#event // hypnum insomnum
bluestringpuppeteer · 4 months
Legato has been mostly ignoring the other occupant of Knives' home, partly because he doesn't like the idea of Knives being so enamored with another human and partly because he doesn't really have much to say to him. Especially after the incident between Badou and Knives in the forest where the Plant came back mauled.
He's been tolerating the other human for Knives' sake. Ignore him and it will be fine for both of them.
Now though Legato is a mess, and he knew he'd have a bad reaction to this stuff but he hadn't anticipated it being quite this awful. After the second mirror he'd broken in terror he and Knives had turned or covered all the rest of the reflective surfaces they could find, giving him a chance to breathe without feeling like the home he was staying in was a minefield.
He was sat on the couch, the house smelling of a pot roast he had cooking, a cup of tea in his hands, when the door opened and the other human occupant walked in. Legato turned his head just enough to visually acknowledge him before curling even smaller on the couch.
Both hands were bandaged from glass cuts, his coat was missing, he looked disheveled and exhausted. He'd convinced Knives he was alright for the moment while the Plant went to get more groceries but now he was left with nothing to do to distract himself from the images on repeat in his head. The only available distraction now was...
"You're back," he says quietly, voice rough from his screaming panic earlier. "I don't suppose you've found more then anyone else about this mess?"
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drunkelreporter · 4 months
This shit was a lot more then Roberto had been expecting when he'd first woken up in this place. Nightmare Moss taking over the Isle, people falling into weird enchanted sleeps, sections of the city slowly being consumed and cut off from the spread of the black plant. He'd been both careful and lucky, cautious enough that he hadn't managed to get infected yet.
That wasn't true for everyone he knew. In fact that seemed the opposite to everyone he knew.
"Shit, come on, don't you give out on me now," he grunted, hauling the nearly limp vampire higher over his shoulders. Astarion was a friend, he was willing enough to admit that after all the drinks together in various taverns, all the gossip and exchanges of information, the ease he felt around the guy comparable to how easy it was to relax around his kids. A terribly destructive monster, sure, but just a man wanting companionship at the end of the day.
Now fighting nightmares and visions and clinging to Roberto's shoulders with weak hands, pale skin dyed black by creeping moss.
At the end of the day, Roberto was always a protector, no matter how reluctant he might be to acknowledge it sometimes.
If trying to protect Astarion meant dragging him back to Roberto's home and trying to get the damn moss off of him before it made him worse that's what he'd try first. He'd keep trying until he lost someone else who was becoming dear, and then he'd get back up and keep trying some more. He might be a dead man but in a way dying had put more spirit back into him then he'd felt in a long time.
If he could trust his kids to keep on without him, he could keep on without them. They'd want that, he thinks.
"Easy, easy Starion, I got you. Here, lay on the couch. Let me see, maybe we can get this crap off of you huh? You with me still?"
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flameindream · 4 months
So quickly did news break of a disturbance. A creeping moss black like rot, striking against the alluring pink shade of the flowers that grew among it when the quantity was significant. Though research was ongoing and information was scarce at this point, the details that were known prompted Grimm to divert his usual daily schedule to investigate.
Warnings to stay away from areas it had penetrated, and an uptick in reports of symptoms like tiredness, paranoia, restlessness…?
His search takes him down an out of the way alley somewhere, following a trail of what he sensed was an emergence of Nightmare Essence that smelled of the most tantalizing dread on the air. The closer his legs take him, the more it itches at him... Not quite like blood, but urging him onward nonetheless. Grimm would recognize it anywhere.
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At the scene that unveils itself before him, the god stops and merely stares with a detached and unearthly calm. An unlucky local had presumably succumbed to his exhaustion and now lay there in a fitful slumber—but even stranger than that was the blemishes of black and fuchsia that crossed the afflicted’s skin like a hungering parasite.
Grimm approaches and kneels down, examining closer. It only takes a momentary sight to recognize one trapped in nightmare, and suddenly he believes that he now knows why he was summoned to this land.
This stranger would serve as a fine subject for him to learn from. But first… There was no reason to let such delectable fear go to waste, now was there? Whether or not he could help this unfortunate thing, he did not yet know, but he could certainly help Grimm. Breathing in, he concentrates and lets the now visible scarlet, dreamy particles gather into his hands, pooling into a sinister mass that would drive most mortals to hysterics if they gazed upon it long enough.
And opening his maw of sharp teeth, the god devours it whole. It sends a shudder through Grimm’s entire body as it settles, but he continues to allow more to seep from the ailing local and into his greedy mouth. The intensity of it refreshes him like a well of power... and he finds himself unwilling to stop so soon.
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fellstcr · 4 months
⚔️ // rain dripped down from the eaves of no. 101. although it was frigid - half-way between snow and rainfall , byleth eisner circled the perimeter of the townhouse gardens , donned in little for cover besides her own coat and a small black umbrella. eventually , rounding the corner and peering closely at the flower beds , she found what she was looking for. black tendrils of moss had snuck within the crevice of soil , and tiny pink flowers glowed eerily in the dark of the gloomy night.
byleth tore the invasive species from the ground without a second thought.
soon enough , it joined the rest of its brethren in a compost bin , where it would ROT with the rest.
after one last perimeter check , byleth entered the townhouse , careful to close the door quietly behind her. but it seemed that the her caution was largely unnecessary , for upon the couch was the very reason she had tread so carefully.
after something of a comically long pause , byleth shed her coat from her shoulders and folded it over her arm.
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"... it's late . you should be sleeping."
@magiccuco / hypnum insomnum
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hecrtled · 4 months
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ FAWN WAS GEARED UP in her best winter-wear. cotton and feather down lined the inside of her maple-leaf coat dress , and she had PLENTY of supplies tucked securely away in her satchel. charcoal sticks and a leaflet book , with all of the notes of moss-ification symptoms at the ready. and now , standing on the shoulder of SORA , surely then there was nothing fawn couldn't be ready for.
from what sora had said , the moss was coming from somewhere underground. so if they wanted answers , underground is just where they'd have to go. . . . but her wings still fluttered nervously beneath her coat as fawn looked at the creepy dark blankets of moss leading straight into an even SPOOKIER human building.
but then she thought of her animal friends , some of which had been scared half to death by larger-than-life frights and others who couldn't get a wink of sleep at night. that alone was enough for fawn to square her shoulders , and slide down sora's arm until she'd come to a stop in the palm of his hand.
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❛ looks like that's EXACTLY the kind'a place you were talking about , big guy, ❜ she said , pointing. ❛ you nervous? ❜
@liightaga / hypnum insomnum (plotted !)
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ttauriwanderer · 4 months
Steven is worried. Its understandable at this point, considering the whispers he's overheard about this Nightmare Moss from the researchers and those in charge of the clean-up crews. He's been putting himself forward with the Guild as often as they'll let him, for any duty that will get him close to sources of information. People tend to forget he's there half of the time, which suits him just fine for overhearing the researchers talking about their progress.
Besides that he's been spending most of his time in the Archives, winding around others, Echoes and natives alike, who are doing the same thing he is; searching for information on the Nightmare Moss.
Nothing he's found has been good. Mentions of sleep related trouble, night terrors and hallucinations, implications that Nightmare Moss was responsible for many tragedies in the past of the Isles. He's worried about the people here, Echoes and natives alike.
There's no mention of a cure for the symptoms either, which is what worries him the most. There's already been more then a few people on the clean-up teams who have been exposed and their behavior turned erratic a lot faster then he'd expected.
A couple he'd had to help restrain when they panicked.
If only he had the Ethereal, he could analyze these things and find a way to stop their spread. Or if he had his powers... But he has neither and wishing for something he doesn't posses is not helping.
What he hopes might help, is breaking into the labs after dark to try an analysis there himself. Sure, he's been helping as much as he can, but he's also had an ulterior motive for volunteering for so much guard duty. He can make his way around pretty well from the map he's made of the places he's been and he's stealthy enough to manage otherwise. If he can get a look at what they're working on he can get a better idea of what's going on.
He's not a genius for nothing, and his specialty is biology and life science. He'll find something. He has to.
However, he doesn't even make it to the building before stumbling on something else entirely. A hunched form down a side street, hissing quietly. The white curls and long ears are a dead giveaway but there's something wrong, Steven knows it in his bones. The Captain tugs down the cloth mask he's been wearing in case he found more moss flowers to frown at the vampire.
"Astarion... Are you alright?" Wrong or not, especially if not, Steven has to check on him. It's part of his duty, part of his make-up. He won't just walk away if the vampire needs help.
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dragonhcrt · 4 months
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There's nothing in his power to stop the moss from spreading and from affecting others. He's been investigating, seeking out information on what is going on, but as far as he can tell, there's been nothing yet.
He hopes Byleth is doing alright.
"Seiros, I think that's the last of them." Now that the area has been cleared of civilians in this part of the district, he's looking around for anyone else hiding.
"How are you feeling?"
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clxscdeyes · 4 months
It's like a clock repeating time over and over again. There's NO escape to this. She's trapped and she cannot breathe. All Luna can do is be forced to watch each and every tragedy fall right in front of her over and over again. There are no breaks.
You should have paid attention. You should have taken heed of our warnings. Now look at what happened. It's your fault.
It wasn't enough for just your parents, but now you've got blood on your hands.
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Mr. and Mrs Mathis were scared, but they did what they could to make her feel comfortable. They were distant, sure, but they always made sure to celebrate milestones with all of the family. Even when it pertained to her. Her birthday was always celebrated yearly without a miss. It was like when Luna was first welcomed into their home. Sweet, kind, warm....As if they were still oblivious to the curse residing inside of the child.
where did it all go wrong? The Mathis family sang happy birthday to the birthday girl who had turned 14. The sound of singing, laughter, and clapping filled the house and filled Luna with joy. She was happy. She was grateful to be in such a warm and loving home...So why did it end up like this?
"M̴̦̹̿r̵͙̉.̷̣̲̯͖̈̾̑ ̵̧̐M̴͓̪̮̈̎ä̷̫̻̀̀t̸̤̼̜̿̏h̴̛͉̑i̸͉̍̂̍͠s̵͈̐͑̒̕?̸͎̩͋̂̕ ̷͓̖̎̅̀̓M̶̡̫̝̼̅̀̕͠ŗ̸̠͎͔̍̾͑s̴̠͓͕͊̈́͛̕.̸̖͘ ̸̢̱̱̝͛͠M̸̡̯̖̘̀͋͝ȁ̶̤̱̎t̶̫̙̞͝h̸̰̼̐̔̒ì̷̗̅̎s̴̭̠̪̗̋̓́̒?̴͍̦͗̉ ̶͖̝̖̏"
She doesn't recognize her own voice when she calls for them. Her eyes are looking at the bodies on the floor and when she raises her hands to her face, they are covered with blood. Mr and Mrs. Mathis are in a puddle of their own blood. The child steps back and nearly trips over a leg.
Her eyes lower and there, she sees Mr. and Mrs. Mathis' children. Her own siblings.
J̷̺̘̀̈́͠o̷͍̟̼͊́̌̊ȩ̵͈̦͓̍ẙ̸̹͙͔̊̑̕͜ ̶͇̍ͅ ̶͔̼̮̤̽͆̂Ẽ̵̝̲͛l̷̯̓̚ì̵̤̐́͆͜z̴͇͙̼̤̒̈́̕a̷͍̼͂͂
She covers her mouth with bloodied hands, feeling sick to her stomach, and yet...The sound that comes from her isn't the sound of horror or the sound of agonized wailing, but the sound of cackling, and laughter.
W̴͚̹̾̉͝h̴͇̳̓̚y̶̩͆̀̆͋ ̶̪̼̏̔̍ḁ̶̼̲̊m̴̳̐̉ͅ ̶̫̫̥̎́̃ͅI̸̩͌͌͝ ̴̥̘̓͑̃́l̴̳̄̀̐̅ä̷̧̖͙̗́ư̷͍̟ğ̵͙̦̜̮͗h̵̬̦̼̜̅i̵̦̓̔n̵͇͋̿̈̚g̴̛̲̲̲͗̽͜?̴̧͔̰͉̆̋ ̷̱̺̣̆͜S̸̗͕͈̠̅̆t̵͖̘́ò̸͔̎̇p̸̦̺̎̈́̈́!̵͔̰̹͔͊ ̵͇̘͎͒̑̿͝Ṣ̴̙́̿̉͜T̴̩̖͐̒͒Ỏ̷̡̈̾̂P̵͉͙̊ ̴̺̮̈͜I̷̡̱͕̍̓̓͝T̷̺̙͖͌̕.̵̼̤̽͆̃͝
Luna steps back further and when she looks in front of her and blinks, the one behind all of this stands in front of her. "N--!!!" Luna stumbles backward and the ominous figure with the long black hair covering their face looms closer and closer.
"S-Stay AWAY!"
But it doesn't listen. it gets closer with every step Luna steps back. As the evil spirit gets closer, Luna feels panic and fear bubble up inside of her. She feels like she'll get sucked right into the void.
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unluckyuncle · 4 months
The Nightmare Again 𓅭 Hypnum Insomnum pt.1/2 @richcstduck
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It was the same thing all over again. You would think after 10 years a duck could learn to move on, and in some ways he had. But now the progress had waned. The dreams came back- or rather the nightmares.
Donald's mind was flooded with the shouts of that last fight. All he could hear was her voice giving him every excuse, reason, cause to justify the next adventure.
'They deserve the stars' 'I'm doing this for them' 'Adventure is in their blood.' 'I'm their mother, I know what's best.'
And then she was gone. But the voice still remained. He sat alone in a dark room, with all three of the eggs. Hearing her. Feeling her so close to him but it was the chill of a ghost. She left them... she left him. The words echoed all around him without a singular source.
Soon he found he was surrounded by magenta silhouettes of his friends... his family. One by one they vanished into the darkness. Their voice added to the echoes of her voice.
'Nothing but a nuisance.' 'Can't do anything right.' 'Clumsy.' 'Annoying.' 'Selfish.' 'Temperamental.' 'Unlucky.' 'Dangerous.'
He pleaded and begged them to stay, but his voice came out as static. As he looked down, even the eggs from his arms began to disappear. Desperately he grasped at them holding them close to his chest, but it didn't stop them from leaving him too. He tried to cry out but his bill became trapped by a blackened, mossy rope.
Suddenly the voices stopped. Standing before him was the silhouette of Scrooge. He glared at Donald with glowing eyes, a frown on his face. Disappointment. Hatred. When he spoke, his voice rang with all of the others, in perfect, agonizing harmony.
"You're no family o'mine."
With a start, Donald woke up. His breath was quick and he struggled to catch it. Holding a hand to his shirt while the tears from his eyes quietly fell. Panic quickly consumed him as he struggled to focus on his surroundings, but soon his old instincts kicked in.
Breathe in and out. Nice and deep, slow and steady.
When his calm had been restored, he remembered what was going on. He was in a place called the Arcanus Isle, and almost overnight a weird moss had been taking over... Nightmare Moss. He knew very little about it, but enough to know that it was dangerous. He'd been spending the past week or so just helping evacuate people out of the moss and into the safe places.
But that dream... he rolled up his sleeve. He had started getting a moss patch himself, looks like it had grown since yesterday ( it covered his whole arm, spreading to his chest. He sighed, the nightmare still fresh on his mind. ( he could still hear those voices. he could hear them even when awake ) There was one person he was trying to find, the shadow of his dream. But days had gone by without a word, without a trace of him.
Where in the world is Scrooge McDuck?
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epilvgue · 4 months
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I am feeling immensely better and it's time to make it everyone else's problem
❤ for a Hypnum Insomnum starter general cap at 2, no cap for castmates!
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fangsanddaggers · 3 months
Gravity 'S got nothing on these memories That I buried in this black hole brain At home in outer space Die or dissociate Because forgetting is the only place I'm safe
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bluestringpuppeteer · 4 months
Legato was already anxious about the unrest the moss has been causing over the Isle, but now, knowing he's been exposed to the stuff himself despite his best intentions, he's even more so. He heads home with his coat bundled in his arms, careful to keep the bits he'd used to clean his face off inside the rest. He's tired, worn down by a day of work and anxiety is building up more rapidly then usual.
What was going to happen? What made this stuff so deadly? He didn't want to die again, not least because he wasn't completely sure he'd come back here. Probably. He hoped. But he wasn't sure. And dying was horrible even if he was going to come back.
He felt like there were eyes on him the whole way to Knives' home, something dogging his steps, and he gripped his coat tighter. There's nothing there, he can't sense anything. It's fine. He's fine. Just get home, get his coat washing, and curl up in bed to wait for Knives to come home.
And it goes well enough despite the dread coiling in his chest. He gets back, gets his coat and his shirt washing, even takes a shower. He hears and senses Knives come home and it eases some of the anxiety thrumming through his veins. He's not thinking of much when, freshly washed and dressed, he walks back the full length mirror on the bathroom door and glances into it.
A manic grin splits his face, blood running in thick rivulets down his face, a hole blasted messily where his left eye should have been. The right is alight in manic glee, mad, utterly mad and all the more deadly for it as he reaches out with a high laugh. Legato feels the threads catch at his body, catch and pull taunt and Peacemaker is a heavy weight in his hand as he raises it to point at a familiar figure. Blue eyes, sky and ice, blonde hair and black, red coat and white jacket, his voice hissing in Legato's ear. A scream he can't place, seeming far away, and a crash rings in his ears, pain shooting up his arm. A dark laugh he knows better then anyone alive rings out.
He's on his knees on the floor of the room he shares with Knives, shaking hard enough he can barely keep himself from falling over. The mirror he'd been glancing at is shattered into pieces and there's blood running from his fist. A shattered piece reflects his face and there's a hole in it, insanity in the single wide eye.
A scream tears itself out of his throat, an echo to the one he'd heard, and he all but throws himself back across the room.
"No no no no! Go away! Not here! Leave me alone!" He sobs as he retreats, scrambling on all fours to the other side of the bed before he collapses and curls into a defensive ball.
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drunkelreporter · 4 months
Roberto makes his way through the silent streets, gold and silver mist swirling around his feet and parting as he passes through. Everything is strange and wispy, dream-like. He’s not overly fond of it all, but he can make out the vague shapes of others in the mist, people moving here and there, darting figures in the fog. There are larger shapes, big monstrous things that swim through the air like a Grand Worm through the sand. Roberto is fairly sure they’re fish of some kind, only no fish he’s seen in pictures or in the ponds in the parks has looked like those things do. He’s steered clear of them so far, more interested in feeling out the situation rather than jumping in feet first.
A trip through a strange pass with a little pink fire guiding him was odd enough, but now he had a hand carved wooden mask, a simple thing with only the impression of a nose, mouth, his mustache on it with a crystal from the wisp embedded in the forehead. It was weird and mystical, and it didn’t make any sense, no matter how he tried to figure it. Not until he had fallen asleep with it in his hand and woke up somewhere that was the Isle but not quite.
Now it was settled over his face as he skulks through the streets, a familiar and not derringer in his hands. He’d been startled when the weapon had appeared, but it fit too well to be anything but his. Fingers settled into well-worn grooves, nails traced over small scratches in the metal. It’s the one he passed to Meryl and yet not, made of something that isn’t real but is. Roberto stops thinking about it, focusing instead on the shapes in the mist, the bright bubble of magenta he’d been making his way to looming closer. But just as the bubble is closer, so too is the looming form of one of the monsters.
Roberto would rather not get into a fight with one of these things. They look like nightmares themselves, all teeth and tentacles and bones, and frankly he’d rather be anywhere else. He’d rather be at home, curled up on the couch with a drink, his kitten, and probably a vampire. But he needs to be out here, helping out however he can. The kids would be, if they were here. Thor is, he’s sure of it. Older Vash absolutely is. He’s caught sight of others here and there and Roberto can’t sit by and watch other people help. He’s done enough of that, he kept doing that too long even when traveling with the kids. He got jaded and cynical, and alright, he may have died for defending Meryl, but it was the only thing he could do.
He’s lost too much to keep letting himself lose now.
The reporter tightens his grip on his tiny pistol, circling the strange glowing bubble as best as he can with the growths of moss over and around it. He’s not the only one here, one of the monsters floating closer as Roberto eyes the bubble, and he crouches behind a larger root, checking his ammo. What he wouldn’t give for Vash or Wolfwood next to him, but right now, it’s only him and his derringer.
A deep breath, in, out, and he steps out from his cover, gun aimed at the thing’s head as it closes in hungrily on the bubble of helpless sleepers. Roberto’s always been a defender, as much as he’s tried to deny it. It’s time he remembered that.
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flameindream · 4 months
[To: Byleth] [From: Grimm]
[txt] hello lady byleth! [txt] i imagine you are up to date on the odd happenings with the moss [txt] i just wanted to say take care, yes? we are only new acquaintances, but still would it sadden me were something to happen to those who have treated me kindly [txt] i will be doing my own research. please do not hesitate to contact me if you need assistance of any sort :)
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fellstcr · 4 months
⚔️ // slumber was a quiet and slow thing. it had stitched her broken from together once , and REVEALED TIME'S FLOW to the form that had come before. clearly in aevum , with a mask donned over her face , traversing the realms of slumber was similar to those such undertakings. a hazy imitation of the city sprawled before the enlightened one as though it were an extension of the haze of TIME'S PAUSE. from here , byleth could see all that connected the dormant with the living. pathways into the mind's eye , and shadowy serpents that clustered around the traps that held them there. with a flaming sword in hand , byleth had cut down the beasts from one glistening dream-orb to the other , freeing the pour souls trapped within from the depths of their own mind's despair.
. . . that was , until she found seiros.
— seeing her , BYLETH COULD ALREADY HEAR IT : scorn upon a scalding tongue . unbridled RAGE for trespassing upon SACRED GROUND. for after all what was more hallowed than the sanctity of the mind ? even with the best of intentions , byleth had learned that her words were paltry upon the tongue and her actions doubly worthless .
but this was not the rhea that had grown to loathe her so. nor was she the rhea that byleth had shared precious time with. she was younger. the SAINT OF PROPHECIES and future deliverer of fodlan's people. easier to read in some ways ... and even more difficult to understand in others.
but byleth recalled the smoke of bonfires and the glitter of light upon stone . green tresses like hers , and eyes that glowed like hers , and songs sung in celebration as dragons soared in the skies above. honeyed wine in a golden cup. the indivisible with his sterling smiles and silver-woven tales. WOULD SEIROS' DREAM BE SIMILAR? did she yearn for those old temples and courtyards and halls?
( from afar , sleep crawlers ghosted over the fields and drew closer to the immaculate's resting place. tightening her grip upon her blade , byleth gauged their distance before turning back to the woman's entrapment. )
maybe she was too much of a STRANGER to encroach. . . but even rhea had welcomed her into her dream of the dancing city of ghosts. as though she had been , and was fit to stray inside of it.
. . . so why couldn't SEIROS ?
( . . . besides , even if she reproached her , byleth could always point blame at the unprecedented circumstances . )
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byleth's fingers unfurled , and she pressed against the dream's surface.
@seirosu / hypnum insomnum prt. II (plotted!)
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bardicwine · 4 months
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ"the moss is really kicking people's asses," paultin huffs as he leans against the wall of a temporarily closed business--he needed to alleviate the pain in his knees, if only for a moment. the whole evacuation thing required more standing than he had expected. "i'm not entirely sure if this is a magic thing or just... an invasive, 'normal' thing. can't really check."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤcan't do a lot of things here, a voice hissed, annoyed. he holds himself back from outwardly agreeing.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ"... you know if that fire thing's really working?" he pursed his lips, his head now turned towards charles. he'd love a reason to make molotov cocktails right now, if he's being honest. might as well use the merchandise for good if he can't sell it or drink it, you know?
@heroicvaliant liked for an event starter!
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