sargehev · 4 months
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Mon3tr, with me
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… Johnny?
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bunbunpa · 2 months
Anyways, I never properly shared my Ghost and Toast playlists on tumblr and I felt it was high time bc. I’m just honestly so happy with the Toast playlist is so canon to me. I operate purely on vibes btw.
It’s so sassy silly rich boy alcoholic Brit royalty.
And my Johnny Ghost playlist is so angsty teen loser boss of a weird company.
Anyways hope y’all enjoy these bc they’re my favs. 👻🍞
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azucar-skull · 5 months
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I am not good at baking--
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shittypieaskblog · 7 months
Rules 'n Warnings
Greetings, fellow adventurers, and happy Hallows Eve! My name is Ornithophobe, I am the mod of this blog! Or, rather, the one who actively posts on the blog. There is another, but to my knowledge they don't have Tumblr, otherwise I'd give them full access to this blog.
I use he/it pronouns, and the other mod mainly uses she/her but has stated that she is okay with any pronouns. Responses written by me will be tagged with #-ornithophobe .
Typical canon violence
Foul Language/Swearing
Major character death
Emotional and physical abuse (Canon-typical, but still. )
Unhealthy workplace relationships/friendships
Mentions of animal death/pet loss.
Drug/Alcohol Use RULES:
Nothing sexually explicit, please. We don't want your horny asks.
Don't be an asshole to me or [REDACTED], we're both real people.
If I don't respond to an ask, please don't take it personally! Chances are I either don't know how to respond yet or it got lost! Or it possibly broke a rule, somehow.
Magic anons are chill, we love y'all. All anons are good, but just know your actions have consequences >:)
Rants about this blog will be under the "Read more" section or whatever it's called.
Anyway, this is a blog that mostly sticks to the general themes of canon. Regretfully, this means that this variant of Ghost is a jerk. He'll get better, we just gotta bonk him with Consequences a few times.
Any and all VT characters can appear, if you ask them to. In fact, really anything can happen!
Some of this might be drawn if I really feel like it, but otherwise it will be done in SFM. Eventually I may switch the models from their original GMod models to some I made in popular video game The Sims 4, but until then they're Normal.
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some27-url · 2 years
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extrordinair · 10 months
Extrordinair: Top Heating & Cooling System Specialist in Melbourne | Expert HVAC Services
Extrordinair- Heating & Cooling System Specialist in Melbourne Your top Heating & Cooling System Specialist in Melbourne. We deliver exceptional HVAC services with expertise and reliability. From installations to repairs, trust us for a comfortable and energy-efficient home or business. Your satisfaction is our priority
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aquilathefighter · 1 year
smapril day 10
Day 10  "Wouldn't you want to know?" Prompts by our smutlord extrordinaire, @staroftheendless tags: a little voyeurism, roommates AU
Hob hears a strange noise from his flatmate’s room. He thinks little of it at first, old buildings make odd sounds sometimes.
But then he hears another man’s voice, higher pitched than Morpheus’s, moaning. Hob creeps up to Morpheus’s door, open a few centimeters and knocks, resting his hand against the wood.
“Hey Morpheus? Whatcha doing in there?”
“Wouldn’t you want to know?” Morpheus retorts, sounding a little winded.
“Well I want to know if you’ve brought someone over without letting me know—” The door swings open. Hob’s eyes almost fall out of his head at what he sees.
Morpheus is nude, all of him impossibly pale, save for the dusting of hair across his chest and groin and the weeping, ruddy cock in his hand. His phone is sat on his chest, a porn video still playing at maximum volume.
Hob can’t look away, as much as he would like to, feeling embarrassed to walk in on his flatmate like this. Thing is, he’s had a bit of a crush on Morpheus since they met.
Morpheus, on the other hand, is completely nonplussed. Almost like this was his plan all along.
“Are you going to join me, or just stand there staring like an idiot?” He nods at Hob’s tented trousers.
Hob steps over the threshold and shuts the door.
“Well, if you’re going to invite me…”
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bigjinx · 3 months
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bunbunpa · 3 months
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heirofnepeta · 1 year
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Yaoi Man Gaka Extrordinaire
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the way he scooches his butt into position..... he does this every time, it's one of his absolute fav positions to lie in when im doing things
i cant believe this is the same cat that would run across the room to shred you to little pieces if you as much as made him aware of your existence 😭
former occupation: serial mass murderer/killing spree extrordinaire
current occupation: cuddle bug
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dokjasweep · 5 months
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introducing mei, illustrating the lovers card and the yoohankim ceo extrordinaire! emotional concepts and rich analysis give life to their works! this, too, is orv...
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yolowritter · 7 months
Hello there and welcome back to my bullshit, otherwise known as Miraculous AUs I'll never write but still want to talk abt! First post on the topic but lmk if you want more?
Anyways, here is the Miraculous Adventurer AU, better title pending! Seeing as I'm busy with literally dozens of WIPs and can't write a second longform fic, I figured I'd share to see if someone wants to pic it up! Listen, I rambled about this once on Discord and it hasn't left my head since, I really need to talk abt it!
So! Marinette Dupain Cheng is a baker's daughter in a small border town of the kingdom, in a little corner of land ruled over by Lord Bourgeois, who spoils his eccentric and brattish daughter Chloe with gifts and allows her to bully the townsfolk without much resistance to Chloe's whims. Marinette's dream is of course, to become a seamstress for the royal family. So eventually, she leaves home to make the journey to the capital, away from Chloe's relentless bullying and to a new adventure. She only takes a few meager belongings and her father's old sword, but still manages to make it a few towns over before running out of funds.
Needing a quick way to earn money that won't tie her down to this small village she's ended up in, Marinette decides to try her luck at the adventurer's guild nearby, knowing...well, to somewhat smack someome with a sword. As she enters the Guild, she crosses paths with another Adventurer, someone who looks to be a professional. The man wears dark leather armor adorned with metal studs on the guantlets, carrying what looks to be a well-worn metal staff on his back. Relunctantly, she approaches the man to see what he wants.
Of course, the totaly-a-pro and definately-not-also-a-first-timer intorduces himself suavely as Chat Noir, professional adventurer and hero extrordinaire! Clearly, he knows his stuff. Chat offers to help Marinette around, mostly offering joking flirts along the way as a receptionist shows up to run Mari through the process of getting a Guild Membership Card, and her first quest.
Obviously, Marinette turns Chat down Ladybug-style and insists she can handle herself, but he still tries (and fails) to sneakily follow her. But when they end up getting in trouble during Mari's first job...they realize they make a better team than either of them imagined. And if Chat so happens to let it slip that he's also an amatuer and looking for a partner as he heads to the Royal Capital...maybe letting him tag along wouldn't be so bad after all.
TL;DR: Marinette picks up adventuring as she travels the county, Chat Noir is a mysterious and suave rogue that's decided to team up with her (he's a bit more like Movie!Chat on their first mission, but after that develops a *small* crush on her like in Origins), and the two become the adventuring team known as Ladybug and Chat Noir...all because Marinette didn't want to reveal her name and a ladybug happened to land on her hand when a random girl they rescue on the job (Alya) asks her. This is beginning of a legendary story full of adventure, danger, obnoxious puns, and hopefully, maybe, someday, Marinette's fashion degree!
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malka-lisitsa · 4 months
Damon n Stefan
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion.
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I don't think people give Damon enough credit? Like do not get me wrong he is a piece of shit fr. SLEEZE BALL EXTRORDINAIR- BUT.... Damon is an extremely emotional creature with terrible coping mechanisms. He was painted as the disappointment his whole life by daddy, he always came second to stefan in everything including their shared relationship with ONE MISS KATHERINE- He sort of got told he was a monster, and fuck up, a shitty person enough times that he just kinda said "mkay I'll be a fucking monster then." GRANTED he doesn't really care about the bad things he does. His morality is completely based on the consequences he suffers at the hands of his own actions (as Ive talked with at length with @retconned-royalty ) Damon only has remorse when what he does affects the people he actually cares about. His actions are impulsive, aggressive, and indulgent most of the time and that's basically what he's learned to be through trauma and grief. I'm not a damon apologist, as I said hes a total shit bag, but I don't think people ever stop to look at WHY he became that way and the parts of him that arent that way. WHICH I know for a fact would be completely different if his name were Damon Mikaelson JUST SAYING. Damons a fucked up jack ass but its not for no reason. He was pushed to become that way, it wasn't any more his fault than it was Klaus'. So yea, Damon, shit bag BUT he is surprisingly more than just a shit bag.
I LOVE STEFAN SALVATORE. WITH MY WHOLE BEING. But he is a serial killer. Like full stop. He's a serial killer. With an addiction problem. Stefan is a KILLER, and I hate when ppl close their eyes to that and act like hes a saint. He's not booboo. My baby boy is a certified serial ripper. Hes an absolute CUNT in free feeding ripper mode. (I love him) Certified DOUCHE BAG. That being said I definitely have a favourite Salvatore Brother and its Stefan, but I don't make excuses for him or erase anything like ive seen a lot of Stefan's do. The only thing that makes Stefan the "Better man" is that he feels guilt for all of his actions, not just the ones that fucked up his standing with someone he cares about. BOTH SALVATORE BROTHERS ARE SKETCHY OK- And its STILL OK to love them both. I do.
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