#ethan dolan vampire au
Bloodstream (Vampire AU)
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Summary: Small towns usually hide big, dangerous secrets. Dolan twins thought it would be a perfect place to lay low...until they meet her.
Warnings: mentions of death, blood, violence, angst and fluff
Word count: ~ 3000
Vampires are bloodthirsty creatures, past redemption, their humanity long gone. Y/N knew that even in the moment she stayed with Ethan and Grayson while everyone else ran. She stayed, her eyes hyper focused on the blood dripping from their chins, their hands drenched with no trace of human skin - all red. She didn't know what happened, why they lost control, but she believed they wouldn't hurt her. Perhaps it's naive, wishful thinking or even her overconfidence in skills she was granted after they first arrived in town, but she stayed put, actually provoking them.
"Why did you do that?" Trying to keep her voice even, calm, Y/N almost forgot they could hear her frantic heartbeat, smell the indescribable mix of emotions oozing off her skin, undiscovered by human senses.
"You know why." Grayson rolls his eyes, wiping his mouth and chin against the sleeve of his once white hoodie, looking at Ethan for justification.
Regardless of his silent plea, Ethan simply shakes his head, turning around to avoid her questioning glare, almost relieved with her presence. A part of him craved for her in every possible way - from a primal human way to a primal vampire way and it's an overwhelming tension around his dead heart that makes him take a step back.
"No, Grayson! I don't fucking know why and I want to understand, I do! But how can I when all I seem to get is dead bodies dropped at my feet as if you're a damn cat showing off a kill!" Voice echoing around the now empty woods, Y/N realized she has to tone down her anger.
She wanted them to suffer for what they did but she didn't want them to die. If anyone found out a vampire slayer is in love with two vampires who kill mercilessly, she'd likely lose her life along with them.
Before she could blink, she found herself gasping for air, not because of the sudden change in her position or the tree she found her back pressed against, not even because of the way Grayson's bloody hand held onto her neck, but because of the intimacy of the way his lips lingered right above her carotid.
Applying a little bit of pressure only to release it had made her arteries run wild with turbulent blood-flow, the kind that played on Grayson's control issues, the kind that made him want to do something he would forever regret - if he could have just a taste and stop, to let her blood warm his heart and make it beat again even if its for a few hours, he might do it, but he couldn't risk her dying. Not now. Not ever.
"I did it for you. To protect you." Drawing the words out slowly, carefully, Grayson leans back and away from her neck, letting her breathe again. He could sense she wasn't scared, not even when he held her at inch length of death, she trusted him and that scared him. He has never been as scared in all his miserable days as he's been scared since the day she walked into his life. For once, Grayson Dolan had something to lose and he wasn't about to let it happen.
"I can't tell you how many people I killed since I came to this town, but I know why they're dead." Swallowing thickly, she watched his lips press together briefly, just for a moment - as if he's contemplating his next words and the impact they might have.
"They're dead so you could live. And I don't feel sorry. Not even a little bit. Maybe that makes me the monster you think I am but I can't regret saving your life." Leaning his forehead on hers, Grayson almost forgot about Ethan who was so clearly growing anxious, frustrated and most of all - jealous. Sadly, to Grayson's greatest dismay, he wasn't the only Dolan in love with a human - a slayer - his Y/N.
She didn't utter a word; she didn't have to. In a blink of an eye, Ethan and Grayson, as well as the bodies of the people she once considered her townsfolk are gone. Shaking, leaning back on the tree, Y/N wondered why she ever got involved with the Dolan twins - why couldn't she leave this particular mystery alone?
To understand that, we'd have to rewind this to the day she first met them, a few months earlier.
There are three things you need to know before you read this:
1. Vampires are real,
2. Their thirst for blood is unmatched by anything but the love for their mate,
3. Humanity is fragile and to love a vampire is to court death.
The sun-rays lit up her pale skin, her favorite season finally chasing away the winter snow she hated more than anything. She wasn't particularly happy about being forced to walk to campus so early in the morning, a cup of tea warming her frosty fingers, reminding her winter's still got a hold of her little town, the kind of town you'd see on postcards. It's easy to feel at home in towns like these, the kind where nothing bad ever happens except for a few college students running wild during rush week.
Smiling, she nods at the car letting her pass the road, recognizing one of her old high school teachers, the one that used to favor her for her "exceptional kindness and talent". She always felt like she disappointed him, her pristine grades and record were supposed to take her far from that town and for a while she was willing to do anything to get out of there, but life always has different plans for us, doesn't it?
Regardless, Y/N wasn't bitter nor did she resent the circumstances forcing her to stay behind when all her friends left. She still found happiness in small things - watching the sunrise that reminded her there was a fresh start every day if we're willing to take it, in the beautiful scenery - nature always calmed her nerves and it reminded her of her late father who always took her camping and taught her basic survival skills, and then there was the very college she goes to - the place her parents met for the first time, giving her a feeling of closeness to the ones she loved the most but had to say goodbye to.
Nostalgic, half lost in her thought, Y/N didn't pay attention to her surroundings, a daydreamer as her friends uses to call her. Perhaps that's something she would have changed, that day and that moment she was too lost in her own head to see she was seconds away from colliding with a force of nature - Grayson Dolan.
She didn't register the moment of impact, rather the moment a strong pair of hands gripped her waist and left arm, holding her in place with a sturdiness she didn't possess on the best of days. She heard her books fall on the pavement, one of them breaking at the seams and she didn't bother looking up, rather down at her precious books.
Quickly, she bent down to collect her books and assess the damage on her favorite book, the man doing the same, managing to take the books before her, forcing her to look into his eyes without escaping it.
Grayson could see wind-stirred waves in her eyes and he knew if one were brave enough to enter their depths, the world would blur and he'd fall so deep in love that he'd choose to stay there – right in the midst of her storm, no matter what. Of that, he was completely sure.
"The Vampire Academy? Really?" His almost mocking tone made her snarl, narrow her eyes and force the books out of his hands. If there is anything she hates, it's someone judging a book by its covers and she really hated when people deemed her a vampire fanatic because of her favorite series. The Vampire Academy is so much more than a story about vampires and that's a hill she was willing to die on.
"You bumped into me and the first thing you want to do is mock my choice in literature?” Standing up, she raised her chin defiantly high, perhaps because he's a lot taller than she is or because she simply hated being perceived as weak and naive, but she was ready to hand his ass to him and in the most merciless manner possible. “Seriously?" She humphed, swallowing thickly as she held his gaze captive.
"You're right." Raising his hands in mock surrender, he chuckled at her attitude. Licking his lips, he raised an eyebrow before speaking again. "I'm Grayson Dolan and I'm very sorry about your book." Putting an emphasis on very, Grayson smiles too, hoping his usually disarming smirk would make her swoon like all the other girls do.
Shrugging, she pulled the books closer to her chest, her gaze falling to her feet inadvertently, wishing she could rip him a new one but he's apologetic. After all, she felt guilty about the small incident anyway and while he may be a closeted asshole, she wasn't about to chew him out for being decent enough to apologize. Every asshole needs someone to show them they are capable of change, right? Well, she certainly thought so.
"Alright." She shrugs again, a nervous tick Grayson realizes but reserves that observation to himself, deciding it would be best not to antagonize her much more though he wants to. Y/N certainly peaks his interest and it's not just about the fact he can sense her blood type just by the smell of a recent scratch on her forearm, but the fact that she's awkwardly, innocently feisty but also beautiful in the most effortless way possible, the kind where she's absolutely blind to the little things others notice and adore about her.
"Not gonna tell me your name?" Grayson steps in her way, stopping her from leaving him high and dry, effectively making her heart skip a beat loud enough that his brother heard it from the football stadium. Those earthly hues he enchanted everyone with, rimmed with thick, long, dark lashes that brushed his cheeks every time he closed his eyes, seemed to bore into her every time she looked into them and nearly lost herself. Suffering, loneliness, longing, desire; his eyes held all those deep seated emotions and for a moment she had to physically restrain herself from placing her palm on his cheek and softly asking him who hurt him so deeply.
Shaking her head, she pushes those thoughts down and reminds herself she’s probably seeing this comely man through the eyes of her wild imagination, her reality check lost somewhere on the ground ever since he bumped into her. "No. You haven't earned that yet." Smiling, she winks at him cheekily, enough to cause him to change his initial opinion - there is nothing innocent about her and he's more than willing to find out what hides in every dark corner and crease of her complicated mind.
He inhaled her scent as she passed him by, sauntering toward the entrance, purposefully too. She knew his eyes never left her form, she could sense his gaze taking her in, and usually she'd feel overexposed, making her self-conscious of every step she makes but she wanted to leave a lasting impression on him. For some unfathomable reason, Y/N found herself glancing over her shoulder at the grinning man, rushing inside faster to hide just how fast her heart is beating and how blushy his attention made her.
Shaking her head, she wondered why him. She wondered why would he be the first man to make her feel like that after years of never even looking at any man. One thing was certain - Y/N wanted to know every single part of Grayson Dolan's heart and soul.
He's not perfect as he seems, but she wants to know him, all his virtues and flaws and she wants to love and hate him and argue and cuddle and go on adventures and stay at home being lazy. She wants to hype him up and have him be her cheerleader too. It doesn't even have to be romantic in any sense even though she couldn't deny the spark she felt just by the way he looked at her. He would be a part of her life and she would make sure of it.
Rumors fly in small towns, there is nothing surprising about it. That's how Y/N had found out more than a few things about Grayson Dolan and apparently, he has a twin brother. When two guys manage to switch universities in their senior year and at the beginning of the summer semester, it’s bound to create a buzz.
From what she remembers, Grayson Dolan is very tall, muscular and from her vantage point, all she could say for certain is how sharp his jawline is. Of course, she managed to memorize his smirk and gaze, both intimidatingly intimate, the kind that grips your soul and haunts your dreams. He oozes charming confidence but also arrogance she'd usually frown upon. All in all, in few minutes she knew him, Grayson Dolan had left an impression worthy of an afterthought, the kind that turns into a daydream where your mind makes up scenarios that are highly unlikely to happen.
As it will turn out, she wasn't nearly as imaginative as she thought.
Taking her seat, relieved it's the last class for the day, Y/N glanced at the door, her eyes catching a striking man as he enters the room, his presence alone enough to make her question reality, pinching herself only to groan under her breath. In that very moment, his eyes met hers as if he could hear the silent pained 'ouch' she mumbled under her breath.
Averting her gaze, she sat up a little straighter, clearing her voice nervously before looking into her bag for a pen, anything to avoid eye contact with a guy she could easily tell was the fated twin of the man who was still taking over her waking thoughts and she was certain he'd be there when she closes her eyes too.
"Need a pen?" The low, dark voice makes her turn sideways, noticing the guy had taken the seat next to her without hesitation, his brown eyes focused on her with interest she truly wanted to squash. If anything, Y/N didn't want a guy too close to her, especially with what her father told her: "You're going to change the world one day. It's in your blood - our family blood."
Anyone would think it's just delirious talks at the end of a man's life, but there was something in his eyes when he told her, something she couldn't disregard.
"I got one." She shrugged, looking back at her bag, trying to remain calm despite feeling his lingering gaze on her.
Heat washed over her, the kind that comes when you're both embarrassed, nervous and extremely uncomfortable. The main reason for it all wasn't just Ethan but the fact that her pen was missing...and her back up pen too.
Ethan knew that too. She had no idea he had swiped them during lunch, aware he'd need a conversation starter with the girl his brother had decided was worthy of his attention after centuries of ignoring romance and love in any form. Ethan had expected a little more if he were completely honest, especially since Grayson spoke about her alluring blood and enticing personality, but he figured there's more beneath the surface.
Unlike his brother, Ethan loved making women giddy, enjoying every bit of attention his immortality gifted him with and what most humans never understood, it's that vampires have more than the gift of immortality kept by human blood.
Vampires have strength unimaginably greater than any human as well as speed no human eye could follow. Their skin isn't always cold, as long as they drink hot beverages or human blood, even their hearts might beat again. The sun won't hurt them, crosses and holy water and garlic wouldn't cause any damage either, but fire might - as well as their hearts pierced with a wooden stake or their head being chopped off? That’s a sure way to rid oneself of a vampire.
"Just take it." Ethan pushed one across the table, winking her way when she dares to look his way once more, enjoying the pink tinted cheeks barely covered with her hair way too much not to crack a smile - a smile that could melt a hundred hearts.
"Alright." Taking the pen, she clicks it eagerly, pressing her lips together to hold back a smile from him. "Thanks." And that's when the longest hour of her life began, completely unaware she became prey and not just in the eyes of the handsome twins that recently joined the campus, but of many more who'd come looking for her - a direct blood relative of Buffy Summers - the last vampire slayer and her power had finally awakened.
Completely unaware of her destiny, Y/N went about her day, falling asleep just a few minutes before midnight strikes, a certain vampire sitting nearby, listening to her breathing evening out and her heartbeat slowing down.
"Are you really going to stalk her now?" Ethan clicks his tongue, watching Grayson roll his eyes. "Don't be a cliche, brother. Either kill her and get it over with or leave her alone. It's not that hard."
Cracking his knuckles, Grayson narrows his eyes, a few dark, blood filled veins becoming increasingly prominent on his face and his once brown eyes are now clouded with darkness.
"Someone is here." Grayson whispers and Ethan chuckles.
"Yeah. Us."
"Are you really that dense? There is something creeping on that girl and it's not just us. And it smells foul." Scrunching his nose, Grayson whips his head around to her window, noticing a speedy shadow moving up the wall, and before he knows it, Grayson's instincts take over.
It only took a moment, but the next thing he knows, Grayson’s primal nature had acted for him and he was grateful. He couldn’t exactly sit by her bed and protect her all night – he couldn’t even enter her home without an invitation, but Grayson could at least protect her home.
Even he wasn’t sure on the actual reason.
"What the fuck did you do?" All he hears is her heartbeat, even as Ethan whisper shouts in his ear. All he can feel is her scent invading his senses once more, the foul stench of the creature he just beheaded no longer standing in the way.
"What I had to." Grayson spat on the body of the creature he killed without a second thought and he couldn't help but smile. As he did, the temperature fell a little. Even in the dim light of the streetlight Ethan saw his bared teeth.
"This is what will happen to anyone who dares touch her."
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ethanhes · 5 years
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"Well, the name is Salvatore. As in Savior"
↳ the dolan twins as the salvatore brothers
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t-lostinworlds · 5 years
Dolan Twins Masterlist
Sorted By: Oldest to Newest Genres: [F] - Fluff | [A] - Angst | [**] - Explicit Content/Smut (18+; no minors) Other Keys: [REQ] - Requested | [AU] - Alternative Universe
Why Me? [A]
→ They say when a ghost of a loved one or someone close to you visits you in your dreams, that means that they are there to deliver you a message, but what if that message isn’t given as clear as you wanted it to be?
Witching Hour (AU) [A] + [F]
→ Your best friends, Ethan and Grayson aren’t exactly who you think they are when the clock strikes midnight. (vampire!grayson x werewolf!ethan)
Better Now [A] + [F]
→ You are in a long distance relationship with Ethan Dolan and when you received some bad news, you wanted nothing more than to be right beside him, even if that means flying all across the world to see him.
Crush [F]
→ What would happen if the one and only Ethan Dolan found himself crushing on a simple but closed off girl like you? Would he work hard to try and break your walls? Or would everything be too much for him? (loosely based on the song Crush by David Archuleta)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |
Losing your virginity [**] but not really
Here [A] + [F]
→ You were having a mental breakdown as everything just felt too much, and what perfect timing that your boyfriend, Grayson Dolan decided to sneak into your room at the same time that night and decided to ask you a question that will definitely change your future.
Summer Love [A]
→ There were a lot of things you expected when you decided to spend your summer in Los Angeles, falling in love wasn’t one of them. But as summer has come to an end, it was also time to say goodbye to Grayson Dolan. (Based on Summer Love by One Direction)
Grow Old With Me [A]
→ “Broken promises are like broken mirrors. They leave those who hold onto them bleeding and staring at fractured images of themselves” – Richard Paul Evans (Based on the song: You Said You’d Grow Old With Me? - Michael Schulte)
Wrong Twin [A] + [F] (Completed)
→ You’ve always had unspoken feelings for Ethan since you were young, so it really did hurt when you found out he liked Emma, and not in a subtle way, may I add. You went to Grayson to vent but things didn’t go as you expected when Grayson told you what he really feels.
Part 1 | Part 2
Reminisce [A] + [F] | [REQ] (On-going)
→ Grayson thought he was going to lose you after a car accident that put you in a coma, but he was nowhere near prepared from what’s about to happen when you finally wake up.
Part 1 | Part 2 |
Getting your wisdom teeth removed [F]
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trustmeimawitch · 7 years
NPCs are non-player characters that act as ‘extras’ or ‘supporting cast’ to the RP narrative. I use the term NPC, also, to mean 'minor characters'.
On my blogs, there are several NPCs I may bring in to use within threads and plots. These NPCs can be moved within the story, helping to advance plot, adding drama–etc. etc. As I have created most of these NPCs, I’d prefer writing and directing them myself, in the majority of cases. Plotting is always preferred if we use NPCs extensively in our plots/threads. Some NPCs can be played by my partners--it's all a matter of circumstance/plot depending.
Some of these NPCs are from AUs, past RPs, deceased, and might only be mentioned in passing.
The FCs I use are only for reference as to what these NPC’s look like. It is highly unlikely I will use icons of them for threads.
More NPCs will be added as I create them (or remember them!).
Rowan Myles - Neoma’s daughter in some AUs. (FYI I’d love to do more stuff with her and Neo, okay?) - FC:  Laneya Grace | Tag
Caroline Slater - Charlie’s ex-wife, Aaron & Jamie’s mother - FC: Jane Fonda | Tag
Mikayla ‘Kay’ Slater - Aaron & Jamie’s deceased half-sister, CJ’s mother, Mason’s former lover.. FC: Lauren Cohan | Tag
Ludlow - Owner of Ludlow’s bar. Handles a lot of black market shit. Ugly demon. No FC yet
Gavin aka Thomas - Dylan’s maker & master. Soultaker demon. Deceased (yay!). FC: Richard Armitage | Tag
Adeline Davenport- Mara’s mother, Andy & Vinnie’s maternal grandmother. She is human with no witchy talents. FC:  Isabelle Huppert | Tag
Victor Pierce Halliwell - Andy & Aiden’s ( @thewiccanmechanic ) son in v; a charmed life. No FC yet
Elizabeth - Dylan’s wife. She died back in the late 1500′s when Dylan was still human/before he became a demon. FC when he was human before he became a demon. No set FC, though in  v; love is not an option. our love is never free with Faith ( @faithiiisms ) I use Eliza Dushku (for reincarnation plot reasons) so that may be what I’ll settle on, or someone with similar features? IDK
Nadya - Mason’s former lover. She died back in 1880 something in childbirth (I need to review my timelines for an exact date but that’s for a later update).  FC:  Oona Chaplin   |Tag
Jasmine Carter - Carter’s daughter. She lives most of the time with her mom. FC: Madison Pettis | Tag
Ethan Slater - Charlie’s brother. Aaron & Jamie’s uncle. Demigod. Deceased. He died in 1954. (toying with the idea of making an AU/Verse because I did enjoy playing him in the last AU I had). FC: Stephen Amell | Tag
Eleanor Slater - Charlie’s mother. Aaron & Jamie’s grandmother. Demigod. Deceased. She died in 2014. FC: Tamsin Egerton | Tag
Sylvie Hall- Nancy’s right-hand woman. She’s a vampire who was sired in the 1970s. She’s loyal to Nancy, having semi taken her under her wing. FC: Tracy Ifeachor | Tag
Bernice Dolan - a witch and high priestess of The Hallowed Circle Coven. She was one of the coven members responsible for murdering Victor Foster. FC: Dianne Wiest | Tag
Victoria Patience Foster - Male!Andy & Aiden’s (@thewiccanmechanic) daughter in v; annoyed at first sight. No FC yet.
Tobias Thorne - a warlock and high priest of the Hallowed Circle Coven. He was among those in the coven who murdered Victor Foster.  FC: Peter Mensah | Tag
Gregory Carlyle - Carla’s  older step brother. Kind of a pain in her ass. No FC yet.
Kathy O’Connell - Aaron’s ex-girlfriend. One of the few he loved, and would’ve settled down with. She left him after a personal tragedy. Broke his heart. FC: Carey Mulligan | Tag
Myriam - Neoma’s mother. She was royalty in another realm/world, who fled to Earth escaping imprisonment. She gave birth to her daughter shortly before she was found and forced to return, leaving Neoma behind for her own protection. FC: Lauren German | Tag
Osmond - Neoma's father. He was a witch who was Myriam's confidant in Scintil. He aided her in her crimes, but left her service when his conscience got the better of him. He took the fall for her later, and was killed in an attempt to keep the truth of her crimes secret. No FC yet.
Alden - Myriam’s Uncle/Neoma’s Great Uncle. He took the throne after Myriam fled and grows more corrupted by the day. No FC yet.
Shane - Jamie's friend and band member of Graceful Mile. Keyboardist and background vocals. No FC yet.
Reese - Jamie's friend and band member of Graceful Mile. Drummer. No FC yet.
Chris - Jamie's friend and band member of Graceful Mile. Bassist. No FC yet.
Danica Franklin - Member of the Kindheart coven, young witch. She doesn't get along with Andy. Antagonist, generally. No FC yet.
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Dolan Twins Masterlist
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Αιώνια αγάπη (DT Modern Greek god/frat! AU) MASTERLIST (complete)          
Valentine’s with Grayson // Valentine’s trip
Valentine’s with Ethan // Valentine’s surprise
On our own
No strings attached
Bloodstream (vampire AU)   
If the world is ending (E.D./G.D. Apocalypse AU)   
Ethan Dolan
I did it!
Sleeping At Last
The doctor is in
Where do we go from here? // Part 2
Her smile
Superhero (AU) // Part 2
Dear Soulmate (AU) Series Masterlist (complete) 💚
Hometown Girl
My home
Yanny or Laurel?
13 reasons why
The man who can’t be moved
Save him from himself (Harry Potter AU) Masterlist (complete) 💚
Feelings // part 2 // part 3  💚
Behind his hazel eyes
Tell me you love me // part 2 // part 3 // part 4   💚
1 am
Maybe // part 2
Drop the mic
Just friends - Masterlist (complete)
The King of Hearts - Series Masterlist (AU) (complete) 💚
Fires at night  💚
Promise me // pt.2
Fall for you
“We forgot to pick up our kids?!”
Can’t make you love me // part 2 // part 3 // Alternative ending 💚
He has a what now?!
Blurred lines // part two    💚
Even if it hurts - Masterlist (complete)💚
Like it rough
See you in hell
Non disclosure agreement // Part two
The wrong girl - Series Masterlist  (complete)
This is war (frat!E - Soulmate AU)
Feel good kind of love (Soulmate AU) - Masterlist (complete)
Hurt - Masterlist  (complete)
Habits // part 2 // part 3/finale
The break // part 2 // part 3 // part 4 - finale
Fix me (doctor/soulmate AU) series - Masterlist (complete)
People you know // part 2 // part 3 // part 4 // finale
The Catch (agent!Ethan) Masterlist (complete)
Grayson Dolan
 -  Fics
Why him? (part 1) // Why her? (part 2) // Why us? (part 3)
Tell me you love me // part 2
Dancing in the dark 💚
Let him go (part 1) // Let her go (part 2) // (Never gonna) Let us go (part 3)
What’s in the bathtub?
Tattoo (Soulmate AU) // part 2
A family dinner
Choose Me - Series Masterlist (complete) 💚
Prank gone wrong
Bucket list 💚
Protection Series Masterlist (complete)   💚  
Because of you // part 2
Into the fire (firefighter AU)
Touch me (Soulmate AU) // part 2
The DUFF Masterlist (complete) 💚
Broken Wings - Series Masterlist 💚
Mr. Gray
Without you  
To the only girl I’ve ever loved
More than friends? // part 2 // part 3 💚
I win  
There for you
Miss you
Polar opposites // Opposites attract // When a realist dreams💚 💚 💚
Baywatch (AU)
Overwhelming kisses
Monopoly confessions
Daddy Issues (dad!Grayson) 💚
Ink on his skin, marks on my heart (Soulmate AU)
Looking too closely 💚
“I‘ll always choose you..”
Friends can break your heart too // pt.2 💚
Girl you need // part 2
Losing game
The Bad Guy (Gang AU) Materlist💚 💚 💚
Awake (Captain America AU)
He broke what?!
Love me, love me not ~ Masterlist  (complete)
Wicked - Series masterlist  (complete)
Unbreak my heart (The Vow AU) // part 2
Skinny love // part 2 // part 3 // part 4 // part 5 // part 6 // finale 
No strings attached // Their rainbow baby
frENEMIES (Quarterback AU) - Series Masterlist (complete)
Saving Grayson (AU) - Series Masterlist  
Summer flings // part two //
You broke me 
What if (Construction worker/ high school sweetheart AU)   
Meant to be  
DT Incorrect quotes:
#1           #11
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DT Halloween Masterlist 💀 
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Just friends (E.D.)
Laneless Heaven x BOOM/CLAP (both)
Dancing Queen (G.D.)
Dangerous (G.D.)
Dangerous (E.D.)
The King of Hearts (E.D.)
Blinded by you (both)
Mr. Sandman (E.D.)
Mr. Sandman (G.D.)
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Halloween Masterlist - DT special
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Ouija board   (ghost one)
Grayson and Ethan summoning a zombie
Heart wants what it wants (vampire AU)
Halloween times
Come back to me (zombie apocalypse AU)
The Purge AU  
Haunted House 
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Halloween nights (hunter AU)
Secrets (vampire AU)
Grave (ghost AU)
Wolf (werewolf AU)
Guardian (angel/Charmed AU)
Couples costume (best friend AU)
Spooky season
Love in the spooky time of the year
Amortentia (Harry Potter AU)
Confused (Harry Potter related)
Death’s deal    
Romantic soul (The Walking Dead AU)
Play with fire (Serial Killer AU)    
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His eyes (werewolf AU)
Grayson’s new bride (Demon AU)
Haunted (ghosts AU)
Love potion (Harry Potter AU)
Movie night (vampire AU)
First time (vampire AU)
Look at me (vampire AU)
Dating werewolf!Grayson
Horror movies
Awake // part two // part three     
Serial Killer - Masterlist (complete)
Dating a witch
A monster 
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