#especially with how defensive my main pawn gets about it LMAO
cuideag · 23 days
deeply annoyed at the grip dragon's dogma 2 has on me. is this what i have been missing this whole time. how are there so many goblins everywhere. where are the kissable men.
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egg-emperor · 4 years
I know I've already asked about this before, but do you have anymore headcanons about your self insert and Eggman? I like hearing you talk about your self insert
Thank you so much! It really means a lot that you like Julian! :’D 
Yes of course, I have tons more and I can choose a few to share right now! They’re in no particular order and some are more detailed descriptions of events while others are simple concepts broken down to make them simpler. I’m gonna put this under a read more because it’s perhaps a little bit lengthy.
Julian’s favorite robots of Eggman’s are the Egg Pawns, Egg Fighters, and Metal Sonic. The first time he got to see the museum dedicated to his creations, Julian fell in love with the first prototype for the Egg Pawns, which is my OC by the name of Jimmy. Julian wanted to adopt him the moment he saw him and he was the first of Eggman’s robots that he called his son. He then later joined Eggman calling Metal Sonic his son and became the second father to him. 
Julian especially likes to help build Egg Pawns and Fighters with him because of how their features resemble Eggman’s appearance the most. It’s the closest to them being able to create a child together that way lol. A follow up would be the Eggrobos if he were to produce them again!
Julian is always there to support Eggman through everything whether it’s a plan, the Olympics, racing, tennis games and more! Even if he doesn’t get a place in the top three, Julian lets him know that he’s just as proud of him no matter what. The same goes for when he faces defeat, depending on how he needs to deal with it. Whether that’s by giving him space to vent out frustration alone or by being there to make sure that he’s comfortable and calm. He’ll happily look after him and help soothe him in any way he can because caring for him is one of his favorite things to do in general.
Since Eggman’s anger can get the best of him very often, he can be impulsively destructive as shown. Julian knows he doesn’t like to be disturbed during these times, so he has to just let him do his thing and keep the robots away so they don’t come in and bother him. He allows him to offload those feelings in any way that he needs to instead of bottling them up. Even if he needs to go and destroy things to achieve that.
Despite his durability, there are times where Eggman ends up with a few injuries after a fight or after another one of his tantrums that result in bloody knuckles from smashing things. Eggman would usually just leave it a bit before getting the plasters and bandages but Julian approaches him to get him cleaned up as soon as he can. Eggman acts grumpy about it and insists that he can do it himself but he’s actually glad that someone will aid him without patronizing him like his robots tend to do.
Julian can listen to Eggman talk about himself, his plans or absolutely anything for hours. It’s always in a way where he is still listening and not just daydreaming because he wants to take in his beauty and hear what he has to say. He can usually do both at the same time but sometimes he gets a little lost when it comes to the smart complicated stuff that he can’t understand. But he still loves to hear his words nonetheless. XD
Before they met, Julian had almost nothing and that’s why he was always bored. The danger in his life was the most exciting things which is one of the reasons why he developed his huge fascination with him in the first place. Eggman can easily provide everything that Julian was missing out on in life and he knows this. In fact, it’s a point that Eggman raised when he was trying to coax Julian into staying with him. That was at the time when he still thought he needed persuading in order to serve him and wasn’t certain that Julian’s loyalty was 100% genuine yet.
Eggman realized just how shitty Julian’s life was before he took him in as soon as he got to know him more personally. He likes how much he is credited for being Julian’s main motivation to go on. He also likes how easily he can please him in every aspect of his life because he seems to find everything so astonishing and amazing. His idea of casual fun or even just relaxing is such a big thing to Julian in comparison which amuses and surprises him.
Plus, despite all the cool things that living with Eggman has to offer, Julian only really expects the basic necessities to survive. His wealth and what he owns means nothing compared to what he likes about him as a person. He could lose everything (even his mustache!) and Julian would still stay. He isn’t sure how aware of this truth Eggman is but he lets him know of his importance to him whenever he can.
During the time where Julian was being searched for by the surviving members of his pack, Eggman would get especially protective without realizing it. But to Julian and any of the uninvited guests, his behavior was noticeably stranger than usual. He would get aggressive with them no matter their approach and he’d pull Julian in closer to let them know who it is that he belongs to. Once he’d gotten rid of them, he’d always make sure Julian knew that he’d never let them take him away from him. Never again would he have to return to his old, miserably boring life.
One of my other wolf characters by the name of Nimbus made the mistake of coming back a second time and managed to get him alone while Eggman was asleep. He was the only one that managed to slip past the defenses twice to get the chance to ask why Eggman seemed so possessive of him, finding it disturbing. But Julian likes it and his reaction the first time he guarded him like that was literally like that Marina meme lmao
Nimbus was also one of the first to learn that there was something deeper going on between them. Julian only told him so that he could reveal that he actually wanted to stay with Eggman and didn’t need rescuing. He then alerted him of Nimbus’ presence and Eggman arrived immediately to take him away to be punished personally for daring to return after his warning. Let’s just say that after his disappearance, the other members stopped trying to enter any of his bases for a long time. 👀
They have gone to places in disguise before and seeing Eggman’s deception and trickery in action is what helped Julian learn to become a better undercover spy. It gets the job done and they find it amusing when nobody figures them out, even when some say that Eggman looks strangely familiar at times. They have a lot of fun messing around and causing trouble for the hell of it too, so long as they don’t get caught or lose sight of the actual mission. Usually, they go it alone together but on one adventure they had, they were with my yet to be fully revealed human character, Lawrence.
Eggman can get flustered with the amount of praise Julian gives him so often. He can tell how genuine it is and how easily the words come to him with how he can find ways to compliment literally everything he does. It’s more flattering than he would admit because even though he’s constantly praising himself with his genuine self-confidence, Julian’s love is even enough to surprise him at times.
Eggman also very much appreciates Julian’s desire for an Eggman themed museum to exist. He’s already got a fairly big space that serves as a museum for his creations that he plans to expand upon. But now there are also plans to have one dedicated to the appreciation of his visage. Eggman already had a huge headstart on it with all the displays he has dedicated to his beautiful self already, of course. XD But there’s still so much more that he wants to do!
Julian loved the idea of getting to go to casinos and amusement parks ever since he heard that it’s what Eggman likes. He’d never been to any since he had been living in the small boring outskirts of Green Hill all his life. But one of the many reasons why he’s always anticipated Eggman’s rule over the world is because it would give him the opportunity to experience them in the best way. Everything is always best when it’s Eggman themed after all!
Eggman has of course been banned from multiple casinos but he has his own that are obviously far superior. Julian was thrilled when he was finally able to visit them along with the theme parks he has already had built to get a feel for Eggmanland. They go to them in their free time to have some fun and Eggman gets to show off the games/rides that he’s proud of!
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buzzycohen · 5 years
I just read Ready Player One in one sitting lmao
Good introduction! Would have liked to hear more about the poverty and death in that world though. Like, everybody escapes to the Oasis to get away from real life but I still don’t know how tracking Parcival in the news is more important than covering entire cities blowing up or islands disappearing.
Main character is too boyish! Art3mis is too manic pixie! Wade was a savant at video games and pop culture but like, introducing himself he was like “I’m fat and I’m not smart” and then he gets rich, moves, gets healthy (because he can now afford to eat healthy), he slims down and you’re just kind of like ???? His nose is big but his stomach is flat for the first time in his life so I guess he’s happy now! Odd.
He doesn’t have real friends and then he finally meets everyone and he’s so comfortable with Samantha and he’s like “oh you’re so beautiful!” and after 20 years of thinking her birthmark is ugly, she’s like “really? Do you really think so?” and blushes and then she KISSES HIM????? Like, “Thank you Wade Watts for saying I’m beautiful when I didn’t think so!” Sad thing is, she is SUCH a badass for a good portion of the book! She kind of starts taking him on dates like... idk I thought of him an inexperienced virgin and she was the hot older chick omg (WAIT!!! HE ACTUALLY POINTS THIS OUT WHEN HE IS ~LEGITIMATELY~ CRYING! IN! A! CLUB! COULDN’T MAKE THIS SHIT UP. SHE TELLS HIM THEY SHOULDN’T SEE EACH OTHER ANYMORE AND HE STARTS CRYING AND ASKS IF IT’S BECAUSE HE’S A VIRGIN!!!!! OMF!!!!!!!!) but like, they end it and then all of the sudden she’s like “I’m mad at you for going through my folder and invading my privacy but- okay you did save my life so- okay I’ll let you win this fortune so I can have a fourth of it and- okay yeah when it’s finished, I will make out with you if you meet me in the maze” what a convenience!
Some of the stuff in this book sounded cool but when he was like “I have watched Monty Python 157 times” I was just like,,,, everything said about video gamers is true and I never ever want to meet one. Also he was trying to act like a cool guy, “I know more than you so I’m superior” and I FUCK with that I-r0k guy for outing the location of Parcival and Aech because P and H were being dicks!
This was all gamer boy virgin heaven and like... every sequence where it was just describing the games or describing the world was FANTASTIC. But any time someone started to talk, they sounded like a cunt.
Also- time does not work well for me in this. There is no way that a self-described unathletic overweight boy can be so wasteful with his time that he consumes video games and movies and tv like an addict and be able to memorize it. His circumstances are not extraordinary. He himself says that his aunt steals his food stamps and then it’s like, okay where do you get your food? Do you pawn things for it? He said he had to pawn things or find and repair computers to get food. That’s a full fucking job! Especially when you’ve got so many poor people living on top of each other and also not having food! Being a scavenger is full time! So yeah- he says he’s overweight because of the sugary food that is more available to poor people but he also says it’s because he just sits in a chair playing in the Oasis for up to 16 hours a day. Homeboy does not have time for that! He has to go to school and then he should be rummaging through garbage if his aunt really doesn’t feed him!
And also there was a part where he said he spent 4 hours going through the entire IOI database and he had to rummage through it all to memorize and program this huge escape from jail and destruction of a force field inside what is essentially a virtual reality death match and I just.... 4 hours is not enough to create a new identity and create a supercut of incriminating evidence against the video game virgin version of Papa from Stranger Things and then bring down like.... a super advanced defense that kept everybody out for weeks.
This kid knows all the right things but his motivation is non-existent and his goals and personality change every couple pages and he’ll say shit like “I was never smart and there’s not way I could even get into online college with my grades” and then he ended up being the first to find the copper key because he was thinking about fucking Latin declensions (btw- he is either supposed to be in Latin 2 or Latin 4. Latin 2 would be the one to finish the requirement but usually Latin 2 is taken as a sophomore. He’s a senior and he’s taking it because James Halliday did. So I’m going with Latin 4. Regardless- discere?? Is not advanced AT ALL. Ernest Cline grew up in Ashland so I KNOW he did not get a good education. Homeboy obviously doesn’t know about Latin!!!!! Talk all you want about discere and school and games but my class brought that shit up when we learned it in Latin 1! ‘Cause school is a game! That’s the joke that you tell in Latin 1! And also- I’m not fucking smart! I don’t know about Black Dragon or Blade Runner but for fucks sake, reading that riddle and school was my first thought. It legit said “where you go to learn” and for 5 years you had people wondering what the fuck was going on when they were just being dumbasses.) anyways! Thinking about Latin declensions. He eventually put it together and then he beats the game in his first try and he’s a braggart and has a photographic memory and just like?????? Don’t say you almost failed out of middle school unless you nearly did, you’re not Archie Andrews, you can read!
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