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Gwenneth Ledigne and Clavis. The latter would be most cross indeed tp know he was referred to as a “pet”. “Guardian” would be more acceptable. “Esteemed and Valiant Sentinel,” perhaps.
Maybe once he stops nicking the teaspoons…
FebHyurary 2021 - Day 20: Pets
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FFXIVWrite 2020: II - Sway
Three blessed years had passed.
Three years that, if one were to ask Rosaire, could only be called miraculous. Gwenneth saw it in the way his looks lingered when she passed him; in simple gestures and the strength of each “good morning” and “good night”. She saw it in the reverence with which he beheld his daughter, as if despite all the once-Inquisitor had seen, he couldn’t comprehend the existence of Alysse and the idea that he’d helped bring her into this great, wide world so full of surprises.
Three years had passed since he and Gwenneth departed Saint Reymanaud’s, arm in arm as husband and wife, mounting a carriage of borrowed time and praying they might be afforded more.
For what seemed the thousandth time since that day, Gwenneth sent a prayer up heavensward. The gratitude must have shown on her face as plain as the sun in the sky. 
“Is aught troubling you, love?” The words left him in a baritone chuckle, his right brow and the corner of his mouth turned up in amusement, and the careful, swaying steps of their mock-waltz gradually slowed and stilled. He was so much steadier without his cane these days; more comfortable with the weight of him balanced away from his left side. Gwenneth knew he was proud of the progress, even if she expected no less from such a phenomenally stubborn person.
Whatever he said, the fires that lit his soul still burned so brightly.
“No, nothing,” she answered, grinning. “I was but thinking of how handsome you looked today.”
And he did, smartly dressed in a tailored coat of deep blue, pale curls falling over his shoulders. He smelled strongly of ink that he masked beneath rosewater, and she knew without asking that he’d been working all morning. He smiled at her, a mischievous thing that caused the crows-feet at his eyes to deepen — it was the same boyish look she knew from so many a gossipy tête-à-tête.
He adopted a look of feigned offense. “Only today?” He laughed when she began to protest, squeezing her hand in assurance where it rested in his. Gwenneth took it as a signal to lead again, wrinkling her nose at his teasing as she eased them back into the orchestrion’s would-be quadrille.
Three years had passed, yes, but she could be content with three more days of their happiness, long fought for and held onto as tightly as one another’s hands. Borrowed time, maybe, but never taken for granted — locked in a dance that they’d made all their own; thankful for each movement and every step.
ft. @heavens-light-and-hells-ice
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Colonel Brandon was now as happy, as all those who best loved him, believed he deserved to be;—in Marianne he was consoled for every past affliction;—her regard and her society restored his mind to animation, and his spirits to cheerfulness; and that Marianne found her own happiness in forming his, was equally the persuasion and delight of each observing friend.
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((This blog will still remain active for relevant posts and roleplaying for the foreseeable future!))
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FFXIV Blog Relocation
In coming back to FFXIV with more availability this year, I realize that it was high time I shifted my Tumblr presence around so that my primary FFXIV blog wasn’t tied to a single character – ah, the woes of Early Tumblr Mistakes.
You can now find me at @crystalline-promise
While one character’s book is being placed on its shelf (for now), there’s still someone with plenty of stories to tell – but first I should probably finish that Shadowbringers MSQ, huh?
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I was really impressed and inspired by @loadedmemory ‘s House Vigneaux banner so I made one in a similar style for House Dufresne!
hope its cool i ripped you off silv and roseaux you guys are just awesome i couldn’t help it >_<
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  For a full sennight the letters are not sent, the house in too much chaos for it to be remembered. By the time they do arrive, at the homes of the Ledignes’ closest friends in Ishgard and in the south, quite a few of the recipients have already had word, the gossip spreading from the families of the servants and chirurgeons. 
But at last, here it is, only two short lines handwritten on heavy paper in the husband’s neat script:
On the second sun of our Goddess’s moon, Gwenneth and Rosaire Ledigne were delivered of a daughter, hale and strong, affused the same day in the grace of Halone and given the name Alysse Lucerne. 
We give praise unto the Twelve for Their blessing, and we thank each of you who joins your prayers to ours for the mother’s swift recovery.
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  Six-and-fifty winters is he, when his daughter is born into her very first. 
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The new maid
  High above, in the uppermost walkways of the Pillars, the bells of Saint Reymanaud’s may ring just four past noon, but already has the blue-gray dusk descended upon the city of Ishgard. 
To the girl’s left, a sweeper, bundled in so many layers of rags as to be unrecognizable as Spoken, clears the latest snowfall from the spiraling walkway; to her right, she hears the faint strains of a family choir finishing a chorus. Otherwise, the street is quiet, peaceful – the townhouse windows above shining with the yellow-orange light of hearths and candles, casting a gentle glow down upon the empty cobbles, catching on ice-flakes that glint silver and gold. 
The door before her, like many of its neighbors, sports a red-ribboned wreath, woven with pinecones and small brass bells that tinkle as she sounds the heavy knocker; the needles shiver, and her near-numb nose detects a scent of green, an echo of those snowy slopes of Coerthas that must lie outside the city walls. She has not long to wait, but as she stands there rubbing her fingers against themselves inside her mittens, she looks up at the edifice and thinks that what her sister heard was correct: this is a nice house. The family that lives within does so in comfort – and so, too, must their servants. 
Fortunate is the maid who can secure a place here, in this sturdy, warm building in this pleasant neighborhood – fortunate indeed, even blessed – except for that one thing about the lord and lady who live here, the thing that made the goodys at the market shake their heads and tut when she mentioned it was this address to which she was headed – that made her mother promise her, as she put on her cap at their door in the Brume, that if in the end she couldn’t get the position, and they had to live another sennight on what stale bread her sister’s wage alone could buy, well… it might still be for the best. 
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OOC: Hey Gwen, Where Are You?
For anyone who has been wondering, you can read under the cut.
As seems to be the case with a lot of people, 2018 just really hasn’t been a great year for me. “Real Life”, as we’ll call it, hasn’t been particularly kind since last year, and dealing with it has necessitated some different levels of self-care and general adulting that have caused me to reevaluate just how much time I was spending in front of FFXIV.
That, coupled with some severe and constant Exhaustion (which was further impacted by a slowly-building game burnout) ultimately caused me to put the game as a whole on the back-burner.
I admit that now I feel so out of the loop with the RP community and with the game itself that it’s difficult to find motivation to get back into the swing of things, and aforementioned Exhaustion and Rough Time haven’t abated to make it any easier.
I’m really grateful to Brave Horizon for stepping up to handle the Bellworks FC after our leader’s departure dropped it into my lap, and to @hasty-touch and @halonic for going so hard with Greening Coerthas and turning it into something stellar.  Extra love to @hasty-touch (as @heavens-light-and-hells-ice) for continuing to tell at least one part of Gwenneth’s story for me, and accommodating my absence like a hero.
I still check tags, and I’ll be going back to reblog some relevant things from others here over the next couple of days while I work myself back up to writing again.
Until then: May the winds be at your back!
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  “‘Tis better not to love, for love means pain and fear of loss." 
– only a very cynical man says that. Even Rosaire Ledigne had never agreed with those sentiments – had thought it a cold and antisocial stance to take. 
But even so – he’d still chosen to live so much of his life unattached: a perpetual bachelor, distant from hated family, surrounded by scores of friends and not one of them intimate. It was never true that he 'thought only of himself’ – every contact and every servant was, after all, a precious resource, and their welfare and the good of Ishgard was ever at the front of his mind – but he’d long felt only for himself, a single man, a lone ego, dispassionate and aloof. 
No longer is this true. He loves, now, and with desperate abandon. And though that allows him happiness such has he had never allowed himself – though it quenches the thirst of his soul – just as much does it mean terror and pain. 
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@faerie-apples requested some Gwenneth because she misses her, so I had to oblige with my wind-down tonight. <3
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Draw Me (for Rosaire Ledigne)
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Crammed into the space that used to be her studio and is now an apartment that shares its space, Moe keeps her eyes fastened on the elezen poised before her. Her long hair, braided tight to her scalp, has a tint of bubblegum pink fading at the tips. Incense sends a curl of grey smoke wafting through the room and toward the open window. 
No one likes being poisoned by paint fumes. 
“So, a surprise for Gwen?” The Roegadyn beams. “Should make for a nice Starlight. Don’t remember th’ last time I did somethin’ as small as a locket…” 
Rosaire obediently sits stiff, still, although his expression softens somewhat at the mention of his wife. 
“Aye, that face is a better one…” She leans closer to the linen she’s inking, and carefully drags the tip of her ‘pen’ over the surface. At least the colors aren’t bleeding or blending too much. 
He adjusts his posture and begins to hum. Something she recognizes as a Starlight song. His quiet voice echoes through the room, unaccompanied…and after a heartbeat, the Limsan’s joins in.
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Elizabeth, Digital Media, 2017.
My entry in the Heroine charity artbook. What a lovely project to be a part of!
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Floral Messages: 2016-2017
O’er twenty Bouquets, comprising a Courtship between two Persons, and Communications with other Parties, translated.1
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G.G. → R.L.: apple blossom, white bellflower, cow bitter. “Thanks and good wishes for your health, and better things are soon to come.”
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