#facility management in fraser town
Everything Everywhere All Within Me
I still remember the Oscar ceremony that took place earlier this year. It was back then a topic of great discussion among those in my area, with much chatter revolving around two notable films: "Everything Everywhere all at once" and "The Whale." Naturally, the conversation revolved around the captivating and remarkable plots of the movies. Furthermore, the conversation delved into the esteemed actors and actresses who graced the screens in both of these cinematic masterpieces. What was it that made these actors so special? It wasn't just because Michelle Yeoh, Ke Huy Quan and Brendan had endured years in the shadows, but also because they once shone so brightly, brimming with potential. Like Michelle Yeoh said when she won Best Actress award for Evelyn role in “Everything everywhere all at once”:  “This is proof that dream big, and dreams do come true. And ladies, don’t let anybody tell you that you are ever past your prime. Never give up.” Or Brendan Fraser said when he won Best Actor award for Charlie role in “The Whale”: “I started in this business 30 years ago. And things, they didn’t come easily to me, but there was a facility that I didn’t appreciate at the time until it stopped.”  They are all the star of a glorious past, destined for a limitless future. Ke Huy Quan's significant part in "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" when he was 12 years old should have paved the way for a successful acting career. Being crowned as Miss Malaysia in 1983 and attending the popular film "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragons" in 2000 should have opened the large door to Hollywood and Michelle Yeoh's career. Brendan was intended to be a great star for action movies in Hollywood with the smash series The Mummy. But all of this didn’t happen. Their life and career path should have been wonderful right? Given their ability, skills, determination and a good start. Starting out on the right foot, as they say, leads to a good voyage. But, I suppose, life, like a movie, has a way of delivering unexpected plot twists at any time. Some of the twists come from above, the Almighty. Some other twists are often the result of our own decisions, whether deliberate or compelled, that lead us down the unexpected road despite our best intentions. When I received a very good score in the high school entrance exams and was accepted into one of the best high schools in town, my parents and relatives all said that I would be extremely successful someday. When I passed two universities, my parents, relatives, and uncles all said that I would become somebody significant. And I, for one, believed in it. Until I got my French Linguistics bachelor's degree and didn't know what to do with it to make money or get a decent career. Or until one day I realized the career path I had diligently pursued all this while was not aligned with my true calling. It failed to ignite a sense of passion within me; instead, I found myself akin to a fish floundering in the mud, rather than reveling in the freedom of the water. There were some moments I did think that I had failed myself, and I tried to make it right via my actions, but with each decision, I felt like my life was slipping more and more off course, despite the fact that I had gotten off to a good start. Just like Evelyn in "Everything Everywhere All at Once". The central idea behind "Everything Everywhere All at Once" revolves around the notion of choices and their profound impact on one's life. What is the pivotal moment in Evelyn's life that she wishes she could have done differently? Against her father's wishes, she made the bold decision to embark on a new life in the United States alongside Waymond. Her heart was captivated by the alluring allure of the American dream, a vision that had long danced in her dreams. However, at present, Evelyn finds herself in the role of an overworked mother, tasked with the delicate balancing act of managing a struggling laundromat business while also tending to the needs of her father, Gong Gong. The weight of these responsibilities has taken its toll, resulting in heightened levels of stress and tension. And upon a profound reflection, she came to realize that the life she currently led was far from the one she had envisioned. In many of my previous articles, I wrote about the influence of my parents' expectations and societal norms on my personal development. I didn’t want to disappoint my parents, nor did I wish to fall short of societal expectations. But there is a part of me that believes, at the core of my being, I don’t want to disappoint myself the most. I believe that with each passing moment, every decision we make is a sincere endeavor towards achieving success and creating a promising future. Sometimes, the choices we make lead to triumph, while on other occasions, they steer us towards an unforeseen trajectory. And in instances where the outcome diverges greatly from our initial expectations, it is typical for us to seek solace within the protective embrace of a cocoon, which is fabriced by self-shame and self-esteem. The feeling of shame that arises when we fail ourselves and the desire to protect our self-esteem by concealing our failures from others. And we continue to reside within that cocoon which appears robust to the external eyes, yet harbors a delicate vulnerability within. Similar to the character Evelyn in the movie, she holds a deep dissatisfaction with her life and the reality she finds herself in. She regrets the decision she made to relocate to the United States, yet she remains fiercely protective of her cocoon. She doesn’t want others to perceive her choice as a grave mistake. But when her husband reveals his desire for a divorce, her cocoon begins to crumble, and she starts embarking on a journey through alternate realities where she opted to stay in China. Because for her, that is the pivot moment where everything went wrong. If she were not currently a struggling and unhappy wife in the United States, she would aspire to pursue a career as a chef, or a renowned singer, or even a skilled master of kung-fu. Like we can see in her other universes.  “You have so many goals you never finished. Dreams you never followed. You are living your worst you.” - Alpha Waymond said In that very moment, Evelyn found herself obliged to admit that her endeavors did not result in the success she had aspired to achieve. She had not made the wise choices she had anticipated, and, most dishearteningly, her life had not unfolded with the brilliance as she had thought it should be, and she let herself stuck in this unhappy version. I was also living in my own cocoon. When my husband asked whether I had any regrets, I replied I wished I hadn't studied French linguistics, that I hadn't pursued a profession as a project manager, and that I had done things differently. I occasionally imagine other possibilities, much like Evelyn did when she traveled across multi-universes and met her other selves and saw her other outcomes. You know, there are times in my life when I wish I could reset everything, I reflect on my past actions and find myself wishing for a different outcome, I consider the choices I've made and imagine alternate paths I could have taken. Just like Evelyn.
But what Evelyn and I were unaware of at that time was that when the cocoon collapses, it is not a negative occurrence. In fact, it is quite the opposite, as without the breaking of the cocoon, our beautiful butterfly wings would be unable to open and display their beauty. When Evelyn ceased her search for alternative outcomes in other universes and instead embraced her present situation along with all the choices she had made, she ultimately discovered a means to rescue her daughter Joy and restore harmony within her relationship with her husband. Or like Brenda Faser, after all of the struggling in the mud, after all of the rejection during his career path, Brenda still rose above it all and ultimately emerged victorious, earning the highly esteemed Oscar award. Or like Ke Huy Quan said when he won Best Supporting Actor for Waymond role in “Everything everywhere all at once”: “Dreams are something you have to believe in. I almost gave up on mine. To all of you out there, please keep your dreams alive.” I still wholeheartedly embrace every experience I've had, for the choices I've made that shape the very essence of my being in the present. Despite the lack of success I encountered in my career over the past six years, I have found contentment in my current pursuit as a writer and YouTuber. Although uncertain of where this path may ultimately lead, I am genuinely pleased with the direction I am heading.
But I know this is not a happy ending, not yet. Inevitably, we shall encounter challenges once more, and regrettably, we may find ourselves making wrong choices once again, leading to potential failures in our endeavors. Because  But now I have come to believe that failure is not something to be feared. If we allow fear to hinder our progress, if we are too afraid to go ahead, we will be deprived of any opportunities, whether they be opportunities for success or even opportunities for failure.
Michelle Yeoh, Ke Huy Quan, and Brendan Fraser, they possess an unwavering determination that knows no bounds. Despite experiencing numerous rejections in both their personal and professional lives, and making several choices in the hopes of paving a path to success, only to find themselves in unfavorable circumstances. They persist in their onward movement.
I believe life can be likened to a vast ocean, continuously filled with waves, while we, as individuals, are akin to the grains of sand scattered along its shores. As the rhythmic tides and surges of the ocean persists, each wave gracefully approaches the shore, caresses the soft grains of sand, and then flees, making way for the next wave to follow suit. This mesmerizing cycle continues, wave after wave, in a harmonious dance with the shoreline. As the wave gracefully approaches the shore, it delicately caresses the sand, inevitably carrying a small portion of it back into the vast expanse of the ocean. In return, it leaves behind a gentle residue of its aqueous essence, moistening the grains of sand. However, despite the countless waves from the powerful ocean, the sand remains resolute, unwavering in its steadfastness. Similar to the multitude of challenges and failures that come to us throughout our life, it is inevitable that these failures will leave a permanent imprint upon us. They extract fragments of our joy and confidence, while leaving behind remains of self-doubt and fear. However, we shall remain still, akin to the grains of sand, as the radiant sun showers its warmth upon us, causing the sand to regain its dried-out state once more.
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evoldir · 8 months
Fwd: Graduate Position: TexasAMU.BirdMigrationGenomicsConservation
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Graduate Position: TexasAMU.BirdMigrationGenomicsConservation > Date: 9 October 2023 at 05:16:09 BST > To: [email protected] > > > > PhD Position Available > Bird migration - Genomics - Conservation > > Position: We are seeking a PhD student to help lead an NSF-funded > project aimed at understanding how migratory organisms will respond to > climate change. > > Project goals: The timing of migration is tightly linked to resource > availability. Warmer springs have caused resources on the breeding grounds > to peak earlier, and it is unclear if migrants can modify their timing > to match these advances. We have designed a set of projects to fill these > knowledge gaps using the Purple Martin. These projects will include field > work (e.g., large scale tracking of wild birds), molecular work (e.g., > generation of genomic data) and data analysis (e.g., bioinformatics, > predictive modelling). The results we generate will be used to assess > existing protection policies for migrants and test new management > plans. The successful applicant can assist in any or all of these aspects. > > Start Date: Earliest Jan 2024. The student could enroll as a PhD student > immediately or start as a research assistant anywhere between Jan and > May 2024, enrolling as a PhD student in Sept 2024. > > Funding: This position is funded by a recent NSF grant. All research and > travel will be covered, and student stipend/salary will be covered by a > combination of the grant (2 semesters/year) and teaching assistantships > (1 semester/year). > > Supervision and Collaboration: The successful applicant will be based > at Texas A&M but co-advised by Dr. Kira Delmore (Texas A&M University, > delmorelab.com) and Dr. Kevin Fraser (University of Manitoba). This > project is highly collaborative, including not only Dr. Delmore and > Dr. Fraser but also partnerships with several conservation (e.g., > the Purple Martin Conservation Association) and government agencies > (e.g., the US Fish and Wildlife Service and Committee on the Status > of Endangered Wildlife in Canada). The latter connections derive from > the fact that northern populations of Purple Martins are in decline and > these agencies have a vested interest in understanding why. The varied > collaborations associated with this project will ensure the successful > applicant obtains broad training for their future. > > Skills and Experience: Ideally previous research experience with songbird > field systems and/or genetic data. Experience with data analysis and > scientific writing is also an asset. > > Approach and Environment: Both advisors have a supportive and positive > approach to student mentorship and training. We strive to maintain an > equitable, diverse, and inclusive training environment and emphasize > the importance of collaboration and teamwork. The student will enroll > in either the Biology (https://bio.tamu.edu) or Ecology and Evolutionary > Biology (https://eeb.tamu.edu) departments at Texas A&M. These programs > bring together members of many departments from a variety of scientific > and international backgrounds. Texas A&M is a Tier 1 institution with > a number of research facilities. College Station is a small, friendly > university town located between Austin and Houston. > > Application: Please send CV and a statement of interest to Dr. Kira > Delmore ([email protected]). > > > > > > Kira Delmore | Assistant Professor > Biology, College of Science | Texas A&M University > 3528 TAMU | College Station, TX 77843 > 1 (979) 900-2129 | [email protected] > delmorelab.com > > * My working hours may not be your working hours. Please do not feel > obligated to reply outside of your normal work schedule. * > > > [email protected] > > (to subscribe/unsubscribe the EvolDir send mail to > [email protected]
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dopescotlandwarrior · 4 years
Bluegrass-Chapter 26 Final
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                 A special thanks to @statell​ for your help and wisdom
Previous chapters at AO3
Chapter Twenty-six
Claire popped her head up after examining Porcelain, “we have pre-ovulation Jamie, she is ready…today.”
“I’ll call Jason and get him back here.”
Claire smiled to herself because she could hear Jamie’s excitement. He was on pins and needles being so close to the big reveal, is Runner fertile? She brought Porcelain into season early by using lights for an extra five hours each day. The lights above her stall were timed to go on at two o’clock in the morning. That and hormones worked like a charm, it was finally time.
Jason strode into the breeding room and pulled the leather neck cover from a cabinet. He put it over Porcelain’s neck for protection from biting. Her tail had been wrapped for the same reason. She was washed and ready for her prince. Jason looked at Rupert holding her halter, Angus ready to capture leaking semen, and Jamie biting his nails.
“Everybody relax!” He quickly composed himself, “please, is what I meant to say, please relax and pretend like you do this every day. This is something new but please don’t let it show to the horses.”
Jason had almost completed his month of training at a nearby stud farm where he was hands-on in the breeding barn where things sometimes go catastrophically wrong. The stress was palpable today and that is when people make mistakes.
Jamie looked at Jason and appreciated his authority. He chose the right man for the job.
Claire walked in with Runner and handed the lead to Jason. He coaxed him forward as Runner smelled Porcelain’s honey pot raising his head in the air and curling his lips back. He was more than a little interested and tried to mount her immediately. He slid to her side, basically falling off. Jason was reassuring and backed Runner so his nose was in Porcelain’s butt again. This time Runner was spot on and entered her for a total of one minute if that.
When Runner moved off her, Angus shoved his penis into a collecting tube and looked the other way, blushing crimson.
Jamie congratulated everyone on a job well done as the horses were being led away. He took a double-take at Claire’s face and had to cough several times so he didn’t laugh. She would need him right away, so he quickened his pace to put Runner away.
“Well, an exciting start to our new venture. That went well, don’t you think?”
Jamie put his arm around her waist so he could direct her to his office, on the double. With the door closed and locked he turned into a purring panther and his eyes bored holes into Claire’s body. As he circled her his hand felt her gorgeous ass and then her breast.
Claire giggled nervously. Watching Runner cover Porcelain shot her arousal into a new stratosphere. She needed to get Jamie home for an hour and fought to control herself this close to him.
“Let me see them, Claire,” he breathed into her ear. “Please lass, make them bounce for me for just a minute.”
Jamie had her shirt unbuttoned in thirty seconds and unclasped her bra. Her naked breasts, now bigger due to the pregnancy, were out and proud for her man. He closed in on her holding one of them in his warm hand. Squeezing and caressing, pinching her nipple until she grasped at him. He held her bra out and then clasped it back to her body. He re-buttoned her shirt while her chest heaved from the contact.
“I…I am going home to rest a bit before my afternoon appointments.”
“Let me drive ye lass, I could use a nap myself.”
When they were safely away from the barn Claire attached herself to Jamie making him stretch his neck to see around her. She ran her tongue up his neck to his ear and circled it, warm and wet. Jamie made a land-speed record getting home and lifted her out of the truck.
“Why Misses Fraser, ye look positively done in by what ye saw.”
Claire’s half-lidded eyes sent a clear warning that he was not to dally and tease because she needed hardcore loving this instant. Jamie laughed and carried her up to the bedroom.
“How would the lady like to be loved today?”
“I need a brute.”
Jamie chuckled at her intensity, “Well then, one brute coming up.”
The first scan to test for pregnancy is scheduled fifteen days after live cover, and the whole barn seemed ready to explode with the waiting. On day fifteen, Jason assisted Claire with Porcelain’s scan while Jamie waited outside the stall. Claire knew he was pacing and smiled to herself. She could already see the bump of a tiny developing horse. She was overcome, “oh Porcelain.” Claire laid her head on the mare's neck and Jamie mistook her action for an empty uterus. He stopped pacing and stared at her.
“You are going to be such a good mother sweetheart.”
“Is she or not Sassenach?”
Claire smiled and shook her head yes. Jamie exhaled the breath he was holding and whoops went up throughout the barn. Runner was fertile, Porcelain was pregnant, and the fanciest mares in the nation would start coming in next week. Those that were from Kentucky would be transported to the compound for breeding and returned home. Those that were flown in would stay for at least twenty days, some longer if they did not conceive on with the first cover.
It was a glorious time at Highland Brothers Farm.
As spring came to Kentucky, the wildflowers bloomed, the rain came, the fields and pastures were blue-green and lush, and new babies practiced using their long legs to run and leap.
Jason walked into the breeding barn every morning and reviewed the mares to be covered with Claire. They had to work very closely to schedule them and with Lulu’s help made sure each mare was covered as many times as necessary without exhausting Runner or depleting his sperm count. It was a revolving door of mares into and out of their facility that kept Claire on her feet all day and sometimes all night with a foaling dam. Night watch was shared between Rupert, Angus, Jason, and Jamie, to keep the mares calm and call Claire when a dam was in labor.
When Steve graduated from the academy, he joined Jamie’s crew because they needed another set of hands. He pitched in with breeding through may and took one night a week to sleep in the barn. He loved being at the compound but still dreamed of racing to a fire almost every night. When he was hired by a local fire station Jamie and Claire threw him a party with the whole crew and Steve’s friends from the academy. Claire was so proud of him.
Jamie worried constantly about Claire. She had stepped back from her practice in mid-July because she was exhausted from the workload of the past six months. She could rest more now that the foals were all born, and the breeding season was over. She was back to cooking sumptuous meals every night and created a magnificent nursery with Jamie.
“Sweetheart, Molly is here to drive me to town for supplies. We will stop for coffee or something so two hours tops.”
She leaned over his shoulder and kissed his cheek and then she was gone. Jamie was on his phone the second the front door closed and shortly after, Rupert, Angus, and Steve, joined Jamie on hands and knees as they assembled the track and narrow shelf that would go completely around the nursery. Jamie kept looking at his watch as the shelf was installed and then the track. When the train pieces were pulled out, they all started playing with them as Jamie rolled his eyes.
When Claire came home, she found Jamie sitting in the same chair with the same work in front of him. She smiled, so happy he could relax a bit and just sit while she was gone.
“Wait Sassenach, let me carry those bags upstairs. Come with me to point to where these belong.”
Claire reached for the switch, but the light did not go on. Instead, an adorable train, five cars long, with multicolored lights underneath it, was rolling along a track that had not been there when she left. She was mesmerized watching it. Bubbles poured out of the smokestack and the rhythmic noise was almost hypnotizing.
“That is the cutest little train! How did you do all this while I was gone?”
“The lads helped.”
Jamie screwed the light bulb tighter into the lamp and the room flooded with light. “I wanted ye to first see it like the bairn will see it .”
Claire walked around the room looking at the mitered shelf that was attached to the wall without visible means of support. She looked closely at the train, so cute, and gender-neutral.
They had opted out of ultrasounds through Claire’s pregnancy unless medically necessary. She was sure it was a girl, but poor Jamie was completely in the happy-dark. She hugged her husband moving the beach ball to the side.
“You are already the best father, sweetheart.”
Jamie’s chest tightened with that compliment and he hugged her as close as he dared. One more month was going to kill him, but manage he must.
Claire slowed down during the next week. Under the watchful eye of her husband, she had plenty of time to rest up for the big event. Jamie worried about the distance to Lexington hospital, but they were prepared for a long labor and would leave with the first contraction. He had devoured four books on gestation, childbirth, and emergency procedures during labor and delivery. The latter he requested from Steve and read it three times when alone in his office. He was prepared for any eventuality and presented a composed and strong demeanor to Claire for which she was grateful.
Jamie’s head popped up from his work when he heard Claire coming into his office.
“Sassenach! What a nice surprise. Everything okay love?”
She seemed timid when she sat down on his office couch with a sigh. “Yes, I am right as rain, maybe a bit lonely in the house is all. Can I help with anything?”
Jamie kept her busy with the build-up of tasks while Lulu and Jason were on vacation. Anywhere he went in the barn, she was right behind him. He had to turn slowly or run her down. Something about that neediness was a warning sign to Jamie and he put his arm around her to lead her back to the office. She moved from the couch to the chair across from his desk and sighed a lot.
“I think a nice drive to Lexington is in order Sassenach. Please don’t move, I’m tellin the lads we’re leaving.”
Jamie hoped she would stay seated and ran through the compound whistling for his friends. While he explained he was taking Claire to the hospital they heard a blood-curdling scream from his office and started running.
“Claire! What’s happened?”
She was on her hands and knees on the floor, breathing heavily.
“My water broke and I want to push! It feels like she is right between my legs Jamie!”
“That’s impossible,” he whispered. With the emergency procedures forgotten at the moment, Jamie called the fire station and asked for Steve. He described the symptoms and heard the one thing he dreaded.
“Get her to the couch, on her back, get several clean sheets, a pillow, a stack of towels. I bring the rest, be there in five.”
The line went dead in Jamie’s hand and he stared at the phone until Claire screamed his name. He held out house keys to Angus, told him where the linens were kept, and told him what to bring. Angus ran for his truck to gather the supplies.
Claire was barely hanging on through the painful contractions and bit down on the pain to stop the scream that threatened to come out. She heard the wail of the sirens coming and vaguely recognized the sound of a fire engine. She wondered where the fire was until another contraction gripped her and she told Jamie she had to push. He asked her to puff with him, but she couldn’t hear him anymore. Her body was responding to the ancient call to bear down and she could not stop.
When Steve came rushing into the office, he was carrying two large cases that were quickly opened as monitors were attached to Claire. The sheets were delivered, and Steve covered the couch and Claire’s lower half. He talked to her the whole time, explaining what was happening. When he looked under the sheet he almost fainted. The baby was crowning and on her next push, he could see much more of the head.
Two other EMT’s came in, one had an open line to the hospital, the other was checking the monitors. Jamie felt so helpless and terrified. Steve asked him to sit at Claire’s head and hold her hand, encourage her to push when she got too tired. He gently held the baby’s head and pressed back on Claire’s tissue as someone handed him a bulb aspirator to clear the airways.
Steve never stopped talking to Claire who was struggling to find the energy to keep up the constant pushing. The next contraction pushed one shoulder out and Claire laid back on the pillow and panted. Jamie caught a tear that squeezed out the corner of her eye and kissed her cheek before resuming his prayers. He was white with fright.
Steve looked at the monitor and saw another contraction coming, he hoped this would at least get the other shoulder out, it was the hardest part for Claire. When she was gripped with the powerful pain, Jamie helped her up as she groaned, red-faced, into the pushing. It went on longer than the others and it panicked Jamie until he heard Steve’s excited voice telling her to push, it was almost over.
“Jamie! Come here and see your baby girl be born!”
Another EMT slapped gloves on Jamie and Steve pulled his hands to support his daughter’s head and back placing his own hands over the father’s. When Claire groaned through another contraction, the tiny body shot out into her father’s hands. In a single heartbeat, Jamie fell in love with the tiny creature before she was whisked away.
Jamie had tears streaming down his cheeks as he kissed Claire’s face and told her how brave she was.
“Ye did it love. Ye have a beautiful daughter. She is beautiful, but she has red hair. Sorry.”
Claire laughed out loud as Jamie picked her up and laid her on the gurney. Steve laid the bundled baby on her chest and she was loaded into the ambulance for the trip to Lexington. Steve was still connected by phone to her doctor. He read all monitors to her and smiled when she told him, “excellent job, the mother was in good hands.”
Jamie just watched his two girls and hardly heard a single sound except the baby grunting a bit and Claire cooing to her. Time and space fell away for him until the doors opened in Lexington and he jumped out. As the gurney was rolled away Claire shouted for him and her fright was replaced with a smile when he walked by her side.
“Always and forever Jamie?”
“Never to be parted, love.”
Steve ran up to Jamie and pumped his hand saying what a beautiful daughter he had. Jamie watched him run back to the ambulance kicking his heals three times. It was his first delivery, of a dear friend, no less. He was a very happy EMT today. Jamie ran to catch up with Claire.
The hospital was very pro father so Jamie was able to stay with Claire and baby while her doctor stitched up the tearing and verified her uterus was empty. Jamie liked the female doctor because she was direct and left nothing to the imagination.
“Well, you defied the odds that predicted a long labor and ample time to get to the hospital.” She looked at Claire, “are you alright after such a scare?”
Like music to Jamie’s ears, she stated she was perfectly fine with a new daughter and a devilishly handsome husband, making the doctor laugh.
Later, in the early evening, Claire was napping so Jamie sat next to his daughter and stared at the remarkable tiny human. His heart rate shot up when she stretched and grunted. Jamie so wanted to hold her, but the grunts became louder and her little chin started to quiver. Jamie was completely undone when the wailing started.
“Will you bring her to me, Jamie?”
He had read all about how to hold and transport a newborn. He slipped his hand under her head and lifted her into his arms. She went quiet suddenly and opened her eyes making Jamie’s heart nearly stop in his chest. The wailing resumed and baby was laid at Claire’s breast. When the baby latched onto a nipple Jamie watched with new tears stinging his eyes. He pulled out his phone and clicked pictures of mother and child.
Claire put a fresh diaper on her baby girl and looked closely at her, now sleeping peacefully with a belly full of milk.
“Nothing we have will work, Jamie.”
“Sassenach, I dinna ken they even make what er we lack.”
She felt her heart melt with the return of his contracted speech and never loved him so much.
“None of the names we have will work. Her name is Faith.”
Jamie looked at the baby, “Faith.”
Claire and Faith were asleep and Jamie smiled at the now-forgotten nipple inside her open mouth. He changed her and bundled her tightly before setting her in the bassinet on her side. It was three o’clock in the morning and he couldn’t wait for her to wake up again, wailing, so he could pick her up for a few magical seconds. He wanted to hold his wife so badly and looked at the cold Lazy Boy, moving toward it.
“Jamie, can you lay with me, please. I’m cold and I miss you.”
When he pulled her against his chest she sighed in his warmth and protection. He is such a good man she thought.
“I love you is woefully short of the emotion I feel Jamie. It is my life’s mission to find a way to express my love.”
“Ye already have lass, and she sleeps not three feet away.” He kissed her temple and cuddled her to his warmth.
The miracles came daily for the Fraser’s as they settled into parenthood. Molly and Lulu could not stay away, and it seemed one of them was always with Claire during the first three weeks. Jamie would rush home to find everything done, his wife and daughter sound asleep giving him peace of mind to return to work.
In October, when the leaves were in full color, Claire bundled Faith into her carriage for a walk around their favorite lake. Jamie was telling her about the race results of the yearlings when Claire squealed with delight and pointed at the baby. Jamie decided she was just as cute as always and continued his discussion stopping abruptly when Faith smiled at him. Jamie stopped in his tracks and looked closely at the dimples that punctuated her face. He had never seen them because they only appeared when she smiled. After that, he lived for Faith’s next smile.
Near the end of November, Claire received a package from Sports Illustrated. She ran for a knife and pulled out a large softcover book. It was a coffee table book, with hundreds of HD pictures of her and Runner. There was text running through the pictures that told the story of a miracle baby horse and the woman he chose to make him a champion. A separate page was dedicated to each of his races and Claire turned the pages reading every word. She was jolted by the close-ups of her winner’s tears laying tracks in her dirty cheeks, and looking up at Runner with her hands on his face. A close up of her face set in calm determination in the Belmont gate just minutes before she won the Triple Crown.
When Claire turned the page to the Kentucky Derby, Nosh had captured her salute to the governor and Claire felt the damn break behind her eyes and the tears gushed. She held a towel under her nose and read the tribute to the first woman to win that distinguished race.
Jamie stood frozen at the door watching Claire cry. He looked at the book on her lap and smiled at his darling baby.
“Are ye alright Sassenach?”
She looked up through watery eyes and shook her head yes. “May I leave you two for a bit? There is someone I need to see.”
“Of course love.”
Claire walked to the pasture gate searching for them and decided to walk the bluegrass until he smelled her. In under a minute she heard a whiny and saw him galloping toward her, tossing his head in a bouncy gate. Coming up the rear was a fat Porcelain, looking fit and pregnant. Claire threw her arms open wide and walked into his chest locking her hands around his neck.
Runner sniffed her all over and nickered to her showing mental images of her hugging him. There was static in the images and she really had to concentrate to see them. Runner was obviously happy to see her but quickly bolted away to chase Porcelain. Claire was thrilled to see Runner, but she no longer felt the deep connection with him.
Over the next week, the images that he used to communicate could no longer be seen. At first, she struggled not to lose them until she saw Runner, so happy in his new life, a champion forever.
When the first snow fell in January, Claire and Jamie were at the gate to bring Runner and Porcelain in for the night. She saw them through the heavy snowfall, heads tossing and kicking back legs into the air. It was horse nirvana. Claire took a deep breath and opened her soul, letting go of Runner, feeling him blow away from her while she watched him play. It was an intensely private moment, just she and Runner saying goodbye.
Claire later explained what happened in an email to Nosh, saying she no longer heard animals talk.
Nosh replied with his infinite wisdom.
‘My dearest Claire, the odds have not been so heavily stacked against a horse since Sea Biscuit and here he is, a champion for the ages. Your gift made it possible. You can focus on your loving family now but stay alert. I expect you will converse with animals again someday. When he needs you. Love Nosh’
Claire whispered, “thank you, my friend.” She felt closure from his words, infinitely better deep inside where she missed Runner. Her sadness was replaced with knowing she would ride him through the volumes of history yet to be written. They would never be forgotten.
As the days turned into months and then into years the breeding and foaling season came and went as they all waited for a superstar to be born from Midnight Runner. Lulu kept diligent records of the offspring and how they did racing. Porcelain was bred three times in four years, the first two colts were sold at Keenan. The third was a filly, such a light grey she looked pure white. She was a beauty and Jamie kept her to race, and then breed.
He was partial to the little filly because she was brave and funny and big. After she was weened he turned her out with Runner every chance he got and was blown away by her speed when they chased each other. She was registered Midnight Love.
Claire kissed her daughter’s cheeks a dozen times while Faith giggled and counted to twelve. Jason tapped his horn outside, and Claire handed her new son to his father with a kiss. He held her to him.
“Ye promised no more than three hours lassie, do ye remember?”
She looked into crystal blue eyes, “I’ll be back in two.”
Jason chatted on about his upcoming wedding glancing at the top folder and staring at the name of the facility.
“Why does that name sound so familiar?”
Claire looked at him like an afterthought, “hmm?”
When she jumped out of the truck, she noticed a distinct shift inside of her and wondered if she could be pregnant again so soon.
Later in the day, Jason walked the last yearling to the cross ties.
“My leg hurts.”
Claire looked up at who was talking and saw no one. “My leg hurts.” She was getting annoyed at someone playing tricks on her. She investigated the nearby stalls and around corners but found no one. When she turned around her mind filled with an image of her limping in pain with every step. She looked down at her boots taking deep breaths to steady her nerves. When she looked up at the one-year-old colt she felt him cry.
She put her hands on his cheeks, “my sweet boy, what has happened to you?”
She felt the stabbing pain in her own shoulder and pulled out her portable x-ray machine. Jason looked at his watch and suggested they get going so Jamie didn’t have his private parts in a vise.
“Are you referring to your balls Jason?”
Claire laughed at his deep blush. “Ah, yea.”
Claire handed the x-ray to the owner and explained the issue with his limping.
“He has a malformation of the shoulder causing pain when he moves that leg. If he’s to start boot camp this year we must fix it now. Let me know when to schedule the surgery.”
Claire joined Jason walking to the truck when she called to the owner, “who is the sire of that colt?”
“Midnight Runner!”
Claire felt her lungs evacuate and the blood race to her toes. She moved to the truck while a big shaggy dog jumped into the air in front of her.
“Hi! Hi! You want to play? Hi! Here, throw the ball! Watch how high I jump! Throw it! Now is good, throw the ball, throw the ball!”
Jason came around and held her arm into the truck. He was worried about her ghostly pallor. “You alright Claire? What happened back there?”
“Runner’s son just asked me to help him.”
Jason’s head whipped around to stare at her. Suddenly a smile broke across her face and seemed to light up the inside of the truck.
“That colt is our new project Jason and things are gonna get dicey in a couple of months. He won’t want to run because each time in the past the pain has been terrible. Don’t worry, I have a plan.”
Jason’s mouth had dropped open and his head shook slowly side to side.
She continued. “You know Michael is miserable in his faculty position, maybe I should introduce him to the owner. A season on the track might be just what he needs.”
“Claire, Midnight Love starts boot camp this summer, isn’t the colt a conflict of interest?”
“Certainly not. I love them both and will help each of them on the road to the Derby.” Claire got quiet and looked out the window. “If by some miracle they both have a gate position next May, I hope Midnight Love wins. The first filly in history to win the Kentucky Derby.”
Claire looked up at the twin spires of Church Hill Downs and was flooded with memories of racing Runner on this track. She and Jamie were VIP’s with the best table where Claire signed eight by ten glossy photos of she and Runner crossing the finish line of the Kentucky Derby five years ago. They were treated to the best food and whisky all day and a great time was had by both of them. The party atmosphere swept them away.
The loudspeaker announced the parade of competitors was about to begin and Claire stretched her neck to see the track below. Jamie pulled her out of her seat and headed for the exit door. This was too important to be cooped up here in this finery.
They watched the horses being ponied and Claire searched madly for Midnight Love, exhaling a breath when she was found, bringing up the rear, just like her father. They found a place to watch on the rail and Claire thought she might stroke out waiting for the horses to load into the gate. The seconds turned to hours. When the gate slammed open twenty-one horses made a mad dash for the track. Midnight Love was unimpressed with the males crashing into one another but as soon as they were away, she cantered out like it was a ride in the park. She was dead last causing Jamie to jump up and down yelling for her to run!
Michael pushed in between Claire and Jamie with a big smile looking from one to the other and laughing at Jamie having some kind of fit because his horse was in last place.
“What kind of crack-pot trainer are ye Michael, look at her, I expect her to wander into the infield and start pickin daisies for Christ sake.”
“This is your chance of a lifetime sweetheart, it’s time to win,” Claire said to no one in particular. But her eyes were closed so she could mentally tell the filly it was time to fly.
As if a firecracker went off in her butt, Midnight Love burst into a gallop and shot forward like a white bullet and the crowd went wild. She ran up on the outside and overtook the pack with ease setting her sight on the lead horse, her brother. When Love decided it was time to win the race there was little that could stop her. Claire held her breath watching Love extend into each stride with the jockey barely able to hang on. As the two horses barreled down the home stretch Love inched forward just before they crossed the finish line. It was a photo finish and the announcer’s incredulous voice finally told the world Midnight Love was the winner of the one hundred forty-ninth Kentucky Derby, the first filly ever to win the race!
“That’s my girl,” Claire said out loud. She opened her eyes to Jamie and Michael doing a chest bump in pure male glee.
When Jamie looked at his wife, he hugged her tightly. Another Derby win for Highland Brothers Farm. The future could not be brighter.
The End
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lovelyfantasticfart · 4 years
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thecomicsnexus · 5 years
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In a deserted factory complex near Loch Daemon in the Scottish Highlands, Tweedledope plays around with a small metallic gadget. He fills it with various stuff such as beans, trash and metal and misuses it as a cocktail shaker. When his eyes fall on a wanted poster of the Crazy Gang, he suddenly looses interest in his toy and throws it away. The metallic object opens its eyes and comes to live - it is Widget.
In the meanwhile, Excalibur and the police encounter a hostage situation in London. While Dai Thomas is reluctant to send in young girls like Kitty Pryde or Rachel Summers, Captain Britain reassures him that Excalibur will handle the situation. In the meantime, Kitty and Rachel talk to police officer Ray Mulholland on the rooftop of the building, impressing him with their mutant powers.
The two women then phase through the roof to check out the hostage situation while Mulholland is attacked by a warwolf who kills him and strips him from his skin.
Kitty and Rachel move into a storage room adjacent to the larger room where some hostage-takers hold about 20 people as hostages. Kitty phases her face through the wall, telepathically reporting details about the layout of the room. Suddenly, Rachel suffers a seizure and looses her consciousness - exactly in the same moment as Ray Mulholland gets killed by the warwolf. Her scream alarms the hostage-takers and they search the storage room for any intruders, discovering the unconscious body of Rachel and dragging her into the main room. Kitty utilizes a white blanket to dress up as a ghost and phases through the main room ceiling, howling and threatening the confused hostage-takers. One of the men shoots at her with a pump gun but doesn't hit her due to her phased status.
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Alarmed by the shot, Captain Britain, who waited on the outside, decides to storm the building. Rachel, suddenly awakened, releases the Phoenix and disarms the hostage takers, rendering them unconscious by smashing them against a wall. When Captain Britain enters the scene, Kitty and Rachel already dealt with the situation. Merchant Banker Nigel Frobisher approaches Rachel and offers her to "express his gratitude more privately" - an offer which disgusts Rachel. She is still confused about her seizure and tells her teammates that she felt a despairing psychic scream of a person who seems to be entirely erased from existence without even leaving a mind trace.
Back in Merlin Mews, Rachel feels the same sensation again when Jacko Petrie is killed and skinned by a warwolf disguised as police officer Ray Mulholland.
One night later in Merlin Mews, Kitty mourns over the pictures of the X-Men and her friend Doug Ramsey who are supposed to be dead after the Mutant Massacre. She remembers some of the fiercest enemies she and the X-Men opposed over the years and is interrupted by Captain Britain who tries to cheer her up. He invites her to join her on a trip into town, but she refuses because she is working on a secret device she calls the "Doppelgänger Module".
On the west coast of England, Meggan and Nightcrawler fly to Brian Braddock's lighthouse. Meggan suggests that Excalibur could use it as a secret Headquarter and shows Nighcrawler around in a kind of sightseeing tour. He is impressed by the location. While Meggan makes some tea in the kitchen, he encounters a strange vision in a storage room where he is attacked by alien species. In the nick of time, he teleports out of the room and back into the kitchen, but when he wants to show Meggan what he just saw, the storage room is empty.
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In London, Rachel accompanies Captain Britain to Fraser's Bank at Thameside where she is approached by Nigel Frobisher again. She is distracted by a telepathic message from Meggan and Kurt, announcing that they will return to London tonight, and Frasier uses this moment to touch her. Rachel pushes him away with her Phoenix power, watched by an amused Captain Britain. He is startled by the entrance of a blonde woman he immediately recognizes as Courtney Ross, his former girlfriend, who is now the vice president of the bank. They sit down and talk about old times.
In Merlin Mews, Kitty finishes her Doppelgänger Module which will allow her to mask herself as Phoenix by sending out her unique energy pattern. She dresses as Phoenix as well, somewhat uncomfortable with the skintight suit and the high heels, and moves out into the streets of London, planning to draw the warwolves' attention. The warwolves want to capture Phoenix in order to take her back to Mojo, so she hopes they will be lured to her. Meggan and Nightcrawler return to the Mansion, not aware of her departure. Nightcrawler is taking a bath and startled by Meggan who fixed him a mug of hot chocolade.
Returning from the bath, Nightcrawler discovers Kitty's invention in Captain Britains lab. He is immediately alarmed and telephatically calls Rachel, who is currently visiting the Shakespeare Company in London. She leaves the theater and starts searching for Kitty who just met police officer Mulholland and some companions. Mulholland mistakes her for Rachel Summers and he and his companions reveal that they are warwolves. Kitty phases when the first warwolf strikes her, but then her powers get scrambled and she cannot phase back from solid state. The warwolves capture her and drag her away. Phoenix, Meggan, Captain Britain and Nightcrawler appear at the scene, but they cannot stop the warwolves from abducting Kitty. Together they decide that they must rescue her teammate before the enemies turn her into a warwolf.
In a deserted factory complex near Loch Daemon in the Scottish Highlands, Colin McCay plays "tag" with Widget. The boy is hiding from Vixen who payed a lot of money to get the orphaned boy into custody. Vixen's armed troopers search the facility and try to lure the hungry boy with Fish'n Chips. Eventually, they surround the child, but before capturing him, Widget opens a dimensional portal and Colin happily disappears. The soldiers return to Vixen with empty hands.
In the meanwhile, in the London Underground, the Warwolves appear at Hob's End Station, together with the captured Kitty Pryde. They steal some more skins, push a woman onto the rails and disappear into a dark tunnel. The woman's life is threatened by an approaching underground railway, but Captain Britain manages to save her in the nick of time while Rachel stops the train with her telekinetic powers. The civilians celebrate the super heroes, but when Nightcrawler appears at the scene, they get afraid and panic because of his demonic appearance. Eventually, the police enters the station and tries to sort things out. Captain Britan demands that the police officers inform Scotland Yard special agent Dai Thomas, who will vouch for Excalibur. Excalibur is inhibited from following the warwolves into the tunnels until the situation is sorted out. Nightcrawler notices that one police officer shows a very odd behavior - he is smiling to himself and seems to be very amused. The mutant secretly follows him into a tunnel. There he is ambushed by the policeman who turns out to be a warwolf. Nightcrawler is captured and taken into their secret underground headquarter.
In the meantime, Kitty Pryde's kidnappers reach the headquarter. Some warwolves are waiting for new skins and are provided with the latest stolen bodies. One warwolf tries to steal Kitty's skin, but after finishing the procedure, only the skintight Rachel suit is left - no sign of Kitty's body. The other warwolves mock their colleague who becomes quite depressed about the fact that he is the only one without a proper human skin. In the same moment as Kitty's life is at stake, Rachel Summers feels her pain due to their PSI link. She changes into her Phoenix form, leaves the subway station by tearing a big hole into the ceiling, and flies away. The police demands that Captain Britain will pay for the destruction of public property.
In Fraser's Bank, Thamesside, Nigel Frobisher is amusing himself with his secretary when he sees the Phoenix in the sky. He immediately looses his interest in the woman and decides that he and Phoenix are meant for each other. Courtney Ross, who is sitting in her office, reflects about her time with Brian Braddock while watching the Phoenix rising.
Rachel telepathically reports to Captain Britain and Meggan that Nightcrawler was attacked. The two leave the subway station and run into the tunnel in order to find the secret headquarter of the warwolves. In the headquarter, the warwolf who just tried to skin Kitty Pryde, shows a very odd behavior. Another warwolf, carrying the captured Nightcrawler on his back, enters the headquarter and offers him to take the mutant's body instead. The skinless warwolf is disgusted by Wagner's appearance, but his companions force him to take the body without complaint. While trying to suck out Nightcrawler's life, the warwolf suddenly starts beating his comrades and then begins to grow long hair. Soon all warwolves begin to melee with each other while Nightcrawler uses this situation for an escape attempt. He is captured by one of the warwolves, but then Captain Britain and Meggan enter the headquarter and save him from being skinned. Together they defeat all warwolves and capture the one with the long hair who shows a strong resemblance to Kitty. Meggan is confused because her scent is a mix of warwolf and Kitty, but suddenly two human hands open the warwolves mouth from the inside and Kitty Pryde fights her way out of the alien's body. She phased into her opponents body when he tried to kill and skin her while Rachel helped her to keep her conciousness cohesive. From the inside Kitty could control the warwolves' actions and used him to fight the other warwolves.
Excalibur is clueless about what to do with the captured warwolves - they are aliens and can't be arrested or put on trial. Eventually, Exalibur donates the Warwolves to the London Zoo.
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While X-Men spin-offs were a plague in the nineties, it is easy to forget they started well. New Mutants, Excalibur and X-Factor were very different from each other.
In this case, we start right were the special left. We get new long arcs and new short ones. The Warwolves look humanoid. I think putting them in a zoo is not a good idea (they could easily escape and blend in).
Apart from that, some story elements are dragging, I assume for good reasons, but make the pace slower. If you are a new reader, there are plenty of support characters that were introduced before the series, and even main ones, that you may not know about. So I don’t think it is new-reader-friendly. I do think that despite that, the story can be understood.
The art looks amazing, it’s classic Davis + Neary.
I give the story a score of 7.
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Facility Management Bangalore, India is a one-stop- shop. Facility services like Housekeeping Services Bangalore, Security Services, cleaning
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Sir Fletcher Gordon was a short and portly man, whose striped silk waistcoat fitted him like a second skin. Slope-shouldered and paunch-bellied, he looked rather like a large ham seated in the governor’s wheel-backed chair.
The bald head and rich pinkish color of his complexion did little to dispel this impression, though few hams boasted such bright blue eyes. He turned over the sheaf of papers on his desk with a slow, deliberate forefinger.
“Yes, here it is,” he said, after an interminable pause to read a page. “Fraser, James. Convicted of murder. Sentenced to hang. Now, where’s the Warrant of Execution?” He paused again, shuffling nearsightedly through the papers. I dug my fingers deep into the satin of my reticule, willing my face to remain expressionless.
“Oh, yes. Date of execution, December 23. Yes, we still have him.”
I swallowed, relaxing my hold on my bag, torn between exultation and panic. He was still alive, then. For another two days. And he was nearby, somewhere in the same building with me. The knowledge surged through my veins with a rush of adrenaline and my hands trembled.
I sat forward in the visitor’s chair, trying to look winsomely appealing.
“May I see him, Sir Fletcher? Just for a moment, in case he…he might wish me to convey a message to his family?”
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“No, my dear. No, I’m afraid I really cannot allow that. We are rather crowded at present, and haven’t sufficient facilities to permit private interviews. And the man is presently in”—he consulted his pile of papers again—“in one of the large cells in the west block, with several other condemned felons. It would be extremely perilous for you to visit him there—or at all. The man is a dangerous prisoner, you understand; I see here that we have been keeping him in chains since his arrival.”
I gripped my bag again; this time to keep from striking him.
He shook his head again, plump chest rising and falling with his labored breathing. “No, if you were an immediate member of his family, perhaps…” He looked up, blinking. I clamped my jaw tightly, determined to give nothing away. Surely a slight show of agitation was reasonable, under the circumstances.
“But perhaps, my dear…” He seemed struck by sudden inspiration. He got ponderously to his feet and went to an inner door, where a uniformed soldier stood on guard. He murmured to the man, who nodded once and vanished.
Sir Fletcher came back to his desk, pausing on the way to retrieve a decanter and glasses from the top of a cabinet. I accepted his offer of claret; I needed it.
“The prisoner’s personal effects,” he explained. “Customarily, we send them to whomever the prisoner designates as next of kin, after execution. This man, though”—he shook his head—“has refused altogether to say anything about his family. Some estrangement, no doubt. Not unusual, of course, but regrettable under the circumstances. I hesitate to make the request, Mrs. Beauchamp, but I thought that perhaps, since you are acquainted with the family, you would consider taking it upon yourself to convey his effects to the appropriate person?”
I didn’t trust myself to speak, but nodded and buried my nose in my cup of claret.
Sir Fletcher seemed relieved, whether at disposing of the box, or at the thought of my imminent departure. He sat back, wheezing slightly, and smiled expansively at me.
“That is very kind of you, Mrs. Beauchamp. I know such a thing cannot but be a painful duty to a young woman of feeling, and I am most sensible of your kindness in undertaking it, I do assure you.”
“N-not at all,” I stammered. I managed to stand up, and to gather up the box. It measured about eight inches by six, and was four or five inches deep. A small, light box, to hold the remains of a man’s life.
I knew the things it held. Three fishing lines, neatly coiled; a cork stuck with fishhooks; a flint and steel; a small piece of broken glass, edges blunt with wear; various small stones that looked interesting or had a good feel between the fingers; a dried mole’s foot, carried as a charm against rheumatism. A Bible—or perhaps they had let him keep that? I hoped so. A ruby ring, if it hadn’t been stolen. And a small wooden snake, carved of cherry wood, with the name SAWNY scratched on its underside.
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I paused at the door, gripping the frame with my fingers to steady myself.
Sir Fletcher, following courteously to see me out, was at my side in a moment.
“Mrs. Beauchamp! Are you feeling faint, my dear? Guard, a chair!”
I could feel the prickles of a cold sweat breaking out along the sides of my face, but I managed to smile and wave away the proffered chair. I wanted more than anything to get out of there—I needed fresh air, in large quantities. And I needed to be alone to cry.
“No, I’m quite all right,” I said, trying to sound convincing. “It’s only…a bit close in here, perhaps. No, I shall be perfectly all right. My groom is waiting outside, in any case.”
Forcing myself to stand up straight and smile, I had a thought. It might not help, but it couldn’t hurt.
“Oh, Sir Fletcher…”
Still worried by my appearance, he was all gallantry and attention.
“Yes, my dear?”
“It occurred to me.…How sad for a young man in this situation to be estranged from his family. I thought perhaps…if he wished to write to them—a letter of reconciliation, perhaps? I would be pleased to deliver it to—to his mother.”
“You are thoughtfulness itself, my dear.” Sir Fletcher was jovial, now that it seemed I was not going to collapse on his carpet after all. “Of course. I will inquire. Where are you staying, my dear? If there is a letter, I shall have it sent to you.”
“Well,” I was doing better with the smile, though it felt pasted on my face. “That is rather uncertain at the moment. I have several relatives and close acquaintances in the town, with whom I fear I shall be obliged to stay in turn, in order to avoid offending anyone, you see.” I managed a small laugh.
“So if it does not disturb you too much, perhaps my groom could call to inquire for the letter?”
“Of course, of course. That will do excellently, my dear. Excellently!”
And with a quick glance back at his decanter, he took my arm to escort me to the gate.
— Outlander/Cross Stitch
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Photos: Starz, Season One, Episode Fifteen, May 16, 2015
Gif: smartbitchestrashybooks.com
Book: Outlander (Cross Stitch), Diana Gabaldon, 1991
Tumblr: September 23, 2018, WhenFraserMetBeauchamp 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿❤️🇬🇧
WFMB’s Tags: #Outlander #Season One Episode Fifteen #S1E15 #Wentworth Prison #Outlander/Cross Stitch #Chapter Thirty-Five #Fraser, James. Convicted of murder. Sentenced to hang #Claire Fraser #Jamie Fraser #Murtagh FitzGibbons Fraser #Sir Fletcher Gordon #68 #092318
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architectnews · 2 years
Sutton Hoo Buildings, Woodbridge, Suffolk Tower
Sutton Hoo Building Woodbridge, National Trust Suffolk, Nissen Richards Studio Architects, English Property Photos
Sutton Hoo Buildings, Woodbridge, Suffolk
4 June 2022
Design: Nissen Richards Studio, Architects
Location: Tranmer House / Sutton Hoo, Woodbridge, Suffolk, south east England, UK
Photos by Gareth Gardner
The Sutton Hoo Buildings are one of 17 projects which received a 2022 RIBA East Award.
Sutton Hoo Buildings, Suffolk, England
Jury Report
With a visitor centre completed less than two decades ago (van Heyningen + Hayward Architects 2003), ‘what more does Sutton Hoo possibly need?’, you might ask: well, it needed a tower, and now it has one, in this extremely brave piece of commissioning by the National Trust, who detected a lack in the visitors’ ability to appreciate and comprehend this deeply significant historical landscape.
Nissan Richards Studio have proved to be exactly what the doctor ordered in terms of filling in the gaps in the ability to understanding this charged landscape. Their combination of architectural design and interpretive and conservation expertise has allowed them to develop a narrative walk from site entrance through to the burial mounds, while also refreshing the various moments encountered along the way. Their work has involved a refresh of the original visitor centre and its exhibits of elements from the burial mounds, a clearing out and recasting of Tranmer House, the original house on the property, as well as the bold tower, as the culmination of the interpretive route.
For the first time it is now possible to see the mounds from above, where their interrelationship to the wider topography becomes apparent. From this commanding vantage point among the trees one can see to Felixstowe and Woodbridge, marking the course of the River Deben: the river that brought the site to such original significance.
The tower is expertly sited in the tree line, much appreciated from the outlaying walks around the estate. Its scale and position was proven by the judicious use of an on-site cherry picker. Great care has been exercised to minimize damage in installing the structure on the site and no services have been provided to the location to ensure that its impact was as light as possible.
The tower is built using local skills in the region, using a rich palette of steel panels and steel frame, with a beautiful grain achieved through the galvanising process, overclad with a charred larch boarding rainscreen.
Sutton Hoo Buildings, Woodbridge, Suffolk Tower, England – Building Information
Title: Sutton Hoo RIBA region: East Architect practice: Nissen Richards Studio Date of completion: April 2019 Date of occupation: April 2019 Client company name: National Trust
Project city/town: Woodbridge Contract value: Confidential Gross internal area: 990.00 m² Net internal area: 990.00 m² Cost per m²: Confidential Contractor company name: VINCI Facilities
Structural Engineers: Price & Myers Quantity Surveyor / Cost Consultant: Aecom Environmental / M&E Engineers: OR Consulting Landscape Architects: Terra Firma Lighting Design: Arup Principle Designer: ORSA Projects Project Management: Aecom
• RIBA Regional Award
Photographs: Gareth Gardner
2022 RIBA East Awards Winners
Sutton Hoo Buildings, Woodbridge, Suffolk tower building images / information received from the Royal Institute of British Architects
Location: Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, south east England, UK
Suffolk – 2022 RIBA East Awards Winners
Aldeburgh House Design: David Walker Architects photo : Tim Soar Aldeburgh House Suffolk Property
NW2 Participation Building and Theatre Square, Ipswich Design: WGP Architects photo : Shaun Barber NW2 Participation Building and Theatre Square in Ipswich
Stone Cottage, Bury St Edmunds Design: Haysom Ward Miller Architects photo : Richard Fraser Stone Cottage Bury St Edmunds
Suffolk Architecture
Suffolk Buildings
Suffolk Building Designs – selection below:
Wood Farm Architects: Studio RHE photo : Dirk Lindner Wood Farm in Suffolk
Vajrasana Buddhist Retreat Centre, Potash Farm, Walsham le Willows – A RIBA East Awards Winner in 2017 Design: Walters & Cohen Architects photo © Dennis Gilbert – VIEW Vajrasana Buddhist Retreat Centre
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Comments / photos for the Sutton Hoo Buildings, Woodbridge, Suffolk Tower design by Nissen Richards Studio Architects, England, UK, page welcome
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ON TARGET: Taliban Not Living Up to Their Terrifying Hype
By Scott Taylor
Last week, the former Hamid Karzai International Airport was back in business under the new moniker of Kabul International Airport (aka KIA). The first flight to lift off from KIA was a Qatar Airlines charter carrying an estimated 200 foreign nationals including a number of Canadians.
Apparently the airport is being managed by the same Afghanistan Civil Aviation authority which operated the facility prior to the Taliban seizing power last month. Two Afghan airlines – Kam Air and Ariana Afghan Airlines have announced plans to resume flying regular routes out of Kabul in the coming days.
This anti-climatic, virtually bloodless return to near normalcy is almost as shocking as the Taliban’s lightning overthrow of President Ashraf Ghani’s regime.
When the Taliban-of-old captured Kabul in 1996, they hanged former opponents from traffic control towers in the central square.
Fear of such bloody reprisals led to those scenes of desperation during the U.S. led allied airlift out of Kabul prior to Aug. 31.
Most analysts believed that when the last U.S. plane lifted off the runway that the revenge bloodletting would begin.
For Canadian veterans of the war in Afghanistan, the fear was that those Afghans who had supported our mission such as translators and support staff would be at risk of Taliban vengeance.
Throughout the summer appeals by veteran’s groups rose to a crescendo as the Taliban rapidly captured town after town in quick succession.
Admittedly, this was not the Canadian government’s finest moment. Global Affairs Canada agreed to restart an earlier program to evacuate Afghans and their families who would be at risk.
However, with the Taliban advancing on the Afghan capital virtually unopposed throughout July, Canada’s ambassador returned to Canada on stress leave.
With the Taliban at the gates of Kabul, the decision was made to repatriate the rest of the embassy staff, and the Canadian authorities were subsequently hard pressed to screen applicants from the safety of Ottawa.
The poor handling of this affair has led to an almost rabid response from many veterans’ groups and media pundits.
I’m not going to defend the Liberal government’s actions in this instance.  However it would be unfair not to offer up a little context.
First of all, Canada concluded it’s military training mission in Afghanistan in the spring of 2014. Our major combat mission was concluded in 2011.
At those junctures, the war mongering military pundits chastised the Conservative government of Stephen Harper for ‘cutting and running’ from a challenging war.
Their line of reasoning was that our troops would miss out on the eventual victory parade. No one, other than Afghans predicted this would end in a Taliban triumph.
My library includes over thirty book titles written by Canadians about the war in Afghanistan.
The list of authors includes generals, soldiers, doctors, historians and journalists. While they all include elements of the challenges posed by the Afghan insurgency, not one of them foretells an outcome wherein the Taliban emerge victorious.
One book, published in 2018 and authored by Afghan war veteran Major General, (ret’d) David Fraser is misleadingly entitled Operation Medusa: The furious battle that saved Afghanistan from the Taliban.
Given that the public narrative from these well placed individuals with personal Afghanistan experience all projected a sense that if not already achieved, than an ultimate victory was nigh, why would any Canadian government have made it a priority to evacuate our former Afghan employees?
No one was predicting that individuals who had last supported our combat mission more than a decade ago would be imperiled by an enemy that our top military commanders had proclaimed defeated.
By the time this crisis erupted with lightning speed, the Canadian resources necessary to handle this mess were long since withdrawn from Afghanistan.
Those veterans who have stepped up by volunteering their time and money to evacuate former interpreters are to be commended for their noble efforts.
The blame for the Canadian government’s failing to handle this crisis in a timely manner, partly rests on the shoulders of those who circulated the false notion of allied success.
We can only pray that this new incarnation of the Taliban remains a kinder, gentler version of itself and that airlifts to safety replaces vengeful bloodletting.
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frasersproperty · 6 years
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I went with Matt, Dane and Amy to this huge industrial park of about 114 hectares of industrial land wholly owned and developed by Frasers Property Australia.
Matt showed us one of the industrial ships they are constructing and almost finishing for the pharmaceutical company CH2 that will be moving there as a tenant for at least 10 years.
Matt and Dane explained to me how every tenant has different needs and how important is to make the right questions to the tenants to get as much relevant info about their needs to provide the best product and the needed facilities on time with no late surprises.
FPA tooks care about the full process resumed on the following stages: 1- Acquisition or deal procurement 2- Design 3- Town Planning 4- Interior Design 5- Project Manager 6- Construction 7- Asset Management
It is a long process wich involves many work, research, preasure, competition to get the land, the project, the permits, the client…You really work hard team!
Experienced by Tamara.
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newstfionline · 3 years
Thursday, December 31, 2020
Covid-19 ‘not necessarily the big one,’ WHO warns (Washington Post) The coronavirus pandemic might not be the “big one” that experts have long feared, World Health Organization emergencies chief Mike Ryan warned at the global health agency’s last virtual media briefing of the year. Since the first reports of the coronavirus began circulating nearly a year ago, the WHO has repeatedly warned that the world must prepare for even deadlier pandemics in the future. “This pandemic has been very severe,” he said Monday. “It has affected every corner of this planet. But this is not necessarily the big one.” The coronavirus, he said, should serve as a “wake-up call.” “These threats will continue,” he said. “One thing we need to take from this pandemic, with all of the tragedy and loss, is we need to get our act together.”
American youth too flabby to defend nation, retired generals say (Washington Times) A group of retired military leaders is warning the Pentagon that most of America’s youth is too out of shape to defend the nation. The organization, known as “Mission Readiness” wants the Pentagon to help set up an interagency committee to address what it considers the nation’s military recruiting crisis. They recently sent a letter to acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller, urging him to work with heads of other relevant federal departments and agencies to take a “holistic approach” to addressing issues ultimately impacting the ability of the military to recruit personnel. According to the Department of Defense, 71 percent of young Americans are unable to serve in uniform, largely due to obesity, drug abuse, a poor education or a crime record. “These factors largely fall outside of the Department of Defense’s purview but have an immense impact on the ability of the military to recruit new service members as well as a significant monetary impact on the Department,” of Defense, retired Air Force Gen. William M. Fraser and retired Coast Guard Adm. James M. Loy wrote in their letter.
Pandemic feeds demand for backyard chickens (AP) The coronavirus pandemic is coming home to roost in America’s backyards. Forced to hunker down at home, more people are setting up coops and raising their own chickens, which provide an earthy hobby, animal companionship and a steady supply of fresh eggs. Amateur chicken-keeping has been growing in popularity in recent years as people seek environmental sustainability in the food they eat. The pandemic is accelerating those trends, some breeders and poultry groups say, prompting more people to make the leap into poultry parenthood. Businesses that sell chicks, coops and other supplies say they have seen a surge in demand since the pandemic took hold in March and health officials ordered residents to stay home.
Another Arrest, and Jail Time, Due to a Bad Facial Recognition Match (NYT) In February 2019, Nijeer Parks was accused of shoplifting candy and trying to hit a police officer with a car at a Hampton Inn in Woodbridge, N.J. The police had identified him using facial recognition software, even though he was 30 miles away at the time of the incident. Mr. Parks spent 10 days in jail and paid around $5,000 to defend himself. In November 2019, the case was dismissed for lack of evidence. Mr. Parks, 33, is the third person known to be falsely arrested based on a bad facial recognition match. In all three cases, the people mistakenly identified by the technology have been Black men. Two other Black men—Robert Williams and Michael Oliver, who both live in the Detroit area—were also arrested for crimes they did not commit based on bad facial recognition matches. Nathan Freed Wessler, an attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union who believes that the police should stop using face recognition technology, said that “Multiple people have now come forward about being wrongfully arrested because of this flawed and privacy-invading surveillance technology.”
Pompeo Weighs Plan to Place Cuba on U.S. Terrorism Sponsor List (NYT) State Department officials have drawn up a proposal to designate Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism, a final-hour foreign policy move that would complicate plans by the incoming Biden administration to relax increased American pressure on Havana. With three weeks left until Inauguration Day, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo must decide whether to sign off on the plan, according to two U.S. officials, a move that would also serve as a thank-you to Cuban-Americans and other anti-communist Latinos in Florida who strongly supported President Trump and his fellow Republicans in the November election. It is unclear whether Mr. Pompeo has decided to move ahead with the designation. But Democrats and foreign policy experts believe that Mr. Trump and his senior officials are eager to find ways of constraining President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s initial months in office and to make it more difficult for Mr. Biden to reverse Trump-era policies abroad. In recent weeks, Trump officials have also sought to increase American pressure and sanctions on China and Iran. A finding that a country has “repeatedly provided support for acts of international terrorism,” in the State Department’s official description of a state sponsor of terrorism, automatically triggers U.S. sanctions against its government. If added to the list, Cuba would join just three other nations: Iran, North Korea and Syria.
British lawmakers approve post-Brexit trade deal with EU (AP) Britain’s House of Commons voted resoundingly on Wednesday to approve a trade deal with the European Union, paving the way for an orderly break with the bloc that will finally complete the U.K.’s long and divisive Brexit journey. With just a day to spare, lawmakers voted 521-73 in favor of the agreement sealed between the U.K. government and the EU last week. Brexit enthusiasts in Parliament praised it as a reclamation of independence from the bloc. Pro-Europeans lamented its failure to preserve seamless trade with Britain’s biggest economic partner. But the vast majority in the divided Commons agreed that it was better than the alternative of a chaotic rupture with the EU. The deal later received formal royal assent from Queen Elizabeth II. It has been 4 1/2 years since Britain voted 52% to 48% to leave the bloc it had joined in 1973. Brexit started on Jan. 31 of this year, but the real repercussions of that decision have yet to be felt, since the U.K.’s economic relationship with the EU remained unchanged during the 11-month transition period that ends Dec. 31.
As U.K. coronavirus cases hit record high, health-care workers are overwhelmed (Washington Post) Doctors and nurses across Britain are sounding the alarm as confirmed cases of covid-19 reach record highs, with experts urging the government to implement a stricter lockdown to prevent the health system from being overwhelmed. Simon Stevens, chief executive of the National Health Service (NHS) in England, told reporters on Tuesday that hospitals were “back in the eye of the storm” as new cases surged across Europe and Britain. He said more must be done to ease the burden on health-care workers. Some health-care workers are issuing their own public warnings, detailing how hospitals in London and the southeast of England are already setting up tents to increase their capacity. They say ambulances are waiting outside hospitals for hours because there is no space inside. Government figures suggest that the virus is surging in Britain, despite restrictions already in place in most of the country. On Tuesday, 53,135 confirmed cases were reported across Britain, marking the second record day in a row and a number far higher than any single day increase in the first wave.
Germany set for longer lockdown as death figures spike (AP) German officials made clear Wednesday that they won’t be able to relax lockdown restrictions in early January as the country recorded more than 1,000 deaths in one day for the first time. That figure was likely swollen by delayed reporting but underlined the severity of the situation. Germany, the European Union’s most populous country, shut restaurants, bars, sports and leisure facilities on Nov. 2. That partial shutdown halted a fast increase in new infections for a while but failed to bring them down, prompting authorities to impose a fuller lockdown from Dec. 16, shutting nonessential shops and schools. Those measures run through Jan. 10. Chancellor Angela Merkel and the governors of Germany’s 16 states will consult Tuesday on how to proceed.
Quake aftershocks keep people out of homes in Croatia (AP) A series of aftershocks jolted central Croatia Wednesday, a day after a 6.3-magnitude earthquake killed at least seven people, injured dozens and left several towns and villages in ruins. The strongest, 4.7-magnitude tremor was recorded early Wednesday near the heavily damaged town of Petrinja, some 40 kilometers (25 miles) southeast of the Croatian capital, Zagreb. Many people had spent the night in tents, their cars or military barracks. In the hard-hit village of Majske Poljane, where five people died in the earthquake, a little boy could be seen sleeping inside a van, wearing a cap on a chilly December morning.
Schools in India have been closed since March. The costs to children are mounting. (Washington Post) Out in the fields, the adults were chopping towering stalks of sugar cane, but Mamta Jaysinge did what she could. The 12-year-old gathered the woody stems where they fell and tied them into a bundle almost as tall as she was. Then she lifted it onto her head and carried it to a waiting truck. Any other year, Jaysinge would be studying in the modest school near her village in western India. It closed in March. Now she spends her days fetching water, cooking meals and hauling cane. Online learning is out of the question. “We were struggling to eat,” Jaysinge said, “so how would we manage to get a smartphone?” She misses school and hopes to return as soon as it reopens. Until then, she said, “I’m trying to help my parents in whatever way I can.” Jaysinge is one of tens of millions of Indian children who have not seen the inside of a classroom since March, a hiatus that educators say is without precedent in the country’s history. In major metropolises such as Mumbai and Delhi, schools remain shut for the ninth straight month. While some states have reopened high schools, the majority of India’s 320 million students remain at home as part of the effort to fight the coronavirus pandemic. Students from poor and marginalized communities face enormous hurdles to continuing their education even in normal times. Now many of their families are under severe financial stress as India’s economy contracts.
China clamps down in hidden hunt for coronavirus origins (AP) Deep in the lush mountain valleys of southern China lies the entrance to a mine shaft that once harbored bats with the closest known relative of the COVID-19 virus. The area is of intense scientific interest because it may hold clues to the origins of the coronavirus that has killed more than 1.7 million people worldwide. Yet for scientists and journalists, it has become a black hole of no information because of political sensitivity and secrecy. A bat research team visiting recently managed to take samples but had them confiscated, two people familiar with the matter said. Specialists in coronaviruses have been ordered not to speak to the press. And a team of Associated Press journalists was tailed by plainclothes police in multiple cars who blocked access to roads and sites in late November. More than a year since the first known person was infected with the coronavirus, an AP investigation shows the Chinese government is strictly controlling all research into its origins, clamping down on some while actively promoting theories that it could have come from outside China. The government is handing out hundreds of thousands of dollars in grants to scientists researching the virus’ origins in southern China and affiliated with the military, the AP has found. But it is monitoring their findings and mandating that the publication of any data or research must be approved by a new task force managed by China’s cabinet, under direct orders from President Xi Jinping, according to internal documents obtained by The AP. A rare leak from within the government, the dozens of pages of unpublished documents confirm what many have long suspected: The clampdown comes from the top.
US bomber mission over Persian Gulf aimed at cautioning Iran (AP) The United States flew strategic bombers over the Persian Gulf on Wednesday for the second time this month, a show of force meant to deter Iran from attacking American or allied targets in the Middle East. One senior U.S. military officer said the flight by two Air Force B-52 bombers was in response to signals that Iran may be planning attacks against U.S. allied targets in neighboring Iraq or elsewhere in the region in the coming days, even as President-elect Joe Biden prepares to take office.
Explosions rock Aden airport, killing at least 22, as new Yemen government arrives (Washington Post) Blasts rocked the airport in the Yemeni city of Aden on Wednesday, killing at least 22 people and injuring 58, shortly after members of a newly created unity government arrived. The death toll is expected to rise, as 36 victims remain in serious condition with wounds requiring major surgeries, said Ali Abdullah Saleh, director of Aden’s health office. He said the injured were taken to several hospitals in the southern coastal city. The assault, for which no group immediately claimed responsibility, threatens to ignite more turmoil in the Middle East nation already reeling from war and hunger. It was launched after the Yemeni government forged a political alliance with southern separatists, ending months of feuding that threatened to plunge the country into more conflicts and chaos.
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