#everyone go and read the ravi fic by archerincombat
unsteadylilactree · 1 year
A list of things that should be proof of buddie and would be if one of them wasn't a guy Part 14
Season 4
nothing in 4x07
Buck babysitting for Eddie except Buddie are more domestic than Eddie and Ana on their date. (Also they specifically framed the Eddieana date to be a misdirect and show that they were taking it glacially slow)
Chris has his priorities straight lol he doesn't want Eddie to have a gf
This entire episode is just screaming that Eddie, Buck, and Chris work best as a family unit (*whispers conspiratorially* 'THE UNIVERSE IS SCREAMING AND YOU REFUSE TO LISTEN')
nothing in 4x09, 4x10, 4x11
Eddie being jealous that Buck was looking for the treasure with Taylor and not him :( ('i'll just be over here then. thinking. by myself. go team')
eddie reaching for buck
buck crawling under the truck to get him
eddie waking up just to ask if buck was okay
I've only seen buck this distraught at the well
Buck breaking down when he's telling Chris (specifically after finding out that Eddie should be okay)
Buck being the one to look after Chris (second. parent.)
Ana called Buck first when Eddie woke up?? did Eddie ask for him?
Eddie making sure Buck is okay
"you were there for him when i couldn't be. That's what matters"
"If i die you become Christopher's legal guardian" NOW WHY WOULD THAT BE HERE FOR ANY OTHER REASON THAN BUDDIE, HUH?
"But no one will ever fight for my son as hard as you"
the fact that Buck was the one to take eddie home from the hospital
in that scene, we focus on Eddie, Buck, and Chris, there's no hug with ana or anything until later.
Oh, that was a shorter season. Welp, that's all for now because I can't access season 5 in my country and there's so much in that season.
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runawaymarbles · 26 days
9-1-1 fic recs
because if I do nothing but read 9-1-1 fic for a month solid I feel like I should. Since my bookmark notes are all spoilers. Buck/Eddie unless specified otherwise.
to your front door by hammersmiths | G | 3k
Buck and Pepa are bridge buddies and Pepa is happy to arrange everyone's lives.
i'm headed to the mountains by hammersmiths | 8k | G
a.k.a. Abby Clark does deserve rights
pick me, choose me, love me by trysetmeonfire | T | 9k
It is some kind of hell, it seems to me, to be forced to choose one irreplaceable thing over another. Buck and Chris get stuck and Eddie has to get one of them out first.
brick by spqr | E | 10k
9-1-1 fic I read and loved before I knew anything else about 9-1-1. Post lightning strike, Buck and Eddie are not at all on the same page.
i love you, ain't that the worst thing you've ever heard? by rarakiplin (gmontys) | T | 10k
"Because, Evan" is actually a love confession, but Buck's with Taylor. They handle it great.
the stick-around by derryfacts2 (winchysteria) | T | 10k
Buck is bleeding out. It's surprisingly funny.
Ace of Hearts by glorious_spoon | T | 10k
The poker night was a date but Buck doesn't realize it until later.
darlin', i'm just tryin' to tell ya by archerincombat | T | 10k
The station adopts a dog that has cancer and Ravi has some feelings about it.
still by brewrosemilk | T | 10k
Eddie is standing on a bomb.
the light's been out though, baby by hattalove | M | 15k
There's a video of the shooting.
like a hole in the ground by clytemnestra | T | 15k
Buck shares his feelings but they still don't know how to communicate.
maybe love won't let you down by sibylsleaves | M | 15k
Buck tells Eddie he loves him; Eddie thinks he himself is terrible at relationships and so he dodges the question. Things are OK until they aren't.
False Start (timing’s everything) by Morgane (smilla840) | E | 16k
Buck and Eddie hook up, and then Buck gets back together with Taylor. Ouches all the way down. It's great.
i would like a place i could call my own by maybeamystery | E | 17k
Buck and Eddie hooked up at the end of season 3. It does not make things better.
find a way to you (if it kills me) by foxwatson | M | 20k
Buck doesn't realize he has feelings for Eddie until Eddie lets Linda set him up. They both suck at coming out.
stay soft; get eaten by eddiediass | T | 20k
Ramon Diaz is dying.
every time we stop talking (the universe starts screaming) by withmeornotatall | M | 20k
Buck is being reckless, Eddie's pissed about it, and Natalia is asking a lot of questions about everybody's trauma.
where there's smoke, there's fire by wakeupnew | T | 24k
You're really not supposed to be secretly dating your coworker. Luckily, they have a union rep.
into the fire by brewrosemilk | E | 27k
Cheating fic (complimentary); Buck and Eddie sleep together. It's messy.
Tick Tick Boom by ChasetheWindTouchtheSky | 30k | T
Buck's having a breakdown; he's not talking to his parents; he doesn't tell Maddie this but he does go to drag brunch.
I Kinda Fell Half In Love (And You're To Blame) by orphan_account E | 33k
Eddie is dating Ana and Buck can't figure out why he doesn't like it. Also, Chris is trying to return to school after COVID and they're really stressed about it.
the going water and the gone by trysetmeonfire | T | 30k
Eddie is lost at sea and presumed dead. The logistics of death are complicated and custody isn't as easy as saying you want your platonic bro to raise your kid without telling anyone.
i don't swim and you're not in love by hattalove | T | 30k
Eddie is dating Ana, Buck tries to get over himself, and there's a sewer leak at Abuela's.
listen to you breathing (is where I wanna be) by Yavilee | T | 40k
Buck goes down in an earthquake and is missing, presumed. He and Eddie leave each other voicemails.
everything (nothing) has changed by bizarrestars | E | 50k
Buck goes to therapy, tells Eddie that he's in love with him but he's going to get over it, and Eddie has a meltdown for 50,000 words except this is from Buck's POV and Buck's an idiot.
across our great divide (a glorious sunrise) by catchingpapermoons | M | 50k
Buck and Eddie go to couples therapy in s5 and I? Cry.
a blaze in the dark by woodchoc_magnum | E | 117k
Buck gets caught up in Natalia, Eddie starts dating someone else, it goes about how you'd expect. Hurts in a delightful way.
tell me about despair by hattalove | M | 150k
THEEEEE Eddie Diaz fic.
just to be with you by woodchoc_magnum | M | 150k
Buck and Eddie keep their relationship secret for months and it turns out it's hard to come back from that.
The things we lost in the fire by SunSpell80
Buck's uncle molested him when he was a kid. Buck's relationship with his parents is complicated in a way that doesn't villanize them, but is still messy as fuck. I am rotating it in my brain. (Note: the author presumably wrote this before we met Buck's parents in canon, but got tired of changing the names a couple chapters in.)
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