fellstcr · 4 months
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TAKE A BREAK / @heroicvaliant / no longer accepting !           ↳  "Yeahh, uh— coffee break? I think you need one."
⚔️ // there was a rustling of papers as the professor stood straighter. eyes snapped from the map of arcanus isle ( and her many , many , many AIPD cross-referenced notes on incidents around the area ) to the ( stick ) figure shadowing the area nearby.
the visitor.
and what a time it was to choose to gain an eagle eye of the adventurer's guild. she was perhaps one of the better informed of the members , and as byleth's attention drifted to the scattered souls sent haywire around the headquarters , rushing and bustling with an energy somewhere between far too relaxed and frantic , byleth could only fathom one thing in regards to the visitor's current predicament.
perhaps neither was she setting a very good example.
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"... i appreciate the offer." she paused , looked longingly back at the map , and returned her attentions to ... ( she glanced at his name tag. then swat away the thought of how it managed to stay pinned to his person. ) charles calvin. "i suppose it wouldn't be a bad idea to take a step away. i can show you around if you'd like , ... charles."
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magnusmodig · 4 months
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headcanon/development qs / @heroicvaliant / no longer accepting !
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╰┈➤ Would your muse use the word ‘brave’, about themselves? Should they?
answered (HERE) !
╰┈➤  What’s one of the bravest things your muse has done? Did they consider it brave?
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His self-sacrifice in Thor (2011), hands down.
"Brother, whatever I have done to wrong you, whatever I have done to lead you to do this, I am truly sorry. But these people are innocent. Taking their lives will gain you nothing. So take mine and end this."
It was the culmination of Thor learning true humility; changing to be more authentic to himself, and in turn: becoming worthy of his father's throne. Thor has always been a selfless individual concerned with the well-being of his people. (It's telling that in the vault, what sets him off is the sight of his slaughtered guardsmen more than anything else.) By the time he faces his brother through the Destroyer, Thor has been broken down to his core and is ready to accept the consequences of his past actions ... even when he has no idea what he's actually paying for. The 'what' didn't matter to Thor though. Not more than rectifying his past mistakes, and keeping the people of Earth safe. Especially when it came to safeguarding the lives of his closest friends, and the lives of the earthen people who treated him kindly throughout his banishment.
Thor would not consider this brave. He would consider it a "necessity", so to speak. Simply put: the right thing to do. It wasn't something that Thor was trying to do for fame or fortune or even to be spoken about across a banquet table. It wasn't a moment of glory. It was very simply ending the fight so no more people would get harmed because of him.
He laid down his life for them, and he would do it again in a heartbeat.
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epilvgue · 4 months
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「𝔟𝔞𝔫𝔤 𝔟𝔞𝔫𝔤!」- Vash had left the bench behind in a hurry. Woozy, dizzy. Exhausted despite the adrenaline now pumping through his veins after the encounter with Rem's visage.
More covered in moss than before, as well. It was creeping up his neck to the point that not even his coat collar could hide it. He had no idea how far it might have spread along his abdomen, if it had reached his legs.
He staggered his way through the streets, intent on heading back home. Under the blue moonlight he wandered, deep bags under his eyes and almost ready to collapse entirely. In fact, soon he did, simply lying down in the middle of the street, eyes barely open.
Sleep threatened to take him, the moss crawling along to consume him entirely.
@heroicvaliant || Hypnum Insomnum 2024
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clxscdeyes · 4 months
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"I can't..." She says in a strained voice. She hiccups, tears rushing down her cheeks. She wipes her tears and only new ones are replaced. "I can't keep doing this..." She's tired. She feels so, so heavy in all the places.
Hic, hic..."I want it all to be over. Why is this happening to us?" Why was this happening to her? How many times did she have to keep doing this? HOW many more memories did she have to hold?
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redheadedoutlaw · 4 months
You're no stranger to the strange and unusual. Even home defied reality in more ways than one -- what didn't make sense, didn't have to, because it worked.
So what in the hell is this place supposed to be?
You hadn't done anything to get here. You were flying, riding the high of your stolen riches with a companion -- and then you found yourself on the ground, alone, with none of it. If it were a prison, at least, you would understand, but it feels more like a big old cosmic joke. None of the residents here resemble you, none of them know what this is, and none of them know how to leave. ...Which makes it all the more surprising when you finally spot a familiar shape. It's not Henry -- you realize, disappointingly -- but familiar all the same and still a grand relief when you finally catch up to him. "Hey, you! Yes, you, hold up --"
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-- somehow, despite your athleticism, you've managed to run out of breath by the time you catch him. "You look like me," You say, between wheezes. An obvious statement, but it feels necessary, somehow. "Where -- where is all this? What's going on?"
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bvrriers · 4 months
When do they fake a smile? How often?
Weirdly Specific Character Building || accepting || meme friday 13. When do they fake a smile? How often?
When people ask about his family. He'll smile as he talks about them but it's tight and disingenuous. He'll smile as he tells people that they sold him off, make a fortune off of his powers. Otherwise, he's quite genuine, and even in the false smiling, there is truth.
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drunkelreporter · 4 months
(ó﹏ò。): Are there any foods that make their stomach upset?
Physical Details Meme
(ó﹏ò。): Overly proccessed foods and overly spicy foods do have a tendancy to be hard on his stomach. There's not a lot of ability to process foods on Noman's Land so most foods are pretty easy on the gut. Stuff like frozen meals and things meant to be shelf-stable for years are not overly appetizing to him, nor do they sit well.
Overly spicy foods are pretty much the same way. Sure, there were spices and such on Noman's but not nearly to the extent other places have. There was no breeding the spiciest peppers in existence when there wasn't even widely known flora. Please do not give this old man spicy food, he might die.
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bardicwine · 4 months
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ"the moss is really kicking people's asses," paultin huffs as he leans against the wall of a temporarily closed business--he needed to alleviate the pain in his knees, if only for a moment. the whole evacuation thing required more standing than he had expected. "i'm not entirely sure if this is a magic thing or just... an invasive, 'normal' thing. can't really check."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤcan't do a lot of things here, a voice hissed, annoyed. he holds himself back from outwardly agreeing.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ"... you know if that fire thing's really working?" he pursed his lips, his head now turned towards charles. he'd love a reason to make molotov cocktails right now, if he's being honest. might as well use the merchandise for good if he can't sell it or drink it, you know?
@heroicvaliant liked for an event starter!
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bluestringpuppeteer · 4 months
❛  last night, i had the craziest dream ...  ❜
Legato blinks at the strange person, one blue eyebrow slowly climbing upward under his bangs.
"Somehow I cannot imagine it being much more interesting then a candy world with pink skies," he says, dry and sarcastic.
Not being horrible doesn't mean he has to be nice.
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isolaradiale · 3 years
Alriiiight, here we go! With prior reserve, applying Charles Calvin from the Henry Stickmin series! His application can be found in /app or at the 4th link in the sidebar!
Welcome to beautiful Isola Radiale, Charles!
You’ll be staying in APARTMENT 312.
You will be given a BB gun.
Enjoy your stay!
– ⋆ capella!
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fuujinyumi-archived · 3 years
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@heroicvaliant​ asked:  maybe the "Mango" one for Charles?
Send a fruit and a character to see them in that outfit!
I hope u like! :o Still trying to figure this art style out/haven’t rlly drawn a stick guy like this before fsdgd
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betrayedrevenged · 3 years
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@heroicvaliant​ said: “eating rat poison can be deadly”
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“Charles. I want you to look at me. I want you to consider everything you know about me.”
“Do I really look dumb enough to eat rat poison, Charles.”
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righthandreforged · 3 years
@heroicvaliant​ said: 🎤 cybernetics!
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robots are so fucking cool [doesn’t shut up for several minutes]
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epilvgue · 4 months
If invited to a TED Talk, what topic would they present on? What would the title of their presentation be?
Weirdly Specific but Helpful Character Building || accepting || meme friday
「𝔟𝔞𝔫𝔤 𝔟𝔞𝔫𝔤!」- If Vash was invited to a TED Talk, his topic would definitely be on peace and love and how we can all stand to care for each other and our planet more. It'd probably be named something like "Meditations on Peace and Love".
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bardicwine · 4 months
🎧 + 10!
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤpaultin's not much of a singer--he only really sings for those he's close with, and even that warrants the type of situation--but the songs he can sing are slower, somber songs, which contrast with his usual style of upbeat and happy-go-lucky instrumentals. ( though, he can sing happier songs. )
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤi think he can sing abba songs pretty well. slipping through my fingers is a good choice, and i also think it'd fit for him and sandra, maybe even simon.
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aevumisles · 5 months
Hey hey! Without prior reserve, I'd like to app Charles Calvin from The Henry Stickmin Collection! Application can be found under /app!
You feel stillness and motion pressing upon you from all sides. From this, you are stirred, and spurred by your awakening, you step from the long quiet.
You, CHARLES CALVIN , find yourself standing before the Terminus Tower, in a garden seemingly tucked away from the seasons of time. Still, people flock here beneath the borealis that lights the sky above, here to greet you. A Guardian approaches.
Hello young one.... and welcome to the Aevum Isles. Pleased, we are, to finally meet you, and preparations have been made for your arrival. We hope you will accept and cherish your time here.
You receive the following:
A House Key. Emblazoned upon it is: 107, Eterna Village
A Standard Issue Phone. It lights up when it manifests in your hand.
A figurine of your old plane! It looks exactly like your favored model from your days in the government. The Guardian hands it to you, and tilts her head before offering a salute for your service.
— Mod Leillis  🌸
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