#exactlyyyy anon
yumethefrostypanda · 10 months
It was meant to be that way from the beginning, or it wasn't given much attention, but nonetheless, of ALL the characters, the most human eyes are those of the Ghost. I can't even explain why. In addition to beauty, they are even bigger and so alive that it feels like his eyes are able to "talk" to you. And they attract to themselves, you can look at them all the time.
Yess, behold!👆👆
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campbyler · 2 months
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hella1975 · 4 months
how do you feel about 'end of beginning' by Djo
how do you think i feel about it anon
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goldenhypen · 3 months
the thing abt that acc writing smut for riki is their standpoint and how 18 is a minor in korea.
they take the standpoint that bc they are not from korea, the law does not apply to THEM so thereforebit is okay for them to consume such content which i find so bavkwards like.. huh? comprehension is key?
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demonstars · 11 months
hiii, i always read your fic recs (your fics too, you’re one of my fav writers <3) and i LOVE them!!!!!
so i was wondering, do you have any fic rec where george fucks up badly and has to make it up? i’ve been in an angsty mood for fics and they all have dream fucking up and i want one were george has to WERK to get him back, even if i find one where he does, dream always forgives pretty fast (canon but still) and i want ANGST please
obviously you can ignore this if you don’t have the time, the fic doesn’t exist, or you simply don’t want to lol, but thanks for reading anyway c:
hi!! that's so sweet omg. sadly I'm just generally big on angst and big fights and nothing comes to my mind :( BUT I'm posting in hopes some other anon can suggest anything!!
edit: lol I don't know if this is what you're Looking for, it's kind of the vibe I think??? Maybe???? yeah just check it out its a little bit of you
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yutofia · 29 days
I feel like when it comes to going down on the girls, if you are one of his flings, he won’t care too much. Just getting you sleek enough for him, won’t care too much about your pleasure. But if you’re his gf… princess treatment 10000%. He’ll eat you out like there’s no tomorrow. Will spend time learning what gets you off. Where should his tongue go, what motion do you like, does his fingers also play a part in all that, ofc how his facial hair also scratches your needy pussy. Once he masters it, he’ll use it to his advantage. He’ll make sure you cum lots and he’ll even make u squirt for the first time. Won’t stop until you can’t take it anymore. Getting his gf to cum is one of the things that can get him off too 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
yes if you're a fling he would still make sure to have you sleek enough that's why i disagreed with the anon who said he'll just put it in. and yes with the hook ups he'll care more ab his own pleasure
if you're his gf he will definitely learn and memorize everything that gets you going down to every detail. (his facial hair scratching your needy pussy part had me meltinggggg girl🥵)
"getting his gf to cum is one of the things that can get him off as well" EXACTLYYYY SO TRUE
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princessbrunette · 6 months
🍯 anon is so real for that bc all i want is jj to let everything out on me. you know he’d start out trying to be gentle still not wanting to hurt you, and you know he’s holding back. and after a bit of you saying “it’s okay, let it out jayj” he’d finally start listening and by the end he’s got you whimpering and he’s entirely spent and just lays down on top of you, panting and resting his head on your boobs and you’re stroking his hair out of his face and it’s slightly damp from him sweating and he’s exhausted but def feels better - 🫶🏻
EXACTLYYYY !!! like he tries to be a gentleman but he needs the release 🥺
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fallahifag · 4 months
lebanese here. that anon is stupid. israel is the cause of their frustration and theyre blaming it on palestinians?? lebanese are just bitter bc the govt is working against their people, that's not palestines fault, and not accepting palestinians doesnt improve conditions for lebanese, ما في كهربا او اكل والحق على الحقومي يلي بتوعد انو حيات لبنانية حيات مظلومي و تبرمو و تحتو الحق على السورين والفلسطينيين يلي معكن مظلومين؟؟ why even be that heartless? my saddest memory in lebanon was listening to my taxi driver talk shit about refugees as if a lil refugee girl going to school for free took the rights away from every native
exactlyyyy. it makes me so mad because the anger and frustration is not directed at the right people. vulnerable people blaming other vulnerable people. gets us nowhere. i feel for lebanon
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polyamorouspunk · 2 months
Forget power couples, become a power polycule lmao
-hoodie anon
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nanathott · 2 months
just saw your answer to an anon — you’re absolutely so correct Toji isn’t broke he’s just a terrible spender. he makes absolutely insane amounts of money from jobs, you have to for it to be worth it kinda, but the man fucking gambles and drinks and spends it all on random crap, he isn’t broke he’s just obtuse with money. especially since he can always take another job?
-🌱 anon
exactlyyyy plus he’s freeloading off woman 99% of the time so even if he was broke it wouldn’t even matter… but that still stands that that dilf is getting paid the big bucks
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propertyofkylar · 4 months
Great Hawk is a better version of all of the love interests. Great Hawk gives gifts like Avery but wants nothing in return. Great Hawk will hunt you down like Eden and Black Wolf but Great Hawk cares about consent. Great Hawk can rescue you from trouble in the moor like Kylar can rescue you from trouble in town, but you can stay in Great Hawk’s tower permanently. Great Hawk has a dominance stat like Whitney and Alex, but Great Hawk is always a sweetheart. Great Hawk can sing to you like Sydney but you don’t have to be at high trauma and you can sing along with Great Hawk, you can’t hum along with Sydney.
EXACTLYYYY anon ur so real
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woman-respecter · 6 months
anon from back before who called u cute but also not the last anon, or the anon who sent u the ask i'm talking about, but FELT on the matter of modern self-DXed autistics. i constantly feel like that one meme that's like. self-dxed autistics when the real developmentally disordered girls come at them. because it really is true that so much of the air in the room is being taken up by what feels like a mixture of people who are simply into the Aesthetic of being biologically strange and obsessive and intellectual (and a smaller weirder subset of people who appear to be autistic fetishists in a sexual sense) and use autistic as an adjective to describe that ideal while also being very intolerant towards the idea of having a disorder that actually impacts your life in an undesirable ways.
you can't talk about having stunted motor control, you can't talk about growing up so isolated that your social skills are basically nada, you can't talk about special ed programs and you can't talk about growing up having to leave the room when someone's eating of the most popular foods in your country since you'll vomit otherwise because it makes them uncomfortable and doesn't mesh with the Cool Rebrand. girl i wish it was all just liking data entry and trivia. unfortunately i have a medical issue which actually makes my life suck sometimes. good luck with your deal tho!
end rant
ashdhfkfjl EXACTLYYYY. like congrats on having a “hyperfixation” on steven universe or whatever. some of us have a lack of social skills and scary emotional regulation issues so bad that nobody can tolerate us ✌️
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johnnys-breastmilk · 6 months
Wally anon: Oh, we have the exact.same. mind fr. Even as someone who has been with the Screams my e n t i r e life & watches an insane amount of horror, Randy just has never. been that character for me. He serves his role well enough, is consistently written, & gets an iconic death, but he really outlived his usefulness in the OG as the franchise expanded beyond just. regular horror satire. 👀 kfhdhd I don't even take that much issue with 3. Like, is it the weakest of the initial installments? Yes. But I have very specific problems with it compared to a lot of the issues I see people have with it. 😶 Exactlyyyy. It naturally depends on the execution & how the individual Ghostfaces are planning attacks & all that, but Scream tends to have a great grasp on day vs night. 👍 Yuppp, you get it. The amount of stabs we physically see happening on him like fkdjfk soooo unserious.
And all from how good you're making him feel. 🫣 (No, please, let's get into it. Do tell who that is. 🤫) And you knowww his voice is gonna be hoarse after it from how much he was straining (it'll sound like it does when you fuck his throat). 😫
Oh, I'll bet a lot of gays can probably say the same thing. There have been a few "straight" guys who moved reallll weird around me when I think back on things. Oh, I'm sure it does, but you won't be able to feel anything after with how rough they're being with your hole. 🫠
Yesss, happy to hear 🫣 Then I guess my instincts were the correct ones with that one hitting me like it did. 🤭 (omg damn @ the times; I wish I were more of a ga(y)mer, but it's such an inconsistent thing for me @ only playing re2r & not re4r 💀)
Yessss. The writing was REALLY working overtime to sell the mystery element & pull the rug out from under you. 😭 I can not waitttt for what S2 gets into as an expansion on all of this cause I need all the lore & twists they got. 🙌 (Oh, this is making me think of some prime. angst fic potential based on everything we've discussed so far cause you knowww Wally would start getting in his feelings if you can't make enough time for him cause he's just so. needy & would think you don't need him the same way/like him anymore or w/e insecurity would find its way in his head when he's overthinking 😓) Cause he wants to be spit roasted by both of them. 🤭 (yupppp same, very much missed opportunity by completely forgetting he exists) Yessss, Amanda + the reveal that the entire.game. ALREADY happened + that SHE is gonna follow in John's footsteps is just 🥳🥳🥳 (ooh, so you like playing DBD, I guess I should've figured that but didn't consider it) fjdkdhd absolutely agreed on every point. If it tried to actually move the plot forward/elsewhere like Spiral, I'd like it more, but the fact it's a half-assed sorta kinda not completely prequel to pull a twist outta thin air just makes it so ❌️❌️❌️
Not talking about him not respecting boundaries when Emma was doing all that during truth or dare, not to mention the swimming, & acting like she was doing it all to entertain people later dkfhdk like okayyyy. (But, yup, this entire recent mindset people have where fictional characters - &, by extension, real people - can not ever have ANY faults or make mistakes is insaneeee to me cause it's like...I damn well know y'all. ain't perfect like y'all think y'all are, so maybe back off the judgement.) Yessss exactly. Emily & Kaitlyn supremacy fr 🙌🙌🙌 (Emma & Abby should've just been lesbians cause I literally. got those vibes in their intro scene & then was promptly disappointed when Nick came into the equation THEN got excited again with Dylan & Ryan; emotional whiplash I tell ya fkdhdl.) Oh, I absolutelyyy agree. The whole ~Laura rolls in, becomes the most important character, & Ryan tags along for finale purposes~ element is soooo weird to me cause her arrival is the inherent problem why so much of the rest of the cast are short-changed/go nowhere & yet the game acts like she needed. to be there. 💀 Yupppp. The lack of specification until. you're reading is by far the worst/most annoying version of that cause it's like, "Okay, not only did y'all not tag. but you completely left it out of the fic description as if you are just writing this for a house of your clones???"
Will do! 🙌 kfnfn I didn't even think of that @ leprechaun (although that does. bring some thoughts to mind about possible St. Patrick's Day fics for Milo's characters 🍀👀). Yupyupyup, you get it. 👍 You would not be able to pay attention at ALL. Just seeing it all jiggling around with every step he makes would be like 🥴
Very pleased to hear. 🫡
SO TRUE. I love 3 and how cheesy it is. some people say that it's the worst because of how silly it is, but it just makes it a fun watch. (and what they originally had planned for scream 3 was so bad. so, so bad. stu macher being revealed to be alive badd.... why does scream have a problem with sequels? each one is good on its own tbh, but together they're so dissonant it gives me whiplash on binges sskjdks) Yesss like in 5 when they attack the mf chief of police in broad daylight. It's insane!! Or how Wes gets killed inside with light pouring in. A good reminder that people break in all the time regardless of day/night. Super scary.
Yesss ugh he'll be going wild over all of it. Also, I didn't mean a person el oh el I meant men in general cumming sooo much. Like inhuman levels and painting the walls with a new finish skjsjd
Yeah straight guys are so weird... DLs are the worst type of "straight" guy. The lack of feeling down there from it would be craaazy but so, so good.
They're sosososo good I just wish my writing would click because I've been staring to my computer for half an hour and. nothing skjskjd. And don't worry, I'm an inconsistent gamer because of time and all. Most recently, I've played RE4r and Spider-Man 2.
The writing was just soooo good and it makes me so excited for the second season even more so. (you should totally send in some angst because I live for it just as much as fluff and smut🫣) Omg yes to the spit roasting, Tommy's a whore like me fr. Another I would have loved to see is Jason/Steve or at the very least Jason/Eddie (but Jason/Steve would've been interesting. Former Hawkins King versus the new one, maybe having Steve and Billy agree that he's a dick and teaching him a lesson slkdsdml) IT WAS SUCH A GOOD REVEAL AND SAW 3 MADE IT EVEN BETTER!! (Saw 3 haters can leave the chat, I may not like Jeff but I love the B story of the movie with Amanda and John and Jeff's wife) Yes ugh I love dbd because it's horror central. I have my issues with the game (like balancing, the devs being as dumb as bricks and feeling like we talk to a brick wall, the community being as horrible as it is.) But at its core, most of that is mostly avoidable and the game is just fun. I love knowing I can play as different killers or survivors from so many different legendary movies/tv shows (and I think I wrote a Danny Johnson fic earlier this year..)
Yesss ugh the hate Jacob gets is soooo annoying. Let him be a semi-problematic man whore in his crop top in peace!! Same with other characters that are problematic like Billy, for instance. He's obviously not a good person but people sit there and act like they haven't hurt someone else, and live their life completely like a virtuous, infallible person. Max and Laura were the weakest parts for me, I think the cop should have just killed them after he found them. The whole hostage part in the jail is soooo cliche and predictable (ntm overhearing crucial pieces of lore that makes the Hacketts look dumb for being so careless.) I like them but I found it so boring that they get the main stage after being absent for 70-80 percent of the game after the intro. Like Laura comes back in then they do a whole chapter flashback explaining everything, but it sucks. LMAO @ the clones because it's so true. While I do write my voice (the way I talk and think) into the reader I don't usually bother to write reader appearance aside from clothing/obvious accessories. I don't get why others can't do the same in the way of appearance.
St Patricks Day Milo fics sound interesting... so I'd love to hear what you have in mind for those🫣 And yesss ugh I'd be begging him to slam it down on the desk--either front or back--and mess up the note taking with something more worthwhile
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madame-mongoose · 7 months
peoole who are leaving from the ant posting are cowards. REAL monnie fans know whats up (ant hours. thats whats up.)
exactlyyyy you get it anon
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inkykeiji · 7 months
yeah but imagine being the ONLY one that can make both sukuna's heart and cock throb, that even hes mad at this fact and at himself... I think he'd be so absolutely violently possessive, more than your other iterations, just cause I picture him exactlyyyy like the anime makes him out, minus the curse lol but I picture him a bit more controlled yet 10x more sadistic
omg anon yes yes YES a million times yes to literally all of this!!! you reached into my brain and plucked this from the depths, i completely agree with you 100%!!! that’s exactly why i think exploring sukuna with some sort of ‘significant other’ (is he capable of ‘true’ love??? who knows!! i’d be exploring that for sure!!!) would be SO much fun—because you’re entirely right, he would be so incredibly pissed that someone (and probably someone he deems extremely weak) has such control and power over him (his body + his emotions + his mind). because this makes him susceptible to vulnerabilities, and oh no, he can’t have that, he must immediately take full control over you so he can ensure that YOU never hurt HIM; so that you can never be used against him, as bait or leverage. 
i think it’s due to these facts above in addition to his inherent selfishness (which i think would translate to him needing to own you in a relationship type dynamic, plus a hefty dose of jealousy) that would be the root of this extreme possessiveness you’re talking about. 
he really would!!! he’d literally be touya-nii dialled up to a million HAHAHA. because while touya-nii has the ability to feel a few cinders of guilt on very rare occasions, and can feel something somewhat similar to ‘love’ for a select few people, sukuna cannot feel anything other than pure obsession. 
i agree! i think he has an impeccable amount of self control. he very, VERY rarely loses his cool in any way unless he allows himself to lose his cool. he could be seething with anger so strong and so potent it’s melting his insides, but on the outside he’d still be extremely apathetic—calm and unbothered. and he’d stay that way until he decides to allow his opponent to know he’s pissed off. but with you, with you it’s different, because you’ve learned to read him; you know how to decode the sharp glint in his eye or the slight twitch of his lips or the barely there flare of his nostrils, and that pisses him off, too, because that’s yet another weakness, a crack in his meticulously crafted mask. even still, he isn’t going to show you, or fully unleash it on you, until he finds the opportune moment; until the time is perfect. 
he’s mean as FUCK. he’s mean for no reason, he’s mean for fun, he’s mean for stress relief. he’s mean when he’s happy and he’s meaner when he’s angry. he’s mean as a form of entertainment, because he just loves the expressions and reactions he can so easily conjure from you, and he’s mean as a form of experiment, to see how far he can push you, which actions get which reactions, etc.. it’s his favourite pastime, it’s how he shows his love, he tells you, and you should be honoured he’s even bothering waste so much attention and effort on you at all as if he ever had a choice in the first place <3
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gaykey · 1 month
Even if Key isn’t friends with her why would you want to portray and say (lie?) that you are? Pretending to be friends with a problematic person is still problematic because why? It’s like saying I’m besties with Ted Bundy, it’s a lie duh, but why do I want to project and advertise such a bad thing? If he is or isn’t is irrelevant
exactlyyyy anon.
even if he secretly doesn't like her, or is actually trying to distance hinself, or whatever that anon was making up to justify his association - publicy, he does! lol, it changes absolutely nothing.
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