#even when he isnt being an ecological disaster
hussyknee · 1 year
Y'all ever look at your cat and realize "I'm living with a serial killer"?
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botanyshitposts · 2 years
incredibly sorry for the incoming 10 mile long block of text but im getting back into my niche farming history hyperfixtation where i just read a ton of history books and find that all my other hyperfixtations are somehow interconnected (long story) and i cant stop thinking about the american farm history class i took in college where we read 'dust bowl: the southern plains in the 1930s' by donald worster, a beautiful and thoroughly researched account of how US policy and agribusiness led to the dust bowl in the 1930s and how the people living through it were affected depending on their economic standing and the wealthiness of their communities, which ends with a well-written and well-supported chapter on how farm policy changes to prevent another dust bowl completely missed the point of why this happened and the only way forward to prevent another ecological disaster is to rip US farm policy up completely and redo it in a sustainable way or history is doomed to repeat itself, and then our professor must have been like 'oh shit this is too left wing we need at least one Conservative Voice' and the next book we read was 'fields without dreams: defending the agrarian ideal' by victor davis hanson, a greek scholar and raisin farmer who i think is the only person on the planet to die on the hill of 'farming is the best and most moral livelyhood like The Greeks/Romans and everyone who isnt a farmer sucks', which is probably why our professor chose it (the exact opposite viewpoint of worster next to the first-hand account of how the raisin market and 1983 crash has fucked him and his family over for decades, which to be fair is a legitimately valuable historical account), but i also could not finish the book even though im fundamentally against not reading the entire book when writing a book report because he kept going off on weird diatribes and included a weirdly long scene where he follows imaginary(??? god i hope it was because it was utterly unhinged) fat people around a local grocery store mentally ridiculing any food they chose to buy that wasnt raisins and then blamed the moral failings (no raisins and fat=evil, full of moral debauchery) of these poor people literally buying food at the grocery store for the raisin prices being so low and his family's diminishing wealth as a result but also said that the only people who eat raisins are granola-chewing libs (who he also hates) and the whole time i was reading it i was like 'oh god please dont be racist dude i cannot not read this book please just talk about your experience as a farmer without being racist' and then he would be racist or say something else absolutely wild (he doesnt believe that native americans lived on his land before him and doesnt care what evidence says otherwise and is SURE to tell us this) and then he bragged about building a physical wall around his home 'for defense like The Greeks/Romans' and anyway i just stopped reading and wrote the report and then went on his wikipedia page a few days later and was like yeah this tracks, this seems like the logical endpoint of this deranged california raisin farmer
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lobotomy-era harrow remembering the daemon(s) of the saint of duty being on the ninth when she was growing up but she cant know whose daemon(s) they actually were or the plot is too far off and also she is like. having her memory be Like That so she remembers aiglamene having a fox daemon with grey fur (meaning in this version johns line about pyrrha being a silver fox now has implied sexual undertones towards her daemon no wonder g1deon stormed out) which we know from the previous book isnt the case. 
nobody having daemons in harrows dream bubbles bc its the river and daemons cannot enter the land of the dead. 
harrow being unable to perceive gideons daemon and thinking that she destroyed her cavaliers soul by fucking up lyctorhood and trying to apologize to ortus about it at some point and hes like. um. dont worry about it. 
also whatever the fuck the eigth house has to be doing with daemons or however the siphoning affects them. makes them start to fade out and vanish? without ‘properly’ dissolving into dust? or are they even stricter about the taboo and such? would the entire eigth house scism from the nine houses if the whole ‘some of the older lyctors have done sex stuff with daemons. each others (cavs) daemons even’ 
column daemon being sickly and slightly transparent all the time as a side effect of too much siphoning. 
silas throwing the ‘raised by a daemon and has no proper sense of the taboo’ thing in gideons face bc of course ortus’ mother found time to cram that into her rant. 
heralds as the collective daemon of a resurrection beast. 
except, possibly, for alecto, bc john put her in a body so she does not have to operate the way they do. what does this mean for nona and her little swarm of insectoid daemons? 
the sixth seeing whatever cytherea is passing off as her and protesilaus’ daemons on top of her very different personality and lacking other explanation having to think that dulcinea lied about a lot of things 
fifth house spirit magic being able to potentially call a daemon back into existence for a brief time, returning the dust they dispersed into back to the pattern it once held, though of course not in the river. 
that theory about ianthe being half-dead/one-foot-in-the-river since her soightly-pre-birth death/near-death? what if her daemon is half-transparent like columns, or it dispersed bc she did technically die and so she and coronabeth share a daemon?
 if its just a social thing, that daemon being forced to choose between ianthe and corona at the end of gtn. compounded by the fact that babs wasnt taken willingly, and his daemon abandoned ianthe at the very least/possibly tried to attack her? idk
or if its like, they somehow literally connected ianthe to coronabeths daemon to help make/keep her alive, what happens to that daemon when ianthe goes lyctor? 
the ‘cryogenics causing the necromantic equivalent of an ecological disaster, clogging the river up bc their souls arent able to properly pass on’ theory? what happens to the daemons of people who get frozen? its like an inverse apocalypse of the hdm ‘uh oh the portals between worlds are causing dust to flow out into the void’ problem. 
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muscleduck8-blog · 5 years
Recycling Isn't Going to Stop Plastic from Destroying the Earth
Today, most people are familiar with curbside recycling in which local governments or private companies gather a neighborhood’s recyclable products, take them to facilities, sort them, and reintroduce them into the system. But despite the establishment of these recycling efforts decades ago, only 9% of all the plastic produced since the 1950s has been recycled, and the United States recycles and composts just 34.7%. What doesn’t get recycled can end up in dumpsites, landfills, or incinerators, which use heat to burn waste and release carbon dioxide into the environment. Although incinerators are believed to follow a “waste-to-energy” model by generating electricity, environmentalist organizations argue that they create a higher demand for waste and pose health risks due to high emissions of pollutants.
The supply of plastic has skyrocketed in the last 60 years, too. The global production of newly manufactured virgin plastics jumped from 2 million tons in 1950 to 381 million tons in 2015, and companies like ExxonMobil Chemical and Shell Chemical are investing in new facilities that will reportedly increase plastic production by 40% in the next 10 years. These plastics, which can take around 450 years to decompose and release greenhouse gases if exposed to sunlight, are of immediate concern to environmental advocates.
Although the blame for pollution is often placed on consumers of single-use plastics, experts like Wilson and Martin Bourque, executive director of the Ecology Center in Berkeley, California, highlight the role that corporations play in environmental degradation. In hundreds of cleanups and brand audits led by the Break Free From Plastic movement, Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, and Nestlé were found to be the top plastic polluters worldwide.
“A lot of the problem with what we call contamination in recycling is people hoping or thinking that something is recyclable or being told by the manufacturer or the brand owner, the company that they’re buying from, that it’s recyclable,” Bourque tells Teen Vogue, “when in fact there isn’t any good way or any economic way to recycle the product or the packaging that’s being sold.”
A member of The Arctic Sunrise holds up a partially broken down plastic laundry basket that was pulled from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in 2018.
Tabor Wordelman
By using the recognizable recycling symbol, he says, many companies push the idea that their products are OK to consume because they’re technically recyclable, even though the infrastructure or market to recycle them may not exist. Multi-layer packaging, like in disposable coffee cups or health-bar wrappers, is especially problematic because it’s the combination of different materials that would need to be separated — a complicated and time-consuming process — in order for the products to get recycled.
“Ever since I was little, I was always told that recycling is the best thing I could do to save the environment. But in reality, it's just another way neoliberalism places burdens on the individual rather than the systems that are responsible,” Mishka says. “In short, recycling is another way to live a more sustainable lifestyle with a smaller eco-footprint, but individuals recycling isn't going to stop the problem.”
Because not all local facilities have the capacity to recycle certain types of materials, much of U.S. waste gets shipped to other countries. According to a report by the Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA), the U.S. is the largest national exporter of plastic waste worldwide. Until recently, China was the top importer, but in January 2018, the country implemented a ban on plastic scrap imports to de-escalate pollution. The result has been waste buildup in many Western countries as well as the rerouting of their pollution to Southeast Asian countries like Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia. Beyond creating environmental disasters, plastics prove to be a political issue, too.
Source: https://www.teenvogue.com/story/recycling-isnt-going-to-stop-plastic-from-destroying-the-earth?verso=true
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