, leading the anti-human sentiment and questioning the country’s leadership at every turn. He’s globally hated by all of his coworkers and suspected of being corrupt- he was the major scapegoat for the culprit in the king’s death, and never managed to shake the stigma. He’s only really here and has any sort of power because the king’s will secured his position for the foreseeable future. He’s also hated because (GASP!) he’s a disgusting former human turned fairy! In his former life he was a homeless peasant in the 1800s that Alberich brought home one day and hired as a servant. Everyone humoured the king with his new pet, but it started to get ridiculous when he gave the thing legal rights and a career! It’s tradition to just consider a fairy a fairy when they become one, and forget about whoever they were in their past life, but gossipping housewives like to ignore this rule and hold it against him anyway. Its also kinda why Rafferty has such a personal hate of humans, he used to be one and he’s seen nothing but the worst side of them... His role in the current story is really just to be a small obstacle in plotlines, and a possible befriendable character. I’m an optimistic person so I like stories of cliche ‘evil vizier’ type guys having more complex motives and being able to be redeemed in the end. In the end you can discover that the real secret behind him and the king was that they were actually dating, and Rafferty really was loyal to the kingdom all along. And he endured all this hate for so long because he doesn’t want to tarnish Alberich’s memory by letting people know about their affair. Xana is actually his biological daughter from when he was human, making him Kiddo’s grandpa. Neither of them knew this fact though, and in fact Xana was one of the people who hated him the most. She just knew him as her funny friend who kept her company when she was lonely as a child, one of her father’s servants who seemed to care about her more than the rest. So she took it as a personal betrayal when he was suspected of killing the king, and kept believing it well into her adult years. Its gonna be a messy reunion for them when the misunderstanding is all sorted out, but a happy one too, hopefully...
A slightly unrelated side note but I ideally wanna make a full cast of court employees and lesser nobility! At the moment all I have is Rafferty, unnamed scribe dad and kiiiinda a cupid type figure I dont know much about yet? I dunno, I just got that concept in my brain while I was thinking about Raffles and Ritchi’s past back when he was king. I imagined maybe Rafferty did have at least one friend amoung the royal court who knew about his relationship with the king and supported them. And it sorta came together in my brain as some sort of champion of love and justice, and maybe designed around a traditional valentine’s day fairy cliche. But like a world weary chain smoker one? BUT still one that really is a kind loving figure, not a dark subversion or anything. I just feel like they’re someone worn down by seeing injustice in the world, and questioning other people’s definitions of love that’re being forced upon them. Someone who was doubting this country... I get the feeling they’ve left the plot by the time we get to the present, but I don’t know if they died or maybe they just left the country after the king died and they’d lost their last hope the place could change. But I do generally think maybe everyone who was in the fairy court back when Rafferty was jester is now dead and/or gone, he was the youngest member then and he’s the oldest one now. And he was hated by all his former friends, they died, and now he’s left being hated by all new people... But yeah I just have this good image of some broken but kind person finding a tiny bit of happiness realizing grumpy old rafferty found love, and reassuring him that they dont hold the same stupid homophobic ‘no dating humans’ views that everyone else is pushing. A brief bit of calm before the storm, making it even sadder that cupid just wasnt strong enough to keep trying after that hope died, and ran out even on rafferty, their last friend... I guess... a Nanu cupid?
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