#even if she kinda reminds me of the mona lisa? 😭
derpy-thebdayclown · 5 months
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first post of 2024 yippee!! back to human mlp sillies
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shantechni · 4 months
In honor of Valentine’s, let’s rundown the love interests of the 12 Turtles!
Leo: Karai. For a bit, but then things got wierd and complicated. Leo’s alone 😢
Raph: My boy got himself a space warrior lizard girl, Mona Lisa!
Mikey: Also alone, but he may have a shot with Renet. And I think he showed interest in Shinigami? (Besides Usagi, Mutant Apocalypse, and Bebop and Rocksteady a couple times, I only watched S6 once)
Donnie: Oh, Don. Our hopeless romantic. April may not fully reciprocate, but at least he got a kiss.
Damn. Raph is the big winner in the love game.
Raph definitely came out on top and won the race lol. Donnie was stuck in a "will they won't they" situation for so long that he and April just kinda melted into friendship status after a while, and Leo has 0 rizz, let's be real. He only got lucky for a minute there because Karai likes how weird New York is, and he sucked at flirting in space (which reminds me, how he gonna judge Raph for liking Mona when he straight up tried to hit on an alien himself💀I guess he was focused on her slightly humanoid appearance versus Mona being a giant newt).
Honestly, I'm still stuck on Renet telling everyone she's like 1000 years in the past everytime she travels to find them, and even Mikey was like "😶" when she said that, so that definitely ain't happening no matter how much S5 may want to make it happen. And I think Shinigami just likes that he's fond of her since the others are often either wary of her or neutral (I also suspect part of the reason for her introduction as a potential partner for Mikey was because of what Renet mentioned lol, idk). Mikey and Shini could happen, or he could just be in a little phase of the sorts like Donnie was for...a while, and I'd be fine either way. She's the first woman he's crushed on in their time period, so there's potential for him just realizing over time he just found her really attractive and cool.
Raph hit the jackpot though fr, Mona was into him the moment she realized he wasn't an enemy, and the language barrier between them is rarely ever a problem because they just get each other y'know, THEY'RE JUS SO🥺💕Y'KNOW-
People can say what they want about the romance in the '12 series and most of the time they'd be right, but Raph and Mona was a huge win lol.
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misslu999 · 2 years
« interesting stuff… or not »
I was reading some character’s quote, and some were kinda interesting and funny to read! So I wanted to share it with u (it’s in french but I translated in english! (Not fully) How nice I am!)
Big thread coming ⬇️⬇️
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1) The Library’s private access
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Where traveler talks about Lisa secret room in the library ! Traveler is questioning to Paimon why the room is a private access and what we can find inside, she/he thinks it’s probably a place where there are books forbidden to children !
It is… it is… a room full of hentai manga??? How dare Lisa to not share this room to us ! 😭 (or maybe there is a manga version of Boku no Pico and it’s understandable)
2) Traveler is… us?
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Who never try to kill, burn, or well you know, the birds in front of Timmy? Who?? Don’t lie to me! Why do I say that? Bc Traveler did it too!
Paimon asks if Traveler who is person that impressed her/him the most! Paimon answer is Sara… Traveler is Timmy, lol! She/he says « His face haunts me each time I eat an honey-roasted fowl, it’s pretty unpleasant » See?! She did it too! How bold is she! (Now I feel less sad to have killed his ducks instead to feed them! 😂)
3) A spoiler? Or Paimon being Paimon?
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I won’t translate everything, if you want you can find it on « about the Rain on Yashiori Island » but anyway! Traveler talks about the fact Archons doesn’t cry, Paimon said if she/him pinched her face she will !
Paimon claimed she is a goddess??? Is that reel?? At least traveler doesn’t believe it and jokes about it (as always), at the end, she said : « I am a guardian goddess ! I take care of your protection, Traveler! »
It is a spoiler? It’s true that Paimon is an Archon? Why not after all she named from one the 9 kings of hell as mentioned in Ars Goetia! Or she isn’t and it’s just Paimon who flex as always!
And you what do you?
4) Sam porter?? Is that you?
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Just a funny conversation between those two, that reminds me of Death Stranding!
«  Paimon: Traveler, where do you think the chests come from?
Traveler: I think big travelers places them a bit everywhere. When I opened them, I feel a big connection with the people who came before me!
Paimon: it’s what we call "winning experience "! »
Do you feel it to?? The little ref ?
5) Don’t kill it please Mihoyo
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Please… Mihoyo don’t destroy, are kill Paimon! We know what you can do because of Honkai Impact ! And I am not ready to cry the lost of ur Emergency food!
Mona Megistus
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I didn’t screen everything, but I feel like each stuff she says, it’s a predilection, here for Kaeya:
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I won’t translate everything I leave it to you, but well, when she says « He thinks to have his past behind him, but someday, the fate will catch up with him. when the time will come. He will have to take a crucial decision »
What do you mean??? Mona??? Don’t tell me something bad gonna happened to Kaeya!! Don’t you dare Mihoyo!
Raiden Shogun/Ei
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Poor Itto…
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Translate: « Who? »
She doesn’t even know who he is??? With all noises he makes… what a surprise !
Well that it ! End of my little thread, if you read it fully, and you too thinks there is other hidden stuff in their quotes, reblog it and let’s create a very big thread! 🥰
Ps: I am not an english native, so sorry for my bad english, I did my best to translate it ! Be nice ❤️
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