#even though i was adament i was not gonna do the cliche baby thing
chartreuseian · 1 month
Finally decided that from the WIP game, I'd also like to hear about 'A lesson in family', please. :)
AHHHH!!!! Thank youuuuuuuuuuu 😁
OK. *deep breath* I'm gonna try so hard to be normal about this one, but no promises... Honestly I could talk about it for hours, I'm so obsessed with it!
Right. So. This story is set closer to modern day, but still very much The Four being a Thing, and the first half focuses on Henry and how he came to be a part of their lives. The intention is to have a chapter dedicated to his relationship with each of them (after the first chapter which gives explains why Helen is raising him). Currently I've only got the Henry/Nikola chapter written, but there are plans for the others.
The second half of the story is about the next phase of their family when Helen becomes rather unexpectedly pregnant. It's a shock because she'd assumed, after all this time, that her body must not be capable of it (I have a big ol' source blood reason about why, when the four of them are properly together none of them really age - hence no babies - but now that Helen is in Old City, James and John are in London and Nikola is being his usual flighty self (but mostly in Old City) her body is back to its extremely slow aging and thus, extremely slow ovulation). Much like the Henry section, there will be a chapter dedicated to each of them and their relationship with Aurora (the child) including an Aurora/Henry bit because even though he's an adult by the time she's born, I feel like he'd be such a good big brother to this absolute hellion of a child.
Below is a Henry/Nikola snippet - Henry's about 14 here and going through some things. He's refused to talk to the rest of them, but asked for Nikola specifically which no one (least of all Nikola) can really understand just yet.
“Are they gone?” Henry asked as Nikola settled himself on the edge of the boy’s bed. The room was, well… to Nikola it screamed 14 year old boy. Though normally Henry was at least a touch more fastidious. Nikola had had at least some hand in raising him after all.
“Oh no,” he replied easily, shaking his head. “Decidedly not, I’m afraid. Helen even has her ear to the keyhole.”
There was a scuffling sound then a muffled thump and Nikola hid a smirk. They both waited a moment and then Henry raised an eyebrow in askance and, after the wave of nostalgia of all the times Helen had made that exact same gesture passed, Nikola nodded.
“We're clear,” he acknowledged, listening to the retreating footsteps. Two sets at least, and one was definitely Helen. He wondered absently which of the boys had been left to stand guard.
Henry seemed relieved but said nothing, staring at the rug beneath their feet as he sat beside Nikola on the bed. Nikola, showing what he considered to be a rather impressive display of patience given he’d been hauled out of his favourite lab in Colorado with barely a phone call as heads up. When he’d arrived there had been very little in the way of explanation, though Helen had brushed a kiss to his lips as she’d clutched him close. His initial thought that this was some elaborate booty call (in poor taste, which should have been the giveaway) evaporated though when she all but shoved him towards the very locked door of her son.
It had opened only a crack when he’d announced himself and, with a final questioning look over his shoulder to the other three, he’d slipped inside.
“Do you love Helen?” Henry burst out, not looking up but clearly unable to bear the silence any more.
“And James?”
“And John?”
He pulled a face.
“In a manner of speaking. Why? If you're after dating advice, I'm not sure I'm the right person to ask. This thing with Helen only happened because she...” He waved his hand, unable to find a polite way to explain to the boy that his mother figure had gotten horny as hell and bullied them all into falling in love with her.
Henry sighed then, looking guiltily towards the mess around them and Nikola made a mental note to never let the kid play poker.
“I did this,” he said sullenly. He gestured to the mess then looked imploringly up at Nikola.
He took a breath, searching for the right response.
“You trashed your room?”
Henry nodded, more miserable than ever before.
Delicately Nikola surveyed the damage.
“Can I ask why?” He kept his voice as gentle as he could manage but Henry still flinched.
“I kissed a girl,” he muttered, face flushed with terror.
Nikola paused, questioning if maybe this was some sort of generational thing he'd yet to cotton on to.
“Was the kiss that bad?”
Henry coughed and spluttered, eyes going wide.
“NO!” he cried. “No, it was... the kiss was fine...”
Nikola frowned.
“Was it someone you shouldn't have kissed?”
“Did you not want to kiss them?”
“Did they not want to kiss you?”
“No! Nikola...” Henry shook his head. “It's... it's not the kiss.”
“But you said-”
“I know! It... wasn't the kiss. Not like that.”
Nikola resisted the urge to point out the circular nature of the conversation only because of the hang dog look on his face. Instead he waited for the kid to look at him once again
“I... I changed,” he breathed. “I kissed her and then I came home and... and I changed.”
He felt it unlikely he'd been called all this way to discuss unwanted erections with the boy.
“Changed how?”
Henry reached out with one leg and kicked at the edge of his rug until it flipped up, revealing a series of long scratches scored into the timber.
“Changed,” he said again. “Like when you change.”
Nikola looked back to him then entirely speechless.
“You think you've become a vampire?”
He shook his head.
“No. I don't think so, anyway. I didn't... I didn't see myself, but it was... it wasn't like when you do it.”
He made a face.
“It felt like I was... bigger somehow. I dunno... my clothing got all ripped up.”
“And it happened after you kissed this girl?”
He nodded and shifted uncomfortably.
“Do you... do you think that... maybe when I kissed her...”
“You caught something?”
His ears were pink when he nodded. Nikola cocked his head, considering for a moment.
“Like sooped up cooties.”
“Like sooped up cooties,” Henry agreed before looking away again.
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